If you suffer from heartburn in late pregnancy

Pregnancy is a big responsibility. It is accompanied by a large number of different changes in a woman’s body, and the closer the birth is, the greater the load on the body.

For example, 38 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn occurs in almost every expectant mother.

Additionally, symptoms such as fatigue, poor health, and shortness of breath may occur. The baby is already preparing for childbirth and takes up a lot of space in the mother’s tummy.

In most cases, the second pregnancy proceeds much easier in the woman’s body.

But if a woman is worried before the first birth because she does not know what to expect, then the second time the worries are justified.

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then childbirth occurs earlier at approximately 36 weeks.

At 38 weeks, heartburn is quite common, and if it does not exist, it is rather an exception to the rule. At this time, it is impossible to normally lie on your back or do any physical exercises.

There are methods of traditional medicine, but tablets and various medications act much faster.

But it must be remembered that any medication can lead to side effects.

Features that occur at 38 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, the baby is preparing to be born. He eats less and moves much less. The child changes his position, he turns, already preparing for childbirth. It sinks into the pelvis.

This week, a woman may notice the first signs of an imminent birth. For example, the stomach gradually begins to sink. Heartburn bothers you less and less, breathing becomes easier.

This is due to the fact that the child has dropped down and pressed against the pelvic bones. At this time, the woman stops gaining weight, but, on the contrary, begins to lose weight. Copious discharge appears.

They can be white or yellowish. This is due to the removal of the plug. In some cases, it comes off as a clot with a small amount of blood.

But urgent hospitalization is necessary if the bleeding is profuse or scarlet blood flows. This indicates a mortal threat to the life of the child and woman.

Fetal development at 38 weeks: weight, size and gender

The baby is ready for birth and labor can begin at any time; now his body weight is about 3100-3300 g, and his height is from 50 to 52 cm. Body weight increases by 30-50 grams daily. The child's skin is almost free of vernix, which can only remain in large folds, and the fluff (lanugo) has almost completely disappeared from the body. A lot of meconium, the original feces, has accumulated in the baby’s large intestine, which will be passed after birth. But if the fetus suffers in the womb, emptying can occur earlier, before birth, which leads to a greenish coloration of the water and the risk of intrauterine pneumonia.

In boys, at this time, the testicles have completely descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the large genitalia have completely covered the small ones. Doctors will check this at birth, determining the full-term and maturity of the baby. Now the child has become beautiful, he has become rounded and his cheeks have become plump, facial features have individuality and may be similar to the faces of his parents, the skin has become smooth and acquired a soft pink tint, quite long hairs have grown on the head, nails have grown longer than the fingertips, and the baby may be born with blue or dark eyes. Dark eyes usually do not change color, but blue-eyed children can completely change it.

The child is still growing and there is very little space in the uterus for him; he barely fits in it, curled up and bringing his arms and legs to his tummy. It’s difficult for him to move now, and you need to carefully monitor the rhythm of the fetus’ movements; if the baby doesn’t make itself known for a long time, you need to immediately report this to the doctor. In general, there should be at least one obvious movement per hour, with periods of more or less activity. Now the child’s organs and systems are already formed and actively working, except for the lungs, which will begin to work with the child’s first independent breath. The nervous system is actively maturing, which will continue after birth; the baby has now formed all the reflexes necessary for independent life. In the following weeks, the baby will also grow and gain weight, awaiting the imminent birth with the mother.

Heartburn during pregnancy 38 weeks

Heartburn at 38 weeks of pregnancy is common. It brings terrible discomfort. Such a symptom can occur as a certain reaction to food, or indicate the presence of chronic diseases.

And this can already negatively affect the health of mother and child. But it is not recommended to take medications to eliminate heartburn without medical supervision.

Heartburn attacks at 38 weeks, in most cases, worsen. This is due to the increase in size of the fetus, which puts pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, additional symptoms such as swelling, toxicosis, sleep problems, and pain in the lower back occur. The size of the baby affects the internal organs.

Problems such as insomnia appear. During pregnancy at 38 weeks, it becomes difficult for a woman to dress independently, as well as to bathe.

Due to the large size of the fetus, weakness and fatigue occur. The pressure on the stomach and intestines also increases. Additionally, heartburn, belching, vomiting or nausea occurs.

Food enters first into the oral cavity, then into the esophagus, and only after that into the stomach. Then the passage into the stomach is closed by special muscles - the sphincter.

The uterus becomes larger and the stomach moves much more. Heartburn in most cases occurs after eating food and can last for a long time. It can be repeated several times throughout the day.

Heartburn occurs especially often after eating salty, smoked and fatty foods. Or if a woman, after eating, took a horizontal position.

Additionally, heartburn can be a side effect of taking medications.

Regardless of pregnancy, when 38 weeks pass, you need to eat often, but in small portions. This is the first rule for gastrointestinal health.

The baby puts pressure on the stomach, so even the most basic movements can lead to heartburn at 38 weeks.

For example, bending forward to tie shoes or clean the house can lead to these symptoms.

The main cause of heartburn is an increase in acid secretion. This is due to physical changes in the functioning of internal organs.

If spotting appears at 38 weeks - this is a plug that has come off, then there is no need to worry. But this indicates the imminent onset of labor.

Additionally, at this time, a woman increasingly experiences fatigue and weakness. The entire body is preparing for the upcoming birth. It is advisable to rest as much as possible during this time.

At this time, be sure to undergo an examination by a doctor. This is due to the fact that at this time the baby is already moving to the pelvic floor. It is necessary to determine whether the fetus is lying correctly in order to understand whether the woman needs to perform a caesarean section.

At this time, the immune system is weakened, and thrush appears. At this time, a specialist may prescribe the use of special suppositories. It is important to clear the way for the birth so that the child is born healthy.

Heartburn at 38 and 39 weeks of pregnancy: what to do and how to get rid of it

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is subject to various physiological changes that affect her health. Most often, malfunctions occur in the digestive system in the area of ​​the stomach or intestines.

In the early stages, pregnant women usually complain of stool disorders and nausea, but in the last weeks the situation changes.

One of the most common complaints from patients is severe heartburn, which can be treated with traditional medications or a special diet.

Causes of discomfort

Heartburn is a symptom accompanied by an acute burning sensation behind the breastbone at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach. Sometimes this discomfort rises higher and is felt in the throat. Causes of heartburn are usually associated with the release of stomach contents into the upper parts of the system.

The symptom appears due to the fact that the digestive juice secreted by glandular cells has a chemical composition that aggressively affects the internal walls of the gastrointestinal tract, but is necessary for the processing of complex protein compounds.

The source of burning is usually hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice.

Normally, the contents of the stomach cavity never leave its confines due to the reliable work of the pyloric sphincter - a ring-shaped muscle that serves as the end of the esophagus, but during pregnancy a different situation arises.

Starting from the middle of the term, the uterus and fetus rapidly increase in size and displace all the abdominal organs. The muscular septum, the diaphragm, rises up and compresses the stomach, which leads to the release of its juice through the sphincter into the esophagus.

For this reason, heartburn develops in pregnant women.

If the burning sensation occurs according to the described mechanism, there is no reason to worry.

Experts call this condition physiological heartburn, which worries almost every pregnant woman in the last weeks.

In this case, the symptom is not accompanied by any other signs and appears sporadically. If the problem is not significant, then it does not need to be treated. The burning sensation will disappear on its own after childbirth.

The concern should be a burning sensation that is too strong, regardless of food intake, body position, or level of physical activity. An attack of heartburn that occurs against the background of stomach pain and nausea is a reason to contact your doctor, since pathological causes - inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - cannot be ruled out.

What to do if there is a strong burning sensation?

Heartburn during pregnancy is an unpleasant symptom, but getting rid of it is not difficult at all. In some cases, treatment does not even require taking medications; you just need to follow certain rules.

Most women note that heartburn in the last stages of pregnancy usually occurs if you lie down immediately after eating. To eliminate discomfort, just change your body position. The optimal position for resting after eating is half-sitting. In this case, the stomach is located lower than the esophagus, which ensures normal functioning of the pyloric sphincter.

All ways to improve your well-being are related to the causes of heartburn. If a woman is used to wearing tight clothes, then it is better to refuse this.

Tight things put unwanted pressure not only on the uterus with the fetus, but also on the stomach, thereby provoking spontaneous releases of digestive juice.

Starting from the 35th week, the best option for a pregnant woman is loose tunics or dresses made from natural materials, or special trousers and skirts designed to be worn while expecting a baby.

If these methods do not help, and the burning sensation behind the sternum still bothers you, then it is better to consult your doctor. The specialist will assess the woman’s general health and tell her what safe medications can be taken to relieve an attack of heartburn. Pharmacies offer many drugs with different properties, but not all of them are allowed during pregnancy. Suitable:

1. Rennie - the product is recognized as one of the safest. It contains magnesium and calcium carbonates - chemical compounds that interact with hydrochloric acid.

As a result, the aggressiveness of gastric juice is softened, and the pregnant woman ceases to suffer from discomfort. The medication is available in the form of chewable tablets that work as quickly as possible.

The attack passes within 3 minutes after consuming the product.

2. Gastal is a drug with an antacid effect, allowed even during pregnancy. Every time a strong burning sensation occurs, dissolve 1 tablet of this remedy. The medicine helps cure pathology due to the presence of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium carbonate in the composition.

3. Maalox is also prescribed for the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy, but it is used with caution, since the combination of algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide can cause constipation, which often affects women in the last weeks of gestation. To eliminate an attack, drink 1 sachet of medicine in the form of a suspension or take a tablet.

4. Phosphalugel - a drug produced in the form of a liquid suspension, helps get rid of burning sensation, protects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the negative effects of gastric juice. It is designed to cure heartburn at any stage, including at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

5. Almagel. The classic version of this remedy is prescribed during pregnancy. Taking a suspension based on magnesium and aluminum hydroxides ensures neutralization of digestive juice. As a result, the burning sensation quickly disappears.

6. Gaviscon. The medicine contains sodium bicarbonate and alginate, which allows you to quickly cure unpleasant symptoms. The pregnant woman chooses the form of the drug at her own discretion. For severe heartburn, you can take a suspension or tablet.

All of these drugs are not absorbed into the bloodstream, do not cross the placenta and are recognized as safe, but you should not choose how to treat the burning sensation on your own. If heartburn appears at 39 weeks, you need to be especially careful about your health, since the birth process can begin at any time.

An alternative to drug treatment will be proven folk recipes. They will not be able to help as quickly as traditional medicines, but they will not cause harm to a woman’s body, provided that all recommendations are followed.

Pregnant women often experience heartburn due to an increase in the size of the uterus. To cope with this unpleasant symptom, doctors recommend making herbal tea. For burning in the stomach and esophagus, the following are useful:

  • chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • ginger;
  • heather.

This drink effectively soothes the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, but does not affect the causes of heartburn, therefore, when choosing traditional methods of treatment, we must not forget about preventive measures. The symptom will bother you less often if a woman starts eating small portions and refuses tight clothing and intense exercise.

There is another way to get rid of discomfort without resorting to medications. During pregnancy, you can drink a small amount of potato juice. To make the drink, the tuber is crushed to a pulp and squeezed through cheesecloth. The product gently envelops the mucous membranes, protecting them from the negative effects of gastric juice.

Diet recommendations

Heartburn and nausea at 38 weeks and later require not only drug treatment, but also dietary adjustments. Experts believe that if a pregnant woman follows a diet from the moment of conception, she has a better chance of avoiding digestive problems, which are sometimes difficult to get rid of.

A burning sensation occurs when a woman eats in too large portions, as at this time an increased amount of gastric juice is produced. To solve the problem and get rid of discomfort, it is enough to switch to fractional meals.

Soups, cereals, meat and side dishes should still serve as main courses, and light snacks are introduced between meals. For this purpose, they eat natural yoghurts, fresh fruits that do not provoke allergies, and it is useful to make salads from vegetables.

Treatment of heartburn also involves a number of dietary restrictions. The symptom appears if the menu includes foods that provoke an increase in the level of acidity inside the stomach or negatively affect the integrity of the mucous membranes:

  • sour fruits and berries;
  • spices;
  • vinegar;
  • canned food;
  • sauces;
  • smoked meats.

All of the foods listed should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy. This measure is designed to help avoid burning, sour belching and stomach pain.

There are foods that can help treat the burning sensation. Dairy products are considered useful for increasing acidity. They are consumed if they do not cause intestinal upset and are well absorbed by the body. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to include fruit jelly in your diet. It is enough to drink one glass to protect the mucous membranes from destruction and saturate the body with vitamins.

Heartburn in pregnant women is a common condition that causes discomfort to women. If discomfort occurs occasionally, then there is no need to do anything. If the sensations become intense, treatment must begin.

Source: https://oboleznjah.ru/izzhoga-na-38-i-39-nedele-beremennosti-chto-delat-i-kak-izbavit-sya/

What to pay attention to

Heartburn manifests itself as a burning sensation behind the breastbone. It occurs with gastritis with high acidity due to the fact that gastric juice enters the esophagus.

Hydrochloric acid does not irritate the walls of the stomach, as it contains protective factors. But once the acid enters the esophagus, it contributes to the appearance of defects in the mucous membrane.

In most cases, heartburn appears in the second half of pregnancy at 38 weeks.

There are examples of the appearance of this symptom at earlier stages, but this is due to an increase in the amount of the hormone.

Between the esophagus and the stomach there is a sphincter that closes after food enters the stomach.

Due to progesterone, the lower esophageal sphincter weakens, along with the muscles of the uterus. This hormone begins to be produced within a few hours after conception.

Heartburn can cause toxicosis in early pregnancy. But its duration, in most cases, is not particularly long. It goes away after 3 months. In the last week before giving birth, heartburn goes away. This is the first signal that the baby is ready to be born.

All the child’s nutrition comes through the umbilical cord, so all medications have side effects and negatively affect the child’s health.

During pregnancy, especially after 38 weeks, it is not recommended to eliminate heartburn with medications. The main rule is that heartburn during pregnancy is 38 weeks old, it is necessary not only to get rid of it, but also to treat it. It is strictly forbidden to take medications on your own, including antibiotics.

There are a large number of women who try to avoid taking medications at 38 weeks. Why? So that this affects the child’s health as little as possible.

Heartburn before childbirth - why it gets worse, and is it a sign?

Pregnancy, an already established pleasant and happiest time, is often overshadowed by problems during its course. Heartburn before childbirth is the most unpleasant and common end to a happy period. Why do the presented symptoms occur before childbirth, and can heartburn be regarded as a harbinger?

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman experiences the presented troubles in a gradual increase. As the fetus grows, the expectant mother suffers from displacement of internal organs, which in most cases is felt by the rising of the stomach and esophagus - this leads to the involuntary release of its contents and the occurrence of heartburn.

In the future, the woman experiences painful heartburn in the later stages, when the baby in the womb begins to gain weight. The volume of the uterus increases, so in the final stages of pregnancy it puts quite a lot of pressure on the stomach.

The expectant mother tries to maintain a diet, but everything is useless, because gastric juice begins to leak out of the empty organ into the esophagus, which also provokes a burning sensation.

There are other causes of heartburn in a pregnant woman:

  1. Hormonal changes. If symptoms do not appear in the early stages, and before giving birth the woman cannot cope with the attack, most likely we are talking about a sharp change in hormonal levels. This may indicate the fact that the body is preparing for childbirth. In this case, you should monitor for the presence of additional problems - vomiting and diarrhea are also symptoms of close labor.
  2. The sphincter of the gastrointestinal tract suffers from pressure from the uterus. This also leads to discomfort.
  3. The reason why heartburn worsens before childbirth is often due to overeating. The principle of “eating for two” is still practiced today.
  4. Overeating leads to unreasonable growth of the fetus, which also affects the condition of the expectant mother. Often the presented symptoms are observed in expectant mothers with large children or several in the uterus. In this case, the esophagus and stomach rise even higher than in the standard situation.

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The most unfavorable cause of heartburn during late pregnancy is breech presentation of the fetus. In this case, the child presses on the mother's stomach with his head.

If the expectant mother is constantly undergoing examination, she should know the position of the baby in the uterus. If you have a breech presentation, you should not pay attention to the appearance of heartburn even on an empty stomach and for a short period of time.

It is better to immediately resort to general recommendations for elimination.

We recommend reading: Heartburn as one of the signs of pregnancy

Heartburn – a harbinger of labor or vice versa

Most expectant mothers wonder whether heartburn could be a harbinger of labor. After all, many people think so, preparing each time for birth as soon as the symptoms intensify. However, obstetricians-gynecologists themselves say the opposite. If the pregnancy proceeds without serious complications, then the expectant mother should get rid of the symptoms of heartburn before giving birth.

This is explained by a simple physical manifestation - a pregnant woman’s tummy drops, which is normal for prenatal activity. This happens in the last week of pregnancy or already a few days before birth.

Therefore, the expectant mother should pay attention to the abrupt end of heartburn, especially if the symptom accompanied a longer period of time in an interesting position.

It turns out that heartburn is a harbinger of childbirth, but in its opposite manifestation.


If you have heartburn attacks throughout your pregnancy, it will be difficult to get rid of the attacks before giving birth. Since medications that act quickly cannot be taken during a happy period, it is better to prevent troubles. Prevention methods include:

  • do not eat before bed - it is better to do this a few hours before rest;
  • refuse to eat a lot of food - this applies not only to dinner, but also to all its meals;
  • remove from your diet all harmful foods and dishes that can cause heartburn - these are spicy, fried foods and smoked foods;
  • Pregnant women are recommended to do special exercises that help get rid of symptoms - stretching the legs or arms will help, it is important to avoid bending and turning;
  • it is necessary to wear loose clothing made from natural materials;
  • for prevention, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products every day - milk, kefir, yogurt; cottage cheese should be treated with caution;
  • it is important to give up all kinds of vegetables and fruits that contain large amounts of vitamin C and other acidic components - give preference to vegetables and fruits with soft substances, or eat them after heat treatment;
  • During pregnancy, it is recommended to drink compotes, herbal teas and still mineral water - the amount of liquid will have to be controlled so as not to provoke late edema.

Drinks should be treated with caution if a woman has already been diagnosed with gestosis and other pathologies leading to edema.

Getting rid of heartburn at home

You can get rid of heartburn in late pregnancy by using various infusions and decoctions. The most effective include the following:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried centaury into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for several hours. Then filter the infusion and drink a tablespoon each time before meals.
  2. Buy calamus root powder. Use it in its pure form, a third of a dessert spoon each time before meals.
  3. Use infusions of dill, St. John's wort or chamomile. Dry and chop one of the herbs, and then pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture. Take a tablespoon each time before meals, strained.
  4. An excellent remedy is potato juice, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, a quarter glass. The course of treatment takes 10 days. Then they take the same break, and then resume treatment.

Since the occurrence of an attack of heartburn can vary depending on the time of day, you should not wait until the attack has already overcome - it is better to prevent it using the indicated traditional medicine.

We advise you to read: Allowed foods for pregnant women for heartburn


Pregnant women are not recommended to take medications for heartburn, but there is often no solution.

Fast-acting medications are used only with the permission of a doctor and after a full examination - it is recommended to accurately determine the cause of heartburn.

Often during pregnancy, women experience aggravation of previously untreated diseases - gastritis or ulcers. In such cases, it will be necessary to treat not heartburn, which becomes the first symptom of the pathology, but the disease.

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Fast-acting drugs approved for use during pregnancy include Rennie, Almagel, Maalox. These remedies are harmless to the child, but they are taken only with the permission of a doctor and in extreme cases - when the above methods did not give the desired result.

Having determined the causes and condition why heartburn occurs, it is recommended to begin eliminating or preventing the attack immediately. If you do not pay attention to the symptom in time or follow the phrase “it will go away on its own,” you can significantly harm your health.

Heartburn before childbirth: preparing for the maternity hospital or is it just trouble Link to main publication

Source: https://IzjogiNet.ru/izzhoga/pri-beremennosti/pered-rodami

Rules for pregnancy at 38 weeks

There are certain rules that must be followed during pregnancy in the last weeks.

It is always much easier to avoid the occurrence of a disease. There are a few basic rules.

  1. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Every meal should fit in the palm of your hand. It is also important to stick to your diet during this time.
  2. It is important to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at this time. It is necessary that a woman during pregnancy, especially at 38 weeks, empty her intestines daily.
  3. After eating, it is not recommended to perform any physical activity or take a horizontal position.
  4. You should avoid eating foods that increase acidity levels. For example, it could be flour products, oil, fatty foods, vegetables and fruits, eggs. You should also observe which foods can cause a condition such as heartburn during pregnancy at 38 weeks, which can cause you individually.
  5. You need to sleep only in a horizontal position, on your back. It is advisable to place pillows under your back and neck. In this case, the head should be slightly higher than the body. You can spend a short time on one side, but which one you should be on yourself.

Diet recommendations

Heartburn and nausea at 38 weeks and later require not only drug treatment, but also dietary adjustments. Experts believe that if a pregnant woman follows a diet from the moment of conception, she has a better chance of avoiding digestive problems, which are sometimes difficult to get rid of.

A burning sensation occurs when a woman eats in too large portions, as at this time an increased amount of gastric juice is produced. To solve the problem and get rid of discomfort, it is enough to switch to fractional meals. Soups, cereals, meat and side dishes should still serve as main courses, and light snacks are introduced between meals. For this purpose, they eat natural yoghurts, fresh fruits that do not provoke allergies, and it is useful to make salads from vegetables.

Treatment of heartburn also involves a number of dietary restrictions. The symptom appears if the menu includes foods that provoke an increase in the level of acidity inside the stomach or negatively affect the integrity of the mucous membranes:

  • sour fruits and berries;
  • spices;
  • vinegar;
  • canned food;
  • sauces;
  • smoked meats.

All of the foods listed should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy. This measure is designed to help avoid burning, sour belching and stomach pain.

There are foods that can help treat the burning sensation. Dairy products are considered useful for increasing acidity. They are consumed if they do not cause intestinal upset and are well absorbed by the body. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to include fruit jelly in your diet. It is enough to drink one glass to protect the mucous membranes from destruction and saturate the body with vitamins.

Heartburn in pregnant women is a common condition that causes discomfort to women. If discomfort occurs occasionally, then there is no need to do anything. If the sensations become intense, treatment must begin.


If these rules do not help, then you need to take medications. There are a number of medications that can be taken during pregnancy, even in the last stages.

It is necessary to limit their use as much as possible, but completely avoid it if heartburn occurs several times a day.

If you need to take medications, consult your doctor first.

Any drug can harm the health of a woman and her unborn child.

The most common medications during pregnancy at 38 weeks are: Smecta, Maalox, Gaviscon. All these medications can neutralize high acidity.

But you can only take them once. If this is done for a long time, the side effects can negatively affect the health of the woman and her child.

Drug treatment

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? - The safest remedy for heartburn during pregnancy is baking soda. It helps relieve discomfort by neutralizing the acidic contents of the esophagus and stomach. Baking soda brings quick relief, but after 15-20 minutes, heartburn returns. That is why this remedy for heartburn for pregnant women should be used only when absolutely necessary.


What can you do for heartburn during pregnancy? - Antacids are a group of drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the fetus. They have an effect similar to soda. The most common medications in this group include heartburn tablets for pregnant women: Rennie, Maalox, oral suspensions Phosphalugel and Almagel.

Antacids should be used one hour after meals. Medicines can also be taken before bed. Antacids should not be combined with other groups of drugs.


For heartburn accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic syndromes, it is recommended to take prokinetics. Drugs in this group accelerate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving the pregnant woman of the listed symptoms. The most common prokinetic drugs are Sab Simplex and Espumisan.


To relieve attacks of heartburn accompanied by diarrhea and abdominal pain, it is recommended to take adsorbents. Drugs in this group regenerate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and remove harmful metabolic products from the body. Smecta is the safest and most effective adsorbent for the period of pregnancy.


In the absence of a lasting effect during treatment with the listed drugs, doctors prescribe proton pump inhibitors. Medicines in this group reduce the acidity of gastric juice, preventing heartburn attacks. The most well-known drugs include Omeprazole and Rabeprazole.

Traditional medicine

The occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy, when the 38th week approaches, is due to natural changes in the woman’s body.

The most common home remedy for heartburn at home is baking soda.

But taking it during pregnancy, especially at 38 weeks, is not recommended and even dangerous. The problem is that when baking soda enters the stomach, it reacts with hydrochloric acid and produces carbon dioxide at this time.

And this causes a subsequent attack of heartburn. This gradually leads to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body.

Additionally, there is an increase in edema, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

Therefore, all traditional medicine methods should be discussed with your doctor. For example, these could be tinctures of centaury, heather, and calamus rhizomes.

Eating almonds, mint tea, carrot or beet juice helps eliminate heartburn and reduce acidity.

Every woman finds a couple of ways that will help her. It is recommended to always carry seeds or almonds with you.

Effect on pregnancy

Heartburn as an independent symptom does not directly affect the pregnancy process. The reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus no more than 3 times a week does not pose a threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and child.

Bad feeling

Frequent heartburn worsens the quality of life of a pregnant woman. It contributes to the development of melancholy, depression, sadness and depression. A negative mood causes stress in the body of the expectant mother. That is why severe and constant heartburn sometimes causes the threat of miscarriage or premature birth .

Gastrointestinal symptom

Heartburn is also a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases. Pathologies of the digestive system cause deterioration in the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Chronic diseases of the small intestine contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia. With pathologies of the stomach, there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which also leads to anemia.


Anemia contributes to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus. Over a long period of time, it causes retardation of intrauterine growth and development of the fetus, and in severe cases, its death.

Liver dystrophy

Sometimes heartburn is a symptom of a serious complication of the gestation period - acute fatty liver degeneration. This pathology is a fairly rare occurrence; it occurs in one in ten thousand expectant mothers.

Despite its rarity, acute fatty degeneration is a dangerous disease. It contributes to the development of acute liver failure, manifested by jaundice, digestive disorders, and damage to the central nervous system. Without medical attention, the disease can cause fetal death.

Recommendations for heartburn in the last weeks of pregnancy

  1. It is important to remember the important proportion. It lies in the fact that the more weight a woman gains during pregnancy, the harder it will be for her to fight heartburn.
  2. Food must be chewed thoroughly.
  3. Products such as dried apricots, prunes or boiled beets help relieve heartburn well. They will also help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and are a good preventive measure for constipation.
  4. Water balance is also important for the body. Drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before eating food will help reduce acidity levels.
  5. Clothing should be loose-fitting and not put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. You must stop taking medications to relieve spasms. It is better to replace with natural products. For example, mint and other herbs will help.
  7. It is necessary to avoid eating fatty, fried, smoked foods, seasonings and various sauces.

What should you do during pregnancy, when the 38th week has arrived, if no medications or folk remedies help? You need to wait until you give birth and the heartburn will stop on its own.

What to do?

If diarrhea begins shortly before giving birth, you need to prepare for departure to the maternity hospital. This does not mean that you should leave everything and just wait for the process to begin. It’s better to calmly go about your normal activities, but you should pack your things in advance.

The most dangerous complication of diarrhea is excessive fluid loss, or dehydration. To prevent this, try to drink more fluids. This will not harm either the woman or the unborn child.

In cases where intestinal upset is actually caused by impending childbirth, it is not dangerous and there is no point in taking any medications to stop it, because it is a natural process. It is important to tune in to a positive wave, stock up on beneficial emotions and think about the future.


Prevention of heartburn attacks involves the pregnant woman following certain rules. The expectant mother should not take a horizontal body position for 1 hour after eating. It is also recommended to avoid straining the anterior abdominal wall and straining during bowel movements. If you have constant heartburn, a pregnant woman should not engage in active sports.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? - If a pregnant woman suffers from severe heartburn, she is recommended to sleep with the head of the bed raised by 15-20 centimeters. To prevent burning behind the breastbone, the expectant mother should stop wearing a bandage or reduce it to a minimum.

One way or another, if you have a question, what can pregnant women do for heartburn? or how to deal with heartburn during pregnancy? – consult a doctor to avoid risks or complications.

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