Cucumbers for gastritis: benefits and harms, in what form is best to eat

Cucumbers for gastritis

Some gastroenterologists argue that during an exacerbation of gastritis, cucumbers should not be eaten in any form. And during the remission period, green vegetables cannot cause significant harm to the body, but they should only be eaten fresh and without peel. An acceptable amount of peeled vegetables per day is no more than 250 grams.

An acceptable amount of peeled cucumber for gastritis per day is no more than 250 grams

It is best to eat them in a salad, and not as an independent product. The decision on the acceptability of consuming the product is justified by the fact that peeled and fresh cucumbers can be eaten with gastritis in a calm form.

But there are also opponents who insist that this vegetable is harmful for those suffering from gastritis. Such doctors prohibit eating cucumbers in any form at all. The reason for the ban is that during the digestion of cucumbers, the stomach produces more gastric juice than for most other products. Thus, the amount of hydrochloric acid in the organ increases, which negatively affects the walls and provokes processes that can lead to a ulcerative disease.

Vegetables that have undergone additional processing such as marinade or preservation are strictly prohibited for gastritis. And this applies not only to cucumbers. The abundance of salt not only contributes to the formation of sand and kidney stones, but also negatively affects the walls of the stomach, provoking inflammatory processes. There is an opinion that pickles can be eaten with gastritis in the remission period, but crushed and boiled in pickle - this is a misconception.

While following a diet for gastritis, you can eat exclusively peeled fresh cucumbers and without additional salt, as some people like to do. One way or another, when drawing up an individual diet, you can consult with several gastroenterologists and a nutritionist in order to find a middle ground if your love for the green vegetable from the East is unshakable. If doubts arise and the arguments provided by the physician are undeniable, from the patient’s point of view, it is not worth the risk. Health is more valuable than any product.

Useful video

Watch a fragment of a TV show about the benefits and harms of cucumbers:

The most important rule for diseases of the digestive system is not to rush to extremes, limiting yourself in everything. Moderation is important in any situation. By following the recommendations of nutritionists, you can freely eat fresh and heat-treated cucumbers without the risk of causing an exacerbation of gastritis.

Today, one of the most common diseases is inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis. The fast pace of life, lack of time to prepare healthy food, and, as a way out, snacking on the go, fast food - all this leads to stomach disease.

When the mucous membrane is inflamed, food is poorly digested. As a result, we have discomfort after eating, indigestion, nausea and pain. The threat of this disease is that its chronic form can develop into a peptic ulcer.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers for gastritis?

Cucumbers are a dietary vegetable, the use of which helps cleanse the body of many harmful substances. Their use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, despite all the benefits, should be kept to a minimum. All green vegetables promote increased production of gastric juice, which negatively affects the course of this disease.

Therefore, eating fresh cucumbers is not recommended for gastritis - this can lead to heartburn. You can eat this vegetable only during remission; you can eat up to 300 grams of peeled fruits per day. If gastritis is exacerbated, you cannot eat cucumbers.

Only a doctor can accurately determine whether or not to eat cucumbers during gastritis. The menu for each patient is compiled individually, it varies depending on the presence of other diseases of the digestive organs: pancreatitis, gallstone disease, stomach ulcers and duodenum, liver diseases.

The most useful fruits are those that ripen in the summer. In spring, cucumber grows in greenhouse conditions with a large amount of fertilizers, its consumption can lead to food poisoning. Small fruits are the most useful, as they have the maximum amount of vitamins.

You can eat fresh cucumbers in salads - this is the best option for consuming them without processing. To reduce the negative impact on the stomach, these vegetables can be stewed or baked. But, like tomatoes, pickled or canned cucumbers are prohibited during gastritis due to the addition of a large amount of spices.


If your condition improves, you can treat yourself to a cucumber salad. To do this you need: - fresh cucumber - 1 small: - egg - 1 pc.; - sour cream - 1 tablespoon; - parsley - 2-3 sprigs.

Chop the cucumber finely enough. Boil the egg and chop finely. Mix cucumber with egg. Add sour cream and parsley. Salad ready. This salad goes well with a side dish of rice. It could be rice porridge or potato zrazy.

For gastritis, the preparation of this porridge is somewhat different. Rinse the rice 3 times and add a small amount of water. Then leave to absorb the water for 1-2 hours. Next, prepare the porridge as usual. Boiled rice for gastritis should be liquid and have a viscous consistency.

What is the best form to use cucumbers for gastritis?

Taking into account the negative effects of cucumbers on the gastrointestinal tract, they are recommended to be completely excluded from the diet in the following cases: during the period of exacerbation of the disease and during odoctoy stage; with erosive gastritis; for stomach and duodenal ulcers; with increased secretion (hyperacidal gastritis).

Canned cucumbers for gastritis

The majority of the population makes vegetable preparations for the winter - canned food, which necessarily includes salt and vinegar as a preservative, as well as hot seasonings. No matter how attractive the smell and taste of cucumbers from a jar are, it is not recommended to eat them if you have gastritis; they can easily cause aggravation .

Fresh cucumbers for gastritis

It is allowed to eat fresh cucumbers only during the period of remission of the disease, provided that the acidity of the gastric juice is not increased.

Patients with gastritis in remission can only eat fresh cucumbers in small quantities

They are more suitable for those suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis with reduced acid-forming and enzymatic functions, but again outside the exacerbation stage.

Pickled cucumbers for gastritis

Few people can resist such a delicacy as lightly salted or barrel cucumbers prepared according to their grandmother’s recipe. For a healthy person they are only beneficial, but those with gastritis will still have to abstain. A high concentration of salts not only irritates the stomach, but also neutralizes the beneficial properties of cucumbers.

Cucumbers during remission and exacerbation

Patients with gastritis in remission can only eat fresh cucumbers in small quantities. You must first peel them so that the fiber does not cause aggravation. It is not advisable to consume them on an empty stomach, as is customary to start breakfast with salad. The amount of product should be small and consumption should be infrequent.

For those people who have gastritis with increased secretion, peptic ulcer, cucumbers should be excluded from the diet, regardless of the stage of the disease - exacerbation or remission. The same taboo applies to all cases of exacerbation of the disease, and it does not matter what form of gastritis and what its secretory function is.

Useful elements and calorie content

Cucumber is a nutritious vegetable that is low in calories. It contains only 15 kcal per 100 g of vegetables. It consists of almost nothing but water. It contains a minimal amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

It contains B vitamins, fiber, mineral salts, etc. The enzymes contained in this vegetable crop help digest animal protein better than other vegetables.

Eating cucumbers for gastritis

Cucumber, due to its chemical composition, can be eaten for gastritis. It speeds up the absorption of food and normalizes the metabolism of dietary fat. The fiber present in cucumber has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Their regular use restores the natural peristalsis of the organ and ensures rapid evacuation of food. Calorie content – ​​15 Kcal.

Eating cucumbers with low acidity levels

Cucumbers for gastritis with low acidity should be consumed in small doses. They require the production of a sufficient amount of digestive secretion, so the breakdown is partial. This leads to their rotting in the intestines. Experts advise eating cucumbers for gastritis in salads and first courses (okroshka). You need to cut off the peel and remove the seeds from them in advance, and grind the pulp on a grater.

During periods of exacerbation of pathology, it is strictly forbidden to consume them in pickled or salted form. Greenhouse-grown cucumbers are not recommended for gastritis, even during remission. In order for them to acquire a marketable appearance, the sprouts are regularly fed with harmful nitrates, the entry of which into the stomach can lead to intoxication.

During periods of exacerbation of gastritis, it is strictly forbidden to consume them in pickled or salted form.

With low acidity, it is important to listen to your own feelings. If, after eating the cucumber, discomfort appears in the stomach (heaviness, pain, heartburn), then you need to refrain from eating it for 2-3 days.

Eating cucumbers for high acidity levels

If you have high acidity, eating cucumbers for gastritis is necessary. The digestive tract spends a large amount of hydrochloric acid on their breakdown, making the walls of the organ less susceptible to the destructive effects of the enzyme. Increased acidity is accompanied not only by belching and heartburn, but also by “hunger pains”.

The unpleasant sensation in most cases occurs at night. To eliminate them, just eat one peeled cucumber. It is important to remember that eating cucumbers is allowed only in the remission stage of gastritis. Cucumbers with gastritis with high acidity should not be subjected to heat treatment.

Unlike tomatoes, they lose most of their nutrients and develop an unpleasant taste. Salted or pickled cucumbers cause severe thirst and provoke a burning sensation in the esophagus. For gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to completely abandon them.

Healthy dishes

Here are some safe and tasty dishes made from fresh cucumbers for a patient suffering from gastritis.

To prepare, you need to take 2 squid, 1 large or 2 small cucumbers, 3 eggs, herbs (parsley, cilantro), a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. Boil eggs hard. Peel the squid and cook for 2-3 minutes in boiling salted water. Cut the egg into cubes, squid into strips, peel the cucumber and grate it on a coarse grater. Add greens. Mix everything and season with sour cream.

Prepare the ingredients: boil 200 g of chicken breast, 2 potatoes, 3 eggs, peel 2 cucumbers. Cut all ingredients into cubes, mix, lightly add salt and season with unsweetened yogurt or sour cream.

Fresh cucumbers for different types of gastritis

Cucumbers are effective against constipation, obesity, some forms of chronic pancreatitis, and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in acute gastritis or exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process, additional stimulation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid can only increase damage to the inner lining of the stomach.

Some gastroenterologists do not share the opinion that cucumbers are harmful for gastritis. It has been experimentally proven that aqueous extracts of cucumber peels protect the gastric mucosa, and cucumber seed extracts prevent ulcer formation due to their alkaline properties. However, these data require confirmation in other, more authoritative placebo-controlled studies.

Fresh cucumbers for hyperacid gastritis

Cucumbers are effective against constipation, some forms of chronic pancreatitis, and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Hyperacid gastritis in the acute stage is a contraindication for the use of cucumbers. With this variant of the disease, the acidity of the gastric juice increases, causing inflammation of the walls of the organ. The substances that make up the vegetable will only aggravate the process and slow down the healing process.

Fresh cucumbers for erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis is characterized by the appearance of a defect in the gastric mucosa, which can bleed and cause severe pain. Eating cucumber in this case increases the risk of deepening the existing defect and forming an ulcer. You can eat cucumbers only after the erosions have completely healed.

Fresh cucumbers for atrophic hypoacid gastritis

Atrophic hypoacid gastritis, associated with thinning of the gastric mucosa and reduced production of digestive juice, also reacts negatively to cucumber entering the stomach. This is due to the fact that in the acute phase of the disease, increased peristalsis of the stomach and intestines aggravates inflammation and makes it difficult to restore the inner lining. The affected organ needs maximum rest.

What goes well with

Gastroenterologists recommend that people suffering from hyperacid gastritis combine cucumbers with foods that reduce excess acidity of gastric contents. For example, their combination with potatoes, which contain a large amount of starch that protects the walls of the stomach, is successful. You can also add boiled eggs, lean meats and fish, cottage cheese, cheeses, avocados, and legumes to fresh vegetable salads.

Important! It is not advisable to combine cucumbers with other foods that increase acidity in the stomach: tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, melon, citrus fruits.

It is better to dress fresh cucumber salads with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt, which will neutralize their negative effects. Another dressing option is olive or sea buckthorn oils, which have a protective, enveloping and healing effect on the inner lining of the stomach.

For gastritis, cucumbers for salad are cut into small strips and peeled to simplify digestion.

Eating fresh cucumbers for gastritis

For gastritis, cucumbers will have to be excluded completely, or consumed with caution in strictly limited quantities. This especially applies to pickled and salty dishes, but also affects fresh vegetables.

The reason for this ban lies in the fact that almost 95% of cucumber consists of water. Soybeans contain a sufficient amount of minerals, especially phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. Also found in relatively small quantities in cucumbers are essential oils, carotene, vitamins B, A, C, E, H, PP, as well as starchy substances. Do not forget that fresh vegetables are characterized by the content of natural iodine, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

Cucumbers have diuretic properties, effectively cleanse the body, promote the removal of kidney stones, and relieve inflammation from the gums when rinsed.

Despite the strictness of the therapeutic diet, fresh cucumbers for gastritis are not prohibited vegetables, especially at rest

If you have gastritis, you should not eat fresh cucumbers, especially when it comes to the acute phase of the disease. During periods of its remission, it is allowed to include a small amount of fresh cucumber in your diet. It is important to remember about small quantities, and also be sure to peel the cucumber before using it.

Recommendations on how to properly consume fresh cucumbers for gastritis

Despite the strictness of the therapeutic diet, fresh cucumbers for gastritis are not prohibited vegetables, especially at rest. A healthy stomach means proper nutrition. Having figured out for yourself what is possible for gastritis, it is important to decide how much it is recommended to eat without causing harm to the stomach. For example, for cucumbers the maximum daily intake is 300 g. They should be consumed with the main meal or immediately after it.

Doctors' recommendations regarding the use of fresh cucumbers in food:

  • their quality is important: greenhouse or imported cucumbers will bring questionable benefits to the body, but they are an obvious threat to the stomach4
  • always peel and chop vegetables before use;
  • prepare salads from several vegetables , do not allow cucumbers to dominate them;
  • add salt to the dish;
  • It is strictly forbidden to organize fasting cucumber days;
  • canned, salted, pickled, barrel cucumbers are something that should not be eaten under any circumstances if you have gastritis, as they have a detrimental effect on the stomach.



Diet required!

Is it possible to eat cucumbers for gastritis? There are controversial opinions on this matter. Many doctors believe that cucumbers have a negative effect on the patient's stomach. Gastritis, like any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, requires the most careful attention, and early contact with specialists will prevent the disease from developing. In addition to treatment with medications, you must follow a strict diet.

This is due to the fact that many foods can trigger an exacerbation. Therefore, it is necessary to eat only approved foods that will have a gentle effect on the stomach and replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements. For patients with gastritis, there is a special diet characterized by a high protein content and a reduced amount of fat and carbohydrates. The dishes included in its composition are baked, boiled and steamed. And they are served thoroughly chopped or pureed.

One of the main places in the diet of patients with gastritis is given to vegetables. Cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and others can be consumed by people with stomach problems. But is it possible to eat cucumbers with gastritis? Here the opinions of doctors differ. Some believe that cucumbers can be eaten without the skin and grated or finely chopped. Others say you shouldn't eat them.


Cucumber is not included in the diet in the presence of inflammation of the gastric walls, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis.

Salted and pickled cucumbers are prohibited from being included in the treatment menu for severe gastrointestinal diseases; these products activate the production of hydrochloric acid and damage the protective lining of the stomach and other digestive organs. Salted vegetables should not be regularly consumed by patients with stomach or intestinal ulcers: they contain sodium, which neutralizes the beneficial properties of cucumbers.

Before eating, cucumbers can be prepared by baking or stewing: this way the vegetables retain their beneficial properties. The amount of product consumed should not exceed 200 g per day. Cucumbers are used to prepare vegetable salads, main courses and even soups.

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