Cooking and eating the right soups for gastritis

If gastritis is diagnosed, the main condition for treatment is adherence to a strict diet. The gastroenterologist recommends that the patient exclude spicy and salty foods from the daily diet and not drink alcohol. If a person suffering from gastritis follows the recommendations, he will restore his health and return to a full life.

A gentle diet includes substances necessary for the body in an easily digestible form. Food should not irritate the gastric mucosa. In the acute period of gastritis and peptic ulcers, it is better to refrain from eating mushrooms, since the product is characterized by coarse fiber and is not used in dietary nutrition.

Useful properties of mushrooms

For a healthy person, mushrooms are healthy and nutritious. They contain a number of amino acids and proteins.

  1. The energy value of mushrooms is high: they are slowly absorbed by the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  2. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and organic acids. The phosphoric acid contained in the product has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    Healthy mushrooms

Ban on eating: categorical or not?

Treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) includes taking prescribed medications and a strict diet. For a healthy body, mushrooms are healthy and nutritious, as they are a balanced product: low in calories, but at the same time cope with the feeling of hunger.

They contain:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins.

For your information! Due to slow digestibility, the product leaves you feeling full for a long time.

Negative features of the impact

Gastritis and eating mushrooms are incompatible. The inflamed gastric mucosa becomes very susceptible to rough food. This is most clearly manifested during periods of exacerbations and with erosive gastritis.

Dishes prepared with mushroom components are difficult to digest even for a healthy body. When they are eaten, the production of gastric juice increases. It irritates the gastric mucosa and stimulates the development of exacerbation.

Another factor that makes eating mushrooms undesirable for a person with a stomach ulcer, gastritis or pancreatitis is the chitin contained in the product. This substance is not only not absorbed by the body itself, but also delays the process of digesting food.

For your information! During growth, mushrooms absorb and accumulate not only useful, but also toxic and radioactive substances. When serving them, you need to be sure that they were grown in an ecologically clean area.

In what form is the product acceptable for consumption?

A patient who has been able to remain in remission for a long time is allowed to diversify his diet by introducing mushroom dishes into it. Among the acceptable recipes, broth can be noted.

For gastritis with high acidity, even weak broth should be consumed with caution. If you feel heaviness in the stomach after eating, you need to take the drug Creon, Festal or Pancreatin, which have the ability to facilitate the digestion of food.

When preparing mushroom soup, it is important to remember that the broth should not be strong, otherwise the condition may worsen. The mushrooms themselves cannot be eaten in the soup; they must be removed after cooking.

The use of mushroom decoction is recommended for low acidity, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice. Despite this, in case of exacerbation, soup is prohibited.

Mushrooms for gastritis

With gastritis, the gastric mucosa is sensitive to rough foods. A necessary condition for treatment is adherence to a strict diet, especially in an acute period. Mushroom dishes are classified as heavy and are difficult for the stomach to digest. Eating mushrooms for gastritis is not recommended because:

  1. The fiber in them is coarse: it takes time to digest. The secretion of gastric juice increases, which affects the mucous membrane. Exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer is provoked.
  2. Mushrooms are rich in chitin. The protein component is difficult for the body to digest and interferes with the absorption of organic and mineral substances. If you consume the product with a sick stomach, the body will not absorb amino acids and vitamins.

  3. Mushrooms have absorbent activity and absorb toxins and radioactive substances from the environment. Eating mushrooms collected in polluted places is harmful even for a healthy person.

Advice from a gastroenterologist

If the patient does not currently have signs of stomach disease and the pathology is in the “sleep” stage, then the question of whether it is possible to eat mushrooms with gastritis should not bother him. Mushrooms can also be consumed if you have gastritis with low acidity, provided you follow all the rules for preparing these dishes and the amount of food consumed.

Expert recommendations:

  1. Pick your own mushrooms. When buying a product from strangers, you have no idea where the crop was harvested. Perhaps in an unfavorable area, in the city, along the roads. Such a product, even with proper preparation, will bring disaster to your body as a whole.
  2. Choose young mushrooms; they are easier to digest by the stomach, without putting extra stress on the body. And the taste component of small mushrooms is higher than that of large ones.
  3. Omit spices when preparing broth. Firstly, it will spoil the taste of the soup, and secondly, seasonings are the worst enemies for a sore stomach.
  4. Some time before eating, drink a drug containing an enzyme for better efficiency of gastrointestinal peristalsis.
  5. Do not exceed the permissible limit of prohibited products in case of pathology.
  6. Eliminate alcohol, salty and spicy foods from your menu.

By adhering to the treatment and diet prescribed by the gastroenterologist, the sick person, after a certain time, will be able to return to a full-fledged lifestyle. Take care of your health, and remember that any product consumed in large quantities can have a detrimental effect on your body. A balanced diet is the key to health.


If you like mushroom dishes, but suffer from chronic gastritis, a compromise solution is possible in the subacute period of the disease.

Mushroom broth

If the disease is in remission, then a weak mushroom broth is acceptable. The mushrooms are removed after cooking.

Fried mushrooms

Eating fried mushrooms is contraindicated at any stage of gastritis. There is a high risk of causing an exacerbation.

Special Recommendations

Before enjoying the broth, it is recommended to take a drug for stomach pain (Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Gastal) or enzymes (Pancreatin, Mezim) in order to improve digestion and prevent pain. Medicines should be taken half an hour before meals.

Useful video

You can learn about the benefits of champignons in this video.

Mushroom broth from champignons with meatballs


  • 150 gr. champignons;
  • 3 onions;
  • 200 gr. turkeys;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 30 gr. of bread;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Boil the champignons for 30 minutes and remove them from the broth. Add chopped carrots, 2 finely chopped onions, and salt to the broth. Put on fire for 20 minutes.

Pass the turkey with bread and onions through a meat grinder, add a little salt. Form meatballs and place them in the broth, boil for another 10 minutes.

Add butter, herbs and an egg cut in half to the finished dish.

When preparing broths, be sure to remove the mushrooms after cooking. Even a small mushroom can cause heaviness and pain in the stomach.

Mushroom soup for gastritis

The decision to consume the dish depends on the method of preparation and the patient’s condition.

  1. You will have to stop eating mushrooms. They need to be removed after cooking.
  2. The broth should not be strong: in a saturated form, it increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, which provokes a worsening of the condition.

  3. Eating mushroom soup is allowed for gastritis with low acidity: in case of disease, stimulating the secretory activity of the stomach is useful. If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, mushroom broth is consumed with caution. It is better to wait for remission of the disease, when the stomach is in satisfactory condition. It is prohibited to consume mushroom soup during the acute period!

Is there an alternative?

Nature has endowed mushrooms with valuable vitamins, microelements and excellent taste. The proteins that make up this product are very important for the proper functioning of the entire body.

For gastritis, they are not recommended; the technology of preparing the dish and knowledge of the exact diagnosis are important here. Mushroom decoctions can be consumed by people with gastritis, with low stomach acidity.

Mushroom broth with buckwheat


  • 100 gr. fresh porcini mushrooms (20 grams dried);
  • 100 gr. buckwheat;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Wash fresh mushrooms and boil over low heat for 40 minutes.
If the recipe contains a dried product, then it must first be soaked in water for a couple of hours. Boil the mushrooms in the same water for about an hour until they become soft. Remove mushrooms from the broth, add salt to taste and buckwheat to the broth. Cook for another 20 minutes, add greens at the end.

Boiled mushrooms can be used to prepare a separate dish for people who do not suffer from this pathology.

The effect of mushrooms on a sore stomach

With gastritis, avoid heavy, fatty and coarse foods and do not eat salty, sour and spicy foods.

The effect of mushrooms on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract:

  1. For a healthy stomach, digesting mushrooms is a burden. The process requires time and high secretory activity of the gastric glands. What can we say about the digestive tract affected by the inflammatory process. Increased secretion during gastritis with high acidity is unacceptable, so mushrooms are excluded from the diet.

    Human gastric mucosa

  2. Mushrooms have absorbent activity: they absorb toxic substances and radioactive elements found in soil, water and air. The body of a patient with gastritis is weakened and more susceptible to the harmful effects of toxic elements.
  3. Mushrooms are an intermediate link between the plant and animal worlds. They contain a lot of solid protein substance - chitin, which is present in the tissues of insects and animals. Chitin in the human body is not broken down, is not absorbed and can damage the diseased mucosa.
  4. Chitin is an allergen, so mushrooms often cause allergic reactions in people.

If you can't resist and your stomach hurts

It is difficult to follow a therapeutic diet until its violation provokes a painful attack.
The feeling is not pleasant and requires medical attention and the correct actions of the patient. However, such an attack is a motivation for following the nutritional rules for gastritis. After the pain is relieved, a person no longer has the desire to eat heavy food.

So, if you couldn’t resist eating mushrooms and are experiencing stomach pain, you need to:

  • First of all, consult a doctor. Even if you are absolutely sure that the mushrooms were of high quality and cooked correctly, it is not worth the risk. It is not always possible to cope with exacerbation of the pain syndrome at home, and the patient is hospitalized.
  • Rinse the stomach.
  • To relieve pain and heartburn, you can take an antacid - Almagel, Hefal. The doctor will prescribe further drug treatment.
  • Drink more warm non-carbonated liquid - green tea, water.
  • Follow a strict diet - eat little and often. Use only approved products.

Microscopic mushrooms

In addition to the forest gifts of nature, which are collected in their natural habitat or grown on farms, there are mushrooms that live in drinks:

  • tea;
  • dairy;
  • rice

These drinks have a large number of useful substances, have a rich composition, tone and give strength.


This drink has a rich history and is popular in home preparation. You should start preparing a healing solution by purchasing a fragment of kombucha.

For gastritis with high acidity, the drink is flavored with honey before drinking; for low acidity, you can drink it in its pure form. This remedy gently restores the level of flora in the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the risk of inflammation and heals the body as a whole.


Externally, this type of mushroom looks like grains of rice. To prepare the drink, clean, unboiled water is used, in which fermentation occurs. After fermentation, the drink is filtered. A single dose is one glass, which is drunk an hour before meals three times a day.

Therapy is carried out without interruption for several weeks to obtain a sustainable result.


A milk-based drink is prepared with the addition of fungi and lactic acid bacteria, which lead to ripening. Microorganisms that promote ripening break down protein and milk sugar. This produces a healing solution that is indicated even for gastrointestinal diseases, but only during remission.

Upon completion of the souring process, the drink is filtered. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach, but only during periods when there are no exacerbations.

No matter how strong the love for mushroom-based dishes may be, experts advise sticking to a diet and following the recommendations of your doctor. Mushrooms for gastritis are an undesirable food that should be eliminated from your menu. In this case, the harm from mushrooms is much greater than the benefit. The only exception is soup.

We recommend: Does psychosomatics affect the stomach? - psychological causes of gastritis

Features of application

The variety of mushrooms themselves and the ways of eating them allows you to adapt to the restrictions that gastritis imposes. Depending on how well the patient feels, a decision is made whether mushroom dishes can be eaten or not.

If the patient plans to eat them, then before eating they should take an enzyme preparation to facilitate the digestion of food by the stomach.

Among the features of consuming the food product are the following:

  • Marinated dishes are prohibited for consumption and are especially dangerous for patients with gastritis, since a large amount of spices can cause an aggravation;
  • in the chronic form of the disease, it is possible to consume no more than 200 g per day;
  • preference should be given to small young mushrooms, which tend to be more easily absorbed by the body;
  • porcini mushrooms and champignons can be used for soups;
  • It is not recommended to use spices when preparing broth; only herbs and salt are acceptable;
  • Regardless of how you feel, patients with gastritis are prohibited from eating fried mushrooms, which can be harmful and lead to severe aggravation;
  • The consumption of such a difficult-to-digest product should be accompanied by a side dish for better absorption.

Oyster mushrooms, which are popular, can be used in an unusual form: for gastritis, they drink the juice squeezed from the mushrooms. This should be done three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, take a tablespoon.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis, may include: heartburn, abdominal pain, upset stool, bad breath, belching. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and select a diet that includes foods that do not irritate the stomach.

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