Frequent bowel movements not diarrhea during late pregnancy

Changes in stool during pregnancy: what to do

Pregnancy is a period when many changes occur in the female body.
All organs and systems adapt to the conditions of the birth and gestation of a new life. The expectant mother may notice various physiological changes that were unusual for her body before. One of these phenomena may be a change in the consistency or color of stool. This is often due to natural processes in a woman’s body, however, sometimes this condition may indicate the development of certain diseases.

Let's look at how stool can change during pregnancy and what are the reasons for this phenomenon.


Most often, while expecting a baby, a woman experiences constipation. But it is in the early stages of pregnancy that the stool often becomes liquid. What are the reasons for such changes?

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a pathological process characterized by frequent bowel movements. There are many reasons for loose stools during pregnancy. Experts call one of them hormonal surges, which often lead to loose stools in the early stages of pregnancy.

The appearance of diarrhea can also cause toxicosis, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, diarrhea does not pose a serious danger and does not require special treatment.

Sometimes diarrhea in an expectant mother can be caused by an upset stomach after eating fermented milk products, plums and some other foods. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s general and local immunity decreases.

And any provoking factors can cause stomach upset. Usually in this case, after a short time, the woman’s condition and her stool return to normal.


Treatment of diarrhea in a pregnant woman should be carried out by a doctor who first establishes the cause of the disease, which provokes diarrhea.

If diarrhea appears as a result of a common stomach upset, you can cope with it using home remedies yourself.

Decoctions or infusions of St. John's wort, sage and oak bark help to cope with loose stools quite quickly. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water (200 ml) over a tablespoon of any herb and leave for 15-20 minutes, then filter. Take an infusion of 50 ml every 2-3 hours until diarrhea disappears, but no more than 3-4 times a day.

An excellent remedy for diarrhea is viscous rice porridge, which is eaten in small portions throughout the day. In addition, compote made from dried fruits, jelly with potato starch, baked apples, and quince in any form cope well with diarrhea.

Change in stool color during pregnancy

The physiological reason for changes in a woman’s stool during pregnancy is, again, hormonal changes in the body. In this case, the color of the stool can range from greenish to almost black.

It must be remembered that the color of stool is affected by the food, medications and vitamins consumed. Vitamin complexes containing iron are often prescribed to expectant mothers, and they can cause black stools during pregnancy.

Black color

Feces turn black after taking activated carbon tablets, which are taken in case of poisoning or accumulation of gases in the intestines.

A dangerous cause of black stool during pregnancy is internal bleeding. It can be caused by ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum, and malignant tumors in the digestive organs.

These diseases are accompanied by small but frequent bleeding, as a result of which the stool turns black. In addition to the appearance of black stools, these pathologies are characterized by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and deterioration of the general condition.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Green color

Many ailments cause greenish coloration of stool during pregnancy. This usually happens with the following diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis. It is also characterized by frequent diarrhea, discomfort and abdominal pain.
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis). These diseases are accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, and bitterness in the mouth.
  • Colitis (inflammatory process in the intestines). Accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and deterioration.
  • Infectious diseases. They are characterized by fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should call a doctor at home or go to a medical facility for help.


The position obliges a woman to be attentive to her health and personal hygiene. Wash your hands whenever possible, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits. Subject food to heat treatment. It is better for pregnant girls to eat freshly prepared food, focusing their diet on boiled foods and low-fat foods. It is better to eat little and often, avoiding overeating.

Frequent walks in the fresh air are recommended, in places where there are small crowds of people.

If the first trimester falls during the winter months, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women. It is better to avoid visiting restaurants and cafes.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is an unpleasant moment while expecting a baby. Diarrhea can occur at any stage, but the malaise is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the fetus is developing. It is better to prevent diseases accompanied by loose stools by following simple preventive measures. If this does happen, it is important to take timely measures and first of all report the symptoms to your doctor.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

The causes of diarrhea during pregnancy must be divided into factors characteristic of the early period and the late period (from 34 to 40 weeks). Depending on the provoking factors, treatment will be prescribed that will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the early stages

Diarrhea and frequent loose stools in early pregnancy can occur under the influence of common factors. For example, viral and bacterial infections, helminthic infestations or taking medications (including antibiotics) that lead to destabilization of the intestinal microflora.

It should also not be excluded that the cause of diarrhea in a pregnant woman in the early stages may be diseases of the digestive organs, consumption of unusual foods or combinations thereof, for example, chalk and others.

Speaking about loose stools and indigestion, pay attention to the following:

  • the condition is usually identified in the morning and is accompanied by symptoms of toxicosis - nausea and weakness,
  • this is how the body of the expectant mother gets used to the new status and the serious hormonal changes occurring inside it,
  • the process of placenta formation in the early stages, namely in the first trimester of pregnancy, negatively affects the activity of individual systems.

The most clearly represented process is reflected in the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas. This is why in the early stages of pregnancy a woman often experiences disruptions in her digestive tract. In addition, any changes in this area will be accompanied by serious changes associated with protein and carbohydrate balance - most pronounced in the second trimester.

In the later stages

Diarrhea during pregnancy - in the later stages - from 35-36 weeks to 38-39 develops most often under the influence of such physiological changes as:

  • overeating, non-compliance with eating schedule,
  • worsening immune system protection associated with hormonal changes in the body,
  • poor quality food poisoning,
  • nervous shock, anxiety, depression,
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

The development of diarrhea in pregnant women at 37 and subsequent weeks can provoke an increase in uterine tone, so it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist

Many gynecologists also pay attention to the fact that loose stools that appear during pregnancy in the later stages, from about 39 weeks, are often a sign of the imminent onset of labor.

The fact is that by increasing the speed and volume of excretion of feces, the body strives to remove everything “unnecessary”. In many cases, this allows the birth to be more successful. Thus, short and mild diarrhea may be a harbinger of labor in the third trimester. However, the timing of changes in stool is strictly limited - approximately 24 hours before the onset of true contractions and the subsequent breaking of water.


Some medications may cause unwanted effects such as constipation. Expectant mothers, however, are unlikely to have a chance to try many of them. But we must remember that some antacids, iron supplements and antidepressants can cause problems with bowel movements.

What to do? Any pill and even “weed” should be taken only after consulting a doctor. If you cannot do without medications (for example, those containing iron to prevent anemia), consult your doctor on how to minimize their side effects.

What not to do? As a self-prescription, “prescribe” yourself laxatives, including folk remedies. They are categorically not recommended for expectant mothers, including because some laxatives further provoke constipation, while others, on the contrary, increase peristalsis, which can ultimately lead to termination of pregnancy.

What to do with loose stools during pregnancy, what you can take

If the stool becomes liquid, without being a harbinger of labor in the third trimester (as, indeed, in earlier ones), it is important to take appropriate treatment. This will help cope with diarrhea, as well as related problems, for example, if a woman vomits

It is recommended to use medicines, folk recipes, and also normalize nutrition.

Speaking about the most effective drugs, pay attention to:

  • The use of white and black activated carbon - both at the initial stage and after completion of the main course. These products perfectly adsorb toxic components and remove them from the intestinal area in the shortest possible time. An additional advantage of the drugs should be considered a gentle effect exclusively on the mother’s body - in the intestinal area.
  • Using Smecta, which increases the ratio of mucus produced by the intestines. It is she who subsequently envelops pathogenic bacterial components, as well as viruses and toxins. The use of Smecta allows you to remove them from the female body naturally. The advantage of using such a drug is that it does not cross the placental barrier.
  • You can also drink Enterosgel or hydrogel, which are in the category of enterosorbents. Under its influence, harmful components are removed not only from the intestines, but also create obstacles to their absorption into the bloodstream. In addition, Enterosgel helps to improve the functioning of the stomach, liver and kidneys, normalize indicators in urine and blood.

The use of each of the presented drugs is also effective due to the ability to protect the intestinal walls from inflammatory processes. We should not forget about stopping the formation of erosive defects on the mucous surface of the digestive organs - they very often appear as a result of prolonged diarrhea (lasting the second week).

As noted earlier, some home remedies can be used. Blueberry jelly, as well as an infusion prepared from pomegranate peel, are approved for use during pregnancy. Diarrhea can be treated by using a decoction of mint and motherwort: for this, the herbs are brewed in equal proportions.

If we talk about diet, then you will need to stop eating foods that irritate the intestines. For example, to eliminate loose stools, it will be useful to stop eating fresh vegetables and fruits for several days - this will not affect the child in any way, but will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

During acute diarrhea, it is unacceptable to eat fatty and spicy foods or drink milk. The ban applies to the use of fatty sour cream and cottage cheese, strong broths. It is better to create a menu for the first, second and third trimester based on rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, pre-cooked, will be no less useful.

Briefly about diagnostics

Before using medications and to determine the exact cause of changes in stool at any week of pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics. The woman will need to undergo a coprogram, urine and blood tests. Also, in some cases, they resort to a testing method such as ultrasound to check for the presence of inflammation and cystic formations.

After the recovery course is completed, it is recommended to carry out the diagnosis again. This will not only determine the success of treatment, but also completely eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Types of diarrhea during pregnancy

Doctors divide diarrhea into acute and chronic. But there is another classification that describes this disease in more detail:

  • exudative diarrhea, which is associated with inflammatory processes or bacterial infections. To treat this type of diarrhea, antibiotics and enterosorbents are used;
  • secretory diarrhea, which occurs due to certain bacteria or uncontrolled use of certain drugs. To get rid of secretory diarrhea, you need to use probiotics and drink more fluids;
  • the osmolar type of diarrhea is associated with chronic diseases and insufficient amounts of enzymes to carry out digestive processes. The condition can be improved with the help of enterosorbents, probiotics and diet;
  • hypokinetic diarrhea, which is provoked by frequent stress and fatigue. The main methods of struggle will be proper rest and sleep.

Increased risk of problems in the last trimester

In the final third trimester, the fetus grows and develops rapidly. The beginning of the trimester corresponds to the 27th week of pregnancy. Diarrhea at this time can harm the child's immunity. Diarrhea at 32-35 weeks is not dangerous, because it is a sign that the body is beginning to prepare for childbirth. Along with diarrhea, vomiting, false contractions, and lack of appetite are signs that the body is freeing itself from toxins, pathological microorganisms and self-cleansing.

At 34-35 weeks, the baby’s normal weight is about 2 kg. At this time, the fetus compresses the internal organs, which can lead to digestive problems. Loose stools during this period mean that temporary inconveniences are associated only with physiological characteristics. At the 34th week, increased diuresis is noted, and loose stools may not be observed.

At the 35th week, the baby’s lungs continue to develop and he is already preparing for birth. At this time, some women, in addition to diarrhea, experience clear discharge and leakage of amniotic fluid. This means that labor may begin and you need to see a gynecologist.

From the 37th week, the baby turns and presses its head against the cervix, which causes even more pressure on the pelvic organs at this time. If you have diarrhea at 37-38 weeks, you need to monitor the color of your stool and the frequency of your stool to prevent dehydration. Cortisol is released into the woman’s blood, which means that the process of aging of the placenta begins, lack of oxygen, and the child reacts by releasing a stress hormone into the general bloodstream. Therefore, diarrhea at 37-38 weeks is also a sign of hormonal imbalance.

All these precursors can appear in different women at different times. For some, active contractions begin at 38-39-40 weeks. The presence of diarrhea at this time is very worrying for some mothers. The sign of impending labor makes them worry that diarrhea during childbirth will cause trouble.

If at 39-40 weeks diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal pain, then this is a sign of labor beginning. During this period, there is no nausea, and if symptoms of fever appear, this means that there is an infection in the body.

This does not mean that herbal medicine can be done independently. At any period, and especially at the 39-40th week, any treatment must be approached carefully and only after consulting with a specialist.

Features of diarrhea at 38 weeks: normal or dangerous

Diarrhea that occurs at week 38 can rarely be considered a pathological condition. At this time, the baby is considered 100% ready for birth, so 38 weeks and loose stools should not be scary during this period in most situations. But there are other situations for which you should be prepared.

Loose stools: normal or pathological

Diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy occurs in literally 80% of cases, as stated by visitors to various women's forums. An unpleasant pathology may appear several weeks before birth, or it may appear 1-2 days before the event. Here's what medicine associates this phenomenon with:

  • by 38 weeks the baby’s head is already in the pelvis;
  • there is strong pressure on the sacrum;
  • from here comes pressure on the intestines and other organs located in the pelvis;
  • due to pressure on the bladder, frequent urination occurs at the same time;
  • It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a comfortable position for night rest.

For those women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time, diarrhea occurs closer to the 39th week, and during the second pregnancy it usually begins 1-2 days before contractions. There is also an almost complete loss of appetite. And this is a natural phenomenon of self-cleansing of the body before childbirth.

Loose stools at week 38 have several positive aspects. If everything unnecessary has been removed from the intestines, it will be easier for the baby to be born, and during labor, bowel movements will be minimized. Natural diarrhea, which every woman should report to her doctor, will eliminate the need for a prenatal enema.

Signs of danger of diarrhea

You should suspect something is wrong with diarrhea if additional symptoms occur:

  • very liquid stool;
  • an admixture of greenery or blood;
  • severe vomiting;
  • yellow diarrhea with a very sharp unpleasant odor and foamy texture;
  • the temperature rises.

These symptoms indicate the development of an intestinal infection or virus, which can interfere with the normal birth process and cause harm to the baby.

Basic processes in a woman’s body

Pregnancy at 37-38 weeks is slowly approaching its natural resolution - the birth process. At this time, the baby is recognized as having fully achieved the required indicators and is ready to be born at any moment. At week 38, the fetus gains weight but stops growing. The uterus becomes very crowded, and the amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases.

Reducing your water levels will help avoid complications during childbirth, as the baby cannot move much.

Childbirth begins without any symptoms or warning signs, but diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy can be a special wake-up call. Literally before birth, the child begins to sink even lower in the cavity of the uterine sac, pressing his head against the pelvic bones (outwardly it is noticeable that the stomach has dropped).

Additionally, a woman may note that it has become easier for her to breathe. In some cases, vaginal discharge begins to intensify, false contractions may begin and loose stools may appear.

But diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy can also appear for other reasons: taking medications, diabetes, neuroblastoma and other diseases. Treatment of any diarrhea during pregnancy should be agreed with a doctor.

Diarrhea as a sign of illness

By the type of diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy, you can determine whether diarrhea is dangerous. The first type is characterized by the duration of diarrhea. Acute diarrhea, the duration of which exceeds 2 weeks, indicates the development of dangerous infectious and viral processes.

With such persistent diarrhea, the life of the child and mother may be threatened. This is primarily due to dehydration, which inevitably occurs with such symptoms without appropriate treatment. Prolonged diarrhea impairs blood circulation, so hypoxia may develop.

But there is one significant limitation - chronic irritable bowel syndrome, which haunts a woman throughout her life. In such a situation, treatment should continue continuously from the first day of pregnancy.

Prolonged diarrhea at 38 weeks can begin due to proper nutrition - plenty of clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes it occurs due to taking vitamin complexes. Their subsequent use should be discussed with your doctor.

Loose stools during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, expectant mothers often experience disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, or loose stools.

This unpleasant symptom occurs so often that some women even regard loose stools as a sign of pregnancy.

Meanwhile, this situation is not always harmless and sometimes requires immediate medical attention.

In this article, we will tell you what causes can cause loose stools during pregnancy in the early and late stages, and what accompanying symptoms you should contact a medical facility for.

Why does a pregnant woman have loose stools?

There are quite a few factors that can significantly affect the condition and proper functioning of the digestive system of the expectant mother. Thus, the main causes of loose stools in pregnant women may be the following:

  • all kinds of food poisoning, consumption of low-quality or expired products;
  • acute intestinal infections. Usually accompanied by a rise in body temperature;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases, for example, enterocolitis. In this situation, loose stools during pregnancy are most often observed in the morning;
  • binge eating;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • dark, loose stools during early pregnancy are usually associated with changes in hormonal levels, since at this time there is a global restructuring of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency and other endocrine diseases;
  • lack of digestive enzymes;
  • increased sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa to a certain type of product. Most often, such a reaction is caused by citrus fruits, fresh berries and seafood.

What to do if a pregnant woman has loose stools, should she consult a doctor?

If a pregnant woman experiences loose stools, her condition should be objectively assessed and the need to immediately consult a doctor.

In a situation where diarrhea occurs very often, more than 5 times a day, the likelihood of dehydration increases significantly.

In this case, the water-salt balance is disrupted, which can lead to disruption of the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

Therefore, diarrhea should not be taken lightly. Call your doctor immediately if you have any of the following accompanying symptoms:

  • constant thirst and dry mouth;
  • lack of urge to urinate, as well as dark urine;
  • dizziness, general weakness;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • increased body temperature for no obvious reason.

What to do to get rid of loose stools during pregnancy at home?

In most cases, you can cope with diarrhea while expecting a baby on your own. Meanwhile, you should be careful when choosing medications, since many of them are contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Most often, expectant mothers use the following safe and effective remedies to treat loose stools:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta and Neosmectin;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Regidron solution.

In addition, during treatment you should refuse any food and drink as much liquid as possible - ordinary still water, various fruit drinks made from natural ingredients, strong black tea or broths.

Rice water can also be very helpful.

Appendicitis during pregnancy Inflammation of the appendix is ​​diagnosed in 3-5% of pregnant women, but a pregnant woman must have an understanding of the signs of the disease in order to promptly seek qualified help. Read more about appendicitis during pregnancy in our article

While waiting for the baby, women are extremely cautious about any kind of research, fearing for the safety and health of the unborn baby. So, mothers often worry whether it is harmful to conduct an ECG.

Let's look into this topic. Vitamin C during pregnancy During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases, because the baby needs building material. However, many expectant mothers are reluctant to agree to take vitamin C. Next, we will consider whether their fears are justified and what is the possible dosage of ascorbic acid during this period. Symptoms of gastritis can overshadow the course of pregnancy and cause discomfort to the woman. Therapy, which must be effective and safe for the baby, also becomes a problem. Next, we will look at the reasons for the exacerbation of this disease and consider its possible treatment.

Treatment methods

Experts recommend maintaining an active lifestyle as much as possible, taking walks until the very birth. Attending preparatory courses for expectant mothers and doing gymnastics for pregnant women will minimize the likelihood of developing diarrhea.

Important! You can do without medical consultation only in one case - if the diarrhea was asymptomatic and stopped as soon as the pregnant woman removed the food component that caused it from the diet.

To prevent fluid loss, the expectant mother needs to drink enough water, fruit or vegetable juices; with the permission of the supervising doctor, you can drink mineral water (with or without sparkling water), special diet or protein shakes. Until diarrhea completely stops, it is important to remove milk and dairy products from your diet, in particular kefir, yogurt and sour cream. It should be remembered that to maintain intestinal motility, you need to move more and take daily walks, but with diarrhea, rest and rest are recommended.

Important! You should never take antibiotics or other medications without your doctor's approval. No matter what the pharmacist at the pharmacy advises, only a competent, qualified gynecologist can select the correct and effective treatment, since pregnant women are not advised to take any antibiotics or antiviral drugs before 30 weeks.

Permitted and available pharmaceutical products include activated carbon and adsorbents.

Drug nameDosagePrice
Activated carbon1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, at least twice a dayFrom 17 rub. 20 kopecks per package
Smecta1 sachet three times a dayFrom 148 rubles per package (10 sachets)
EnterosgelThree times a day, a tablespoon dissolved in 100 ml of boiled waterA tube of paste and a can of granules cost about 225 rubles

Diet to prevent diarrhea

Entering the last trimester, a woman needs to be especially careful when choosing food and preparing a daily diet.

It is recommended to avoid the following foods that can cause irritation of the intestinal mucous membranes:

  • fried, smoked and spicy foods;
  • salt, pepper and spices;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • carbonated, tonic and caffeinated drinks.

It is important to create a diet so as to completely eliminate overeating or long time intervals between meals. It is best to eat small meals and at the same time. It is important to follow a diet; the last trimester is the hardest, so the diet should be light, but rich enough in vitamins and minerals.

Allowed to eat:

  • porridge;
  • boiled low-fat meat;
  • chicken broth soups;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Berry jelly and following a three-day rice-banana diet will help normalize stool and consolidate it.

The effect of diarrhea on fetal development

Competent obstetricians tirelessly repeat that pregnancy is not a disease, and the slightest changes in well-being should not be treated as symptoms.

There are 12 warning signs that you should see a doctor immediately, but diarrhea is not included in this list.

However, it is important to understand what is happening in the body and how the condition of the mother and her unborn baby are interconnected. Video:


Diarrhea can weaken the mother's overtaxed immune system, and its effects on the fetus vary depending on the month or even week of development.

Week 15 is the period at which the tiny liver is already producing bile, and the pancreas is able to secrete insulin to obtain energy from glucose. Maternal diarrhea at this stage can affect the development of these organs.

The 16th week is the period during which it is important for the expectant mother to protect herself from loose stools, since the formation of the fetus and placenta is completed at this time. Dehydration and contact with unfriendly microorganisms for the unborn child at this stage of its development is fraught with serious consequences

Dehydration and contact with unfriendly microorganisms for the unborn child at this stage of its development is fraught with serious consequences.

Until the end of the 20th week, the baby’s senses are formed, and his reaction to the mother’s condition becomes more active.

If at this time the mother experiences stress that causes diarrhea, this may affect the formation of the senses.

Beginning at this age, maternal dehydration as a result of diarrhea can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid that protects the baby from injury.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is a time of active growth of the muscles and bones of the fetus, so doctors recommend that pregnant women eat foods rich in calcium and iron and supplement their diet with special vitamins.

If these changes lead to diarrhea, the expectant mother should consult a doctor to adjust her diet and review her vitamin and mineral supplements.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s body already weighs more than half a kilogram, all organs and systems are fully formed.

By moving, the baby can cause mild contractions that are temporary. There is nothing dangerous in this - this is how the uterus prepares for childbirth.

By this time, the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid becomes significant enough to cause diarrhea.

Why is diarrhea dangerous in the early stages?

Copious, long-lasting loose stools are dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the health and even the life of the unborn baby. The microorganisms that cause the disorder penetrate the fetus, which can affect its development. A child with a sick mother does not receive enough useful microelements.

Dehydration and severe intoxication also negatively affect the child. Frequent loose stools cause contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. If diarrhea caused by bacteria accompanies a woman who is in the fourth week of pregnancy, this will affect the baby's heart. Starting from the sixth week, a protective layer is formed - the placenta, which creates a barrier to infections and microorganisms on the way to the fetus. The most dangerous disorder is considered to be in the seventh week of gestation.

A woman should urgently call for medical help if she has the following symptoms:

  • Copious loose stools up to ten times a day.
  • Severe dizziness and weakness.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Nausea, vomiting, intestinal spasm.
  • Mucus and blood are present in the stool.
  • Signs of dehydration: dry mouth, dry lips, infrequent urination.
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