Is it possible to have cocoa for gastritis? Proper nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases. The benefits and harms of cocoa

Cocoa is a natural drink that has not only a pleasant chocolate taste, but also healing properties. Is it possible to drink cocoa if you have gastritis, and in what quantity is it difficult to answer unequivocally. Gastritis has many forms and manifestations; cocoa is not beneficial for everyone.

It is not easy to give a definite answer to the question. The drink has miraculous properties and is not formally included in the list of prohibited foods for gastritis. The issue must be approached individually.

Gastritis is an acute or chronic disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Symptoms of gastritis include severe pain in the epigastric region, nausea, heartburn, belching, heaviness in the abdomen, and vomiting. What happens if you drink cocoa if you have gastritis?

The disease can develop due to poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, and chronic stress. But most often gastritis is the result of an infection caused by bacteria (Helicobacter pylori and others). If you ignore the symptoms of the disease for a long time and delay going to the doctor, the disease can take on a chronic form, and then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

A gentle diet is the basis for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. If you have been diagnosed with gastritis, prepare for the fact that some foods will need to be excluded from your diet. Many seemingly harmless dishes and drinks can cause an exacerbation of the disease and worsen the general condition of the body. Is it worth consuming cocoa for gastritis or is it better to give it up completely?

  • 1 What is cocoa
  • 2 Source of good mood
  • 3 Chemical composition
  • 4 The many faces of the disease
  • 5 Harmful properties of cocoa
  • 6 Useful properties of the drink
  • 7 Cons of chocolate drink
  • 8 Buying cocoa
  • 9 Consumption without harm to the stomach
  • 10 Is it possible to drink cocoa if you have gastritis? 10.1 With high acidity
  • 10.2 For low acidity
  • 10.3 For gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • 11 How to prepare cocoa for gastritis
  • 12 Recommendations
  • What is cocoa

    Cocoa is the name given to the seeds (beans) of the tree of the same name, which grows in Central and South America. By pressing, cocoa butter is extracted from them - the basis of everyone's favorite chocolate. And the dry residue obtained after processing is ground and turned into cocoa powder, from which a flavorful drink is subsequently prepared.

    Cocoa is famous for its nutritional value. It contains more than 300 different substances. Among them:

    • vitamins A, E, PP;
    • B vitamins;
    • folic acid;
    • minerals (fluorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus).

    Cocoa beans contain dietary fiber and fiber - components that improve intestinal motility and have a beneficial effect on its microflora. Biologically active substances contained in cocoa stimulate gastric secretion. All this helps to increase appetite and better absorption of food.

    One or two cups of cocoa a day will replenish the deficiency of important vitamins and minerals, “stimulate” digestive processes and will be a good prevention of constipation.

    Chemical composition

    The drink contains useful substances:

    1. The product is rich in folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on blood composition and is beneficial for pregnant women.
    2. The melanin contained in cocoa helps normalize the sleep and wakefulness phases and increases the body's defenses. The substance protects human skin from ultraviolet radiation.
    3. Procyanidin heals skin and hair. It is not without reason that cocoa is used in the manufacture of cosmetics.
    4. Cocoa butter heals wounds and relieves inflammation. Doctors recommend consuming a small amount of the product for ulcers or gastritis.

    Cocoa is useful to take for hypertension; the drink lowers blood pressure.

    The many faces of the disease

    With gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach walls first becomes inflamed. The causes of gastritis can be chronic gastrointestinal diseases, poor environment, and poor lifestyle. Ten different forms of gastritis are diagnosed.

    Based on general symptoms, forms of the disease are divided into four groups:

    • Simple or catarrhal;
    • Toxic chemical;
    • Phlegmonous;
    • Fibrinous.

    Some forms of gastritis are accompanied by changes in the level of acidity in the stomach. Acidity in gastritis can be increased or, on the contrary, decreased. Each form is treated differently and requires a special approach when choosing a menu.

    Cocoa is allowed to be drunk for all forms of gastritis, but it is worth considering how the disease progresses: chronically or acutely. When creating a menu, it is also taken into account in which area of ​​the stomach the inflammatory process is localized.

    The drink of the gods has much more benefits than regular coffee.

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane during gastritis can be located in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract:

    • In the upper part of the stomach;
    • In the antral region;
    • Along all the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The gastrointestinal mucosa is inflamed and in many forms of gastritis, whole milk is excluded from the diet. The irritated stomach of an adult does not digest lactose well, and the inflammation only intensifies.

    After drinking milk, a person develops symptoms:

    • Bloating;
    • Stomach pain;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Flatulence.

    To alleviate the patient’s condition, all foods that irritate the mucous membrane are excluded from the diet. Therefore, it is not always allowed to consume cocoa with whole milk.

    Cooking method

    Cocoa is boiled in milk. Proteins present in the drink perform construction and protective functions. They restore mucous membranes.

    It is forbidden to use soluble powder for gastritis, even drink it with milk. Chemical additives irritate the gastric mucosa. Drinking high-quality cocoa for any gastritis is acceptable if a strict diet is not prescribed and the disease is not in the acute stage. With low acidity, the product stabilizes secretion production. A cup of drink consumed during breakfast invigorates, improves your mood and fills you with energy for the whole day.

    Harmful properties of cocoa

    Contraindications to the use of cocoa come from the individual characteristics of the person.

    1. The harm from cocoa is due to the increased content of purines in the chemical composition. The elements bring more benefit to the human body than harm. Purines break down proteins in the body and participate in DNA synthesis. For a number of people, their increased amount in the body results in inflammatory processes in the joints, ultimately leading to gout. It is not recommended to drink cocoa for people prone to joint syndromes or suffering from excess uric acid in the body.
    2. When purchasing cocoa in a store, pay attention to the manufacturer and the quality of the product. On the market, along with natural cocoa powder, a soluble version is offered. This product contains a lot of dyes and flavorings that are not beneficial.
    3. In a number of tropical countries, cocoa trees are treated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. To exterminate insect pests, the fruits are subjected to radio irradiation. Before purchasing, it is better to clarify how the cocoa powder is made.
    4. The product causes allergic reactions due to essential oils and organic acids with a complex chemical structure.
    5. Excessive consumption leads to excessive stimulation of the nerves, nervousness, increased excitability, negatively affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

    Harm of cocoa to the body

    In most cases, doctors do not prohibit including a drink such as cocoa in the diet. But it is worth understanding that in addition to such valuable beneficial properties, there are also those that can negatively affect the body of a person suffering from gastritis. The negative impact is due to its high calorie content, plant cultivation technology and associated diseases.

    It's no secret that while growing chocolate trees, pesticides are sprayed over the plantations. These are substances (a kind of poison) that fight pests. Some of the harmful substances are still preserved and enter our body when drinking the drink.

    Harmful properties:

    1. Bioactive substances can enhance the production of gastric juice. If a person with gastritis also has increased acidity, then cocoa may worsen the symptoms.
    2. Individual intolerance. The drink may cause allergies in some people. This may be due to the high concentration of essential oils and organic acids (potent allergens).
    3. A soluble analogue of natural cocoa powder is widely available on the modern market. People with gastritis should absolutely not drink it. The analogue contains many flavors and dyes.
    4. The purines contained in the product can lead to inflammatory processes in the joints. People with high uric acid in the body are prohibited from consuming cocoa powder in any form.
    5. Cocoa is a high-calorie product. For people with gastritis, high-calorie drinks and dishes are contraindicated, as they put a lot of stress on the gastric mucosa.
    6. Chocolate powder contains caffeine, so in large quantities this product leads to overstimulation of the nervous system. Frequent excitability can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

    In addition to all of the above, this wonderful drink contains large amounts of protein, starch, organic substances, polysaccharides and tannins. Therefore, it is not surprising that when consumed in excess, the production of gastric juice is activated, which is extremely undesirable for people with gastritis.

    Useful properties of the drink

    The cocoa beans from which the drink is made have a number of beneficial properties. The drink contains useful substances:

    • Phenylethylamine is a substance that affects the human central nervous system and has an antidepressant and stimulating effect.
    • Minerals: calcium, potassium, iron. Necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels in the body.
    • Proteins and carbohydrates. Participate in lipid processes and form muscle tissue.
    • Theobromine is a substance related to caffeine, but less harmful to the cardiovascular system. Reduces spasms of the cardiovascular system; in large quantities, the substance acts as a natural pain reliever. Theobromine is able to suppress the cough reflex and reduce pain in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Vitamins: groups B, C, D, E.
    • Folic acid is necessary for the normal absorption of mineral components.
    • Purines - promote the absorption of proteins in the body.

    Natural cocoa contains 30% more antioxidants than green and black tea. Like high-quality red wine, cocoa accelerates blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. The drink is non-alcoholic and has a pleasant chocolate taste; children and adults adore it.

    Compared to chocolate, cocoa is less fatty. 100 g of chocolate contains at least 20 grams of fat, 200 ml of drink contains only 0.3 grams. The natural drink is high in calories. One cup may contain 250–400 kcal, but due to the low fat content, drinking the drink will not affect your weight. You can reduce calorie content by eliminating sugar from the cooking recipe. The drink will acquire a bitter, velvety taste, but will not lose its benefits.

    Exhausted by constant pain, a patient quickly regains strength by drinking a cup of cocoa. A warm drink warms you up in the winter, and when chilled it is suitable for quenching thirst in the summer.

    Do not forget that cocoa with milk is a complete dish, which can be supplemented with a dry cracker or a baked apple.

    Useful tips for choosing

    To ensure that the drink does not harm your health and does not cause stomach discomfort due to gastritis, you need to choose it correctly.

    • Real and proper cocoa should be brewed like coffee. It should be in the form of crushed beans, not instant powder. Don’t forget to look at the packaging: if it is indicated that the product is alkalized, it means it has been subjected to chemical treatment and there are fewer useful substances in it.
    • It is not recommended to buy a soluble product due to the fact that it may contain dyes and chemical stabilizers that cause irritation to the walls of the stomach.
    • Pay attention to the color too. Real cocoa should be a dark chocolate shade. If the product is grayish or light in color, it has been diluted with something. It is better to refrain from purchasing this product, as foreign substances can adversely affect the stomach with gastritis.
    • The powder should have a uniform consistency, without any foreign lumps. If they are in the mixture, this may indicate that the manufacturer has added foreign ingredients. If the cocoa is fresh, it will meet these requirements.

    If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you don’t have to worry about drinking one cup, because cocoa will not cause severe harm to the stomach. This is a fairly harmless drink with no serious contraindications. It should be excluded from the diet only in severe cases of gastritis or its exacerbation.

    Thus, drinking cocoa during gastritis is possible, and in certain cases even necessary. The drink has a healthy composition that has a beneficial effect on both the stomach and overall well-being. So don't be afraid to have a cup of cocoa. But remember that if you have discomfort and pain in the stomach, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

    Cons of chocolate drink

    Cocoa has many advantages, but despite the benefits, the drink has disadvantages. Basically, the negative impact of the drink is associated with the individual functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a patient with gastritis.

    Before adding hot chocolate to the diet, the patient must undergo a full examination so that the doctor can understand the entire clinical picture of the disease.

    The drink is contraindicated in the following categories of patients:

    • People with inflammatory joint diseases;
    • There are diseases that cause excess uric acid;
    • Superficial gastritis.

    Purine in cocoa, on the one hand, has a positive effect on the body and promotes the absorption of proteins and participates in the formation of deoxyribonucleic acid. But, on the other hand, the substance has a depressing effect on the condition of the patient who suffers from inflammatory diseases of the joints. Constant consumption of cocoa leads to complications, the patient develops gout.

    You can consume cocoa for gastritis, but if you do not have a history of the above diseases

    People with gastritis should treat the instant product with caution. Stores offer instant cocoa that does not require cooking. 90% of instant drinks contain practically no cocoa beans. In the first place are the components: dyes, thickeners, sugar, flavorings. An artificial drink will harm a sore stomach and provoke another attack of acute pain. Even a healthy body is not always able to absorb artificial components.

    Before purchasing cocoa powder, pay attention to the composition of the product and the country of manufacture. Try to purchase cocoa from producers in the countries where the chocolate tree grows: Latin America, Africa, Thailand

    The powder is purchased in China, and various flavorings and coloring components are added to its composition. This makes the product cheaper, but its quality leaves much to be desired.

    The big disadvantages include the treatment of cocoa beans from insects. In hot countries, large cockroaches settle on chocolate trees and during harvesting, the insects end up in the finished product. Chitin in insects can cause a severe allergy attack in humans. Various pesticides are used to control pests, which are not always permitted in our country. At the end of 2000, high-frequency radio rays were used to combat insects in Latin America and equator Africa. Drinking cocoa made from such beans is not only contraindicated for gastritis, but also dangerous for a healthy person.

    It is safer to buy a product from a domestic manufacturer that has been tested and approved by the Ministry of Health. Among the well-known manufacturers are: Cargill, Dukat, Nestlé Russia, Rot Front, Cocoa Product. The average price for a pack of 100 g starts from 70 rubles.

    Cocoa – is it possible or not?

    A sick person, as a rule, begins to be more attentive to his own health. But sometimes it is very difficult to give up your habits and favorite foods. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor about your diet.

    Let's consider the drink most people love - cocoa. The powder for making the bottom drink is obtained from cocoa beans hidden in the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree. They contain a huge number of components with different effects on the human body, that is, they can be useful and vice versa.

    It is impossible to immediately determine whether it is recommended to drink cocoa for gastritis or not, because this drink has some kind of unique healing properties, and there are no contraindications for it. But at the same time there are concerns, therefore:

    • Cocoa is quite acceptable for gastritis, but only in moderate quantities. Moreover, it must be brewed only with milk. Since both cocoa powder and milk contain protein. After all, it is he who performs the function of one of the main building materials in your body. In particular, the inflamed gastric mucosa requires a sufficient supply of proteins. But at the same time, the high calorie content of this drink can lead to excessive stress on the stomach. So, you are allowed to drink it, but not much;
    • Instant cocoa powder must be selected carefully. It may contain a very large number of different dyes and flavors, including other chemicals in the form of preservatives, stabilizers, etc., which are absolutely unacceptable in the diet for gastritis. Therefore, it is important to remember that the first rule of health is choosing the right foods;
    • Cocoa powder contains not only a sufficient amount of protein, but also tannins, starch, organic acids and polysaccharides. In this regard, excessive consumption of the drink provokes the secretion of gastric juice, which is only possible with gastritis with low acidity.

    Having talked about the great benefits of cocoa, it is impossible not to touch on its harmful sides. The most insignificant aspect is that cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine, which can have a detrimental effect on well-being. Therefore, it is recommended to brew the drink only with milk, without adding water.

    But the most incredible thing is that cocoa beans become harmful due to the fault of the producers. About 99% of beans undergo harmful processing in unsanitary conditions. To obtain a good harvest, plantations use pesticides and inorganic fertilizers in very large volumes. For this type of processing in crop production, cocoa ranks first in the world. Next, when entering industrial production, the beans undergo radiological treatment to remove various insects. The cocoa powder obtained in this way is supplied to the shelves of the world market. Therefore, when purchasing cocoa, you need to know that the most valuable, not only in terms of cost, is live cocoa. It is collected by hand from wild trees. The second best quality is organic cocoa, grown without the use of fertilizers. The third is an industrial product with fertilizers, etc. And in last place is colored powder with flavors.

    Determining a quality product is not easy. First of all, you need to pay attention to the country of origin and the proportion of fat in the composition, it should be at least 15%. Then try rubbing a small amount of powder between your fingers. A high-quality product will not roll into a lump or crumble. When brewed, good cocoa does not leave sediment.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that drinking cocoa is allowed, but it is necessary to take its choice seriously and observe the measure for various forms of gastritis. And if you believe scientists from the University of Munich, who discovered a substance called “cocokhil” in the powder, which supposedly promotes cell growth and heals wounds, then cocoa may even be a useful drink for patients with gastritis in any form.

    Among cocoa lovers, there is a well-founded opinion that it contains endorphin, the hormone of happiness, and in considerable quantities. So drink it with pleasure and be healthy. But, nevertheless, the choice is still yours.

    Buying cocoa

    It is not even the plant product itself that can cause harm to the body, but the conditions of cultivation and processing. According to research results, cocoa powder produced in China is of low quality. Trees of this type do not grow in China: local entrepreneurs purchase fruits of dubious quality in southern countries and process them in poor conditions.

    When purchasing powder in a store, carefully study the information on the packaging - country of origin, expiration date and composition.

    If the doctor has given his go-ahead for cocoa consumption, then you need to be extremely careful when choosing a product. When purchasing cocoa powder, first of all pay attention to the country of origin. According to research, cocoa from China has lower quality. As you know, cocoa trees do not grow in China, so the fruits are bought in southern countries (of dubious quality), processed and put on the market.

    Shelf life is important. An expired product can harm your body. Also pay attention to the composition and integrity of the packaging. Remember that high-quality chocolate powder must contain at least 15% fat. When rubbed in your palms, it should not roll into lumps. Also, if the cocoa is of good quality, there will be no sediment at the bottom of the brewed drink.

    Useful video

    Did you know that cocoa promotes brain function? This is described in detail in the story from the program “Live Healthy!” Look, it's interesting!

    As you can see, cocoa can be a useful product for people suffering from various forms of gastritis. To prevent the drink from causing harm, it is necessary to prepare it correctly, consume it in moderate doses, and also use only standard cocoa powder for preparation, and not ready-made mixtures. Then a chocolate drink will bring pleasure and help improve your well-being.

    Consumption without harm to the stomach

    Starch, polysaccharides and tannins in cocoa beans in small quantities increase the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is more useful for gastritis with low acidity; you are allowed to consume 2-3 cups per day.

    A small amount of cocoa will not harm the stomach with gastritis, but on the contrary, will be beneficial

    For patients with gastritis with high acidity, the following recipe is used:

    • Take 200 ml of milk with 1.5% fat content and 2 teaspoons of dry powder. The ingredients are mixed and placed on the fire until it boils. After foam appears, the drink is removed from the heat. Drink with a little sugar added.

    Recipe for patients with low acidity due to gastritis:

    • For 150 ml of water take 2 teaspoons of dry powder, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon. Mix the ingredients and cook until boiling. The drink is filtered through a fine strainer and served with a cracker or small marshmallows.

    Patients with high acidity can drink 1 cup per day. It is not allowed to drink a drink that is hot or too cold; it is better if the cocoa is lukewarm. You should drink chocolate in small sips so as not to irritate the inflamed gastric mucosa.

    Cocoa is consumed in the morning or at lunch, as the drink is invigorating and can cause insomnia before bed. Be careful when drinking the drink with astringent fruits (persimmons). Tannins, protein and astringent components can combine in the stomach and form a hard lump that will have to be removed surgically.

    Drinking a small amount of cocoa drink for gastritis is allowed and will even be beneficial. The drink is especially useful for patients with low acidity, since a slight increase in secretory activity will benefit the patient.

    How to cook cocoa correctly

    You need to cook chocolate powder for gastritis in low-fat milk. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on medium heat (do not leave for too long, as the milk boils quickly and can escape). As soon as the dairy product boils, pour in a thin stream (stirring) chocolate powder and then sugar (for half a liter of milk we take 1 tbsp cocoa and 1 tbsp sugar). Mix well. Cook for about 4-5 minutes over low heat.

    People with gastritis need to take into account that if cocoa was included in the diet, then it can only be drunk warm. All food and drinks are strictly prohibited to be consumed hot. This can damage the gastric mucosa.

    Is it possible to drink cocoa if you have gastritis?

    It is recommended to drink cocoa for gastritis during periods of remission. Patients must have no symptoms of gastritis such as pain and nausea, heartburn and other manifestations.

    You also need to proceed from the sensations after drinking the drink; if after a cup the patient feels great and does not experience any discomfort in the stomach, then he can easily afford to drink a mug of a healthy and tasty drink once a day.

    With high acidity

    Drinking cocoa for inflammation of the gastric mucosa is allowed in small quantities, brewing it with milk.

    Both cocoa and milk contain protein substances that act as building materials for the cellular structures of our body. Damaged mucous tissues are in great need of these components, so cocoa in this situation is a fairly useful product for the digestive system.

    However, this product is considered to be quite high in calories, so it puts quite a high load on the gastrointestinal tract, so it is not recommended to drink it if you have high acidity. In addition, the product stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which only increases hyperacidity.

    With low acidity

    But with low acidity of gastric juice, this product, on the contrary, is very useful. It contains tanning components, starch, and acids of organic origin, which increase the secretion of gastric juice.

    With hypoacid gastritis, such an effect is only useful, so drinking cocoa with low acidity is extremely useful, but, of course, in moderation.

    For stomach and duodenal ulcers

    It is very undesirable for people with ulcers to consume products containing caffeine. Including chocolate and cocoa. However, you should not completely give up the drink, which brings so many benefits for digestion. If cocoa for ulcers is prohibited in its usual form (with milk and sugar), then it can be consumed as a folk medicine.

    Additional components included in the medicinal drug neutralize the undesirable effects of caffeine and organic acids on the gastric mucosa.

    Thus, the beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in cocoa will be absorbed by the body without any interference.

    What is gastritis

    Today, doctors count about ten types of this disease, and each has several more stages. Therefore, if you feel discomfort when eating, you need to think about your health.

    When the disease occurs, the acid balance of the stomach is disturbed, and, based on it, gastritis with high and low acidity is determined. Considering the main factors leading to increased acidity:

    • eating spicy and fatty foods, smoking, love of hot food and strong drinks, overeating;
    • metabolic disorders in the body as a result of an infectious disease and the use of antibiotics. Failure in the endocrine system;
    • work in hazardous industries, etc.

    We can say that there are many reasons, and it is impossible to take into account everything. The main thing to keep in mind is that gastritis with high acidity occurs mainly when the stomach produces a digestive enzyme in very large quantities.

    During the diagnosis of the disease, the correct choice of treatment is facilitated.

    How to prepare cocoa for gastritis

    For gastritis, it is allowed to consume cocoa if the disease is not in an acute stage. Features of use are shown below.

    1. If you have gastritis, you should drink cocoa infrequently, in moderation.
    2. It is healthier to brew cocoa with milk for gastritis. The chemical composition of the drink is rich in protein, which performs construction and protective functions in the body. During the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, the stomach needs useful nourishment.
    3. The product is high in calories. To avoid excessive stress on the stomach, it is recommended to drink cocoa in small portions for gastritis with high acidity.
    4. Do not drink a drink made from instant starting powder. Such cocoa contains flavorings, chemical stabilizers and dyes that are unacceptable in the diet of a patient with gastritis. Use exclusively natural powder obtained from benign fruits, which will benefit the body and delight you with a pleasant taste.
    5. In addition to protein, natural cocoa powder contains polysaccharides, tannins, organic acids and minerals. The substances are chemically active; if they enter the stomach in excess, they can provoke increased gastric secretion. With gastritis with high acidity, the process leads to a pronounced aggravation and deterioration of health.
    6. The drink can have a healing effect for gastritis with reduced secretion. Stimulating the production of gastric juice will have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition.

    Tips and tricks

    There are certain recommendations from doctors for drinking the drink:

    1. You can drink cocoa only at the stage of stable remission;
    2. the amount of drink during the day should be moderate; usually, it is recommended to drink no more than a couple of cups;
    3. It will be healthier for the stomach if you prepare it using low-fat milk;
    4. given its high calorie content, cocoa should be consumed in small portions, this way you can reduce the functional load on the digestive organ;
    5. You should not use a ready-made soluble product, because its composition contains too many synthetic additives that can cause significant harm to the epithelial lining;
    6. If we talk about the therapeutic effect, it is observed in the case of low secretion of hydrochloric acid; in other clinical situations you need to be careful with the use of cocoa.

    Elevated levels of hydrochloric acid: what to do?

    Attention! In order not to harm the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to consume cocoa slightly warmed up. It is not recommended to drink a very hot or very cold drink. The process should not be rushed; sips should be small and rare.

    The ideal time for the product is morning or lunch hours. It is better not to drink it in the evening, since such a ritual can provoke excitement of the central nervous system and lead to insomnia. You should not combine liquid with fruits that have an astringent base. These include, for example, persimmon. This is due to the fact that the components that make up both products (protein, tanning elements, astringent compounds) can form a solid food lump in the lumen of the organ, which will be digested with high energy costs and excessive load on the affected organ.


    In order for the cocoa drink to be only beneficial for gastritis sufferers, you need to follow some of the gastroenterologist’s recommendations when consuming it.

    1. The drink should be consumed in moderate dosages.
    2. It is better to brew the powder with milk, which will only increase the beneficial properties of the drink. And in the presence of inflammatory lesions of the mucous tissues, additional nutrition is extremely important for the stomach.
    3. You should not drink a drink made from instant powder. This product contains flavorings and various additives, stabilizers and dyes, which are strictly contraindicated for gastritis sufferers. It is necessary to use only natural raw materials for the drink. Only such cocoa will bring the expected benefits.
    4. The drink has a high calorie content. In order to prevent exacerbation of the pathological process, you need to limit the consumption of the drink for hyperacid gastritis to one cup per day and only with milk.
    5. Such a drink can have a full therapeutic effect on gastritis of a hypoacid nature.
    6. In addition to protein components, the product contains polysaccharides and minerals, acids of organic origin and tannins. With excessive consumption of the drink, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid secretion occurs.

    Sources: kakao-pri-gastrite.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Last modified: 03/19/2020

    Rules for drinking the drink

    You should drink the drink only in the absence of exacerbations - if you have stomach pain, heartburn, nausea and other symptoms of the disease, it is better to refrain from taking it. For gastritis with high acidity, cocoa can be drunk only if there is a long period of remission and there are no contraindications. The choice of product should be approached carefully. You should only purchase natural drinks. It is better to give preference to live cocoa produced in the countries where chocolate beans are collected.

    The natural product has a large number of beneficial properties and does not contain dyes or flavors that are harmful to the stomach. It is not advisable to purchase instant cocoa powder. For gastritis, it is recommended to prepare a chocolate drink with the addition of milk: in this way it becomes even more useful due to the large amount of protein in the composition. It is best to use milk with a low fat content. The drink should be drunk little by little and infrequently. Due to the effect of caffeine, it is advisable to drink it in the morning.

    Method of preparation: boil 200 ml of milk, mix 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa in a separate cup, add a little sugar, mix with a few tablespoons of hot water. The resulting mixture should be homogeneous. The prepared cocoa should be added to milk simmering over low heat and brought to a boil again. The finished drink is poured into mugs and infused for a few more minutes.

    Advice: for gastritis with high acidity, you should start consuming cocoa in small doses, gradually increasing its amount to one cup per day.

    For gastritis with high acidity, cocoa should be consumed in small doses, gradually increasing its amount to one cup per day

    With gastritis, it is important to monitor proper nutrition and the condition of the stomach. The diet should be as varied as possible; it should include different foods, including cocoa. Consuming it in small doses will benefit the body. Drinking the drink for gastritis in unlimited quantities is prohibited due to the risk of exacerbation.

    Advice from a gastroenterologist! If a person has never tried cocoa before contracting gastritis, and therefore does not know whether there is an allergy to a new product, it is worth taking tolerance tests. Otherwise, arrogance may result in aggravation.

    People suffering from gastritis (regardless of the type of acidity) should avoid using so-called “ready-made” mixtures in sticks for preparing drinks. Such a convenient product may cause a flare-up not because of the cocoa itself, but because of the additives intended to enhance the taste. Even concentrates intended for children contain a sufficient amount of sugar and flavorings. “Hot chocolate” in bags is also dangerous.


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