How to deal with severe toxicosis in early pregnancy

The period of waiting for a baby is an exciting time for a woman. After all, everything in her life changes, her body goes through physiological metamorphoses. These changes are not always pleasant. For example, for expectant mothers, indigestion during pregnancy often becomes an unexpected problem.

Women need to understand that such a nuisance can be dangerous for the entire course of pregnancy as a whole. Stomach and intestinal upsets during pregnancy occur in two forms - constipation and diarrhea.

What are the types of stomach and intestinal disorders?

When you have an upset stomach, there is a whole complex of symptoms that causes discomfort. And it’s not always the case that it immediately turns to problems with stool. What else can be classified as forms of intestinal dysfunction during pregnancy?

Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract manifest themselves in different ways:

  • Heaviness in the rib area, it can also appear in the throat;
  • Vomit;
  • Bloating;
  • Increased gas formation;
  • Stings in the side.

Causes of the disorder during pregnancy

Doctors have many different points of view on why, during pregnancy, stools often become upset and other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction appear.

The simplest explanation: such a time is exciting for a woman, especially in the first days, when she learns about her interesting situation, and in the end - before giving birth. And stress and anxiety lead to the tone of all muscles, neurohormonal activity, causing organs and systems to literally shrink. As a result, the lady easily experiences symptoms of certain malfunctions.

In addition, other reasons can provoke a problem at any time:

  1. The use of both antibiotics and vitamins: antibiotics kill all flora - both pathological and beneficial, which leads to disorders; an excess of vitamins also disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Lack of personal hygiene: if a woman does not have the habit of regularly washing her hands, including after visiting the street or the toilet, this is fraught with the entry of bacteria into the body, where their activity leads to pathological consequences.
  3. Binge eating. Everyone has heard the expression “pregnant women need to eat for two.” From a medical point of view, this is not the best recommendation. A pregnant woman should use as much food as she needs to keep herself healthy. If she overeats, the food simply does not have time to be digested and enters the intestines not fully processed, which will lead to problems with its further movement through the digestive tract.
  4. Passion for fast food: such food is heavy and almost useless for the body.
  5. Impaired blood flow: a rapidly growing uterus, weight gain, blood thickening - all this causes intestinal problems.
  6. Physical inactivity: lack of movement provokes congestion throughout the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the early stages

Usually, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system at the beginning of pregnancy are attributed to the woman’s improper eating behavior. If she eats something wrong or uses expired products, her gastrointestinal tract immediately responds with unpleasant symptoms.

However, it often happens that the disorder is the first sign of pregnancy. In the early stages, a real hormonal storm occurs in the female body - the entire system is rebuilt to maintain an “interesting situation”.

Due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which helps reduce contractile activity in the body of the expectant mother, problems may begin in the intestines - digestion begins to slow down, stagnation and constipation form.

The physiology of the human body is such that it uses special enzymes for contraction, which itself synthesizes. But since the uterus and intestines are in close proximity, the body has to suppress intestinal activity so as not to harm the embryo in the uterus.

After all, if active contractions begin in the digestive tract in the 1st trimester, the uterus may also begin to actively contract. And this is a signal of a miscarriage. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible so as not to lose your baby.

It is worth remembering that the harm of both constipation and diarrhea is quite real. If the problem manifests itself in the form of the inability to go to the toilet and fruitless attempts for many hours to empty the intestines, this condition is fraught with poisoning of the body of both mother and child.

And this is extremely dangerous during early pregnancy, when the basic systems and organs of the baby are being formed. After all, toxins begin to enter the blood and are immediately distributed throughout the body, entering the fetal circulatory system, since the placental barrier has not yet formed at this stage.

Diarrhea as a symptom is also fraught with negative consequences. After all, it leads to dehydration. And this is a serious danger for a woman. In some cases, you will have to fight not even for the life of the baby, but for the survival of the mother.

The question of whether an upset stomach can be a sign of pregnancy is quite relevant. And the answer is: yes. But such a symptom must be supported by other manifestations that indicate the new status of the female body.

Diarrhea and constipation are regarded as a sign of pregnancy if a woman simultaneously has a stomach ache, as with close menstruation. If conception was not planned, the expectant mother may easily not pay attention to such symptoms, or rather, not correlate them with an interesting situation, until the delay reaches a critical period.

In the later stages

Pregnancy and bowel disorders are a common and not the most pleasant combination. In most cases, in late pregnancy, intestinal upset is not a concern. But only on the condition that this is a one-time promotion.

You should be wary if in the 2nd trimester, against the background of disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, a woman experiences:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

In such situations, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this may indicate incipient gestosis. This condition threatens the woman’s life and often leads to premature delivery.

The 3rd trimester usually goes smoother, but even here, problems often arise when taking certain medications. The main thing is not to make a diagnosis yourself, but to immediately contact a specialist. Nausea, constipation or diarrhea exhaust a woman, so she should put aside all her affairs for a while and take care of herself.

There is also a theory: an upset stomach in the 3rd trimester is a sign of impending labor. Allegedly, the body cleanses itself before an important event. There is no scientific evidence for this yet. The theory is supported by the fact that at this time hormones begin to be released again, which prepare the uterus for childbirth.

How to distinguish intestinal poisoning

The most dangerous situation is when diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and other symptoms appear due to severe food poisoning. In this case, an additional sign is black stool interspersed with mucus or blood.

Diarrhea in case of serious poisoning does not go away for a long time, is accompanied by pain and pain, and deterioration of well-being. All this indicates intoxication and requires immediate medical attention.

Is stomach upset in pregnant women the result of food poisoning? - this question interests many. It happens, doctors say. After all, pregnant women do not always follow a healthy diet.

Treatment of toxicosis

What helps in the treatment of toxicosis? The gynecologist at the antenatal clinic hears this question every day. And really, how can you help a woman? Doctors say that regular adherence to the recommendations below will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis and improve the general condition of the expectant mother.

Expert recommendations:

  • following a diet with a predominance of vegetables and fruits;
  • taking sedatives and multivitamins;
  • daily walks;
  • physiotherapy;
  • calm home environment;
  • aromatherapy;
  • healthy lifestyle.

How to treat indigestion during pregnancy - popular treatments

Treatment of indigestion in pregnant women has its own characteristics. During the gestation period, you cannot use many medications that are allowed at any other time. This is due to the fact that they can harm the fetus. The question “how to treat?” is especially relevant. in the early stages, when all systems of the baby’s body are being formed.

If a woman has the first symptoms of intestinal dysfunction, but there are no other accompanying symptoms, it is allowed to use improvised means. For example, make yourself some rice water.

It helps with indigestion quite quickly. To prepare it, you need to take a little rice, rinse it thoroughly (it is advisable to repeat the procedure several times), add water and put it on low heat. You need to cook the cereal until it is completely boiled. It is important to remember that you cannot add salt, add sugar, or add butter. You need to eat this porridge 4-5 times a day.

As for drug therapy, if the problem appears in the early stages of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor - after all, any incorrectly selected drug will cause serious damage to the baby’s health.

For women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, it is easier in terms of selecting therapy. So, they may be offered to use Enterosgel. This drug is often used for food poisoning because it removes toxins well.

Sometimes antibiotics are suggested if the problem is caused by a bacterial infection. But such therapy is solely at the discretion of the doctor - even during late pregnancy. After all, antibacterial drugs can literally poison a child.

Does it happen that due to such therapy a child may develop abnormally or become disabled? Yes, it's possible. Especially if you use drugs uncontrollably.

If a woman's diarrhea is debilitating, Imodium can be used - just take one tablet according to the instructions to feel better.

Special diet

What to do if intestinal problems recur regularly? This question arises for many pregnant women. Doctors recommend using a special diet. For diarrhea, you should take into account the recommendations given to all patients regarding the gastrointestinal tract.

The menu should be aimed at restoring the water-salt balance in the body and include products that relieve irritation from the mucous membranes of the stomach. The main requirement of the diet is to reduce calories so as not to overload the stomach. The food itself should be fractional. You will have to eat mainly boiled or steamed dishes.

We include in the diet:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • cereals;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • lean vegetable soups;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • fermented milk products with a low fat content.

If you experience frequent constipation during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, you should also adjust your menu.

In general, it will be similar to what is used for diarrhea. Only the main emphasis should be placed on fiber - it is this that helps to more actively cleanse the body. With the permission of the doctor, bran is also used - it will clean out everything stagnant from the intestines like whisks.

Grandma's advice

It doesn’t matter whether stomach upset occurs early or late, you should be very careful when using herbal treatments. Often, many people use herbs to relieve inflammation in the stomach, reduce symptoms of nausea, etc.

Pregnant women should not do this. Herbs can be allergenic, and some even cause uterine tone and provoke premature birth. So it is better not to use such treatment.

Is there safe herbal medicine? Yes, of course, but decisions on its use should be made exclusively by the supervising physician. And here it is also important to appreciate that herbs have a cumulative effect, which in the case of various malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract is not particularly relevant.

Video on the topic:

General recommendations

To ensure that stomach pain bothers the expectant mother as little as possible, she should monitor her diet. Since the tolerance of a particular food is individual for each woman, it would be correct to keep a diary in which you can enter when and what product was eaten and what sensations followed.

  1. The basic rule is to eat in small portions and chew each slice thoroughly. Fruits should be peeled, since even it can irritate inflamed organs of the digestive tract. It has been noticed that buns with poppy seed filling also have a negative effect on a sore stomach and irritate it. In addition, to avoid hunger pangs, you should not skip meals.
  2. It is forbidden to lie down after any meal, as bending over can cause heartburn. It is better to walk or sit for about another hour to make it easier for the stomach to digest food.
  3. A walk before bed will be beneficial and will relieve food from stagnating in the stomach.

  4. Moderate loads and exercises have a beneficial effect on peristalsis.
  5. It will be useful to exclude from the menu foods that stagnate in the stomach and cause fermentation. For example, this could be fried, yeast-raised foods, peas, cabbage and beans. It is advisable to avoid juices and carbonated drinks. Also, salty, fatty and smoked foods cause stomach irritation, so such foods are also excluded.
  6. Avoid stress.
  7. During pregnancy, it is impossible to completely avoid problems with the stomach or intestines, but it is possible to make them less pronounced. To do this, gastroenterologists recommend not to forget about clean water, which should be enough, and also to eat food containing a lot of fiber. Such nutrition will speed up the movement of foods through the intestines, and the resulting spasms will be less acute.

Preventing disorders during pregnancy

It doesn’t matter whether indigestion appears as a sign of pregnancy or as an independent problem, it’s worth taking care of your health. You must not overload your digestive tract, eliminate stress, and give up harmful foods.

You will have to exclude fatty foods, smoked foods, marinades, etc. from your diet. Of course, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and the foods you plan to eat. A pregnant woman definitely needs to lead an active life - go for walks more often, walk more. And then indigestion during pregnancy will not bother you either in the early or late stages.

Useful video about intestinal problems in pregnant women

List of sources:

  • Tyutyunnik V.L. Dysbiotic conditions during pregnancy and methods of their correction // Breast Cancer. - 2003. - No. 16. — P. 893.
  • Burkov S.G. Diseases of the digestive system in pregnant women. CROWN PRESS, 1996.

Oksana Belokur


In 2012 she graduated from the Medical Institute of Sumy State University. She received a higher education in the specialty “Pediatrics” and qualified as a doctor. In 2012-2013, there were treatment and preventive activities at the Sumy Regional Children's Hospital. In 2013-2015 worked as a local pediatrician at Children's Clinic No. 2. I am currently on maternity leave. In my free time I do embroidery and knitting, and study English.


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