What antibiotics are prescribed for intestinal infections in children?

In the article we will look at the antibiotics used for stomach ulcers, a disease characterized by frequent relapses and a tendency to progress. And such manifestations are not limited to just one problem. Along with the stomach, the duodenum and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are involved in the pathology, and there is a possibility of developing unfavorable complications that threaten health.

When treating this condition, the use of a variety of medications is recommended. Quite often, for ulcerative lesions, doctors prescribe antibiotics for the stomach, which help relieve symptoms and speed recovery. In particular, the patient’s recovery depends on the correct medication.

Use of antibacterial drugs

In order to determine the appropriate treatment regimen for peptic ulcers using antibiotics for the stomach, you should first undergo a gastrointestinal examination. The selection of the optimal course of therapy is facilitated by laboratory tests of stool, blood, biopsy, ultrasound, x-ray of the digestive organs and endoscopy. Through diagnosis, it is possible to determine the stage of development of the patient’s ulcer, the form of damage to the mucous membranes and the type. The information obtained during the research allows us to determine the root cause of the development of pathology in the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common cause of ulcerative lesions is infection with Helicobacter pylori. For the treatment of gastritis and ulcers caused by this microorganism, it is indicated to take specific antibiotics.

Prescription of antibiotic drugs for pathology

The indication for the use of antibiotics for the stomach is the presence of gastritis or ulcerative lesions in the body, infection with an infection confirmed in the course of appropriate studies.

If the gastrointestinal pathology is not of bacterial origin, the use of antibiotic drugs is not required. As an independent disease, this disease is quite rare. In most cases, the inflammatory process spreads throughout the body, affecting the nearest parts of the intestine.

The pharmaceutical market provides a large selection of drugs, which makes it difficult to decide on a medicine. Which antibiotic should I choose for stomach pain? Let's figure it out.

Antibiotics for treatment

There are often cases when it is not possible to call a doctor. We will tell you how to determine which antibiotic for an intestinal infection is right for you and describe what antibacterial drugs exist.

The treatment regimen includes a broad-spectrum antibiotic:

  1. Cephalosporins are bactericidal antibiotics. Trade names: “Cefotaxime”, “Cephabol”, “Rotsesim”, “Claforan”. They are similar in structure to penicillins, but have a side effect - allergies.
  2. Tetracyclines are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract when taken orally, have a bacteriostatic effect, cause complications (up to deafness), and are contraindicated in children. Trade names: Doxycycline, Vibramycin, Tetradox.
  3. Penicillins - "Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin", "Monomycin" and others - have good penetration into the body's cells and selectivity of action, without having a harmful effect on systems and organs; approved for use by children, pregnant and lactating women, side effect - allergic reactions.
  4. Aminoglycosides - Gentamicin, Neomycin and others - are used to treat diseases with the spread of microbes in the body, including sepsis, are highly toxic, affect the kidneys, liver, and are permitted for health reasons.

  5. Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics that inhibit the enzyme responsible for DNA synthesis in microbes; prescribed by doctors. Use with caution in people suffering from diseases with vascular lesions; prohibited for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Trade names: “Levofloxacin”, “Ciprolet”, “Norfloxacin”, “Ofloxacin”, “Normax”, “Ciprofloxacin” and others.
  6. Macrolides - Roxithromycin, Azithromycin, Erythromycin - have a bacteriostatic effect and are effective against microorganisms. Approved for use by children, pregnant and lactating women, when penicillins are contraindicated due to an allergic reaction.
  7. Levomycytin (chloramphenicol), a drug for intestinal infections, has lost its popularity due to side effects, one of which is bone marrow damage.

Most antibiotics are used to treat infectious diseases. Penicillins and aminoglycosides are used to treat ENT organs, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy (presence of fluid in the lungs), etc.

And for intestinal infections, antibiotics from the groups of cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides are prescribed. Tetracycline is rarely prescribed: mainly only for health reasons.

In the event of an acute infection, an antibacterial drug is prescribed in 100% of cases, in the form of injections. Modern dosages of drugs suggest a course: one injection per day for 7 days. Antibiotics for intestinal infections in adults are all used.

Intestinal antiseptics

They are becoming increasingly popular. These are drugs that destroy pathogenic intestinal flora without affecting the normal flora.

Antiseptics suppress the growth of opportunistic microflora - staphylococcus, Proteus and others. Prescribed in pediatric practice or when there are contraindications to antibacterial drugs:

  1. "Ersefuril" (nifuroxazide) - has no contraindications, is approved for use in children over 6 years of age, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora. Microorganisms have not developed resistance to the drug. Effective against dysentery and rotavirus infection.
  2. "Furazolidone" is a proven antibacterial drug, effective against pathogens such as Shigella, Salmonella, and other bacteria, and has an immunostimulating effect;
  3. “Intetrix” is not only an antimicrobial, but also an antifungal and amoebocidal agent, it causes side effects: nausea and stomach pain, it is used as a prophylactic agent during hikes and travel;
  4. "Fthalazol" is a broad-spectrum drug that is active against pathogens. It helps quickly, has a number of side effects, and is prescribed with caution to children.
  5. "Enterol" is a live yeast that is an antagonist of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug contains a protease enzyme that destroys endotoxins produced by pathogenic bacteria such as clostridia and Escherichia coli. There are also probiotics that promote the growth of “beneficial” intestinal flora. Additional medications after antibiotics are not needed. The effect is noticeable after taking one capsule. The drug should not be used in combination with antibiotics or adsorbents. Recommended for use by children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Has no contraindications.

Popular antibiotic drugs for the treatment of gastritis and ulcerative lesions

Traditional therapy for ulcerative lesions in the duodenum and stomach involves the use of antibacterial medications with a wide range of effects, used both in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system, respiratory system, brain, and skin that have a bacterial etiology.

Of the large number of antibiotics for the stomach, experts recommend drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  1. Macrolides (for example, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin).
  2. Semi-synthetic penicillins (“Amoxicillin”).

In clinical practice, there are also examples of the use of not only antibiotics, but also antiprotozoal drugs, for example, Metronidazole, in the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. In rare cases, patients are recommended to use Tetracycline. It is prescribed in cases where alternative treatment has not achieved the desired result or the patient has an individual intolerance to drugs of the penicillin group.

When eradication therapy of gastric diseases involves the use of a combination of agents that enhance the effects of each other.

Features of antibacterial therapy

Treatment with antibiotics for the intestinal microflora does not bode well. Because antibacterial agents affect all bacteria: both good and bad.

But if treatment with antibiotics is not started, the child may die from intoxication, dehydration and other manifestations of an infectious disease.

What to drink for children if the main signs of intestinal poisoning occur:

  • drugs that help reduce signs of dehydration;
  • antispasmodics if you suffer from severe pain;
  • antibiotics, if there are indications for their use;
  • antiseptics, at the discretion of the doctor;
  • agents that reduce the severity of intoxication;
  • antipyretic medications if there is a fever;
  • vitamins and drugs that restore intestinal microflora.

Restoring microflora for a child after antibiotics is of great importance. Since it is important not only to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but also to normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa and the digestive process.

You can restore intestinal microflora in the following ways:

  1. Take medications to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Follow a certain diet.
  3. Drink enough water per day.
  4. Take vitamins to compensate for their deficiency.

To get rid of an intestinal infection, either broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are rarely prescribed to children, or narrowly targeted drugs that act directly on 1-2 types of microorganisms will help.

Attention! A child taking antibacterial medications may experience unpleasant side effects. In addition, if the dosage regimen is not followed correctly, resistance develops.

That is, the medicine will simply stop working, microorganisms will mutate and the child will develop an addiction to antibiotics and decrease tolerance (susceptibility).

For this reason, you should follow certain rules when taking pills:

  • do not violate the specified dosage;
  • complete the course of treatment without interrupting it;
  • Do not combine several antibiotics, this will increase the risk of developing unwanted side effects.

If a doctor has prescribed 1 medication for a small patient, it is not recommended to replace it with another. Since this will reduce the effectiveness of therapy and will lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

What medications can be prescribed

Antibiotics are:

  1. Narrowly targeted.
  2. And a wide spectrum of action.

Let's start with medications that have a narrow focus, that is, they act on a specific pathogen.

If staphylococci, streptococci or other bacteria enter the gastrointestinal tract, then take a medication that acts directly on these microorganisms.

If the cause of the disease cannot be identified, that is, the bacteria have not been identified, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used.

These drugs affect a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, but are highly toxic.

What to take, how and in what dosage is decided by the doctor. Often, for the treatment of children, medications are used that have a targeted effect (that is, they act only on the intestines) and do not penetrate into the general bloodstream.

What medications are prescribed, division by class

To treat intestinal infections, various drugs are used in pediatrics; these can be drugs with a narrow focus or antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action.

Most often, medications of the following classes are chosen:

  • tetracyclines;
  • aminopenicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • aminoglycosides.

Medicines from the above groups can be used to treat infectious intestinal diseases. They are drunk (or taken) as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the dosage and recommendations of a specialist.

What drugs are most often prescribed?

  1. Levomycetin is nominally contraindicated in children and is used only if the patient has been diagnosed with cholera or treatment with other medications has failed.
  2. Ampicillin is a synthetic antibiotic used in pediatrics. It is a broad-spectrum drug, has a number of contraindications, and is characterized by relatively low toxicity. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.
  3. Tetracycline is prescribed if unpleasant symptoms have developed due to infection with salmonella, anthrax spores, and amoebas. This antibacterial drug is also given for cholera. The product eliminates the main signs of infection well, but can cause undesirable side effects, leading to the death of beneficial organisms living in the intestines.
  4. Rifaximin differs from other medications in this group in its low toxicity. If you give this drug to your baby, the symptoms of infection will go away quickly, but you must follow the dosage. The medicine is widely used in pediatrics and beyond. It is prescribed because the components included in the product successfully affect the pathogenic microflora located in the intestines.
  5. Ciprofloxacin is prescribed for the treatment of children because the drug has minimal contraindications. Nominally, the drugs included in this group are approved in pediatrics; they act in the intestines, penetrate into the general bloodstream in limited quantities and rarely lead to the development of dysbiosis.
  6. Azithromycin - data on treatment using this medication are good, it rarely leads to the development of unwanted side effects, and is characterized by minimal toxicity. Approved for use by pregnant women and children.
  7. Amoxicillin is prescribed not only for infectious intestinal diseases, it helps eliminate the main signs of poisoning. For this reason, the antibiotic is considered universal, despite the fact that it is a broad-spectrum drug. Most often prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

What to take and in what doses should be checked with your doctor. Self-medication and selection of medications without taking into account all the nuances of therapy are fraught with consequences and complications. For this reason, it is so important to show a sick baby to a doctor, and not try to cure him of the main manifestations of the disease on his own.


Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic antimicrobial drug belonging to the penicillin group. It has a wide spectrum of effects and is effective in the fight against Helicobacter pylori.

The manufacturer produces this antibiotic for the stomach and intestines in several pharmacological forms - granules used for the manufacture of oral suspension, capsules, tablets. As a rule, the use of tableted Amoxicillin is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The medicine does not affect the reproduction process of microorganisms, but it is capable of destroying their cellular structures, thereby provoking the death of the bacterium.

When used orally, the medication is quickly absorbed, as a result of which it is possible to achieve not only local, but also systemic effects on the infection.

Eating food does not affect the level of absorption of the drug; gastric juice is not capable of destroying the active component.

What pathogens do antibacterial drugs act on?

For diseases of the digestive tract, antibiotics are used in approximately 20% of all clinical cases. In this case, diseases develop due to the activity of pathogenic organisms living in the large intestine along with beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.

The pathogenic group includes:

  • Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • Klebsiella;
  • proteas;
  • clostrilia;
  • Escherichia;
  • enterobacteria;
  • yeast mushrooms.

All these pathogenic organisms are activated in the human body only when immunity is reduced . While he is fighting the infection, no manifestations of the disease are observed.

In some cases, E. coli is both normal and opportunistic flora. It is present in the human body from the first days of birth.

The microorganism is necessary to maintain the normal balance of intestinal microflora and the functions of the digestive tract. If there are malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system, then the rods are not able to cope with their responsibilities and symptoms of gastrointestinal damage come to the fore.

Finally, antibiotics must target the microbes that cause severe gastrointestinal infections.

These include:

  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • clostridia botulism;
  • cholera vibrios;
  • some types of staphylococcus.

Combination with Metronidazole

In some cases, experts recommend combining the use of Amoxicillin with Metronidazole. This combination of drugs is contraindicated for patients suffering from diseases of the nervous system, hematopoietic dysfunction, and negative reactions when using nitroimidazole.

During the use of Amoxicillin, a number of undesirable reactions may develop, manifested in the form of pain in the joints, conjunctivitis, runny nose, rash, and allergic phenomena. With reduced immunity, the development of superinfection cannot be ruled out. In the case of prolonged use of increased dosages of the drug, fainting and ataxia may occur.

When Amoxicillin is used in parallel with antimicrobial agents, their therapeutic effect is enhanced. It is prohibited to combine this antibiotic with bacteriostatic drugs.

When to treat with antibiotics

Taking antibacterial drugs is justified in the following cases:

  1. The appearance of signs of an inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines caused by exposure to pathogens.
  2. The patient's serious condition is caused by severe intestinal upset and dehydration.
  3. The appearance of symptoms of sepsis, the development of distant infectious foci.
  4. Typhoid fever.
  5. Salmonellosis.
  6. Cholera.
  7. Dysentery.
  8. Other severe infectious intestinal pathologies.
  9. Infection of patients suffering from hemolytic types of anemia and immunodeficiency.
  10. Infection during antitumor treatment.
  11. Detection of blood clots in stool.

Why are antibiotics needed for acute intestinal infections?

Acute intestinal infectious pathologies are understood as diseases that occur in the summer in children's health institutions and medical institutions. The reasons for their development are non-compliance with basic hygiene rules.

When the first signs of pathology appear, such as diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain, the patient is isolated.

If after 2 days of conservative treatment (drinking plenty of fluids, taking enterosorbents, bacteriophages and other drugs) there are no signs of recovery, then antibiotics are indicated. They will help you quickly cope with the disease.


"Clarithromycin" is a semi-synthetic drug that has a wide spectrum of effects. It belongs to the group of macrolides, which are the safest antibiotic substances, since their use results in fewer negative manifestations.

The manufacturer produces the product in tablet form. The drug is effective in the fight against Helicobacter pylori, as it is able to disrupt the process of protein biosynthesis in the cellular structure of the microorganism.

It is important to know how to take an antibiotic - on an empty stomach or after eating?

You can take Clarithromycin regardless of meals, since this has little effect on the absorption of the active substance.

The drug is partially destroyed under the influence of the acidic environment in the stomach, so its optimal use would be for ulcerative lesions that develop in conditions of natural acidity.

A sufficient concentration of the active substance Clarithromycin on the gastric mucosa can be achieved by combining the drug with Omeprazole.

Adverse reactions

Negative manifestations associated with the use of this antibiotic develop quite rarely. In some cases, patients note sleep disturbances, changes in taste, dyspepsia, nausea, and epigastric pain.

The simultaneous use of Clarithromycin with Simvastatin and Lovastatin is unacceptable. When combined with warfarin drugs, there is a risk of severe bleeding. Parallel use with antidiabetic medications can provoke a toxic reaction, hypoglycemia.


Metronidazole is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action and has antiprotozoal characteristics. The active substance in its composition is an imidazole derivative.

The manufacturer produces the drug in tablet form. Under the influence of the active component, DNA is destroyed in the molecules of microorganism cells.

The drug is characterized by rapid absorption; when it enters the body, the required concentration occurs in a short time. The active substance is eliminated together with feces and urine.

What is considered an infection?

In a child, a gastrointestinal tract disorder is considered a completely normal phenomenon, since the baby’s body has not yet fully formed, the immune system is at the stage of development, and the rules of personal hygiene are not always observed.

An infectious disease develops for several reasons and always has typical symptoms:

  1. Pain in the stomach or intestines.
  2. Increased body temperature (fever, fever).
  3. Vomiting, severe nausea attacks.
  4. Frequent diarrhea up to 10 times a day.
  5. Significant decrease in appetite.
  6. Signs of dehydration and intoxication.

The disease is characterized by changes in stool, feces containing impurities:

  • blood;
  • mucus.

Important: The stool becomes watery, causing severe pain and dehydration. The patient's health deteriorates and weakness appears. In this condition, the baby must be urgently shown to a doctor.

If a child suddenly becomes ill, then consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the signs described above may indicate the presence of severe pathologies in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infection occurs through several methods; you can become infected:

  1. Upon contact with a sick person.
  2. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  3. When pathogens of an infectious nature (pathogenic microorganisms) enter the body.

Help: The disease makes itself felt instantly; in children, immunity is in the formative stage, so it is not possible to prepare an answer.

Unpleasant symptoms occur against the backdrop of active activity of pathogenic bacteria; they release toxins, as a result of which the patient’s general condition worsens.

For intestinal infections in children, various drugs are used. Antibiotics are preferred because they help stop the process of growth and reproduction of microorganisms. As a result, the bacteria die and recovery occurs.

When should it not be used?

It is unacceptable to use the medicine if you are sensitive to its components. When using Metronidazole, unpleasant symptoms may develop, for example, an allergic reaction, skin rash, and digestive disorders. In some cases, visual disturbances, confusion, convulsions, and headaches occur.

If recommended dosages are exceeded, disorientation and gag reflex may develop.

It is prohibited to combine Metronidazole with busulfan, disulfaram, or drugs that contain ethanol.

When Metronidazole is used simultaneously with lithium-based medications, intoxication may occur.

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