Is it possible to use Almagel during early and late pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman may experience various ailments. It is especially difficult for her to endure stomach pain, heartburn and flatulence. And these symptoms are quite common in pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters. The difficulty is that most medications are contraindicated to take at this time. And there are not very many medications that relieve such symptoms.

These are mainly antacid drugs. The most popular of them is “Almagel”. It has been used for about 50 years and is effective against pain and heartburn. The good thing is that you can take Almagel during pregnancy. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, a woman can get rid of her suffering with the help of this drug.

Digestive problems during pregnancy

Quite often, in the second half of pregnancy, a woman suffers from heartburn, abdominal pain and belching. Many believe that this is inevitable and is due to the fact that the child’s hair grows. But the causes of heartburn and abdominal pain are more prosaic:

- this is often due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, reducing its volume; because of this, part of the food, along with gastric juice, is thrown back into the esophagus;

- heartburn can also be explained by the fact that the growing level of progesterone relaxes all the smooth muscles of the internal organs, so the sphincter of the stomach allows food back into the esophagus.

Since it is undesirable for pregnant women to take any medications, and not everyone can tolerate unpleasant symptoms calmly, it is best to prevent them:

- you need to eat more often, but in small portions;

- do not lie down after eating;

- do not eat fatty, sour, spicy and fried foods.

If the problem cannot be avoided, then the only way out is to take antacid medications. The most famous of them is “Almagel”. Taking it in reasonable doses does not harm either mother or child.

Effect of the drug

Heartburn in pregnant women is caused by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the stomach. Therefore, part of the food eaten, exposed to gastric juice, moves back into the esophagus.

High levels of progesterone during gestation relax the pylorus of the stomach, which facilitates the reverse movement of the bolus. Hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice acts on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, causing heartburn and sour belching.

Once in the body, the medicine produces the following effect:

  • neutralizes hydrochloric acid;
  • relieves symptoms of toxicosis, reducing nausea, gagging, belching;
  • relieves pain and relieves stomach spasms;
  • protects the digestive organs from the harmful effects of other medications or poor quality food.

Is it possible to take Almagel during pregnancy?

Many years of use of the drug have proven its effectiveness and safety. If you take it after consultation with a doctor and do not exceed the recommended dose, then Almagel will only bring benefits, alleviating the woman’s condition. The drug can help cope with stomach pain, heartburn and even some symptoms of toxicosis. The main active ingredients of the medicine are alkaline compounds of magnesium and aluminum, which, when reacting with gastric juice, neutralize its acidity and turn into water and ordinary insoluble salts. They are not absorbed into the blood and are easily excreted through the intestines.

One of the positive qualities of the drug is that it does not cause flatulence. But when taking Almagel during pregnancy, you need to strictly monitor it so as not to exceed the dosage. If you take the drug for too long, you can harm the baby's health and complicate the course of pregnancy.

Side effects

Like any medicine, Almagel may have unwanted effects. If the dose and rules of administration are violated, a woman may experience nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. There may be changes in taste sensations, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and instability of the emotional background.

A tendency to constipation is typical during pregnancy, as the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the lower parts of the large intestine, making defecation difficult. While taking the drug, stool retention occurs more often. This limits the duration of taking the drug.

Almagel should not be taken for a long time, as it contains magnesium. This microelement provides the main effects of the drug and is practically not absorbed into the blood. But with prolonged uncontrolled use of the medicine, the components enter the body of the unborn child. It is believed that magnesium in high concentrations entering the fetal blood can disrupt the formation of the central nervous system and circulatory organs.

Composition of the drug and release form

“Almagel” is one of the first antacid drugs, as it appeared back in the 60s of the 20th century. After it, many other drugs were created based on the same components, but this drug still remains popular. Its main active ingredients are magnesium and aluminum oxides. They quickly and effectively neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In addition, it contains sorbitol, which has a mild laxative effect. Now there are several types of the drug. They differ in the presence of active ingredients and release form. This medicine is better known in the form of a suspension. It is packaged in convenient 170 ml bottles, complete with a measuring spoon.

There are three types of suspension, which can be distinguished by color:

— Regular “Almagel” is green. It has the simplest composition, and it is recommended for pregnant women, as it is the safest.

— “Almagel A” also contains benzocaine, an effective pain reliever. But because of this, pregnant women are prohibited from taking this drug. This drug release form is yellow in color.

— “Almagel Neo” is not recommended for use during pregnancy, but in some cases it is acceptable. An additional component of this form of medication is simethicone, which helps eliminate gas formation in the intestines. But if you have severe flatulence and bloating, you should not drink it. The drug is packaged in 10 ml sachets, which is very convenient for a single dose.

There is also Almagel in tablets, but it is not prescribed during pregnancy.

Amagel during pregnancy - reviews of drug therapy

Reviews about the use of the drug are mostly positive, but in all cases the medicine was prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy.

  • Nina, 32 years old. I suffered from severe heartburn. Taking Almagel eliminated the discomfort. No side effects were noticed.
  • Violetta, 25 years old. In the second trimester there was severe toxicosis accompanied by heartburn. Kursk of the drug relieved the unpleasant sensations.
  • Elena, 21 years old. I took it during pregnancy during exacerbation of gastritis. The drug helped quickly and effectively.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcerative pathologies), she needs to pay additional attention to her health even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Following recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity will help minimize the need for drug therapy.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The main active ingredients of the drug, in addition to neutralizing hydrochloric acid from gastric juice, also have another effect:

- have a weak laxative effect;

- help the outflow of bile;

— envelop and protect the walls of the stomach from irritation with hydrochloric acid;

- have a slight adsorbing effect.

A positive property of the drug is that after neutralizing the acid, it maintains the environment inside the gastrointestinal tract at a neutral level for quite a long time and does not lead to the formation of gases.

Can pregnant women drink Almagel?

During pregnancy, women often develop various disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn and stomach pain. The easiest and most affordable way to get rid of them is to buy Almagel at the pharmacy. But is it possible to drink Almagel NEO during pregnancy , like other varieties of this drug?

Important: the main danger to the fetus and woman is the alhydrate contained in the medicine. It reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid released, but this is the only plus that is negated by many minuses.

During gestation, useful substances and microelements that are necessary for the development of the embryo are removed from the mother's body. Uncontrolled use of Almagel can provoke the development of serious systemic diseases and complications:

  • renal failure;
  • encephalopathy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bone fragility due to decreased mineralization.

Therefore, each course of taking the drug must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Almagel: contraindications during pregnancy

Unconditional contraindications for taking the drug do not include the period of gestation, but the presence of serious diseases. The following ailments are present in this category:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • fructose intolerance.

In all other cases, the drug can be prescribed if the benefit from taking it is greater than the expected harm.

Important: during pregnancy, a large amount of calcium is removed from the female body for the development of the fetus. Uncontrolled use of Almagel provokes a decrease in bone mineralization.

In particular, this can lead to serious deterioration in the condition of the teeth. They begin to break down very quickly, which is already observed in 15-21% of pregnant women.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Almagel is not always the drug of choice during pregnancy. It should not be used for kidney diseases or in cases where a woman is intolerant to the components of the drug. In addition, in some cases, the medicine can cause constipation, which is no less painful and dangerous for pregnant women than heartburn.

Sometimes nausea and vomiting may also occur, so the drug is rarely used to relieve symptoms of toxicosis. But most often complications appear if a woman takes Almagel too often. In this case, a lack of phosphorus may develop in her blood. An overdose is also dangerous for a baby: excess magnesium causes hypermagnesemia, which can lead to his death. But a single dose of the drug and even using it for 2-3 days does not harm either mother or child at all. However, after giving birth you should stop using this medicine, as it can pass into breast milk, which is harmful to the baby.

Contraindications to use of the product

Like any medicine, Almagel has a number of contraindications, which also apply to pregnant women:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • kidney diseases;
  • decreased phosphate levels in the blood;
  • mental disorders;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Almagel is approved for patients with diabetes, because it does not contain glucose. The drug is prescribed with caution to women suffering from allergies. In rare cases, it causes bronchospasm and skin rashes. Liver diseases are a relative contraindication for taking Almagel; the possibility of its use is determined by a specialist.

How to use Almagel during pregnancy?

The instructions do not recommend using the medicine for women who have been pregnant for more than three days. Only in this case the drug will not harm either the mother or the child. But usually after the first dose there is relief. The liquid gel substance is distributed over the walls of the stomach, protecting them for a long time from adverse effects. Therefore, most often the drug is used once, to relieve symptoms. It is recommended to drink 1-2 teaspoons of Almagel during pregnancy half an hour before meals. Shake the bottle well before use. And in order for the drug to be better distributed throughout all the walls of the stomach, it is better to lie down after taking it. Because of this, it is not recommended to drink anything within an hour. During pregnancy, it is better not to take Almagel more than three times a day. This is quite enough to alleviate a woman’s condition, because the protective effect of the medicine lasts about 5 hours.

Indications and contraindications

Pregnant women can take Almagel for the following symptoms: heartburn, belching, increased gas formation, toxicosis, stomach pain after eating, intestinal colic.

These complaints may be due to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract during pregnancy, such as:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
  • esophagitis caused by impaired peristalsis and reflux of gastric contents into the lower parts of the esophagus;
  • enteritis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity. Read more about the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy →

The drug has contraindications. These include kidney disease, individual intolerance to components, mental disorders (Alzheimer's disease).

Reviews about taking the drug

Almagel has been used during pregnancy for many years. Reviews about its use are mostly positive. The drug quickly brings relief and relieves symptoms of toxicosis. Studies have confirmed that its components do not penetrate the bloodstream and therefore cannot harm the child. Positive experience with the drug indicates that Almagel can be taken during pregnancy. Women like its quick effect, pleasant taste and low price: a bottle costs about 120 rubles, and lasts a long time. But if a woman suffers from heartburn very often, it is better to consult a doctor about prescribing a safer and more effective drug. After all, during pregnancy, Almagel is not recommended to be taken for more than three days due to the risk of complications.

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