In what form is corn allowed for pancreatitis and how to cook it correctly

Corn is good for the body. But due to the fact that it is poorly digested by the stomach and produces strong pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, corn is consumed only in limited quantities for pancreatitis. In order not to trigger an attack of pancreatitis, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for including corn in the patient’s diet.

corn for pancreatitis

During the acute phase of inflammation

If a patient has an acute stage of pancreatitis, accompanied by pain, eating corn is unacceptable. This is based on a number of reasons.

  1. To break down the vegetable, the stomach needs to make every effort, since corn is a rough product. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is not recommended to strain the digestive tract too much; for this reason, corn is prohibited.
  2. Corn contains a large amount of starch, which is not allowed for patients with pancreatitis during the acute course of the disease, since its utilization leads to additional pressure on the organ and gall bladder. This will lead to the formation of complications - cholelithiasis and other organ diseases. Consumption of starch compounds in the acute phase can develop pain and bloating.

When acute inflammation develops or during an exacerbation of the disease, the following products are not allowed to be consumed:

  • young boiled corn for pancreatitis, corn grains in raw and canned form are not allowed for consumption, since to make it they use preservatives, which are prohibited if pancreatitis worsens. You should not eat salad if this vegetable is present in it;
  • sticks and flakes are prohibited for consumption during the worsening phase, since sweeteners with dyes are used to make the product, and they negatively affect the diseased gland;
  • If you have pancreatitis, it is unacceptable to eat popcorn, even for a healthy person, because the additives present in it negatively affect your well-being. Popcorn has a negative effect on both the gland and the digestive system;
  • Flakes for pancreatitis are not allowed to be included in case of pancreatitis.

boiled corn

Cooking corn porridge for acute types is also unacceptable.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women have to give up many delicious foods during pregnancy and later while breastfeeding. Corn sticks are banned for the following reasons:

  • Simple carbohydrates, which the product is rich in, cause bloating, belching and constipation.
  • Sticks are high in calories and contribute to weight gain. During pregnancy, extra pounds may not be noticeable, but after childbirth their presence will become obvious.
  • Corn flour can cause allergies. Even if the delicacy is perfectly absorbed by the mother’s body, its intolerance cannot be ruled out in the fetus, and then in the newborn baby.

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Ideally, you should remove the product from your diet at the very beginning of pregnancy - right up to the end of the feeding period.

For chronic pancreatitis

During the course of the chronic form and in the remission stage, the list of products is increased, relative to the acute type. At the same time, they also need to be eaten judiciously, because the correct diet for chronic pancreatitis and at the time of remission will depend on its duration and the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Is it possible to eat corn if you have pancreatitis? No. At the same time, in the lull of pathology, it is allowed to add porridge to the diet in small doses. If the porridge has been cooked until fully cooked, it will be easier for the stomach to digest. To properly cook porridge, follow the rules:

  1. Initially, you need to grind the cereal into a powdery consistency. During remission, this type of corn is gentle and does not exert excessive adverse pressure.
  2. The product takes about half an hour to prepare. Completeness is revealed when the porridge resembles thickened jelly. If you cook and eat it made in this way, it will reduce the pressure on the entire digestive system.
  3. For pancreatic disease, porridge can be taken up to 2 times a day. Regardless of all approaches to preparation, cereal still poses a great danger to the functionality of the organs of the tract, because it contains starch.

corn porridge

The porridge has a rather specific taste, so not everyone will like it. Sometimes, for those who love corn and suffer from organ damage, second courses made from corn are a real treasure.

In addition, it is sometimes allowed to introduce corn flour into the diet for chronic forms and in remission. It is not as harmful as vegetable grains, and also leads to rapid satiety and relieves the feeling of hunger.

During remission, corn silk can be used as a decoction. Thanks to such infusions, the exocrine function of the organ and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are normalized.

To make a healing medicine for the treatment of the pancreas you need:

  • grind 1 large spoon into a powder structure and dilute in 250 ml of water;
  • set aside to infuse for an hour;
  • wait until it boils over low heat, and then cook for 7 minutes;
  • express using gauze before use;
  • drink 250 ml 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 20 days.

In acute and chronic types of pancreatitis, adhere to nutrition, then the symptoms of the disease will not bother the patient for a long time.

benefits of corn

Useful properties of corn

What are the benefits of this cereal product:

  1. Corn has a cleansing effect on the body. It removes toxins, waste, radionuclides and other harmful components that accumulate in cells.
  2. This cereal product prevents the development of cancer and heart disease.
  3. Corn supplies the body with vitamins and microelements, making it especially useful for children.
  4. Corn grains inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines.
  5. This cereal plant regulates blood cholesterol levels.
  6. Regular consumption of this product normalizes digestive processes and also promotes complete absorption of food.
  7. Corn has a therapeutic effect against diseases of the central nervous system.
  8. The cereal plant helps relieve pain in the joints.
  9. Young corn grains are useful for women: they facilitate menstruation and also help relieve swelling during pregnancy.
  10. Due to the content of glutamic acid, corn grains help with anemia.

Features of product use

Can you eat canned corn if you have pancreatic disease? Gastroenterologists have learned that for pancreatitis, pickled vegetables are considered no safer than raw ones. As with other canned foods, the cereal is sold with the addition of vinegar, citric acid, and preservatives, which provoke severe outbreaks of pancreatitis.

Even if you add corn to a dish in small quantities, this can lead to the development of an attack of pathology.

Sticks made from vegetables also do not need to be included in the diet in case of pathology. With this processing method, the grains do not have natural heaviness, and they contain various harmful additives.

Is it permissible to include popcorn in the diet if the disease is in remission? No, because it also contains chemical additives, salt and sugar, and flavor enhancers. In addition, the cooking procedure itself is harmful to the digestive organs - frying.

It is forbidden to include corn flakes in the diet for pancreatitis. The reason is the same as for canned popcorn. If you often eat cereal in large quantities, it is harmful.

  1. Cereals are high in calories, since when preparing them they use refined oil, sugar, and other high-calorie additives.
  2. There are stabilizers, flavorings, and flavor enhancers that negatively affect the tract. Cereals are especially dangerous if eaten in the morning and when a person is hungry.


Regarding boiled corn, it is also unacceptable to eat it, since the grains contain a large amount of downed fibers that are not digestible in the stomach.

In rare cases, if the grains are well cooked, it is allowed to consume no more than 50 grams per day and no more than 2 times a month.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the fact that corn sticks have benefits, they also have harmful properties. Namely:

  • provoke rapid weight gain;
  • digest slowly and cause intestinal problems;
  • significantly increase blood glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes.

In some cases, the product is contraindicated. It should not be used:

  • if you are allergic to corn flour;
  • after surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • for diabetes and obesity;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis and gastric ulcers in acute stages.

Attention! With a mild course of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you can treat yourself to a treat, but in minimal quantities and with the permission of the attending physician.

Recipes for cooking corn for pancreatitis

The safest dish that you can eat with pancreatitis of the pancreas is porridge made from corn grits, but you should also be careful with it. Start taking 100 grams per day no more than 2 times every 7 days and slowly increase the portion to 200 grams.

Oven porridge recipe

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 200 ml of water, add a little low-fat milk;
  • 2 large spoons of cereal;
  • a teaspoon of butter.

corn porridge in the oven

Water is poured into the bowl and the cereal is poured in, then sugar and salt are added. The bowl goes into the oven for half an hour. The porridge is mixed and put back into the oven for 15 minutes.

When the porridge is ready, cover it with butter.

Corn grits porridge in a double boiler

To prepare porridge you need:

  • water – 150 ml;
  • low-fat milk – 50 ml;
  • corn grits - 2 large spoons.

The crushed cereal is sent to a bowl and filled with water. The ready hour is set to 25 minutes. After a given hour, the dairy product is poured into the bowl, sugar and salt are added, everything is mixed and left for another 15 minutes.

Corn grits porridge in a double boiler

Calorie content and composition

A typical treat consists of just four ingredients: crushed corn grits, butter, salt and powdered sugar. At the same time, the sticks have a high calorie content - 325 calories per 100 g of product.

But their nutritional benefits are small. Carbohydrates occupy the main share - 75 g, proteins are in second place - 8.3 g, and the least fat in the product is 1.2 g.

Corn grits themselves are a valuable product, but the sticks made from them have a poor vitamin and mineral composition. During heat treatment, most of the useful elements are destroyed. Only a few of them are worth taking into account, namely:

  • vitamin B2;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper.

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The total proportion of other elements, even if they are stated in the composition, is too small.

Important! In stores you can find not only the classic delicacy, but also sticks with additives such as cocoa, cheese, and bacon. Therefore, calorie content and exact composition may vary.

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