Is it possible to eat persimmons with gastritis with low acidity?

Properties of persimmon

Persimmons are a rich source of fruit sugar, consisting mainly of glucose and fructose. Persimmons contain a lot of provitamin A, and some varieties contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition, persimmons contain proteins, tannin, protein, tannins and pectic substances, organic acids, and mineral salts. It contains many antioxidants.

Persimmon is a dietary product recommended for indigestion due to its high pectin content. It is used in folk medicine for stomach diseases. This fruit is good for vision, proper growth and development of the skin and mucous membranes, growth and restoration of bones.

Persimmons are a rich source of fruit sugar consisting mainly of glucose and fructose.

A good, high-quality persimmon fruit should be smooth and fleshy. Its color can range from orange and red to dark brown, and its shape can range from perfectly round and heart-shaped to flattened and almost square. Persimmon fruits ripen in October–December.

Astringent varieties are edible only when they are fully ripe - to a jelly-like state. To soften the taste, it is recommended to freeze it. Of the non-astringent persimmons, the most famous varieties are “Korolek” or “Chocolate Kinglet”. Such persimmons can be eaten even if they are not fully ripe. Persimmons are consumed both fresh and dried.

Benefits of persimmon for the stomach

Fresh persimmons contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, many organic acids and tannins. All components of persimmon have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and support the normal functioning of the body as a whole. Orange fruit is an energetically valuable product. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, increasing appetite.

Fruits are useful to eat for disorders of the digestive system, as they are able to normalize metabolism and remove toxic substances from the body. Pectin gives persimmons an astringent taste, restores proper functioning of the intestines and esophagus, prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids, and stabilizes the food processing process. The berry helps fight diarrhea. It is also able to cope with the consequences of the toxic effects of alcohol, activating the body's defenses.

Composition and nutritional value

Persimmons are superior in minerals and vitamins to grapes, apples and figs. Its composition includes:

  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • iodine,
  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • provitamin A (beta-carotene),
  • routine,
  • ascorbic acid.

The juicy color of the berry is due to the presence of beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Beta-carotene strengthens the eye muscles, increases visual acuity, and prevents the formation of cataracts. It also takes care of the respiratory organs, preventing the development of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Persimmon serves as a preventative against kidney stones.

The magnesium contained in it binds and removes sodium salts. Potassium regulates water-salt balance and relieves swelling. Iodine stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland and accelerates metabolic processes.

Persimmon contains organic acids (malic, citric), tannins, starch, glucose, fructose. The fruit contains no less antioxidants than green tea. Despite its low calorie content, only 60 kcal per 100 g, persimmon satisfies hunger well, leaving a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Fruits rich in fiber improve digestion, normalize intestinal motility, and cleanse the body of toxins . Polysaccharides and monosaccharides support heart function, and vitamins C and P make blood vessels elastic. In dried form, the fruits are used in the treatment of hypertension. Nutritionists recommend including persimmons in the diet for people suffering from varicose veins, tuberculosis, and hemorrhoids . The iron-rich berry relieves anemia.

Persimmon is endowed with bactericidal properties and is effective, including against the causative agent of gastritis. It copes with infections such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli .

Vitamin C contained in persimmons strengthens the immune system and helps overcome seasonal depression . The berry normalizes sleep and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Eating persimmon for gastritis

The berry is considered a storehouse of useful substances. It contains potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Thanks to these elements, persimmons are at the top of the list of alkaline foods. It reduces the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and restores the natural Ph balance. Persimmon can bring both benefit and harm to patients with gastritis (depending on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract).

Patients with chronic gastritis can eat persimmons - without peeling, so as not to irritate the intestinal walls. In acute gastritis, persimmon will harm the stomach. In case of acute gastritis, persimmons will have to be abandoned until complete recovery. It happens that it causes vomiting, cramps and sharp cutting pain in the abdomen in patients.

In the case when the patient gets better, and gastroscopy shows that the gastric mucosa is becoming thicker and restored, doctors talk about the beginning of remission. From now on you can pulp the persimmon. It’s even healthier to bake the berries in the oven. If your erosive form of gastritis has not gone away, then you definitely can’t eat persimmon for now. The tannins included in its composition impair the secretory and motor functions of the intestines and interfere with the healing of erosive wounds.

For gastritis with high acidity, the berry will be useful as an alkaline product and will speed up the healing process. In moderate quantities, the product has a great chance of changing the patient’s condition in a positive direction. For gastritis with low acidity, the berry is considered a neutral product that should be consumed in limited quantities so as not to further reduce the acidity of the stomach.

Rules for using persimmon for gastritis:

  • chronic gastritis: for gastritis, it is recommended to eat persimmon after baking in the oven. Every day it is permissible to eat one or two ripe berries after the main meal, preferably without the skin;
  • aggravated: forget about persimmon for two months after an exacerbation, wait for the period of remission;
  • in remission : eat no more than two ripe berries without skin per day after meals. It is strictly forbidden to eat spoiled or unripe berries;
  • in erosive form: persimmon should not be consumed if you have gastritis in erosive form.

Erosive acute gastritis

For patients suffering from an acute form of erosive gastritis, it is better to temporarily stop eating persimmons. If the patient ignores this advice, the development of the disease will significantly accelerate and there will be a high risk of irreversible consequences. With this type of gastritis, the gastric mucosa is not only inflamed, but also covered with small defects. Substances contained in persimmons cause cramps and sharp cutting pain in the abdomen.

Persimmon is completely contraindicated for stomach ulcers, despite its many positive qualities. This fruit is especially strictly prohibited in the stage of active exacerbation of the pathology. This ban also applies to duodenal ulcers. With this serious illness, you need the most gentle diet possible, consisting of foods with easily digestible fiber and that do not harm the affected mucous membrane. It is permissible to use persimmon for ulcers in the form of jelly. This drink can be included in the daily menu, but only after prior consultation with your doctor.

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Is it possible to eat persimmons with gastritis of the stomach?

There are no strict contraindications to eating berries, but there are some nuances. First, the bright orange fruit contains tannins. In unripe fruits their concentration increases. What is tannin? This is a substance that has astringent properties. On the one hand, it makes persimmon effective against diarrhea. But on the other hand, it increases the load on the stomach. It becomes difficult for the diseased organ to cope with the digestion of food.

For atrophic gastritis, it is recommended to eat persimmon in dry form.

Persimmons will take several hours to digest, and eating several berries at a time may cause discomfort, even stomach pain. Persimmon should not be consumed during exacerbation of gastritis. The disease must be in remission. Doctors believe that persimmon with erosive gastritis will do more harm to the body than good. Eating fruits “hits” the mucous membrane and significantly worsens health. Persimmon becomes an irritant to erosions, and with regular exposure they can develop into full-fledged ulcers.

But what about persimmons for gastritis with high acidity - is it allowed or not? Gastroenterologists around the world advise eating berries when there is high gastric secretion. Because there is practically no acid in persimmons, so it definitely does not irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach. Thiamine regulates normal acid levels and has an antibacterial effect. Even against harmful Helicobacter bacteria, thiamine works like a charm.

Is it possible to use dried persimmons for gastritis?

Contrary to popular stereotypes, after drying the product does not lose its properties. But it can be stored for a long time. Moreover, dried berries contain much more potassium. For atrophic gastritis, it is recommended to eat persimmon in dry form. It has been scientifically proven that dried fruits significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. How to eat dry persimmon?

To avoid unpleasant consequences, adhere to such restrictions. Do not overeat persimmons in dry form - an excess of tannin can also be harmful. Dried fruits often cause intestinal obstruction. Consider this fact if your body is prone to frequent constipation. Dry fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. This will further exacerbate the negative effects of tannin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to eat 1-2 fruits daily.


Despite its undoubted benefits, eating this fruit is not beneficial for everyone.
People suffering from pancreatitis and metabolic disorders should avoid it. The pulp and juice of the plant contain a large amount of sugars and create an increased load. People recovering from gastrointestinal surgery should not eat the fruit. It is rich in substances with a regenerative orientation. Therefore, saturating the body too quickly can activate the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of adhesions.

The berry is not recommended for patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas due to its astringent and tanning properties. They can lead to relapse.

Persimmon for gastritis of the atrophic type of stomach is too difficult to digest.

Persimmon benefits and harm for gastritis

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, not all products are beneficial. When including berries in a patient’s daily diet, you need to ask whether persimmons are allowed for gastritis. Persimmon is saturated with a lot of vitamin substances that support the normal functioning of the body.

People suffering from diseases in the digestive system need to take into account the prolonged digestion of the fruit in the stomach. If you eat a large amount, you will experience stomach pain and discomfort. It is recommended to eat well-ripened fruits with juicy pulp, and choose soft, non-astringent varieties.

Persimmon for gastritis with high acidity

The healthy fruit is recommended for people who have been diagnosed with gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice. Persimmons have a low acid content and do not irritate already inflamed stomach walls. Thiamine, an important component of persimmon, helps create a normal level of acidity in the digestive organ.

It is not recommended to use persimmon for erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers. Eating fruits will negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane affected by the disease and contribute to the deterioration of general health. With the erosive form of gastritis, erosions occur on the epithelial tissue of the stomach, which, under the influence of irritants, turn into ulcers.

For gastritis and pancreatitis, it is better not to eat berries fresh; it is recommended to first freeze them, then defrost them again. Similarly, the astringent effect of persimmon, which negatively affects digestion, is reduced.

Gastritis in remission

Patients are allowed to eat up to 2-3 fruits. Persimmon will prevent the development of the chronic stage of the disease and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it will be an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that enter the stomach. If a person has low acidity, you can eat the fruits in any form.

For fruit lovers, there are recipes for dishes that will have a positive effect on the entire functioning of the digestive system.

How to choose the right one and use persimmon for gastritis

For patients with gastritis and ulcers, it is important to eat fruits containing a minimum of tannins. By what signs can you distinguish ripe berries from unripe ones? First of all, you need to pay attention to the leaves. If they are still green, the fruits have not reached the desired condition. Their taste will be astringent and they contain less vitamins.

Ripe persimmon has a dark orange or brownish tint, the skin is shiny, translucent

On the surface of sweet varieties there is a kind of dark brown cobweb, and there are black marks around the stalk. These berries are heart-shaped or look like a small pumpkin. If there are small dark spots on the fruit, this is normal. You can eat such persimmons without fear. But if the spots are large, then the fruits have already rotted. Eating them can lead to food poisoning, and there will be little benefit from such a berry.

Ripe persimmons have a dark orange or brownish tint. The peel is shiny, translucent. The fruit is elastic and soft to the touch, and the internal contents have a jelly-like consistency.

The most suitable variety for patients with gastritis is “Korolek”. You can distinguish it from others by its dark color and the presence of seeds inside. But! Often sellers under the guise of the Korolek variety sell cheaper varieties of persimmon. Therefore, it is better to buy one fruit for testing and cut it at home.

How to properly use persimmon for gastritis:

  • after an exacerbation of the disease, persimmon is introduced into the diet after 2 months;
  • fruits are peeled, they must be fully ripe, without rot or damage;
  • eat persimmons separately from other foods, but not on an empty stomach;
  • baked fruits in the oven are the best option for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • provide a kind of complementary feeding by eating only 1 tsp. pulp per day;
  • Increase your serving of persimmons regularly.



Benefits in dried form

Dried persimmon has no fewer beneficial properties:

  1. It provides a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cleansing effect;
  2. Eliminate diarrhea and dyspepsia;
  3. Minimizes the likelihood of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract during gastritis;
  4. Appetite improves;
  5. Dried persimmon is also effective for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids;
  6. Eating dried fruits reduces the negative effect of ethanol on the body's structures, since they are able to remove alcohol oxidation products;
  7. Dried persimmon also has anti-cancer properties;
  8. Helps reduce blood pressure, soften vascular channels, and improve blood circulation processes.

As you can see, dried persimmon has many beneficial properties. However, if consumed uncontrolled, it can harm patients with obesity and diabetes.

In general, persimmon is incredibly beneficial for all structures of the body; when consumed correctly, it saturates the body with essential nutrients, microelements, etc.

For uncomplicated gastritis, no more than 2-3 fruits are allowed per day.

Persimmon is a valuable product; in limited quantities it can significantly speed up the recovery of patients with problems with the stomach and intestinal structures. The main thing is to observe moderation and remove the skin when consuming. You should avoid eating persimmons in case of acute gastritis and stomach ulcers, then the fruit will have an extremely beneficial effect.

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