Cookies for gastritis - benefit or harm?

Cookies are not an essential product, but they are tasty and satisfying.
Morning tea with cookies is a good ending to breakfast, it adds strength, gives the body a sufficient amount of carbohydrates that fill us with energy and mood. Even overweight people can eat cookies in the first half of the day. Over the remaining day, it will be successfully digested and will not linger on the sides and waist. For gastritis and ulcers, cookies can also be eaten. But not everything and not at any time of the day. Let's find out which one and when.

Determining the time of day

Considering that a patient with gastritis is recommended to eat fractional meals, we will determine at what hours you can afford to eat cookies.

Activation of the digestive system begins early, from 7 am. breakfast should take place between 7 and 9 o'clock . This can be any porridge prepared with milk or water, herbal tea or tea with milk. Cookies are very appropriate at this time; they are easy to digest, especially if you started the day with oatmeal.

If porridge is enough for you in the morning, you can eat cookies during the second breakfast , which should take place 2 - 3 hours after the first breakfast. Remember that the stomach of a person with gastritis should not be empty, otherwise he will “eat himself.” The optimal second breakfast is a glass of milk or herbal tea with cookies or crackers, allowed fruit. If you want to butter the cookies, be sure to drink a warm drink - a decoction of herbs, tea with milk.

The most active secretion of the stomach occurs during lunch , from 12.30 to 13.30 hours. This is already your third meal. The first course is important here, but cookies are also not contraindicated, at the end of the meal, of course.

That's all. Afternoon time prohibits foods rich in carbohydrates. The afternoon snack should be fruit or milk, dinner should be vegetable or fish. After 21 hours, eating flour products is simply harmful - this is a direct road to obesity. A glass of milk or kefir at night is the best option to complete your daily diet.

This scheme is general; we analyzed nutrition from a physiological point of view. It is clear that with different forms of gastritis, adjustments need to be made, but the time frame of your diet looks exactly like this.

Express diagnosis of gastritis

To determine what type of disease has affected the body, you need to answer a number of questions and, if most of the answers are positive, then you will get a typical picture of a stomach disease.

Diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity

  1. Do you have a constant bad taste after eating?
  2. Do you complain of poor appetite?
  3. Do you have morning nausea?
  4. Do you have any complaints about belching air?
  5. Does rumbling in your stomach bother you?
  6. Do you experience a feeling of fullness in your stomach?
  7. Do you suffer from intestinal disorder?
  8. Are you over forty years old?

Diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity

  1. Do you have pain in your stomach that occurs periodically?
  2. Is there a feeling of heaviness in the pit of your stomach?
  3. Do you suffer from heartburn?
  4. Are you familiar with burping air with a sour smell?
  5. Chronic constipation?

This type of disease is 60 percent more common and leads to stomach ulcers.

The diet for different types of gastritis varies. The table discusses in detail the recommendations of nutritionists for patients suffering from gastritis.

Low acid levelHigh acid level
What is healthy to eat?
  • Meat, fish (low-fat) - can be breaded with breadcrumbs, fried in a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • Soups of various types, with meat and fish broths;
  • Whole milk as an ingredient in prepared foods and drinks;
  • Egg dishes (except hard-boiled);
  • Porridge cooked in a slow cooker;
  • Whole milk as an independent dish;
  • Vegetables of any heat treatment, except fried;
  • Non-acidic cottage cheese, heavy cream;
  • Pasta and porridge (millet porridge is not allowed);
  • Poultry, especially turkey, lean meat, lean fish and poultry;
  • Fruits are not sour.
What is harmful to the stomach?
  • Fried foods, spicy foods;
  • Factory-made canned food (you can also use home-made canned food prepared in an autoclave without spices and vinegar);
  • Soft fresh bread, yeast dough products, baked goods;
  • Strong broths, especially mushroom ones;
  • Marinades, smoked meats, raw vegetables.
Baking, butter-based confectionery, yeast dough

The table highlights products that belong to the class of bakery and confectionery products. All of them belong to the group of harmful foods for a sick stomach.

But this list doesn't say anything about cookies. Are these goodies really banned now? - you ask. Not everything is so bad, let’s say right away, there are cookies that can and should be eaten for gastritis.


According to the greatest expert on Russian cooking, V.V. Pokhlebkin, cookies are any small baked goods without the addition of yeast. The modern classification looks slightly different and divides all cookies into the following types:

  1. Sugar . Contains up to 27% sugar and up to 30% fat. For preparation, premium and first grade flour is used. Popular types are “Creamy”, “Milk”, “Checkerboard”.
  2. Lingering . In this type of baking, there is much less sugar and fat: almost 2 times. Popular brands are “Maria”, “Zoological”, “Croquet”. The composition contains margarine, other confectionery fats, sugar, melange, egg powder, whole or powdered milk.
  3. Butter . The largest and most diverse group. Only the highest grades of flour are used, and a lot of eggs, fats and sugar are also put into the dough. Divide butter cookies into the following types - shortbread, whipped, nut and croutons. Oatmeal cookies are also a type of baked product. Popular types are “Merringue”, “Almond”, “Chocolate”.

The composition of any type of cookie openly contradicts the principles of dietary nutrition. From the above list, only prolonged baking is suitable for patients with gastritis, but even this should not be abused. Let's try to find a compromise and talk about specific types of cookies.

Let's sum it up

  • Not all cookies are good for gastritis;
  • You cannot eat solid food, you must chew the food well, avoiding whole pieces from entering the stomach;
  • The healthiest product for gastritis is oatmeal. Oatmeal cookies can and should be consumed by patients with both increased and decreased secretory function of the stomach;
  • Oatmeal cookies are both food and medicine;
  • If you have a sick stomach, eat homemade cakes. In mass production, harmful additives, preservatives, and thickeners are used.

In conclusion, here are recipes for healthy homemade oatmeal cookies.

Oatmeal – is it possible or not?

We have researched a lot of information about oatmeal cookies. It is positioned as useful and completely approved for dietary nutrition, including for gastritis and ulcers. We cannot agree with such statements, since the classic version of the oatmeal cookie recipe is the butter variety. Therefore, it is still not recommended to use it for gastritis and ulcers.

Another thing is oatmeal unsweetened cookies, prepared with your own hands. This is what we recommend to patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The cooking recipe is given below.

General recommendations for diets for gastritis

Gastritis is divided into acute, chronic, with low and high acidity. Most often, people suffer from chronic stomach diseases. Doctors still cannot clearly answer the question: what causes gastritis? A large analysis of data on patients with this disease is being carried out around the world. The conclusions can be summarized as follows:

  • The main cause of chronic gastritis is stress and poor diet;
  • Acute gastritis - stress, seasonal phenomena (exacerbation occurs in spring and autumn), physiological and hereditary predisposition.


The product biscuits can only be classified as cookies conditionally.
The composition of biscuits includes various flours - not only wheat, but also buckwheat, peas, and rice. They do not contain eggs or sugar, but some recipes contain yeast and fat. Traditionally, biscuits are used instead of bread because they can retain their nutritional value for a very long time. For yeast-free varieties, this period is 2 years! Such a yeast-free flatbread for gastritis is not prohibited if it does not contain traumatic additives - bran, whole grains and others. It is better not to eat yeast and fatty biscuits if you have gastritis.

Cookies for gastritis

Cookies are a confectionery product that contains various ingredients in different proportions. There are many varieties of the product; it is difficult to describe all the varieties of confectionery products called cookies:

  • Biscuits;
  • Biscuit;
  • Curd;
  • Dairy;
  • Sugar;
  • Cracker;
  • Puff paste;
  • Custard.

All cookies have one thing in common - they contain flour. Flour also comes in different varieties - wheat, rye, oatmeal, rice. If we consider the effect of cookies on the stomach, we must begin by assessing the reaction of the digestive organ. Dishes made from wheat flour are considered hard on the stomach.

Wheat and rye flour contains the following substances: starch, pentosans, cellulose, and fats. All these substances are beneficial for the stomach individually, but collectively, during the cooking process we get dough that is subjected to heat treatment. Various additives are added to the dough, including yeast, and as a result we obtain a bakery or confectionery product, which includes various types of cookies.

Let's evaluate the harm and benefits of cookies for people suffering from gastritis, and answer the question of whether it is possible to eat cookies for gastritis with impaired secretory function of the stomach.

During the period of stable remission

If gastritis has not worsened for more than 6 months, and your secretory function is normal, you can allow yourself the following treats:

  • Long-lasting cookies “Maria” and “Crocket” . They still contain sugar and fat, but in smaller quantities than in sugar or butter varieties.
  • "Anniversary" . Sugar cookies that can successfully replace a pastry or cake. If the acidity is high or zero, it’s better not to risk it.
  • Cracker . Let's include here our own baked goods and biscuits. How to use is written above.
  • puff pastry, chocolate, or filled products even in the stage of stable remission. It can cause an aggravation.

What cookies are recommended for gastritis?

  • In addition to oatmeal cookies, you can eat unsalted crackers without additives, dry cookies without fillings or with fillings of jam, natural non-sour jam and marmalade;
  • It is not recommended to eat cookies covered with chocolate icing. Chocolate is a strong irritant to the digestive system;
  • You can’t make shortbread cookies with a lot of butter, especially with low acidity. When there is not enough acid, it is difficult to process heavy, fatty foods;
  • Use salty crackers and biscuits with caution. In the acute phase of the disease, avoid salt altogether or add a minimal amount to prepared foods;
  • Skip the nut cookies. Nuts are difficult to digest and burden the stomach;
  • Biscuit cookies can be consumed, but limited.

A few simple recipes

The best choice is homemade cookies. In this case, the risk of exacerbation of gastritis is minimized, because you are sure of the composition of the baked goods.

Savory with lemon (with low acidity)

  1. Grind the zest of one lemon in a blender, mix with sugar or powder (50 - 75 grams).
  2. Add a glass of premium flour, 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, a pinch of soda, slaked with lemon juice.
  3. Add 100 ml of water to the mixture and knead the dough.
  4. Roll out and bake on a baking sheet for half an hour. Temperature – 176 – 180 degrees.

From oatmeal (with high acidity)

To make homemade cookies you will need:

  1. Any non-acidic fruit puree for baby food – 1 cup.
  2. Oatmeal, additionally crushed in a coffee grinder - so much so that when mixed with puree, a thick mass is obtained.
  3. If desired, you can add fillers - ground dried fruits, sesame seeds.

Mix all ingredients and let stand until completely thickened. Line a baking tray with baking paper or foil, which we grease evenly with oil. Spread the mixture, level it out, bake for 30 minutes. Then cut it into rectangles with a knife.

The result is a product that resembles a hard marshmallow. There are many advantages - simple, affordable for any budget, delicious.

Homemade biscuits

To avoid buying bread, dedicate one day to baking galettes. The recipe is simple and quick, and the biscuits store well. Need to:

Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add a little salt, preferably sea salt. Add enough flour to knead a stiff dough. If the flour is of the highest grade, you will need 2 - 2.5 cups. Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands, at the end add 30 grams of vegetable oil and stir a little more. Let the finished dough rest for 15 minutes, covering it with cling film or a bowl. Then roll out, cut into rectangles, prick holes with a knife or fork, and bake for no more than 10 minutes.

Place the cooled biscuits in a paper bag or jar with a lid and use them instead of bread.

Oatmeal cookies for gastritis

The healthiest, most delicious treat that a person with a stomach disease can afford is oatmeal cookies. Why are oatmeal cookies healthy? It does not contain flour, but oatmeal. Oatmeal, entering the stomach, is converted into a gelatinous mass that envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents the walls from being corroded by hydrochloric acid.

Is it possible to eat oatmeal cookies if you have low stomach acidity?

Yes, if acid is low, eating oatmeal will promote acid production. Getting from the stomach to the duodenum, oatmeal helps normalize digestion processes.

Oatmeal is literally a natural cure for peptic ulcers and gastritis. The product actively fights enterocolitis, indigestion and stomach upset, prevents diarrhea and bloating.

The flakes act as a kind of sponge for the intestines, cleaning rotting products and toxins from its walls.

Nutritional value of the product

Any sweets, especially baked goods made from white flour, are high in calories and contain large amounts of sugar and fat . Of the latter, 100 grams of shortbread cookies account for almost 20% of the daily value.

It is difficult to call such a product healthy, but in limited quantities it can be consumed at breakfast or as a snack.

The calorie content and nutritional value of cookies depends on the ingredients from which the product is made.


100 g of oatmeal cookies contain:

  • proteins 5.6 g,
  • carbohydrates 74.5 g,
  • fats (saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) 15 g,
  • sugar 31 g.

Oatmeal cookies have a calorie content of 430 kcal per 100 grams. The product is high in fiber (2.6 g) and contains potassium and sodium.


Yubileiny cookies contain:

  • Protein 7 g,
  • Carbohydrates 66 g,
  • Fat 19 g,
  • Sugar 30 g.

The calorie content of this type is 463 kcal.

Approximately the same content is found in other similar inconvenient species: Maria et al.


Galette cookies have the lowest calorie content - 395 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • protein – 9.45 g,
  • carbohydrates – 66.58 g,
  • fat – 9.35 g,
  • sugar 10 g.

As a rule, there are no restrictions on them; use for pancreatitis and ulcers is allowed ( not dry! )


Shortbread cookies contain a high amount of fat and about 20 mg of cholesterol. Nutritional value of the product:

  • proteins – 5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 54 g;
  • sugar – 12.5 g;
  • fat – 20 g.

The calorie content of the “sand” variety is 412 kcal.

Homemade recipe

Oatmeal cookies stimulate intestinal peristalsis and can completely replace oatmeal porridge. Other types of dessert are not of particular importance as a food product. They will not bring benefits to the body, but in small quantities they will not be harmful.

This video presents a simple recipe for dietary oatmeal cookies, we recommend you try it.

You can see other recipes here.

Eating cookies for gastritis is allowed only when the disease is in remission. During periods of exacerbation, this delicacy is prohibited.

Is it possible to eat cookies with fillings?

Preliminary study required:

  • composition;
  • calorie content of purchased sweets;
  • fat content indicator.

There are disagreements - the fillings even in simple cookies are greasy and cause unpleasant sensations after consumption. Think about whether eating sweets is worth it to the detriment of your health.

Before choosing cookies, those with a sweet tooth should consider the components of the product. For example, sugar is not prohibited. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is not a barrier to consuming sugar in moderation, but the combination with excess fat creates discomfort.

Cookies with condensed milk

Real condensed milk consists of healthy calcium and milk protein, does not contain dyes or flavor enhancers. If the cookies are made with natural and unboiled condensed milk, it will not cause any discomfort in a patient with gastritis. Don't forget about the calorie content of the product.

Cookies with chocolate filling

For gastritis, chocolate is prohibited; cookies with it are not recommended. Due to its fat content, the product is difficult to absorb by the body, and the mucous membrane is irritated. The matter becomes more complicated because manufacturers put in cookies:

  • flavorings;
  • unwanted additives;
  • nut;
  • raisin.

The last 2 products are prohibited if you are ill. If it is difficult for those with a sweet tooth to exclude chocolate cookies from their diet, it is possible to eat a small amount of sweets, provided that the cookies contain dark chocolate. Not allowed:

  • milk chocolate cookies;
  • white chocolate cookies.

Oatmeal cookies for acute gastritis and high acidity

  1. Grind the flakes, pour in warm Nezhenka puree to make a very viscous paste. Leave covered for five minutes. Preheat the sissy in the microwave to 60 degrees;
  2. Add dried fruits;
  3. Lay parchment on a baking sheet, grease with odorless vegetable oil, place the mixture with a spoon;
  4. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

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