Is hydrogen peroxide treatment for hemorrhoids effective or not? A few tips

Hemorrhoids are a disease in which inflammation and expansion of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum occur. Occurs often in adults. Hemorrhoids are divided into stages, treatment is possible with surgery and traditional medicines. During the period of thrombosis, hemorrhoids become inflamed and swell. When touched, a sharp pain is felt. The nodes become blue-purple in the shape of a plum. The size reaches two centimeters.

At the initial stage, hemorrhoids are cured using the remedies of our grandmothers. Folk remedies are used for hemorrhoids exclusively as additional ones. Help relieve the main symptoms. The main reason is not removed. The products contain a minimal amount of active substances, which causes remission of the disease.

Patients do not trust doctors, so they try to cure the disease at home using folk remedies. The most effective is trivial hydrogen peroxide. Among fans of unconventional methods of treatment, there will be doubts about the ordinary nature of the method, but there is a rational grain in the method. Having tried it in practice, people appreciated the effect of peroxide on hemorrhoids.

Treating hemorrhoids with soda is a way to get rid of pain. Peroxide, as a panacea for diseases, was first discovered by Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Description and release form of the drug

There probably won’t be a person who doesn’t know what hydrogen peroxide is, because it is the most famous antiseptic and an essential component of a home first aid kit.

If we talk about chemical properties, hydrogen peroxide is a product of the oxidation reaction of isopropyl alcohol. It should also be noted that this medication is a transparent, colorless liquid, soluble in almost all media (water, alcohol, ether).

Many have noticed that when a wound surface is treated with peroxide, a hissing white foam forms. This phenomenon is directly related to the mechanism of action of this antiseptic, since it oxidizes the proteins of both the macroorganism and microorganisms, as a result of which pathogenic microbes die. But unlike iodine and brilliant green, which are alcohol solutions, peroxide does not cause a burning sensation.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced in the form of a three percent solution in glass and plastic bottles of various volumes (25, 40, 100, 200 ml). In addition, some manufacturers produce dry peroxide in the form of a pencil.

Free radicals and peroxide for hemorrhoids

Free radicals are chemical compounds that contain a reactive form of the oxygen molecule. They perform a powerful oxidative function and are a by-product of the body's respiratory chain.

If there is a rapid influx of oxygen, then the activation of almost all antioxidant processes in the body begins. Due to this, a decrease in the number of peripheral vascular spasms and heart contractions may occur. Thus, the body makes attempts to protect itself from excess oxygen, against this background its own antioxidants begin to be produced.

In the internal environment

such artificially created stress increases the production of its substances, which neutralize excess oxygen, thereby stopping the development of many pathological processes, including in the large intestine and rectum.

Due to the regular use of hydrogen peroxide solution in patients with congestive hemorrhoids, their well-being significantly improves, the feces are liquefied, and the entire process of defecation is greatly facilitated.

With moderate use of the drug, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and general blood counts improve. In addition, the risk of serious complications such as local suppuration and even sepsis is significantly reduced.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for other diseases:

  • Fungal skin infections;
  • Pneumonia and ARVI;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Systemic diseases - lupus and diabetes.

Significant relief is observed in cancer patients and those suffering from bronchial asthma. The state of hormonal levels and thyroid function improves.

How does peroxide work on hemorrhoids?

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on almost all microorganisms. But in addition to the antiseptic effect, this medication has hemostatic, antioxidant, laxative and anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevent the development of infectious complications;
  • eliminate bleeding of hemorrhoids;
  • will accelerate the epithelization of cracks and ulcers of the anus;
  • improve the functioning of the intestinal tract.

Features of the technique

Soda perfectly normalizes the acid-base balance, which, in fact, should not change throughout life. Its changes signal a deviation from the norm in vital signs, that is, the emergence of foci of the disease.

When hydrogen peroxide enters the body, it intensely saturates cells with oxygen. Both drugs have a strong healing and anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Peroxide is an active antioxidant that fights free radicals and destroys toxic substances in our body. It is produced by cells of the immune system and is involved in many important biological processes - fat, protein, carbohydrate, heat exchange, and in the formation of vitamins.

How to use hydrogen peroxide for hemorrhoids?

For external hemorrhoids and injuries to the anus, lotions and compresses with hydrogen peroxide are used; for rectal hemorrhoids, it is better to do microenemas with this antiseptic.

Remember that it is forbidden to use peroxide without consulting a specialist.

Hydrogen peroxide lotions

Peroxide lotions are especially helpful for bleeding external nodes and cracks.

Peroxide lotions are made as follows: a cotton pad or piece of bandage is soaked in 3% peroxide and applied to the anus for half an hour. If bleeding continues, the procedure is repeated several times.

You can use peroxide lotions until the acute symptoms of hemorrhoids subside.

Microclysters with hydrogen peroxide

The use of microenemas with peroxide is indicated for bleeding rectal hemorrhoids and bacterial complications.

For the procedure, you need to take one teaspoon of three percent peroxide and 40-50 ml of boiled water at room temperature into a rubber syringe, lubricate the tip of the bulb with Vaseline or vegetable oil, then insert it into the anus and squeeze out the medicinal solution inside.

Microclysters with peroxide are done once a day at night for three to five days.

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

An antiseptic widely used in domestic medicine, hydrogen peroxide, has many useful medicinal properties:

  • fight against pathogenic organisms;
  • cleansing properties;
  • accelerates the healing of deep and purulent wounds;
  • removes ear plugs;
  • heals fungal infections;
  • has whitening properties;
  • stops minor external bleeding;
  • is an adjuvant for the treatment of acute respiratory infections;
  • fights constipation, improves intestinal function;
  • reduces pain from hemorrhoids.

These properties provide a wide range of applications for an accessible, cheap product for the treatment of certain diseases and treatment of the skin surface during injuries and wounds.

How does Professor Neumyvakin recommend using hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of hemorrhoids?

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich is a domestic doctor who developed a health system for astronauts and wrote many books about where he gives advice on how to maintain your health.

This specialist also pays a lot of attention to the problem of hemorrhoids. One of the methods of treating this disease, which Neumyvakin advocates, is the use of 3% peroxide.

The professor recommends rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide, drinking it on an empty stomach, or doing microenemas, but he considers the latter to be the most effective way.

To treat hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin using microenemas, you will need the following:

  • 5 ml 3% peroxide;
  • 5 ml of boiled water at room temperature;
  • 10 ml syringe without needle;
  • petrolatum.

Before the procedure, you need to go to the toilet “big” or do a cleansing enema if you have problems with bowel movements. Then wash with warm water without detergents and dry the skin of the anal area with a soft, lint-free cloth.

After the preparatory procedures, I take a comfortable position, for example, lying on my left side, and proceed directly to administering a microenema: peroxide and water are drawn into a syringe, shaken, lubricated with Vaseline, the cannula is then inserted into the anal ring and the medicinal solution is released into the rectum. In order for the solution to be better absorbed and not leak out after the microenema, you need to squeeze your buttocks and lie down for half an hour.

Therapeutic microenemas with peroxide are carried out before bedtime once a day, with severe symptoms of hemorrhoids - twice a day. Duration of therapy is one week.


If the external use of 3% hydrogen peroxide has no prohibitions, then the use orally and rectally has contraindications.

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Organ transplantation (preparatory or rehabilitation stage).
  • History of allergies to peroxide.
  • Severe pathologists of the rectum.
  • Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.
  • Stage 4 hemorrhoids.
  • Exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Blood clotting disorders (thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia).
  • Necrosis of hemorrhoids.

Also, Doctor of Sciences Neumyvakin I.P. emphasizes that it is strictly forbidden to take other medications with a peroxide solution! Under no circumstances should you increase the frequency of use or the concentration of peroxide, as You can easily get a burn to the rectum. If you follow the listed rules and schemes, taking into account the warnings, a positive result from treating hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide will not take long.

Sergey Ivanov, 43 years old. I sat on the concrete and earned myself such a nuisance as internal hemorrhoids. After a while, I practically couldn’t sit normally at all. In general, I did herbal baths and applied ointment, but the problem only worsened - bleeding began, and the pain was so terrible that I wanted to “climb the wall” in the literal sense. I found an article on the Internet about compresses and oral administration of hydrogen peroxide. I did lotions 3 times a day, alternating with oral administration. The burning and itching went away on the third day, and after a week (even 5 days) the hemorrhoids stopped bothering me at all. So I recommend it.

Elizaveta Titova, 27 years old. Hemorrhoids appeared after the second birth. I thought it would go away with time, but I was wrong. The pain did not go away, but rather began to progress. The doctor prescribed an ointment and advised it to be combined with compresses based on 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. I won’t go into depth and will tell it like it is - after a week, there were no bumps, no bleeding, no pain.

Hemorrhoids are a disease in which inflammation and expansion of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum occur. Occurs often in adults. Hemorrhoids are divided into stages, treatment is possible with surgery and traditional medicines. During the period of thrombosis, hemorrhoids become inflamed and swell. When touched, a sharp pain is felt. The nodes become blue-purple in the shape of a plum. The size reaches two centimeters.

At the initial stage, hemorrhoids are cured using the remedies of our grandmothers. Folk remedies are used for hemorrhoids exclusively as additional ones. Help relieve the main symptoms. The main reason is not removed. The products contain a minimal amount of active substances, which causes remission of the disease.

Patients do not trust doctors, so they try to cure the disease at home using folk remedies. The most effective is trivial hydrogen peroxide. Among fans of unconventional methods of treatment, there will be doubts about the ordinary nature of the method, but there is a rational grain in the method. Having tried it in practice, people appreciated the effect of peroxide on hemorrhoids.

Treating hemorrhoids with soda is a way to get rid of pain. Peroxide, as a panacea for diseases, was first discovered by Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

How to take hydrogen peroxide orally when fighting hemorrhoids?

For oral administration, only a three percent peroxide solution is used, since more concentrated solutions can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. You also need to use not pure peroxide, but diluted in 50 ml of water.

Take this medication half an hour before meals or two hours after a meal, but better in the morning on an empty stomach.

In addition, you should not take peroxide and other medications at the same time, with the exception of vitamin C.

Treatment regimen for hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide:

  • 1st day – one drop;
  • 2nd day – two drops;
  • 3rd day – three drops;
  • 4th day – four drops;
  • 5th day – five drops;
  • 6th day – six drops;
  • 7th day – seven drops;
  • 8th day – eight drops;
  • 9th day – nine drops;
  • 10th day – ten drops;
  • from 11 to 17 days – break;
  • from 18 to 30 days - 30 drops.

A combination of internal administration and local procedures (lotions, compresses, microenemas) will help to achieve quick results from peroxide therapy for varicose veins of the anal canal.

Specifics of using soda

Treatment of hemorrhoidal cones with sodium bicarbonate according to Neumyvakin’s method consists of regularly taking it orally in the form of an aqueous solution, as well as using it as a basis for compresses and baths. To do this, the water is first brought to a boil, then, during this process, soda is added to it. The resulting mixture is cooled to a warm state and drunk in small sips. Taking sodium bicarbonate orally for inflammation of hemorrhoids should begin with small doses, followed by a gradual increase.

It would be wrong to start healing immediately with a saturated solution, as this can provoke diarrhea. During the first three days of the course, ¼ teaspoon of soda per glass of liquid will be enough.

Contraindications to the treatment of hemorrhoids with peroxide

There are no side effects when used externally. But professionals warn that when this antiseptic is taken orally, a massive death of pathogenic microorganisms occurs, as a result of which their endotoxins are released. Therefore, some patients may experience symptoms of intoxication in the form of nausea, malaise, hyperthermia, diarrhea, drowsiness, etc.

If you experience the above symptoms after taking peroxide orally, you need to reduce the dose of this drug. If side effects persist even after reducing the dose of peroxide, such treatment should be abandoned and consult a specialist.

Contraindications to the treatment of hemorrhoids with peroxide are the following conditions:

  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide;
  • history of organ transplantation;
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome;
  • blood diseases in which the coagulation system is disrupted;
  • period of bearing a child;

There have been no clinical studies yet on the effects of taking hydrogen peroxide, so such treatment should only be carried out after consultation with a proctologist.

But, nevertheless, patient reviews indicate that using this unconventional method, you can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, stop minor bleeding from hemorrhoids and prevent infection of the anal tissue.

We would be grateful for feedback on the use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Your experience will be useful for other readers of our resource.


Alexander, 43 years old: Hemorrhoids are my problem. Conservative methods did not help. The problems increased. A book fell into my hands. The author of the book, Professor Neumyvakin, changed the mind and opinion about hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide treatment method according to Neumyvakin helped at the first stage. By the third session I felt relief: the bleeding stopped, the pain went away. I felt a full life without hemorrhoids.

Olesya, 37 years old: The second birth brought problems. I began to feel pain and notice bleeding in the anus. At a doctor’s appointment I heard an unpleasant diagnosis – hemorrhoids. I tried expensive pills and all kinds of ointments. Long-term treatment did not lead to the expected results. By chance, I came across an interesting method of treating an unpleasant disease in the literature. Its components are soda and peroxide. After thinking about it, I decided to try Neumyvakin’s treatment for hemorrhoids. According to the given recipe, I used enemas, alternating and combining with medicinal compresses. There was no limit to surprise - the problem disappeared.

Rita, 43 years old: My husband went to the clinic, where he learned the unpleasant news. The doctor diagnosed him with second-degree hemorrhoids. There was an operation ahead. Peroxide turned out to be the savior. The long-suffering husband used a concentrated peroxide solution in accordance with the advice of Professor Neumyvakin. My husband took the solution regularly three times a day before meals, increasing it drop by drop as he took it. After three weeks of treatment, I was pleasantly surprised: the bleeding stopped, the inflammation decreased, and the pain went away. Troubles appeared: fever, vomiting. The husband’s desire to get rid of the problem is so great that he did not pay attention to the side effects and continued the treatment. After a while I felt better.

Vasily, 46 years old: I work in an office. Constantly sedentary work for ten years. I began to feel pain in the anus and notice bleeding. I endured it until the last moment - I don’t like hospitals. When patience came to an end, the pain became unbearable, I mustered up courage and went to the doctor with the hope that it was nothing serious. Hopes were not justified. The rumor was pierced by an unpleasant diagnosis - hemorrhoids. An endless search began for effective treatment to alleviate suffering: expensive pills, terrible ointments. A friend suggested treatment of the disease using the Neumyvakin method. The method turned out to be surprisingly simple: treatment with hydrogen peroxide externally and internally. Conscientiously followed the recommendations. After a while I felt relief and the bleeding stopped. Hemorrhoids were cured!


Examples of real patient reviews

Marina, 44 years old : “Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent hemostatic agent that I know from childhood, and it helps not only with wounds and bruises, but even with hemorrhoids. I tested its effectiveness from my own experience, because several times I had a hemorrhoid that was bleeding. When this happened, I took cotton wool soaked in peroxide and applied it to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes. Literally two or three such lotions and the bleeding stopped!”

Elena, 36 years old : “I am a supporter of traditional medicine, so I do not trust this method of treating hemorrhoids, that is, taking peroxide orally. In addition, the instructions for the drug clearly indicate that it is for external use and rinsing the mouth, but it is not written that it can be drunk. Therefore, at the first signs of hemorrhoids, you need to go to a professional, and not self-medicate!”

Tatyana, 55 years old : “I take a course of treatment with peroxide once a year to prevent colds. When hemorrhoids and fissures worsen, I apply lotions with peroxide. My doctor once recommended this method to me. The bleeding stops after the first procedure.”

Correct placement of microenemas according to Neumyvakin

The main purpose of using microenemas for hemorrhoids is to achieve an effect in the form of normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and relieving a person of constipation. The procedure is able to remove metabolic products from the intestines and cleanse toxins. In order to correctly administer a microenema, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleansing of the intestines with an ordinary enema before using it.

Then a ten-milliliter syringe is filled in equal proportions with warm water and three percent hydrogen peroxide. The cannula of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline, the needle is removed, and the product is injected into the rectum. A course of treatment of up to 5 days is allowed, and the maximum number of microenemas is 2 per day.

Hydrogen peroxide is also often used for hemorrhoids. Its therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating pain, relieving inflammation, stopping bleeding of the node

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