What is the advantage of heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids?

Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids are widely used for the treatment and prevention of the disease, as well as its complications. The composition of the drugs may be different, but their constant component is heparin, a direct-acting anticoagulant that has antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.


07/22/201807/22/2018 0 Comment

  • 1 Heparin: description of the substance and mechanism of action
  • 2 Review of suppositories with heparin for the treatment of hemorrhoids 2.1 Hepatrombin G
  • 2.2 Hepazolon
  • 2.3 Nigepan
  • 3 How to use heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids?
  • 4 How much do heparin suppositories cost?
  • 5 Results
  • In this topic, we will talk in detail about the mechanism of action of heparin, and also review rectal suppositories that contain this substance.

    What is hemorrhoid disease?

    Hemorrhoids are a disease caused by disruption of blood flow in the veins of the rectum, resulting in stagnation in the hemorrhoids. When filled with blood, they swell and increase in volume. As a result of stretching of the venous wall, pain receptors are activated, which causes severe and burning pain. Stagnation of blood leads to inflammation in the hemorrhoids.

    In the international classification, hemorrhoids are usually divided into external and internal:


    1. External hemorrhoids are inflammation of the hemorrhoids located at the outer edge of the anal canal. In this case, the patient feels pain and discomfort during the act of defecation; bleeding, a pineal formation in the anus and its swelling may also be observed. As a result, a sick person cannot walk, sit, or stand calmly without pain.
    2. Internal hemorrhoids are congestion in the nodes located under the mucous membrane at the junction of the anal canal and the rectal ampulla. They are not visible visually. Symptoms of this type of hemorrhoids: pain during bowel movements, bloody smears on toilet paper, itching and burning in the anus, and the extreme degree is prolapse of hemorrhoids.

    With improper and untimely treatment, acute hemorrhoids become chronic. There is also a high risk of developing complications in the form of thrombosis. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a proctologist at the first signs of hemorrhoids.

    In order to understand the entire pathogenesis of the disease, provoking factors should be considered. Disruption of blood flow and the formation of stagnation in the veins occurs due to increased abdominal pressure. Abdominal pressure can increase only under the influence of unfavorable factors.

    List of provoking factors:

    Pregnancy and hemorrhoids

    • An incorrectly designed diet, a small amount of fiber in it, a large amount of fast food;
    • Sedentary lifestyle, frequent sitting;
    • Pregnancy and childbirth;
    • Constant problems with the intestines in the form of constipation and diarrhea;
    • Physical labor associated with lifting weights.

    By eliminating all these provoking components of life, you can bypass this disease. But if symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, it must be treated correctly and quickly. Heparin suppositories not only act on the cause of the disease, but also exhibit a powerful preventive effect against thrombosis.

    Helpful information

    Before starting a course of treatment with heparin ointment for hemorrhoids, you must undergo a series of biochemical tests, as well as make an appointment with a proctologist, who will perform a visual examination of the problem area for swelling, redness and irritation. In some cases, it may be necessary to examine the rectum using a special probe or the digital method or irrigoscopy. It is important to use the ointment as part of a complex treatment, when the effect is directly on the cause of the disease.

    Ointment for cracks shows the best results in combination with a course of oral medications aimed at normalizing venous outflow. Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids and ointment are prescribed mainly in the first two stages of the development of hemorrhoidal disease. If the use of the drug does not bring the expected positive results, the doctor should select another type of therapeutic intervention, such as sclerotherapy or electrocoagulation.

    Heparin suppositories description

    The substance heparin was derived from the liver of cows and pigs. It belongs to the group of direct anticoagulants, that is, it blocks the blood clotting process and prevents the formation of blood clots. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Heparin suppositories have a local effect on hemorrhoids, preventing the formation of blood clots. Heparin also stabilizes the rheological properties of blood, improving blood outflow. As a result of this effect, congestion disappears, hemorrhoids are reduced to their normal size. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, heparin relieves pain and swelling.

    How to use heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids?

    Heparin suppositories are used only rectally, strictly according to the regimen specified in the instructions. But the use of these drugs requires compliance with the following instructions:

    • carefully read the instructions for the drug;
    • check the expiration dates of candles;
    • visit the restroom and defecate;
    • Wash yourself with warm water without soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
    • dry the skin with a soft, lint-free cloth;
    • Take a comfortable position, for example, standing with your feet shoulder-width apart;
    • remove the plastic wrap from the candle;
    • take the candle with the fingers of your right hand, and spread your buttocks with your left hand;
    • insert the suppository into the anus and push it into the anal canal to a depth of 3-4 cm;
    • squeeze your buttocks;
    • wash your hands with soap;
    • lie on your side for half an hour so that the drug is absorbed and does not leak out of the anus.


    Heparin suppositories are available in various combinations with other components.

    The composition of some of them is given below:


    • In addition to heparin, Nigepan suppositories also contain benzocaine, which has a powerful analgesic effect, vitepsol and monoglycerides. Thanks to this composition, blood flow improves and pain relief occurs quickly.
    • Gepatrombin G suppositories contain heparin, prednisolone and lauromacrogol. Prednisolone has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, and reduces the production of inflammatory mediators. Lauromacrogol has a sclerosing effect on the venous wall. In combination, these three drugs provide rapid healing of cracks, improve microcirculation and relieve inflammatory manifestations.
    • Another Gepazol suppositories. Contains heparin, prednisolone, lidocaine. Lidocaine blocks sodium channels, inhibiting the transmission of pain impulses. Together they relieve inflammation and swelling and have an analgesic effect.

    How much do heparin suppositories cost?

    Heparin suppositories are sold from pharmacies without a prescription from the attending physician, but this should not encourage you to self-medicate.

    For your attention, the average prices for a package of suppositories with heparin in pharmacies in our country:

    • Gepatrombin G suppositories – 229 rubles;
    • Gepazolon suppositories – 307 rubles;
    • Nigepan candles – 238 rubles.

    As you can see, the prices for these drugs are quite affordable, and each of these drugs can replace several expensive analogues.

    pharmachologic effect

    Heparin suppositories have an anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory pharmacological effect. Let's consider the mechanism of action of each of these effects.

    Anticoagulant effect:

    • Heparin binds with antithrombin III to form a complex. As a result, antithrombin is activated and blocks the transition of prothrombin to the active form, thrombin. It also inhibits prothrombinase.
    • Heparin accumulates on the surface of the endothelium and platelets, creating huge concentrations. By doing this, it creates a negative charge on the surface of the endothelium and platelets, which prevents their aggregation and adhesion (the two main mechanisms of thrombus formation).

    Anti-inflammatory effect:

    • Inhibition of the production and activation of inflammatory mediators, such as histamine, kalikrein. Histamine causes swelling of the venous wall. Kalikrein is part of the kalikrein-kinin system involved in the production of bradykinin (the main mediator of pain).

    Heparin suppositories used in the treatment of hemorrhoids

    Modern pharmaceutical preparations with heparin in the form of suppositories, in addition to it, also contain other active ingredients, which enhances the therapeutic effect of these drugs and their effectiveness for various symptoms of hemorrhoids. For thrombosis of hemorrhoids or for the purpose of its prevention, suppositories such as Nigepan, Hepazolon and Hepatrombin G are most often prescribed.

    Nigepan candles

    Nigepan suppositories contain the anticoagulant heparin and the local anesthetic benzocaine, as well as vitepsol, monoglycerides and purified water as excipients. The course of treatment with this drug is usually two weeks, but noticeable improvements in the patient’s condition are observed after the first use. For hemorrhoids, Nigepan helps:

    • rapid pain relief;
    • eliminating burning and itching in the anal area;
    • reducing the inflammatory process;
    • preventing the formation and growth of blood clots;
    • regeneration of damaged tissue.

    Suppositories with heparin Nigepan
    Direct indications for the use of Nigepan include thrombosis of external or internal hemorrhoids. The drug is administered into the rectal cavity in the morning and evening at equal intervals.

    Hepazolon suppositories

    Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids Gepazolon include three active ingredients with a different spectrum of pharmacological action, which makes this drug very effective. They contain:

    • heparin;
    • prednisolone;
    • lidocaine.

    Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticosteroid hormones of the adrenal cortex, which has a higher activity than them. In hemorrhoids, it has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect, inhibiting the release and activity of inflammatory mediators. This allows you to quickly eliminate pain, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Lidocaine is a local anesthetic and helps to instantly relieve pain, burning and itching in hemorrhoids by blocking sodium channels, which prevents the occurrence and transmission of pain impulses along nerve fibers.

    Gepasolone is used to treat thrombosis of external and internal hemorrhoids. It is also prescribed for anal fissures, itching, and preparations for operations in the anal area. However, the use of the drug has one peculiarity: when treating external hemorrhoids, it cannot be completely introduced into the rectal cavity. According to the instructions, the therapeutic course is one week.

    Indications for use

    Heparin suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be used in the following forms:

    Sphincter injury

    1. External and internal hemorrhoids
    2. Formation of large hemorrhoidal lumps
    3. Thrombosis in hemorrhoids
    4. Anal fissures
    5. Anal fistulas
    6. Unpleasant feelings and itching in the anus
    7. Severe pain with acute hemorrhoids
    8. Inflammation in the anus
    9. Erosion of the anus.

    Heparin suppositories are best taken in the initial stages of hemorrhoids.

    About pathology

    Moderate formation of hemorrhoids can be observed in many people, but if the influence of negative factors increases, they can become very inflamed, bleed, lead to the development of anemia and require urgent surgical care. In the early stages, this pathology responds well to treatment using conservative methods, mainly drug treatment, which uses suppositories with heparin.

    The causes of hemorrhoids are difficult to determine. Most often it occurs under the influence of several factors:

    • with prolonged constipation;
    • during childbirth;
    • when lifting weights;
    • passive lifestyle;
    • abuse of spicy food, alcohol;
    • sports activities;
    • hypothermia.

    In what cases is the use of heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids indicated?


    Heparin suppositories should not be prescribed for hemorrhoids, accompanied by the release of a significant amount of blood during bowel movements.

    This drug is also contraindicated in persons who have:

    be careful

    • Intolerance to the components of the suppository;
    • Serious liver diseases;
    • Period of menstruation;
    • Bleeding of any origin;
    • Poor blood clotting, such as hemophilia;
    • Allergy.

    In any case, you should strictly follow the instructions for using suppositories with heparin, since their irrational and prolonged use can lead to severe blood thinning. As a result, bruises and hemorrhages will appear.

    Features of using the drug

    Heparin ointment for a diagnosis such as external hemorrhoids should be used as compresses made of sterile fabric or gauze, onto which the drug is applied in a thin layer.
    A similar compress is secured with a plaster shortly before bedtime; it can be removed immediately after waking up in the morning. The affected area should then be rinsed with clean water. Tampons impregnated with heparin ointment have the same effectiveness as heparin suppositories. The duration of the course should be calculated by the attending physician, be at least three days and not exceed two weeks. How is ointment used for hemorrhoids? It should be applied exclusively to a clean surface of the skin. Preliminary procedures include defecation and hygienic treatment with water and special antiseptics. Heparin ointment has a very short-lasting effect (about eight hours), so it can be applied three times a day.

    For bleeding hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by bloody discharge during or after bowel movements, the use of such a remedy is strongly not recommended.

    Many proctologists advise using the ointment not only for itching in the anus, but also in the postoperative period as a means of accelerating regenerative processes, as well as helping to eliminate active inflammatory processes and swelling. During lactation and pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes, constipation is often observed, which provokes the occurrence of nodes and blood clots. However, pregnant women and nursing mothers can only use such an ointment as prescribed by a doctor.

    There are a number of specific rules according to which you need to use heparin-based products:

    1. In the case of external hemorrhoids, one to two grams of ointment is carefully applied to an area of ​​skin from 3.5 to 5.5 cm in diameter. Then it is slowly rubbed into the skin using light massaging movements. The procedure is repeated until complete elimination of active inflammatory processes and other negative symptoms.
    2. Internal hemorrhoids should be treated with heparin-based suppositories or gauze pads soaked in ointment. Thrombosis therapy involves applying special bandages followed by fixation.
    3. If you have combined hemorrhoids, you should use both of the above methods to achieve maximum effectiveness.

    The effect of heparin ointment begins with an unpleasant burning sensation, which disappears on its own after a short period of time. Conservative medicine claims that for anal fissures and chronic hemorrhoids, it is not enough to use suppositories and ointments. It is important to give up addictions, switch to a balanced diet and add more physical activity to your life. Positive effects on recovery: physical therapy, race walking, swimming and running.


    It comes in a cardboard box, which usually contains ten to twenty candles, enough for one course of treatment. The candles have a cylindrical shape, which is convenient to use.

    To reach the affected area with the components of the suppository, they must be used correctly.

    First, let's discuss how to use them:

    How to insert a candle correctly

    • Wash your hands well with soap;
    • Open the protective shell along the rupture line;
    • Take a lying position on your left side, pulling your legs towards your tummy;
    • Spread the buttocks and insert the suppository into the anus, hold it there with your finger so that it passes into the rectum;
    • Turn over onto your stomach and lie in this position for 10 minutes.

    Once in the anal cavity, the candle, under the influence of body temperature, begins to dissolve and disintegrate into components. Which are absorbed and have a local targeted effect.

    It is recommended to perform the procedure before bedtime. If the doctor prescribed it twice a day, morning and evening. Before it, you need to empty your bowels and preferably wash yourself.

    Candles should be stored in the refrigerator to preserve their cylindrical shape and all medicinal properties.

    The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

    Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin: names, instructions and reviews

    In this article we will look at the most popular names of suppositories with heparin for hemorrhoids.
    Hemorrhoids are varicose changes in the venous plexuses in the rectum, leading to the appearance of hemorrhoids that are prone to inflammation, bleeding and prolapse from the anus. The pathological process is observed equally often among women and men. Doctors distinguish between external and internal hemorrhoids.

    About pathology

    Moderate formation of hemorrhoids can be observed in many people, but if the influence of negative factors increases, they can become very inflamed, bleed, lead to the development of anemia and require urgent surgical care. In the early stages, this pathology responds well to treatment using conservative methods, mainly drug treatment, which uses suppositories with heparin.

    The causes of hemorrhoids are difficult to determine. Most often it occurs under the influence of several factors:

    • with prolonged constipation;
    • during childbirth;
    • when lifting weights;
    • passive lifestyle;
    • abuse of spicy food, alcohol;
    • sports activities;
    • hypothermia.

    In what cases is the use of heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids indicated?

    One of the negative complications of hemorrhoids is the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids. This pathological process is often observed in patients in the later stages of the disease.

    In this case, treatment requires the use of certain combination medications, which not only provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, but also resolve blood clots formed in the anorectal area.

    Such drugs include those that contain a direct-acting anticoagulant, heparin, widely used in medical practice for the treatment and prevention of various thromboembolic pathologies.

    Among local medications, suppositories with heparin are the most effective.

    They stop the process of thrombus formation and have a resolving effect on formed blood clots, which significantly alleviates the further course of the disease.

    How do suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin work?

    Pharmacological action of heparin suppositories

    Heparin is a natural direct anticoagulant, one of the main elements of the anti-clotting properties of human blood. It is present in almost all organs, but to a greater extent in the lungs, liver and heart. The mechanism of action of heparin is associated with its effect on blood coagulation processes.

    It inactivates thrombin circulating in the blood, which is the main enzyme that promotes blood clotting. This causes inhibition of the conversion of fibrinogens into fibrin, the threads of which form the basis of the thrombus.

    Heparin reduces the ability of platelets to stick together and also increases the fibrinolytic functionality of the blood by reducing the concentration of antiplasmins.

    When using suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin, the following is observed:

    • thinning the blood and reducing blood clots;
    • elimination of the inflammatory process and reduction of swelling;
    • accelerating the processes of restoration and healing of affected tissue;
    • decreased permeability of vascular walls.

    According to the chemical structure, this substance is a heteropolysaccharide consisting of glucuronic acid and glucosamine residues. Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used in the treatment of such a disease at any stage of development. Such medications are especially effective for acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

    Suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin should be used only as prescribed by a specialist, since they have certain contraindications. They cannot be used if hemorrhoidal bleeding occurs, blood clotting disorders and individual intolerance to substances from the composition.

    Below are the names of effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin.

    Suppositories used in the treatment of hemorrhoids

    Modern pharmaceuticals with heparin in the form of suppositories also contain other active ingredients, which enhances the therapeutic effect of these drugs and their effectiveness for a variety of symptoms of hemorrhoids. When thrombosis of hemorrhoids occurs or for the purpose of its prevention, drugs such as Nigepan, Hepatrombin G, and Hepazolon are most often prescribed.

    Let's consider some features of the use of suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin.


    Suppositories of this medical product contain heparin and the local anesthetic benzocaine, as well as monoglycerides, vitepsol and purified water as additional substances. The course of therapy with this pharmacological agent is usually two weeks, but a noticeable effect is observed after the first use.

    The medicine "Nigepan" has the following effect:

    • rapid relief of pain;
    • relief of itching and burning in the anal area;
    • reducing the manifestations of the inflammatory process;
    • preventing the formation of blood clots;
    • restoration of the affected tissue.

    Direct indications for the use of Nigepan suppositories include thrombosis of internal and external hemorrhoids. The medicine is injected into the rectal cavity twice a day at equal time intervals.

    Photos of suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin are presented in the article.


    Heparin suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids "Gepazolone" contain three active elements with different directions of pharmacological action, which makes this medication very effective. They contain: heparin, lidocaine and prednisolone.

    Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticosteroid hormones of the adrenal glands, which has high activity. In hemorrhoidal disease, it has a local anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing the release and activity of mediators of the inflammatory process.

    This allows you to quickly relieve pain, swelling and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

    Lidocaine belongs to the category of local anesthetics and helps relieve pain, burning and itching by blocking sodium channels, which prevents the occurrence and transmission of pain impulses along nerve fibers.

    The medicine "Gepazolone" is used in the treatment of thrombosis of internal and external hemorrhoidal formations.

    In addition, it is prescribed for the occurrence of anal fissures, itching, as well as in preparation for surgical interventions in the anal area.

    However, the use of the drug has some peculiarities - when treating external hemorrhoids, it cannot be injected into the rectum. According to the recommendations from the instructions, the course of treatment with the drug is one week.

    What other products are included in the list of suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin?

    "Gepatrombin G"

    Suppositories of this drug are a multicomponent drug containing several active elements: prednisolone, heparin and lauromacrogol. The combined effect of prednisolone and heparin helps reduce swelling, pain, and itching in the anus. Lauromacrogol scleroses hemorrhoids, which helps reduce their size.

    According to the instructions, suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin are indicated for any type of illness, as well as for the development of thrombophlebitis of the anorectal veins. It can be used once or twice a day for 7 days.

    This medicine is also produced in the form of an ointment. Using ointments and suppositories together is more effective. Before insertion, it is necessary to empty the intestines and toilet the anal area.

    Before starting treatment with these suppositories, the patient needs to carefully study the instructions, since this medicine has a number of contraindications, which include:

    • intolerance to active elements;
    • bleeding wound surfaces;
    • impaired blood clotting, development of hemophilia;
    • purulent skin lesions;
    • oncological tumors in the rectal area;
    • intestinal bleeding;
    • tuberculosis, syphilis;
    • fungal infection;
    • age less than 16 years;
    • pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

    Reviews of suppositories with heparin for hemorrhoids

    Judging by the information obtained from reviews of people suffering from hemorrhoids in acute or chronic form and using a variety of medications for its treatment, heparin suppositories are fundamental medications in the treatment of such a disease.

    They note that if thrombosis occurs, hemorrhoids are subject to surgical treatment, which is extremely difficult to tolerate and often causes a lot of negative consequences.

    Therefore, many doctors recommend preventing the formation of blood clots in the event of hemorrhoids, which will avoid surgery and many complications.

    Most often, suppositories with heparin are prescribed, and the most popular drug from this group is Hepatrombin G.

    When used in patients, signs of the inflammatory process quickly disappeared, hemorrhoids decreased in size, which contributed to the disappearance of pain and itching.

    According to patients, this medication is well tolerated and causes virtually no adverse reactions.

    The drugs "Gepazolone" and "Nigepan" are also in great demand and help to prevent thrombosis, however, for unknown reasons, most patients prefer to use the suppositories "Hepatrombin G".


    The cost of all of the above medical products for the treatment of hemorrhoids, with a tendency to form blood clots, based on heparin in the form of rectal suppositories, is approximately the same, and ranges between 200 rubles, which does not in any way affect the preference of patients to choose a drug depending on its price.

    Source: https://FB.ru/article/408843/effektivnyie-svechi-ot-gemorroya-s-geparinom-nazvaniya-instruktsiya-i-otzyivyi

    Side effects

    An overdose of heparin suppositories can cause hemorrhages; if they occur, you should immediately stop using them.

    Dyspeptic disorders may also occur: vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, belching. Rarely, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of redness, itching, urticaria, and myalgia.

    The most serious complications are thrombocytopenia and osteoporosis. Thrombocytopenia is a pathological decrease in platelets, clinically manifested by the appearance of bruises and hemorrhages. Osteoporm occurs due to the binding of heparin to calcium and its removal from bone tissue. The bones become thinner, clinically manifested by pain in the bones and joints, rapid fatigue, and shortened growth. But such a complication appears only in the case of a severe overdose and taken for more than two months.

    Which drug is better to choose

    A large number of suppositories for hemorrhoids have been developed based on heparin. Some of them contain one main component, others are multi-component. Based on their effect, they are divided into analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and complex. Complex drugs are most effective.

    Due to the large selection, it is necessary to understand in what cases, which candles are best used:

    Rectal suppositories

    1. Due to the content of heparin and benzocaine, Nigepan suppositories have an analgesic, antiseptic and antithrombotic effect. Such suppositories should be used for hemorrhoids with acute pain and the appearance of a blood clot. Available in ten pieces per package, the cost varies from 250 to 320 rubles. Administer twice a day for ten days.
    2. Gepazolon suppositories contain, in addition to heparin and the anesthetic lidocaine, the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug prednisolone. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect due to the inhibition of COX-2 and inflammatory mediators. It also has a venotonic and analgesic effect. Use for severe inflammation, which is accompanied by swelling, pain and redness. Due to the presence of a hormonal component, it should not be used by pregnant women and children, as well as by syphilis and tuberculosis. There are ten pieces in a pack, the average price is 310 rubles. Administer once a day for 7-14 days.
    3. Gepatrombin G suppositories contain prednisolone, heparin and lauromacrogol. The latter has sclerosing properties. After suppressing the inflammatory process with prednisolone and destroying the blood clot with heparin, lauromacrogol scleroses the wall of the hemorrhoidal vein and prevents re-stagnation of blood in it. There are ten pieces in a pack, the price is 250 rubles. Use once a day for 10 days. Contraindications for use are age under eighteen years, pregnancy in the first trimester, purulent process in the body.

    All these suppositories are very good and effective, but for proper treatment without relapses and complications, you need to consult a proctologist. Only he, if necessary, after conducting an examination and assessing the severity of the disease, will be able to prescribe the most effective medicine.

    The feasibility of using heparin

    One of the negative complications of hemorrhoids is the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids. This pathological process is often observed in patients in the later stages of the disease. In this case, treatment requires the use of certain combination medications, which not only provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, but also resolve blood clots formed in the anorectal area.

    Such drugs include those that contain a direct-acting anticoagulant, heparin, widely used in medical practice for the treatment and prevention of various thromboembolic pathologies. Among local medications, suppositories with heparin are the most effective. They stop the process of thrombus formation and have a resolving effect on formed blood clots, which significantly alleviates the further course of the disease.

    How do suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin work?


    During the article, it was found that suppositories with heparin are one of the best options for getting rid of hemorrhoids. As part of the complex drugs Nigepan, Gipesalone and Gepatrombin G, it has a good antithrombotic effect, preventing the development of complications. I am also pleased with the reasonable price of the drugs, which fluctuates around 250-350 rubles.

    Considering the high prices for drugs such as Phlebodia and Relief, the cost of which starts from a thousand rubles. But when taking this drug, you should remember that the drug has a blood-thinning effect and while taking suppositories you need to monitor the level of blood clotting.

    Review of candles

    The suppositories listed below are prioritized by affordability:

    1. Gepatrombin G. Suppositories, the price of which starts from 160 rubles for 10 pieces per package, are often used for chronic illness. They contain heparin, prednisolone and lauromacrogol.
    2. Gepazolon, its cost is slightly higher, from 200 rubles per package with the same number of suppositories. Gepazolon differs in that it contains lidocaine as an anesthetic and does not contain lauromacrogol.
    3. Proctosedyl suppositories contain several active ingredients: benzocaine, heparin, esculoside, butamben, hydrocortisone and framycetin. Release form: 20 suppositories, cost starts from 350 rubles.

    There are quite a few analogues of heparin suppositories and not all of them contain heparin, but they are used to get rid of hemorrhoids. For example, Relief suppositories, which consist of phenylephrine hydrochloride and shark liver oil.

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