Cabbage for gastritis: can you eat it and which one to choose?

What do you need to know?

Cabbage is a vegetable crop containing a huge amount of essential microelements and vitamins. Among them are a number of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C, K, PP. Additionally, it contains magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, and much more.

Cabbage is used in cooking to prepare many dishes. Despite its somewhat harshness and excessive amount of fiber, it is often used to treat many diseases. This includes all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases, joint diseases, burns.

Healthful composition of cabbage

All cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli) are rich in beneficial nutrients. For example, 100 grams of fresh, unprocessed cabbage provides almost 35 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C. 100 grams of the product also contains:

  • 62% vitamin K;
  • 15% magnesium;
  • 12% potassium.

The green vegetable is rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, as well as flavonoids called kaempferol, quercetin and apigenin.

Video on the topic: Cabbage - benefits and harm

When used correctly, cabbage has the following effects for gastritis:

  • Relieves inflammation and heals damaged gastric mucosa.
  • Stimulates the production of gastric juice.
  • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  • Prevents constipation.

Cauliflower contains several times more beneficial compounds than green varieties.

Is it possible to eat with gastritis?

For stomach pathologies, white cabbage can be eaten in moderation. It should only be eaten boiled, stewed or fermented. Due to its high fiber content, raw vegetables can damage the lining of the stomach or intestines. This can lead to quite painful discomfort and even heartburn. At the same time, it is a valuable repository of useful substances that are necessary for people with digestive problems.

The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium). Methylmethionine sulfonium is able to act on the gastric mucosa, healing damage and restoring protective mucus. Scientists call vitamin PP a medicine. It is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body, cleansing the body of harmful atherosclerotic plaques. Improves blood circulation and promotes the metabolism of nutrients.

For gastritis, it is better to eat cabbage that has been processed in some way.

For gastritis, it is advisable to eat cabbage that has been processed in some way, for example, sauerkraut; fresh cabbage cannot be eaten. This dish is dietary. This method of preparation does not harm many of the beneficial substances found in the vegetable. Boiled will only benefit in case of relapse. If you experience discomfort after eating, you should avoid eating it altogether.

It is not recommended to eat this dish during the acute phase of gastritis. However, during remission, cabbage is an excellent means of prevention. With a reduced level of acidity in the body, sauerkraut helps increase appetite and activates the secretory function of digestive juice. People with high acidity are allowed to eat sauerkraut in small portions and only in remission.

When stewed, it is unique in that it retains almost all the beneficial vitamins. With a reduced level of acidity, it can have a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract; it is also useful with elevated levels. Improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, helps reduce the load on the muscular work of the digestive system. Relieves various inflammations. In the remission stage it will be an excellent prophylactic against exacerbation of the disease. For pathologies of the digestive system, it is allowed to eat stewed and pickled cauliflower, Beijing, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, white cabbage and other types of cabbage. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

Cabbage for gastritis with high acidity: is it possible to eat pickled, sea, stewed, cauliflower?

Cabbage is valued for its rich vitamin composition, thanks to which it has a positive effect on gastric microflora. Medical science has officially recognized the benefits of cabbage for patients with digestive pathologies. And for gastritis, it is recommended not only to eat vegetables, but also to drink freshly squeezed cabbage juice.

What kind of cabbage can you eat for gastritis of the stomach with low and high acidity?

For gastritis, experts allow eating white cabbage, but only in moderation. It is recommended to eat cabbage pickled, stewed or boiled.

  • In its raw form, with gastritis, cabbage can cause unpleasant discomfort and even heartburn, which experts explain by the presence of a large amount of fiber in the vegetable, which can damage the irritated and inflamed gastric mucosa.
  • But cabbage contains many useful substances that are necessary for problems with digestive structures.
  • The vegetable contains vitamin U and nicotinic acid, which promote accelerated healing of damaged mucous membranes and restoration of the protective layer on their surface.
  • Nicotinic acid is able to neutralize cholesterol excesses, ridding the body of such unsafe atherosclerotic plaques, and also normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes.


Pickled cabbage is used quite widely in our cuisine. Thanks to fermentation processes, cabbage is enriched with pectin components, which provide an anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Eating sauerkraut for gastritis increases immune defense and restores intestinal motility, which perfectly prevents constipation.

In sauerkraut form, cabbage can retain its healing properties for a fairly long period of 10 months, which is quite convenient for taking the product as a prophylactic at any time of the year.

It is better to ferment cabbage yourself, but if you purchase it from others, you need to monitor the quality and freshness of the product. Any suspicious odors or unconventional specific additives are a reason to refuse the purchase.


Sea kale or kelp is considered a source of zinc, which is very useful in the treatment of various types of gastritis. But you can eat it only during periods of remission; in moments of relapse, you must refuse to use such a product.

  • When exacerbating, the properties of seaweed contribute to an increase in acidity, which is not beneficial for gastritis.
  • When such cabbage swells in the stomach cavity, it irritates and damages the mucous tissues, so in case of relapses it is better not to eat it.
  • But the product helps prevent the development of constipation, activates intestinal motility, increases appetite and helps cleanse the body of unhealthy substances.
  • Also, kelp helps to gently saturate the stomach without overloading the digestive system.

In general, such cabbage is not contraindicated for gastritis, provided that the disease is in remission.


Cabbage prepared by stewing is especially recommended for consumption for hypoacid-type gastritis, as well as for low gastric acidity.

The process of heat treatment by extinguishing protects the mucous membranes of the gastric cavity from the aggressive effects of fiber and its coarse fibers. Stewed vegetables will be an excellent addition to the patient’s diet menu, and the enzymatic substances it contains will help improve digestive processes.

Thanks to the consumption of the stewed product, mucous tissues regenerate faster, the feeling of hunger is quickly satisfied and pain in the epigastric region is eliminated. Stewed cabbage is especially useful for weak intestinal motility; it goes well with lean fish and dietary types of meat products.

Cauliflower is a useful vegetable crop, especially for digestive pathologies.

  1. Light food in stewed form has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and helps saturate the body with amino acids and proteins, minerals and vitamin trace elements.
  2. If the patient has low acidity, then it is recommended to take cauliflower juice.
  3. This cabbage is useful when boiled or stewed.
  4. It is rich in vitamins and proteins, microelements and organic acids, starch and biotin, fatty acids, etc.

On days of exacerbation, patients with gastritis are advised to follow the 1A diet. When the exacerbation stops, they move to table No. 2, which can include steamed, boiled, and sometimes baked cauliflower.


In its raw form, Chinese cabbage is contraindicated for people with gastritis, because its irritating effect on mucous tissue provokes an exacerbation.

Sometimes gastritis occurs when eating such cabbage in combination with overly spicy seasonings, alcohol or vinegar. The Beijing vegetable will provide all the necessary useful components in boiled or stewed form. The vegetable can be added to vegetable stews or soups.

If acidity levels are high, it is better not to include it in the diet. It is also not recommended to combine Chinese cabbage with dairy products, because in such a tandem it causes digestive disorders in patients.

Don't forget about individual intolerance. If after consuming the product you experience painful discomfort, burning or flatulence in the epigastric region, then it is better to avoid eating Chinese cabbage.


Brussels sprouts are not so popular in our cuisine, but they contain a lot of useful substances such as iron and vitamins, folic acid and phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur, potassium and thiamine.

Experts say that these mini-heads contain dietary fiber that helps reduce stomach acidity and eliminate unpleasant heartburn.

Such cabbage will be of great benefit if you cook it correctly, because after heat treatment it does not lose its beneficial properties at all. The heads of cabbage contain useful fiber, which when stewed will help get rid of difficulties with bowel movements. Therefore, it is recommended to eat this cabbage for people with gastritis complicated by constipation.

How to take juice?

For any form of gastritis, patients are recommended to take freshly squeezed cabbage juice, because it has a unique healing effect.

  • Freshly squeezed juice effectively copes with symptomatic manifestations such as heartburn and flatulence, as well as nausea.
  • The juice helps normalize acidity in the stomach cavity and has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.
  • Cabbage juice has an analgesic and antihistamine effect, it regenerates and accelerates the healing of erosive and ulcerative lesions on the gastric mucosa.
  • The freshly squeezed drink provides an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on the gastric mucosa.

There are no contraindications for drinking cabbage juice. It is equally useful to drink for gastritis with any acidity, because it is able to neutralize the effects of hydrochloric acid. Juice is also useful for low acidity.

To get the maximum benefit from cabbage juice, drink it without refrigeration. It is prohibited to store the product, so it is taken immediately after preparation, three times a day, before meals, ½ cup. When patients usually suffer from constipation, it is best to avoid this drink due to its ability to increase gas production.

For gastrointestinal pathologies, many cabbage varieties are useful, and freshly squeezed juice helps in the treatment and prevention of gastritis.

When preparing vegetables, you can use the most appropriate type of heat treatment in accordance with the rules of diet therapy. In general, any cabbage is useful, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

Only competent consumption of vegetables in the diet will help avoid gastritis exacerbations and even ensure the prevention of gastrointestinal cancer pathologies.


Effect on the stomach

It is recommended to eat stewed cabbage if you have hypoacid gastritis. Stewed cabbage retains vitamins and nutrients that ease the stomach and improve digestion. An additional plus is that the dish copes with the feeling of hunger, saturating the body.

Substances contained in cabbage:

  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

Stewed cabbage regenerates the mucous membrane and helps eliminate inflammation. The product protects epithelial tissue from aggressive factors and heals the effects of the inflammatory process.

How does raw cabbage affect the mucous membrane?

Cabbage strengthens the immune system. Regular consumption of the vegetable helps in the fight against colds. Cabbage has a positive effect on mucous epithelial tissue and intestines. Despite its beneficial qualities, cabbage should not be eaten raw if you have gastritis. This is due to the increased content of fiber, which causes symptoms in the stomach:

  • severe stomach pain;
  • debilitating and persistent heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • belching.

It is preferable to eat the vegetable stewed, boiled or baked. Stewed cabbage is a rich and healthy dish, combined with a variety of ingredients.

When an acute period of gastritis occurs, eating vegetables is contraindicated; it provokes an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Can cabbage be eaten fresh for gastritis?

Gastroenterologists advise eating cabbage that has undergone at least minimal heat treatment. For example, sauerkraut is good, but fresh cabbage is no longer good. A fermented product does not lose nutrients; a boiled product is beneficial only in case of relapses.

In any case, it is important to monitor your own feelings. Even if the product is prepared correctly, individual reactions are possible. So if you experience discomfort, it is better to immediately exclude the dish from your diet.

If cabbage for gastritis with high acidity is prohibited during exacerbations, then during remission it is quite acceptable. Just eat it in small portions. Against the background of reduced acidity, the product increases appetite.

The stewed product is also good in its own way. After all, it retains almost all useful substances. Both with high and low acidity levels, stewed vegetables have a healing effect. The functioning of the digestive system improves, the load is reduced. And inflammation goes away much faster. And if you regularly eat such cabbage during the remission stage, it becomes an excellent preventive measure.

For various pathologies, it is permissible to eat both stewed and pickled Beijing, Brussels sprouts, and even cauliflower. The same can be said about broccoli and cabbage. It is much more important to cook them correctly.

Cooking rules

The basic rules for gastritis and peptic ulcers are:

  • Stewing, boiling or steaming;
  • The daily norm is no more than 250 g per day.

Cauliflower should not be eaten in batter, fried or breaded. In combination with stewed cabbage, it is better to use butter or vegetable oil, lean meat (chicken breast, veal, turkey, rabbit). Stewed cabbage for gastritis is ideal for high acidity of the stomach and during the acute stage of the disease.

Gastritis is a serious disease of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Along with conservative treatment, a therapeutic diet must be used. You can learn separately about the treatment of gastritis with diet in the article “What is proper nutrition for gastritis?” Special nutrition is usually lifelong. Failure to comply with medical recommendations and lack of food discipline often leads to irreversible changes in the structures of the digestive system.

About the benefits of cabbage in the health program:

In what form should I eat different types of cabbage?

Below we will consider popular types of cabbage, which are most often sold in markets and supermarkets in our country. They are also grown in home gardens. We will tell you in what form it is best to prepare and eat them if your loved ones are diagnosed with gastritis.

  • Cauliflower . An incredibly healthy vegetable for any gastrointestinal disease. When stewed, it saturates with microelements and contains the above-mentioned vitamin U. When the acidity is low, it is better to drink freshly squeezed juice or consume it boiled.
  • Chinese cabbage . There are cases where fresh cabbage even provoked gastritis. She was from Beijing. True, it was prepared with the addition of vinegar and spices. We advise you not to experiment, but to limit yourself to eating stewed “Peking”. There will be no negative consequences for the body, and all necessary substances will be preserved. Always listen to your body. If you feel discomfort in your stomach even after stewing Chinese cabbage, you will have to remove it from your diet.
  • Is it possible to eat cabbage with gastritis when it comes to broccoli ? Undoubtedly. It contains no less vitamins than cabbage cabbage. However, there is also magnesium, which takes an active part in metabolism. Carotene, which is part of the vegetable, blocks “bad” radicals that settle on the walls of the stomach. With daily intake of stewed or boiled broccoli, improvement occurs already on the third day.
  • Sea kale is useful for erosive gastritis because it contains a lot of zinc. But you can eat it only between relapses. As soon as an exacerbation occurs, algae is excluded from the diet. Because they can swell in the stomach, damage the already inflamed mucous membrane, and cause irritation. Sea kale has proven itself well for constipation - it activates peristalsis. With regular use, appetite increases.
  • Cabbage, Peking and Brussels sprouts . All these varieties of vegetables contain a large amount of coarse fiber. Eating these vegetables raw, as well as in salads, can lead to significant worsening of gastritis. In addition to heaviness in the stomach and discomfort, the patient may vomit blood. Cauliflower for gastritis should also be limited in consumption.
  • Pickled . Sauerkraut is considered an excellent product that has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. This product is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of gastritis. But during the period of exacerbation of the disease it must be abandoned.
  • Stewed . White cabbage, like Chinese cabbage or any other cabbage, can be safely used for gastritis if it is served stewed. With this processing, the structure of the vegetable is softened, which allows it not to injure the walls of the stomach and speed up the digestion process. At the same time, useful elements and vitamins are preserved in the vegetable. Cabbage should not be seasoned with sauces, salt and pepper, as this causes irritation of the stomach walls.

Sea kale in the diet of a gastritis patient

A separate subsection is dedicated to this product. After all, seaweed is essentially algae that has nothing to do with cruciferous vegetables. Nevertheless, gastritis sufferers should not give up algae. Sea kale contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, which means a gastritis sufferer can easily replace heavy meat with algae. In addition, you can enrich the body with essential fatty acids, chlorophylls and a wide range of phytochemicals.

Laminaria is especially useful for high acidity. Thanks to the chlorophyll in the composition, alkalization occurs, which is extremely important for the regeneration of the stomach walls. So to the question “is it possible to eat seaweed for gastritis?” Doctors answer with an unequivocal yes.

Which type of cabbage do you prefer?

In fact, all types of cruciferous vegetables are very similar in composition. For example, white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli act against gastritis due to the special substance sulforaphane. The organic compound actively destroys H. pylori bacteria (one of the triggers of gastritis). Moreover, sulforaphane destroys even those strains that have become resistant to antibiotics.

But Chinese and Brussels sprouts are more suitable for diversifying the menu. These varieties are not very juicy, are not suitable for making juice, they cannot be fermented, but they are not prohibited from being consumed fresh.

At what type of acidity can cabbage be consumed?

As mentioned above, to the question “is it possible to eat cabbage with gastritis with high acidity?” Doctors answer with an unequivocal yes. Fresh cabbage juice lowers the pH of stomach acid, which helps not only cure gastritis, but also acid reflux and ulcers.

But with low acidity, juice in its pure form can worsen the patient’s condition. You can increase the acidity of fresh juice by adding carrots and celery to the cabbage.

Product Types

White cabbage

This is the most famous type of plant, which is most often found on the table. It is not recommended to eat this vegetable raw for gastritis and ulcers. It contains a large amount of fiber and coarse fibers that damage the delicate lining of the stomach. As a result, you may experience:

  • pain and discomfort;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting.

But this does not mean that eating the product is completely prohibited. White cabbage is allowed by experts in stewed, boiled, baked form. If prepared correctly, it will bring certain benefits to the patient. Dishes with cabbage should not contain various seasonings, salt and pepper, and it is also not recommended to add lemon juice as a dressing. Before adding cabbage to your diet, consult your doctor.

It should be noted that this variety contains rare vitamin U (methylmethionine), which can help in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.


This type of vegetable is similar in its beneficial qualities to white cabbage. Moreover, it contains amino acids such as lysine and arginine. Doctors believe that cauliflower for gastritis adds variety to the patient’s diet. It contains:

  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, A;
  • sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • raw protein;
  • fats.

For ulcers and gastritis, the vegetable is included in the patient’s menu because it is easiest to digest, unlike other types of this plant. This plant has a finer cellular structure. Gastroenterologists highlight the following advantages:

  • Cauliflower helps speed up the process of regeneration of damaged gastric mucosa.
  • The vegetable restores metabolic processes in the body.
  • The product can improve immunity.

Cabbage will be a good addition to the menu of patients with gastrointestinal diseases only if it is properly prepared. Cauliflower for stomach ulcers will be healthier when stewed or steamed. This method of preparation will replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C in the body, and fiber will be a good remedy against ulcers.

If used correctly, there will be no exacerbation of gastritis, you will protect the gastrointestinal tract from inflammation, and also reduce the secretory function of the stomach.

If you feel discomfort after eating a portion, you have signs of indigestion or gas formation, then it is better to consult a gastroenterologist for advice.


This rose cabbage is not so popular among residents of our country, as it is mainly grown abroad due to the unsuitable climate. This baby has a lot of useful things:

  • phosphorus, iron, sulfur;
  • magnesium, thiamine, potassium;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins A, B, C.

Doctors note that the vegetable contains dietary fiber, which can reduce the level of acid in the stomach and cope with heartburn.

Cabbage juice for gastritis: rules of preparation and use

For gastritis, fresh cabbage juice has a positive effect on the inflamed walls. It has an astringent effect, becoming a natural sorbent. Numerous studies by nutritionists have shown that with daily consumption of a glass of juice, the secretory function of the diseased organ was restored, and the damaged areas healed. Also, this natural product can relieve heartburn and nausea during acute attacks of the disease.

How to properly prepare cabbage juice? Grind the leaves in a regular meat grinder or blender. And then squeeze out the juice with your hands. Of course, if you have a juicer, use it - you will get a little more juice.

Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Drink it every day, one glass 30 minutes before meals. If the taste seems a little cloying and unpleasant to you, the drink can be sweetened with carrot juice. But even in this case, consulting a doctor about juice treatment will not hurt.

Cauliflower juice is a folk remedy for gastritis

Traditional medicine recommends using fresh cauliflower juice as a medicine for the treatment of gastritis (due to low acidity). This is due to the beneficial qualities of this plant and its high content of vitamins.

To make fresh cauliflower juice, you need a juicer. In this case, it will turn out clean and without pulp. Although you can get such healing juice using a regular meat grinder or grater. To do this you need:

  • disassemble a head of cauliflower into inflorescences;
  • rinse them;
  • give them time to dry;
  • pass them through a meat grinder several times or grate them;
  • Squeeze the resulting pulp through a piece of gauze.

This way you can get fresh cauliflower juice. But it will be quite concentrated and unpleasant to the taste. To improve its taste, nutritionists advise adding to it:

  • honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • fresh juice of other vegetables (for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets);
  • fresh fruit juice - oranges, pears, apples.

How to cook

When preparing stewed cabbage, you need to follow the rules in order to preserve the healthy and tasteful qualities of the vegetable. It is noteworthy that the preparation of stewed cabbage involves a combination with other products allowed for a patient suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The cabbage must be thoroughly washed and the top damaged leaves removed. After thin, careful shredding, it is recommended to mash the vegetable with your hands to achieve softness and tenderness of the finished dish. The softer the cabbage, the easier it is for the stomach to cope with digestion.

You can get a nutritious dish if you stew the vegetable together with chicken, zucchini, lean lean beef and other ingredients.

It is important to remember that adding a large amount of salt is excluded. Do not add spices, seasonings or food additives.

Basic cooking rules

Cauliflower can be boiled, stewed, or fried in an egg. Fried cabbage, as well as raw cabbage, is strictly prohibited for consumption. Stewed meat goes well with cabbage dishes; this combination will be useful for gastritis with acute inflammation of the mucous walls.

Sea kale is consumed in ready-pickled form, sometimes it is taken as prescribed by a doctor in powder form. You need to cook cabbage for use with gastritis a little longer than usual. When cooking, be sure to avoid hot herbs and spices, vinegar and citric acid. Do not add hot peppers to sauerkraut during cooking.


Before you send the product to the stove, it must be properly prepared.

  1. Wash the head of cabbage thoroughly and remove the top spoiled leaves from it.
  2. Then chop it finely and knead it a little with your hands until the juice appears: this way the dish will cook faster.
  3. Then you can prepare the product according to the classic recipe (taking into account dietary restrictions) or add additional permitted components to it.

Dietary version of the classic recipe

For a dietary version of the classic recipe for stewed cabbage, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 head of cabbage,
  • 1-2 medium onions,
  • 1 large carrot,
  • 2 teaspoons tomato paste (without vinegar),
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Chop the head of cabbage into small strips, and chop the onion into half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or frying pan, add the onion and fry it a little until transparent (not crusty).

Add tomato paste, carrots. Mix everything well and fry for another 2-3 minutes. until soft. Put in the cabbage. Pour in 1 ½ cups of hot water.

When the mixture boils, you need to reduce the heat and simmer the contents until soft. This will take 40-50 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to the dish.

With chicken breast

To prepare stewed cabbage with chicken breast you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 head of cabbage,
  • 0.5 kg chicken breast fillet,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sunflower oil,
  • salt.

Method of preparation: Finely chop the head of cabbage, cut the meat into small pieces, cut the onion into half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a thick-walled bowl, add the onion and fry it until transparent. Add meat and continue frying for another 2-3 minutes.

Do not allow crusts to form on foods.

Then add tomato paste, stir and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Place the cabbage and pour in 1 glass of hot water. Bring contents to a boil. Reduce heat.

Simmer the dish for 40-50 minutes. Add salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Stewed cabbage in milk

Cauliflower stewed in milk will require the following ingredients:

  • 450 gr. cauliflower (you can use frozen),
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter,
  • ½ tbsp. low-fat milk,
  • ½ tbsp. cabbage broth,
  • salt,
  • ground nutmeg.

Wash the cabbage, divide into inflorescences, boil and grind in a blender. Add cabbage broth and milk to the resulting mass and bring to a boil. Salt the dish, add butter and a pinch of nutmeg.

On our website: What wine can you drink if you have gastritis?

Other folk recipes based on cabbage

In addition to juice, traditional healers suggest using cabbage brine. Naturally, the product is suitable only for those who suffer from low acidity. Brine is rich in beneficial bacteria and fermented nutrients. The folk remedy is so easily digestible that even people with very serious disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can drink it.

Making brine is very simple. You need to finely chop white or Chinese cabbage, add clean hot water at the rate of 500 ml of water per 100 grams of chopped leaves. Add a teaspoon of fine sea salt, stir vigorously and leave to ferment for 2-3 days.

Drinking brine in its “pure” form is strictly prohibited. This may lead to an exacerbation of the disease. 100 ml of concentrated brine should be diluted with 100 ml of clean water and drunk half a glass 2-3 glasses a day. It is best to store the finished product in the refrigerator.

You can also make puree. Boiled Brussels sprouts or cauliflower are suitable for these purposes. Puree the soft heads of vegetables using a blender, add a small amount of salt to taste. If the resulting dish is too thick, you can add a few tablespoons of water. Reviews say that although such a dish does not have outstanding taste, it allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation of the stomach walls.

Cabbage juice

How to use the beneficial properties of vegetables without loading your stomach? Very simple. Traditional doctors advise using cabbage juice and drinking it to treat gastritis.


  • Take a fresh head of cabbage, remove the top leaves and stalk.
  • Cut the head of cabbage into segments and pass through a juicer as much vegetable as needed to prepare 100 ml of juice.
  • Strain the juice.
  • Drink it in small sips 20 - 30 minutes before lunch or dinner.

Advice from gastroenterologists regarding the use of various cabbage products

Official medicine has a negative attitude towards any folk remedies, but comments on the introduction of certain products into the diet are quite easy to obtain. For example, to the question “can you eat cauliflower if you have gastritis?” the doctor may answer positively, but clarify that the vegetable must undergo preliminary heat treatment. It is allowed to stew, boil and even bake dense heads. It is not forbidden to add eggs to the dish, as well as combine cruciferous vegetables with lean meat and fish.

Fresh cabbage is strictly prohibited only at the acute stage. But pickled vegetables will perfectly increase acidity. The situation with brine is much more complicated. Salt in large quantities can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, although brine itself can act as a medicine. A gastroenterologist may advise taking the solution in the amount of a tablespoon per day and monitoring your health. If no negative reactions are noticed, then you can gradually increase the dosage of the homemade medicine.

Cabbage cooked in Korean style with the addition of vinegar and hot seasonings will have a negative effect on the stomach (at any level of acidity). Such a dish can even lead to the opening of an ulcer. It is not recommended to add cabbage to flour dishes; the following are strictly prohibited: pies, dumplings, pies. And if a person suffering from any form of gastritis drinks vodka and eats sauerkraut, he will immediately end up in a hospital bed with acute pain. Therefore, it is better to give up alcohol altogether and stick to proper nutrition, even if there have been no exacerbations for a long time.

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