Indications for the use of a hemorrhoid pillow, clinical effectiveness of the procedure, contraindications and method of application

A hemorrhoid pillow helps the patient endure the disease more easily. Its use reduces the pain of symptoms. Doctors recommend using hemorrhoid pillows not only during an exacerbation, but as a preventative measure for people at risk. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids should be aware of the features and operating principle of such pillows to make their life easier.

How does a hemorrhoid pillow work?

When a person sits for a long time, a significant load is placed on the pelvic organs. If work involves constant sitting, blood stagnation occurs.

Blood fluid fills the veins in the intestinal canal, causing swelling. The result is the appearance of itching, pain, burning. When the inflammatory process begins, the patient’s general well-being becomes worse.

In this situation, a hemorrhoid pillow is an important device. Its shape is such that when used, the anal area does not touch the surface on which the person is sitting. The buttock area is slightly raised, which is why the effect is not on the affected area, but on the pelvic bones.

Externally, the hemorrhoid pillow looks like a circle. Structure – porous or inflatable. There is a small notch in the center.

The size matches the parameters of the seat.

Porous pillows for hemorrhoids are made from foam rubber. The level of rigidity is approximately equal. The hardness and elasticity of inflatable products may vary.

How does this seat work?

The hemorrhoid pillow is a simple design that can significantly alleviate the course of this disease. Essentially, this is an ordinary pillow with a hole in the middle.

Thanks to the hole in the center, the load is distributed evenly when sitting on a pillow for patients with hemorrhoids. In this case, the pressure does not affect the rectal area, but is evenly distributed throughout the pelvic bone apparatus. Thus, thanks to the pillow, inflamed vessels are subjected to less pressure, blood circulation does not deteriorate when sitting, and as a result, the disease does not progress.

Such an orthopedic pillow as the main method of treatment for hemorrhoids will not bring the desired effect. Therefore, the statement that this design is a “panacea” for this disease is absolutely wrong.

Using a pillow can prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Also, in the early stages of this problem, such a device can stop its progression. If you use the pillow together with the main treatment complex, you can significantly speed up recovery. It is also very useful to use such a product in the postoperative period when eliminating inflamed nodes.

Thanks to this device, several beneficial effects can be observed. They make it possible to alleviate the patient’s condition.

Beneficial effects of a seat cushion for hemorrhoids:

  1. Thanks to the orthopedic seat, blood circulation in the pelvic organs does not deteriorate. This happens because there is no pressure on the vessels in the rectum and they are not pinched;
  2. Due to the fact that the inflamed nodes are no longer subject to stress, they gradually decrease in size. This causes itching, burning and pain to disappear;
  3. These same properties of the pillow can significantly slow down the development of the disease. With timely treatment and the purchase of such a pillow, the disease may not even progress to more advanced stages;
  4. Also, when using a pillow for hemorrhoids, air flows to the problem area even when the patient is sitting. This promotes the healing of cracks and other damage;
  5. The load on the hip joint is also reduced due to its even distribution. This makes it possible to prevent joint diseases.

Thus, an orthopedic pillow is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids and for the prevention

However, it is important to understand that such a device cannot act as the only way to solve the problem

What is the difference between pillows and hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid pillows vary in different characteristics. The main category includes:

  • filler;
  • form;
  • outer surface material.


The most popular pillows for hemorrhoids are in the shape of a “donut”. In stores you can also find models in the shape of a rectangle, square, even wedge-shaped, and other complex configurations.


The devices are filled with polyurethane. Another option is an inflatable product. You can make a pillow yourself, but it will most likely have less preventive and therapeutic effect. Correctly calculating the placement of the recess is quite difficult.

Upper material

The upper is made from natural fabrics. Only this will help maintain stable air circulation, which is very important. Overheating in the perineal area will lead to dilation of the vessels near the anus, they will twist and begin to bulge.

Several recommendations for the use of orthopedic antihemorrhoids

  1. An orthopedic pillow should be used when placed on a hard/semi-hard surface.
  2. You should not use it on a soft chair or sofa, because... the product will not show the required stability and may lead to clamping of the nodes.
  3. Choose a chair with a high back (this will make it easier for you to correctly distribute the load).
  4. While sitting, keep your knees bent at right angles and your feet flat on the floor.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to stay in one position (sitting) for two hours at a time or more. Be sure to take breaks, warm up, and exercises recommended by your doctor.

If the pillow causes discomfort, be sure to consult your doctor. This condition indicates that the product needs to be replaced urgently, because it was chosen incorrectly.

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In what situations is an anti-hemorrhoid pillow recommended?

It is recommended to use them in different situations:

  1. During the recovery period after surgery.
  2. Drivers on the road.
  3. For those who do exclusively sedentary work.
  4. Pregnant women.

Postoperative period

Sitting at first after surgery to remove hemorrhoids remains difficult for a long time. A hemorrhoid pillow will help reduce symptoms and relieve pain. It will also serve as a preventive tool to prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

After the operation, you can sit on an inflatable “donut” filled with air. The pressure in it changes. Sitting on such a mat, the patient himself selects the most comfortable position. It is also permissible to adjust the level of hardness and elasticity. The product is convenient to use to reduce the load on the anal area and spine.

Drivers (chauffeurs)

An anti-hemorrhoid pillow placed in a car can reduce the risk of this disease in drivers. Special forms have been created, the design of which has a built-in recess that prevents the damaged area from coming into contact with a hard car seat.

During an exacerbation, the pain is reduced to nothing, the unpleasant symptoms are weakened, even if the person is driving very often.

The principle of action is to reduce the load on the pelvic area and hips.

During sedentary work

A pillow is required when sitting for a long time. Students, teachers, and office workers are guilty of this. The product will remove discomfort, numbness, a feeling of heaviness, and other unpleasant signs.

Pregnant women

A woman carrying a child experiences increased pressure on the rectal area. This is how a growing fetus works.

A hemorrhoid pillow alleviates this condition and prevents the occurrence of proctological diseases.

What pillow do doctors recommend after hemorrhoid surgery?

If the disease is advanced, the stage of prolapse of nodes from the rectum has reached, surgical intervention will be required. Upon completion of the operation, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations so that the stitches do not come apart. One of the remedies that doctors always recommend using is a special pillow for hemorrhoids.

The operation itself brings many unpleasant complications. If the rules are not followed, the patient's condition will worsen.

Slightly sitting down is allowed only 4-5 weeks after the intervention. Patients who have had nodes of the third or fourth stage removed should be especially careful.

Doctors advise buying an inflatable orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids, in which it is possible to regulate the pressure.

At first, you are allowed to sit only 2 hours a day, taking long breaks. You should walk more. As soon as the discomfort begins to subside, the duration of sitting increases gradually, very slowly.

Operating principle

An antihemorrhoidal pillow is a soft and porous product for sitting. It saves the patient by not allowing the affected areas of the body to come into contact with a hard surface. The design of the product has a special hole that protects diseased areas from contact with a traumatic surface. The fulcrum shifts and the load on the pelvic area is minimized. Thus, the veins are not pinched, and blood flow in the pelvic area is normalized. What other benefits of using a pillow for hemorrhoids exist:

  • pain in the affected area decreases;
  • discomfort decreases;
  • there is an outflow of venous blood from the pelvis;
  • the load on the lower back and abdominal cavity is reduced.

The orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids is intended for the following categories of patients:

  • pregnant women;
  • office workers and drivers;
  • elderly people with weakened blood vessels;
  • patients who have had hemorrhoidal cones surgically removed;
  • patients during exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, people whose heredity can provoke this disease need a pillow for hemorrhoids. The product is widely popular after childbirth and surgery to remove hemorrhoids as a preventive measure for exacerbation of the disease.

A hemorrhoid pillow for the car will be useful not only for professional drivers and truck drivers, but also helps reduce the risk of disease among ordinary motorists.

It is recommended to use such an orthopedic pillow at all stages of hemorrhoids as an additional therapeutic measure. Detailed consultation can be obtained from your attending proctologist.

The hemorrhoid pillow has a positive effect on the patient, while reducing the load on the anal area. It is recommended as a preventive measure:

  • women in the first period after childbirth;
  • athletes involved in weightlifting;
  • for injuries of the lower spine and coccyx;
  • bedridden patients;
  • after surgery in the perineal area.

Orthopedic pillows relax muscles and joints. This is a very comfortable seat for hemorrhoids .

Which pillow is best for preventing hemorrhoids?

A round pillow is a universal product for the prevention of hemorrhoids. Both inflatable and porous round models are sold.

It looks like a standard inflatable ring or a small seat filled with porous material.

The most suitable pillow for disease prevention. Often purchased by pregnant women, drivers, and office employees. Such products are sold in pharmacies, orthopedic salons, and on the Internet.

In a car, a special seat circle is an almost irreplaceable thing. This is how car enthusiasts maintain stable blood circulation when they are on a long trip.

Inflatable products

This product is similar in appearance to a swimming ring and, unlike porous ones, it has a “medical” appearance. But it is this type that is recommended for use in the postoperative period for the removal of hemorrhoids: it provides ventilation and a decrease in temperature in the problem area, which leads to a reduction in the risk of bedsores and inflammatory processes. If the product is equipped with a pump, then it is possible to regulate its density.

The most comfortable type is a round pillow with a hole in the middle. It should be the same size as the chair. It is necessary to take into account that it is not entirely convenient to use inflatable products in the office due to their appearance. When purchasing, be sure to read the instructions and find out the maximum weight that it can withstand, since it may burst if overloaded.

The air cushion should not be used in a car due to its rather large volume. In addition, they are very springy: bouncing while driving is dangerous.

Is it true that a pillow helps treat hemorrhoids?

When buying this pillow, you should understand that it will not be able to cure the disease and will not completely relieve the symptoms. This is not a full-fledged therapeutic agent, but an auxiliary tool that increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment is determined only by a doctor who conducts a thorough medical examination of the patient. Analytical and instrumental diagnostic methods are used, the doctor examines, interviews the patient, and collects anamnesis.

As soon as the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is confirmed, a course of therapy is completed. The patient is treated with medications, ointments, suppositories, sitz baths, and a diet is prescribed. Treatment can be lengthy. During this period, a pillow is a good aid.

In order for the effect of its use to be felt, you should make a purchase from a reliable manufacturer.

A thing of low quality will not fulfill its purpose, will quickly deteriorate, and will become useless.

Hemorrhoids are treated comprehensively. Its main element is a radical change in lifestyle. An orthopedic pillow will improve the patient's condition and reduce pain. However, if you do not remove bad habits, start eating right, and be active, the disease will most likely reappear or worsen.

How to choose the right orthopedic product for a chair for hemorrhoids

When choosing a special pillow, it is customary to follow the following expert advice:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture. It must be practical, durable, reliable and safe. It is important that the material does not heat up and is resistant to moisture;
  • The dimensions of the product and their correspondence to the shape of the seat on which it will be placed in the future must be taken into account;
  • when choosing, you need to compare the compliance of the orthopedic product with the weight of the patient for whom it is intended;
  • the best option is a product of medium hardness, it is good if the possibility of adjusting the hardness is provided;
  • check the presence of a quality and safety certificate. You should purchase the product only from reliable manufacturers who guarantee the production of only high-quality products.

Carefully! You should not buy such products if they are not produced in specialized production. Despite the high popularity of hand-made pillows, home-made pillows do not help solve the problem, and are most often ineffective, and incorrect calculation of the location of the hole can, on the contrary, cause discomfort.

Do not forget that the use of an orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids and after surgery should be part of complex therapy, which, in addition to adequate drug treatment, provides for the elimination of the influence of all negative factors.

How to choose an anti-hemorrhoids pillow

The advantages and disadvantages of different hemorrhoid pillows depend primarily on the material from which they are made.


Often, for the production of these devices, foam rubber is used, that is, foamed polyurethane with increased elasticity. What are its advantages:

  • low price;
  • absence of toxic substances in the material;
  • hypoallergenic properties. Dust mites will not breed inside;
  • the product distributes the load well and reduces it in the perineal area.

What are the benefits of latex or polyester pillows:

  • long-term use;
  • multifunctionality;
  • easy care.

Pros of an inflatable pillow:

  • ability to regulate pressure;
  • Often the design is equipped with fastening belts.

It is better to buy several devices at once:

  1. To use at work.
  2. For use at home.


Hemorrhoid pillows made from foam rubber have only one drawback - there is no way to control or regulate their hardness. For this reason, buyers often choose inflatable models.

Impact principle

Therapy for hemorrhoids includes a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and discomfort, reducing pressure on the painful area during prolonged sitting, and reducing the negative consequences of the disease

It is important to know that the orthopedic product can significantly reduce the pressure and load on the hemorrhoids, which is a common cause of their compression, swelling and inflammation.

When a person sits, the entire weight of the body falls on the pelvic organs and rectal area. The correction pillow is specially designed so that the hips and buttocks become the fulcrum point, and the sore spot is freed.

Many people know that with hemorrhoids, long sitting becomes almost impossible. In this case, a special chair cushion helps a lot. Usually it is made in the shape of a ring, so it prevents the sore anal area from coming into contact with a hard surface, which allows you to get rid of extremely unpleasant sensations and discomfort in a sitting position.

How to use an anti-hemorrhoid pillow correctly

The main rules for using pillows for hemorrhoids:

  1. The seat must lie on a hard surface. This ensures normal firmness of the pillow and prevents it from falling through.
  2. You cannot sit in one place for more than 3 hours without taking breaks. This increases the pain syndrome, and the patient experiences itching.
  3. Pillows should not be stored near heat sources (radiators, heaters). The influence of high temperature will cause the product to lose its shape and its performance properties will be impaired.
  4. They sit on a chair with an orthopedic mat with their legs down and their back straight. You cannot sit down with your legs tucked under you. If you do this regularly, blood circulation in the anal area will be disrupted and hemorrhoids will worsen.

The use of the described accessories reduces the risk of developing diseases of the genital organs and stagnation in varicose veins.

Terms of use

During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, finding a pain-free sitting position becomes a big problem. Most patients claim that they can only lie down.

But an orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids can significantly alleviate the condition and make it possible to lead a normal lifestyle.

People at risk successfully use the antihemorrhoids model for prevention.

Basic recommendations for using the product:

  • You should not place the pillow on the soft surface of a chair or sofa - such use will, at best, have no effect, and at worst, it will cause strangulation of the hemorrhoidal node.
  • It should only be placed on the hard seat of a stool or chair.
  • You need to buy a pillow at the first signs of the disease - discomfort in the anal area, itching and burning. In the initial stages, it will help prevent pinching of the veins. However, primary symptoms should also be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • You cannot sit on a hemorrhoid pillow for more than 2 hours . In this case, it is necessary to get up every 15 minutes to perform special exercises aimed at improving blood circulation in the problem area. The easiest way is to tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks 5-7 times.

It should be borne in mind that such a pillow will not save the patient from hemorrhoids. It is used only to stabilize the condition along with drug treatment.

Even for preventive purposes, it is better to choose such a product only after consultation with a specialist.

Where is the best place to buy orthopedic pillows for hemorrhoids?

These pillows are sold in some large pharmacies, specialized orthopedic salons, as well as in many online stores, where they can be easily ordered. The main thing is to require certificates confirming the high quality of products. In this case, it will only bring benefits to the owner.

Product prices vary. They depend on the type of product, its composition, manufacturer:

  • a donut pillow costs on average 900 rubles;
  • driver's models - from 600 rubles;
  • preventive ones cost a little less - from 400 rubles.
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