Cucumber for hemorrhoids using the Popov method and other folk methods of treatment

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber can rightfully be called the most extraordinary way to combat this delicate disease. Indeed, next to such familiar methods as lotions and compresses, there are quite unusual methods, such as the Popov method.

Therefore, let's talk in more detail about the treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber, as well as whether the disease can be cured with the help of our favorite vegetable. We will also provide an informative video on this topic.

How does cucumber help against hemorrhoids?

The healing power of the vegetable is due to its composition. Cucumbers contain 95% water, but the remaining 5% are vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, plant fiber, organic acids and other beneficial substances.

The vitamin composition of the vegetable is represented by vitamins of groups E, C, B and PP. Among the minerals present in cucumbers, it is necessary to note potassium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium and iodine, because without these macro- and microelements the normal functioning of the human body is simply impossible.

The main medicinal qualities of cucumber that can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids are the following:

  • laxative;
  • venotonic;
  • angioprotective;
  • healing.

The laxative effect of the vegetable is manifested due to fiber and water, which improve intestinal motility and soften fecal lumps. As you know, hemorrhoids in most cases occur due to constipation, so regular consumption of cucumber will help prevent difficulties in defecation and, in turn, the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Eating cucumbers, which consist almost entirely of water, helps maintain optimal water balance in the body. It must also be said that thanks to this property, it is possible to avoid blood thickening and, accordingly, the formation of blood clots, in particular in the veins of the rectum.

Vitamin C, potassium, sodium and chlorine, which cucumber is rich in, help normalize venous tone and strengthen capillaries, which helps improve blood circulation in the veins of the anus and microcirculation in the tissues.

Considering the beneficial properties of cucumber, we can confidently say that this vegetable should be an obligatory component of the menu of a patient with hemorrhoids. In addition, cucumber is useful not only to eat, but also to use as a means of local therapy.

What are the benefits of cucumber?

Cucumber is an annual vegetable consisting of 95% structured water. The liquid is useful for the human body, as it eliminates unnecessary toxins, heavy metal salts and waste, and also cleanses the kidneys.

Cucumber contains a large number of useful microelements:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • folic acid.

Cucumber is the leader among all vegetables in terms of the amount of fiber it contains. Regular consumption of fresh cucumbers improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

How to treat hemorrhoids with cucumber?

There are many options for using cucumber for hemorrhoids, but the most popular of them are rectal inserts, lotions, compresses and decoctions for oral administration. Therefore, we will talk about these methods in more detail. But before you start treating hemorrhoids with cucumber, consult with a specialist - a proctologist, because the remedies described below will be effective only in the initial stages of the disease and especially in combination with traditional antihemorrhoid therapy.

Cucumber rectal suppositories

It is important to use cucumber suppositories for rectal hemorrhoids. To make such a rectal insert, you need to pick a small vegetable, the thickness of your little finger, from the garden in the morning, rinse it under running water, lubricate it with creamy milk or honey and insert it into the anus for two hours. A similar procedure is carried out daily for four weeks. This time will be enough to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.


Cucumber lotions help to quickly eliminate pain, relieve itching and irritation in the anus caused by external hemorrhoids or anal fissure. Also, using this method, you can stop minor bleeding from the node and speed up the healing of ulcers and abscesses.

For the procedure, you will need a medium-sized cucumber, which must be washed, peeled and grated. Then the resulting mass is transferred to gauze, which is tied to form a bag, and the cucumber juice is squeezed out. After this, the bag is applied to the anus for 2-3 hours. The lotions are repeated daily three times for two weeks.


Cucumber microenemas are used for rectal hemorrhoids and anal fissures. This procedure can also eliminate anal itching and discomfort.

Microclysters are carried out with cucumber juice, which can be squeezed in a juicer or by squeezing the grated vegetable into gauze.

Then 50 ml of cucumber juice is taken into a small rubber bulb, its tip is lubricated with vegetable oil, it is inserted into the anus and the contents are squeezed into the anal canal. Microclysters should be done in the evening before bed for one week.

Cucumber products for oral administration

To prepare remedies for internal use, you can use both the vegetable itself and its leaves and stems. Here are several recipes for cucumber medicines.

  1. Decoction. For the decoction, you need to take several leaves and tangles of the plant, rinse under running water and chop finely with a knife. Then two tablespoons of the extract are poured into a saucepan, poured with two glasses of cold water and brought to a boil, then removed from the heat and left for one hour under the lid. The finished broth is filtered and taken orally, ½ cup three times a day before meals.
  2. Brine. Cucumber pickle can rightfully be called a natural fastener, so it can be used to treat and prevent constipation. To do this, use cucumber brine, which has stood for at least one month. Take one glass of this medicine between meals for one week.
  3. Infusion. For the infusion you will also need cucumber leaves and tangles, which are washed and crushed. After this, one glass of plant extract is poured with two glasses of boiling water, covered with a lid, left for two hours and filtered through a fine sieve. Healers advise drinking ½ glass of this infusion 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.

The listed remedies will help improve the tone of hemorrhoidal veins, strengthen their walls, eliminate constipation and speed up recovery.

Useful recipes to help

Cucumber is famous for its high fiber content, which helps regulate intestinal function and dissolve fecal stones. These features can be used for preventive purposes to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber is very diverse.

The main recommendation would be to introduce the consumption of healthy vegetables into the diet for everyday consumption.

Cucumber for hemorrhoids can be consumed both in salads and on its own or in the form of juice. You can add honey to cucumber juice, then the drink will become a bactericidal agent.

How does Dr. Popov treat hemorrhoids with cucumber?

The well-known doctor Popov treats hemorrhoids with cucumber in a rather unusual way, which is as follows:

  • in the morning in the garden you need to choose a small cucumber, as thick as your little finger, which does not have thorns;
  • Without lifting it from the stem, peel off the soil and bite off the top of the cucumber, thoroughly lubricating the vegetable with saliva;
  • Lubricate the anus area with saliva and insert the cucumber into it for 15 minutes, without lifting it from the stem.

The procedure should be carried out early in the morning, after bowel movements and washing the anus with warm water and laundry soap.

The author claims that treatment with cucumber in this way will relieve hemorrhoids, since the rectal mucosa is moistened by cucumber juice and receives nutrients with it, in particular silicon, which has a venotonic effect.

Precautionary measures

Before treating hemorrhoids with cucumber and using it for various procedures, you need to learn some precautions:

  • Before performing procedures at home, you should thoroughly wash the anus.
  • Do not use piercing or sharp objects to insert vegetables into the anus.
  • Cucumber raw materials are used only after thorough washing.
  • If hemorrhoids are severely advanced, then using cucumber is not recommended, and it will not help. In this case, you need to contact a proctologist who will prescribe conservative treatment or surgery.

To avoid proctological problems, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle, and also to refrain from bad habits.

Method of treating hemorrhoids using cucumber according to Malakhov

Dr. Malakhov is also known for his method of treating hemorrhoids. To do this, the author recommends using raw vegetables in the form of rectal suppositories.

To do this, you need to take a finger-thick cucumber, rinse it under running water and peel off the skin. Then the vegetable is lubricated with saliva, but with non-vegetable oil, since it slows down the absorption of healing substances from the cucumber, and the insert is inserted into the anus. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, leaving the cucumber suppository in the anus all night, and in the morning it will come out during bowel movements. The course of treatment according to the Malakhov method is 4 weeks.

The doctor also recommends combining this method with the cucumber lotions that we talked about earlier, and consuming this vegetable daily.

Popov's method

This traumatologist has developed a special method, thanks to which it is possible to treat hemorrhoids with cucumber from the garden, without additional processing. The author of the method has been using traditional medicine for many diseases, including hemorrhoids, for several years. He assures that the described method was tested by him personally and quite successfully.

The patient needs to prepare a fresh vegetable, bite off the end of it so that the pulp is visible and moisten it using his own saliva. In this case, juice will be released that has healing properties. After this, the patient should carefully introduce the prepared product into the anus and leave it there for a while. It is important to note that you cannot pick a cucumber from the garden, as the power of the earth helps to cope with proctological disease.

The effectiveness or uselessness of this method has not yet been proven, since there is no scientific evidence due to the lack of funding for Dr. Popov’s work.

How not to harm your health when treating hemorrhoids with cucumber?

Despite the fact that cucumber is a natural medicine, it must be used wisely for hemorrhoids, since incorrect implementation of the above procedures can provoke the development of complications or aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, you must strictly follow the recipe for preparing the products and the technique for using them.

You must also adhere to the following rules:

  • before starting cucumber therapy, you need to consult a proctologist;
  • use the above methods only in the initial stages of hemorrhoids;
  • perform procedures after bowel movements and rising with warm water and laundry soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • cucumber suppositories should have smooth edges and a rounded end so as not to damage the rectum;
  • use only high-quality cucumbers grown without nitrates and other harmful substances.


As a result, we can conclude that cucumber treatment is a fairly effective, although unusual, way to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. In addition, regular consumption of this vegetable will help avoid constipation and improve the condition of the vessels of the anus. But remember that even cured hemorrhoids can return, so you need to strictly follow the recommendations of your proctologist, as well as lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

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