The healing properties of olive oil in the treatment of gastritis

Medicinal properties of olive oil

This type of product is called “liquid gold” because it exhibits a full range of positive effects on the body. Olive oil is perfectly absorbed, therefore it has a beneficial effect on all organs. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, which has found its use in cosmetology, this product can prevent the formation of cardiovascular diseases, helps eliminate cholesterol, and is also highly valued in treating the gastrointestinal tract. The natural medicine is used quite successfully to prevent a variety of inflammatory processes.

Olive has valuable constituent elements, which are oleic, linolenic acids, vitamins A, D, E, K. Thanks to a huge list of positive characteristics, olive oil is included in the diet for such ailments as gastritis and ulcers.

Thanks to such components, olive oil contributes little to:

  • Normalization of digestion.
  • Improves immediate bile reflux.
  • Eliminates heartburn.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Protects the stomach from ulcers.
  • Protects against the formation of cancer.

Thanks to the acids contained in the composition, the risks of obesity are reduced, and direct use of the drug on an empty stomach promotes the process of getting rid of excess weight, removing toxins and directly reducing the feeling of hunger.
At the same time, metabolic processes are significantly accelerated, which brings maximum breakdown of fats. Once in the body, the drug envelops the stomach, thanks to which painful signs disappear and also exhibits a healing effect. Consequently, this kind of medicine helps speed up the healing process. Also, curing coughs, burns, and various ailments of the epidermis cannot be done without this medicine. The product has also proven itself in the fight against various insect bites and age spots.

This remedy has minor laxative properties because it helps rid the body of waste and toxins.

Antioxidant compounds found in cold-pressed olive oil were found to have an effect on a number of strains of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

These bacteria are known to penetrate the stomach wall and cause inflammation. According to the researchers, the above-mentioned first-press product has no analogues and is unique. The thing is that olive oil is one of the few healthy vegetable oils that contains a large amount of phenols.

The cold-pressed product is widely used as a seasoning for salads and vegetables. It can also be used in cooking, however, it is not recommended for deep and long frying.

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil contains many biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These substances are essential, i.e. they are not produced by the human body and are supplied only with foods;
  • phenol-containing components;
  • monounsaturated fats;
  • vitamins A, E, K, D, B.

It is this rich composition of olive oil that determines its wide range of positive effects on human health.

Improved bowel function

Scientific studies have proven that taking olive oil internally stimulates the intestinal motility system. Thanks to this effect, the product promotes gentle and natural cleansing of the body. As a result, constipation is eliminated, stool becomes regular and the development of hemorrhoids is prevented.

Positive effect on the digestive system

Olive oil helps eliminate many problems in the digestive system. When consumed on an empty stomach, a protective film is formed on the walls of the mucous membranes (esophagus, stomach, duodenum). It softens the aggressive effects of gastric acid. Increased acidity can cause frequent heartburn, ulcers and other ailments.

Olive oil promotes the healing of ulcers and microcracks, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. That is why olives are considered an effective preventative against peptic ulcers.

Olive oil helps prevent the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers

In addition, scientific research has found that olive oil can prevent the development of colon cancer.

Liver cleansing

Olive oil is ideal for cleansing the liver, gallbladder and its ducts, as well as the pancreas. The product effectively removes waste and toxins from the organs, promotes the dissolution of small stones in the gall bladder and their removal, and also minimizes the likelihood of the formation of new ones.

Fight cholesterol

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in olive oil can regulate the balance of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in favor of the latter. This reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques forming in blood vessels, narrowing the vascular lumen and reducing vascular patency. Consuming olive oil on an empty stomach helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol plaques close the lumen of blood vessels and impair its patency

For a slim figure

Anyone who wants to make their shape more perfect should not be afraid to use olive oil. Taking the oil on an empty stomach helps:

  • reduce appetite;
  • speed up all metabolic processes;
  • slow down the transformation of lipids into adipose tissue.

All this together helps to reduce body weight.

Strengthening male power

For men, consuming olive oil is of great importance, since the product can improve potency.

Taking the oil internally promotes rejuvenation and healing of the body as a whole, which has a positive effect on the sexual activity of men. In addition, olive oil promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone, and also affects the tone of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which blood flows more actively to the genital organ, and the quality of erection increases significantly.

For beauty

Everyone knows that olive oil is often used in homemade beauty recipes. After all, it contains large amounts of vitamin E - the vitamin of youth.

Olive oil is used externally in face and hair masks, in body products, and in nail baths. And every time consumers note a visible effect from the product.

Olive oil has a positive effect on hair, skin and nails

However, for beauty, olive oil is recommended to be consumed internally. Often, those people who took the product to solve certain health problems noticed that the condition of their skin, hair and nails also improved significantly. After all, cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals, accelerating metabolic processes and saturating it with useful components allows you to improve your appearance.

Causes of gastritis

Gastritis is already an integral element of the life of the vast majority of people. The root cause of its appearance is non-compliance with the correct way of life, the most important elements of which are calmness and a balanced diet. It should be noted that the prerequisites for the development of the disease is a lightning-fast change in the temperature of food at the time of its consumption. Existing bad habits also do not bring a positive charge to the body.

Gastritis can also occur after long-term use of medications, which simply contribute to the disruption of all processes occurring in the stomach. In this case, experts strongly recommend that, in parallel with taking medications, or after completing treatment, you take medications that are aimed at stabilizing the functionality of the stomach.

If you have gastritis, it is important to maintain proper nutrition . Food for consumption must necessarily have gentle properties, but it is still necessary to ensure that the body receives the required amount of nutrients to ensure normal functioning. In this case, olive oil can protect the mucous membrane from the irritating effects of certain substances found in products.

The main reasons influencing the appearance of the disease:

  • Inflammatory processes that occur in the mucous membrane of the organ, which performs a protective function.
  • Systematic consumption of spicy or hot foods.
  • The abuse of cigarettes and alcohol does not have the best effect on the stomach and general health.
  • The occurrence of gastritis is possible against the background of increased irritability or psychological stress.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs that disrupt the usual processes in the stomach and contribute to the development of the disease. In this case, drugs are simultaneously prescribed that bring the stomach’s capacity back to normal.

How to treat?

For gastritis, it is effective to take olive oil half an hour before meals; one tablespoon three times a day. You should not consume sunflower oil in such doses, which can cause hepatic colic. As for olive, there is no danger. In addition, increased or decreased secretory function will not be a contraindication to the use of this product. It will improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver, have a beneficial effect on the intestines, and accelerate the healing of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum.

Before drinking olive oil in the morning, it is useful to drink some plain still water. Thanks to this, the organs of the digestive system will prepare for work.

Of course, you need to choose fresh oil for treatment. There should be no sediment, nor should there be a bitter taste. It is best to choose olive oil that was produced no more than a month ago at the time of purchase. Some people cannot consume pure oil. In this case, you can add it to porridge or other ready-made dishes.

To achieve the effect, it is recommended to take the oil for two months . The condition may improve in the first weeks, but you should not stop the course. To prevent relapses, you need to drink olive oil for the entire specified period. Then take a short break, after which repeat the two-month course. Sometimes gastritis is accompanied by constipation. The same olive oil will come to the rescue in the fight against this uncomfortable phenomenon.

To get rid of fecal stones and constipation, you need to do an enema : warm water, egg yolk and olive oil.

If in the morning after taking a spoonful of oil you drink a glass of warm boiled water with lemon (a few drops of lemon juice), this will have a mild laxative effect. After this procedure, you need to lie down for 15 minutes.

Vegetable oils in the treatment of gastritis

It is well known that too fatty foods provoke gastritis. The cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane as a result of indulging in fatty foods is the complex chemical structure of animal fats, the breakdown of which requires too much energy expenditure from the stomach. As a result, fatty foods stay in the stomach longer than usual, which leads to inflammatory processes on the surface of the mucosa.

Vegetable fats are digested much easier, and many of them have a pronounced enveloping effect, forming a protective film on the surface of the gastric epithelium that prevents the irritating effect of solid food on the walls of the stomach. In addition, such a shell protects the mucous membrane from the action of pathogenic microflora and has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Among the representatives of this group of vegetable fats that demonstrate good results in the treatment of gastritis, the following can be distinguished:

  • flaxseed oil, the effect of which is to relieve flatulence and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, as well as to normalize the level of secretion of gastric juice;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil has the ability to improve the regenerative abilities of epithelial cells, providing a general strengthening effect on the digestive tract;
  • pumpkin and lavender oils, being quite rare representatives of this class, are distinguished by their ability to quickly stop inflammatory processes and effectively heal wounds in the presence of erosion;
  • sesame oil is known for its ability to cleanse the human body of toxins and waste.

How to use olive oil

For therapeutic purposes, the drug should be taken exclusively in fresh form. The product has a beneficial effect on the stomach, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. Traditional medicine calls for treating various ailments of these organs, in particular gastritis, with olive oil. Patients with gastritis, both with increased and decreased acidity, can take a “medicine” of natural origin.

For stomach ailments, excellent results are obtained when using the drug 30 minutes before a meal, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. However, there is no need to fear any consequences. Olive oil is recommended even for patients with erosive gastritis, because the constituent elements of the drug perfectly counteract existing erosions, while preventing their further formation. For more complex variations of gastritis, experts advise increasing the daily dosage of the drug.

As a rule, the patient feels the first positive results after 2 weeks of taking the drug. The recommended course of treatment is 2 months. If improvement occurs earlier, then you should not stop taking olive oil, this will make it possible to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Before using the drug directly, it is recommended to drink a little water with lemon juice. Such manipulations will prepare the stomach for work, and will also significantly improve the effect of the medicine itself. Strict care should be taken to ensure that olive oil does not become bitter or settle. Therefore, it is better to purchase a drug whose shelf life does not exceed 1 month from the date of manufacture.

It should be noted that olive oil extremely rarely causes any allergic reactions, but you need to make sure that the body tolerates this drug well.

In order to understand how the body reacts, the following manipulations should be performed:

  • On an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room temperature.
  • After half an hour, you need to drink 1 spoon of the drug.
  • After 30 minutes you can start breakfast.

In order to understand how the body reacts to the medicine, you first need to take it only after waking up. If the body responds well to the drug, then in this case you can add a spoonful of olive oil in the evening, and so gradually move on to the required dosage. Also in the evening, it is necessary to ensure that at least 3 hours have passed since the meal. Sometimes patients simply cannot overcome themselves and take the drug in its true form. In this case, experts recommend adding olive oil to food.


Traditional and folk medicine have jointly developed effective recipes and methods for healing the digestive system using olive oil. Here are the most popular ones:

  • For the treatment of gastritis and heartburn.
    Drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil three times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The course is 2-3 months, the first improvements can be expected in a couple of weeks.
  • For stomach ulcers,
    take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • For the treatment of pancreatitis.
    It is prohibited to use olive oil for pancreatitis in the acute phase of the disease. It is allowed to gradually include it in the diet (0.5 tsp in porridge) only in case of stable remission, when at least a month has passed since the last attack. However, if the secretion of enzymes is reduced, the product should be completely excluded.
  • For diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
    It will relieve pain and protect against exacerbation by taking 50 g of a healing mixture 2 hours after eating, which is pre-prepared from 0.5 tbsp of grapefruit juice and the same volume of olive oil. The second dose must be taken after the enema at night.
  • For gallbladder diseases.
    Before breakfast, lunch and dinner, drink a teaspoon of pure olive oil. This method increases the flow of bile.
  • For indigestion.
    Take 5 medium-sized cloves of garlic, crush them into a glass, fill it to the top with olive oil. Place the product in the light and leave for about 2 weeks. Use the mixture for dressing salads, in sandwiches or drinking 2 tsp on an empty stomach.
  • To get rid of kidney stones.
    Take the juice of 4 large lemons, 2 tbsp olive oil, 5 tbsp cabbage brine. Drink 100 g every half hour. Pain and stomach upset are to be expected - this is normal. Then the stones will start to come out. Painful symptoms may persist for about 2 weeks. To remove them, you can take an infusion of chamomile or fennel.
  • To get rid of hemorrhoids.
    Olive oil for hemorrhoids is used as follows: mix 1 teaspoon of honey and our oil, soak a cotton swab in the mixture and apply it twice or thrice a day for 10 minutes to the sore spot until relief.
  • To relieve constipation.
    Take 1 tablespoon of the product in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by a glass of warm, slightly acidic water (5 drops of lemon juice per glass). Then lie down for a quarter of an hour. This method can be used even during pregnancy. Cleansing enemas are very effective, for which you need to mix 4 tsp of oil, an yolk and a glass of warm water.

  • To cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
    Grind a tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of honey, put the mixture on the fire and heat until the honey dissolves. Take in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is one month. You can prepare the mixture for several days at once, and warm it up before use. Some daredevils use extreme cleansing using oil and lemon juice, which is quite dangerous and not recommended for doing at home.
  • To cleanse the liver.
    Take 1 tbsp olive oil daily on an empty stomach.

Treatment of gastritis with olive oil

Inflammation of the stomach wall (gastritis) is considered one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, the development of an inflammatory process in the wall of the stomach is provoked by specific bacteria that enter the digestive organ through the consumption of contaminated food or water.

However, there are other factors that can lead to gastritis. Among them are:

  • stomach injuries;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Frequent use of painkillers.

All of the above factors have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the organ, which leads to gastritis. This disease can be divided into two main forms:

  1. Acute gastritis
  2. Chronic gastritis.

In acute gastritis, attacks of pain occur suddenly, while the chronic form of the disease develops over a certain period of time.

Most cases of gastritis are not serious and can be treated with medication. However, in some cases, gastritis can lead to the development of ulcers or even stomach cancer.

The stomach secretes various juices that help break down food. These juices are very acidic in nature. Therefore, the stomach has a protective layer of mucus that can protect it from the negative effects of these digestive juices.

However, when this barrier is weakened, digestive juices damage the stomach wall, resulting in inflammation. Olive oils are very beneficial when it comes to treating gastritis and other stomach related diseases.

They are a natural product made from the fruit of the olive tree and contain monosaturated fats that are easily absorbed by the body. The product also contains oleuropein, an important substance for maintaining a healthy immune system.

The presence of this compound in olive oil helps in increasing the level of immunity, which allows the body to get rid of harmful microorganisms that actively multiply in the stomach during gastritis.

Olive oil also has antioxidant properties that help maintain blood circulation in the body. Since this product is rich in monosaturated fats and vitamin E, it helps soothe the stomach wall and strengthens the protective mucus barrier.

Monounsaturated fats and vitamin E also protect cells from free radicals, which reduces the likelihood of developing ulcers and stomach cancer. Thus, olive oils are very effective in treating gastritis. In most cases, during therapy, doctors recommend a 2-month course of taking a natural remedy in order to achieve the desired result.

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As practice shows, improvement occurs already in the first week, however, this does not mean that therapy needs to be completed. Moreover, to prevent the recurrence of the disease, olive oil must be taken before the expiration of the specified period.

After a short break, you need to go through the same treatment regimen again for 2 months. In some situations, the inflammatory process in the tissues of the gastric wall during gastritis is accompanied by constipation (constipation). Even in this case, you can use olive oil. To relieve persistent constipation, often accompanied by fecal stones, you may need an enema consisting of olive oil, egg yolk and warm water.

In order to get a slight laxative effect, in the morning after drinking 1 teaspoon of the product, you need to drink a glass of clean warm water, slightly acidified with lemon juice. After this, you should lie down for a certain time in a calm environment for 10-20 minutes.

Before starting treatment with the above-mentioned product, it is worth understanding which of the several varieties of this remedy can have the greatest possible positive effect on the body for gastritis.

The main parameter by which you can evaluate the usefulness of a product is its level of acidity. For medicinal purposes, the best type of oil is one with an acidity of less than half a percent. This quality is typical for a product that is produced after the first (so-called cold) pressing, that is, for unrefined oil. On product labels, in most cases, products in this category are designated as Extra Virgin.

This type of technology can save the maximum possible amount of useful compounds due to the absence of thermal effects on raw materials during the processing process. At the same time, with gastritis you should not rely only on the beneficial properties of olive oil. Along with the use of traditional methods of therapy with this remedy, a holistic diet plan should be followed.

Olive oil on an empty stomach

The greatest value of olive oil is that all the beneficial substances from this product are absorbed by the body 100%. This oil also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improving its functioning and removing toxins. It has a mild laxative effect, therefore it is indispensable for constipation. When used correctly in combination with aloe juice, it is used to heal ulcers.

If you decide to drink olive oil on an empty stomach, then take extra virgin olive oil . This is a pressed oil obtained by mechanically pressing olives. It contains no additives and has not undergone any processing.

How to drink olive oil in the morning:

  • take exclusively on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals (you should also not drink water before taking);
  • we start with 1 teaspoon, then gradually increase the dose to a tablespoon;
  • 30 minutes after taking it you can have breakfast.

Olive oil for stomach ulcers

Gastric ulcer is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by the formation of a small defect (up to 1 cm, rarely more) on the mucous membrane (sometimes submucosal) of the stomach, as a result of the aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of certain factors (hydrochloric acid, bile , pepsin).

For gastritis, for effective treatment, it is recommended to consume one tablespoon of olive oil three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Olive oil is effectively used in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis. Olive oil has astringent and coating properties that help ulcers heal. Antioxidants and monounsaturated fats prevent oxidative reactions from occurring.

A mixture of honey and olive oil helps heal ulcers and reduce symptoms. It is better to take liquid honey, or warm it up a little before preparing the mixture. Olive oil and honey are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Before each meal (and there should be at least 5), eat a tablespoon of the mixture 15-20 minutes before. The minimum duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

The benefits of olive oil for gastritis

Among the useful products of plant origin, one can also mention oil extracted from plants such as milk thistle, mint, figs, calendula, etc. The problem is that either these products have questionable taste, or their production is not economically profitable due to their small distribution area plants.

If we talk about sunflower oil, the most common in our country, its medicinal qualities are extremely weak. Is it possible to use olive oil for gastritis? Undoubtedly!

This particular product is considered the champion for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the stomach among all other representatives of this class. It combines all the medicinal properties characteristic of exotic vegetable oils: enveloping, analgesic, healing, and anti-inflammatory. Moreover, its use is possible in the vast majority of forms of gastritis, of which there are currently more than twenty.

Olive oil is also useful for other organs of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreas, liver, intestines), as well as for a number of pathologies of the digestive tract: duodenal ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis. The choleretic effect of this product is not characteristic of any other representative of vegetable oils. It is no coincidence that olive oil is used in the blind probing procedure.

Use for gastritis

Among the many plant extracts for treating gastritis, milk thistle, calendula, and figs can be distinguished. However, these products are not popular among manufacturers. Olive oil is used more often, and the first, cold press is considered the most healing due to its enveloping properties and biologically active components.

Olive squeeze is used to treat the entire gastrointestinal tract (colitis, pancreatitis, duodenal ulcers, gallbladder disease). However, do not forget that 5 tablespoons of oil contain 600 kcal.

A little history

Olive culture has gained wide popularity for a long time. Being widespread throughout the Mediterranean Sea, the olive tree even became a symbol of Greece, and was found by archaeologists during excavations on the island. Santorini's oldest tree is almost 40 thousand years old.

However, it is unlikely that such a gastrointestinal tract pathology as gastritis is a characteristic symptom only of recent decades - our distant ancestors probably also suffered from it. They determined whether olives were good for gastritis experimentally, eventually realizing that it was olive oil that showed the best effect. It is known that they learned to produce this product about 7 thousand years ago, and many legends and myths are associated with the olive tree in Ancient Greece. This product was also revered in Ancient Egypt (the Egyptians considered the olive tree a gift from the goddess of motherhood and femininity Isis), in the Kingdom of Israel, and in Christian culture.

How to choose olive oil

When treating gastritis or stomach ulcers with olive oil, you must choose only a high-quality product, since consuming an expired or diluted product, replete with various additives, can lead to a deterioration in well-being and cause irreparable harm to health.

To do this, you need to carefully study the label and first of all pay attention to how and where the oil was produced. Below are some tips that can help a newbie navigate the large selection of supermarkets:

  1. You should only buy unrefined, cold-pressed oil. The following inscription on the label will help you recognize it: “Extra virgin olive oil.” As a rule, a product with such a mark has a fairly high price, since it contains only fresh olive oil and nothing else.
  2. If your budget does not allow you to purchase the first option, then you can pay attention to oil with the inscription “Virgin olive oil” on the label. This indicates that it was also produced using cold-pressing technology, but from leftover raw materials. This product is somewhat cheaper and inferior in quality to first-class oil, but is not harmful to health; it also contains useful substances, just in low concentrations.
  3. Refined olive oils may be attractive due to their low price, but consuming them does more harm than good. This product contains many hazardous substances resulting from numerous cleaning and heat treatments using chemical solvents. In addition, the liquid, which is called oil, was not even obtained from the remains of olives, but from the substrate and seeds, so we can conclude that there were no useful substances in it initially. You can recognize it by the mark “Olive oil”.
  4. Oil labeled “Pure olive oil” is removed from store shelves by inexperienced consumers at an enviable speed, because it is the cheapest of all those available in the assortment. However, it is very difficult to call it olive, because it is a kind of mixture of chemicals, caustic soda and other harmful substances with the addition of a small amount of liquid obtained from the substrate collected after the second or even third pressing of the olives. There is only one conclusion: such a product is not suitable for treatment or for culinary use.
  5. To treat gastritis, it is advisable to choose a product with an acidity of no more than 0.5%. If this is not available in the store, 0.8% will do (also found among Extra virgin olive oils). If the bottle contains information that the acidity exceeds 1%, this indicates its unsuitability for use for medicinal purposes.
  6. A high-quality product is made from ripe olives, which give the oil a golden color; if unripe olives were used in the production, a greenish tint will predominate.
  7. The taste of good oil is rich, piquant, and has a herbaceous and fruity aftertaste with a characteristic bitterness. If it is too bitter or, conversely, does not have a distinct taste and smell of olives, it is most likely a fake.
  8. Extra-virgin and second-press olive oils have a moderately thick consistency, with a small amount of natural sediment allowed. If it is liquid, heterogeneous and stratifies, then an unscrupulous manufacturer mixed it with a similar low-quality product.

Anyone wishing to be treated with olive oil should remember that it quickly oxidizes, and therefore should be stored in a container with darkened glass at a temperature of about +12 degrees.

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Is it worth drinking olive oil on an empty stomach? Are there any benefits?

Many doctors recommend consuming olive oil in the morning for health benefits. At this time, the body maximally absorbs all nutrients and beneficial substances.

The product cleanses cells and tissues of harmful substances throughout the day. It also improves skin condition, has a rejuvenating effect, and normalizes intestinal function. It is recommended to use it in a course: 1-2 months, then take a break for the same amount of time.

Pros of using it in the morning:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • envelops the intestinal walls;
  • maintains facial skin tone;
  • strengthens hair;
  • improves mood;
  • prevention for cancer.

The product is taken in the morning, 15-20 ml on an empty stomach. After 30 minutes they start having breakfast. The recommended dose should not be exceeded, as this may cause diarrhea. This product is used in sports nutrition. Promotes weight loss if taken no more than 15 ml per day.

There is an opinion about the uselessness of taking olive product on an empty stomach. It is believed that it does not bring any benefit to the body, and the content of useful substances in it is so small that it does not have a positive effect on the body.

What other oils can be used to treat gastritis?

Olive oil for gastritis is a leader among other oils. Compared to all other vegetable oils, it has a much more significant effect and is much more effective in combating this disease and its symptoms. However, there are a number of other oils that also have a positive effect on the body and reduce the degree of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Among these oils it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Sea buckthorn . It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane.
  2. Linen . Normalizes the production of gastric juice and relieves bloating and heaviness in the abdomen.
  3. Sesame . Removes waste and toxins accumulated in the body.
  4. Pumpkin . Prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  5. Lavender . Relieves inflammation and accelerates wound healing.

You can also eliminate pain due to gastritis using St. John's wort, fig or calendula oil. Milk thistle oil is no less effective for this. However, these types of oils are much more difficult to find than olive oil. And the benefits of using olive oil will be much greater.


Beneficial features

Fans of healthy eating rightfully consider this product unrivaled among vegetable oils. It has a whole range of unique properties, including:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • fight arthritis through gradual cleansing of blood vessels;
  • reducing the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots in the arteries and vessels;
  • regulation of metabolism, decreased appetite and slowed down the formation of fat cells;
  • reducing increased stomach acidity, fighting inflammation, preventing and helping with stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • soft enveloping of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and intestines, which improves digestion and helps heal microcracks and ulcers;
  • mild laxative effect leading to stabilization of stool and complete cleansing of the intestines;
  • suppression of the growth of cancer cells in cancer of the colon, skin and breast;
  • increased bile production and replenishment of pancreatic hormones;
  • protection against carcinogens and prevention of cancer;
  • removal of toxins and free radicals;>
  • suppression of the growth of Helicabacter bacteria, which prevents inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • protection against cancer of the digestive system.

The effectiveness of olive oil in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines is a topic of interest to many scientists. During an experiment by British specialists , it was proven that those study participants who did not have olive vegetable oil in their diet were more susceptible to various diseases, including stomach ulcers. And 90% of subjects who consumed at least 2 tablespoons of oil per day did not suffer from digestive problems at all . It's all about the unique component of olive oil - oleic acid, because of which the fact has become generally accepted: olive oil is the first remedy for gastritis.

Existing contraindications

As a rule, gastritis is quite often accompanied by other ailments of the digestive system. Therefore, when healing with oils, it is necessary to take into account all the existing problems of the body. If the patient has an ailment such as pancreatitis, then the use of olive oil is prohibited, but only at the time of aggravation of the disease. At the stage of remission, the “medicine” can be consumed, but not more than 1 tbsp. l. at 24 hours.

The same restrictions exist with cholecystitis. But with such an illness, the restrictions are not so strict, therefore, you can use olive oil more safely. In this case, you need to listen to your body. If the body does not take the drug, then it is better to take a break or reduce the dosage. Curing gastritis is a rather complex and lengthy process. But do not forget that among the abundance of various oils, olive oil will heal gastritis.

Even with a huge number of positive qualities, no one canceled a consultation with a gastroenterologist or attending physician

Therefore, if you want to use the product for medicinal purposes, you must ensure that there are no contraindications:

  1. Sometimes treatment needs to be postponed due to intestinal disorders, because taking oil will only aggravate the problem.
  2. Patients with cholelithiasis should also be treated with caution, due to the intense secretion of bile while taking the product.
  3. Individual tolerance is also an important argument, since rejection of a product by the body is a serious call for a specific organ, most often the pancreas.

Is there a risk?

The usefulness of olive oil is assessed, among other things, by such criteria as acidity. For medicinal purposes, it is best to use a product with an acidity below 0.5%. This is unrefined oil obtained after the first cold pressing. Usually this category is indicated on the packaging as Extra Virgin . During processing, raw materials are not subjected to thermal effects, as a result, the maximum of useful substances is preserved.

For the treatment of gastritis, oil that is obtained from pressed products using the extraction method - cake oil - is not suitable. It is also worth avoiding the use of oils obtained through refining during the second extraction.

Oils that are quite suitable for frying or salad dressing are not suitable for treatment; The reason is quite high acidity.

It is extremely rare that the body reacts to olive oil with an allergy. However, before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the product is tolerable. It is also advisable to consult with your doctor.

Treatment should be delayed if you have an intestinal disorder. Olive oil should be used carefully in case of cholelithiasis: the secretion of bile will increase.

Treatment must be comprehensive. When using folk remedies, you should not give up drug therapy.

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