How does heartburn manifest itself and how is it treated during pregnancy in the third trimester?

If heartburn in the early stages does not bother every woman, then it is almost impossible to avoid this fate in the later stages.

This condition cannot harm the health of the baby or his mother, but it brings significant discomfort. Therefore, heartburn in the third trimester during pregnancy should be excluded.

The main cause of this symptom is considered to be the reflux of gastric juice along with small particles of food back into the esophagus.

This process occurs in all pregnant women and is very often considered absolutely normal. It completely disappears after childbirth.

How does heartburn manifest in the third trimester?

Almost all people have experienced heartburn at least once in their lives.
Its characteristic features are difficult to confuse with something else. The frequency of heartburn attacks, their intensity and duration may vary. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the problem manifests itself especially strongly, since the fetus is already large in size and puts pressure on the stomach. Symptoms of heartburn:

  • A burning sensation appears in the epigastric region and esophagus.
  • There is a bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach.
  • The pain from the burning sensation may radiate to the sternum.
  • There is frequent belching.
  • Saliva is produced profusely.
  • A cough and sore throat may appear.
  • In rare cases, nausea is felt.

If you have heartburn at the 30th week of pregnancy, other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction may also bother you: bloating, flatulence, intestinal colic, constipation. A burning sensation appears after eating and can last a long time - 1-2 hours, if the attack is not stopped. In the third trimester, many women complain of nighttime heartburn and an unpleasant, sour taste in the mouth in the morning.

The exacerbation of uncomfortable sensations becomes more frequent as the baby develops. Particularly often, attacks occur after eating salty, fried, smoked, and spicy foods. A burning sensation in the sternum can also occur after taking certain medications.

Does heartburn happen before childbirth?

Often, before giving birth, the problem of heartburn subsides

Many expectant mothers struggle with digestive problems throughout pregnancy, starting in the first month. Sometimes a woman is scared that the annoying burning sensation in her chest and throat will accompany her in the maternity hospital. Does heartburn occur during pregnancy in the very late stages before childbirth?

Don't worry too much. In the last days of bearing a child, the problem usually goes away. This is due to two reasons:

  1. A few days before giving birth, the pregnant woman's belly drops, reducing pressure on the diaphragm, stomach and intestines.
  2. The baby, shortly before his birth, also prepares for upcoming events, his active movements subside.

Due to these factors, the woman is no longer tormented by uncomfortable sensations, and after childbirth they disappear altogether. Heartburn at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy, if it does not disappear completely, is noticeably reduced.

But do not forget that the problem may be associated with gastrointestinal diseases. And if the cause is not treated, the symptoms will continue to occur after the baby is born.

Heartburn during pregnancy: how to deal with it?

Milky Ann, 22.02.05 20:42

Here I have discovered such a problem... It’s not that heartburn is constant, but it happens periodically and is quite unpleasant.. A couple of sips of sparkling water helps, but it doesn’t seem to be very useful. If you know any effective methods, please share!

Yulyakha, 22.02.05 23:26

I remember using Gastal and trying not to eat anything that caused it.

Nasya, 22.02.05 23:35

Last month I had terrible heartburn, this is probably the worst memory. I only saved myself with soda.

[email protected], 23.02.05 00:39

And I saved myself with special food clay. They sold us at the courses

bistrinka, 23.02.05 01:03

[email protected] what kind of clay? In recent months I have been eating soda with spoons...

Bon-Bon, 23.02.05 01:31

Rennie works well, but chewing dry oatmeal or eating a few hazelnuts is much better.

Milky Ann, 23.02.05 06:04

Bon-Bon They told me about nuts or seeds, but somehow they don’t help at all. I don’t want any medicine.. [email protected] really, what kind of clay? Do you know where you can buy it in a pharmacy?

Aprilolga, 23.02.05 06:45

I ate a little bit (but more often) and milk still helped

[email protected], 23.02.05 11:03

The clay is called kaogsil - kaolin clay. A natural preparation of silicon, it is mined in Sochi.

Smell, 25.02.05 18:24

But regular chewing gum helps me.

Likka, 26.02.05 00:21

My heartburn started when I was 4-5 months old and continues to this day. Yapyu Rennie, I have been told by several doctors that it is absolutely safe. And since it contains magnesium, it also helps with cramps. But not eating foods that cause heartburn doesn’t help me. It starts for me even if I just bend over.

Lion cub, 26.02.05 14:06

I drank Borjomi, sometimes it helped.

Nadinka, 26.02.05 14:09

I also take Rennie.

fisherman, 26.02.05 21:06

If mineral water (even carbonated water) helps, why bother? Why take medicine?

Milky Ann, 26.02.05 22:14

fisherman I’m not asking specifically about medicines, just about who has their own methods that may be more harmless than mineral water...

SnowWhite, 26.02.05 23:41

Grated carrots (or just gnawing them) and milk (less often, though), helped me. Both products were recommended by a doctor for heartburn. True, it bothered me mainly at night, in a horizontal position, so to speak, but it bothered me constantly, from the 30th week until the end.

Tria, 28.02.05 14:27

You know... I never had heartburn. I read the topic and it started! )))))) Honestly, I had to eat soda. And I think this is from the “100% Gold” juice. I bought it twice, and after that it started.

Kusik, 09.03.05 06:45

My heartburn started immediately after toxicosis, at about 12 weeks. Absolutely from any food. I read that this happens because, thanks to pregnancy hormones, the esophageal sphincter does not work well and allows digestive juices to pass from the stomach into the esophagus. I'm afraid to take antacids, not to mention soda. I have had low acidity all my life (and believe me, it’s just terrible when simple and fresh food is not digested!) and I have never had heartburn. And now the acidity has apparently returned to normal, since I can finally digest fresh vegetables, which makes me very happy. I save myself from heartburn with fried sunflower seeds. I click them after eating. We have 3 pregnant women in our accounting department and everyone is constantly in husks after lunch. Milk , maybe you have the wrong seeds in the capital. Altai ones suit me especially well. In general, I am so pleased with any manifestations of pregnancy that I am happy about it as well as my own. All the same, these pains cannot be compared with the mental pain when your baby leaves you or doesn’t want to come to you.

Miracle, 11.03.05 01:56

and a few sips of mineral water immediately helped me

Jeny, 11.03.05 09:09

I recommend Venter , I used it to save myself, it’s like chalk, but the effect is immediate and long lasting. It is sold in all our pharmacies.

Tanjuha, 11.03.05 22:02

Nasya, I also had terrible heartburn in the last month. Milk helped me... soda

Tata, 14.03.05 01:33

So, my husband found out what causes heartburn. Specifically, he has an overly heavy stomach. They did a gastroscopy and saw that the valve above the stomach had turned out due to the heavy weight of the abdomen, so acid from the stomach enters the esophagus. He was advised to lose weight. As I understand it, heartburn is a normal consequence during pregnancy. But what to do??? I drank a lot of mineral water. It seemed to help. You can also just use fresh cucumber.

It went, 14.03.05 13:27

Milk helped me the most; towards the end of pregnancy I drank half a liter of it a day. Neither pills nor soda helped. The seeds only made things worse...

Ksyunchik, 22.04.05 15:02

But it seems like it might help me, but I won’t eat or drink anything in the morning. Terrible heartburn starts even from water. I tried Rennie. It seemed to help, but for about 2 hours, and this despite the fact that I didn’t eat anything after that. Here I am, suffering. But I eat little by little. The doctor won’t scold you about your big weight gain.

Tria, 23.04.05 16:09

heh, over time, it turned out that heartburn can happen even without juice... and you should never drink soda, because... this is sodium salt. It retains fluid in the body.. at the beginning I only drank, now I’m saving myself from Rennie. It contains only calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. at the same time there is calcium))

Rebecca, 25.04.05 03:19

Oooh, I started... every day the same thing. It’s like I don’t eat fatty foods anymore, I don’t eat salty foods... just figs. I drink milk, mineral water, and pop seeds. The effect is short-lived. Maybe I should really buy Rennie? Soda is really not recommended.

Olya, 26.04.05 01:22

Almonds help 100%

Catherine, 26.04.05 07:47

Girls, I started getting heartburn after that. how I got over a cold (although the duration is tiny). I can't eat anything at all. I drank some water and soda this morning and it seemed to go away, but now it’s starting again. It’s simply unbearable, I can’t think about anything and I can’t eat.

Winter, 26.04.05 10:10

Catherine Try Rennie - he helped me (and almost all the girls in the maternity hospital ate it) - there are no contraindications. Borjomi is also not bad, if there is no prejudice against carbonated drinks

Catherine, 26.04.05 15:44

Snow White me very good advice: I quote. Most often in pregnant women this is due to a certain relaxation of smooth muscles, under the influence of hormones and the stomach slows down its work. Food takes a long time to digest, puts pressure on the sphincters, of which there are 2 in the stomach, causing heaviness and sometimes belching, and stagnation of food provokes the release of a larger number of stomachs. juice and heartburn. I had gastritis, with the beginning of an ulcer, as a student, and I know all these nightmares. The dog ate this one. Pouline_P potatoes have always helped me, especially mashed potatoes with milk, dairy products (all), I almost always carried a small bag of milk with a straw or in the summer I ate ice cream, semolina porridge, oatmeal with milk (boiled), white crackers, pureed vegetables, fruit only bananas, mineral water (but here you also need to be careful, because the type of acidity of stomach juice can be shifted, in short, do not overuse it and do not drink carbonated water), boiled meat. Enemies in this condition: tomatoes in any form, apples, juices, carbonated drinks, fried foods, fruits and vegetables with seeds and thick skin, everything sour and spicy, also hot and cold. Strong tea and coffee. Any fresh bread (ferments strongly in the stomach with the release of gas), preferably dried. It's better not to drink soda. And do not abuse antacid medications, because the acidity of juice is different for everyone, and there are three types of it, and we cannot know this without special help. analysis, so the best option is DIET! At first glance this seems tedious and difficult, but it helped me at one time

Catherine, 29.04.05 20:13

I tried Rennie and didn’t feel any particular help. Honestly. The manifestation of heartburn is not as acute as at the beginning, but now just from this word...

Tria, 05.05.05 05:02

Katrin , it’s not from “this one word”, but it’s called toxicosis))) I, like a good 70% of pregnant women, felt sick for all three months, then it went away. By the way, it’s unlikely that you have heartburn because you’re pregnant, because it usually appears at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester.

Maryana, 05.05.05 05:25

Grapefruit juice helped me a lot with heartburn (albeit late in life). His environment is alkaline, not acidic, and that means he neutralizes this very heartburn. Well, not forever, of course... Childbirth helps radically, that’s it.

Ksyunchik, 05.05.05 13:04

Girls, calm me down. Tell her that this will go away immediately with childbirth. And that’s enough!!! In general, I’m already afraid to eat and drink. Although, a different situation may arise. The heartburn will end and I will start eating everything. And then watch out my figure!!!!!

Bird, 05.05.05 17:47

Ksyunchik OF COURSE it will pass!!!!! I didn’t have heartburn either before or after... Only just before giving birth, when my tummy and Manana were really big. And Rennie, by the way, helped me a lot...even half a record

Catherine, 05.05.05 19:18

Tria By the way, it’s unlikely that you have heartburn because you’re pregnant, because it usually appears at the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester. [/quote] I never had it in my life and my digestion was always okay (ttt) Maryana


The heartburn will end and I will start eating everything. And then watch out my figure!!!!!

But this is for sure!

Alchik, 07.05.05 17:44

It has already been written here that milk and almonds help with heartburn. Almonds really help 100%

Rebecca, 07.05.05 20:11

But mineral water helps me (ordinary medicinal table mineral water of group 4)! Literally a couple of sips will relieve any fire in the esophagus. Very pleased with this find!

Mom Tu, 11.05.05 20:33

Milk doesn't help me, so I use Rennie. It is not harmful and helps well. I advise you to eat it in any pharmacies.

rikkuri, 14.05.05 13:22

Rebekka In terms of heartburn, I haven’t been able to avoid this problem during any pregnancy. During the second half of my pregnancies I generally slept almost sitting up. Milk helps a lot, I only use Rennie outside the house, but it doesn’t help much, nonsense, but about grapefruit... I doubt it, as soon as I eat it, a fire starts in my head

Rebecca, 14.05.05 13:25



about grapefruit... I doubt it, as soon as I eat it, a fire starts in my head

I generally have this reaction to all citrus fruits! And in general for fruits, I noticed. Even for tea with lemon... And my husband took the mineral water away from me! He says you never know what kind of salt there is, but you drink liters!

ilios, 18.05.05 16:51

And I have heartburn - it’s a common thing; I’ve suffered with gallstones all my life. Previously, a sip of milk or even tea with milk helped a lot, but recently I was poisoned with milk and that’s it, now I can’t even force you to take a sip, I can only take tea with milk. Now I also sometimes suffer from heartburn, but this is certainly not related to pregnancy. Girls, but you had two opinions here: that heartburn is a result of the effects of hormones and second, that this baby puts pressure on the internal organs (if I’m not mistaken), so what’s interesting is correct and when do mothers start to experience heartburn during pregnancy?

lantaris, 18.05.05 17:19

At first I saved myself with milk, but then it stopped working. It seems that I read about fresh cucumbers on this forum - I tried it - it helped! For several months it worked just to eat a half-cucumber during an attack of heartburn, but now it stops working again...apparently, the body is getting used to it, you will have to look for something new... But you can try cucumbers!) And, if possible, eat less of those foods that cause it...

*Blonde*, 05.09.05 02:20

I eat sunflower seeds, ice cream or something dairy, and if that doesn’t help, I drink Rennie.

Tata, 05.09.05 03:05

My husband has heartburn. The doctor told him that this is due to the fact that his too large belly pulls on some muscle and gastric juice enters the esophagus. He was told to urgently lose weight, which he began. In general, you will have to endure heartburn until childbirth...

Mel, 27.02.06 15:48

I've been experiencing heartburn for the last few days. Calcium tablets like Rennie help. The only question I have is this: in the last stages of pregnancy, it seems, you can’t overuse calcium? Does anyone, by any chance, know how much calcium is possible? It's just that if I eat regular dairy products + Rennie, it's almost 2 daily doses

Nyushastic, 26.09.06 16:11

I’m raising the topic, maybe it will be as relevant for someone as it is for me now. There is only one consolation: this is “normal” for pregnant women, otherwise I’ve already started making up all sorts of horror stories

LeF, 26.09.06 16:21

QUOTE (Nyushastik @ 26 Sep 2006, 15:11)

I’m raising the topic, maybe it will be as relevant for someone as it is for me now. There is only one consolation: this is “normal” for pregnant women, otherwise I’ve already started making up all sorts of horror stories

Already relevant. Almonds save me.

kabanova, 10.10.06 09:21

I’m 37 weeks pregnant and I’m already suffering from heartburn, please tell me how you dealt with it. I drink Rennie and soda from time to time, but I found out somewhere that this can have a negative impact on the baby

*Fialka*, 10.10.06 15:17

kabanova, it is not recommended to take soda, it is not very good for the stomach. Regular chalk or warm milk helps well against heartburn.

latsa, 11.10.06 23:59

Yes, I saved myself with milk. I drank liters of it. They also say carrots will help, but I haven’t tried it. And also Rennie.

Yuliya-s7, 12.10.06 01:36

kabanova , be glad that this happiness reached you only at 37 weeks. From the second or third week until giving birth, I climbed the wall. Milk - in liters, kefir-liters, Rennie was just saved (the manufacturer simply got rich on me), a large pack was sold out in 2-4 days, because the effect of the tablet lasted no more than 30-40 minutes. The nights were a complete mess, it was impossible to take a horizontal position.

QUOTE (kabanova)

but somewhere I found out that this can negatively affect the baby

had no effect. Doctors themselves recommend them to pregnant women.

bistrinka, 12.10.06 01:46

hee. I drank soda with spoons during both pregnancies. (Reni with Maalox is like a poultice for the dead) I don’t know about the child, it’s unlikely that this will affect him. but there were no problems with the stomach and no, after childbirth it disappears, this is heartburn of a purely physical origin, the uterus puts pressure on all organs and gastric juice rises to the top

Limpopo, 13.10.06 11:40

Milk or carrots help me!!!

Svetok, 13.10.06 13:24

but nothing helped me with heartburn, no matter what I tried, it was absolutely impossible to lie down at night... only childbirth helped...

LeDasha, 13.10.06 13:26

When I was in storage, the girls suggested eating sunflower seeds. I tried it and it helps, so now if it starts, a little bit of seeds and it’s fine. Moreover, in the first pregnancy there was no heartburn at all, but now it’s probably age

Tucik, 13.10.06 13:31

And I saved myself with smecta.

Mama-Pchelka, 13.10.06 20:48

Mineral water helps with heartburn. I drank Narzan in glass bottles. Usually I woke up at night with heartburn, drank half a bottle and the heartburn went away.

Wave, 15.10.06 23:19

You know, as it turned out experimentally, my heartburn was provoked by taking iron-containing drugs (such as sorbifer, etc.) I stopped drinking - and the heartburn disappeared.

Elsa, 16.10.06 08:59


This is heartburn of a purely physical origin, the uterus puts pressure on all organs and gastric juice rises to the top

So it's not from food??? And I’m wondering what it is, I eat almost everything boiled and vegetables, but I’m suffering from heartburn! Thanks for the advice, I’ll stock up on kefir and milk.

insomny, 18.10.06 17:05

I had this unpleasant feeling a couple of times. I'm inclined to think that it's just from food. It is unlikely that this has a long-term tendency only because the uterus puts pressure on the stomach and so on. This is a purely digestive effect. Yesterday I ate a lot of vegetable salad and then it started... I read somewhere that carbohydrates and proteins do not go well together. That salad, for example, is eaten with potatoes is absolutely wrong from a nutritional point of view. Because saliva is involved in the digestion of carbohydrates, and gastric juice is involved in the digestion of proteins. Therefore, if you eat vegetables and fruits along with other “heavier and denser” foods, then these vegetables will float in the intestines for some time as ballast, and there will be little benefit from them, because they are difficult for the stomach to digest. Conclusion - separate nutrition! Although, I repeat, I only had the feeling of heartburn despite incomplete nutrition twice

Natascha, 19.10.06 13:26

Almagel helped me a lot during my first pregnancy, now I can’t stand it even at the smell, this time I tried a lot, so far without results, I ordered Rennie, then I’ll report back if it helps

Krokozabrik, 19.10.06 13:34

I suffered from heartburn throughout my pregnancy, any liquid helped (tea, juice, water), but milk was the best. I noticed that certain foods provoked my heartburn: mayonnaise, fried meat, fried potatoes, although it happened that without eating these foods I died from heartburn. But after this particular meal, one could climb the wall. Since then I have not been able to drink very hot tea, although before, before I was born, I liked to drink tea that was only boiled. It hurts now. And about milk, my doctor told me in consultation that it provokes fluid retention in the body (and towards the end I began to have terrible swelling), and told me to switch to kefir and fermented baked milk.

Yuliya-s7, 19.10.06 21:40

QUOTE (Krokozabrik)

I suffered from heartburn throughout my pregnancy, any liquid helped (tea, juice, water), but milk was the best.

Yep, exactly.

QUOTE (Krokozabrik)

I noticed that certain foods triggered my heartburn:

Absolutely all foods and liquids triggered my heartburn, and even the lack of them. In short, it just didn't work.

QUOTE (Krokozabrik)

Since then I have not been able to drink very hot tea, although before, before I was born, I liked to drink tea that was only boiled.

Light, one to one, AWAY!

Fawn, 19.10.06 23:51

QUOTE (Svetok)

only childbirth helped

Yes, this remedy is radical - it eliminates many problems in just 12 hours

QUOTE (Mama-Pchelka)

Mineral water helps with heartburn. I drank Narzan in glass bottles.

Borjomi helped me. Now, for obvious reasons, it cannot be found on sale. I will try Narzan.

insomny, 20.10.06 17:19

Today, in response to my question - what helps get rid of heartburn, the doctor in consultation answered to take chewable tablets Rennie. And so, it should pass. The constantly enlarging uterus simply puts pressure on the intestines.

Nelumbo nelumbo, 20.10.06 20:16

Proteins are processed by the secretions of the pancreas. From what is advised here: eat in small portions, avoid too much salt and excess spices. Raise your pillows higher at night.

Yulyasha, 24.10.06 14:28

Personally, chewing milk or seeds helps me.

Yuliana, 25.10.06 08:51

My heartburn started 3-4 days ago. Tormented me in the evenings. Yesterday I ate dairy products all day and there was no heartburn, but something more alarming happened: At night my stomach began to hurt, as if behind the sternum. It was very painful. When lying in one position for a long time, the pain subsided, but as soon as I turned around, it started again. What is this? Has anyone had this happen?

Causes and provoking factors

Besides the growing baby inside the womb, there are other reasons why pregnant women often experience heartburn.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Changes in hormonal levels.
    The level of progesterone increases in the body of a pregnant woman. The hormone provokes relaxation of the smooth muscles of internal organs. The valves connecting the digestive organs begin to close incompletely. For this reason, food that enters the stomach easily penetrates back into the esophagus.
  • Weakening of the esophageal sphincter.
    The problem occurs not only due to hormonal changes, but also due to the growing uterus. With each month, the pressure of the fetus on the diaphragm and sphincter of the stomach increases, provoking the reverse release of food and gastric juice.

    Poor diet and overeating can cause heartburn

  • Overeating and junk food.
    Many pregnant women develop an abundant appetite. In this case, the most unusual taste preferences may appear. Heartburn at 38 weeks of pregnancy is often the result of overeating and eating not the most healthy dishes and products.
  • Stress
    . The nervous system of a pregnant woman is very labile. Any experiences affect your well-being. It is known that the stomach contains the largest number of nerve endings, and it is the first to respond to stress after the brain. Any negative emotions can cause stomach cramps and disruption of its functioning. The calmer and more harmonious the pregnant woman’s condition, the better her digestion.
  • Sudden movements.
    Bending over, sudden squats, or taking a lying position immediately after eating can cause the stomach contents to be released into the esophagus.
  • Eating before bed.
    It is harmful for an expectant mother to be hungry. Having a good appetite, some ladies eat up right at night. But during sleep, the work of the organs slows down, and food is digested very poorly. In addition, body position provokes pressure on the gastric sphincter. Undigested food flows out of it at the slightest movement of a woman during sleep, hence the night attacks of heartburn.
  • Taking certain medications.
    Some medications prescribed to pregnant women increase the production of hydrochloric acid secretion, which causes a burning sensation.

Severe heartburn in the last, 9th month of pregnancy can occur due to a large fetus, which puts too much pressure on the abdominal organs. The symptom manifests itself especially clearly in slender ladies carrying a rather heavy baby.

Additional symptoms

In some cases, heartburn attacks in the 3rd trimester have additional symptoms, such as:

  • frequent or constant nausea;
  • belching with food particles or a characteristic odor;
  • pain in the stomach or intestines;
  • loose stools;
  • Vomit.

Such signs are more serious and can be the result of gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn and nausea are also signs of late toxicosis. Some women suffer from periodic exacerbations of toxicosis throughout the entire period. Others may develop intolerance to certain foods, which may lead to nausea and vomiting. The body of expectant mothers is very unpredictable. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the symptoms. But you can’t ignore them; you need to go to the clinic as soon as possible.

Symptoms of heartburn may indicate the development of other diseases, so consultation with a doctor is required.

What symptoms accompany heartburn?

In some cases, heartburn attacks in the 3rd trimester have additional symptoms, such as:

  • frequent or constant nausea;
  • belching with food particles or a characteristic odor;
  • pain in the stomach or intestines;
  • loose stools;
  • Vomit.

Such signs are more serious and can be the result of gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn and nausea are also signs of late toxicosis. Some women suffer from periodic exacerbations of toxicosis throughout the entire period. Others may develop intolerance to certain foods, which may lead to nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of heartburn may indicate the development of other diseases, so consultation with a doctor is required.

The burning sensation causes considerable discomfort. In addition to this unpleasant symptom, heartburn is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Pain of varying degrees of intensity. Painful sensations can be either acute or completely insignificant, depending on whether the expectant mother has stomach dysfunction.
  • A tickling sensation in the throat. Many people suffering from stomach diseases with increased secretory function complain of pain and burning in the throat.
  • Hyperhidrosis. With heartburn, it can be paroxysmal in nature, appearing as the body’s response to pain.
  • Bloating and flatulence. Increased gas formation is explained by the high content of stomach acid, which leads to fermentation of the stomach contents, accompanied by the appearance of gas bubbles. In addition to bloating, constipation is often observed with heartburn.
  • Heaviness in the stomach. The increased amount of gases in the intestines puts pressure on its walls and creates a feeling of fullness. As a result, the stomach begins to feel very heavy.
  • Nausea, bitter-sour taste in the mouth. Since heartburn is caused by excess acid in the stomach, the body tries to get rid of it naturally - by vomiting. If you fail to neutralize the acid, you may vomit. In cases where the amount of acid increases slightly, nausea disappears on its own after a while.


To get rid of heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems in late pregnancy, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • Eat small portions every 2-3 hours.
  • Avoid heavy, fatty, fried foods. Salted and smoked foods are available in small quantities.
  • Eat more fiber to ensure regular bowel movements.
  • After eating, do not bend over or lie down for a while. The healthiest thing to do is to walk around, especially in the fresh air.
  • Do not wash down food with large amounts of liquid.
  • Reduce consumption of foods that increase acidity levels.
  • Don't eat too hot food.
  • Sleep on a low pillow, preferably on your back. There are special, very comfortable pillows for pregnant women.

These measures will help significantly reduce heartburn attacks and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Simple measures to combat heartburn during pregnancy

Taking extra medications for heartburn in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the body is already under increased stress, is not recommended. There are simple and safe methods that can give good results, eliminating discomfort and unpleasant burning in the esophagus.

  • Milk – quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid. As soon as the burning sensation begins, you should drink a few sips of cool milk. In addition, this product is useful for a pregnant woman.
  • Starch – perfectly helps with heartburn, envelops and protects the walls of the stomach, removes toxins. One tsp. starch is diluted in 200 ml of hot water, cooled and drunk.
  • Exercise - you need to stand in a knee-elbow position and hold in this position for 5-7 minutes, then take a break for 3 minutes. Repeat the exercise 3 times. This pose reduces pressure on the stomach area and improves digestion.

Nutrition tips

Each person is individual and the effect of foods on the body varies. The same food can cause severe heartburn in one pregnant woman and be perfectly digested without side effects in another. Here is a list of foods that most often provoke heartburn. This does not mean that the expectant mother needs to completely exclude the listed foods from her diet. It may be worth reducing the number of those to which there is a reaction. And it’s better to give up some things altogether.

Foods that cause heartburn:

  • Sour berries and fruits.
  • Tomatoes.
  • White cabbage or sauerkraut.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Nuts.
  • Radish and radish.
  • Chocolate.
  • Sweet dough.
  • Fried dough.
  • Dishes cooked in large amounts of oil.
  • Fatty rich broths.
  • Onion garlic.
  • Carbonated and sweet drinks.
  • Fast food food.
  • Hot sauces and spices.
  • Sour dairy products.

Pregnant women are advised to eat foods that are steamed, stewed, boiled or baked in the oven. You should reduce the amount of sweets, they strongly acidify the body. The diet must include fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and herbs.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of legumes; they cause fermentation and increased gas formation in the intestines. Food should be simple, light and always fresh.

How to get rid of heartburn in later stages?

The difficulty of treating heartburn in later stages is that it is impossible to completely eliminate the causes of its occurrence: they will disappear only after childbirth. Another difficulty in dealing with a burning sensation in the abdomen in expectant mothers is the restriction of taking many medications. Many antacid medications that are used to neutralize stomach acid are not recommended for pregnant women.

To avoid heartburn during pregnancy in the later months, doctors recommend that women take preventive measures. Nutrition rules:

  • You should eat in small portions and often. Small meals allow you not to overload your stomach and help avoid overeating. This regimen is a way to prevent problems with the digestive system and is a good way to prevent excess weight.
  • Spicy, sour, smoked and salty foods should be avoided. You should also reduce your intake of coffee and sweets: they also stimulate the secretory function of the stomach.
  • To combat heartburn, it is recommended to include foods that reduce the acidity of gastric juice in your diet. Alkaline vegetables – potatoes, beets, carrots – have similar properties. Porridge made from various cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) prevents heartburn.
  • Regular drinking water helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms of burning pain in the stomach and esophagus. It reduces the concentration of acid and speeds up the process of digesting food. Proper drinking regime is considered the best prevention of many diseases of the digestive tract and urinary system.

To prevent heartburn at 32 weeks and other periods of gestation, it is useful to learn other rules of eating behavior. Firstly, you should not go to rest immediately after eating or, conversely, move too actively. Secondly, it is not recommended to wear very tight clothes. Thirdly, food should be chewed 33 times. If you follow these simple measures, heartburn will decrease significantly, and perhaps not appear at all.

Special pharmaceutical preparations will help you quickly get rid of the burning sensation in your stomach. All medications against heartburn are divided into 3 groups according to their principle of action:

  • Antacids. This group of drugs are compounds that have an alkaline reaction. Once in the stomach, antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid, thereby eliminating the cause of severe heartburn and nausea. Antacids include Rennie, Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel, etc. Most antacids are not recommended for use during pregnancy in the third trimester. Because these drugs have a number of side effects, they should only be used when absolutely necessary.
  • Alginates. These medicines are made from kelp, an algae that has special medicinal properties. Alginates are good because they not only eliminate heartburn, but also relieve irritation of the mucous membrane. Unlike antacids, alginates can be used to treat heartburn in a course. The most well-known drugs in this group are Laminal and Gaviscon.
  • Proton pump blockers. These compounds affect the secretory function of the stomach, reducing it. The most well-known drugs in this group are Omez, Acrilanz, Bioprazole. They are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, but after 32 weeks they can be used once to eliminate heartburn.

What medications will help cope with heartburn?

Any medications for heartburn during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. The information below is provided for informational purposes only.

What medications can pregnant women take for heartburn in their final stages:

  • Gastal. An effective antacid drug in tablet form, approved for any trimester. Quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid, reduces flatulence and stomach pain.
  • Maalox. Sold in the form of a suspension, it is indicated for gastritis, reflux, heartburn, gastroduodenitis and some other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Phosphalugel. An antacid that effectively eliminates the symptoms of dyspepsia, helping with symptomatic ulcers of various origins, erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, reflux, gastritis.
  • Almagel. Reduces the activity of gastric juice during the digestion of food, eliminates heartburn and dyspepsia.

Some people are interested in whether activated charcoal helps relieve heartburn during pregnancy. This is an adsorbent drug that absorbs toxic substances and removes them from the body. It has little effect on the level of hydrochloric acid, so it is not effective against heartburn. But with regular use it can significantly reduce flatulence, colic, and bloating. Drugs of this same group include: Smecta, Neosmectin, White Coal, Lactofiltrum.

Health care

All of the above recommendations are not just safe - they are useful for the woman and her unborn baby. Almost always, they allow you to forget that there was a manifestation of heartburn during pregnancy in the early stages. However, sometimes it is not possible to cope with this problem on your own - then medications come to the rescue.

Among the commonly used medications for heartburn, Gaviscon, Maalox and Almagel should be highlighted, and drugs that contain magnesium, as well as sodium, are strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers. It is because of this that drug therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist - self-medication can harm the health of the fetus and the woman.

Heartburn at any stage of pregnancy is a normal physiological process. To eliminate it, you should take various measures: lead a correct lifestyle and diet, use traditional medicine methods, and, as a last resort, start using medications.

Folk remedies for heartburn in the third trimester

What to do when you have a burning sensation, bitterness in your mouth, but you can’t take medicine, or you really don’t want to, so as not to harm the baby. Folk recipes made from natural remedies come to the rescue.

Let's look at the best folk recipes for heartburn that are safe at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy.

Beet juice

The juice of the red vegetable contains a lot of starch, which reduces the level of acid in the stomach. Make juice from fresh beets per 1 serving (no more than 100 ml). Drink the juice in one gulp during a heartburn attack. Beetroot also helps with constipation. Don't overuse the recipe. The daily amount of beet juice should not exceed 200 ml.

carrot juice

The vegetable is rich in substances that can protect the walls of the esophagus from the effects of hydrochloric acid. They drink it in the same quantity as beetroot (80-100 ml). If you can't make juice, you can eat a piece of fresh carrot or beetroot.


Jelly is prepared from starch. We have already said that starch helps relieve heartburn and protects the walls of the stomach by forming a film. It is most beneficial to cook jelly from sweet berries and fruits, without adding sugar. It is better not to use ready-made jelly bought in a store. They contain a lot of chemical additives and sugar.

Mineral water

We are talking about mineral, alkaline water, and not just carbonated water. Besides, the less gas there is in it, the better. It is useful to drink this water constantly, 800-1000 ml per day. It eliminates heartburn, improves the functioning of the digestive system, enriches the body with minerals, removes toxins, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.


Baking soda is an alkaline product. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use it too often. Dilute 0.5 tsp in 100 ml of cool water. soda, add 1 tsp to the solution. citric acid or apple cider vinegar and drink in small sips.

Medicines for heartburn in the early stages

Medicines during pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor. In the first trimester, taking medications is not recommended, since the fetus is just beginning to form organs, and drugs can cause developmental abnormalities. If a girl is concerned about whether heartburn occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and whether it can be severe, a specialist will help you choose the right medicine.

Most often these are antacids - drugs that are not absorbed by the intestines and do not cause harm to the child. Their action:

  1. Due to the presence of magnesium and calcium in the composition, hydrochloric acid is neutralized.
  2. The pressure of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.
  3. Reflux is reduced.
  4. Mucus is produced to protect the digestive system from hydrochloric acid.
  5. It has an enveloping and adsorbing effect.

In large doses, antacids cause constipation even in women who are not expecting a child. If a girl has heartburn in early pregnancy, the doctor prescribes taking 1 tablet after meals, no more than four times a day. Therapy takes place in conjunction with diet. If proper nutrition and general recommendations do not bring results for a long time, in this case the drugs are indicated for use. However, there is no need to self-medicate; suitable tablets are prescribed by a doctor.

At the end of the first semester, the burning sensation in the chest decreases, and the girl stops experiencing toxicosis. The last months of pregnancy can bring back unpleasant symptoms - due to the growth of the fetus, all organs begin to put pressure on each other, so heartburn returns. After childbirth, the burning sensation in the breast goes away almost immediately.

Preventive measures

  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing that will not restrict movement or put pressure on your stomach.
  • Move more, go for walks every day.
  • When sleeping, take a position so that the head of your head is higher than your body.
  • Do not bend over for an hour after eating.
  • Divide your daily amount of food into as many meals as possible (at least 5-6).
  • Chew your food well.
  • Include beets, prunes, oatmeal, raw carrots, and millet cereals in your diet. These products normalize stools and perfectly cleanse the intestines.
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bed and completely eliminate late-night snacks. If you are very hungry, drink a glass of milk or kefir.
  • Eat whole grain bread, slightly toasted.
  • Try to track which foods cause heartburn and eliminate them during pregnancy.

Sometimes heartburn in pregnant women can worsen appetite and mood. Don’t be too upset about this problem; it is not uncommon among expectant mothers. Following the recommendations will help relieve attacks and restore a sense of healthy appetite.

Reviews - who helped with heartburn?

Alena: I suffered from heartburn almost the entire time. It has happened before, but rarely. I’m not a fan of traditional recipes, so I consulted with my doctor about what I could drink. She prescribed Gastal for me, 0.5 tablets. It always helped. After giving birth it went away, now it only happens if I eat something fatty, fried or eat a lot of sweets.

Olga: My heartburn started at 8 months of pregnancy and lasted until the birth. This was probably due to the fact that the baby had become very large and was pushing hard against his stomach. The belching also became more frequent. It happened that there would be a good kick, and food would immediately roll up to my throat. I tried not to take medicine, I saved myself with milk, carrots, sometimes just warm water helped. After giving birth, it just went away.

Anastasia: Burning sensation, belching, bitterness in the mouth tormented me at 39 weeks of pregnancy. I tried soda, milk, carrot juice, herbs. But the medicine that helped the fastest and best was Maalox. I tried not to overeat, I ate little by little, but often I still had heartburn. Even from those products that were not available before.

Oksana: Carrots have always helped me. I ate one small fresh carrot if I felt heartburn, after 15 minutes everything went away. Natural and healthy!

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