What to do if very severe heartburn occurs?

Why do heartburn and nausea occur? The reasons for this may be different. We will look at them all in our article.

Many people experience unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and heartburn. Instinctively, they understand that the problem lies in digestion. Sometimes these signs do not indicate any serious diseases, but only when this happens occasionally. But if persistent nausea and heartburn occur, the causes of this condition may be more serious. There is a reason to think seriously about your health and take action.

This article briefly discusses the causes of nausea and heartburn, as well as cases when these symptoms are accompanied by other unpleasant sensations. In addition, the article provides recommendations for treatment and prevention.

Causes of nausea and heartburn

If the digestive process does not proceed as it should, and there are problems with the organs of this system, the body sends alarm signals. These signals are unpleasant symptoms. Many of the problems of the digestive system manifest themselves in the initial stages with nausea and heartburn.

Sometimes these signs appear due to mechanical reasons, for example, during motion sickness in transport. There is nothing scary or dangerous about this. You just need to keep this feature of the body in mind and be ready to help yourself or alleviate the condition.

Most often, nausea and heartburn are a consequence of indigestion. Impaired functioning of this organ can occur due to gastritis or ulcers, but not always.

Common causes of heartburn and nausea:

  1. Eating in the wrong position. Body position while eating is of great importance. You need to eat while sitting at the table. If you eat in a lying or reclining position, or hastily while walking, heartburn will appear. In a horizontal state, the contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus. Heartburn occurs, possibly with belching. In a lying position, it is more difficult for the stomach to digest food. During such a meal, as well as when eating hastily, excessive pressure occurs, causing heartburn.
  2. When overeating, the stomach is always overloaded. In addition to this, drinking liquid during meals provokes active production of gastric juice. When you overeat, the load on the stomach increases, and its juice and the rest of its contents are thrown back into the esophagus. The acidity of its secretion increases. If the food is fatty, then there is also a load on the gallbladder and pancreas.
  3. Heartburn and nausea may occur after smoking on an empty stomach. Tobacco smoke, with all its carcinogens, irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. And if you also drink a cup of coffee with a cigarette, then excess production of unnecessary gastric juice will begin. As a result, the person will feel heartburn.

What are the reasons for nausea and heartburn in women? Such symptoms are characteristic of pregnant women (at any stage, but more often in the second half of gestation).

The above reasons are not a complete list. Only a doctor can find out the exact diagnosis after a complete examination of the patient.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

In most cases, discomfort in the form of a burning sensation in the esophagus and nausea is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If unpleasant symptoms occur regularly, it is recommended not to delay a visit to a gastroenterologist and find out the cause of the disease.


Symptoms of frequent stomach pain, supplemented by heartburn, nausea and the urge to vomit, indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the organ. In addition to constant burning in the esophagus, gastritis is manifested by bloating, pain in the epigastric region, and empty belching.

The chronic form of the disease occurs with erased signs, and periods of exacerbation make themselves felt by attacks of vomiting mixed with bile and mucus. Discomfort is felt in the upper part of the peritoneum, the pain is nagging in nature.

Stomach ulcer

Signs indicating the development of gastritis or ulcers are quite pronounced. A person complains of pain in the epigastrium, especially on an empty stomach, and is regularly tormented by nausea and a burning sensation in the esophagus. The pain subsides after taking antacid medications and at night.

Severe discomfort is relieved by vomiting. A clear sign that an ulcer has formed in the stomach is dark colored stool. This may indicate internal bleeding and requires urgent medical attention.


This is the name of the inflammatory process in the pancreas, which is manifested by characteristic symptoms - heartburn, nausea, fever. With repeated vomiting mixed with bile, the patient's condition does not improve. A sharp deterioration in health requires urgent examination and initiation of drug therapy.


Progressive liver pathology leading to chronic inflammation. Any liver disease manifests itself with characteristic symptoms:

  • constant nausea;
  • burning in the esophagus;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • accumulation of white plaque on the surface of the tongue.

Suspicious signs of the disease include yellowing of the eyeballs and skin on the face. In this case, the patient must be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Gallbladder diseases

Pathologies developing in the gallbladder area include:

  • single or multiple bends of the gall bladder;
  • cholecystitis - an inflammatory process;
  • formation of stones in the bladder cavity.

The patient notes flatulence, pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn and nausea with the urge to vomit, which does not lead to relief. The addition of inflammation is manifested by an increase in temperature and severe bitterness in the mouth. Symptoms intensify after eating fatty and fried foods.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​a problem that requires immediate surgical intervention. At first, the symptoms of appendicitis are similar to ordinary poisoning or an attack of gastritis. But nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are complemented by severe pain in the abdomen. Most often, discomfort is noted in the right half of the body and intensifies when pressed. Symptoms may be aggravated by an increase in temperature.

Intestinal infections and food poisoning

Infectious pathologies are caused by the active reproduction of viruses and bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract - the mucous membranes become inflamed, which leads to attacks of heartburn, nausea and vomiting against the background of diarrhea. In case of a bacterial form of the disease, the patient must be hospitalized.

Salmonellosis is considered a dangerous disease - you can get infected from raw chicken eggs and by eating poorly cooked meat. In addition to heartburn, the temperature rises, nausea occurs with repeated vomiting. To prevent a person from dying from dehydration, he needs urgent medical attention.

If nausea and heartburn are accompanied by belching

Why do nausea, heartburn, and belching occur? The reasons may be different. Belching occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach are refluxed. This may occur due to the anatomical features of the structure of the digestive tract. In this situation, the gastric valve does not close completely. If belching occurs along with heartburn and nausea, this is a sure sign of stomach disease. This also indicates diseases of the duodenum. In this case, heartburn indicates irritation of the stomach walls and too high acidity of the juice. And belching indicates that juice enters the esophagus, irritating its mucous membrane. Nausea indicates that the stomach is rejecting food. Always with these symptoms, you need to check the duodenum.

Why do belching, heartburn and nausea occur? We will look at the reasons for this below.

Possible diseases causing heartburn, nausea and belching:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • esophagitis;
  • intestinal pathology.


Vomiting, heartburn, and stomach pain can overshadow the course of pregnancy. The uterus gradually increasing in size over time increases intra-abdominal pressure and begins to put pressure on the abdominal organs. This leads to incompetence of the esophageal sphincter, heartburn, nausea and even vomiting. The body of a pregnant woman is characterized by slower peristalsis, which can cause slower evacuation of contents through the gastrointestinal tract, irritation of its walls by its own acid, and pain.

In the last stages of pregnancy, women often experience problems with the stomach and esophagus.

In addition, nausea can result from autonomic changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

Thus, a combination of symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting most often, although not always, are a manifestation of disorders of the upper floor of the gastrointestinal tract. These may be acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of chronic forms, the body’s reaction to toxic effects after consuming spoiled foods, sending substances.

What is the newest remedy for heartburn, gastritis, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems that many doctors still don’t know about?!

More recently, domestic scientists from the Institute of Gastroenterology (TsNIIG) have developed an innovative remedy that eliminates all these problems, acting on the cause of the disease, and not on its consequence! The effectiveness was confirmed by gastroenetologists from clinics in Germany and the USA. Don't let things get to the point of surgery!

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and find out about it in a special interview with the head of the Institute of Gastroenterology of Russia, professor, honored scientist Vladimir Nikolaevich Abrosimov.


Heartburn and nausea - based on these symptoms alone, it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis. It can be assumed that these are signs of pathology associated with the digestive system. Occasionally, such manifestations can occur in healthy people due to errors in diet.

Any manifestations have a cause, so even harmless heartburn and nausea should not be ignored or treated independently.


To discover the true cause of such symptoms, you need to undergo an examination. FGDS will accurately show the condition of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Since gastritis is often provoked by the presence of Helicobacter pylori (a bacterium that lives in the stomach), a test for this microorganism is taken during the examination. If Helicobacter pylori titers are increased, then gastritis and the corresponding symptoms are 100% likely to be caused by this particular bacterium. It is dangerous because it causes ulcers, corroding the walls of the affected organ, and also provokes bleeding. According to research, Helicobacter pylori is the culprit in the development of stomach cancer. Its reproduction can be stopped with antibacterial therapy. There is no need to destroy it, since it is useful for the functioning of the stomach and behaves friendly in it, as long as a person does not provoke its excessive activity with his harmful actions.


The main causes of severe heartburn are:

  • food that irritates the esophagus - fatty, spicy, salty foods can cause discomfort in the epigastric region, taking a large portion or eating before bed - all this leads to a burning sensation in the chest. Food cannot be digested so quickly, fermentation begins, and as a result, gastric juice penetrates the esophagus, damaging the mucous membrane;
  • excess body weight, tight clothing, intense physical stress - compress the abdominal cavity, then the sphincter does not retain gastric juice, which leads to irritation of the esophagus;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol), eating chocolate, lemon - excite the mucous membrane, increasing the degree of acidity;
  • medications - certain drugs (antispasmodics, NSAIDs, medications containing caffeine) increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Stress and anxiety contribute to disorders of the digestive organs.

When carrying a child, a pregnant woman often experiences a burning sensation in her throat. When the fetus begins to grow, the uterus grows along with it, putting pressure on the stomach.

Heartburn in the morning

There are several factors for severe burning in the morning:

  • ulcerative pathology, gastritis with increased acidity;
  • obesity, poor nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • inflammatory process of the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking foods (kefir, salty, sour foods) that cause bloating and flatulence.

When you constantly suffer from severe heartburn in the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. It will be necessary to eliminate provoking foods that adversely affect the stomach.

Often the doctor prescribes Gastal, Maalox, Gaviscon in such a situation. Also anti-motor - Gastrosil, Raglan. Among folk recipes, chamomile infusion will help.

At night time

Sometimes an unpleasant symptom, stomach pain, occurs at night. As a result, the patient's sleep is disturbed, which adversely affects his condition. Often the burning sensation is accompanied by a coughing fit or lack of air.

At this time, heartburn occurs because a person in a horizontal position experiences intense pressure on the lower sphincter, weakening the esophagus. As a result, incompletely digested pieces of food combined with hydrochloric acid can easily enter the upper region, including the bronchi.

To prevent heartburn at night, you should:

  • have dinner 3 hours before going to bed;
  • When drinking water, lying down is allowed only after 30 minutes;
  • the person's head should be in an elevated position.

If the burning sensation occurs late at night, it is permissible to take an anti-heartburn medicine - Gaviscon, Rennie.

After meal

When your stomach hurts and very severe heartburn occurs after eating food, the reasons are most likely the following:

  • excessive production of hydrochloric acid;
  • relaxation of the cardiac sphincter; when the muscular “gate” is depleted, hydrochloric acid enters the esophagus.

Therapeutic measures for heartburn are aimed at reducing acidity and improving the functioning of the stomach. To do this, it is recommended to take the following means:

  1. Prokinetics (Ganaton, Itomed) – activate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Antisector drugs (Omeprazole, Ranitidine) - this use of drugs helps reduce stomach acidity. The products are very effective, do not cause harm to the body, and therefore can be used for a long time.

In the case of a serious pathology of the digestive system, heartburn can be observed for several days, then the person’s state of health changes, everything irritates him, he becomes nervous and weak.

Heartburn, nausea, belching

An unpleasant burning sensation associated with abdominal pain, nausea, belching, and a sour taste in the mouth indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • diaphragmatic hernia in the area of ​​the food passage;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • after removal of the gallbladder;
  • disorder of the pancreas.

When there is a sour taste in the mouth and a sore throat, this indicates that acid has entered the esophagus, and in the case of bitterness, it indicates the entry of bile. To help get rid of severe heartburn:

  1. Rennie, Almagel - will eliminate attacks of heartburn and belching. However, these drugs have a number of side effects.
  2. Omez, Omeprazole - to improve the secretory ability of the stomach.
  3. Motilium, Domperidone - normalize the functions of the digestive organs.

Nausea and heartburn often occur due to overeating, constant snacking, and after drinking alcohol. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes thinner, agitated, creating nausea and burning sensation.

Heartburn and vomiting

If, with severe heartburn, a person feels sick and vomits, then the factor is a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such signs occur with food poisoning. This will definitely require some treatment, since complications may occur if left untreated.

Vomiting and heartburn become signs of:

  • disorders of the stomach, gall bladder;
  • if nausea is added to these signs, then the cause may be hepatitis, pancreatitis, food poisoning, alcohol, or cholecystitis.

Heartburn, vomiting and diarrhea indicate intoxication of the body. You need to immediately go to the doctor or rinse your stomach yourself at home and lie down.

To alleviate the condition, you can take:

  1. No-Shpu, Papaverine - they will eliminate pain and bloating.
  2. Painkillers, antispasmodics - used for intense pain.
  3. Enzymes will improve overall well-being.

You can use a quail egg to relieve heartburn, but do not use it if you have liver ailments or pancreatitis.

A very strong burning sensation can cause cancer. In addition to heartburn, a person feels heaviness, pain, and bloating.

Heartburn during pregnancy

During pregnancy, heartburn is a common symptom and generally does not indicate any disease. Before birth, the fetus begins to compress the stomach, causing a burning sensation.

Here it is imperative to monitor a person’s diet, and it will be necessary to remove sour, fried, and spicy foods from the diet. Tablets during this period are contraindicated and generally ineffective. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist; self-medication is not allowed.

The condition can be improved with the help of Gaviscon. Cream, sunflower seeds, and raw beets are also recommended for consumption. Avoid overeating, drinking soda and heavy foods.

Heartburn, nausea, vomiting: causes

If vomiting joins heartburn and nausea, this indicates serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. These symptoms may be the result of food poisoning. There is no point in delaying medical help here. Food poisoning comes in different forms. It can lead to serious complications and even death. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Vomiting always indicates that the liver, gallbladder and stomach are suffering. Together with heartburn and nausea, this may be a sign of:

  • hepatitis A;
  • food poisoning;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • alcohol poisoning.

In most cases, vomiting clearly signals intoxication of the body.

Consequences and prevention

In the process of regular vomiting, there is a loss of moisture in the body, with which useful substances are released, which leads to an imbalance in vitamin balance. The inability to eat food leads to exhaustion of the body.

Negative consequences include an increased risk of damage to the walls of the digestive system. The described reactions of the body can lead to death or impaired functioning of internal organs.

In order to prevent the occurrence of consequences, it is recommended to promptly consult doctors for help, as well as organize proper nutrition. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and carefully process vegetables and fruits before consumption. Pay attention to the appearance, taste, smell and expiration date of products.

Stomach pain with heartburn and nausea

What do heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain indicate? The reasons for this can be quite serious. Pain in the stomach can come directly from the organ itself or be irradiated from another area. Myocardial infarction can manifest itself as pain in the stomach. Only in this case does a person experience severe weakness and sweating, which he describes as “streaming sweat.”

If stomach pain is accompanied by heartburn and nausea, then the cause may be a peptic ulcer. A more dangerous option is an ulcer with perforation and bleeding. In this case, a person may experience weakness and a rise in temperature. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. It is better not to undertake any self-medication methods, since you can harm yourself.

Irradiation of pain to the stomach can occur from the appendix. Many people mistakenly believe that appendicitis is signaled by pain in the lower abdomen - in the right side. It is not always so. Sometimes pain occurs in the center, in the epigastric region. In this case, nausea and heartburn occur as accompanying symptoms.

In any case, if a person suddenly complains of these three symptoms, you need to call an ambulance or go yourself to the nearest hospital.

Video: how to reduce acid in the body

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How to remove bile from the body using folk remedies, herbs and products

Bile poisoning of the body - what to do, symptoms and treatment methods

Rehabilitation after a heart attack, prevention of new attacks and care

Hydrochloric acid vapor poisoning - symptoms, first aid

Poisoning with Naphthyzin drops

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We have already found out what the possible causes of heartburn and nausea may be. Treatment will depend on the cause of the disease. There are some methods that will remove these unpleasant symptoms. For example, such drugs as “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”. They help eliminate bloating and relieve epigastric pain. Before use, you must read the instructions.

To relieve pain, you can take an antispasmodic or painkiller. If vomiting, rinse the stomach. Lying up straight and calming down is an effective method. Raw quail eggs help with heartburn, but they are contraindicated for pancreatitis. You should also use eggs with caution if you have liver disease. You must first find the cause of nausea and heartburn and eliminate it. Then there will be no symptoms. As first aid, it is enough to start following a diet, drinking antispasmodics and enzymes to improve digestion.

Treatment methods for vomiting

What should you do first with a sick person? If acid vomiting occurs, the patient must be placed in a horizontal position. The place where the patient is located should be comfortable and spacious so that the person can turn over at the right time.

Place a container for vomit nearby. If the patient is very weak, it is necessary to turn him on his side to prevent choking on vomit.

After an attack, give warm liquid and rinse the mouth. It is allowed to replace boiled water with disinfectants: a weak solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda. To prevent the gag reflex, it is recommended that the patient put 2-3 drops of mint drops on the tongue or give an ice cube.


Depending on the cause of acid vomiting, the doctor chooses medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms.
In case of infectious pathologies or overdose, sorbents are used that quickly remove the remaining toxins from the body. Popular means:

  1. Polysorb. The drug is diluted in warm water and taken throughout the day, dividing the dose for an adult or a child into 4-5 doses 60 minutes before meals. For adults, the daily dosage of the drug is up to 20 grams, for children up to 8-10 grams.
  2. Enterodesis. Dilute 5 grams of the drug in ½ glass of water. Take 2 hours before meals three times a day.
  3. Activated carbon is used based on the patient's weight. For 10 kg, take 1 tablet with a dosage of 250 mg.
  4. Enterosgel. Dilute 22 grams of gel in 100 ml of warm, boiled water. Drink 1 hour before meals. The drink is taken up to 3 times a day.

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To normalize the water-salt balance in the body, saline solution is used, which is administered intravenously. To relieve pain, use the painkiller Papaverine tablets. Almagel and Vikalin will help reduce acidity.


The basis is lifestyle correction. For example, physical inactivity is extremely harmful to intestinal function. When leading a passive lifestyle, the digestive tract becomes lazy, and flatulence appears at the slightest rough influence of food. Therefore, it is important to do something every day. If you don’t want to do fitness, you can walk to the store and back, to work and home. An hour or two of walking will not only prolong life, but also speed up metabolic processes in the body, including affecting intestinal function.

Fermented milk products have a good effect on all digestive organs. You just need to be careful when consuming kefir. One-day kefir is wonderful for the body. It helps the pancreas work well and improves intestinal motility. Older kefir, on the contrary, causes gas formation, constipation and harms the body.

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