Eggs for gastritis: in what form to eat, contraindications

  • July 17, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Kira Ifeevskaya

Can I have eggs for gastritis? Let's figure this out together. Chicken eggs are a popular food product. But not everyone agrees to eat quail. Both chicken and quail eggs are not only nutritious, but also affordable. In addition, they have many useful properties. When a person is diagnosed with gastritis of the stomach, he begins to reconsider his diet. A special diet is developed to either cure the stomach or slow down the progression of the disease.

So is it possible to have eggs for gastritis? This product is an integral part of dietary nutrition for diseases of the digestive system, including the stomach. But there are some peculiarities and nuances here. They will be discussed in the article.

Chicken eggs: composition

Is it possible to eat eggs if you have gastritis? What do experts say about this? They have long come to the conclusion that chicken eggs should be in the diet of people suffering from any form of this disease. Some doctors may disagree with this, pointing out the high cholesterol content in this product. But this only shows that they are not aware of the latest discoveries of scientists.

Any form of gastritis, including those caused by stomach bacteria, tends to irritate the walls of the stomach. Irritated tissues, as a result of constant destructive effects, become thinner, lacking nutrients and beneficial substances. It is during such processes that chicken eggs will become excellent helpers for the stomach. Therefore, you can and should eat boiled eggs for gastritis.

This product contains a lot of calories. That's why it's so nutritious. Egg white contains the most important elements for the human body, namely:

  • protein;
  • group of vitamins B;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • vitamins K, PP;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • protein compounds (for example biotin).

Biotin, which is part of eggs, helps the body cope with inflammatory processes. It is he who takes an important part in alkaline metabolism in the body, and for the stomach this is a valuable quality.

Is it possible to have scrambled eggs with gastritis?

So, the first thing you should understand is that an omelet with an inflammatory process of the stomach is allowed to be consumed exclusively in the form of a steam dish
. So, the first thing you should understand is that an omelet with an inflammatory process of the stomach is allowed to be consumed exclusively as a steam dish. Scrambled eggs prepared by frying in oil are strictly prohibited. This can be explained by the fact that steamed eggs during exacerbation of gastritis, acute form of the disease or remission are important to include in the diet due to their composition.

Egg white includes many amino acids, as well as nutrients that the human body, weakened by disease, desperately needs. The yolk is charged with the function of replenishing the lack of minerals and vitamins that cannot be supplied in the required quantities due to a strict diet and a huge number of restrictions on the patient’s menu. However, experts note that it is very important to prepare an egg omelet correctly and first familiarize yourself with the rules for its use.

Quail eggs: properties

Many people do not take quail eggs seriously because of their small size. But in vain. After all, they are considered more nutritious and healthy than chicken. However, they can be safely consumed raw.

Quail eggs can be eaten by all people, regardless of age.

This valuable product contains the same elements as chicken eggs. But additionally it contains:

  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • vitamin D;
  • lysozyme;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • copper;
  • tyrosine;
  • fats;
  • glycine;
  • threonine;
  • iron;
  • histidine;
  • potassium.

Of course, the elements listed above are found in many other foods. But in quail eggs their concentration is high. Can you eat raw quail eggs for gastritis? Yes, sure. Since one of the causes of gastritis is a deficiency of any element indicated in the list, eating quail eggs will help cure the disease.

Many people are afraid to eat raw eggs because they don't want to get salmonella. It's right. But only in relation to chicken. For the development of Salmonella bacillus, a certain environmental temperature is required. So, the body temperature of a chicken is forty degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, salmonella lives and reproduces well. But of all the birds, only the quail has a body temperature of 42 to 43 degrees Celsius. In this mode, salmonella is not able to exist. The quail's body temperature gives this bird a huge advantage. There will never be salmonella in her eggs. Therefore, they can and should be eaten raw.


In general, there are no serious prohibitions regarding the consumption of egg dishes by gastritis sufferers, however, gastroenterologists still note the presence of some restrictions.

  • Firstly, testicles for gastritis are contraindicated if they are hard-boiled. It’s just that the yolk takes too long to digest and irritates the gastric mucosa.
  • Secondly, it is contraindicated to eat the product if the patient has an allergic reaction to it or individual intolerance.
  • You should also avoid egg dishes in any form during the first three days of an exacerbation.

Gastritis is a dangerous pathology, although many do not take it seriously. The disease requires a responsible and individual approach to therapy and adherence to strict nutritional rules.

If you follow the specialist’s recommendations and strictly follow the nutritional program, then very soon the digestive processes will be restored, and gastritis will go into long-term and persistent remission, no longer reminding itself.

Chicken eggs. Impact on the body

All gastroenterologists claim that this disease can and should be treated with eggs. But depending on whether the eggs are quail or chicken, the therapy will be different.

Before using the method, it is worth understanding what effect this product has on the stomach.

Beneficial therapeutic properties:

  1. The damaged stomach lining is protected by the structure of the raw egg.
  2. The rich and healthy composition of this product strengthens the body's immune system, which is also useful for gastritis (both acute and chronic forms).
  3. Again, the structure of the egg covering the stomach prevents pathogenic bacteria from multiplying and developing.
  4. Thanks to the amino acids contained in a chicken egg, the restoration process of damaged cells is started and maintained.
  5. The composition of eggs helps strengthen the central nervous system. Accordingly, general irritability and tension decrease, stress goes away. It has long been proven that one of the reasons for the development of not only gastritis, but also stomach ulcers is a constant stressful environment, nervous tension, depression, and neurosis. One of the reasons for the occurrence of such anxiety states is the lack of microelements, which chicken eggs are rich in. It has also been proven that gastritis caused by stress can be eliminated by getting rid of the cause of the disease - stress.
  6. Damaged cells of the stomach walls are enveloped and nourished in the protein medium of the egg mass.
  7. The inflammatory processes occurring in the stomach fade away.
  8. Lysicine helps suppress the reproduction of Helicobacter. This bacterium, as it develops, eats away the tissue of the stomach walls. This leads to gastritis, and subsequently to ulcers. The protein lysicine is designed to fight this and other pathogenic bacteria.

How do fried eggs affect the stomach?

To determine the answer whether you can have scrambled eggs with gastritis, let’s remember the main forms of this disease. The therapeutic diet will depend on what type of gastritis the person is suffering from. For example, during an exacerbation, the diet should be as gentle and strict as possible. During this period, you definitely can’t eat scrambled eggs.

As remission occurs, the diet expands. However, both with low and high acidity, it is necessary to avoid foods that are too fatty, spicy and fried. It is important to properly organize your diet so that the disease does not become chronic.

Now let's remember how exactly scrambled eggs are prepared. Firstly, it is fried in oil, which is already contraindicated for the patient. Such scrambled eggs for gastritis with increased production of gastric juice will lead to an even greater increase in acidity. But low acidity is no exception. Because fried eggs are rough food that can damage the inflamed walls of the stomach. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether scrambled eggs are allowed for gastritis is strictly negative.

Treatment of gastritis with eggs (chicken)

Before you start treating your stomach with eggs, you need to make sure that the product is safe and does not contain salmonella. To do this, it is best to buy it from a trusted supplier. It is advisable to submit the biomaterial to a laboratory to ensure that the product can be eaten. All eggs that go on sale must have a stamp. Factory chickens are tested for salmonella. Farmer's eggs are more dubious about this stick. Because owners of their own farms and mini-poultry farms rarely check their chickens. Birds become infected with salmonella from each other, as well as from birds of other species.

Methods for treating gastritis:

  1. Half an hour or an hour after eating, eat one fresh chicken egg, beaten with one tablespoon of olive oil. The last component can be replaced with flaxseed. Take daily for two weeks.
  2. Before meals, take one raw egg every day for fourteen days.

Is it possible to have raw eggs for gastritis? Yes, this is allowed. But if drinking eggs is unpleasant and you can’t bring yourself to do it, then you can eat soft-boiled ones. In this form the product is easier to use.

Scrambled eggs for gastritis recipes

Before frying, the eggs should be washed twice with soap and scalded with boiling water. It is advisable to fry the product in a frying pan. It should be preheated by pouring oil.

Break the eggs into a frying pan. After the liquid and yolks take shape and harden, turn the eggs over and fry on the other side. This method is considered safe; the bacteria are killed after turning the scrambled eggs and frying until a crust appears.

It is not advisable for patients with gastritis in the acute stage to consume scrambled eggs. This will worsen the patient's condition.

Is it possible to drink raw eggs if you have gastritis? Treatment with quail eggs

The benefits of quail eggs for gastritis are slightly higher than those of chicken eggs. An additional plus is the absence of salmonella.

Treatment methods:

  1. Before meals (half an hour or an hour), you need to drink 4 quail eggs, maximum 5.
  2. If you have stomach pain, you can drink quail eggs. This helps a lot with gastritis. The pain goes away quickly.
  3. If you feel hungry, causing pain in the epigastric region, you need to eat 100 grams of raw quail eggs.

If you cannot eat eggs raw, then cook them:

  • scrambled eggs in olive oil;
  • various salads;
  • omelettes.

During heat treatment, some useful elements will be lost. But these losses can be made up by increasing the number of eggs consumed.

For a therapeutic effect, eggs for gastritis should be consumed every day. This must be done for one month.

Scrambled eggs for gastritis without frying

If you have gastritis, scrambled eggs are prohibited. But we offer you a way out where frying is excluded. Beat the eggs into a flat silicone mold and place in the oven. You will get an alternative fried egg. However, sometimes you can treat yourself to scrambled eggs cooked in a non-stick frying pan without oil. Or add milk to the egg, beat it - and get an omelette.

You can fry an omelette for gastritis only without oil, but a steam omelette turns out to be especially tasty and fluffy. In a double boiler and multicooker, the appropriate mode will help to prepare it, and if there are no such units in the house, arrange a water bath. “Egg in a cup” - an omelette in a ceramic cup or bowl should be placed in a wide saucepan, into which you add water, covering only half of the cup/bowl.

Now close the lid and put on the stove for 20 minutes on the lowest heat. Instead of a pan, you can take a fireproof mold, also fill it with water, and put it in the oven for half an hour. There is another backup option: pour the omelette mixture into a greased mold and place it in a colander, which is placed on a boiling pan of water (without touching the water). Be sure to cover the structure with a lid. 15 minutes is enough. You see that an omelet with gastritis is not a monotonous dish at all; by changing only the methods of its preparation, you can change the nuances of taste. But there are still many tasty additions to omelettes that are allowed for gastritis.

What to add to an omelet for gastritis:

  • seafood, boiled lean meat, cottage cheese, mild cheese, boiled carrots, green peas, yellow tomatoes, zucchini, mashed potatoes.

Different combinations of products will dissuade you from the idea that a steam omelette is a boring dietary dish.





Contraindications to the use of this product

Raw eggs should not be eaten if you have pancreatitis. In this case, you can consume this healthy product in the form of steamed omelettes.

Eggs (any kind) should not be eaten by people who are allergic to animal protein. In order to confirm or deny the presence of allergic reactions, you need to take an allergen test. He does it quickly, the results are visible instantly.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consume eggs with great caution. The amount that an ordinary person should have for gastritis should be halved by pregnant and lactating women. This caution is necessary in order not to harm the child, so that in the future he does not have allergic reactions to protein. And also so as not to harm the baby’s liver and pancreas.

How to choose the right one?

In order not to harm your health, you should choose the right eggs when purchasing. It is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date. It should be no more than 25 days, and this is only provided that they were stored correctly.

  • All cells in which the product is packaged must be tightly closed and stored at a temperature of eight degrees and no more.
  • When buying them, you should pay attention to their shell; there should be no chips or cracks on it.

Only by purchasing a fresh and high-quality product can you be sure that it will have a beneficial effect on an inflamed stomach.

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