Strong tea for diarrhea: will it help, how to prepare it, can you drink it with sugar and lemon

Does tea help with diarrhea?

The recommendation to drink tea for diarrhea raises doubts among many people. Practice indicates that the drink really helps with intestinal upset in adults and children over 12 years of age.

Benefits of the drink:

  • prevention of dehydration;
  • reduction of treatment time for diarrhea;
  • preservation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora in the intestine.

After poisoning, tea fights intoxication in the body thanks to its sorbent and diuretic properties. Most patients note a significant improvement in their well-being within the next day after starting treatment.

The tea is enriched with tannin, a component that has an astringent effect, which can significantly reduce the number of bowel movements. As a result, the number of urges to go to the toilet, the intensity of cramps and abdominal pain are sharply reduced. Tannins and polyphenols in tea have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and promote the evacuation of pathogens from the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamins, amino acids, caffeine and essential oils have a positive effect on metabolism and the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! If diarrhea develops, you should drink tea warm. A drink that is too hot will irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and a cold drink will not be able to exhibit the proper healing properties.

In addition to classic tea, dry leaves or tea leaves can be used to treat diarrhea. In this form, the product is recommended for adult patients with acute intestinal disorder.

What tea can you drink if you have diarrhea? - black, green or fireweed tea

One of the symptoms of stomach and intestinal upset is diarrhea, which promotes the emergency elimination of toxins and waste products of pathogenic bacteria. If it is not possible to seek medical help, strong tea for diarrhea will help quickly restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The healthiest tea

Most often, black tea is used for diarrhea, since this drink, due to its tannin content, can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. For it to become a truly effective tool, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • use only strong brewed tea;
  • be sure to take contraindications into account;
  • as a substitute for tea for diarrhea, dry tea leaves are used, which are simply chewed without soaking;
  • It is prohibited to use these and other folk remedies for diarrhea caused by poisoning.

The last rule is due to the fact that in case of poisoning, it is important to remove toxins from the stomach and intestines as completely and quickly as possible. If you drink strong tea during diarrhea, consolidation of the stool will slow down the process of eliminating toxic substances. Through the intestinal walls they penetrate into the circulatory and nervous system, aggravating the patient’s situation.

By using tea for diarrhea, several goals are achieved simultaneously:

  • fix loose stools;
  • replenish the disturbed water balance and prevent dehydration;
  • Using this drink naturally restores the intestinal microflora.

Black tea for diarrhea is drunk in its pure form, without adding any other ingredients.

Valuable properties of tea drink for irritable bowels

This drink is not in vain used in traditional medicine. It has been proven that strong black tea effectively helps against diarrhea due to its unique composition:

  • the drink exhibits bactericidal and antiseptic properties, neutralizing pathogenic bacteria;
  • the amino acid theanine, found in abundance in tea leaves, prevents the growth of colonies of pathogenic bacteria;
  • tannins in its composition have astringent properties, thickening the consistency of feces with their presence;
  • the absorption of toxic elements in the intestines and stomach by the drink allows you to get rid of diarrhea caused by mild food poisoning;
  • tannin and caffeine contained in the drink are chemical compounds that promote muscle relaxation, so they normalize increased peristalsis of the irritable intestine;
  • Strong tea helps against diarrhea by increasing the concentration of immunoglobulins, which accelerate detoxification of the body.

Black tea, brewed stronger, has a high concentration of caffeine, which helps replenish energy reserves in the body. Using very strong tea stimulates sweating to further remove toxic compounds.

How to brew correctly to obtain a medicinal effect

To quickly get rid of diarrhea, you need to add three teaspoons of dry tea leaves to 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for 5-6 minutes, filtered, and drunk immediately. In this case, it is better to eat it not sweet. For uncomplicated diarrhea, one dose is enough, usually the diarrhea stops after half an hour. If there is no effect, after 2 hours you can drink the tea again.

There are several more recipes using black tea:

  • It is enough to chew 1-2 teaspoons of dry tea leaves and swallow them;
  • To relieve indigestion caused by a viral infection, a medium-sized cut onion is immersed in the drink for 10 minutes.

It is better to use all methods of brewing tea on an empty stomach, as they will be much more effective. If the patient feels very hungry, you can give him a few crackers, a thin slice of dried bread.

Tea should not be used as the sole treatment for complicated cases of diarrhea. If, in addition to loose stools, there are symptoms such as fever, vomiting, weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Can diarrhea be treated with sweet tea?

Typically, gastroenterologists do not recommend adding sugar to food and drinks when treating diarrhea, since it is a catalyst for fermentation processes in the digestive tract. However, sweet tea may be effective for diarrhea as a source of energy.

To prepare the product, add 100 ml of sour grape juice and 4-5 teaspoons of sugar to ¼ cup of strongly brewed tea. Light carbohydrates as a result of biochemical reactions will become a source of glucose. It is recommended to drink this sweet drink immediately.

Use in children

A child 5-7 years old can also drink tea with diarrhea, but in a much lower concentration. Children of early preschool age should not be given a strong tea drink; it is preferable to prepare a chamomile infusion. To make tea for children, read the article above and halve the recommended dosage for adults.

For colic in the abdomen of a child under one year old, accompanied by diarrhea, dill water is used.

To prepare it, add a third of a teaspoon of dill seeds to 200 ml of boiling water. After infusion for an hour and a half, filter the infusion and add a 200 ml tablespoon to drinking water.

Dosage during pregnancy

It is not advisable to use strong tea during pregnancy; it causes constipation and additional stress on the cardiovascular system.

Since it is undesirable to use medications in the first trimester due to the teratogenic effect on the fetus, if diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin occurs, it is permissible to use the healing properties of tea during pregnancy.

When preparing a medicinal drink for diarrhea, you should make it according to a children's recipe, that is, reduce the concentration by 2 times.

The mechanism of action of tea for diarrhea

In folk medicine, strong tea is one of the effective remedies for diarrhea. The drink restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has an astringent and fixing effect. Even gastroenterologists recommend that their patients drink strong tea for diarrhea, nausea and vomiting - symptoms associated with food poisoning.

Mechanism of action:

  • stabilization of gastrointestinal motility;
  • prevention of vomiting;
  • reduction in stool frequency;
  • restoration of lost fluid;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • prevention of dysbacteriosis.

For treatment, you can use not only black and green tea, but also herbal tea - chamomile, Ivan tea, etc. It is important that it does not contain artificial flavors and additives.

Effect of green tea

An infusion of green tea leaves during diarrhea has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In addition, green tea for diarrhea helps relieve symptoms of intoxication. Thanks to its pronounced diuretic effect, the drink helps quickly remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

To fully reveal the properties of tea leaves, it is not advisable to use a dry mixture in bags, especially if they contain flavorings. You need to brew the drink correctly, giving preference to large-leaf varieties.

The following recipe is suitable for preparing a medicinal infusion:

  • The large leaf mixture should be added to a preheated porcelain teapot. It is enough to pour 1-2 teaspoons of tea.
  • Pour hot, but not boiling water (approximately 90ºC) into the bowl.
  • For treatment, you need to drink 100-250 mg of the drink 3-4 times a day.

Patients can often drink green tea during diarrhea, but it is advisable to maintain a time gap of at least an hour between taking the medication and taking the tea drink.

Important! Some experts note that green tea may cause diarrhea again. This problem occurs to people who completely give up food due to intestinal ailments and who consume infusions in excessive quantities. To eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea, it is better to give up the drink for a while.

Sweet tea for diarrhea

Not strong, but very sweet tea helps with profuse watery diarrhea. It is an effective antidiarrheal agent that restores water and glucose levels in the body.

The leaves of the black or green variety are used as medicine. You don't have to drink only tea with sugar. If the patient has developed chronic diarrhea, a drink is suitable for treatment, to which you need to add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of ground ginger. This remedy has bactericidal properties and is good for diarrhea in adults and the elderly. The drink has a very pleasant aroma, which helps get rid of nausea. Also, for nausea that accompanies loose stool, drink tea with lemon. It not only quenches thirst well, but also relieves the urge to vomit.

Important! The use of tea does not eliminate the need to follow a diet for diseases accompanied by loose stools. Patients should avoid eating fatty, spicy and heavy foods and drink more.

What tea is effective for diarrhea?

Many people ask what anti-diarrhea tea will have the maximum effect? You are allowed to make a choice in favor of any favorite leaf drink, having previously studied its medicinal properties and capabilities.

Black tea

Classic black tea contains a high percentage of tannin and caffeine, which reduces the intensity of intestinal motility, suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria and energizes the body. Additionally, the drink increases the titer of immunoglobulins in the blood, accelerating the process of detoxification of the body.

If you have diarrhea, it is recommended to drink black tea in its pure form without sweeteners or other additives. It is not recommended to brew ready-made tea bags, as they are significantly inferior in quality to the leaf product and will not have the desired effect. It is forbidden to mix the drink with milk and cream, add lemon and sugar.

Green tea

Green tea is considered no less effective than black tea for the development of diarrhea.
In addition to a high proportion of tannin and caffeine, the product contains a large amount of antioxidants, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract, combating pathogenic microflora and improving the patient’s well-being. Green tea, as a true herbal product, does not burden the intestines, neutralizing components that provoke diarrhea. The course of drinking the drink should not exceed 3 days; you are allowed to drink up to four cups of it per day. In case of severe distress, it is additionally recommended to chew dry leaves of the plant.

Blooming Sally

A drink made from Ivan tea (fireweed) is used to treat many pathologies, one of which is diarrhea. The plant is characterized by pronounced enveloping, sorbing and antimicrobial properties, suppresses inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

The vitamins and microelements that make up Ivan tea normalize metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The recommended course of treatment is 2-5 days , you should drink up to four cups of freshly brewed drink per day.

Chamomile tea

The drink has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, improves digestion and relieves pain due to increased peristalsis of the intestinal tract. People with dysbiosis, gastritis and stomach ulcers can drink chamomile tea without fear.

The product is prepared according to the classic recipe in a water bath. During the day, you can drink up to four cups of the healing drink. To enhance its effect, you can add crushed ginger root, lemon balm and mint leaves to the tea.

Will strong tea help with diarrhea? How to do it correctly?

An upset stomach can start at any time. It is not always possible to have medicine for diarrhea at hand at such a moment. In such cases, you can use a folk remedy for diarrhea.

Strong tea has been known for several generations as a fast-acting remedy against diarrhea. The effect is achieved due to the fact that tea has an antiseptic effect and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Is strong tea bad for diarrhea?

In fact, drinking strong tea during diarrhea will not only do no harm, but will also be beneficial. However, other symptoms must be taken into account, for example, those that indicate severe poisoning. In the absence of more serious problems, regular tea helps get rid of diarrhea.

How to stop diarrhea with tea:

  1. drink a cup of strong black tea every 2-2.5 hours;
  2. drain the entire cup in several large gulps;
  3. remember that only simple black tea without flavorings or flavorings will give the desired effect.

How does the traditional strong tea method work?

The composition of black tea gives it certain medicinal properties:

  • high caffeine content has an invigorating effect;
  • tannin reduces the peristalsis of the large intestine and also fights pathogens.

The combination of these effects means that toxic substances that can cause stomach upset are not absorbed as quickly in the intestines. In addition, fairly strong tea increases sweating, and along with sweat, some harmful substances that have already entered the blood are removed from the body.

The most beneficial type of tea for the body

Different types of tea have different effects on the human body. The possible beneficial effect of tea depends on the quality of the original product and the method of its processing, which means you should study the types of tea and pay attention to them when choosing in the store.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine which tea will be most beneficial for the body , but you can choose a variety with the most relevant positive properties for you:

  • green tea is good for preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • black normalizes cholesterol levels, reduces the likelihood of stroke, and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • white lowers cholesterol;
  • Oolong helps you lose weight;
  • Puer improves brain performance.

Treating diarrhea with strong tea

Drinking a cup of strong tea is a simple and common method of combating diarrhea.

For tea to give the desired effect, you should:

  • prepare a regular glass;
  • pour 3 teaspoons of tea leaves into a glass.

As a last resort, you can eat dry tea leaves, as described above, or you can buy concentrated black tea.

If diarrhea is caused by a viral disease, it will be useful to add onions to already brewed tea. Take a small onion, make a cut and dip it in a mug of hot tea for about 10 minutes. The resulting infusion should be drunk warm, and there is no need to add sugar.

When and how much to take?

You should drink tea for diarrhea:

  1. only warm;
  2. freshly prepared.

How often depends on the circumstances. Usually 4-6 cups per day, every 2 hours, are enough.

Is it possible to have sweet strong tea for diarrhea?

Tea with sugar can also have a healing effect in case of diarrhea, but you need to drink it in small sips and little by little. Sweet tea contains a lot of carbohydrates, which provide energy to the body. Additional energy is very necessary for an organism weakened by diarrhea, especially in case of poisoning.

There is also an original recipe for a sweet tea drink with sugar and grape juice. Take half a glass of strong black tea and the same volume of grape juice, mix and add 5 teaspoons of sugar, stir well again. Drink the resulting mixture for 2 hours and refrain from eating during this time.

Strong tea and gastrointestinal function

Strongly brewed tea regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • helps produce gastric juice;
  • restores intestinal microflora;
  • kills pathogenic microbes.

Who is contraindicated for strong tea?

Unfortunately, there are also contraindications:

  1. Serious diseases of various etiologies;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Age under 6 years. Older children can drink strong tea as a cure for diarrhea, but the children's portion should not be as strong as for adults;
  4. Hypertension, as tea contains caffeine, which increases blood pressure;
  5. People suffering from excessive emotional excitability.

If you overuse strong tea, you may experience consequences such as high blood pressure, dizziness, visual disturbances, nervousness and irritability, and also anemia. Therefore, do not forget that the above recipes are applicable only in emergency cases.

Green tea instead of black

Green tea is good because it contains many antioxidants, however, there is very little tannin, which affects the condition of the intestines, in green tea. This type of tea is not as good for diarrhea as black tea, but you can try using it.

Green tea for diarrhea should be brewed in the usual way, but you will have to drink a lot of it to achieve a therapeutic effect. A light drink compensates the body for fluid loss without burdening the stomach.

Remember, however, that when the temperature rises above 38.5°C, you should call an ambulance. Loose stools in such cases are a symptom of an infectious disease that affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are times when strong tea, despite all its benefits, does not help cope with diarrhea. If diarrhea continues for several days, you should seek professional medical help.

Recipe for making tea for diarrhea

To get a tea drink that is effective against diarrhea, it is important to know how to brew it correctly. According to the classic recipe, you need to take 3 tsp. loose leaf tea and 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting product is heated in a water bath for 5 minutes. The slightly cooled drink is filtered and immediately drunk in one go. Depending on the nature of the diarrhea, up to four cups of freshly brewed tea may be needed throughout the day.

For flatulence and intense cramps in the intestines, it is recommended to add a small amount of thick grape juice to the tea drink. If diarrhea is caused by non-infectious causes, relief of the patient's well-being occurs 15-30 minutes after taking the drug.

Green tea during diarrhea

The green harvest is more useful than the black one. But in the case of diarrhea, the second one is still more effective. But in general, a green drink can work wonders. It contains a large number of catechins, which have a strong antiseptic effect. This quality is especially important in the treatment of dysentery. It is also often used for vomiting because it does not trigger the gag reflex.

And if the black mixture helps after just a few cups, then the green analogue works for several days. But at the same time it has no side effects. When asked whether a green drink helps with diarrhea, we can most likely say yes, but not as effective as a black one.

Use of tea for diarrhea in children and pregnant women

Strong tea is not used to treat diarrhea in children under 12 years of age. To prevent dehydration, the child is allowed to drink weakly concentrated sweet tea during diarrhea. It is recommended to alternate the drink with an infusion of dried fruits and berry jelly containing starch.

Strong tea is contraindicated for intestinal disorders during pregnancy. The drug complicates the course of toxicosis and provokes premature onset of labor in the third trimester, especially when mint leaves and chamomile are added to it. You can drink classic green tea in small quantities, but it is better to choose safer alternative ways to combat diarrhea - rice water and dried pear infusion, so as not to harm the baby.

How tea helps cope with diarrhea

Tea is an excellent antiseptic. It helps stabilize the microflora in the intestines, destroying bacteria that contribute to poisoning the body. Contains active tannins that form normal stool. Tea is not only an antiseptic, but also a good absorbent: thanks to it, the body gets rid of pathogenic microbes.

The diverse range of teas available on the market makes you wonder - what method of treatment will be the most effective?

Strong black tea for diarrhea

The first place in our ranking of remedies for diarrhea is taken by ordinary black tea. Due to the impressive content of tannin and caffeine, this drink stimulates the body’s fight against harmful bacteria, strengthening and supporting it.

It is recommended to drink strong black tea without additives such as milk or cream. It is also worth refraining from eating sweets for a certain time.

Green tea with lemon

In second place, contrary to popular belief, is green tea with lemon. It also contains caffeine and tannin, various antioxidants, which allows it to have the same beneficial effects on the body as black tea. Doctors recommend including green tea in your daily diet.

Sweet tea for diarrhea

Sweet, weak tea has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for severe forms of diarrhea. In addition to restoring normal water balance, it also restores electrolyte balance and equalizes blood glucose levels.

During treatment, the patient abstains from heavy, spicy, fatty foods in order to consolidate the results of tea therapy.

Herb tea

While ordinary strong tea eliminates loose stools and the effects of dehydration, herbal tea fights the causes of general malaise. The composition can be different: this is tea with chamomile (alleviating abdominal pain and restoring healthy intestinal microflora), and a decoction of St. John's wort (especially recommended for patients with stomach ulcers), soothing decoctions of lemon balm and mint.

It should be remembered that in order to avoid side effects, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Blooming Sally

Separately, it is necessary to note the wonderful medicinal properties of Ivan tea. It alone is a whole pharmacy: there are tannins, polysaccharides, and a set of many vitamins. It is customary to infuse it after boiling it for fifteen minutes. The product is taken before meals.

Most people think that such an ordinary drink as tea cannot harm the body in any way. This statement is erroneous: there are a number of contraindications for which diarrhea should never be treated in this way.

So, you cannot drink two types of tea at the same time - black and green - due to the tannin they contain. Pregnancy is the time when you should give preference to herbal infusions: strong brewed teas will have to wait. Strong tea can cause sleep disturbances and increased nervousness in children.

Below are some proven step-by-step tea recipes to help cope with diarrhea.

Classic black strong tea

The porcelain teapot is pre-rinsed with boiling water, warming it up properly. Pour crushed tea leaves at the rate of two to three teaspoons onto a small teapot.

You should not think that tea needs to be poured with boiling water: boiled water should cool slightly. The decoction is taken three to four times a day, 250 mg. If desired, you can add a little sugar or honey.

Tea with pepper

  • large leaf black tea,
  • ground black pepper,
  • boiling water.

Black pepper is also a good remedy in the fight against diarrhea, but it is consumed in brewed form. To do this, add two to three pinches of ground black pepper to a portion of tea leaves and infuse. The resulting decoction must be filtered and drunk.

Contraindications and side effects

Not everyone can take strong tea to combat diarrhea due to the high tannin and caffeine content.

Contraindications to drinking tea drink:

  • hypertension;
  • stage of exacerbation of stomach ulcer;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
  • glaucoma.

Uncontrolled use of strong tea for diarrhea can cause reversible adverse reactions such as insomnia, increased excitability, dizziness and blurred vision. People with hypersensitivity to coffee and caffeine-based products are at risk for developing side effects.


Black varieties of tea not only have benefits for the human body, but also cause harm in certain cases. This is due to caffeine .

The substance causes severe agitation, increased heart rate, heaviness in the heart area, insomnia, and headache.

You should not drink strong black tea if there is an exacerbation of any chronic disease, as well as with a stomach ulcer, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Green teas are contraindicated:

  • for insomnia and nervous exhaustion, increased excitability;
  • with tachycardia, low blood pressure, increased in acute cases;
  • for chronic diseases, stomach ulcers;
  • The use of strong tea is limited during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

Green tea combined with alcohol aggravates the course of kidney diseases.


It is important to drink only freshly brewed tea. If the drink sits for some time, it will lose its beneficial qualities and will not bring the expected effect. For an adult, one glass of tea per dose is enough; for children over 12 years old, the amount of tea should be halved.

The frequency of tea consumption and duration of therapy depend on the nature of diarrhea. For minor problems, it is enough to drink the product once. Its maximum volume per day is 800 ml. In case of a pronounced disorder, drink the drink every 2 hours until the symptoms of the pathology subside.

In case of serious food poisoning, strong tea does not always help with diarrhea; in such a situation, specific treatment cannot be avoided. If symptoms of diarrhea do not go away within 48 hours, you should consult your doctor.

Strong tea stops diarrhea and eliminates its consequences. To prepare it, it is important to use only natural, high-quality raw materials and take them in the permitted quantity. It is important to remember that such a seemingly safe folk recipe has contraindications and restrictions for use.

Mint tea

Peppermint tea has long been used in folk medicine to treat digestive problems. The tea is made by pouring a handful of mint leaves into a cup of hot water. The infusion has a refreshing taste and pungent aroma that can soothe nausea and move food through the digestive tract more effectively.

Research shows that strong peppermint tea may help treat diarrhea caused by irritable bowel syndrome. One study of 74 patients found that those who took peppermint oil three times daily for six weeks experienced a significant reduction in the incidence of abdominal pain.

Peppermint tea for diarrhea

Additional research published by Milton S. Hershey Medical Center shows that peppermint helps relieve indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, and bloating—symptoms that often accompany diarrhea. Research has shown that compounds in mint, including menthol, help soothe mucous membranes in general and the stomach lining in particular, reducing inflammation and irritation. The tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe intestinal inflammation that causes diarrhea.

Lemon tea

Treat diarrhea with a hot cup of lemon tea. Just pour warm water over the lemon and add honey if desired. The tea has a citrus aroma with a hint of sweetness.

Research shows that lemons contain antioxidants and other chemical compounds that can fight bacterial and viral infections. One study found that among citrus fruits, lemon juice and lime juice had the highest concentrations of bacteria-fighting compounds.

Lemon strong tea for diarrhea

Scientists from Heidelberg also found that lemons can help fight norovirus infections, which can cause diarrhea. Lemon juice can also be used as a disinfectant to clean your home to prevent other family members from becoming infected.

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