Nagging pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the wonderful periods a woman experiences.
But there are times when you feel not very pleasant sensations. Pain during pregnancy, unfortunately, can also be a companion during this period. Women often complain of discomfort in the lower body. There are many different organs in the stomach, which change with the process of transformation of the body in order to grow a new life, and something can go wrong.

When the left side hurts during pregnancy, this can be the cause of various diseases. If the pain persists for more than twenty minutes, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to a specialist yourself.

Emergency help is required for the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain on the side occurs against the background of excellent condition of the whole body;
  • the sensations only intensify over time;
  • bleeding begins;
  • pale skin;
  • state of weakness.

Such pain may indicate a premature threat of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). It can be sharp, stabbing, similar to contractions. If the pregnancy is short, the pain is pulling or pressing, but not intense, then most likely the cause is an enlarging uterus, which puts pressure on the organs from the inside.

It's better to check with a specialist

Perhaps pain on the left side indicates that the enlarging fetus is slightly moving the intestines, so food is distributed unevenly. Hormones produced during pregnancy that allow the uterus to contract can affect peristalsis. For the same reason, constipation can occur.

The left upper part of the abdomen contains the stomach, pancreas, spleen, and left part of the diaphragm. Pain may be associated with one of these organs. Approaching the fetus to them or incorrect functioning.

What to do? How to behave when you have pain?

Any pain while carrying a baby cannot be ignored, even if your left side just aches during pregnancy. Listen carefully to your sensations and try to correctly characterize the pain.

She may be

  • pulling;
  • dull;
  • sharp;
  • burning;
  • bursting.

If it repeats repeatedly, then it is better to play it safe and report the cause of the discomfort to the gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the unpleasant pain - either it is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus or is a harbinger of some disease. Perhaps the doctor will send you for a consultation with a more specialized specialist - a gastroenterologist, surgeon, therapist or infectious disease specialist.

Back discomfort

The body of the expectant mother is under enormous stress, so all the weak points in a woman’s health begin to manifest themselves with a vengeance. The center of gravity often shifts, and the entire load falls on the spine and lower back.

The main reasons why the side on the left side of the back may hurt during pregnancy are:

  • kidney disease;
  • damage to the spleen;
  • pathological processes in the digestive system;
  • spinal disease;
  • damage to the pancreas, inflammation, pancreatitis;
  • disease of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intestinal lesions (inflammatory processes, colitis);
  • myositis (usually localized along the spinal column).

Sometimes the cause of pregnancy pain that is focused on the back can be a disease of the urinary system.

Pain localized under the ribs on the left side may indicate that this is associated with pathological processes that affect the spleen. It is an organ that helps recycle damaged blood cells. Therefore, if leukemia or any damage occurs, it increases and its capsules stretch, which can cause unpleasant sensations.

This is unlikely to harm the baby’s health, but it can cause a lot of unpleasant moments for the expectant mother, since it is rarely possible to relieve the pain syndrome, so you often have to endure it until birth.

The ribs usually begin to hurt in the last months of pregnancy. This happens for the same reason - the uterus enlarges and gradually moves, the internal organs move with it. It becomes difficult to sit, stand and walk.

The main causes of pain in the side.

Traditional recipes for calming

The occurrence of acute pain

For the first you will need:

  • burdock leaves;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

For aching pain in the left side or lower back during pregnancy, the method of application is as follows.

  1. You need to take three burdock leaves.
  2. Soak in water with vinegar diluted there (1.5/1).
  3. Stack the leaves one on top of the other.
  4. Apply to the side for an hour, securing it to the body with a light bandage.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

For the second recipe you will need:

  • immortelle;
  • corn silk;
  • rose hip;
  • artichoke;
  • nettle;
  • plantain.
  1. It is necessary to mix all the herbs, having first crushed them.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for at least an hour.
  4. Take before meals several times a day.
  5. Plantain juice can be used to wipe sore spots.

Necessary preventive measures

But these drugs can only be taken in combination with other medications and strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

In the second semester, aching pain in the left side may appear due to the fact that the load on the veins of the spleen, which is overflowing with blood, increases. It is worth eliminating heavy lifting, reducing physical activity, and not getting carried away with fitness. But physical exercise will not be superfluous unless the doctor prohibits it.

It must be remembered that for some, physical labor is completely contraindicated - this applies to those who have high blood pressure; when it increases, the pain radiates to the left side. The specialist prescribes the necessary medications to:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce pain;
  • get rid of discomfort.

Prevention of pain

To prevent pain from bothering a pregnant woman, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. Light physical activity and walks in the fresh air improve your well-being. It is important to regularly visit a supervising doctor and undergo timely examinations in order to identify pathologies at the initial stages of development.

Taking recommended vitamins and nutritional supplements is a necessary condition for maintaining the health of a woman and child. To exclude acute conditions, it is important to rest fully, get enough sleep, avoid lifting heavy objects, and monitor blood pressure readings.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy is observed in most women. However, when it appears, you should not panic - in almost 90% of cases, this symptom becomes a consequence of natural physiological processes. Any medications to relieve spasms can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Left side hurts during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period that brings many unforgettable moments. But there is another, less pleasant side, namely pain during pregnancy. Expectant mothers often complain of pain of various types and origins, which can be a symptom of all sorts of diseases.

For a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the pain and its location. After all, in the stomach there are many different organs, tissues, structures, and so on. And every organ in it can get sick. Conventionally, the abdomen is divided into four parts: the right side above and below, the left side above and below. Side pain during pregnancy can be evidence of many diseases. If a sharp pain in the side occurs suddenly, this is a very alarming sign, especially if it lasts more than 30 minutes. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor or go to the clinic. After all, the pregnant woman may need urgent medical care. Especially if her left side hurts.

The left upper abdomen contains the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestinal loops and the left side of the diaphragm. Pain in this part may be associated with the spleen, which lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of this organ is to remove red blood cells from the blood. The spleen captures them and destroys them. After this, their components pass into the bone marrow. New blood cells are formed there.

In a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, which causes pain. Due to its close location to the surface of the body, it is susceptible to rupture. The causes of rupture can be injuries and various diseases, such as infectious mononucleosis. With this disease, the spleen becomes larger in size and soft in consistency, which increases the likelihood of it rupturing. A tell-tale sign of a splenic rupture is also blueness of the skin around the navel (due to the accumulation of blood).

In this case, you need not to overdo it with physical activity, as well as with the weights you lift.

Pain in the upper left side during pregnancy can also be caused by stomach diseases, for example gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia. Most often this pain is aching in nature and can often be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Remember that stomach pain can also be caused by more serious diseases - peptic ulcers or cancer. In most cases, a woman knows about the presence of illnesses even before pregnancy. But very often during pregnancy, many diseases become aggravated.

Natural pain in the left side of pregnant women

Pregnancy leaves its mark on the functioning of almost all organs of the female body, especially since many of them are located next to the uterus in the abdominal cavity.

The hormone progesterone begins its work from the earliest stages. It relaxes the uterine muscles, and at the same time the gastrointestinal muscles. As a result, food digestion slows down, peristalsis worsens - there is a feeling of a full stomach and excessive gas formation - flatulence. These conditions often manifest themselves as pain in both the left and right sides. The situation is aggravated by poor nutrition (introducing a large number of flour dishes into the diet, insufficient consumption of fiber and liquid, large portions of food).

Due to the work of progesterone in the early stages, pregnant women often suffer from flatulence.

In addition, minor pain (in both the left and right lower abdomen) can cause stretching of the muscles of the uterus and the ligaments that support it. This is due to the constant growth of the muscular organ.

From the second trimester, the uterus already becomes quite large and begins to compress the organs located in the abdominal cavity, including intestinal loops. Many pregnant women begin to suffer from constipation, accompanied by pain. Relief occurs only after bowel movement. In addition, the uterus also compresses the ureters, which makes it difficult to separate urine and provokes pain in both sides, radiating to the lower back (only one ureter may be affected, for example, the left one - then the pain will be localized on the left).

As a result of the increased load on the female vascular system, the spleen becomes oversaturated with blood, thus enlarging. This can also cause pain in the left side.

In the third trimester, the even more grown uterus rises, its bottom begins to put pressure on the stomach with the pancreas, as well as the diaphragm (accordingly, the pain spreads to the upper abdomen). At this stage, the fetus is already large and actively moving, which also sometimes provokes unpleasant sensations in the mother.

Over long periods of time, pain can also be caused by active movements of the fetus.

When discomfort in the left side occurs after the 38th week and the pain becomes cramping in nature, then we can already talk about the beginning of labor.

Video: why a pregnant woman’s left and right side may hurt (explains the obstetrician)

Pain in the left lower abdomen during pregnancy

If your left abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this does not necessarily indicate a pathology of pregnancy. Very often discomfort occurs for other reasons. A stabbing pain in the left side of the abdomen may indicate a malfunction of the spleen, pancreas, left kidney or intestines.

The left side of the abdomen contains some organs that perform certain functions. Any discomfort during pregnancy should alert any woman and be a reason to contact her doctor.

There are three types of abdominal pain on the left side during pregnancy, which are not always associated with the period of gestation:

  • physiological (do not require any treatment and go away on their own);
  • pathological associated with pregnancy;
  • pain from diseases not related to the process of embryo development.

In the early stages, pain most often occurs due to the growth of the uterus. This condition is not a pathology and does not pose any threat to mother and baby. During the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus, some women feel minor stabbing pains in the lower abdomen, which go away on their own no more than 24 hours after their onset.

After 13 weeks, the size of the uterus increases several times and it begins to extend beyond the pelvis. During this process, the ligaments that secure it also stretch and nagging pain from below, reminiscent of menstrual pain, may appear.

Common nature of the symptom

The occurrence of discomfort on the left side during pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the pain is very strong and aching. In other situations, the discomfort is minor and goes away quickly. Practice shows that the nature of pain and the presence of certain symptoms plays the most important role in diagnosing the main causes of its occurrence.

If a pregnant woman feels that there is a strong tug in her left side, this may mean the presence of a number of serious pathologies. With this manifestation, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition and, if discomfort worsens, be sure to consult a doctor. A nagging pain can occur when there are problems with the intestinal tract, pleurisy, pneumonia, or inflammatory processes in the left appendages of the uterus. If pain processes are accompanied by elevated temperature, the woman should immediately visit a specialist. This situation may be associated with the presence of an infectious disease in the body.

The stabbing nature of the pain is often caused by disruption of the intestines and spleen. The cause of such sensations may be intense physical stress. More acute and severe pain on the left side during pregnancy always occurs when there are serious pathologies in the body. These may be manifestations of gastritis, ulcers, rupture of the spleen, left-sided renal colic, ovarian cyst and volvulus. A strong and acute pain sensation also appears during an ectopic pregnancy. It is usually associated with a ruptured fallopian tube. If any of the above symptoms are present, a woman should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Non-gynecological reasons

Intestinal spasm, constipation, abnormalities in the functioning of the spleen, pancreas, left kidney or intestines, etc. are also reasons to consult a specialist. So why does the left side hurt during pregnancy, which is not associated with it? Most often, improper functioning of internal organs is associated with changes in a woman’s hormonal levels.

It is the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, that can influence the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And attacks of stabbing, cutting, pulling pain in the abdomen may become more frequent during this period. However, it should be understood that, as a rule, this condition is not pathological and goes away on its own over time.

A pathological condition in which fecal retention occurs for 2 or more days. During pregnancy, every third woman faces the problem of constipation.

The cause of this condition may be:

  • production of progesterone, which slows down intestinal motility;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • over a long period of time, compression of neighboring organs by the uterus occurs;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is simply necessary to treat this condition, since feces, while in the intestines, over time begin to poison not only the woman’s body, but also the unborn baby. In addition, there is a high risk of premature birth, inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon, colitis and anal fissures.

Intestinal colic

Cramping pain caused by excessive swelling and tension of the muscles of the colon. Many women experience intestinal spasms during pregnancy. In almost every woman it appears during the implantation of a fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus. Some feel slight discomfort at this time, others do not experience anything.

Another cause of spasm may be rapid growth of the uterus, a stabbing sensation in the lower abdomen, or poor nutrition. To get rid of colic, you can take Espumisan or No-shpa, but only with the permission of your doctor.


A disease caused by inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis during pregnancy can occur due to: damage to the pancreas by viruses or bacteria, uncontrolled intake of certain vitamins, high standing of the uterine fundus, which compresses the bile ducts, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Common nature of the symptom

The occurrence of discomfort on the left side during pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the pain is very strong and aching. In other situations, the discomfort is minor and goes away quickly. Practice shows that the nature of pain and the presence of certain symptoms plays the most important role in diagnosing the main causes of its occurrence.

If a pregnant woman feels that there is a strong tug in her left side, this may mean the presence of a number of serious pathologies. With this manifestation, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition and, if discomfort worsens, be sure to consult a doctor. A nagging pain can occur when there are problems with the intestinal tract, pleurisy, pneumonia, or inflammatory processes in the left appendages of the uterus. If pain processes are accompanied by elevated temperature, the woman should immediately visit a specialist. This situation may be associated with the presence of an infectious disease in the body.

The stabbing nature of the pain is often caused by disruption of the intestines and spleen. The cause of such sensations may be intense physical stress. More acute and severe pain on the left side during pregnancy always occurs when there are serious pathologies in the body. These may be manifestations of gastritis, ulcers, rupture of the spleen, left-sided renal colic, ovarian cyst and volvulus. A strong and acute pain sensation also appears during an ectopic pregnancy. It is usually associated with a ruptured fallopian tube. If any of the above symptoms are present, a woman should immediately seek help from a doctor.


During pregnancy, it is quite difficult to examine a woman. The maximum that is allowed by specialists is an ultrasound examination, and in difficult situations - a computed tomography or x-ray.

But usually, it is enough to collect an anamnesis (information about the time, nature and location of the localization), an examination by a gynecologist or surgeon, palpation of the abdomen, blood and urine tests in order to find out the diagnosis and begin gentle therapy, taking into account the characteristics of each woman and the duration of pregnancy.

How to alleviate a woman's condition

If your left side in the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, you can try following simple recommendations aimed at eliminating discomfort:

  • stick to a diet . If you eat right, diversifying your diet with fruits and vegetables, you can normalize intestinal function and maintain its microflora. Sufficient water consumption ensures water balance in the body and prevents edema or dehydration. It is better to exclude confectionery and flour products, fats, hot seasonings, and coffee in large quantities from the diet. The more natural products a woman enters her body, the better she and her unborn child will feel;
  • resort to moderate physical activity (walking, swimming, special gymnastics for pregnant women). It has long been known that all these activities are aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis. In addition, during walks or physical activities, blood flow improves, the placenta is enriched with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the health of the baby. It is worth noting that with the normal functioning of the placenta, it removes toxins and waste faster;
  • minimize the number of negative situations and stress. Any negative emotions negatively affect the health of not only a pregnant woman, but any person. During the period of gestation, stress can lead to vasospasm and disruption of oxygen supply to the placenta; the tone of the uterus increases, due to which the expectant mother begins to experience pain in the left lower abdomen. Often discomfort appears on the right or near the navel.
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