Bee bread for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Bees prepare bee bread (“bee bread”, bread) to supply the colony, especially the larvae, with protein food during the cold season. It consists of flower pollen, tightly compacted into honeycombs and filled with honey. In the absence of air, the product undergoes a natural fermentation process and is preserved with lactic acid under the influence of honey and insect saliva. It can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties, and does not deteriorate under the influence of mold or bacteria.

Healing properties of bee bread

The properties of bee bread are determined by its unique balanced composition. The product is rich in amino acids, fatty and organic acids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, carotenoids and vitamins, and its nutritional value exceeds that of meat, milk or eggs.

It also contains hormone-like compounds and enzymes that are useful for normalizing the metabolic processes of the human body.

Bee bread has a complex beneficial effect on health if consumed regularly:

  • The product strengthens the immune system, improving the body's nonspecific resistance to adverse environmental factors, including environmental, man-made and climatic, and the pathogenic effects of infectious agents. Its beneficial property of increasing adaptive abilities and endurance helps expand the zone of physical and physiological comfort.
  • Bee bread contains antiviral substances, as well as components that exhibit bactericidal activity. This allows it to be widely used for the treatment of colds and other infectious diseases, as well as the relief of inflammatory processes.
  • Bread is useful for protecting against the destructive effects of stress, helps maintain vitality at a high level and relieves symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue. It has the ability to saturate the human body with substances necessary for the full functioning of the brain, improving the functional state of muscle tissue and increasing its mass.
  • Beebread has an antisclerotic and vasodilating effect, improves blood flow and, accordingly, blood supply to the brain and myocardium. It helps provide the body with the compounds necessary for the natural production of hemoglobin and cleansing the blood of excess cholesterol.
  • Bee bread helps restore intestinal microflora, heals the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and improves appetite. It stimulates the liver and gallbladder, helps cleanse the organs of poisons, waste and toxins.
  • Bee bread activates tissue regeneration processes, especially the production of collagen fibers, so its use produces a pronounced cosmetic effect. It significantly improves the appearance of the skin and prevents the appearance of signs of aging and premature aging.
  • The product has proven itself to restore the health of the endocrine system; it helps to improve hormonal levels and the functioning of the genital organs, including potency and spermatogenesis in men. The components of bee bread in combination activate testosterone production, improve sperm quality, and maintain normal erectile function.
  • Bee bread phytosterols and vitamin B 6 are useful for maintaining the health of the female genital organs, and polyunsaturated fatty acids protect eggs from the aggressive effects of damaging factors. Bee bread promotes the normal course of embryogenesis and reduces the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.

The benefits of bee bread for gastrointestinal diseases

The effect of using this healing bee medicine often exceeds the benefits of traditional use of medicines. In addition to the general strengthening effect on the body, this product stimulates the immune system and metabolism, increases efficiency, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, calms, reduces cholesterol, has anti-sclerotic properties, helps prolong life, and enhances the effect of medications.

Regular consumption of bee bread, even in small quantities, stimulates intestinal function. Based on this healing product, a large number of drugs are made for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. And all this because beebread is a real storehouse of useful minerals, organic substances, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and monosaccharides.

Indications for the use of bee bread

The beneficial properties of bee bread make it possible to use it to treat a wide range of pathological conditions, as well as to maintain normal health and under conditions of increased physical, emotional and intellectual stress. Regular use of the product is recommended:

  • for the treatment of respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza), sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma;
  • with insufficiency of immunity;
  • in complex therapy of heart and vascular diseases: atherosclerosis, ischemia, dystrophic changes in myocardial tissue, heart failure, instability of blood pressure of any kind, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • to normalize blood counts in leukemia and iron deficiency anemia;
  • for gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the duodenal mucosa and stomach, colitis and enterocolitis, enteritis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, to restore intestinal microflora in case of dysbiosis;
  • for the treatment of malnutrition, anorexia, disruptions in digestive processes in adults and children;
  • for food poisoning, intoxication of any origin;
  • in the treatment of diseases of the male genitourinary system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, infertility, impotence);
  • to get rid of diseases of the female genitourinary system (inflammatory processes, infertility);
  • to relieve the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue, improve the condition of nervous diseases, depression, insufficient blood supply to the brain and dysfunction of higher nervous activity (distracted attention, memory impairment);
  • in the treatment of dermatological diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema) and pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • for hormonal imbalances and diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • for kidney diseases.

Taking bee bread is useful during periods of pregnancy and lactation, recovery of the body after surgery, heart attack, stroke.

On the recommendation of the attending physician, the product can be used to improve the condition after courses of radiation or chemotherapy in cancer patients. Perga also helps to facilitate withdrawal from drug (including nicotine and alcohol) addiction.

Benefits of bee bread

Bee bread can compete with modern medicines in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The result of its use is much more effective than conventional drugs. Regular use of bee medicine normalizes the functions of the digestive system due to the presence of a large amount of monosaccharides, enzymes, amino acids, and essential microelements. In addition, this substance:

  • characterized by a general strengthening effect;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • has an antisclerotic effect.

Stimulation of metabolic processes through the use of bee bread helps to improve appetite and bring weight back to normal in diseases such as dysbiosis, colitis, constipation, and diabetes. It is also used as a choleretic agent, used for adhesions in the intestines, and is recommended to restore digestion for people prone to constipation. The presence of probiotics in this product, which are formed through fermentation, contributes to:

Use for ulcers

The presence of organic acids in bee bread promotes rapid healing of wounds, which is especially important in the presence of bleeding. Ulcers are cured with bee pollen. They drink it 3 times a day. per tea or dessert spoon (honey is mixed with bee bread in a 1:1 ratio). The presence of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis with high acidity, suggests taking beebread diluted in warm water (2/3 teaspoon) 1.5 hours before meals. In case of low acidity, the product is taken immediately before meals, and the medicine is mixed with cold water.

Therapy for gastritis and intestines

When treating gastritis, it is recommended to use the medicinal substance together with various beneficial decoctions. You should also adhere to a rational, and sometimes dietary, diet. Colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, a tendency to constipation and adhesions in the intestines require the use of bee medicine, 1/3 teaspoon 3 times a day. Treatment usually lasts 1-1.5 months. Dysbacteriosis is treated by taking 1 tablespoon of bee bread in the morning on an empty stomach. The results of treating gastrointestinal diseases with bee pollen showed that the microflora and gastric mucosa are restored within 3-4 days.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Getting rid of such a chronic disease must occur over a long period of time. To test your body's reaction to bee bread, you should try taking a few granules in the morning before eating. In the absence of undesirable consequences, you can use the standard dosage - 1 teaspoon per 20 minutes. before breakfast and before evening meals. To enhance the effect of treating pancreatitis, it is necessary to use medications in combination. Bee bread helps reduce their negative effects and prevent side effects.

Bee bread should be taken as an additional treatment during remission. The use of bee pollen during an exacerbation of the disease is strictly prohibited.

Ingestion of bee bread

In general, it is useful to consume bee bread 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals every day for 4 weeks, then the course can be repeated after a ten-day break. The product is dissolved in the oral cavity under the tongue until completely dissolved; it is not recommended to drink it with water.

The average dose of bee bread for single use is:

  • 0.5 tsp. for an adult (10 g per day as a prophylactic and no more than 30 g per day for treatment);
  • 0.25-0.3 tsp. for a child (at the rate of 0.07-0.1 g per 1 kg of weight).

The product may not be used by young children until they reach the age of 12 months. To carry out any home procedures for a child using potent folk remedies, the approval of the local pediatrician is required.

For medicinal purposes, bee bread collected in an apiary located in an ecologically clean area from meadow or forest herbs and flowering trees is needed. Using a product produced by bees near agricultural fields is dangerous because it may contain high doses of pesticides and fertilizers.

Basic principles of treatment with folk remedies

Eliminating the symptoms of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies should obey the classical principles of official medicine, that is:

  1. Any drug should be used only if there are indications for its use.
  2. Therapy using natural remedies should not contradict, and even more so exclude the use of medications. It is important to understand that folk remedies can only be used as auxiliaries.
  3. Strict adherence to dosages and treatment regimens - this condition is based on the fact that most folk remedies can be classified as conditionally toxic, and their thoughtless use can worsen the patient’s condition.
  4. Consult with a doctor about combining folk remedies with medications, since they can have a certain effect on each other - change the degree and speed of absorption, for example.

Traditional methods of treatment should complement drug therapy

Compliance with these postulates will make the treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies more effective and also safer.

The use of bee bread in cosmetology

Bee bread is a sought-after ingredient in care products for aging and mature skin. It serves as a complex vitamin and mineral supplement as part of masks for the face, neck, hands, which can be used 1-2 times a week. The component provides hydration and nutrition to skin cells, produces a lifting effect and promotes rejuvenation.

Bee bread is also useful for healthy hair and scalp. With regular use of cosmetic care compositions based on it, strands become softer and more manageable.

It also has a therapeutic effect because it suppresses the activity of microorganisms that cause dandruff, strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

Beekeeping products for the treatment of gastritis

In addition to honey, bee products such as bee bread, pollen and royal jelly are widely used in alternative medicine.

Bee bread is a valuable product with a lot of beneficial properties for the body. For gastritis, it is best to consume bee bread with honey (1:1). If the disease is accompanied by an increase in acidity, then the mixture is dissolved in water at room temperature. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

Bee bread can also be added to infusions and decoctions of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage).

Royal jelly is a rare beekeeping product that has a powerful immunostimulating effect. For the treatment of gastritis, milk is used in a mixture with honey or herbal infusions.

For increased gastric secretion, prepare an infusion, for which you take 20 grams of mint, linden, calamus and 10 grams of fennel. The mixture of herbs is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours.

Drink a glass 3 times a day before meals. Along with the infusion, take ½ teaspoon of royal jelly with honey (1:100) 20 minutes before meals.

If the acidity is low, then take 20 grams of calamus, caraway seeds, and wormwood as herbs for the decoction. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 500 ml of hot water and boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Strain, cool and drink 100 ml half an hour before meals. At the same time consume ½ tsp. royal jelly with honey in a ratio of 1:100 by slow resorption.

Pollen contains a large amount of biologically active substances and has an extensive list of medicinal properties. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is used both in pure form and in a mixture with honey and herbal infusions.

In case of increased acidity, it is necessary to take pollen (½ tsp) simultaneously with an infusion of herbs, which includes St. John's wort, knotweed, plantain, and mint.

If the acidity of gastric juice is reduced, then the herbal mixture includes in equal quantities: calamus, centaury, wormwood. The finished drink is taken with ½ tsp. pollen.

Important! Honey can cause a severe allergic reaction. If you experience dizziness, swelling, hoarseness, or difficulty breathing, call a doctor immediately!


The use of bee bread should be avoided in cases of development of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity reaction to the product, in the acute phase of infectious diseases, as well as in cases of cancer without a doctor’s recommendation.

High blood pressure, instability of the nervous system, bleeding disorders and sleep disorders are conditions in which the use of the product should be done with great caution.

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Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional digestive disorder characterized by changes in intestinal motility, abdominal pain and other unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms.

At the moment, there are no diagnostic procedures that could clearly confirm that a person suffers from this disease. Therefore, the diagnosis is made mainly on the basis of the clinical picture and patient complaints. And also based on the findings of the examination, which proves that there are no other pathologies of the digestive system.

The main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are as follows.

  • Changes in the intensity of intestinal motility, leading to constipation and/or diarrhea. Constipation and diarrhea can constantly change each other. Or one of the variants of bowel dysfunction may predominate.
  • Changes in the appearance of stool. Mucus is often found. The consistency becomes loose. Liquid stool appears.
  • Bloating, increased gas production.
  • Belching.
  • Abdominal pain, often spasmodic in nature. In women, pain may resemble menstrual pain.
  • Nausea, heartburn or acid reflux.
  • Feeling full after eating, even after a light meal, loss of appetite.

The listed signs of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract can occur in all people from time to time. To be diagnosed with IBS, these symptoms must torment a person with enviable regularity - at least three days every month. Usually much more often.

However, patients with irritable bowel syndrome also experience other physical manifestations of anxiety disorder. This:

  • sleep problems;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • headache;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • muscle pain;
  • rapid heartbeat, extrasystoles, heaviness in the chest;
  • frequent urination, etc.

Many patients often clearly feel that they are anxious and/or depressed. But some stubbornly deny this even when their not the best mental status is clearly visible to others.

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