Heartburn from coffee ☕: the best 5 remedies


The effects of caffeine on the human body are complex. The alkaloid promotes the activation of various organs and systems. As a result, acidity increases and a burning sensation in the stomach is noted.

Coffee beans contain many substances that lead to vasoconstriction. The result is impaired blood flow and disruption of the activity of the alimentary sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. Due to this, hydrochloric acid, the concentration of which increases significantly, begins to rise into the esophagus.

Most often, coffee causes heartburn if you bend over or lie down after drinking it. When performing such actions, some of the acid easily penetrates the esophagus.

From coffee with milk

Coffee lovers who suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach after drinking their favorite drink are recommended to drink coffee with milk. Dairy products can partially neutralize the effect of a natural stimulant, making it less aggressive. It is recommended to add low-fat milk (within 1-1.5 percent) to the invigorating liquid. Due to this, the drink will be more beneficial for the digestive tract.

However, even when drinking the drink in such a safe form, sometimes a burning sensation in the stomach cannot be avoided. If there are already existing problems in the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms appear regardless of whether the coffee contains milk or not.

From tea

It happens that negative changes are observed when drinking not only coffee drinks, but also tea. It contains components that also irritate the gastric mucosa. The reason for the burning sensation is its strength. Discomfort also occurs due to the consumption of a low-quality product or the addition of a large amount of sugar.

Both black and green tea can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

It has been noted that the concentration of caffeine is significantly higher in green leaves. If you drink it warm with sugar, the risk of negative changes is quite high.

Mint and lemon balm are beneficial for the digestive system. With their help, it is possible to partially eliminate the symptoms. They contain a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins A and C;
  • menthol;
  • acetate;
  • folic acid.

Herbal ingredients have a long-lasting effect. When drinking such teas, the acidity decreases for 3-4 hours.

From instant drink

There are no beneficial substances in instant coffee. According to doctors, increased acidity is most often observed when drinking instant drinks. If you drink such coffee, the risk of negative changes is significantly higher than in the case of a natural product.

In the process of making powder and granules, low-quality Robusta beans containing a large amount of caffeine are used. The total content of coffee tree fruit in instant coffee is no more than fifteen percent. Main composition of the product:

  • stabilizers;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • amino acids;
  • dyes;
  • flavorings.

When drinking instant coffee, severe irritation of the stomach walls is noted. Naturally, in this case the frequency and intensity of attacks increases.

From natural

It is absolutely clear why coffee causes heartburn if it is prepared from instant granules. However, sometimes similar changes are observed when brewing a natural product. It also contains substances that negatively affect the digestive tract. Their maximum concentration is observed in coffee grounds. Therefore, if negative changes occur, it is recommended to stop preparing the drink in a Turk and use a coffee machine for this purpose.

Decaffeinated coffee will not help prevent the burning sensation. This is due to the fact that in its production they use Robusta grains, which are characterized by high acidity.

From coffee with cream

If you have digestive problems, a coffee drink with cream will help avoid heartburn. By adding this product, it is possible to slow down the process of gastric juice production. This is due to the presence of fats in the composition, which neutralize the effect of acids in the drink. But such coffee can also cause negative symptoms. As a rule, such changes are observed when it is consumed on an empty stomach and if the permissible daily dosage is exceeded.

Thanks to the cream, it has a tonic effect, the walls of the stomach are coated, and there is no harm to tooth enamel. In addition, the finished product acquires a more refined taste.

When eating sweets with coffee

Heartburn from coffee is often observed when consumed with sweets. This is primarily due to the fact that confectionery products contain heavy components, flavorings, and low-quality unnatural fats. Due to this, the symptoms become pronounced.

In addition, all sweets and sugar lead to irritation of the stomach walls, causing an increase in acidity and fermentation. As a result, excess hydrochloric acid ends up in the esophagus.

Does coffee cause heartburn?

Doctors say that if you drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, the stomach begins to produce an excess amount of hydrochloric acid. Over time, isolated cases of heartburn become permanent and can provoke the development of gastritis. Therefore, after the first manifestations of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth reviewing your diet and taking appropriate measures.

If you drink sweet coffee in the morning, heartburn appears faster - sugar provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have heartburn?

If you have serious problems with the digestive system, ulcers or gastritis, you will have to give up coffee drinks. This is the only right decision. A person needs to adhere to a diet that excludes all potentially dangerous foods - this is the only way to prevent relapses. In the absence of an inflammatory process, the situation is slightly different.

If there are no gastrointestinal diseases, drinking coffee for heartburn is allowed, but within reasonable limits.

A cup of your favorite drink will not do any harm. It is advisable to add milk to it. This will reduce the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

Why does heartburn occur after coffee?

Caffeine has the ability to activate the functioning of all organs in the human body and the gastrointestinal tract is no exception. As soon as the drink enters the stomach, digestive juice begins to be released in large quantities. Do not forget about other components of coffee that can cause severe vasoconstriction. It turns out that with general stimulation of the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid, there is a disturbance in blood flow, as a result of which acid-containing gastric juice rises into the esophagus.

These symptoms are especially acute if, after a cup of coffee, a person begins to bend over or decides to lie down - this allows digestive juice to quickly enter the esophagus.

Heartburn from instant coffee

There is nothing useful in this product - this is what scientists who have conducted numerous studies say. It was they who proved that an instant product causes stomach discomfort much faster, especially if a person had previously constantly consumed good ground coffee. It doesn’t matter at what price it was purchased and from what brand - freeze-dried, powder or granular, they all have approximately the same effect on the body.

Instant is produced from inexpensive raw materials that contain the maximum amount of caffeine. In addition, this product contains only 25% coffee beans, the rest is dyes, flavors, preservatives and barley powder. A soluble product causes discomfort faster, and heartburn is much stronger and occurs more often.

The most harmful drink is the one that is packaged in bags with added sugar and cream - it contains not only a surrogate for real coffee, but also a cream substitute, as well as many preservatives and food additives.

Heartburn from natural coffee

This product is very beneficial for the body if consumed in moderation. But, despite its beneficial properties, it still contains harmful components. There are especially many of them in coffee grounds. Therefore, if after a morning cup of aromatic drink you experience heartburn attacks, you need to avoid drinking coffee brewed in a Turk and buy a coffee machine. Some people believe that this problem can be solved by straining. But no matter how frequent the strainer is, small particles will still end up in the drink.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you can try not to buy American ones, but switch to grains from Brazil or Indonesia. They do not have the peculiar sourness that causes heartburn.

How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms

Unpleasant sensations that appear systematically in the epigastric region are a reason to contact a medical facility. It is quite possible that their appearance is not due to coffee drinks, but to the onset of a pathological process. The invigorating liquid helps to worsen the situation.

Provided that the burning sensation occurs only when drinking coffee, the following recommendations will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms:

  • reduce the number of servings consumed per day to the bare minimum;
  • add dairy products to the composition;
  • stop drinking an invigorating drink on an empty stomach;
  • Do not drink coffee immediately after meals. You need to wait at least half an hour;
  • do not add sugar;
  • Excessively hot coffee causes maximum harm;
  • Do not include citrus fruits.

Pharmacies dispense a lot of medications that help eliminate symptoms. The following are especially popular:

  • Ranitidine;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Gevikson;
  • Maalox.

Coffee drinks can cause heartburn. You can reduce the negative impact with the help of simple recommendations. If such symptoms are observed systematically, medical help is needed.

Can coffee cause heartburn?

Heartburn from coffee is possible. The drink contains caffeine, which increases the secretion of gastric juice. The substance affects the condition of the muscles surrounding the esophageal sphincter. Caffeine relaxes them, and this leads to a poor reaction of the gastrointestinal tract and the release of acid into the esophagus. As a result, a person may develop reflux. The pathology leads to unpleasant sensations and burning sensations in the throat, stomach, heart and behind the sternum. People often confuse these symptoms with manifestations of heart disease.

How does coffee affect the gastrointestinal tract?

The caffeine content in espresso significantly stimulates all cells of the nervous system. Strengthens the work of the heart, giving a temporary boost of energy. It is not advisable for patients with gastric pathologies to drink coffee, especially with high acidity. The main component of coffee provokes the release of hydrochloric acid. Because of this, the disease esophagitis manifests itself, the symptomatology of the disease is heartburn.

People who ignore doctors' recommendations by drinking a strong drink before breakfast contribute to the development of gastritis. There is a failure in food absorption, the functions of breaking down food are disrupted, and the patient begins to experience a burning sensation in the stomach area.

Thanks to caffeine, the glands of the gastrointestinal tract are stimulated, including in the liver, pancreas, and oral cavity. Because of this process, the organs function at full capacity. Such changes lead to further inhibition of their activities. Adversely affects the functioning of all digestive systems.

If you cannot live a day without espresso, then do not drink it on an empty stomach.

Coffee with cream

Heartburn from coffee can be significantly reduced if you drink the drink with cream. The fats contained in cream neutralize the acids in it. Of course, it is recommended to carefully monitor the amount of drink consumed, as abuse can be hazardous to health. Another cause of heartburn can be drinking sweet coffee. The fact is that confectionery products contain heavy ingredients and unnatural fats, which are not of very high quality.

As you can see, it is difficult to answer the question of who should not have coffee, since everyone is prohibited from drinking this drink in large quantities. But there is still a special category, such as children, pregnant women and people who have problems with the heart and digestive tract.

Why is instant drink dangerous?

If heartburn occurs from instant coffee, then before drinking it, it is important to remember that this drink does not contain any beneficial components. Doctors say that acidity in the stomach most often increases when drinking an instant drink. When comparing instant and natural coffee, it would be best to opt for the second option.

In the production of instant coffee, the lowest grades are used, which contain a lot of caffeine. And if you carefully look at the entire composition of the instant drink, you can note that it contains only 15% coffee beans, and the rest consists of components such as:

  1. Stabilizers.
  2. Flavor enhancers.
  3. Amino acids.
  4. Dyes.
  5. Flavors.

Naturally, in this case, heartburn from coffee becomes permanent. Gradually, the frequency of attacks will only increase.


Ground black coffee is much healthier than instant coffee due to the absence of harmful additives. However, this does not mean that you can drink it without measure.

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The most dangerous ingredient is considered to be the grounds. Once in the stomach, grains of waste have a negative effect on it. Therefore, coffee and heartburn from it go hand in hand.


This condition occurs due to the reverse flow of oxidized food from the stomach into the digestive tract, which is manifested by an unpleasant burning sensation.

Reverse progression occurs due to weakening of the muscular valve standing between the esophagus and the stomach. But why does this occur from coffee, because it is designed to raise a person’s tone, but not cause pain.

This occurs due to the irritating effect of the caffeine contained in the drink on the stomach.

The drink causes activation of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach, which is released along with food into the esophagus, which causes heartburn.

This most often happens when, instead of a regular breakfast, the first course is a coffee drink. In addition to the burning sensation and addiction, fans of the drink experience great stress on the heart, kidneys, and depletion of neurons - nerve cells.

As a result, the heart rate increases, urination increases, and the nervous system becomes dull.

How to reduce the negative effects of coffee?

To minimize the negative effects of caffeine, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Reduce drink consumption. The permissible norm is 2 cups per day. Excess even in healthy people causes health problems: insomnia, dehydration, heart and stomach problems. There is no need to brew a drink that is too strong and rich. It is better to limit yourself than to treat diseases later.
  2. Do not drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach. By drinking the drink on an empty stomach, a person increases the production of gastric juice, which, in the absence of food for digestion, corrodes the walls of the stomach. As a result, chronic diseases, gastritis and ulcers may appear.
  3. No smoking. Cigarettes double the effect of a strong drink. They weaken the action of the gastric sphincters, which promotes the release of acid into the esophagus.
  4. Choose quality grains. The composition of the product determines its effect on the body. A drink enriched with vitamins and microelements is beneficial. You need to pay attention to the degree of roasting of the beans. Overcooked food irritates the stomach. Subsequently, pain occurs.
  5. People who suffer from heart and gastrointestinal diseases should exclude coffee from their diet.
  6. Take the drink with water. This reduces acidity and prevents dehydration.
  7. Reduce the amount of sugar that makes the problem worse. The body recognizes glucose as food and increases the amount of stomach acid to cope with it.
  8. Drink only a warm drink, not a hot one.
  9. Do not add citrus fruits to the finished product, so as not to increase the acidity of the drink.
  10. Minimize the consumption of instant product. You should avoid this kind of coffee completely, especially for 3-in-1 or 2-in-1 sticks.
  11. Watch your diet. If a person eats healthy foods and follows the correct regimen, then a small amount of a drink made from high-quality grains will not harm.
  12. The best time to take coffee is in the morning, but after a light breakfast.
  13. Eat cabbage. Vegetable juice helps restore the gastric mucosa.

If you follow the rules of consumption, diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy coffee without harming your health. If discomfort and heartburn occur, you need to reconsider your diet and reduce the amount of caffeine. If your health does not improve, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

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