Chicory for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Any use of new products for serious gastrointestinal pathologies must be agreed with your doctor.
Same with chicory. This is a useful plant rich in vitamins; in one case it acts as a healing elixir for stomach ulcers, and in another – as a catalyst for deteriorating health. Therefore, answering the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory if you have a stomach ulcer, the answer will be ambiguous. The reason for the negative effect of chicory on the patient’s body is the plant’s ability to dilate blood vessels, which is very dangerous for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Vasodilation can compromise the integrity of the gastric mucosa.

Beneficial features

Chicory has a number of positive effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • promotes quality digestion.

In the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, doctors recommend including chicory in the diet of patients along with other herbs.

The beneficial effects of this plant are related to its composition. Chicory root contains such useful substances as:

  • pectin – stabilizes intestinal motility and helps rid the body of toxins and waste.
  • microelements that help remove small stones from the gallbladder.
  • chicory, which has regenerating properties and heals microdamages on the gastrointestinal mucosa. It also reduces inflammation of the diseased stomach and duodenum.
  • a large number of different groups of vitamins.

Contraindications for use

The use of chicory root has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which you should exclude this product from your diet:

  • it should not be drunk if you have gastritis of the stomach with high acidity;
  • it should be taken with caution in case of urinary tract disease;
  • it is necessary to exclude the product if you have hemorrhoids and varicose veins;
  • with individual intolerance to components, manifested in various allergic reactions.

Despite the presence of contraindications, it is the most valuable product for the body. But its use in the presence of pathology of the stomach and duodenum must be agreed with the doctor, as well as the use of other food products for gastrointestinal ulcers.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

A chronic disease that affects the gastric mucosa and causes the formation of ulcers - an ulcer. It may have an acute form, when symptoms develop sharply and rapidly progress. With such a course, emergency help is needed. The second form is chronic, the disease periodically worsens, but the symptoms are not so pronounced.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively: with the help of medications, physical exercises, a special diet and, if necessary, surgical intervention (resection).

The pathology poses a risk to life; if you ignore the symptoms and do not engage in treatment, an inflammatory process, internal bleeding can develop, and huge ulcers can form in the mucous membrane.

The disease is not completely eliminated, but remission can be achieved. True, for a long time you need to maintain a certain lifestyle and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

To combat pathology, you should contact specialists and not self-medicate

Recommendations for use depending on the stage of the disease

Chicory is approved for consumption with stomach disease, which is accompanied by low acidity. The plant increases appetite, promoting increased gastric secretion. The quality of digestion improves. But with increased acidity, chicory will worsen the patient’s condition, causing irritation of the gastric mucosa, pain and cramps.

For atrophic gastric ulcers, drinking the drink is possible and even beneficial. It will also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, increasing the secretion of the organ.

Is it possible to drink chicory if you have a stomach ulcer?

Chicory is an effective remedy in the treatment of pathologies of the liver and digestive system. That is why the natural question is whether it can be used for stomach ulcers. Each human body is individual, so before including chicory in your diet, you must first consult a doctor so as not to cause harm.

In most cases, the answer to the question whether chicory can be consumed for peptic ulcers is positive. This is due to the fact that the drink can have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In addition, it improves the digestion process, which reduces the load on a sore stomach.

Advice! It should be understood that chicory can be included in the diet only during the period of remission.

Restrictions on use for gastric and duodenal ulcers are due to the fact that the product can dilate blood vessels. This is unacceptable in the presence of large ulcerations of the mucous membranes.

Chicory can increase acidity. Therefore, if a peptic ulcer is accompanied by increased secretion, it can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Against this background, severe pain and spasms occur. But with reduced secrecy, you can drink chicory, and with an atrophic stomach ulcer, the drink will be very useful.

Rules and recipes for cooking chicory

Preparation of a drink from chicory begins with drying the root, grinding and roasting. The finished powder of the medicinal plant is added to various medicinal potions, or simply brewed with boiling water.

  1. Chicory infusion . In the evening, pour 4-6 teaspoons of pre-prepared root into a thermos. Pour 3 cups of boiling water and leave to steep overnight. Drink a quarter glass 10 minutes before meals.
  2. Drink with milk . Pour 2 teaspoons of the prepared powder into a mug and brew with boiling water. To improve the taste, you can add sugar to taste and add milk. Drink no more than three cups per day. The taste of chicory is similar to ground coffee.
  3. Rich decoction . Boil half a glass of ground plant in one liter of water for 20 minutes. Pour the resulting broth through the filter. Drink a tablespoon 5 minutes before each meal.
  4. A decoction of unroasted roots . Pass 30 grams of chicory root through a coarse grater and simmer in 0.5 liters over low heat. water 15 minutes. Pour the prepared broth along with the grounds into a jar. Take 3 teaspoons 3 times a day.

Chicory drink

Wash the rhizome of the medicinal plant and place it in the oven to dry at a temperature no higher than 40-50 degrees. Gradually raise the temperature to 150-180 degrees. If the roots have acquired a sandy caramel color and emit a pleasant smell, then drying is complete.

After cooling, they should be prepared into a powder. To ensure the safety of the finished product, it must be stored in a tightly closed container.

If a drink from this plant is added to natural coffee, the harmful effect of coffee will be reduced many times. A substitute for natural coffee is many times healthier:

  • speeds up the process of digesting food;
  • eradicates heartburn;
  • eliminates constipation.

How to use chicory for stomach ulcers

Chicory for peptic ulcers is recommended to be used as part of special herbal preparations. But decoctions, infusions and drinks also have healing properties. But you definitely need to prepare them correctly and drink them in moderation during the period of remission.

When the powder from a plant is made industrially, the roots of the plant are heated at high temperatures and fried in special drums. When using such technology, beneficial properties are largely lost. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the powder yourself. To do this you need:

  • Preheat the oven to 50ºC and place the roots in it.
  • Once the temperature reaches 180 ºC, the roots should be removed from the oven.
  • The cooled golden-brown roots with a pronounced characteristic aroma need to be ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Ready-to-use powder should be stored in an airtight container in a dark place.


Chicory is used to prepare a rich decoction that has medicinal properties. To do this, take a liter of cold water and pour half a glass of chicory powder into it.

After this, the drink is boiled over low heat. It takes 20 minutes to prepare the decoction. After it has cooled, it should be taken a teaspoon 5 minutes before meals.

A decoction of chicory, prepared from fresh roots, is also considered useful for peptic ulcers. To do this, 30 g of the product is passed through a meat grinder and filled with half a liter of water. The drink is boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat. This mixture is consumed 3 times a day, 3 teaspoons before meals.


It is also allowed to use chicory infusion for peptic ulcers. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed root in the evening and leave to steep overnight. It is allowed to prepare a larger amount of healing drink, maintaining the specified proportion.

In the morning, the finished drink should be strained. It should be taken a quarter glass 10 minutes before meals twice a day. If a larger volume of the drink has been prepared, it should be stored in the refrigerator and warmed to room temperature before use.

coffee drink

If you have a stomach ulcer, according to the recommendations of experts, you should give up coffee. But coffee lovers are allowed to replace it with an instant coffee drink made from chicory. You can add sugar and milk to taste. The healing effect of chicory on the body is significantly enhanced if taken with honey.

Advice! If you mix natural coffee with chicory powder, the drink will be less harmful.

There are two ways to prepare a chicory drink:

  • It is necessary to pour a teaspoon of powder into a cup and pour boiling water over it. You need to infuse the drink until it becomes warm.
  • You should pour a teaspoon of powder into the cezve and add cold water, and then bring to a boil over low heat. After the characteristic foamy cap appears, remove and allow the drink to cool.

Making chicory powder at home

Chicory is a medium-tall plant with pretty blue flowers along the stem. This weed also grows in cities, under balconies and along country roads. To prepare the powder, the underground part of the flower is used, collected only in the forest area.

Powder manufacturing technology:

  1. Dig out and thoroughly wash the rhizome of the plant. Peel and grind it.
  2. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and place in the oven until a rich sandy color and a specific coffee aroma appear.
  3. When brewing the finished product, it should be ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting dry powder will not completely dissolve in water. We must wait until the sediment remains at the bottom.
  4. To prepare one cup of the drink, you need to pour boiling water over a couple of teaspoons of chicory powder, leave for a couple of minutes, add milk and sugar to taste.

How to choose instant chicory

If you decide to purchase instant chicory in the supermarket, read the instructions:

  • Please note the date by which the goods must be sold;
  • In addition to chicory root, the product composition should not contain other components such as stabilizers, dyes, etc.;
  • the contents of the package should be brown, crumbly and aromatic;
  • As for additives, soluble chicory may contain extracts from plants (rose hips, sea buckthorn, ginger, etc.), but in no case aromatic components;
  • Clumped lumps found inside the bags indicate a violation of the powder preparation technology.

Advice from a gastroenterologist

After consulting a doctor, you should use chicory against the background of a stomach ulcer, adhering to the general recommendations:

  1. Drink the drink warm, as hot chicory can damage the gastric mucosa.
  2. Drink no more than four cups per day. Remember, even a healthy product in large quantities can greatly harm the body!
  3. If you consume honey along with the drink, this will enhance its healing effect on the body, but provided that there are no contraindications or allergies to honey.

By following your doctor's recommendations regarding the use of chicory, you will not only enjoy its use, but also have a certain therapeutic effect.

Is it possible to use chicory for atrophic gastritis?

This is a useful plant, as it contains a lot of chemical compounds that provide a good effect on the entire body. When gastritis is in the stage of inflammation, chicory should be avoided, as it will stimulate the stomach, and right now the organ needs rest. When secretion is increased, it is better to stop taking chicory, because the amount of hydrochloric acid will increase, and with atrophic gastritis, the mucous membrane will be even more damaged. But, with the hypoacid form, it is allowed to drink chicory-based drinks. The anti-inflammatory effects of the product will speed up the healing process.

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