Is it possible to eat dumplings or dumplings with gastritis, and what are the risks?

With cherry

If a person with gastritis has low acidity, then even the vitamins contained in cherries will not save them from exacerbation. In addition, cherries can make your stomach bloat, which is already unpleasant, and with gastritis, it will not be the most desirable phenomenon. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat dumplings with cherries if you have gastritis!

The benefits of ready meals

Many experts and ordinary people talk about the benefits of dumplings, and there are discussions on this topic. Of course, the usefulness of a dish directly depends on its filling. As a rule, the following components are used for it:

  • Cabbage.
  • Potato.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Lean meat.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fruits.

Based on what you put in your culinary masterpiece, you need to talk about the benefits brought to the body.

Fruit dumplings have a lot of useful properties:

  • Saturate the body with the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals.
  • They improve intestinal function, help regulate stool production, and prevent the leaching of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • They help maintain your figure and do not exceed the normal percentage of calories.
  • They increase emotional mood, can replace harmful sweets and satisfy the desire to enjoy something tasty.

Meat fillings provide:

  • Receipt of the required amount of protein.
  • Accelerate metabolism, improve metabolism.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Prevents the formation of fatty deposits.

A dish with cottage cheese is a storehouse of useful ingredients, which:

  • Ensures the supply of calcium to the body.
  • Participate in strengthening bones and teeth.
  • Helps achieve superiority of muscle mass over fat.
  • They saturate the body for a long period of time, you will not feel hungry.

Based on your physiological needs and personal preferences, you can choose a variation of the dish that suits you in all respects and fully satisfies your gastronomic desires.

With cabbage

Cabbage is a food that is too difficult to digest, so people with gastritis are advised to stay away from it, especially when stewed or fried. Once again, you shouldn’t even make fresh salads with this vegetable.

If a person has gastritis and he is wondering whether he can prepare dumplings, in what way and with what filling, then it is worth considering the following table:

Variety of dumplingsIs it possible with gastritis?Why you can or cannot eat the dish
With cherryIt is forbiddenCherries provoke bloating and promote the release of hydrochloric acid.
With potatoCanSmall quantities are acceptable. Avoid spices and fried onions in the filling.
With cottage cheeseCanCottage cheese has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but it is not recommended to abuse it.
With cabbageIt is forbiddenCabbage is difficult to digest, which means it will require the release of a large amount of hydrochloric acid.

Having found out what filling is allowed in standard dumplings, we can talk about why lazy dumplings are an excellent alternative to all the varieties of this dish presented above.

Important! If you have gastritis, you can only eat homemade dumplings, since they do not contain chemicals, various dyes and similar additives that sick people should not consume.

Lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings for gastritis are just an ideal option. You can add potatoes or cottage cheese, butter, a little flour, a minimal amount of salt and spices to this dish. Such dumplings will be very useful for the digestive system and can slightly alleviate the patient’s condition. In addition, doctors may recommend such dumplings even for dinner, although you should not get carried away with this dish and eat it every day.

To prepare suitable lazy dumplings, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • take half a kilogram of cottage cheese for a glass of flour;
  • add 2 tablespoons of sugar and mix the ingredients;
  • add 3 tablespoons of butter and 1 egg, a little salt;
  • knead the dough, form small dumplings and throw them into hot water for a couple of minutes.

Dumplings prepared according to this recipe can be safely eaten with low-fat sour cream.

When can you eat dumplings with gastritis?

The product consists of components that are by no means gentle or light on the stomach, as required by diet therapy for gastritis sufferers.
It is strictly unacceptable to eat this product for all types of gastritis during the acute period of the pathology. Store-bought dumplings are also prohibited, as they contain many different preservatives and other unacceptable additives. Boiled mini pies are not allowed for hypoacid gastritis, since with such a pathology the stomach will only be able to process light, dietary food, which dumplings do not belong to. This product is not recommended for patients with signs of obesity, since it is high in calories and will only add extra pounds.

When eating dumplings, gastritis sufferers must follow a number of rules, only then this product will be beneficial and will not cause a gastritis relapse

If the patient has been in remission for quite a long time, and he suffers from chronic gastritis of a hyperacid nature, and the disease does not remind of itself, then you can allow such relaxation once a week and eat homemade dumplings. But it is unacceptable to violate the nutritional program recommended by the gastroenterologist by including whatever you want in your diet.

When eating dumplings, gastritis sufferers must follow a number of rules, only then this product will be beneficial and will not cause a gastritis relapse:

  • You cannot buy ready-made semi-finished dumplings: usually frozen products from stores contain many different additives, and of a toxic nature. Sometimes such dumplings are prepared from raw materials of dubious quality, which is no less dangerous for patients;
  • try to cook dumplings yourself: then you can prepare a product for yourself from dietary meat like chicken or turkey, and also limit the addition of seasonings and spices. In addition, for gastritis, it is better to knead the dough without eggs, only with water;
  • when eating dumplings, you need to make sure that they are not too hot: since an uncooled product can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is already affected by inflammatory processes;
  • You shouldn’t overuse dumplings either: if hyperacid gastritis is in remission, you can eat them no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • You cannot add any sauces, mayonnaise, vinegar or other additives to the dish: after all, in case of inflammation of the stomach, these products are on the prohibited list;
  • It is allowed to eat dumplings only for gastritis, which does not manifest itself in any way: that is, after such food the stomach does not show any pathological symptoms. You can eat no more than 15 medium-sized dumplings at a time;
  • do not stop taking medications: even when gastritis symptoms disappear and do not bother you for a long time, until the course prescribed by the doctor ends, it is forbidden to stop taking medications on your own. Moreover, the enzymatic medications prescribed by the doctor will help the stomach digest heavy foods like meat filling and dough without consequences.

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With high acidity

If a person has gastritis with high acidity, then he is strictly forbidden to eat dumplings with cottage cheese, cherries, cabbage or meat. Foods with high acidity will further irritate the walls of the stomach, causing a person to feel pain and other discomfort. In addition, poor nutrition can cause serious aggravations, which can subsequently lead to problems such as stomach ulcers.

For reference! It is better not to buy dumplings with potatoes in the store, since they add spices, which is strictly recommended to exclude in case of gastritis.

The benefits of ready meals

Many experts and ordinary people talk about the benefits of dumplings, and there are discussions on this topic. Of course, the usefulness of a dish directly depends on its filling. As a rule, the following components are used for it:

  • Cabbage.
  • Potato.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Lean meat.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fruits.

Based on what you put in your culinary masterpiece, you need to talk about the benefits brought to the body.

Dumplings are a dietary product. Dumplings themselves are a dietary product because they are boiled during the preparation process. This indicates that they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients. But don’t forget that the dish is quite high in calories - the dough greatly influences this!

Dumplings with fruit and cottage cheese fillings are considered the lowest in calories; their energy value is the lowest possible.

Fruit dumplings have a lot of useful properties:

  • Saturate the body with the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals.
  • They improve intestinal function, help regulate stool production, and prevent the leaching of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • They help maintain your figure and do not exceed the normal percentage of calories.
  • They increase emotional mood, can replace harmful sweets and satisfy the desire to enjoy something tasty.

Meat fillings provide:

  • Receipt of the required amount of protein.
  • Accelerate metabolism, improve metabolism.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Prevents the formation of fatty deposits.

A dish with cottage cheese is a storehouse of useful ingredients, which:

  • Ensures the supply of calcium to the body.
  • Participate in strengthening bones and teeth.
  • Helps achieve superiority of muscle mass over fat.
  • They saturate the body for a long period of time, you will not feel hungry.

Based on your physiological needs and personal preferences, you can choose a variation of the dish that suits you in all respects and fully satisfies your gastronomic desires.

Low acidity

The recipe for any dumplings can be called simple and as accessible as possible, so they are often prepared at home. If a person has gastritis with low acidity, then doctors allow this dish. The main thing when eating dumplings for gastritis is to follow these rules:

  • do not cook store-bought dumplings;
  • make the dumplings small enough;
  • do not eat the dish hot or too cold;
  • cook dumplings without spices and excess salt;
  • It’s better to make lazy dumplings rather than regular ones.

By following these rules, you can make a dish like dumplings safe for people who have gastritis.


Dumplings are a tasty and satisfying dish that many people enjoy. It doesn’t take a lot of money to prepare it, and if you also use a special device for making dumplings, you don’t need a lot of effort. But with gastritis, dumplings are not allowed to be consumed with all sauces, fillings and spices. You need to cook dumplings with potatoes or cottage cheese, and best of all, lazy ones.

Of course, you can’t eat dumplings hot or cold either, you need to carefully monitor this, the dish should be chewed thoroughly so that it does not harm digestion, and you should absolutely not use store-bought, frozen versions. If you cook and eat dumplings correctly. If you have gastritis, they will not do any harm, the main thing is not to overdo it with the portion size, because overeating is clearly not good for anyone. If you have gastritis, the menu is quite strict, but you can eat dumplings in small quantities.

Homemade diet recipe

For any form of gastritis or gastric ulcer, preference should be given to homemade dumplings. This is the only way to control the quality of minced meat and be sure that it does not contain hot seasonings or unwanted additives.

To prepare 1 kg of dumpling dough you will need:

  • 700 g wheat flour;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • a glass of warm water;
  • 2 tsp salt.

Sift the flour into a large bowl or on the table, add water, eggs, salt and knead the dough thoroughly. It should turn out cool and elastic. In order for the gluten in the flour to swell, the dough must be placed in a warm place for an hour.

At this time, you can prepare minced poultry, pork or beef. The minced meat will turn out tastier if you mix 2 or 3 types of meat at once. The most popular option is beef + pork in a 1/1 ratio.

Remember the rules for preparing minced meat for various types of gastritis: with increased secretion production, it is unacceptable to add onions and spices to it!

You need to cook the dumplings in a large amount of water, stirring constantly for five minutes after boiling.

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