The benefits and harms of cumin for the stomach and intestines

What is cumin

Cumin or field anise is a dioecious herbaceous crop of the Apiaceae family, which is considered to be native to the subtropical regions of Asia. The plant is also widespread throughout Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, and the western and eastern regions of Russia. In the first year of vegetation, the crop forms a powerful, strong rhizome and a rosette of pinnately dissected green leaves.

The second year begins with the flowering of caraway, which is presented in the form of numerous white or pink flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences. After flowering, anise forms a small fruit - a long, slightly flattened fruit, up to 3 mm long. Cumin is a frost-resistant plant that adapts well to environmental conditions and can easily tolerate low temperatures, down to -25°C.

Did you know? Anise is the most favorite spice of the Egyptians.
Local women mix it with honey and pepper, using it as an aphrodisiac - a means to stimulate and enhance sexual desire.

Black cumin: use for children

Children should be given oil extracted from the spice and products based on it only after 6 years of age. This limitation applies for internal use. The product can be used externally at any age. This method has no restrictions, except for individual immunity.

Before using black cumin oil externally for babies under one year of age, you should check whether he or she is allergic to the spice and consult a pediatrician.

Children over 6 years old can use no more than 0.5 tsp at a time. oils Adults are allowed to take a full teaspoon. For certain diseases, the oil is mixed with lemon juice, flax seed decoction, unflavored yogurt or other drinks before use.

To overcome a runny nose in children, cumin oil is dropped into the nose, but not in its natural form, but after mixing it in a 1:1 ratio with olive oil. The nose should be instilled 3 times a day.

If a child has a cold and coughs, then steam inhalations with cumin oil are recommended. It is enough to take 1 liter of boiling water and pour a tablespoon of this spice oil into it. Place the mixture in a special inhaler.

If this is not the case, then it is no less effective to simply breathe in the aromatic steam over a bowl or narrow saucepan.

To eliminate throat or cough diseases, a good remedy for a child is herbal tea with the addition of a few drops of cumin oil. It is good to complement internal treatment with external procedures. To do this, fat should be rubbed into the chest area. Just before use, it (1 volume) is mixed with olive oil (5 volumes). The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The high medicinal properties of cumin are due to its multifaceted chemical composition, which is represented by the following components:

  • B vitamins: necessary for the normalization of the nervous system, participate in energy metabolism, reduce the effects of stress;
  • vitamin A: takes part in the regulation of protein synthesis, accelerates regenerative processes in cells;
  • vitamin E: protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals, prevents rapid aging of the body;
  • ascorbic acid: increases the body’s protective functions, protects against viruses and infections, strengthens the immune system;
  • calcium: promotes the proper development of bone and muscle tissue, strengthens skeletal bones;
  • iron: prevents the development of anemia, enriches the blood with oxygen;
  • zinc: has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens hair and nails, activates the reproductive system;
  • magnesium: has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, takes part in the synthesis of collagen, stimulates brain activity;
  • Potassium: normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels, making them strong and elastic.

In addition, cumin contains:

  • proteins - 19 g;
  • fats - 14.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 11.9 g.

The seeds of the plant are a fairly high-calorie product, with about 333 kcal per 100 g of raw material. Anise fruits are rich in flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, quercitins and coumarins, which give the seeds a characteristic specific taste and aroma.

Important! Natural black cumin oil contains a unique anti-cancer substance - thymoquinone, which has a dual effect: it prevents the occurrence of tumors and destroys existing cancer cells.

Benefits and harms

The effectiveness of the product is due to its composition. The seeds of the plant contain:

  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • mineral salts;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids.

Black cumin oil is extracted from the herb of the plant using the cold press method or using the cold pressing method of its fruit. The second method is considered more effective.

The resulting product contains:

  • persistent oil - 84.6%;
  • particles of black seeds - 14.4%;
  • volatile oil - 1%.

Both the seeds and oil of the plant have the following therapeutic effect:

  • improve the condition of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • optimizes the functions of the stomach and intestines;
  • have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • improve the condition of stomach ulcers;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • help improve the hormonal system;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • improve vitality and the state of the nervous system;
  • help stimulate bone marrow production;
  • improve appetite.

With the help of plant oil, therapy is carried out, the effect of which can be compared with the effect of such strong medications as Ampicillin, Co-Trimoxazole, Tetracycline. In some cases, the effect of cumin extract is even stronger than that of medication. Scientists have proven that black cumin effectively fights bacteria and poisons. Its extract is included in the medicine “Nigedase”, which is intended to eliminate chronic gastrointestinal ailments.

Medicinal properties of cumin

In folk medicine, cumin is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the increased content of vitamins A and E, it has a rejuvenating effect, prevents rapid aging of the body, and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

  • It is particularly effective for disorders of the digestive system:
  • improves metabolism;
  • relieves colic and bloating;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms;
  • restores metabolism;
  • improves the body's condition with constipation and ulcers.

The spice is characterized by diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant properties, due to which it is widely used to treat bronchitis, cough, diseases of the genitourinary system, and stabilize the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Anise seeds have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system: they increase potency, restore sexual function in men, normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve headaches and migraines.

Decoctions and infusions of spicy spice seeds are used to treat skin ailments: acne, inflammation, blackheads, rashes, ulcers, boils. Anise is recommended to be consumed for nervous disorders, depression and stress. It perfectly relieves fatigue, normalizes night rest, restores strength and vitality.

Important! Cumin is recommended to be included in the diet of nursing mothers, as it promotes better milk production.

Benefits of black cumin oil

Of particular value in folk medicine is caraway oil, which is obtained by cold pressing from black anise seeds. In terms of its biological composition, the product is truly unique and one of the most useful among natural oils. It contains saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular Omega-6 and Omega-9, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the human body.

For the immune system

Black cumin oil is especially beneficial for the immune system. The product has a stimulating effect on the thymus gland, which is responsible for human immunity. Regular use of oil makes it possible to activate the body's protective functions, help internal systems fight untreated and sluggish ailments, and successfully overcome infections. For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to use the product on an empty stomach, one teaspoon in the morning and evening, chewing the seeds well and drinking water. For children over 6 years of age, it is recommended to reduce the dosage by half.

Important! Children under 6 years of age should not use cumin oil for treatment or prevention.

For the digestive system

Cumin oil has earned great popularity in the treatment and prevention of ailments of the digestive system.

  • Systematic consumption of the product has a complex effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:
  • normalizes the level of stomach acidity;
  • serves as a prevention of inflammatory processes;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • has a choleretic effect.

The rich chemical composition of the oil and its medicinal properties make it the most effective remedy for gastritis and peptic ulcers, high acidity of the stomach, colitis, GERD, flatulence and other disorders. The oil helps improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, eliminates stomach cramps, and relieves constipation.

Similar products

Indications for use of Black Cumin oil:

Method of preparation and use of Black Cumin oil:

For problems with blood pressure: take a mixture of equal portions of cumin oil, honey and lemon juice 2 times a day on an empty stomach; Drinking a hot drink with 1 tablespoon of black cumin oil and honey before bed will help fight insomnia;

For prostate problems: it is recommended to wipe and massage with black cumin oil the lower back and groin area;

To activate memory: it is recommended to add a teaspoon of cumin oil to the mint decoction, sweeten the drink with honey and drink hot on an empty stomach once a day;

For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: inhalations are performed by adding one tablespoon of black cumin oil to boiling water. Repeat the procedure daily until a positive result;

In case of asthma and asthmatic cough: use all possible methods of use: inhalation, massaging the back and chest with cumin oil, as well as taking one teaspoon orally twice a day;

For problems with the bladder and urinary tract: it is recommended to add honey and one teaspoon of black cumin oil to a brewed glass of a certain herbal mixture. Take the mixture three times a day in courses.

Cosmetology also speaks extremely positively about the benefits of black cumin oil. It is an assistant in prolonging the youth and health of the skin, especially dry and sensitive skin, helps maintain beauty and hair growth, and increases the elasticity of the female bust.

Contraindications for the use of Black Cumin oil:

Black cumin has no side effects and when consuming it, you should only be wary of an overdose, which, by the way, at most can cause only slight irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can buy Black Cumin oil in our online store “Russian Roots”, or order it by mail.

The price of Black Cumin oil will pleasantly surprise you!

Volume: 100 ml. Manufacturer: IP Belov A.V., (“Altaivitamins”), 155310, Ivanovo region, st. Severnaya, 3 A.

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How to take cumin for the stomach and intestines

The benefits of cumin for the human gastrointestinal tract are simply invaluable, however, in order for the product to provide maximum benefit, it is recommended to follow certain dosages when consuming it.

Did you know? Caraway seeds were discovered by archaeologists in human settlements from the Neolithic and Mesolithic times, so this plant was used 8 thousand years ago.


To treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract, experts recommend using black or common cumin seeds. As a rule, infusions and decoctions are made from the seed material, which have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, restorative and antibacterial effects.

An infusion of seeds is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. Leave the product on for at least 30–40 minutes.
  3. The infusion is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

As a choleretic agent, it is recommended to use the infusion three times a day before meals, 2 tbsp. l. As a laxative, drink 50 ml of the drink on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up metabolism, it is recommended to drink the described infusion after meals, 50–100 ml.

Video: how to make caraway tincture

For colic, diarrhea, nausea and intoxication of the body, you can prepare a caraway-clove infusion:

  1. Black cumin seeds are mixed in equal proportions with cloves.
  2. The grains are poured with 250–300 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 10–20 minutes, filter.

This infusion should be drunk 1 glass three times a day.
Important! If you have any health problems, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using cumin or caraway oil.


The therapeutic use of cumin seeds is also possible in the form of a decoction, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. The product is placed in a water bath and simmered for 10 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, remove the broth from the heat and set aside to cool.
  4. The cooled product is diluted with 250 ml of boiled water.

Video: how to prepare a decoction of black cumin

It is recommended to take cumin decoction during food consumption, 50–80 ml. It helps remarkably with indigestion, irritates the intestinal walls, which helps normalize stools, relieves inflammation in gastritis and ulcers, and makes it possible to get rid of bloating and colic.

Learn about the benefits of caraway seeds for the human body.

Side effect

The herbal preparation is well tolerated by most patients and rarely causes severe side effects. People who are hypersensitive to the components of the product may experience:

  1. Contact irritation of the mucous membrane. Swelling appears in the mouth and lips. In rare cases, swelling spreads to the larynx and pharynx, causing breathing problems.
  2. Hypotension. The dietary supplement lowers blood pressure, causing a person to experience weakness, dizziness, clouding of consciousness, and with a strong drop in blood pressure, fainting occurs. Hypotension occurs more often in people taking cumin along with antihypertensive medications or diuretics.
  3. Cycle failure (women). Taking dietary supplements may cause a slight delay in menstruation. The disturbances are temporary, and soon the cycle is restored on its own, and menstruation is less painful.
  4. Dyspepsia. There may be nausea, vomiting, and stool upset.

To avoid severe allergic reactions, you need to start drinking cumin oil extract with small doses, gradually increasing the dosage to a therapeutic level. This will avoid the development of severe side effects.

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Possible contraindications for use

Despite the rich range of beneficial qualities, in some cases cumin can be harmful to the human body.

  • Contraindications to its consumption are:
  • individual intolerance and allergy to the product;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcers in the acute stage;
  • the presence of any transplants in the body;
  • pregnancy, since the spice can lead to active contractions of the uterus and, as a result, miscarriage or premature birth;
  • rehabilitation period after heart attacks and strokes;
  • the presence of large stones in the kidneys, gall bladder or bladder.

Cumin has been used in folk medicine for decades for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. And this is not surprising, because the described spice has anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, restorative, antispasmodic, antibacterial effects, which makes it possible to quickly and effectively get rid of many health problems.

Composition of black cumin seeds

Composition of black cumin:

  • proteins (including the amino acid arginine);
  • fatty acid;
  • simple saccharides and polysaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins of group B and PP;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin K;
  • choline;
  • minerals: calcium and potassium, phosphorus compounds and magnesium, zinc and iron salts, as well as copper and selenium.

Additionally, cumin contains phospholipids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins. Plant sterols include camperstin and sitosterol. The product contains up to 1.4% essential oils, giving it a specific aroma. Such a rich and diverse composition of the spice ensured its use in a variety of areas.

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