What causes vomiting during pancreatitis: first aid for the patient

Causes of vomiting with pancreatitis

Vomiting is caused by various reasons. The very first is the emotional state. With each attack of pancreatitis, the pain intensifies, and sometimes bleeding occurs. The patient begins to worry and feels strong fear. As a result, you may go into shock, which will provoke vomiting. The greater the intensity of the pain, the more intense the signal enters the vomiting center, the more often vomiting begins.

The second reason is intoxication of the body, which begins during an attack. The level of toxins that can activate the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata increases in the blood.

The most common cause of vomiting is considered to be pathology of the biliary tract, acute or chronic. According to statistics, it is for this reason that vomiting occurs in 60% of cases.

Vomiting often appears even during periods of improvement in health. At this time, its appearance is explained by a combination of two factors: a decrease in the level of pancreatic enzymes in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, dyspeptic disorders occur.

A common cause of vomiting in acute pancreatitis is intestinal obstruction, which develops due to inflammatory processes. The damaged organ affects the nerve running along the mesentery of the transverse colon. As a result of prolonged influence on the nerve, a neuralgic syndrome called paresis and obstruction begin. These factors cause gas accumulation and bloating. Blood pressure increases, which can cause vomiting. A characteristic symptom in this case is belching with a characteristic unpleasant odor.

In addition, the causes of vomiting in acute pancreatitis can be:

  1. Diseases of the biliary tract in both acute and chronic stages.
  2. Existing gastrointestinal diseases and decreased levels of pancreatic enzymes.
  3. Intestinal obstruction resulting from inflammation.

Enzyme preparations for pancreatitis

Due to the disruption of enzyme synthesis that occurs with this pathology, food processing is carried out poorly, fat breakdown processes fail, and pain appears in the epigastric region. Therefore, complex treatment includes taking enzyme substances. The instructions for use for Creon (the price and reviews of this drug are in the article) detail the rules for taking it. It helps to compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes, and is also necessary to support digestion during the chronic stage of the disease. The composition of the active substance is close to human and is represented by amylase, protease and lipase. The drug, subject to the rules of administration and the recommended dose, is well tolerated. It is prohibited to take it during exacerbation of acute pancreatitis. The reason is that in this condition, inflammation is actively developing, and taking Creon will contribute to the appearance of undesirable reactions. Most often they are represented by diarrhea or constipation, general weakness, pain in the stomach, vomiting, nausea and allergic manifestations.

You can return to taking the medication after two weeks, when the inflammation and pain subsides. It is important to remember that long-term use of enzyme preparations is undesirable, so as not to completely suppress the production of your own secretion. To avoid complications, do not use the drug without consulting your doctor - such a warning is also included in the official instructions for use of Creon.

Price and reviews should be discussed separately. Depending on the form of release, the price per package ranges from 330 to 1590 rubles. As patients say, it is not that expensive. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy without a prescription. In addition, this medicine is included in the list of medications available with free prescriptions. Reviews about the drug are only positive: to achieve results, you should strictly adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor. "Creon" is allowed to be given to children. The drug is safe and effective.

Source: fb.ru

What kind of nausea is there?

Manifestations of the disease vary from patient to individual. Pancreatitis is no exception. Nausea is considered a typical symptom and is expressed in different ways. For some patients, nausea occurs once and is no longer a concern; for others it becomes an ongoing nightmare.

The nature of vomiting and nausea in pancreatitis:

  • differs in frequency (constant or episodic);
  • comes in parallel with the pain syndrome (occurs simultaneously with pain or after);
  • caused by risk factors (listed above);
  • Vomiting that occurs rarely brings relief.

In acute pancreatitis, vomiting is a common symptom. It is a reflex emptying of the stomach through the oral cavity and occurs when the vomiting center in the brain stem is activated. Provided by contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. The signal to empty the stomach appears in the damaged organ, that is, in the pancreas. The signal is then transmitted to the vomiting center.

In addition to vomiting, various signs of illness appear. They are caused by intoxication occurring in the body, which leads to increased production of pancreatic enzymes. As a result of the production of enzymes, the pancreas is “digested” and necrotic masses are formed.

In various forms of acute pancreatitis, vomiting is accompanied by severe girdle pain, bloating, and, as a rule, does not bring improvement. In the most serious forms of the disease, vomiting is repeated several times and can be indomitable.

The nature of vomiting in acute pancreatitis varies depending on the degree of manifestation of the disease:

  • in a mild form;
  • interstitial pancreatitis;
  • hemorrhagic pancreatitis with pancreatic necrosis.

If the disease manifests itself weakly, then vomiting can be observed no more than twice, and often is completely absent. If pancreatitis is mild, the most important thing is to undergo treatment on time, since in this case surgery will not be required.

Acute pancreatitis in more complex forms - edematous (interstitial) or with pancreatic necrosis (hemorrhagic). Edematous pancreatitis is accompanied by intense pain and long-lasting vomiting. Initially, vomit consists of food particles, later - only bile and mucus. There is no improvement in health, and vomiting may recur within a week. To get rid of vomiting, it is necessary to direct efforts to eliminate swelling of the pancreatic tissue. The patient is also prescribed conservative treatment.

Causes of nausea

In most cases, the development of nausea in chronic pancreatitis begins after eating. Some foods are absorbed well, but there are certain foods that can increase the intensity of cramps. The pancreatic ducts begin to narrow more strongly, resulting in the return of enzymes intended for processing food in the intestinal cavity to the pancreatic cavity, where the processes of self-digestion of the organ are activated.

Among the provoking factors, the most dangerous are:

  • dishes cooked in a frying pan,
  • spicy foods and enriched with fiber,
  • coffee and carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol.

Consumption of the above foods leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. Nausea or vomiting occurs depending on the amount eaten and the severity of the food.

Acute form

Pancreatic disease that occurs for the first time is the most severe. A person suddenly experiences acute pain under the left rib, which quickly spreads throughout the entire abdomen, radiating to the back, becoming encircling in nature.

After a short time, vomiting appears, caused by massive inflammation of the gland and intoxication. Vomiting with pancreatitis is painful, does not bring relief, and is repeated many times. In the intervals between attacks, the nausea does not stop.

At the same time, profuse loose stools occur. All this causes dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. If the disease was caused by an infection, the presence of bacteria is detected in the vomit.


There are several predisposing factors that cause patients to experience nausea and vomiting with pancreatitis.

The causes of nausea can be:

  • the accumulation of a large number of pancreatic enzymes, which causes the appearance of not only this symptom, but also the digestion of the gland’s own tissues;
  • disruption of the absorption of nutrients, which causes the accumulation of many toxic substances. The body is not prepared for their high concentration and reacts to this with the manifestation of a similar symptom.

The following can provoke the expression of vomiting:

  • intense pain - it is accompanied by a feeling of fear or severe anxiety, which actually becomes a factor in the appearance of vomiting;
  • the development of some complications of the disease, in particular bleeding;
  • entry of bile into the cavities of the stomach or intestines, mixing with the contents of these organs. It is against this background that impurities of bile are observed in such masses;
  • heavy intake of junk food or alcohol-containing drinks;
  • a consequence of intoxication of the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal ailments, including ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum, gastritis of any etiology, hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Excessive intake of junk food during pancreatitis can provoke vomiting

In addition, sources may include taking certain medications, severe emotional shock, or injury to the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity if pancreatitis is present. In most cases, such symptoms occur several hours after eating food. When such a disease appears in children, it manifests itself immediately after finishing the meal.

Chronic form

Develops after acute inflammation. Manifestations of the disease are less pronounced, but are observed for a long time. If a person does not follow a diet, does not take enzyme preparations, he constantly feels sick and the pancreas area hurts. Pain and nausea manifest themselves in different ways - they will be intense or subtle. Vomiting occurs extremely rarely. Unstable stool is observed - constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Chronic pancreatitis is more severe during pregnancy. The nausea becomes more intense and the pain intensifies. Vomiting may occur.

Exacerbation of the chronic form

In the chronic form, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of periods of remission and exacerbation. Exacerbations can be triggered by:

  • error in diet;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • heavy physical activity.

For exacerbation of pancreatitis, sudden onset and severe abdominal pain are typical. At first, a person is bothered by severe nausea, vomiting occurs 6-12 hours after the onset of symptoms. Usually it is a one-time procedure, after which the person feels a little better.

If the exacerbation was caused by alcohol abuse, tissue destruction and bleeding from the mouth are observed. Sometimes an exacerbation is caused by microbes - if they become infected and intoxication occurs, an increase in temperature is noted.

Complications of vomiting due to inflammation of the pancreas

The consequences of vomiting in acute pancreatitis can cause the following disorders:

Electrolyte ones are recognized as the heaviest. Vomiting attacks flush out sodium, calcium and chlorine ions from the individual’s body, which contributes to a malfunction of the muscles and a decrease in nervous regulation. As a result, the individual’s consciousness is impaired, and vomit enters the respiratory tract. Some patients experience respiratory arrest.

Frequent vomiting in acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. In this case, vomiting provokes reflux of intestinal contents. As a result of aggressive exposure, erosive and ulcerative lesions are formed, which can lead to the development of Mallory-Weiss syndrome (damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus).

Hypovolemic shock, in which the patient exhibits the following symptoms: decreased blood pressure, deterioration of consciousness, hypoxia. In this case, urgent medical assistance is required.

Pancreatitis should be treated early to avoid severe complications.

Frequent attacks of hemorrhagic pancreatitis cause reflux of intestinal contents. Due to aggressive effects, ulcers and erosions can form. Frequent vomiting can cause the so-called Mallory-Weiss syndrome, that is, damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

As a result of vomiting attacks, chlorine, sodium, and calcium ions are released from the body. Electrolytic disturbance leads to muscle dysfunction and deterioration of nervous regulation, which can cause serious consequences: impaired consciousness, entry of vomit into the respiratory tract. Possible respiratory arrest.

Another possible complication is hypovolemic shock, characterized by a severe decrease in blood volume due to loss of water and electrolytes. Characteristic symptoms of this pathological condition are hypoxia (decreased oxygen concentration), deterioration of consciousness, and low blood pressure.

Essentially, hypovolemic shock is a compensation mechanism to prevent a lack of blood flow to the most important internal organs if the blood volume is insufficient. This pathological condition is considered an emergency - if symptoms occur, immediate medical attention is required. If you seek treatment at the first signs of peritonitis, hypovolemic shock can be completely avoided.

Known cases of death from pancreatitis are explained not so much by the complexity of treatment, but by a late visit to the doctor, when the patient waited until the last minute. Therefore, you should not experiment with medications; it is better to immediately seek an appointment.

Mortality from pancreatitis

In conclusion, to all of the above, a completely logical question arises: so what to do?

The high mortality rate of patients in hospitals (not only surgical ones, and not only from acute pancreatitis, but also from other diseases) is due to the late presentation of patients who are patient until the disease reaches an almost irreversible stage. Treatment of such patients is difficult and ineffective due to the fact that the affected organ at this stage is no longer subject to treatment due to necrotic changes.

Therefore, only early and timely seeking specialized help dramatically increases the patients’ chances of a favorable outcome of the disease.

What is vomiting like in acute pancreatitis?

When the disease first appears, it is quite severe. An individual suddenly experiences acute pain in the left hypochondrium, which rapidly spreads throughout the abdomen and radiates to the back. Accompanying the pain syndrome is an attack of nausea. After a short period of time, vomiting appears, caused by intoxication and inflammation in the pancreas. At the same time, it is painful, repeated many times and does not bring relief. Nausea does not stop between attacks.

It should be noted that vomiting in acute edematous or hemorrhagic pancreatitis is different. In the first case, it is repeated and with a large amount of vomit. They contain remnants of undigested food, bile, and mucus. After several sips of water, increased vomiting is observed. In rare cases, vomit resembles coffee grounds. The reason for this phenomenon is bleeding from eroded vessels of the organ. Approximately on the third day, relief is observed, vomiting stops after the necessary treatment is prescribed and the swelling is partially removed.

In the second case, vomiting is continuous and profuse. Vomit with the smell of alcohol, mushy consistency, consisting of undigested food, bile and blood.

Acute pancreatitis - manifestations

A mild form of acute pancreatitis is manifested by vomiting, which is repeated once or twice, or may be absent. Sometimes it develops after a certain time from the onset of the disease and is associated with inflammation of the biliary tract or diet disorders.

In general, uncontrollable vomiting in acute pancreatitis does not bring relief. The presence of urge in the absence of vomiting is a common sign of acute pancreatitis. Pain is accompanied by anxiety and fear. In this case, severe bleeding often develops, resulting in shock or collapse, which can also cause nausea and vomiting.

Against the background of acute pancreatitis, intoxication develops. Toxins and breakdown products entering the bloodstream irritate the vomiting center and lead to the development of vomiting.

Interstitial (edematous) pancreatitis

Characterized by:

  • severe pain;
  • repeated repeated vomiting with a large amount of vomit (sometimes up to 4-6 liters), which contains remnants of undigested food, subsequently mucus and bile appear;
  • lack of relief after an attack;
  • increased vomiting after several sips of water;
  • lasting 3–7 days;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • sometimes - “coffee grounds” vomiting associated with bleeding from eroded pancreatic vessels.

To stop vomiting, conservative therapy and therapy to help reduce swelling are prescribed.

Manifestations of chronic pancreatitis

In chronic pancreatitis, moderate vomiting is usually observed 2-3 times. In a severe attack, it can be repeated; it occurs against the background of severe pain, provoked by gross non-compliance with the diet or alcohol intake.

An attack develops 6–12 hours after a malnutrition or 48–72 hours after consuming alcoholic beverages.

Characterized by:

  • vomiting mixed with bile and duodenal contents;
  • lack of blood in the vomit;
  • the duration of the attack is four hours;
  • pain.

In addition to the above, we are also concerned about:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • lack of appetite.

Hemorrhagic (necrotizing) pancreatitis

With necrotizing pancreatitis, which is provoked by alcohol, necrosis of pancreatic tissue develops, which is accompanied by:

  • excruciating pain of high intensity;
  • the smell of alcohol coming from vomit;
  • debilitating vomiting with mushy masses consisting of blood, undigested food and bile;
  • melena, indicating bleeding in the upper digestive tract.

All this leads to severe dehydration. Happens:

  • loss of sodium, calcium and chlorine ions;
  • development of collapse or shock;
  • aspiration of vomit;
  • stopping breathing.

The nature of nausea and vomiting in pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, such a symptom as nausea can have a different character and depends on the characteristics of the disease and its form. An unpleasant symptom bothers a person either constantly or appears periodically. In some cases, vomiting is accompanied by the release of bile or blood.

Doesn't stop

Patients with acute edematous pancreatitis experience incessant nausea and vomiting, which torments them from 3 to 7 days. People experience severe pain in the left hypochondrium. They first vomit pieces of undigested food, then mucus appears in the mass. Patients feel a bitter taste in the mouth, and vomiting itself does not bring relief.

With bile

The bitter taste in the mouth during vomiting is explained by the fact that bile comes from the pancreas along with mucus.


With acute hemorrhagic inflammation of the organ, the pain becomes even stronger, as the process of transformation of the gland tissue into dead areas (necrosis) occurs. They enter the abdominal cavity along with the blood, causing intoxication of the body. Its response to pancreatitis is vomiting, which cannot be prevented.

In the vomit you can see not only bile and pieces of food, but also blood clots, and the mass itself emits a pungent alcohol smell.

Why does vomiting with bile occur?

This symptom may be caused by problems in the liver, pancreas or bile ducts. Vomiting of bile occurs in patients suffering from cholelithiasis. It is also known as cholelithiasis. With this disease, stones appear in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The peculiarity of cholelithiasis is that the only treatment in this case is surgery. Drug therapy will be ineffective. The disease is dangerous because many patients do not even suspect its presence, since its symptoms often appear only in the later stages. Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to the development of gallstone disease. This happens mainly due to poor nutrition, hormonal disorders, other diseases and hereditary predisposition.

The main symptoms of cholelithiasis are acute pain that occurs on the right side under the ribs, nausea and vomiting with bile. Moreover, emptying the stomach of its contents does not bring relief. If the disease affects the tissue of the pancreas, attacks of bile vomiting become more frequent and occur every 2 hours. Spicy, fatty and overcooked foods cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and provoke disturbances in the liver. For this reason, after consuming them, nausea and vomiting of bile may occur due to cholelithiasis.

Its treatment is carried out in the period between attacks. During surgery, the gallbladder is removed, and the bile is then released directly into the patient's intestines. It is dangerous to perform surgery during an attack, as there is a high risk of developing various complications.

Vomiting with bile also occurs with pancreatitis. This disease affects the pancreas, its symptoms appear during attacks. Nausea and vomiting often occur as a result of a state of shock, which in turn is caused by anxiety and fear caused by acute pain. During an attack of pancreatitis, bile ends up outside the pyloric valve, which is in a relaxed state, and ends up in the stomach. When vomiting, undigested food comes out first, and then bile appears in the vomit. An attack of pancreatitis can be triggered by drinking alcohol or eating fatty and heavy foods in large quantities.

The disease occurs in the following forms:

  • With mild pancreatitis, bile vomiting occurs 1-2 times during an attack. Its cause is non-compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor to the patient, or due to digestive dysfunction.
  • An attack of acute pancreatitis causes greater discomfort to the patient. The patient experiences severe pain. First, he vomits undigested food, and then bile and mucus. A bitter taste appears in the mouth, which cannot be gotten rid of for several days. After emptying the stomach, the patient does not experience relief.
  • Hemorrhagic pancreatitis is the most severe form of the disease. The patient suffers from severe pain, suffers from uncontrollable vomiting of undigested food, bile and blood. Emptying the stomach does not bring relief. To improve your health, it is necessary to stop an attack of pancreatitis.

Vomiting bile always accompanies biliary colic, which in turn is a symptom of various diseases. They manifest themselves in the form of cutting, stabbing or tearing pain, which the patient experiences either constantly or in attacks. The cause of biliary colic is damage to the neck of the gallbladder or bile duct by a stone that has formed in the gallbladder. As a result, the receptors are irritated, and the patient begins to experience severe pain.

With biliary colic, bile vomiting is repeated, but emptying the stomach does not improve the condition. Due to severe pain, the patient cannot find a place for himself, cannot sit or lie quietly, as he is trying to find a position that allows him to minimize discomfort. You can cope with biliary colic with the help of antispasmodics. Intravenous injection promotes the advancement of the stone, and the pain soon stops.

But the use of antispasmodic drugs is only a temporary measure to eliminate the discomfort that worries the patient. To eliminate the cause of biliary colic, and along with it to get rid of bile vomiting, you should undergo a medical examination, the results of which will help identify the disease that manifests itself in the form of such symptoms. As a rule, they can only be dealt with through surgery. It is impossible to get rid of gallstones in other ways, but it is they that provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, which ultimately leads to pain. Diet adherence is important. Stomach colic and bilious vomiting usually occur as a result of eating large quantities of heavy food. A balanced, healthy diet can help prevent attacks.

Some causes of bile vomiting:

  • Vomiting bile often occurs after drinking alcohol. This symptom indicates severe intoxication of the body. In this case, even if there is no undigested food left in the stomach, the urge to vomit will not stop. Intoxication provokes disruption of the entire digestive system. Bile begins to flow not into the intestines, but into the stomach. All this leads to the fact that it subsequently ends up in the vomit. However, this does not always indicate the presence of any diseases. A single vomiting of bile after drinking alcohol is not a reason to panic. But still, in such cases it is worth undergoing an examination to make sure there are no pathologies. After all, many chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver worsen precisely after intoxication of the body.
  • With pyloric stenosis, attacks of bile vomiting occur in the morning. It gets worse after eating. The reason for this is that all food stagnates in the stomach, as it does not pass into the intestines. As a result, the patient feels nausea, which turns into vomiting of bile. Frequent attacks cause the development of serious diseases, such as ulcers, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in time.
  • Vomiting bile can be caused by mental disorders and stress. It is also provoked by the influence of various medications on the body. In pregnant women, vomiting bile is possible in the third trimester. It is caused by toxicosis, and is considered normal if attacks do not occur too often and bring relief.
  • In children, as in adults, vomiting of bile is associated with diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder. They develop as a result of eating fatty, salty and spicy foods. Bile does not enter the intestines, but the stomach, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting. To prevent the development of such diseases, it is important to monitor the child’s diet and avoid fried and fatty foods. Children suffer from vomiting bile when overeating. In this case, you can cope with the attack using gastric lavage. Poisoning is another common cause of bile vomiting in children. First of all, all undigested food leaves the stomach. When it is completely emptied, bile appears in the vomit.

Medicines to relieve nausea

The main method of treating patients with pancreatitis is the use of medications and folk recipes. Surgery comes into play only if conservative treatment methods are powerless against the pathology. If symptoms are severe, doctors may give salts, such as sodium chloride, intravenously. The drug Regidron can be used. Therapy is carried out with various drugs.

When a patient has insufficient production of the necessary enzymes, medications are used that compensate for this deficiency. Under their influence, the patient, getting rid of pain, is simultaneously freed from nausea. These medications include Mezim and Creon. The components they contain restore the functioning of the pancreas and relieve attacks of nausea. Creon is usually taken with meals. You should ask your doctor for the dosage.

If a person has been prescribed Mezim, then it must be taken before and after meals 4 times a day. To eliminate vomiting, your doctor may prescribe Domperidone and similar medications. To reduce the aggressive effect of gastric juice and improve the functioning of enzymes, the doctor may advise the patient to take the drugs Omeprazole or Gastozol. But, in addition to the above medications, painkillers may be needed.

To relieve severe pain, opium-type analgesics are used, and if the patient’s discomfort is aching in nature, then No-shpu or Spazmalgon are most often used. Self-treatment with the listed drugs is prohibited, since many of them have various side effects and contraindications. Only a doctor can correctly determine the dose of the medicine used and the duration of its use. To speed up the therapy process, the doctor may recommend using certain medications together with prescribed medications.

Anti-nausea and vomiting medications are blockers of the following receptors:

  1. Dopamine - “Raglan”, “Cerucal”, “Torekan”, “Motilium”.
  2. Histamine - “Bonin”.
  3. Serotonin – “Navoban”, “Zofran”.

The effect of the above medications on the individual’s body is different. When taking them, be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Only the attending doctor can make the right choice.

If you vomit severely, it is recommended to take Cerucal, but you should take into account its contraindications: children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, intestinal obstruction. Mezim or Festal also help relieve nausea and improve digestive processes. And in order to restore intestinal motility, it is better to use Trimedat, which has no contraindications or side effects. Therefore, it can be taken by adults, children from a young age and even pregnant women.

What to do if vomiting occurs?

If an attack occurs, you must:

  1. Calm the individual and provide him with peace.
  2. Remove or unfasten tight clothing so that it does not restrict breathing and movement.
  3. Help the patient take a comfortable position to reduce pain. Convince him not to take sharp and deep breaths.

In addition, medications are indicated that help replenish the electrolyte balance and fluid in the patient’s body:

  1. Infusion solutions.
  2. Analgesics (as prescribed by the doctor). Self-administration is prohibited.
  3. Antispasmodics.

Antiemetics - they are used for incessant vomiting even during therapy. The most commonly used medications are the following, which are administered by injection: Osetron, Domperidone, Metoclopramide. Anti-vomiting tablets for acute pancreatitis are ineffective because they do not have time to be absorbed.

Emergency medical care is of paramount importance, since acute inflammation of the pancreas threatens the life of the individual.

Diet and prevention

To prevent feelings of nausea and the development of vomiting, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent exacerbation of pancreatic pathology, namely:

  • Eat properly, following a diet with table No. 5, excluding from the diet all fatty foods, canned food, spicy, smoked and other types of food that have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Food should be prepared by boiling, baking, or steaming.
  • Drink teas based on medicinal herbs as often as possible to ensure regular cleansing of the body from harmful waste and toxins.
  • Avoid overeating and fasting.
  • Completely eliminate bad habits in the form of alcohol and tobacco products.
  • A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, a reasonable balance between physical work and rest, as well as the maximum elimination of stressful situations will be the best prevention of various pathological disorders in the body of every person.

    Vomiting in acute pancreatitis is a topic that is relevant for many who suffer from this disease. A detailed description of this condition is justified by the fact that vomiting is the second most common and even pathognomonic manifestation of such a serious and dangerous disease as acute pancreatitis.

    Diet food

    With the help of a diet that should be followed during acute pancreatitis, conditions are created under which secretion is temporarily weakened and the pancreas is in a state of functional rest. In other words, the food taken should reduce the activity of digestive enzymes and ensure normal outflow of pancreatic juice. It is the failure of the latter that contributes to the occurrence of acute inflammation of the pancreas.

    After diagnosis, complete fasting is recommended for a period of three to five days, and then eating bland food. Consider the basic rules of the diet:

    1. Eating up to eight times a day. Subsequently - five.
    2. The introduction of foods that activate digestion, as well as an increase in calorie content to 2500 per day, is carried out gradually.
    3. Food is steamed, boiled, baked or stewed.
    4. To prepare soups, use the second or third broth.
    5. Stale bread.
    6. The food temperature should be medium.
    7. Meat, poultry and fish are pre-cooked, and then various dishes are prepared from them.

    Within three days after the attack, it is recommended to take warm liquid in small volumes - decoctions of currants, rose hips, tea and kefir drinks, still mineral alkaline water. Next, the volume of daily fluid intake is gradually increased to two liters.

    The composition of the diet is a limited amount of carbohydrates and fats, an increased amount of proteins.

    A strict diet is followed from a week to a month and a half, after which it is allowed to switch to an extended diet. The doctor determines the duration of its observance individually depending on the severity of the disease.

    Regardless of the type of disease, the following products are prohibited for consumption:

    • alcohol-containing, coffee, carbonated drinks;
    • fatty varieties of poultry, meat and fish;
    • bakery products – baked goods, fresh pastries;
    • smoked and raw smoked sausages;
    • chocolate;
    • sweets;
    • marinades;
    • fried foods;
    • strong meat and vegetable broths;
    • legumes;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • animal fats;
    • butter;
    • milk;
    • sour cream;
    • spices.

    What to eat for acute pancreatitis? The following products are allowed for consumption:

    1. Rabbit, turkey, chicken, lean beef and pork, pollock, cod, pike perch, etc.
    2. After heat treatment - pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes.
    3. Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice.
    4. Wheat bread baked the day before.
    5. Pasta.
    6. Olive, sunflower and butter, as well as milk and sour cream (only for cooking).
    7. Fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese, cheese with a low percentage of fat.
    8. Non-acidic and unsweetened jelly, fruit compotes, still mineral water, rosehip or blackcurrant decoction, weak tea.

    Strict adherence to a diet after an attack not only promotes a speedy recovery, but also significantly reduces the risk of relapses and the progression of the disease to the chronic stage.

    The use of folk remedies

    From the list of recipes from traditional healers, the most effective in stopping nausea and eliminating vomiting are herbal decoctions and drinks with a sour taste:

    You can get rid of nausea with lemon water. To do this, mix a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice and drink. Apple cider vinegar actively helps fight nausea, which in the amount of 1 teaspoon should be mixed in 200 ml of water and consumed in one morning dose.

    Drinking mint tea helps stop vomiting; to do this, add boiling water to the peppermint herb and leave for 2 hours. When the infusion is ready, you need to take it one teaspoon in the morning, lunch and evening. If the urge to vomit develops, you can get rid of them by drinking green tea. And if you chew dry green tea leaves a little, the feeling of nausea will immediately disappear.

    When you just feel a little nauseous, it is recommended to make chamomile tea, as well as a tea drink from calendula flowers, or calamus.

    You can relieve the feeling of nausea with the help of medicinal herbal mixtures of peppermint, field chamomile and calendula, collected and crushed in equal proportions, from which healing infusions are then made.

    Pharmacy preparations, which can be purchased at any retail pharmacy, also help relieve nausea. In traditional medicine, decoctions with a sour taste are used to eliminate vomiting:

    1. 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar is diluted in 400 ml of water and drunk in one gulp in the morning.
    2. A decoction of plantain leaves, fireweed, and dandelion restores the water-salt balance of the body, which prevents vomiting.
    3. To restore the functioning of the pancreas, make a decoction of celandine, yarrow and calendula. Mix in equal quantities, add boiling water and infuse. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals.

    Is pancreatitis possible without vomiting?

    The appearance of secondary pancreatitis formed against the background of ulcerative lesions of the stomach cavity and duodenum, gastritis of the stomach, the presence of a congenital abnormal structure of the gland, the progression of diverticulitis, the development of invasion by helminth representatives of the intestines, kidneys, gall bladder and bile ducts - occurs without the feeling of nausea and vomiting .

    It is also worth noting that vomiting and nausea in chronic pancreatitis and in some cases during relapses may also be absent.

    Sources: gastrolekar.ru/pankreatit/rvota.html https://labuda.blog/262160 https://gastrotract.ru/bolezn/pankreatit/toshnota-pri-pankreatite.html opodjeludochnoy.ru/simptomi_i_diagnostika/toshnota-i-rvota -pri-pankreatite https://netpankreatita.ru/simptomy-pankreatita/rvota-pri-ostrom-pankreatite-prichiny-poyavleniya-i-pomoshh/ https://pankreatit.guru/simptomy/toshnota-i-rvota gastrit.club /podzheludochnaya-zheleza/pankreatit/toshnota-i-rvota-pri-pankreatite https://diabetsahar.ru/pankreatit/chto-delat-vo-vremya-rvoty-pri-pankreatite.html https://pankreatitu.net/blog /bolezn/rvota https://orvote.ru/bolezni/pankreatit.html medicalok.ru/podzheludochnaya/pankreatit/toshnota-pri-pankreatite.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Last modified: 03/20/2020

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