Causes and methods of treating belching with acetone

The main causes of belching with acetone

Belching with acetone is clearly not normal. It indicates a number of pathologies. It will not be difficult for a doctor to determine the possible cause based on the patient’s complaints and send for a full diagnosis.

The main cause of odor is incomplete hydrolysis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food. This biochemical factor provokes a number of diseases.

The smell of acetone is a symptom of what disease? Its main cause is the advanced stage of diabetes mellitus. Complications of this particular disease can lead to the appearance of such a smell. In particular, acetone is released when compensating for carbohydrate metabolism, neuropathy and hyperglycemia.

The second most common reason is poor nutrition, namely excess or lack of protein and fat intake, and lack of glucose.

Liver diseases can lead to increased levels of ketone bodies, acetoacetate and acetone in the blood plasma. The most serious problems that can occur in the body are diseases of the thyroid gland and tumors in the brain.

Physiological basis of belching with acetone

The cause of belching is the uneven movement of food due to the lack of rhythm in muscle contraction. The phenomenon occurs when the nerves that are responsible for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged.

The contents are not evacuated in a timely manner, and reflux occurs. A decrease in the tone of the stomach or stopping its work is fraught with retention of food in it, as a result it ferments and rots.

Diabetes causes not only acetone belching, but also nausea and heartburn, which occur regardless of food intake. Belching with acetone in diabetes mellitus appears only in advanced stages, when the composition of the blood changes and there is a deficiency of fluid in the body.

Failure of carbohydrate measurement leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with acetone. Exposure to acids is also harmful.


If the symptom under discussion appears, you should first contact a gastroenterologist. An experienced doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints and, based on the collected history, will resort to certain diagnostic methods; this is the only way to identify the general disease and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

As for the treatment methods themselves, it all depends on the disease. For disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a strict diet and a course of targeted therapy are prescribed.

When it comes to the acute phases of diabetes mellitus, it is at such moments that the described clinical sign appears; methods of dealing with the problem are aimed at equalizing the level of insulin in the blood with further maintaining a satisfactory level of this hormone on an ongoing basis.

In other words, only a doctor should treat a person who is suffering from acetone burps, based on the diagnostic data obtained. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication, much less ignore the problem, since this “trifling” symptom may indicate a serious illness.

Poor nutrition

A strict diet can lead to serious disorders in the body. In an effort to quickly lose weight, many people turn to fad diets from the Internet and the press, without thinking about the consequences. And they go to the doctor only after developing symptoms of dangerous diseases.

Diets with acetone can lead to belching when it is recommended to consume only one of the components: proteins or carbohydrates. Poor nutrition has never been beneficial.

A healthy body needs a supply of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. All components must be supplied in a certain proportion, and a deficiency of one of them can lead to serious symptoms.

If an imbalance occurs, the body tries to replenish the supply by breaking down its own fat or muscle tissue and converting it into the desired substance. This process is unnatural for the body and can have negative consequences. As a result of a complex chemical reaction, the smell of acetone appears.

Belching acetone necessarily accompanies patients with anorexia. In addition, all organs of the body suffer, metabolism is disrupted, mucous membranes become inflamed, kidneys and liver suffer.


First of all, it is necessary to establish nutrition. You need to eat in small portions, slowly, chew the food particles well. You should not exercise after a meal. You should limit the presence of products on the menu that increase gas formation, etc.

It is necessary to treat the disease that caused discomfort only after a final diagnosis has been made. If the problem is caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink Cerucal, Festal, etc.

Many diseases appear due to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

An unbalanced diet provokes a variety of pathological processes, which is why every adequate person must carefully monitor their own nutrition.

Naturally, accuracy alone will not prevent the occurrence of various diseases. When characteristic symptoms unexpectedly arise, you should respond to them.

Very often, this sign is considered to be belching and the acetone aroma that appears during this.

To prevent belching from causing significant discomfort by its appearance, it is necessary to take specific measures, in some cases, abandon your own habits.

Doctors recommend drinking less carbonated water, and it is advisable to avoid smoking and chewing gum. While eating, you should not talk; you must chew your food properly.

Only fresh dishes should be on the table. It will be extremely important to eat food constantly, at the same time. After eating, it will be useful to take a short walk in the fresh air.

These measures effectively help in situations where the release of gases is not associated with an acetone aroma.

The reasons for the release of gases with an acetone aroma are more complex. Doctors believe that it is much easier to prevent this phenomenon as belching with acetone than to eliminate the causes that caused it.

In every disease, belching with acetone is the result of malfunctions in the functioning of all systems and metabolism.

The occurrence of this phenomenon is not considered a consequence of natural physiological processes in all situations; in certain cases, it may indicate a malfunction in the functioning of other systems.

Therefore, in order to know how to treat the disease, you need to contact specialists.

Complication of diabetes

If a person does not treat diabetes mellitus for a long time, there is a colossal burden on the body and various complications occur. With the development of diabetic ketoacidosis, the following processes occur:

As a result, the smell of acetone emanates not only during belching, but also during normal exhalation.

Ketoacidosis may occur if:

  • diabetes began abruptly;
  • there was a sudden withdrawal of insulin without any reason;
  • the patient received an infectious disease;
  • there was a surgical intervention in the body;
  • a stressful situation occurred.

The number of ketone bodies increases in proportion to the decrease in insulin. Fatty acids affect the performance of the liver and its release of ketone substances.


Diagnosing diseases associated with the smell of acetone during belching is impossible without a thorough survey and study of a person’s eating behavior, lifestyle, and examination of the composition of blood and urine - the main carriers of toxins formed in the body. The following blood tests are standard:

  • expanded biochemical;
  • expanded general;
  • analysis for glucose (as people say, for sugar);
  • according to indications - analysis of the level of a number of hormones.
  1. general urine analysis;
  2. stool analysis (to determine the level of bile secretion by the liver and pancreatic enzymes).

At the same time, an ultrasound examination of the peritoneal organs, thyroid gland, and kidneys is performed.

Note! Test strips sold in pharmacies will help determine the concentration of ketone compounds.

Therapy for belching with acetone consists of correcting the underlying disease that caused it; it depends on the following factors:

  • the severity of symptoms, the patient’s condition (presence of nausea, vomiting, migraine), his emotional state;
  • type of diabetes;
  • insulin dependence factor;
  • the patient’s eating behavior (the relationship between attacks and food intake is analyzed);
  • age (the syndrome most often occurs in children under 5 years of age due to small glycogen reserves in the liver and immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • presence of parasites;
  • normal bowel function.

Treatment of acetone syndrome takes at least several months with strict adherence to dietary recommendations.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed based on the results of the examination and, as a rule, includes:

  1. necessary enzyme preparations;
  2. anti-emetic drugs;
  3. drugs that restore the water-salt balance of the body;
  4. if necessary, means to replenish glucose losses;
  5. vitamin complexes - according to indications;
  6. alkaline drinking and enemas.

The treatment regimen may contain a number of homeopathic medicines.

In the acute phase of the disease, the main dietary requirement is to drink plenty of fluids, as with any poisoning. The main task is to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body.

During this period, the emphasis is on carbohydrate foods: weak tea, crackers, baked vegetables and apples. Simply put, at this moment porridge becomes more important than meat. Any products that require increased secretion of digestive enzymes are excluded:

  • fatty and meat foods, strong fish broths;
  • fresh yeast baked goods;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits.

Important! Milk and whole milk products will be banned for at least a month.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies for persistent metabolic disorders are of an auxiliary nature. Their action is mainly focused on strengthening the immune system and normalizing the acidity of gastric juice and the entire digestion process.

A “multi-purpose” remedy for belching with acetone is the herb centaury. It has virtually no contraindications and is recommended for a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes. A couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials should be steeped in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes, strained and the infusion should be drunk within 24 hours.

Kidney failure

With this pathology, the excretory function of the kidneys decreases, internal organs cease to function normally. Kidney failure can also lead to belching that smells like acetone.

Causes of kidney failure:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • genetic factor;
  • taking certain medications.

The structural components of the kidneys are destroyed, and the purification of the blood from toxins does not occur as intensively, which affects the overall health. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract suffers, symptoms such as a feeling of nausea are constantly present, and belching appears with the smell of acetone.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is one of the main organs, and failure of its functioning can lead to serious consequences. An increased amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism. This condition is treated by taking oral hormonal drugs.

Hormone levels can increase noticeably when:

  • pregnancy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • stressful situations;
  • incorrectly chosen treatment tactics.

Metabolism suddenly speeds up. As a result, the following symptoms appear:

  • smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • excited or inhibited state;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • jaundice.

The condition requires immediate therapeutic intervention.

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