Duodenal ulcer and physical activity. What physical activities are allowed for stomach ulcers?

Playing sports and other physical activities are generally beneficial for any person, but not many people know whether it is possible to carry out physical activity with gastritis.

Some doctors say that in case of impaired functioning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, physical exercise is prohibited, others, on the contrary, indicate the need for such exercises.

The benefits of sports when sick

In some cases, gastritis and sports are 2 incompatible things and often exercise may be contraindicated.

But it is important to know some of the benefits that come from training in case of illness:

  1. Exercising with ulcers or gastritis improves blood circulation, as well as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With constant training, a person can eliminate symptoms in the form of burning behind the sternum, spasms and stool disorders.
  2. Constant training improves intestinal and stomach motility, as well as secretory functions, which has a positive effect on digestion in general.
  3. For gastritis due to Helicobacter pylori, light exercise helps eliminate pain or reduce its intensity.
  4. The trophism of the mucous membrane is restored.
  5. Blood reaches the gastrointestinal tract and cells better and faster, due to which wounds heal quickly.

Speaking about whether it is possible to play sports with gastrointestinal diseases, the answer will be positive. Of course, there are some restrictions and contraindications, which will be discussed later.

Benefit for health

You should think about the prevention of gastritis, peptic ulcers and all other diseases before you get sick. Sport is an excellent preventive measure; it helps the processes of metabolism, digestion, and blood circulation. Reasonable physical activity, proper rest, and a balanced diet make up a healthy lifestyle.

If you are a professional athlete, pay more attention to nutrition, give up synthetic additives and stimulants that irritate the stomach. And then you will not be among the statistical 80% of athletes who have gastritis.

For many people, playing sports is an integral part of their lives. Exercising not only gives you mental pleasure, but also improves your health. However, there are a number of pathologies in which physical activity is contraindicated. The thing is that despite the benefits of sport, it can provoke complications in the course of the pathology. Let me introduce something, a pressing question arises: is it possible to play sports with a stomach ulcer?


Not all exercises have a positive effect on the body with gastrointestinal pathologies. But there are some sports that are recommended to be used to remove signs of gastritis or ulcers.

These types should be used in addition to the main method of treatment:

  1. Swimming has a positive effect on every human organ and system.
  2. Race walking will be useful for any gastrointestinal pathology.
  3. Jogging and tennis help cope with erosive types of pathologies.
  4. Skates and football.
  5. Yoga.

Having figured out whether it is possible to carry out training with gastritis, you need to know what is strictly prohibited during treatment.


There are several sports and exercises that have a negative impact on the stomach lining.

You will need to avoid such activities, and among the main contraindications are:

  1. Martial arts, boxing and other similar sports. In this case, the person receives blows to the abdominal cavity, which leads to exacerbations and other complications. It is important to completely abandon such training, not only during exacerbation of gastritis, but also during remission.
  2. Athletics or marathon running are prohibited. Professional athletes in such areas very often suffer from gastritis of varying degrees of severity and form. Approximately 60% of people in this industry have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Weightlifting is also contraindicated, as it puts pressure on the abdominal muscles and lower body. If you continue to exercise, the symptoms and pain intensify.
  4. Any extreme activities that could result in shock, injury or other types of damage to the abdomen are excluded.

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to pump up the press with ulcers and gastritis. When performing such an exercise, the abdominal muscles tense, the mucous membrane becomes even more irritated, so it is not recommended to pump the abs with gastritis.

What sports are contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers?

  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to completely abandon martial arts. Any blow to the stomach can aggravate the disease and lead to negative consequences.
  • Doctors warn that professional sports with gastritis and ulcers are contraindicated. You should not, for example, engage in professional athletics. Studies have shown that 50-70% of professional runners suffer from gastritis.
  • Weightlifting for gastrointestinal diseases is also not recommended. Most weight-bearing exercises put a lot of strain on the abdominal muscles and place excessive stress on them, which can aggravate the disease. Remember that even a bag that is too heavy can provoke a relapse of the ulcer, let alone a barbell.
  • It is necessary to exclude sports that overly strain the abdominal muscles and threaten falls and injuries (for example, mountaineering).

Basic rules for training

Light physical activity for gastritis is acceptable and can be combined with this type of disease.

But there are some rules that must be followed during treatment. For example, if the disease worsens, you need to be as careful as possible; it is better to give up training for a while.

Basic recommendations:

  1. If there is an exacerbation, you should give up any type of exercise and just wait about 1-2 weeks. When the pain and other symptoms go away, you can begin to exercise, but with minimal load and intensity, to prevent the recurrence of gastritis and its symptoms.
  2. When using strength exercises, you should completely abandon them, even after 2 weeks. In this case, you will have to forget about the sport and switch to one that is easier on the stomach.

To stay in shape and continue to stay in sports, you can use some exercises, even during an exacerbation.

Among the basic rules are:

  1. For mild abdominal pain, it is recommended to give preference to yoga and other types of similar training. This method allows you to stay fit, relieve stress and relax. After just 1 hour of training, normalization of the condition and functioning of digestion begins. It is best to use the cobra, locust or camel pose for gastritis. For ulcers, yoga is also suitable and will be very useful.
  2. During the acute period, you don’t just need to lie down and wait for improvement, you need to walk as much as possible, do aerobics or gymnastics at home.

Physical activity for gastritis is useful and necessary, the main thing is to know its characteristics, types, and intensity.

Features of training depending on the stage of the disease

Gastritis, ulcers and sports are compatible concepts. However, it should be remembered that during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • During the acute period of gastritis and ulcers (the first 7-14 days), any training is excluded. Only after the painful syndrome has subsided can you gradually return to regular sports activities.
  • For about 2 weeks after an exacerbation, you cannot do strength exercises; the popular CrossFit is also considered taboo.
  • During an exacerbation, if the pain is not severe, you can pay attention to yoga. Eastern practices relieve stress and stimulate the digestive tract. Among the asanas it is recommended to practice: cobra pose, plow pose, camel pose. One of the best techniques for gastritis is the yogic locust pose. This complex, consisting of several asanas, is recommended to be performed during the period of remission of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • You shouldn’t ignore sports if you have a stomach ulcer. Scientists have proven that even during an exacerbation of the disease, walking is very useful. Several times a week, take yourself a half-hour walk at a steady pace. Experts have found that such aerobic exercise in a gentle mode is useful for gastritis and ulcers. It helps prolong the remission stage of gastrointestinal diseases.

Training Tips

Scientists have been studying the effect of sports on gastritis for a long time and an experiment was made. During it, the secretion of gastric juice and the strength of the load were determined.

Studies have shown that acidity depends on the intensity of exercise. Due to this, several tips have been highlighted.

Patients with hyperacidity should:

  1. Train slowly and smoothly.
  2. Before the main set of classes, be sure to do a warm-up so that the acidity does not increase sharply.
  3. If strength exercises are available, they are alternated with relaxation methods. This directly affects gastric juice and acidity. Scientists advise doing 1 strength exercise, and then taking a yoga pose and so on in a circle.
  4. A large number of repetitions is much more beneficial than studying for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Yoga and Pilates are best for gastritis with high acidity.
  6. It is better to do training before lunch, about half an hour. During this period, the acid cannot rise high. In the evening, it is better to give up exercise, so the body will not get stressed, and will be able to quickly recover during the night.

For patients with low acidity, you will need to follow these tips:

  1. Do exercises as early as possible, and after them drink mineral water without gas in a volume of 300 ml.
  2. Training time and intensity should be reduced. In this case, the easier and shorter the session, the better for the stomach.

Using simple recommendations, you can continue to play sports and not worry about the gastrointestinal tract with gastritis.

Exercises during exacerbation

As mentioned above, with a duodenal ulcer during the period of exacerbation, sports are out of the question. At this moment, the pathology completely inhibits the patient’s motor activity. This happens because the ulcerative lesion is an open wound area in the peritoneal region.

As a rule, an ulcer appears after gastric secretions manage to destroy tissue. Therefore, in case of exacerbation it is required:

  • strictly observe bed rest;
  • stay warm all the time;
  • stick to a diet.

Important: To continue playing sports, the patient needs to take a course of medication in order to relieve the exacerbation. And only after this can you gradually begin to perform therapeutic exercises.

Any exercises for this pathology during an exacerbation are contraindicated. So as not to worsen the patient's condition.

Sports nutrition

Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be treated by adjusting the diet. At the same time, you need to be careful when using sports nutrition in the form of supplements.

Doctors and scientists cannot accurately determine the benefits or harm of such a diet. But there is the following information:

  1. Protein. This additive is used frequently and is considered safe. It contains protein, and the main contraindication is allergies.
  2. Gainer. There are no strict contraindications during gastritis, but there is a recommendation - carefully look at the composition. It is important to understand how many carbohydrates are in the supplement and the more monosaccharides, the more dangerous it is to take the product for gastritis. In addition to this, gainers often include flavorings, which negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to avoid such a product.
  3. Amino acids. An additive of this kind is a strong irritant for the mucous membrane, regardless of its shape and type. For gastritis it is strictly prohibited.
  4. Creatine. It is acceptable, but not safe, if you use the supplement on an empty stomach and do not divide the entire dose into several parts.

You don’t have to give up this kind of food if you have gastritis, but before taking it, it’s better to consult a doctor and not use dangerous products for the gastrointestinal tract.

The most useful exercises

Moderate exercise is important and good for the intestines. They strengthen the immune system, give vitality, normalize digestion and relieve stress. However, to get a positive result, you must strictly adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • in the first days of therapy, to obtain a sedative result, ulcer patients are taught breathing exercises for the peritoneum. Taking a deep breath, the patient should stick out his stomach and lower his diaphragm. When exhaling, the stomach is lowered and the diaphragm is protruded;
  • The next equally useful exercise. As you inhale, the stomach is pulled in and lowered as you exhale. This exercise must be performed with muscular effort.

A week after the start of drug therapy, the patient is allowed to perform simple gymnastic exercises:

  • First, the patient needs to stand up, put his feet together and put his hands forward. The left leg is raised and reached to the right hand. Then, this movement is repeated with the right leg;
  • second exercise. Sit on a chair, straighten your back and place your feet straight. Raise your arms up, hold the position for 5-10 seconds and lower. Repeat several times;
  • third, carefully lie on the floor, on your back, put your hands under your head and bend your knees, carefully raise your pelvis and fix the position for 5 seconds, smoothly lower your pelvis. Repeat the exercise again.

Important: In case of pathological formation in the pyloric region, therapeutic exercises are prescribed already on the 3rd day after starting medication. At the same time, the load increases every 7 days.

Treatment with gymnastics gives positive results. But here it is important to note that a course of exercise therapy is often prescribed no earlier than a week after the start of drug therapy. Gradually, every 10 days, the doctor increases the intensity and introduces new exercises into the program.

Sports - prevention

Physical activity is necessary for any person to prevent the development of diseases and disorders in the body.

Sport is the prevention of many pathologies, and with normal mobility, gastritis relieves inflammation faster.

The main thing is to use the described tips and rules for training. To receive gastritis prevention you need to:

  1. Do light physical exercise, jogging for a short time or race walking.
  2. Playful sports, for example, tennis, football and others, have a positive effect.
  3. Be sure to follow a routine and proper nutrition, which allows you to quickly recover from gastritis.
  4. Constant exercise improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and also normalizes digestive function.
  5. After training, sufficient time should be allocated for rest.

People need to listen to the body, take into account all the malfunctions and symptoms in order to recognize diseases in a timely manner.

If, upon examination by a doctor, he is diagnosed with gastritis, then the doctor’s recommendations must be strictly followed to avoid complications.

What role does physical activity play?

Sport and physical activity have a positive effect on all body systems, but especially on the nervous system, relieving stress. The main factor in the development of gastric ulceration is psycho-emotional stress. Therefore, the positive emotions that physical exercise gives play an important role during the gastric ulcer process.

Correctly selected loads have a positive effect on the course of the disease, improving the general condition of the patient both physically and mentally.

Useful video

Exercise therapy for gastric ulcers is an important element of treatment, since pain caused by the disease and changes in reflex regulation cause pathological reflexes in the patient, which worsens all metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, if we remember that constant stress is considered one of the reasons for the development of this disease, then exercise therapy for peptic ulcer disease is simply necessary, since properly selected physical activity for an ulcer will stimulate the subcutaneous centers of the brain, which not only accelerate the passage of life processes in the body, but and are responsible for the emergence of positive emotions.

Also, constant physical activity for stomach ulcers has a direct beneficial effect on the nervous regulation of the digestive system. The fact is that by performing various exercises, the patient’s energy reserves gradually increase, the number of buffer compounds increases, and the body is enriched with calcium, potassium, vitamins and enzyme compounds. However, you should select exercises for stomach ulcers carefully and thoughtfully; all the benefits of exercise therapy described above are observed only with moderate physical activity, but after intense training, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is, on the contrary, suppressed.

Is physical activity allowed for ulcers?

There is a comprehensive approach to eliminating ulcerative pathology. And therapeutic exercises are one of the key areas in the fight against the disease in question. The fact is that as the disease develops, pain and disorders of the digestive system occur. All this leads to malfunctions of the entire body.

Important: At the stage of attenuation of the disease, physical activity is very useful for patients. Properly selected exercises normalize bleeding in the abdominal organs, speed up the process of renewal and recovery, and also accelerate scarring of the areas affected by the ulcer.

However, when it comes to professional training, such activities are contraindicated. Since such exercises involve serious loads, often accompanied by stress. For this reason, such activities are contraindicated for ulcer sufferers.

During the period of exacerbation, sports with ulcers are prohibited. In addition, this rule also applies to the subacute period. But after the patient’s condition has normalized, light gymnastic exercises are indicated. With their help you will be able to:

  • get a general healing effect;
  • prevent the development of complications;
  • normalize the psycho-emotional background;
  • get rid of stress.

But it should be noted that such exercises at first should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will select a set of exercises for the ulcer.

Contraindications to exercise therapy for stomach ulcers

In addition to the fact that the loads should not be debilitating, there are a number of contraindications to physical exercise:

  1. acute period of fresh ulcer;
  2. the disease is complicated by bleeding;
  3. stenosis in the stage of decompensation;
  4. preperforative state;
  5. massive fresh paraprocesses during penetration;
  6. severe pain;
  7. general contraindications to exercise;
  8. severe dyspeptic disorder.

Objectives of physical therapy for peptic ulcer disease

The main tasks of exercise therapy include:

  1. normalization of neuropsychic tone;
  2. regulation of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system;
  3. improvement of redox processes, digestion, blood circulation and respiration;
  4. counteracting congestion, adhesions and other complications;
  5. improvement of the musculoskeletal system;
  6. increased proprioceptive sensitivity and muscle strength.

Principles for selecting physical exercises for stomach ulcers

Patients simply need to remember the youth of pioneer camps and start each day with morning exercises. There should be no more than 10 exercises in this complex, all of them should be easy to perform and involve the main muscle groups.

The main emphasis of gymnastics should be on breathing exercises, stress on the abdominal muscles and learning the technique of voluntary muscle contraction and relaxation. This will reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and will reflexively help relax the smooth muscles of the stomach. However, in the acute and subacute period of the disease, any physical stress on the abdominal muscles is excluded.

Sports for stomach ulcers

We have already figured out that exercise therapy and gymnastic exercises are useful for the patient, but how do sports and ulcers get along with each other?

It should be understood that professional sports involve heavy, grueling physical activity and psychological stress, which are not very beneficial for the patient. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, a lot depends on the type of sport, and secondly, on the stage of the disease.

So in the acute period during hospital treatment it is ridiculous to talk about sports, in the subacute period many sports can provoke an exacerbation due to the load on the abdominal muscles and emotional experiences during competitions. But after the stomach wounds have healed, you can slowly regain your athletic shape. The main thing is that the training does not interfere with the diet prescribed by the doctor.


It can occur in any person. This mainly occurs due to improper and unbalanced nutrition. Quite often athletes suffer from it. There is even a myth that intense exercise necessarily leads to gastritis. But this opinion is not true, because the cause of the disease lies not in increased physical activity, but in the lifestyle that athletes lead.

It often happens that while devoting all their energy and time to training, they forget about their diet, which leads to the progression of the disease. And stressful situations during training or competitions play an important role.

Any irrational and excessive physical activity, especially when combined with eating disorders, is the main cause of gastritis. After all, all the overloads and fatigue that can occur during intense sports activities cause secretory insufficiency of the stomach.


Physical therapy always requires an individual approach. An experienced instructor, before starting classes with you, should study your medical record, and only then develop an individual training program.

If physical therapy is carried out in a hospital, during an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, it is performed while lying in bed, includes turns of the hands, feet, head, breathing exercises and nothing more. Immediately after an exacerbation, exercises can be performed lying on the floor or sitting on a chair. They will not be particularly intense, but they will prevent congestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Exercise therapy instructors know that with low and zero acidity, exercises on the abdominal muscles are allowed, as they will stimulate juice secretion. It is better if the exercises are planned in the morning, before meals and mineral water.

If you have high acidity, abdominal and abdominal exercises are not recommended. Perform a general strengthening complex before meals, but after drinking mineral water.

If you perform physical therapy at home, do not forget about the time - after performing the exercises, there should be at least half an hour before breakfast. If you didn’t have time before breakfast, you shouldn’t cancel exercise therapy. Do exercises 2 hours after eating, not earlier.

An individual set of exercises will be developed for you by an instructor at the physical therapy room at your local clinic. Do not rely on your own knowledge and advice from friends; it is better to consult a specialist.

The role of sport in the treatment and prevention of gastritis

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the main methods of treating this disease are taking medications and following a diet. Although this is not enough for the normal functioning of the stomach. Physical education and sports play a large role in disease prevention.

Gastritis in remission has never been a reason to cancel your usual workouts. But they can be dealt with only when the acute stage of the disease has been stopped. Moreover, classes should begin with physical therapy, which will help solve the following problems:

  • Favorable conditions are created in the abdominal cavity for recovery processes by improving blood circulation;
  • Trophism is restored in the gastric mucosa;
  • Physical exercise affects the neurohumoral regulation of digestive processes, as well as the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diaphragmatic breathing improves.

When playing sports, the body's energy reserves increase, saturation with vitamins, calcium, and enzyme compounds occurs. And this leads to activation of oxidative processes and restoration of acid balance, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and, accordingly, relief of the disease. You should start these classes only in the remission stage. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, or it is in an acute phase, all physical activity should be stopped.

Sports lifestyle and gastritis

Despite warnings and rumors about the dangers of playing sports with gastritis, it should still be noted that the frequency of this disease in athletes is much lower than in everyone else.
After all, physical activity during training, carried out in a normal mode and without fanaticism, has a positive effect on the entire body. During any physical exercise, the abdominal organs are subjected to shock, due to which they are massaged, and, accordingly, the activity of the secretory functions of the stomach improves. Therefore, with a disease such as gastritis, even those who are far from sports should reconsider their lifestyle and set aside half an hour a day for physical education.

Activities such as race walking, running, swimming, skiing, skating or cycling help to prolong the period of remission, and often completely get rid of this disease. You can also recommend yoga classes in the evenings while watching TV.

Contraindications for sports

Despite the positive dynamics of the disease during physical activity and sports training, they also have their own contraindications. Forceful loads on the body should be completely eliminated in cases where:

  • Exacerbation of gastritis is accompanied by vomiting or nausea;
  • There is a pronounced pain syndrome;
  • The disease is accompanied by stenosis.

Before remission occurs, exercises accompanied by blows, sudden shocks, or those of a speed and strength nature are contraindicated.

Everyone should exercise if they have pancreatitis. Moderate physical activity is considered an important element for improving general condition.

The patient only needs to take into account the degree of activity and select the types of sports that are acceptable for exercise in the presence of chronic and acute forms of pancreatitis.

The benefits of physical education

The ability to engage in fitness and various sports depends on the stage of the disease and how severe it is. There is no doubt that moderate physical activity on the body has a positive effect on the organs of the digestive tract.

There is a special therapeutic exercise that is prescribed to patients who have undergone treatment for ulcerative disorders of the duodenum or gastric organ.

Physical education contributes to the development of positive emotions, which is very important if the cause of the disease is psycho-emotional stress. A person becomes more energetic and his appetite increases. Decreased appetite is one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. During the course of the disease, patients often lose a lot of weight.

Properly selected loads can improve the patient’s psychological state. Symptoms of duodenal and stomach ulcers, such as fatigue and drowsiness, disappear. The body's protective functions improve, and a person develops a positive attitude.

Physical therapy has the following effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • blood supply to internal organs accelerates, which helps improve digestion;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is stabilized, which has a positive effect on the condition of the gastric organ and duodenum, since they contain many nerve endings;
  • the body is better supplied with oxygen, redox functions are restored to normal;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • The pelvic organs are activated, which is of great importance for the normal functioning of the duodenum.

It should be noted that a positive effect is observed with moderate patient efforts. Intense exercise can have the opposite effect. After intense physical exertion, the gastrointestinal tract is suppressed.

Pancreatitis and exercise

Patients often wonder whether it is possible to play sports with various manifestations of pancreatitis.

When choosing loads, you need to focus on the following aspects:

  • Form and stage of the pathological process. The acute form of the disease and the exacerbation of the chronic form will become obstacles to any activity. The basis of therapy in such a situation will be rest, and sports should be postponed for a while.
  • Age indicators of the patient and the presence of related pathologies. Certain types of activity that are allowed in case of illness are prohibited in case of other pathologies.
  • Professional sports activities that are aimed at achieving significant results are not suitable for people with gastrointestinal difficulties.
  • When choosing loads, it is necessary to focus on the general condition of the patient before the disease.
  • Training, type of sport and level of stress are selected individually for each patient.

Based on the above, we can conclude that pancreatitis and physical activity can be compatible. However, it is necessary to find out the recommendations of a specialist.

Recommendations for sports activities

Ulcerative pathology can occur in almost every person. Therefore, people involved in professional sports need to approach the issue of eliminating pathology as carefully as possible and strictly adhere to the rules that allow them to return to their previous lifestyle:

  • complete the full course of therapy and follow all medical prescriptions;
  • follow all recommendations regarding rehabilitation;
  • completely eliminate all physical activity during treatment;
  • give your body time to recover;
  • During treatment, perform only light therapeutic exercises.

Important: Playing sports with an ulcer is allowed. However, all exercises performed should be of a healing nature and not exhaust the patient’s body.

Every person should know the first symptoms of a peptic ulcer. If severe pain occurs in the stomach area, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. It is especially important not to delay the visit for persons whose professional activities involve heavy physical labor.

And in conclusion, we note that sport is important. Thanks to regular moderate exercise, it is possible to keep the body in good shape, avoid the nicotine and alcohol trap, and also overcome many pathologies. And even if the patient suspects an ulcerative formation, this is not a reason to completely deny himself a useful and favorite activity. All that is required of the patient is to carry out the exercises correctly and not overload the body.

Exercising when sick

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Taking into account the stage of inflammation, the degree of possible stress will vary. To properly establish the phase of the disease, the specialist examines the patient and prescribes clinical and instrumental diagnostics.

Only after this the doctor will tell you whether it is permissible to play sports with pancreatitis or not.

During exacerbation

An attack of pancreatitis may be associated with intense symptoms. The patient complains of severe pain in the abdominal cavity, heartburn, and nausea.

Often there is a gag reflex, which does not make the patient feel better, bloating due to severe flatulence, and diarrhea.

At this stage, the patient must be provided with rest. He should adhere to strict bed rest and therapeutic dietary nutrition.

Any physical activity at this stage of the disease is prohibited.

For chronic illness

When acute symptoms are relieved, it is recommended to add healing exercises to the complex therapy plan.

At the stage of stable remission of chronic pancreatitis, well-chosen dosed physical activity can bring a large number of benefits to the pancreas and the entire body:

  • Helps improve blood flow in organs and tissues as a result of normalizing microcirculation, increasing vascular and myocardial tone, increasing cardiac output and blood pressure.
  • The outflow of venous and lymph from the inflammatory focus is accelerated, swelling in the affected area is eliminated. The development of stagnation in the abdomen and pelvis is also stopped. This helps remove toxins from the abdominal cavity.
  • Digestive processes, intestinal motility, and the functioning of the biliary and pancreatic tracts are brought back to normal. This makes it possible to eliminate constipation, prevent the formation of cholecystitis, and the formation of gallstones.
  • The general condition and mood of the patient improves.
  • Immunity increases.

How to behave during an exacerbation of the disease

When an ulcer worsens, a person literally lies flat. The disease completely suppresses motor activity. The fact is that a stomach or duodenal ulcer is an open wound in the abdominal cavity. It appears when stomach acids manage to eat away tissue. Scientists have proven that the development of stomach ulcers is influenced by the microbe Helicobacter pylori. It is no coincidence that doctors recommend about the same thing for peptic ulcers as for viral and colds: heat and bed rest. During exacerbation of the disease, intense physical activity is considered contraindicated.


If medical prescriptions are not properly followed, if physical activity is resumed too early for pancreatitis, sports can cause significant harm to a weakened body, worsen the patient’s well-being and increase inflammation in the pancreas.

In addition, there are certain pathological or physiological conditions, pathologies, during which sports activities are completely prohibited:

  • Exacerbation of any gastrointestinal disease.
  • Gallstone disease in the gallbladder or tract.
  • Early recovery period after surgery.
  • Decompensated heart and vascular diseases. In particular, it is risky to run with such diseases, since at this time blood pressure and heart rate suddenly increase, which is extremely dangerous for the patient.
  • Dangerous pathological processes of the blood coagulation system, high predisposition to bleeding or blood clots.
  • Formations of a malignant nature.

Pancreatitis and bodybuilding

Bodybuilding exercises in the presence of pancreatitis have varying reviews from patients and specialists.

The effect of such physical activity on the body:

  • When practicing this sport, the diet should be rich in protein, as it is the main building material for muscles. The affected organ needs protein to restore damaged tissue and synthesize hormones. When the bulk of it is spent on building the muscle frame, the regeneration of the gland will be reduced.
  • Consumption of protein shakes, bars and other sports nutrition can negatively affect the health of patients.
  • Excessive loads can provoke kinks in the gland tracts, increase pressure inside the abdominal cavity, causing exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
  • This type of sport requires additional insulin synthesis to break down glucose. The pancreas produces more insulin, which can cause exhaustion.

For those suffering from this pathological process who have not previously engaged in this type of physical activity, it is optimal not to start this. A beautiful figure is not worth the exacerbation of the disease.

Those who have been involved in bodybuilding for a long period of time are allowed to continue training at an amateur level under the supervision of a specialist, starting with the smallest loads.

At the same time, the patient monitors the content of glucose, pancreatic enzymes and other indicators of the functioning of this organ.

We choose and get busy

Sports activities are different. For some, morning exercises are enough, while others visit the gym every day. For patients with gastritis and peptic ulcers, the ideal exercise option looks like this:

  • Daily morning exercises for 10 minutes before the first meal.
  • 2-3 workouts per week in the pool or gym, taking into account the load. Duration - 30 minutes - hour.

Now let's talk about the popular types of physical activity that young people practice to give their muscles relief. And we will do this in the context of existing chronic gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum.


Bodybuilding or bodybuilding puts muscle growth as its primary goal.
It is the adherents of this sport who not only train to the point of complete exhaustion, but also endure enormous loads associated with lifting weights. In addition, a bodybuilder’s nutrition is a whole system from which one cannot deviate. The diet is tailored to the needs of growing muscles, it contains a huge amount of protein, minerals, and nutritional supplements are required. Professional and amateur bodybuilding does not always mean health; a beautiful body is often combined with chronic liver pathologies, intestinal diseases and other problems.

Conclusion. For gastritis and peptic ulcers, bodybuilding is contraindicated, since the diet for muscle growth does not correspond to the principles of nutrition for stomach diseases. A bodybuilder's enhanced nutrition, enriched with special additives, can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Constant extreme loads provoke bleeding.

Weight lifting and gym

Weightlifting has always been considered a sport for people who are especially hardy and absolutely healthy.
Even in Soviet times, people were not allowed to exercise with a barbell or weights without a doctor’s permission. And you can start doing strength sports only after 16 years of age if the body is in good physical condition. Today dictates its own conditions - you can get into the gym without any certificates, on a paid basis. And improve as much as you like, sometimes under the guidance of a not entirely competent coach.

Any strength sport, be it a barbell, a kettlebell, or training on machines that involve a constant increase in loads, is based on two techniques - the snatch and the clean and jerk. Neither one nor the other is allowed at all for peptic ulcer disease.

Conclusion. Weightlifting, gyms, and strength training are contraindicated for peptic ulcers. In case of gastritis, the issue is resolved individually - only people with chronic gastritis in the stage of persistent and long-term remission are allowed to participate in classes.

Fitness and variety

It’s easy to get confused in the types of fitness.
Here you can find stretching, callanetics, aerobics, step, and zumba - you can’t list everything. These are quite popular sports among the female population, which are used to maintain and lose weight. Beautiful dance elements accompanied by music alternate with load-bearing exercises, promoting a harmonious distribution of the load. Each direction has its own characteristics; some types of fitness use weights - for example, when doing step training, you take small dumbbells in your hands or tie weights to your shins.

Conclusion. Patients with gastritis and ulcers can engage in fitness without additional stress, i.e. without using weights.


Jogging in the morning is a great alternative to morning exercise. Especially if you live near the park, away from roads. A fifteen-minute morning jog at a slow pace will give you energy and is not at all harmful for chronic diseases, including ulcers and gastritis. If running is difficult, replace running with sports or Nordic walking.

Conclusion. For gastrointestinal diseases, recreational running is not contraindicated. Marathon and sprint running if you have diseases of the stomach and intestines is prohibited.


Classes in the pool are the most democratic, as they actually have no contraindications. In the pool, the body does not experience such stress as in aerobic sports, and accordingly, overload does not occur. For gastritis and peptic ulcers, there are many options - aqua aerobics, aquatic physical therapy with an instructor, simple swimming and much more. Exercise for your health. The exceptions are diving, active diving, and scuba diving.

Game sports, wrestling, boxing

For gastritis and peptic ulcers, it is better to avoid activities that are likely to cause sudden jolts, blows to the stomach, or falls. Therefore, it is better to replace team sports and wrestling with individual non-contact sports.

Breathing exercises and yoga

In the chronic form of the disease and alcoholic pancreatitis, breathing exercises are the optimal solution that helps maintain the body in good shape.

Despite the simplicity of gymnastics, special exercises work the muscles and also help massage the internal organs, which has a positive effect on the abdominal organs.

Proper breathing increases the flow of oxygen into the body, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relaxes muscles, improves intestinal motility, and increases the outflow of bile.

It is recommended to conduct classes in the morning. It is forbidden to do gymnastics on a full stomach. This applies to all types of vigorous activity.

The essence of such gymnastics is to increase the volume of the chest thanks to various types of inhalations and retraction of the abdominal cavity as you exhale.

They are abrupt, accompanied by tremors and contraction of the abdominal wall.

During breathing, the pancreas is activated, which makes it possible to achieve positive therapeutic results:

  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • The synthesis of enzymes is improved.
  • Restorative processes are launched in the affected tissues.

Proper breathing helps accelerate metabolic processes within the body, which leads to muscle training and makes it possible to reduce weight, in particular due to the breakdown of “dangerous” visceral fatty tissue.

Yoga involves physical exercises based on static muscle tension and flexibility, as well as proper breathing.

Mediation practice will help achieve psycho-emotional harmony. For pancreatitis, it is necessary to perform the “hatha yoga” complex, which involves performing simple asanas that are accessible to every patient.

Effective asanas include training - mountain, horizon, triangle, warrior and tree.

Exercise therapy program for patients

Strong loads help stimulate metabolic processes and increase the body’s immune defense, give vigor and tone, relieve stress, so for peptic ulcers such exercises are extremely desirable.

  • From the first days of therapy, patients are taught abdominal breathing to obtain a sedative effect. As you inhale, you need to protrude your stomach and lower your diaphragm, and when you exhale, you need to lower your stomach and, on the contrary, raise your diaphragm.
  • When breathing backwards, you need to tighten your stomach as you inhale and lower it as you exhale, applying the maximum possible muscle effort.
  • You need to stand with your feet together and your hands in front of you. With a swing of your left leg you need to reach your right hand, then with your right foot you need to reach your left hand.
  • Sit down with your limbs stretched straight in front of you and your arms raised up. You need to pull your knees with both hands to your chest.
  • Lie on your back and put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees. Perform pelvic lifts.

Types of physical education

A list of the most useful types of physical exercises that can be done by patients with the pathology in question:

  • Swimming. This type of sport involves the implementation of gentle movements, as a result of which muscle relaxation is achieved and the functioning of internal systems is normalized. While swimming at low speed, breathing will remain even, heart rate and blood pressure will increase insignificantly, which will have a positive impact on overall well-being.
  • Slow walking. In particular, Nordic walking using special poles will be useful. While engaging in this type of physical education, vascular tone increases, tissue oxygen saturation increases, which will speed up the recovery of the affected pancreas and normalize digestion processes.
  • Skiing is allowed only at a slow pace on flat terrain: uphill or downhill skiing is not recommended due to significant stress and the likelihood of injury during a fall.
  • Callanetics, Pilates. This type of sport should also be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, therefore it is optimal to attend collective or individual classes when choosing this sport.

In the process of performing any exercises on their own at home or in the gym, the patient needs to control his own well-being.

When a feeling of discomfort, pain in the peritoneal area, nausea or a gag reflex occurs, you need to immediately stop the exercise and find out the recommendations of your treating specialist regarding reducing the intensity of exercise.

It is possible to start training again only after you have returned to normal. Sports are an important component of the complex treatment of the pathology in question.

Exercises make it possible to speed up the patient’s recovery processes.

To choose a specific type of sport, you need to take into account the stage, severity of the disease and the presence of related diseases, as well as find out the recommendations of a specialist.

Individuality when choosing physical exercises

Therapeutic exercise for gastric ulcers is important along with restorative therapy. The selection of physical education tasks for the patient is individual. The attending physician assesses the physical fitness and condition of the patient: it happens that the exercise may be overwhelming and difficult for an unprepared person, but for someone who exercises regularly it will not pose any difficulties when performing it.

There are recommendations that apply to any patient, regardless of level of training. Patients will need to perform gymnastic movements every morning. There are 5 complex exercises based on breathing exercises. The point of exercise is to strengthen the core muscles. When performing physical exercises, it is necessary to focus on breathing exercises so that the load is directed to the abdominal press, strengthening the muscles.

The main attention should be paid to the correct execution technique, voluntary contraction and weakening of the muscles. If there are warning signs of an exacerbation or a person simply feels discomfort from the exercises being performed, you should stop exercising immediately! This indicates that the patient has not sufficiently recovered from the illness. It is important to understand that any physical activity - light movements associated with breathing or physical exercise - is performed only after complete recovery. The rule applies to everyone without exception.

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