Conditions for enema for hemorrhoids: folk and pharmacy solutions

What is an enema for hemorrhoids?

Enema is rightfully one of the most common methods of treating hemorrhoids. Thanks to it, pharmaceutical drugs and simple herbal decoctions can be administered into the rectal cavity.

The positive effect is:

  • Relieving irritation and swelling;
  • Normalization of bowel movements;
  • Eliminate inflammation;
  • Improving disinfection of mucous membranes.

Cleaning procedures are also always necessary before routine diagnostic examinations. This is done in order to qualitatively enlighten the intestines and identify possible pathologies.

Preparation for surgical interventions for diseases such as ulcerative colitis or intestinal obstruction also requires mandatory enemas.

Types of enemas:

  1. Medicinal – intended for the administration of various medications;
  2. Cleansing – indicated for prolonged constipation;
  3. Laxatives - necessary for the introduction of auxiliary agents and promote the release of dense feces;
  4. Nutrients – used for the administration of hypertonic and aqueous solutions, as well as glucose;
  5. Diagnostic - intended for the introduction of contrast agents (such as barium sulfate) into the intestinal cavity.

Enemas also differ in the method of administration. Hydraulic is used for cleansing activities, pressure is used for the purpose of performing oil enemas.

Rules for the use of liquids

Preparation of medicinal solutions precedes a therapeutic enema. Two types of medicinal liquids are prepared.

Enema with oils

An oil enema for hemorrhoids is made based on the oils of olive tree, rose hips, sunflower seeds, and sea buckthorn berries. You can mix cheap sunflower oil with more expensive one. The oil temperature corresponds to body heat. Scoop up a glass of oil extract with a rubber bulb and lie on your side. Insert the nose of a rubber bulb into the anus and squeeze out the oil. Continuing to squeeze, they take out the pear and roll onto their back. To enhance the effect, spend 20 minutes on your back. Then the intestines are emptied. After defecation, wash the perineum with cool water.

Herbal infusions

Enemas with medicinal solutions help cleanse and restore the rectal mucosa. Decoctions are prepared from chamomile flowers, calendula, oak bark, hop cones, nettle leaves, and burdock roots. Chamomile is most popular for hemorrhoids as a healing, antiseptic, and disinfectant. Place a tablespoon of dry chamomile in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter.

A properly prepared decoction gives off a pleasant chamomile scent. A chamomile decoction with a volume of 150-200 ml, cooled to 37°C, is taken with a rubber bulb, the tip of which is lubricated with petroleum jelly. Then you need to lie down on your side, insert the tip of the bulb into the anus and press on it, releasing the chamomile infusion. Continuing to squeeze the pear, remove its tip and lie down, keeping the broth inside the body. Empty your bowels after 15 minutes.

An enema for hemorrhoids helps relieve chronic constipation, relieves inflammation, and heals the anal mucosa. You cannot do an enema at the acute stage of hemorrhoids with bleeding, thrombosis, strangulation and inflammation.

Pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people with heart disease and blood vessels require medical consultation before colon lavage. You should not get carried away with enemas for hemorrhoids. With prolonged, uncontrolled use, they will aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

We recommend: How internal hemorrhoids manifest and how to treat them

Enemas for hemorrhoids - which ones are used

Therapeutic enemas usually have medicinal compounds. Instead of water, they use various herbal decoctions or pharmaceutical solutions.

The administration of enemas allows you to protect other internal organs from the effects of drugs, since there is a local effect on the intestinal walls and mucous membranes of the rectum.

Typically used for enemas:

  • Oil solutions;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Medicinal herbal decoctions;
  • Starchy decoctions and mixtures.

Quite often, microenemas are used as a replacement for conventional enemas. Their main distinguishing feature is that the volume of liquid used is much less than with standard procedures. When treating with microenemas, the same dosage forms and agents are used.

Main types of therapeutic enemas

For douching, solutions are used that can locally affect the affected areas. Beneficial substances are absorbed into the circulatory system and do not have any effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, unlike tablets and other medications.

It is best to do a therapeutic enema an hour before a cleansing enema if hemorrhoids are accompanied by frequent constipation. For solutions use:

  • sagebrush;
  • raw potatoes;
  • oak bark;
  • chamomile

Before giving an enema, consult a doctor: he will advise you on the most effective medicinal plants and the correct recipes for tinctures from them. On the Internet you can often find dubious remedies against hemorrhoids, but you can trust such information only at your own peril and risk.

Potatoes have long been used as a suppository, so using it as a lotion or enemas also helps to cope with irritation.

For hemorrhoids, an enema with chamomile can produce a calming effect, relieve irritation and improve blood flow in the rectum.

Therapeutic enemas for hemorrhoids involve the use of solutions that actively work at the local level

Microenema for hemorrhoids based on herbs

To reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process and significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease, herbs such as sage, calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile are used. Preparing a decoction for microenemas for hemorrhoids at home is quite simple. To do this, take 10 grams of the crushed mixture and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour, then strain.

Also, as many years of experience have shown, the bear's ears plant has a good effect on inflammation of hemorrhoids. It is usually used to treat cystitis, but in the fight against hemorrhoids it is also effective and gives good results.

Herbal enemas help cope with symptoms such as:

  • Burning and severe itching;
  • Feeling of fullness in the anal area;
  • Painful sensations.

Against this background, wounds heal much faster, and hemorrhoids become smaller in size.

Quite often, a decoction of strawberry leaves is used to prepare enemas. It is especially effective for bleeding. You can also add a decoction of wormwood to it.


An enema is contraindicated in a number of cases:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • diarrhea of ​​unknown etymology;
  • abdominal pain;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • problems with blood or intracranial pressure;
  • acute inflammatory process in the intestines, the presence of ulcers, wounds;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • severe hemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy in the second, third semester;
  • the first month after conception with an increased risk of miscarriage.

An enema is required before and after surgery if there are problems with bowel movements. In other cases, you can get by with other means for treating hemorrhoids.

Enemas for internal hemorrhoids

Bee products have a pronounced therapeutic effect in enemas. This is due to their rich nutritional composition. Fat-soluble vitamins and folic acid are most valuable in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Due to increased metabolism in tissues, the mucous surface heals much faster.

To prepare a solution from propolis, you need to take 10 grams of the product and dilute it in 100 ml of water. The resulting extract should be stored in the refrigerator. For enemas, take a teaspoon of extract per liter of water. You can also use it to prepare microenemas.

Positive effects of propolis:

  1. Elimination of itching;
  2. Drying fabrics;
  3. Wound healing;
  4. Prevention of bleeding;
  5. Elimination of infection.

The only negative when performing this procedure is the possible occurrence of a burning sensation. This is due to the fact that there may be cracks in the mucous membrane.

If the discomfort is severe, then a smaller amount of extract will be needed to prepare enemas.

Olive and sea buckthorn oils are most often used to prepare oil enemas. They have a rich vitamin composition and provide a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Sea buckthorn oil helps strengthen blood vessels and promote faster tissue healing.

Sometimes aqueous extract of mumiyo is used for therapeutic purposes. When it is administered orally, the itching goes away and the mucous membranes heal faster. This procedure is especially effective for internal hemorrhoids.

Cleansing enema for hemorrhoids

This popular type of enema is intended for bowel movements or to prepare for further diagnostic procedures. This classic procedure is performed in two ways.

First way. Almost every one of us has encountered such a delicate procedure at least once in our lives. In this case, the patient is placed on a hospital couch or bed on his left side. The position of the knees should be bent and slightly tucked towards the stomach. In order not to contaminate the couch, it must be covered in advance with plastic or oilcloth film.

The next step will be filling Esmarch's mug: you need to pour one and a half liters of warm water or a medicinal solution into it. The mug then needs to be raised to a height of more than a meter, and the tip lowered down so that a little water flows out of the container. This will cause excess air to escape from the tube.

There is a tap on the top of the hose; it must be turned off. Before inserting the tip into the anus, it is well lubricated with vegetable oil or Vaseline. The introduction is performed with light rotational movements so as not to damage the skin and mucous membranes.

There should be no physical restrictions, since this would mean that the tip rested on hardened feces or hit the wall of the rectum at an angle. In such a situation, the tube must be pulled back 1 cm.

After the tip is inserted, the medicinal liquid under pressure begins to flow into the intestinal lumen. During this manipulation, the patient immediately begins to feel the urge to defecate. When the desire is already very expressed, the introduction of water is stopped; to do this, the tube is clamped or the tap is closed. The base of the tip is carefully removed from the rectum.

Second way. The Hegar method involves injecting a medicinal liquid into the anus without any outside help. To perform the procedure, the patient must take a knee-elbow position. The base of the tip is inserted with the right hand, and the left hand rests on the elbow joint. The introduction is carried out slowly, extremely carefully, especially with a strong increase in the nodes.

Enema before childbirth

An unnecessary procedure that some clinics still practice. The onset of labor is accompanied by many symptoms. These include abdominal pain and loose stools. That is, the body independently tries to cleanse itself, removes feces before childbirth.

  • If for some reason this does not happen, you can do without a cleansing enema and induce the urge to defecate with Vaseline. Introduce a small amount of the product into the anus. Emptying will begin within 15 minutes.
  • 50 ml of any heated vegetable oil causes the urge to defecate for 20 minutes. They use sea buckthorn, olive, and sunflower oil.

Some clinics still insist on an enema before childbirth. The procedure is performed on the woman lying on her side. An enema is also indicated if labor is weak and there has been no urge to defecate in the last 2 hours before birth.

How to give a microenema for hemorrhoids

All treatment procedures, regardless of the purpose, must be carried out correctly, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. There are also recommendations for performing microenemas.

How to give a microenema:

  1. No more than 50 ml of medicinal solution or water should be administered at a time. Less liquid simply will not have the desired effect. If the volume is exceeded, the patient will not be able to hold the solution for the required time.
  2. The administered medicinal solutions must be warm. Extremely low or high temperatures will cause discomfort.
  3. One procedure should take about half an hour. During this period, it is advisable to be in a supine position to avoid leakage of the medicine. The average course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. The enema bulb must be of the appropriate size to administer the required amount of substance. The greater the amount of medicine used, the larger the capacity of the bulb.

You cannot perform an enema procedure if hemorrhoids have reached the 3rd stage. An absolute contraindication is thrombosis of nodes or their infringement.

The tip of the pear should always be soft and rubber; using plastic is prohibited.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Intestinal problems occupy one of the highest places in the number of diseases among men and women; hemorrhoids occur even in young children. Preventing a disease is much easier than curing it. Despite the fact that painful symptoms at the first stage are eliminated within 10 days.

The main rules of prevention are good nutrition, absence of bad habits, and a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages, do not smoke.
  2. Control the consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  3. Monitor your diet, avoid frequent snacking and dry meals.
  4. Control your weight. Extra pounds increase the load on the pelvic organs, cause constipation, and provoke the development of hemorrhoids.
  5. Solve the problem of hormonal imbalance in a timely manner.
  6. Avoid sexually transmitted diseases.
  7. Ensure the presence of normal microflora in the intestines. Additionally, they take probiotics.
  8. Do physical exercise, but avoid heavy loads and overwork.
  9. Take walks daily.
  10. After every hour of sitting in a chair, get up, stretch, and walk around the room.

Treat diseases in a timely manner and prevent chronic processes. During pregnancy, to prevent hemorrhoids, monitor your diet and exercise.

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