Injections for erosive gastritis

Droppers for stomach treatment

In the treatment of stomach diseases, to achieve complete absorption, medications are administered using injections and droppers. Compared to tablets, this procedure has no side effects and does not affect the liver. The treatment regimen in each specific case is individual, especially during exacerbation of diseases. Thanks to intravenous administration, the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood and relieves the inflammatory process.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with medications: scheme

Under no circumstances should you underestimate this disease and refuse therapy. Of course, the treatment regimen for gastritis (erosive gastritis in particular) is complex and consists of several stages:

  • The use of antibacterial agents that inhibit the activity of opportunistic microflora.
  • The use of drugs that help normalize acidity in the stomach.
  • Drugs that help restore the natural structure and functioning of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
  • Additional medications to help manage specific symptoms and complications.

If the disease is accompanied by bleeding, then darkening of the stool and pain in the epigastric region are observed. Vomit sometimes also contains blood. With a chronic process, the patient develops anemia.

In addition, the treatment regimen for erosive gastritis necessarily includes proper nutrition. Sometimes the use of traditional medicine is allowed, which helps speed up the healing process.

Indications for the procedure

The main method in the treatment of pancreatitis is the administration of drugs using droppers, without which inflammation and exacerbation cannot be relieved. This procedure is also used for ulcers and gastritis. Designed for rapid absorption of the drug. At the same time, it does not affect the digestive tract and ensures immediate action of medications. It is carried out only after the examination and entails:

  • effective use of medication;
  • rest of the digestive tract and problem organ;
  • preservation of the medication in the body for a long time;
  • reduction of the intoxication process.

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Types of intravenous procedures

The choice of dropper depends on its functional purpose. For pancreatitis, the following are used:

  • Painkillers. Quickly relieve pain symptoms during acute and chronic inflammation. They are used mainly in the initial stages of inflammation of the pancreas, when there is severe pain, which can cause shock and disruption of the heart.
  • Supportive. Do not allow the body to dehydrate.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Reduce the production of enzymes, improve the functioning of the pancreas.

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For stomach pain

They are prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor after an examination to prevent the development of pain. As a result of intravenous administration of drugs, pain is relieved and the possibility of complications is eliminated. With this method of administering medications, the following medications are used to achieve an analgesic effect:

General strengthening droppers

In case of pancreatitis, do not consume water or food for several days. As a result, the body does not receive enough fluid and glucose, which it needs vitally. To compensate for the lack of these substances, maintenance droppers are placed. Such procedures are not prohibited from being carried out at home. But in case of exacerbations, you should go to the hospital. The composition of the medicines includes:

  • Glucose, which replenishes the lack of fluid, restores tone, water and monosaccharide balance.
  • Saline solution - prevents dehydration.
  • Vitamin complex and medicines that strengthen the body.

After 3-5 days, the use of chicken broth, crackers, and fermented milk products is allowed. Regular food is indicated only after a month.

For inflammation

Anti-inflammatory drips are prescribed to ensure maximum unloading of the body, in which, when eating food, pancreatic enzymes that are difficult to remove are produced. Intravenous infusion provides:

  • removal of acute inflammatory process;
  • inhibition of pancreatic function;
  • normalization of cell nutrition;
  • suppression of enzyme release.

The negative consequences of pancreatitis can affect the functioning of both the pancreas and the heart, as well as the kidneys. To prevent complications, treatment should be started as quickly as possible. Droppers against inflammation are installed only in a hospital. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of adverse reactions from immediate release of active substances into the blood.

Other procedures

The name and dosage of the drugs used are determined by the doctor. Self-medication is prohibited due to the risks of worsening the development of the disease. The composition of medications that will be administered intravenously depends on the severity of the disease. In addition to the above, the dropper may contain antibacterial agents that prevent negative effects on other organs.

Typically, anti-inflammatory and pain medications may be sufficient. During inflammatory processes, fluoroquinolones antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infections and purulent discharge:

Sandostatin reduces the production of enzymes and pancreatic juice. During periods of exacerbation of inflammation, the drug relieves pain and reduces the possibility of complications. The drug is diluted in saline solution. To reduce stomach acidity, Omeprazole and Pantoprazole are used. Intoxication is relieved with:

For gastritis with severe intoxication, diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, droppers with a 5% glucose solution, ascorbic acid, B vitamin and saline solutions are used. The last resort is the injection of a 0.85% sodium chloride solution under the skin through a dropper. In addition to IVs, doctors prescribe additional treatment, which initially includes fasting, rest, and then following a diet and proper nutrition. Washing the stomach and the entire cavity and removing inflamed tissue can also be used.

Scheme of drug treatment of erosive gastritis of the stomach with drugs

If the cause of the development of gastritis with the formation of erosions is the occupation of the gastric mucosa by the bacterium H. pylori, then in this case, to treat the disease you will need “heavy artillery” - specially developed treatment regimens against this pathogenic microbe.

Anti-Helicobacter therapy can be three-component (treatment begins with it - these are first-line drugs), or four-component (second-line therapy).

The destruction of Helicobacter is carried out with the following medications:

  • Proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprozole, lansoprazole);
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin or metranidazole;
  • Bismuth subnitrate.

Treatment is carried out with at least three of the above medications for seven days in appropriate dosages.

If a three-component regimen (omeprazole + clarithromycin + amoxicillin) turns out to be ineffective, then gastroenterologists recommend using a four-component regimen: omeprazole + bismuth subsalicylate + metronidazole + tetracycline.

How effective one or another regimen will be in the fight against the bacterium depends on the characteristics of H. pylori itself, its genotype, the degree of contamination of the stomach, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

De-nol for erosive gastritis

One of the effective drugs used in the complex therapy of erosive gastritis is the drug De-nol, consisting of bismuth subcitrate.

This medicine has a multifaceted effect, which explains its success in the treatment of stomach diseases, especially those with ongoing erosions or ulcers.

De-nol has the following properties:

  • Bactericidal against Helicobacter pylori;
  • Reparative, accelerating the healing of erosive defects. This becomes possible due to the ability of bismuth salts to form complex compounds (chelates) with proteins of the erosive defect. Such compounds create a protective film on the surface of the ulcerated mucosa. The drug also promotes increased mucus production.
  • Astringent action;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Antisecretory: reduces the production of HCl, pepsin and pepsinogen;
  • Increases bicarbonate synthesis.

The medication is practically not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted in feces, turning the stool dark. The patient must be warned about this feature before starting therapy.

If the patient takes de-nol, he must inform the attending physician about this: the dark color of stool always alerts gastroenterologists and serves as an indicator of internal bleeding from erosive defects and ulcers, if there is no information about taking de-nol.

Course of treatment: from 1 to 2 months. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed as a complex therapy or in an eradication scheme.

The tablets are taken according to the doctor’s recommended regimen, half an hour before meals and at night. You should not drink them with milk or fruit juice.

Contraindications to taking this medication: pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe renal failure, individual intolerance.

Side effects from taking de-nol include black feces, nausea, sometimes vomiting, constipation and skin rashes.

In general, the medicine is well tolerated and has a positive effect in the treatment of erosive processes in the gastric mucosa.

What injections are given for stomach ulcers?

For open gastric and duodenal ulcers, more than 1-2 groups of drugs are used simultaneously. Thanks to this, greater effectiveness of treatment is achieved due to the combined action of medications. In addition, their combinations are selected in such a way that they enhance each other’s effects.

The list of medications depends on the severity of the disease and accompanying symptoms. It may include:

  • painkillers - Analgin;
  • antispasmodics - No-shpa;
  • histamine receptor blockers - Ranitidine, Kvamatel;
  • proton pump inhibitors - Omeprazole, Lansoprazole;
  • antiemetics - Cerucal, Metoclopramide;
  • antibiotics - Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin;
  • agents that stimulate mucosal healing - Solcoseryl, Actovegin.

Medicines and preparations for the treatment of erosive gastritis

Drug therapy is the most important component of the complex treatment of this pathology. The choice of drugs depends on the cause that caused the erosion, the mechanism of development of the disease, pathomorphological changes in the mucous membrane, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The common goals pursued by therapy are the following:

  • Achieving healing of erosions;
  • Elimination of pain;
  • Relief of dyspepsia;
  • Prevention of exacerbations;

Prescribing one drug is unlikely to cope with the tasks, so gastroenterologists recommend complex treatment of the disease.

What groups of drugs are most often used to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach?

With increased acidity, the following are successful: proton pump inhibitors, histamine receptor blockers, antacids.

Proton pump inhibitors

These medications effectively combat high stomach acidity, which can lead to the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane. HCl literally eats away the delicate inner gastric wall, forming erosive defects.

Proton pump blockers help keep pH within normal limits, thereby reducing the risk of ulcer formation and eliminating clinical manifestations: pain, heartburn, sour belching.

Representatives of this group include:

The first among the emerging inhibitors. It has many brand names: omez, peptikum, losek, omeprale, helitsid, ultop. With long-term therapy in 3% of cases, patients may experience allergic reactions, headaches, increased dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting), an increase in the blood liver enzymes AST, ALAT

  • Pantoprazole (nolpaza, conroloc)

The advantage of the medicine is that food intake does not affect the release of the active substance. It is better to take the drug in the morning, because... in the early hours after waking up, pantoprazole more effectively suppresses the production of HCl.

When taking this drug, side effects appear in only 0.01-0.1% of cases and can manifest as abdominal pain, dry mouth, and itchy skin.

It acts as quickly as possible: within 5 minutes after taking the tablet, the antisecretory effect occurs (for other representatives of the groups - after 30-40 minutes). Side effects from the drug are rare.

Medicines are prescribed separately or according to indications as a component of anti-Helicobacter therapy together with antibacterial agents.

H-pump blockers are prescribed 20 mg twice a day (in the morning 30 minutes before meals and at night), or 20-40 mg at night. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 2-3 months if necessary.

Modern drugs of this group exhibit an inhibitory effect on HCl secretion already 1 hour after their administration, and this effect persists throughout the day.

The appearance of these drugs and their timely administration significantly reduced the percentage of transformation of erosions into ulcerative defects among patients.

H2-histamine receptor blockers

The drugs are also aimed at reducing gastric secretory activity, reducing the production of hydrochloric acid and inhibiting the release of pepsin in therapeutic doses. Average duration of their work: 4-12 hours.

Under their influence, the secretion of protective mucus increases, the blood supply to the internal gastric wall improves, and microcirculation is normalized.

There are 5 generations of H2-histamine receptor blockers:

1st generation – cimetidine (acylok, belomet, tagamet). Effective at high pH. Able to improve gastrointestinal motility and regulate the functioning of the esophageal sphincter. Prescribed mainly at night. As a drug that was one of the first to appear, it has the most pronounced side effects compared to other drugs in the same group:

  • “Rebound” syndrome - when the drug is discontinued, a relapse occurs - an exacerbation of the disease;
  • Impaired kidney and liver function when taken in large doses;
  • Hyperprolactinemia;
  • Skin rash, itching.

Due to multiple side effects, cimetidine is rarely used today.

2nd generation – ranitidine (acyloc, ranigast, zantac). It has a longer effect (up to 12 hours) and less pronounced side effects: sometimes headache, constipation, nausea.

3rd generation – famotidine (quamatel). A more modern drug, there is evidence that its antisecretory effect is 8 times superior to ranitidine and 40 times superior to cimetidine.

Can be used both in tablets orally and in ampoules intravenously. Has other positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Strengthens the synthesis of protective prostaglandins;
  • Improves blood flow in the gastric mucosa;
  • Enhances epithelial restoration.

The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

4th and 5th generation - nizatidine, roxatidine - drugs with virtually no side effects. Available in tablet form or in the form of solutions for administration into a vein.


These medications, unlike the previous groups prescribed for erosive gastritis with high acidity, do not reduce the production of hydrochloric acid itself, but help neutralize the already existing HCl in the stomach.

What causes gastritis of the stomach?

Previously, it was believed that the main reason for the development of gastritis is a person’s poor diet, frequent bouts of hunger, which are followed by overeating, or eating too much unhealthy food. In fact, a breakthrough in understanding the causes of this disease and methods of treatment was made in 1981 by B. Marshall (therapist) and R. Warren (pathologist). They found that the reason for the appearance of signs of gastritis is the predominance of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. Today, experts identify 4 main reasons for the development of gastritis:

  • The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is fixed in the walls of the gastric mucosa and secretes (synthesizes) urease - irritates the walls of the stomach, increases the level of acidity. The gastric mucosa, in response to irritation, begins to secrete gastrin - hormone-like substances that promote the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The Helicobacter bacterium lives well in such an environment and increases acidity more and more;
  • the reflux process involves the return of the contents of the duodenum to the stomach, while the presence of bile in the contents has a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach, dissolving the protective layer;
  • poor nutrition is fraught with many dangers, including the appearance of gastritis along with other pathogens;
  • An increase in the level of acid in the stomach due to stress and mental stress or the development of many diseases provokes the development of gastritis.

Medicines to relieve stomach pain

Pain syndrome with gastritis signals improper functioning of the organ. Therefore, you should get rid of pain with the help of medications aimed at eliminating the disease itself. This does not mean that you need to endure unpleasant sensations, but you should not limit yourself to taking medications that only relieve pain. Let's look at the main types of drugs that reduce pain.

Analgesics and antispasmodics

Drugs in this group are designed to relieve painful spasms and tone the muscle fibers of the stomach. These drugs can accompany treatment, since they only mask the pain syndrome, temporarily improving well-being. For gastritis, analgesics based on metamizole sodium are taken; they block nerve impulses that tell the brain about pain. The active ingredients of antispasmodics against stomach pain are papaverine, drotaverine, etc.


Enveloping and astringent drugs based on bismuth (including tripotassium bismuth dicitrate) are designed to prevent irritation of the intestinal mucosa by gastric juice

Enveloping and astringent drugs based on bismuth (including tripotassium bismuth dicitrate) are designed to prevent irritation of the intestinal mucosa by gastric juice. Forming a kind of film on the inner walls of the stomach, they are able to relieve pain and relieve the inflammatory process. The active ingredient of astringents and enveloping agents (gastroprotectors) is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.

It is able to restore the protective functions of the stomach and prevent relapses of the disease. It is often prescribed along with symptomatic pain medications. For gastritis caused by the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, you can give preference to a drug that has an active bactericidal effect, stimulates cytoprotective mechanisms, and increases the resistance of the mucous membrane to harmful influences.

Enzyme products

These medications improve digestion by helping the stomach break down complex food components. The main active ingredient of the drugs is pancreatin (an extract of the contents of the pancreas), as well as its combinations with other substances. The medicine is taken during or immediately after meals, even with light snacks. Contraindications include sensitivity to the substance and acute pancreatitis. Antacids A frequent companion to gastritis is an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice - it is this that causes heartburn and unpleasant sour belching, as well as pathological changes in the tissues of the mucous membrane.


These medications have an antispasmodic effect, and also reduce the level of formation of gastric juice and the secretion of hydrochloric acid, without interfering with the production of protective mucus. The main active ingredient is the plant alkaloid atropine

When taking anticholinergic drugs, you should be careful about maintaining the dosage - even a slight excess can cause side symptoms (dry mouth, tachycardia, dizziness, etc.). Contraindications for use include the presence of glaucoma and prostate adenoma.

Pain with gastritis is only a kind of signal of danger to the body. Of course, it is necessary to get rid of unpleasant sensations during an attack. But these measures must accompany the treatment of the cause of the disease - this is the only way to achieve a normal quality of life without stomach pain.

What are the main types of disease

Gastritis most often occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. It also happens: atrophic, hypertrophic, lymphocytic, infectious, diffuse, focal and mixed. Often one disease goes through stages of development and moves from one form to another: acute → chronic gastritis → atrophic → precancerous condition or tumor development.

Acute gastritis is an inflammation (deep or superficial) of the gastric mucosa. It occurs very quickly - from several hours to several days. The patient may not even know that he is showing signs of gastritis until one day he experiences an acute attack of pain in the stomach area.

Chronic gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa over a long period of time (from several months to an indefinite number of years). If gastritis is not effectively treated during this period, morphological changes occur in the walls, which may be irreversible.

Treatment regimen for erosive gastritis: features, list of drugs and reviews

Erosive gastritis is a common and dangerous disease that is accompanied by damage to the gastric mucosa. Without treatment, the disease leads to a lot of complications. Of course, patients faced with a similar problem are interested in any available information. What symptoms accompany the disease? What does the treatment regimen for gastritis (erosive gastritis, in particular) look like? Is it possible to use traditional medicine? The answers to these questions will be useful to many readers.

What is an effective treatment for gastritis?

Acute gastritis must be treated immediately after the first signs appear. To do this, you should rinse your stomach to remove food particles, and then fast for a day, drinking only warm tea, water, and a decoction of medicinal herbs. For chronic gastritis, this procedure should not be performed. After cleansing, the patient should adhere to a strict diet: puree soups, make soufflés from meat and fish so that there are no lumps, eat slimy porridges. Next, the doctor prescribes effective drug treatment for gastritis in the form of injections, tablets, and droppers. Antibiotics may be prescribed if necessary. If gastritis is of a chronic type, then anti-Helicobacter therapy and medications to normalize acidity and digestion are prescribed.

What is more effective: antibiotics in tablets or injections for gastritis

Antibiotics are intended to treat chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium fights extremely stubbornly for its life and does not respond to a single antibiotic - only to a combination. Antibiotics that are effective against H. pylori are clarithromycin, amoxicillin, metronidazole, tetracycline, furazolidone. If you treat an infection with one antibiotic, the recovery rate is much lower. The course of treatment is from one to two weeks.

Oral administration of drugs for gastritis is always preferable: it is safer because the skin is not broken, as with injection under the skin - the wound still remains along with the risk of infection if improper care is taken. It is more convenient to take tablets or syrups - especially when it comes to small children. Finally, the injection is painful and unpleasant.

This is not true for all antibiotics - some of them can still only be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly because stomach enzymes destroy the active ingredients.

How to treat acute gastritis?

In general, in this case, it is better to immediately seek help from doctors so that they can clearly diagnose and protect you from complications or mortal danger. If you decide to treat acute gastritis at home, then, firstly, you should forget about any food for a day. The best medicine for you right now is fasting.

Secondly, the cause of acute gastritis should be eliminated, since it does not appear “out of nowhere.” Often the cause of this is poisoning, and the most common is alcohol or smoking poisoning, but you can also be poisoned by chemicals, for example, by mixing up the dosage of a medicine. Therefore, the next step should be gastric lavage.

The third stage of treatment should be medications (folk remedies will not help here - they can be used auxiliary), these include:

  • H2-histamine receptor blockers;
  • DE-NOL (have very good effectiveness for gastritis and peptic ulcers, take 3 times a day, one tablet and always before meals);
  • Droppers with B vitamins and glucose, however, are used for severe cases of acute gastritis;
  • Antibiotics (especially helpful when a bacterium has entered the gastrointestinal tract and has become a catalyst), these include ampicillin and tetracycline/

Tips on what medications are recommended for the treatment of gastritis

Today, gastritis has become a very common disease of the digestive tract. This especially applies to the most active and mobile segments of the population. By the age of 25, doctors diagnose almost every third man and every fifth woman with some form of gastritis. It is for this reason that a large number of medications of various groups are produced in Russia and Europe, aimed at the healing process. Today, the list of medications intended to treat gastritis includes about a thousand types. Read recommendations on what you can drink if you have gastritis.

Drug treatment of gastritis is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Attention! Anyone who suffers from this disease should understand that at the moment there is no universal cure for gastritis. Depending on the characteristics of the body, different drugs can help different people.

Tablets: list

Many people neglect to see doctors and start taking medications on their own. And this, in turn, can contribute to the clinical worsening of the disease and significantly complicate the diagnosis.

Without proper treatment, gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer. Therefore, it is very important that treatment is prescribed by an experienced gastroenterologist.

The list of the most effective drugs includes the following drugs:

  • Smecta for gastritis - will provide quick relief for heartburn and minor disorders;
  • Almagel A - this medicine has a minimal set of side effects and can be taken even by people with an increased risk of allergies;
  • Gastfin and Enterosgel - are highly effective and allow you to restore balance within a short period of time;
  • Mezim for gastritis will help you quickly cope with heaviness and bloating. Relieves mild pain and discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Maalox for gastritis - due to its special formula, this drug envelops the walls of the stomach and protects it from the negative effects of acids;
  • Activated carbon – improves the functionality of the stomach, removes toxins;
  • No-spa - this drug should be in every person’s medicine cabinet. First of all, No-Shpa has excellent antiseptic properties, and can also reduce pain symptoms of any complexity in the shortest possible time.

It should also be noted that in the acute form, doctors recommend the use of painkillers and antibiotics. The only thing to remember is that the amount of the drug must be clearly agreed with the doctor. Read about superficial gastritis, symptoms, treatment and diet.


The picture shows the drug Omeprazole

The drug Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor. This medicine is aimed at suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The entire mechanics of the effect boils down to the fact that when using this medication, an enzyme is activated, aimed at the normal functioning of hydrogen group ions. This will eventually cause the final stage of acid production to be blocked.

Also, due to the use of Omeprazole, a decrease in the level of secretion, stimulated and basal, can be observed. Moreover, this does not depend at all on the nature of their stimulus. The drug begins to act almost instantly. The effect of its use lasts throughout the day.

Contraindications for use: lactation and pregnancy. As for taking Omez for gastritis, it is used in conjunction with 2 antibiotics. For example, with Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. In some cases, this also includes Trichopolum and De-nol. Combining drugs should only be done under the close supervision of the attending physician. Read about erosive gastritis, symptoms, treatment and diet here:


De-nol belongs to the antibacterial group of medications. It is often used to treat peptic ulcers, but it will also help with gastritis.

The drug has an enveloping effect. Due to this, the mucous membrane of the stomach wall is covered with a protective film.

Take De-nol either in combination with other drugs or drink one tablet half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment should be discussed with your doctor. Read the features of the diet for gastritis on this page.


For this disease, in some cases, doctors recommend taking a course of injections. Injections are given twice a day. Meloxicam is often used as a medicine. It is very effective and has a relatively affordable price.

How to treat different types?

Depending on the form of the disease, it is necessary to resort to a specific treatment regimen. Thus, for erosive gastritis, medications such as Motilium (twenty minutes before meals), Cerucal and Reglan are used.

But in the case of the development of gastritis with a high level of acidity, it will be necessary to use medications aimed at lowering the level of acid and reducing its production. For this, Gasterin, Maalox and Phosphalumgel are used.


Medicines for gastritis in the photo

There is no doubt that the best protection against disease #8212; this is its prevention. It is for this reason that many experts argue that the best option for drug prevention is the use of medications such as:

It goes without saying that without proper drug treatment, curing gastritis is quite problematic. This is especially true for those who are forced to regularly disrupt their diet due to work and frequent business trips. After all, it is untimely eating that leads to the development of this disease. You can get acquainted with the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis here.

So after the doctor diagnoses gastritis, the patient will have to adhere to certain rules in order not to end up in hospital treatment in the future:

  • There should be a gap of no more than three hours between meals;
  • The diet must include liquid food;
  • It is worth giving up smoked meats and marinades;
  • You need to drink plenty of liquid.

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