Activated carbon for gastritis - is it possible and how to take it?

Activated charcoal for abdominal pain

Activated carbon is one of the adsorbents that are used to treat food poisoning and accelerate the removal of toxins and their breakdown products from the body. The drug is available in the form of tablets and powder.

Activated carbon is one of the adsorbents that are used to treat food poisoning, accelerate the removal of toxins and their breakdown products from the body

The product is of natural origin; it is made from charcoal, coke coal or peat by heating the substance without access to air.

Due to its pharmacological properties, activated carbon for gastritis helps remove poisons, waste, toxins, and pathogenic microorganisms from the human body. The main pharmacological properties of the drug: detoxification of the body, restoration of normal stool, cleansing the stomach of poisons, toxins and other toxic substances.

Despite the fact that many consider charcoal to be a completely harmless natural preparation, it must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions. Exceeding the recommended amount of medication may cause side effects. Activated carbon is recommended to be taken only separately, as an independent drug. This is due to the fact that it can neutralize the effect of other medications. After taking activated carbon, you should wait at least 5-6 hours.

Is it possible to take activated charcoal for gastritis?

When taking activated carbon for gastritis, you should strictly control the dosage and other aspects, since in some cases with this disease the sorbent can harm the body. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the indications for the use of the drug for gastritis.

The sorbent is made from charcoal or peat, therefore it is a natural product. Once inside the body, it absorbs harmful substances and poisons that cause intestinal disorders. In this case, the drug does not penetrate the circulatory system.

Activated carbon is recommended to be taken in powder form for the treatment of acute gastritis. However, you can also use the product in tablet form. Before this they need to be crushed. To do this, dilute 10 g of sorbent per 1 liter of boiled water and mix well.

When taking activated charcoal for gastritis, you should strictly control the dosage so as not to harm the body.

Take the drug until relief occurs. If the disease is accompanied by vomiting, then after cleansing the stomach with a sorbent, it is recommended to give an enema.

To consolidate the result, activated carbon is taken for a few more days. They follow this scheme: use 3-4 tablets of the product for half a liter of water. This method will avoid the development of the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic.

Before treating chronic gastritis with activated carbon, it is necessary to undergo additional research in a medical institution in order to determine what type of chronic gastritis is present - with low or high acidity.

It is prohibited to treat gastritis with low acidity with activated carbon, as this can lead to serious consequences. The sorbent reduces the level of acidity in the stomach, and with this type of disease there is a lack of acidity. As a result, the patient's condition will only worsen. The disease requires constant monitoring by the attending physician.

The formation of an increased level of acidity leads to disruption of digestive functions. Activated carbon is capable of eliminating excess acid when it enters the stomach, absorbing all toxic substances. For treatment, both powder and tablets are used, which are taken 2-4 three times a day. This regimen is most optimal for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity.


Activated carbon should not be taken if a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane develops in any part of the digestive tract: if the pain in acute gastritis is caused by the presence of erosions, the medication is contraindicated. After taking the medicine, the patient's stool turns black, and the stool will become similar if there is gastrointestinal bleeding. It is impossible to differentiate the pathology from a simple change in color; if there is bleeding, time will be lost to provide assistance.

The use of the drug in patients with a history of gastric or duodenal ulcers is also contraindicated.

The use of any medicine must be taken responsibly! The doctor will tell you about the need to use the medication. If you develop discomfort or pain in the stomach area, you should definitely visit a doctor, who will recommend examinations to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

If gastritis is treated in a timely manner, exacerbation of the disease and its serious consequences can be avoided.

There are a very large number of drugs in the world to treat the inflammatory process in the stomach.

How does charcoal work for gastritis? It is necessary to determine whether all types of gastritis can be cured with this drug.

Chronic gastritis develops due to non-compliance with nutritional rules, untimely treatment, overdose of medications and frequent stress.

The level of acidity can be different: normal, high and low.

Activated carbon can be used to remove unnecessary toxins and poisons from the body that appear during illness. It is considered the most popular treatment.

Activated carbon for gastritis

Activated carbon is the main assistant for any problems with the digestive and excretory systems. This medicine, which was created by nature itself, has the unique property of absorbing and removing toxins and harmful substances from the body. But they negatively affect his work. That is why activated carbon is the first medicine that should be in every first aid kit.

In a large number of cases, gastritis is accompanied by copious secretion of gastric juice. In this regard, the walls of the stomach become irritated, and these unpleasant sensations are always accompanied by nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. In such a situation, activated carbon is able to: reduce the secretion of gastric juice by absorbing excess active substances like a sponge; rid the digestive organs of harmful microorganisms; soothe irritated stomach walls.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor about the duration of treatment and the permitted number of charcoal tablets.

Activated carbon is the main assistant for any problems with the digestive and excretory systems

To treat chronic gastritis during outbreaks of exacerbation, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. And a natural adsorbent is the best assistant for this. In a liter of warm water, you need to dilute 10 grams of charcoal powder - this is about forty crushed tablets.

The patient must drink the solution in a maximum of three stages. Along with vomiting, all the toxins that caused the unpleasant condition will leave the body. You can continue to take activated charcoal throughout your illness, but no more than two weeks. The tablet is dissolved in the required amount of water and drunk several hours before meals. You can consume up to four tablets of activated carbon per day.

If, in the chronic form of gastritis, the patient has reduced gastric secrecy, consuming activated charcoal in such cases is highly not recommended. Due to its adsorbent properties, this medication can simply absorb the remnants of an already insufficient substance in the body, thereby causing discomfort to the person.

Also, activated carbon for gastritis is contraindicated for those who have erosions and ulcers on the walls of the stomach. Although activated charcoal itself cannot harm tissue, it will have a negative effect on gastric wounds. In addition, they may turn black. Therefore, you should discuss this with your doctor before use. If you experience any negative sensations, you should immediately stop taking the pills.

Traditional medicine recipes

What to do in cases when you do not want to take pharmaceutical drugs, but feel pain in the stomach? Treatment with folk remedies for pain has not been canceled; some recipes are effective and efficient. However, you should know that they are unlikely to help in a difficult health situation. Basically, such remedies only eliminate the external symptoms of the disease. Below are the most popular recipes that are used to minimize discomfort:

  • A glass of fresh cabbage juice with the addition of a tablespoon of honey will help if you suspect a peptic ulcer.
  • A glass of potato juice with a tablespoon of honey will help with heartburn and high acidity.
  • Dandelions crushed to a homogeneous state with sugar, diluted in warm water, prevent various gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Thirty drops of alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort helps relieve pain in the stomach.
  • Four tablespoons of warm olive oil will help relieve pain not only for adults, but also for children.

Now you know what to take for stomach pain even in the absence of medications. However, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the remedies presented above may be significantly lower than special medications.

Activated carbon for acute and chronic forms of gastritis

Activated carbon for gastritis cannot be used by all patients. It should not be taken by people suffering from gastritis with low acidity. Patients with gastritis with high acidity can take this adsorbent. But to prevent negative consequences, you need to find out how to do this correctly and which adsorbent is suitable for treatment.

Activated carbon for acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. To eliminate these symptoms, the doctor usually prescribes activated charcoal for patients. It is necessary in order to flush the stomach and remove toxins and poisons from the body. With this form of the disease, take this medication by boiling water and letting it cool slightly. When the water becomes warm, add 10 g of charcoal powder per 1 liter.

Activated carbon for gastritis cannot be used by all patients; it should not be taken by people suffering from gastritis with low acidity

To wash the stomach, you can drink this solution 3 times. The maximum permissible dose of the medicine is 30 g. Patients with this form of gastritis are recommended to use powdered charcoal. If you use the drug in tablets of 0.5 or 0.25 g, you must first crush them. The tablets are easily ground into powder. But you can also use a coffee grinder or blender for these purposes.

Activated carbon for chronic gastritis

With this form of the disease with high acidity, activated carbon is most often prescribed to patients. In this case, this remedy is necessary to remove excess gastric juice from the body. Taking activated charcoal for a long time is strictly not recommended, as it can lead to even more health problems.

For chronic gastritis, take 2-4 tablets 3 to 4 times a day. If the patient is prescribed other medications, it is important to know that due to the adsorbing properties of charcoal, it can only be consumed 2 hours after taking the main medications. Another option is two hours before taking other pills. Otherwise, charcoal will remove the components included in the medications from the body, negating the effectiveness of the treatment.



  • poisoning of any type;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergy;
  • chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

For diarrhea, the sorbent acts like a brush, passing throughout the gastrointestinal tract without irritating the mucous membrane. The porous structure of the drug allows molecules of harmful substances to attach to itself and remove them. Its maximum validity period is 10 hours. The remainder is displayed unchanged.

Rules of use:

It is worth taking an aqueous suspension: 50 g of crushed coal in 150 ml of warm water; after some time you need to repeat the dose; coal reduces the effect of many drugs due to its high adsorption capacity; To prevent dehydration, tablets are washed down with a large volume of water; if the cause of diarrhea is a chronic pathology, allergy, toxic infection, it is important to apply complex treatment.

Activated charcoal will relieve pain due to gastritis of the stomach

Do I need to take activated charcoal for gastritis? The answer to this question depends on various circumstances, including the type of disease. In order to remove the toxic substance from the stomach that caused the pathology, you can drink activated charcoal for gastritis.

In order not to harm the gastric mucosa, where the inflammatory process is taking place, the medicine should be ground into powder and dissolved in water. After this, the stomach is washed several times with a solution in which the ratio will be observed: 10 grams of sorbent per liter of water. The amount of water should be high, because then the medicine can fully perform its function and collect toxins.

After the vomiting has stopped, activated charcoal should be taken once (20-30 g of the medicine should be dissolved in water) and after that it is recommended to take four tablets four times a day to cleanse the intestines of toxic substances.

If there is no stomach ulcer in the patient’s medical history, then taking activated charcoal is allowed only taking into account the amount of gastric juice and acidity

If the patient’s medical history does not have a stomach ulcer, then taking activated charcoal is allowed only taking into account the amount of gastric juice and acidity. If the medicine is used by a patient who has gastritis with increased secretion, the condition will noticeably improve, since the sorbent will remove excess stomach contents that irritate its walls. It is taken as follows: four tablets dissolved in water four times a day. In this case, you need to take into account the time of taking other medications and take breaks.

Taking charcoal when diagnosing gastritis with reduced secretion will only aggravate the situation, since such patients have poor digestion of food, and the medicine will collect enzymes, gastric juice and mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach.

Activated carbon is a strong sorbent, and its long-term uncontrolled use also removes useful substances. It should be taken with caution in case of heart disease, as poor absorption of calcium and potassium disrupts the balance of electrolytes and leads to aggravation of the condition.

It is not recommended to drink the drug immediately before meals, which helps to eliminate problems associated with impaired absorption of nutrients. You need to take activated charcoal for gastritis one to two hours before meals. The course should be short - no more than two weeks. Then you should take a break and repeat the dose after fourteen days, but only as prescribed by your doctor.

If there are signs of intestinal atony, there is no need to use activated charcoal, as diarrhea or constipation may be caused. Pregnant women can take the drug, but caution must be exercised. If you are prone to constipation, the sorbent may worsen the condition. If the intake is long, you need to accompany it with plenty of drink, since at this time the liquid is actively absorbed. If this recommendation is not followed, dehydration may occur.

How to take charcoal correctly for gastritis

Any dose of this drug is taken separately from all drugs, otherwise it neutralizes the effect of their active components. You need to consume it and wait 2 hours. Only then can you take another medicine. The rule of intervals also applies to food. Otherwise, all the beneficial substances will not be absorbed by the body, but will be excreted along with the drug.

The doctor selects an individual treatment regimen. According to the instructions, to correct dyspepsia, loose stools and bloating, take 2-4 tablets (capsules) of charcoal 4 times a day. Course duration is 7–10 days. It is recommended not to swallow the tablets whole, but to turn them into powder or chew them. This way they better demonstrate their adsorbing properties.

This remedy inhibits gastric secretion, which is why it is not suitable for use with reduced hydrochloric acid production. In addition to anacid gastritis, the presence of a hemorrhagic form of the disease is a contraindication.

Any dose of this drug is taken separately from all drugs, otherwise it neutralizes the effect of their active components

Within reasonable limits, the drug is not prohibited for treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

As an emergency aid, it will be relevant in case of exacerbation of gastritis in a woman who has given birth or is carrying a child. But you should not neglect consulting a doctor. Among the side effects, the instructions note possible changes in stool, diarrhea and constipation. As mentioned above, it is unsafe to use this drug for a long time without control. It can impair the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

When treating gastritis with activated carbon, in order to avoid negative consequences, the following rules and recommendations must be followed:

  • It is not recommended to take the product for more than 14 days, as this can lead to the leaching of all beneficial substances from the body;
  • The duration of therapy is usually no more than 7 days, then take a break;
  • It is forbidden to drink activated carbon for gastritis as a preventive measure;
  • the dose of the product is calculated based on the person’s weight - 1 tablet per 10 kg;
  • During therapy, take 3-4 tablets at a time.

If unpleasant or painful sensations occur, you should stop taking the sorbent and consult a doctor.

Possible complications

During treatment of gastritis with activated charcoal, adverse reactions may occur. The main reason for their development is incorrect dosage or individual intolerance to the drug.

Also, the drug is not prescribed if the following pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are present:

  • intestinal atony;
  • bleeding;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hemorrhagic gastritis;
  • erosions in the intestines.

Before taking the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions.

Taking activated carbon for gastritis in children

Gastritis in children is often caused by poisoning and infectious diseases. Clinically, they are manifested by vomiting, and in this case one cannot do without activated carbon. A more convenient form of the drug for a child will be not a tablet, but a paste or powder. The amount of medication is determined by weight and age: approximately 0.05 mg per kilogram of body weight up to three times a day. The sorbent should be taken no more than three days.

It is important to observe the following:

  • before using the medicine, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them;
  • if gastric lavage does not improve the condition, you should immediately call an ambulance;
  • if the rinsing helps, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a pediatrician to assess the child’s condition and prescribe subsequent treatment;
  • if in doubt due to gastric lavage, you need to call your pediatrician home. Since the child’s body quickly reacts to dehydration, you need to carefully monitor its condition and not miss the moment.

Is it possible to drink activated charcoal if you have gastritis? Yes, but depending on the acidity level.


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