Suppositories for constipation during early and late pregnancy

Women rarely avoid constipation during pregnancy. Even under normal conditions, constipation is very undesirable for a person, and during pregnancy it is extremely necessary to combat this phenomenon, since it can threaten the health of the unborn child. Laxatives during pregnancy help many expectant mothers combat constipation. However, it is worth figuring out whether laxatives can be taken during pregnancy and what contraindications exist.

Rectal suppositories for expectant mothers

The use of candles provides a local effect. The components of suppositories enter the blood in minimal quantities. Unlike tablets, suppositories do not put stress on the digestive tract. Therefore, these products can be used for pregnant women. The price of these drugs is moderate and affordable for every consumer.

Expectant mothers need to know which medications cannot be used in treatment in their situation. Many suppositories for constipation are prohibited during pregnancy. These include suppositories made from extracts of rhubarb root, senna, aloe juice, as well as Dulcolax, Bisacodyl. These drugs can cause bleeding and miscarriages. Only a few types of suppositories can be used for pregnant women:

These drugs are allowed for use after childbirth during lactation. Most doctors recommend suppositories with glycerin to their patients. These drugs are highly effective and safe for mother and child. They eliminate constipation, improve peristalsis, and provide treatment for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. These diseases often appear during pregnancy and after childbirth. Glycerin suppositories and Glycelax have similar compositions and are similar in effectiveness.

Most doctors recommend suppositories with glycerin to their pregnant patients.

Glycerin preparations are intended directly for the treatment of constipation, and sea buckthorn suppositories are usually prescribed for hemorrhoids. But they can be used as a mild laxative. The main component is sea buckthorn berry oil. It does not cause harm to pregnant women and provides a gentle, gentle effect.

Rectal suppositories for constipation Evacue can also be used during pregnancy, after childbirth and during breastfeeding. Taking the drug causes the formation of gases, water, and carbonic acid. They stimulate peristalsis processes, soften stool, and ensure high-quality bowel movements.

Harm from laxatives

Caution in choosing laxatives during pregnancy is explained by the fact that, in addition to the benefits, incorrectly selected drugs and doses can harm the body of the expectant mother and the growing baby. Negative effects of laxatives:

  • A number of medications stimulate bowel function. This can affect the uterus and cause it to contract.
  • The water balance in the body is disrupted. There are substances that prevent the absorption of fluid into the intestines. The stool becomes softer, but dehydration may occur.
  • Addiction develops. If you abuse laxatives, the processes in the intestines that facilitate the natural excretion of feces will be disrupted. A person will not be able to defecate normally without the help of drugs.
  • The intestinal microflora is disrupted.
  • Gas formation increases and colic appears.
  • The absorption of vitamins and microelements in the gastrointestinal tract deteriorates.

How to use?

Rectal suppositories for constipation for pregnant women are best used before bedtime. If it is necessary to use suppositories during the daytime, it is advisable to remain in a horizontal position in a relaxed state for at least an hour after inserting them. This will ensure high-quality penetration of the components into the intestinal tissue and the effectiveness of the effect.

Suppositories should not be used regularly. You can use them once every 2-3 days. They should not be used for prophylaxis in pregnant women. Suppositories are prescribed only when necessary to relieve constipation. Preventive measures for this disorder include proper nutrition and physical activity.

Suppositories with glycerin are considered the safest remedy for constipation for pregnant women. However, these drugs cannot be used by every expectant mother. Reviews from women note that glycerin can provoke a negative reaction in the body during pregnancy and after childbirth. If the introduction of a candle causes a burning sensation, it must be removed and not used again.

It is not advisable to use suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the placenta does not have the full ability to filter elements entering the fetus. Penetration of suppository components can cause disruption of the formation of important organs and systems of the child. Suppositories for constipation should not be used for pregnant women for a long time. This creates a risk:

  1. Threats of miscarriage.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  3. Habituation.

Why do pregnant women often experience constipation?

The appearance of constipation during pregnancy is explained by physiological processes in a woman’s body. Causes of problems with bowel movements in pregnant women:

  • High concentration of progesterone. The hormone is aimed at maintaining pregnancy. It helps relax the uterus. However, its effect also extends to other organs and systems. Under the influence of progesterone, the contractility of the intestines decreases, and therefore the process of passing feces becomes more difficult.
  • Growing uterus. The uterus becomes larger with each week of pregnancy and begins to put pressure on surrounding organs, including the intestines. This is most noticeable from the end of the 2nd trimester.

  • Lack of fluid. Feces harden and are difficult to pass if there is little fluid in the intestines. Lack of water in the body can be associated with toxicosis, manifested in nausea and vomiting, or with a deliberate reduction in beverage consumption due to edema.
  • Consumption of foods and medications high in iron. One of the side effects of a large intake of this element into the body is the hardening of stool.
  • Decreased physical activity.
  • Poor nutrition. If a woman consumes little fiber, the process of digestion and bowel movements is disrupted.
  • Hemorrhoids and fissures in the rectum. Due to unpleasant sensations, it is difficult for a woman to completely empty her intestines; feces stagnate and harden.

Expert opinions and cost of funds

The vast majority of gynecologists and obstetricians are inclined to believe that suppositories with glycerin are the best option for pregnant women and women after childbirth. Negative reactions are extremely rare. In most cases, suppositories allow you to quickly, without the risk of getting rid of constipation. You can use sea buckthorn suppositories if constipation is not too severe. Effective Evacue candles also received excellent marks from experts. But the price of these drugs is quite high, so their popularity is lower.

Approximate price of rectal suppositories for constipation for pregnant women

Name of candlesNumber of pieces per packageprice, rub.
Sea buckthorn1070-100

If it is necessary to use suppositories for constipation, expectant mothers should consult a doctor. Trust a specialist to choose which suppositories are suitable in a particular case: glycerin, sea buckthorn or Evacue. It would also be useful to read user reviews.

One of the reasons for intestinal sluggishness is intoxication from leftover food that is not eliminated in time. When there is also pain in the abdomen, the pregnant woman tries to quickly get rid of constipation by taking laxatives indiscriminately. To solve the problem quickly and minimize the harm that can be caused to health, it is better to use a rectal suppository, which will painlessly remove feces out in a softened state.

When should you not use rectal suppositories?

Anti-constipation suppositories for pregnant women should be used correctly to achieve maximum results. Before using medications, read the contraindications indicated in the instructions.

A pregnant woman should not undergo therapy with rectal suppositories with a laxative effect if:

  • history of rectal diseases: hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes, anal fissures;
  • after administration of the product, severe itching and burning are observed;
  • there is a threat to the expectant mother or child (the drug is taken only in consultation with the gynecologist).

Contraindications are common to all rectal suppositories. Laxative suppositories for pregnant women differ in their effects and composition. They have an individual list of contraindications.

Mechanism of action of rectal suppositories

Laxative drugs in the form of suppositories, which are used rectally, differ in their composition, which is taken into account when prescribing. Having a therapeutic effect, they help in the treatment of chronic constipation, and irritating ones, in eliminating acute conditions. They activate receptors in the rectum, promoting bowel movements. There are also fast-acting medications that you cannot do without in anticipation of a planned birth or surgical intervention. They have special requirements:

  • stimulation of contractions of the intestinal walls;
  • increased production of mucous secretion to facilitate the passage of feces;
  • minimizing pain during bowel movements.

Instructions and dosage

Almost most medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. It is necessary to choose those drugs that are not absorbed into the blood and have a minimum number of side effects. This is why candles, for example, with glycerin are very popular.

The manufacturer recommends inserting a suppository into the anus a few minutes after breakfast to stimulate the rectum.

It is better to administer the suppository while lying on your side. After administration, it is recommended to squeeze the buttocks for a few minutes so that the active substance gets inside. The positive effect occurs within 15 minutes after administration.

If any negative symptoms appear, for example, burning, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Types of suppositories for constipation


When taking suppositories of this group, the intestines are mechanically irritated, which is due to the action of the chemical components of the drug. Irritating suppositories are effective against exacerbations of the absence of stool and in the treatment of chronic constipation. Their task is to ensure painless evacuation of fecal masses by stimulating mucus formation.

  • Bisacodyl. Inexpensive irritant drug. The expected effect occurs a maximum of six hours after use, relieves tension during bowel movements, which is especially important for patients suffering from hemorrhoids. The use of the drug is contraindicated in the development of pain in the abdominal area, inflammatory ailments of the digestive tract and cystitis. Exceeding the indicated standards threatens the development of cramps, diarrhea and flatulence.
  • Stadalax is prescribed to relieve postpartum constipation and for elderly patients. Suppositories soften stool and promote soft bowel movements, activating bowel function. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, people with acute proctitis and kidney/liver failure.
  • Dulcolax improves intestinal motility by increasing water volume in the final intestine. Prevents straining during bowel movements. It is used in preparing the patient for surgery and in the treatment of chronic/acute constipation. Not allowed for preschool children.
  • Microclyster is a combined drug. It not only softens feces, but also irritates receptors in the intestinal cavity. Suppositories are recommended for therapeutic measures to eliminate chronic constipation and in preparing the patient for diagnostic studies. It is permissible to prescribe suppositories during pregnancy, but those who are breastfeeding must transfer the child to artificial nutrition during treatment.
  • Laxbene, bisacodyl analogue suppositories, treats chronic constipation (it is recommended to place a suppository before bedtime), increasing peristalsis and mucus production. Taking a suppository is contraindicated for cystitis, peritonitis and inflammation of the peritoneal organs. Prohibited in children.


Category of laxative suppositories with softening action. The presence of glycerol in their composition helps to mildly irritate the intestines and soften feces. The anal opening is coated with a glycerin substrate, greatly simplifying emptying. Allowed for all age groups of patients, including infants and pregnant/lactating women.

  • Glycerin suppositories are actively used during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Non-toxic, approved for all categories of patients
  • Glycerol is a simple and reliable remedy for helping with stool retention. It is permissible to use a double dose for a single dose. However, suppositories cannot be used for a long time. When combined with inhibitors, carbonic anhydrase, diuretics, their effect is enhanced. Patients with diabetes mellitus are prescribed with great caution.
  • Glicelax is not allowed to be taken in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids or a tumor detected in the final intestine. Otherwise, it is a drug that softens the intestinal mucosa with the effect of painless bowel movements. Suppositories are environmentally friendly and easy to use.
  • Liquid glycerin is effective for constipation. Emptying occurs twice as fast as with suppositories. However, the drug is not convenient to use.
  • Ichthyol suppositories, anti-inflammatory action. Hemorrhoids are treated. Recommended against discomfort and itching in the anal area. They have the ability to regenerate and exclude the development of secondary infections. Wounds and erosions serve as an obstacle to the use of the drug.


The release of carbon dioxide by suppositories leads to immediate bowel movement. Under the influence of a gas-forming suppository, it becomes very irritated, begins to contract and intensively cleanse itself.

  • Calciolax is a drug for emergency evacuation of feces. The laxative effect occurs after half an hour. Can be used once per day. The administration of a suppository is indicated for any category of patients, including the elderly and those expecting a new addition to the family. There are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, since the suppositories contain sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.
  • Evacue is used in complex therapy of constipation and for preparation for diagnostic studies. The laxative effect occurs almost immediately. The drug is universal and safe. Appointed from age 12.
  • Ferrolax - quickly cleanses the intestines of stool masses. There are almost no side effects.

What suppositories are allowed to be used for constipation in pregnant women?

Not every laxative is used when expecting a baby. Rectal suppositories for pregnant women for constipation:

  • do not disturb the intestinal microflora;
  • do not irritate the intestines;
  • do not tone the reproductive organ.

Most modern laxatives allowed during pregnancy contain natural, safe ingredients.

Suppositories with glycerin

Glycerin suppositories are popular among doctors and expectant mothers. This is the best laxative drug among suppositories. The drug has a mild laxative effect, slightly irritating the intestinal walls.

Candles with oils

Oil-based rectal preparations approved for pregnancy include:

  • Vaseline;
  • sea ​​buckthorn

The latter is not a complete laxative. Sea buckthorn suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but the slight laxative effect gives the right to use them for constipation in pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn

Bowel movement is based on irritation. The natural product removes feces without harm to the body, while simultaneously providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Doctors prescribe suppositories with sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of hemorrhoids accompanied by constipation.

Positive aspects of sea buckthorn candles:

  • help with constipation and pain;
  • accelerated tissue regeneration if hemorrhoids are present;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • low price;
  • allowed to use for anal fissures, hemorrhoids;
  • minimal list of contraindications.

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  • laxative properties are less pronounced than those of glycerin suppositories;
  • increased risk of an allergic reaction;
  • the effect occurs more slowly.

Sea buckthorn oil in the form of suppositories is allowed to be used in the early and late stages in consultation with a doctor.

The instructions indicate the possibility of using the drug for:

  • hemorrhoids stages 1, 2, 3 in complex treatment;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • painful bowel movements.

There is no information about the treatment of constipation. But constipation is considered as a symptom accompanying hemorrhoids, which makes it possible to use the drug for stool retention.

Sea buckthorn oil in the form of suppositories should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to the main component. A pregnant woman should undergo testing to identify intolerance to the active substance. You should avoid using suppositories if you have allergies:

  • itching,
  • burning.

The effect of the candle is observed after 30-40 minutes. It is better to insert a candle half an hour after breakfast or dinner.


Vaseline oil is not a direct laxative. In a pharmacy with the name “vaseline” you can only buy oil. Use of the product in liquid form is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There are no suppositories for constipation with Vaseline on the modern pharmacological market. The oil is used to relieve constipation in emergency situations.

You can only make a Vaseline-based candle yourself at home. The oil is simply frozen in the freezer in special molds, stored in the refrigerator, and used for its intended purpose.

Vaseline copes with the problem of constipation as a result of intestinal irritation. The use of products based on petroleum jelly should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Gynecologists recommend using them only in the second trimester if necessary, when the risk of threat to the baby and mother is reduced.

Suppositories with antispasmodics (papaverine)

Of the drugs containing an antispasmodic, Papaverine is used during pregnancy. Direct indications for prescribing the medication are:

  • cholecystitis,
  • renal colic,
  • spastic colitis,
  • pylorospasm.

The drug helps to relax the smooth muscles of the muscles, therefore it is mainly prescribed to pregnant women to eliminate uterine hypertonicity. Use papaverine suppositories for constipation with caution:

  • They will be effective against spastic constipation, when the cause of stool retention is excessive intestinal tone.
  • If defecation disorders occur due to organ sluggishness, suppositories with an antispasmodic will only worsen the situation.

Suppositories are laxative, but this property is considered auxiliary. The drug can be an alternative for spastic constipation due to uterine hypertonicity, difficult pregnancy with the threat of miscarriage. Suppositories are a good remedy for constipation and pain. They facilitate the act of defecation and prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

The use of papaverine suppositories is prohibited if a woman has:

  • severe liver failure;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • AV block;
  • glaucoma.

The medication is used in late and early stages. The effect after administration occurs on average within 20 minutes.

Suppositories with glycerin can help prevent constipation during pregnancy. The drug is prescribed in the absence of other pathologies in the expectant mother. In the complex treatment of constipation and hemorrhoids, it is better to use suppositories with oils. The drug with papaverine is prescribed for the threat of miscarriage, increased uterine tone, and spastic constipation.


Action: Provides a flow of fluid to the full intestine, softening stool and stimulating peristalsis.

Dosage: 1 suppository according to indications.

Directions for use: The medicine is administered 20-30 minutes after eating. The result comes after 15-20 minutes.

Features: Use the medication with caution in the first trimester.


Action: Refers to gas-forming laxatives. Not absorbed into the general bloodstream. Improves peristalsis, softens stool.

Dosage: 1 suppository at night.

Directions for use: The effect occurs within 15-60 minutes.

Features: Instructions for use indicate the safety of the product. Scientific studies have proven that Bisacodyl has an effect on the tone of the uterus. Use candles with caution.


Action: Relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine. Has an antispasmodic effect.

Dosage: 1 suppository at night.

Directions for use: The effect occurs after 20-30 minutes.

Features: Can only be used for spastic constipation.

Sea buckthorn candles

Action: They have an anti-inflammatory effect, soften feces, and remove them by improving peristalsis.

Dosage: For constipation accompanied by hemorrhoids - 1 suppository in the morning after eating, course - 7 days.

Directions for use: The effect occurs within 30-60 minutes.

Features: Have a weak effect. Allowed during the entire period of pregnancy.

Contraindications and negative consequences

Laxative rectal suppositories, like any medications, are limited by a number of contraindications. They are not prescribed:

  • with Crohn's disease;
  • with intestinal damage of an erosive nature;
  • with hemorrhoids in a complicated form with cracks in the anus;
  • for neoplasms in the colon or rectum;
  • due to dehydration.

Women are advised to use rectal suppositories with caution during pregnancy and when treating children.

A negative consequence of taking a suppository will be an addiction effect, when the intestines become “lazy”, waiting for the action of laxative suppositories. Therefore, candles should not be used for more than a week, although manufacturers write about the lack of adaptability.

What laxative can pregnant women use?

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, gynecologists advise to refrain from using any laxatives. In case of urgent need, it is allowed to use herbal-based drugs that do not increase the tone of the uterine muscles and have a mild laxative effect. This category includes laxatives based on lactulose, psyllium husk, and kelp.

From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, some choleretic drugs for constipation are allowed.

Probiotics (Linex, Rioflora, etc.) are used as an additional auxiliary remedy for intestinal dysfunction.

In the later stages (2nd and 3rd trimester), sodium picosulfate-based laxatives are allowed. However, pregnant women should take such medications for constipation with caution. They often provoke increased gas formation and intestinal colic. It is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription.

Laxative suppositories containing glycerol are allowed among rectal medications during pregnancy. It is not recommended to use them often, as this will lead to the intestines becoming loose and the act of defecation becoming impossible without the administration of the drug.

You can also use microenemas based on sodium citrate during pregnancy.


Rectal suppositories should not be used without identifying the nature of constipation. Indications may include:

  • problems in the rectum;
  • muscle tone of the intestinal walls is reduced;
  • in the large intestine there are obstacles to the movement of feces of a mechanical nature in the form of tumors, hernias, volvulus, spasms, intussusception, diverticula;
  • failure in the neuroregulatory process of intestinal motility.

The location of the source of the disease will allow you to find out the nature of constipation: proctogenic (problems of evacuation of feces in the rectum) or cologenic (lack of normal movement of intestinal contents in the colon). Failures can be both functional and organic in nature.

Rectal suppositories are recommended for use in cases of proctogenic constipation resulting from a functional disorder. This is due to:

  • decreased muscle tone of the pelvic floor and the walls of the final intestine;
  • regular suppression of the urge to defecate, leading to loss of sensitivity of the receptors of the intestinal walls;
  • disturbances in nerve conduction in the outer zone of the intestine due to disruptions in the central nervous system.

What laxative suppositories are possible during pregnancy?


In the first trimester of pregnancy, not every laxative is allowed to be used (due to the likelihood of miscarriage). Therefore, you should not risk your embryonic life, and if constipation develops, do not take laxatives without obtaining the doctor’s approval. This warning especially applies to drugs containing glycerin.

  • Microenema Microlax will relieve a woman’s condition within fifteen minutes.
  • Suppositories with papaverine will help in situations fraught with miscarriage. Copes well with softening hardened stool masses.
  • The drug Duphalac is a probiotic that effectively softens bowel movements and does not inhibit beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • Fitomucil suppositories quickly remove feces by first softening them.

The best suppositories for pregnant women

If a pregnant woman suffers from constipation, then gynecologists always have treatment options with minimal risk to the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, in the absence of stool, you can seek help directly from the doctors monitoring the pregnancy.

  • Glycerin suppositories. Prescribed starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Helps quickly remove feces (one-time use is enough). After inserting the suppository, the intestinal walls relax, and the tone of the intestinal sphincter muscles decreases.
  • Microclyster Microlax. The effect occurs a quarter of an hour after administering the contents of a small enema.
  • Suppositories Sea buckthorn. Not a pronounced weakening effect. The entire period of pregnancy is allowed. Prescribed for a five-day appointment: 1 piece in the evening. Used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Glycelax. Dangerous for pregnant women due to the effect of stimulating uterine contractions. However, it is used under supervision due to its rapid action and ease of emptying.

During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, a woman often faces various problems. One of them is constipation. Difficulty in bowel movements is associated with muscle relaxation. In this case, expectant mothers have a question about whether suppositories are used for constipation during pregnancy and which ones will be safe.

Classification of candles

These drugs are classified as local (topical) agents, as they are administered into the rectum. They may have a systemic (general) effect on the body, but options that do not have such an effect are considered safer. The second name for suppositories is rectal suppositories; they have the shape of a “torpedo”, are made manually in pharmacies or are sold already packaged (that is, created under pharmacological production conditions). Have an effect:

  1. Laxative.
  2. Hemostatic (hemostatic).
  3. Antimicrobial.
  4. Painkiller.
  5. Anti-inflammatory.

The action depends on the combination of active components contained in the suppositories.

Suppositories for constipation are administered in solid, not melted form.

To do this, you need to store the medicine in the refrigerator and remove the packaging immediately before use. Otherwise, the candle will not be inserted quickly and accurately.

Suppositories for constipation during pregnancy

Since constipation is unsafe for the health of the mother and fetus, you need to quickly deal with the problem. Otherwise, decay products will be absorbed into the blood, poisoning 2 organisms at once.

For treatment, women use local methods of control - suppositories that are not absorbed into the bloodstream. But they must be prescribed by a gynecologist. He knows better than anyone which laxatives are allowed during pregnancy and which are not.

When and what laxative suppositories are allowed during pregnancy?

The indication for prescribing suppositories is stool retention, not accompanied by pain in the intestines. The dosage form helps if constipation lasts no more than 2 days. Otherwise, an examination is required to find out the causes of the violation.

Symptomatic therapy for constipation associated with pathologies will not bring any effect, but may cause harm.

For pregnant women, natural-based suppositories with oil are approved for use. It will mechanically soften the stool and facilitate its removal. More often than others, glycerin suppositories are prescribed, with sea buckthorn oil or Ferroplex.

What to look for when choosing

Before using the product, you need to study the instructions for contraindications. Usually pregnant women receive special treatment. The doctor evaluates all possible factors that may affect the child and the condition of the expectant mother.

Despite this, only the woman herself is responsible for her health. If the instructions for the medicine indicate that bearing a fetus is a contraindication, then you need to consult a doctor and clarify this point.

Approved rectal medications

At home, to obtain a quick effect, glycerin suppositories are allowed for constipation during pregnancy. They have a mild laxative effect due to mild irritation of the intestinal walls and reflex stimulation of peristalsis. The active substance envelops the skin and mucous membranes in the anorectal area, making the act of defecation painless.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are considered completely safe for constipation in pregnant women. Suppositories have a laxative effect due to mechanical effects on the rectum. In addition, the oil has softening properties. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are recommended primarily for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which also occurs during pregnancy.

Microlax is a fast-acting, approved laxative during pregnancy in the form of a microenema. Can be used in the first, second and third semesters.

The active components retain water in the intestinal lumen, dilute stool and help enhance intestinal motor function. The relaxing effect occurs within 5-30 minutes after administration of the solution.

Frequency of use: 1 time per day. The drug is not recommended for long-term use.

Despite the fact that Microlax is not contraindicated during pregnancy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before use.

Types of suppositories for constipation

The mechanism of the effect of suppositories on the intestines is simple: the oil in the composition gets into the stool, softens it. By lubricating the wall of the organ, it helps evacuate the contents.

Features of using glycerin suppositories

One of the most affordable types of suppositories for constipation. Apply once, in the morning after meals. When removed from the package they melt quickly, so they require quick administration.

How does glycerin work in suppositories?

Glycerin is a soft base. It melts quickly when the temperature rises. Once in the intestinal lumen, glycerin envelops the feces, softens them and makes rapid, painless excretion possible.

On the other hand, by irritating the mucous membrane, glycerin provokes a contraction of the muscle layer of the organ. This causes the urge to defecate. It allows you to evacuate leftover food from the intestines.

Indications and contraindications during pregnancy

Indications for the use of suppositories with glycerin are not only constipation, but also preconditions for hemorrhoids. Due to circulatory disorders caused by fetal pressure on adjacent organs, varicose veins of the rectum often develop. Difficulty in passing feces further injures the mucous membrane, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. Treatment of bleeding is complicated by pregnancy, so it is important to prevent its development.

If a woman has already developed an acute stage of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, then glycerin suppositories are contraindicated.

Treatment is prescribed after all gentle ways to combat constipation have been exhausted. The doctor does not prescribe suppositories in the early stages of gestation due to the risk of increased uterine tone and subsequent miscarriage.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories with glycerin are also considered:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • inflammatory process in the intestines;
  • damage to the mucous membrane, ulcers, erosion.

Except in cases of intolerance, after the patient's condition has normalized, it is possible to treat constipation with local remedies.

Instructions and dosage

Suppositories act on the mucous membrane, but are not absorbed into the blood. The effect occurs within 3-5 minutes. The maximum dose of the drug is 2 suppositories, but usually 1 unit is enough.

It is better to use the product in the morning, after meals. The woman takes a comfortable lying position, relaxes and inserts the suppository into the rectum. Then you need to lie down for a few minutes.

How can you replace a laxative during pregnancy?

It also happens that changing your diet and lifestyle already helps to stop constipation in expectant mothers. Therefore, before prescribing medications to combat constipation, the gynecologist will advise the following measures:

  • Increase the fiber content in your diet through fresh fruits and vegetables, grain products (whole grain bread, wheat bran).
  • Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes two to three times a week. You can try yoga, swimming or walking.
  • Drink more liquid – up to 2 liters per day. It is recommended to drink clean water while limiting salt intake to avoid swelling.
  • Take probiotics (found in pharmaceutical preparations and some foods) to normalize the intestinal microflora and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general.
  • Don't delay going to the toilet.
  • Divide the daily dose of iron supplements, if necessary, into several smaller doses and take them with plenty of water.

Rules for using candles

Suppositories should be used at the time of day indicated by the doctor. In order for the product to have the desired effect and not cause harm, you need to know the contraindications to their use and use them correctly.

When should you not use rectal suppositories?

There are several situations in which rectal agents are not used. For example, when constipation is caused by a tumor or inflammatory processes accompanied by:

  • abdominal pain;
  • bleeding;
  • manifestations of hemorrhoids in the acute phase;
  • symptoms of appendicitis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms appear, as well as signs of an adverse reaction, you should discuss the use of suppositories with your doctor.

How to place suppositories rectally

Before administering the product, you need to wash your hands and also carry out hygiene of the perianal area. Then you need to lie on your side, bend your upper leg at the knee.

The product is taken out of the refrigerator and unpacked. The suppository has a special shape with a rounded end for ease of insertion into the vagina or rectum. To further facilitate the process, you can soak the end of the candle in oil.

Spreading your legs to the side, you need to insert the suppository between the buttocks. After this, you need to tighten the sphincter and lie down for as long as indicated in the instructions. At the last stage, the person must wash their hands.

How can I replace candles?

If for some reason the use of suppositories is not recommended, they can be replaced with other types of local intervention.

Microclyster Norgalax

This product, in the form of a gel in a tube with a small tip, is intended for gentle cleansing of the intestines. The active substance (sodium docusate) retains fluid in the lumen of the organ. Thanks to this, the volume of stool increases, but it makes it easier to remove it. The product is suitable for periodic use for constipation.

Norgalax during pregnancy and lactation is allowed only if the expected effect is higher than the risk of harm to the fetus. Contraindications include inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, damage to the intestinal mucosa.

Microclyster Microlax

This safe product is used for mechanical and chemical effects on feces and intestines. The advantage of this remedy over others is that it is allowed in early pregnancy.

Thanks to the action of Microlax, feces soften to a liquid state. The effect of the microenema occurs within 7-10 minutes. The active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream. But often resorting to this method of solving problems of the digestive tract is not recommended.

Allowed options

During the gestation period, regardless of the period, it is advisable to avoid excessive drug load. But with constipation, you have to choose the lesser of two evils - and use medications to improve the patient’s condition and prevent complications. Pregnant women are allowed to use several options for suppositories.

Glycerin based

They are considered the most popular for constipation, as they have a number of advantages:

  • moderate cost;
  • ease of use;
  • no coloring effect (if used correctly, they do not leave noticeable marks on linens or toilets).

What kind of suppositories can pregnant women use? These are suppositories:

  1. "Farmina."
  2. Glycerin for adults.
  3. "Slabinorm."
  4. "Euro".

They can only be used with the permission of a doctor, as constipation has various causes, and incorrect actions, including the introduction of suppositories, can harm the patient’s health.

Use 1 suppository once a day, 20 minutes after eating in the morning. It is necessary that the anal area is clean; The suppository is inserted into the rectum and held with a napkin, this helps prevent it from falling out. Defecation can begin immediately or after some time (up to half an hour) from the moment of use. You cannot use drugs with glycerin for cracks or exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Based on sea buckthorn oil

These suppositories have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they are good at soothing itching and helping to reduce pain in the presence of fissures in the anal area and hemorrhoids. The named pathologies can become one of the causes of constipation, so the use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil allows you to achieve a complex therapy effect.

However, the medicine does not provoke the act of defecation, it only facilitates the passage of feces, and with severe constipation (lack of ability to empty the intestines), other means are needed.

Constipation suppositories for pregnant women are used only after performing personal hygiene. Usually no more than 2 suppositories per day are recommended. They are inserted deep into the anus; a napkin can be used to facilitate the process and prevent slipping out of the rectum.

Other types of suppositories

Suppositories used to achieve a laxative effect may contain:

  • rhubarb extract;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • lemon acid;
  • calcium lactate;
  • iron;
  • lithium.

Such suppositories are called gas-forming, or effervescent; they are made using cottonseed or cocoa butter. They quickly (on average, in 10-40 minutes) cause stool, have few side effects, but are not used during pregnancy without a doctor’s permission - especially in the early stages. These medications are strictly prohibited in the presence of anal fissures, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and bleeding from the rectum.

With the permission of a doctor, for constipation, you can use - but only occasionally, one-time - suppositories for pregnant women based on a substance called Bisacodyl. This medicine is not used in the 1st trimester. But even starting from later stages of gestation, even if it is prescribed, you should not exceed a dose equal to 1 suppository per day. If you have anal fissures, enlarged hemorrhoids, or wounds in the rectal area, you should avoid it.

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