What do people with stomach problems need to know about eating borscht for gastritis?

Gastritis is a disease that affects the organs of the digestive system, namely the mucous surface of the stomach. The main result of this disease is problems with digestion of food, which leads to lack of energy and weakness. The course of the disease can be chronic or acute. Is it possible to eat borscht with gastritis? This article will tell you.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, half of the population of the Russian Federation suffers from this scourge.

Borscht - what kind of dish is this?

Borscht is the main dish of Ukrainian cuisine. The classic recipe for red borscht is in every Ukrainian cookbook . There are many variations of it, which is caused by the territorial characteristics of a particular region. The main composition necessarily contains the following ingredients: carrots, red beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, beans, tomatoes, sunflower oil.

The recipe for classic borscht guarantees the receipt of useful substances and a whole set of vitamins. The value of the dish depends on the vegetables used in preparation.

Sometimes the number of products reaches 12 items, which provide the human body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients:

  • A, C, E, and B vitamins;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium, iodine.

The components of the dish act as a sorbent , gently removing toxins from the human body:

  • heavy metals;
  • radionuclides;
  • pesticides;
  • nitrates and nitrites.

Thanks to the activation of carbohydrate metabolism, the digestive process is improved and the development of type II diabetes mellitus is prevented. Vitamin K helps cleanse the liver.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 49 kcal per 100 g. But the figure depends on the characteristics of preparation, the type of meat broth, and the ingredients of the dish.

In addition to the benefits, such a culinary masterpiece also gives taste pleasures.

Basics of cooking

Broth is the basis of the future soup. To prepare the broth, meat is separated from bones and fat; seasoning with paprika and other hot spices is contraindicated. Adding mushrooms is also not recommended. The broth should be weak, not overexposed. There must be some control over preparation. General preparation requirements:

  • all products must undergo pre-treatment, that is, they must be washed and, if necessary, cleaned;
  • the products need to be grated or finely chopped; they can be processed in a blender into a mushy state;
  • You need to cook vegetables in the prepared broth; you cannot overcook them;
  • To give the dish a denser consistency, you can add flour or chicken protein.
  • strictly use only plant-based oils, exclude animal fats and oils;
  • the addition of vegetables from the pumpkin family and broccoli has a beneficial effect;
  • Mucous soups are especially relevant for gastritis; they contain rolled oatmeal flakes or rice.

Let's look at recipes for dietary soups for gastritis and methods of preparing them. These are very satisfying recipes for puree soup for gastritis.

Soups for gastritis should be present in the diet daily. The broth gently envelops the inflamed walls of the stomach and stimulates the production of gastric secretions.

Diet soup for gastritis is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. The broth should not be rich. It is diluted or drained. The second is even preferable. During cooking, harmful substances contained in meat are released, which negatively affect the stomach. It is better to cook soups in the second or third broth.
  2. The meat is lean. You cannot cook soup on bones. Lean beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey, and low-fat fish are suitable.
  3. You should not overcook vegetables, avoiding loss of vitamins. Apart from satiation, such food does not bring any benefit. Vitamins are necessary to restore the body.
  4. Avoid seasonings and spices.
  5. Frying in soups is not recommended.

Is it allowed to eat borscht if you have gastritis?

Borscht is one of the first dishes that is especially loved by the Slavs. But sometimes it happens that a treat may be prohibited. If a person is experiencing symptoms of gastritis, one should approach the daily menu with caution. Whether you eat borscht or not directly depends on the stage of the disease and symptoms . The cooking recipe requires special attention. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of preparing a dish, you can cause irreparable harm to a person who suffers from inflammatory processes in the stomach.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

If you have gastritis, you don’t have to give up Ukrainian borscht, but you need to make changes to the composition and cooking process. White cabbage is not recommended if a person has gastritis, so it is wise to replace it with Chinese cabbage leaves.

If you have a disease of the gastric mucosa, you should properly prepare the main component of vegetable soup - broth. It is often cooked from fatty pork. But with gastritis, such a component can significantly worsen the patient's condition .
It is better to give preference to beef or chicken. Thus, it will be possible to make the dish dietary and healthy for the body.

How to cook?

The recipe for lean (vegetarian) borscht is quite simple:

  1. Add 130 g of shredded cabbage, Chinese or cauliflower, to boiling water.
  2. After 10 minutes, add 200 g of finely chopped potatoes, 30 g of carrots in strips, a little parsley for taste and 150 g of beets stewed in advance.
  3. After 15 minutes, add 60 g of tomatoes and 10 g of sautéed flour.
  4. Cook until done.
  5. Before serving, decorate the dish with herb leaves (optional).

Recipe for meat version of borscht:

  1. Pour 250-300 g of chicken or turkey with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Drain the resulting broth, add new water, a whole onion and carrot strips.
  3. After boiling, discard the onion, add grated beets and diced potatoes.
  4. Cook until done.
  5. At the end, add chopped tomatoes, herbs and a pinch of salt.

Without adding cabbage, vegetable borscht is prepared as quickly as possible. For 5 minutes you need to cook finely chopped potatoes over high heat. At the same time, simmer vegetables: soften carrots, cut into strips, in a small amount of water, then add pre-boiled beets and peeled tomatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes and mix with potatoes. After 7 minutes, cool the finished dish and decorate with low-fat cream.

Gastritis is a disease that affects the organs of the digestive system, namely the mucous surface of the stomach. The main result of this disease is problems with digestion of food, which leads to lack of energy and weakness. The course of the disease can be chronic or acute. Is it possible to eat borscht with gastritis? This article will tell you.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, half of the population of the Russian Federation suffers from this scourge.

Restrictions for various types of gastritis

Avoid hot spices to minimize inflammation of the mucous membranes. Parsley and dill will add flavor.

The taste of borscht will not be so spicy and unusual, but it will definitely not worsen the condition of a person suffering from gastritis.

With increased acidity

The level of hydrochloric acid creates comfortable conditions for food processing. An increased level of HCL has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane and provokes heartburn. It is recommended to create a menu that contains products that help normalize acidity levels. It is necessary to exclude the following ingredients: spicy, sour, pickled foods, fatty and smoked foods, strong drinks, alcohol.

Borscht contains white cabbage, which is unacceptable for this diagnosis. It should be replaced with similar products. You should not season the dish with sour cream. It is also better to cook borscht in vegetable broth and without frying.

At low

What to do if you suffer from low acidity? Borscht is suitable as a first course. But it is necessary to prepare it in such a way that the vegetable soup becomes easily digestible and brings not only excellent taste, but also health benefits. To do this, when preparing meat broth, you need to drain the water after the first boil and fill the meat with clean water , which will be used to prepare dietary borscht.

Give preference to stewed and steamed dishes. This method of cooking will minimize the aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa.

For ulcers

Since borscht is prepared on the basis of broths and also contains products such as white cabbage and tomatoes, it should be avoided completely, especially during an exacerbation of the disease. This rule applies to classic borscht during the period of remission. But you can pamper yourself with dietary dishes in this category during a calm course of the disease.

It is also necessary to exclude hot spices.

You should also avoid classic Ukrainian borscht in case of other diseases that accompany gastritis, for example, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

If you are wondering how to replace borscht, pay attention to creamy vegetable soups, which are made from stewed vegetables.

What is possible and what is not?

For gastritis with high acidity, it is worth removing white cabbage, garlic, bell pepper and hot spices from borscht, since these products stimulate the production of hydrogen chloride. To preserve the taste of the dish, parsley or dill is used; if the level of acid in the gastric juice is low, sorrel or nettle is used. The broth should be lean, ideally prepared only with vegetables: vegetable broth helps restore the mucous membrane, removes toxins and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In rare cases, chicken or turkey is added in small quantities. This dietary borscht is somewhat reminiscent of cabbage soup. However, due to the lack of seasonings, the taste of the dish is sweet, which makes it original in its own way.

In addition to lean borscht, there are many types of beetroot, however, not all are suitable for different types of gastritis. Before you start cooking, it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the selection of ingredients and the method of processing certain components.

The preparation of a Lenten borscht recipe has a number of features:

  • If meat is used, then it is advisable to drain the first broth. After the water boils again, the remaining ingredients are added.
  • Vegetables for sautéing should be stewed rather than fried, starting with carrots.
  • It is advisable to cut the components into strips - this way they will cook faster.

Useful folk recipes

We have prepared 2 incredibly delicious borscht recipes for you, we hope you will like them.

On our website: Apples for gastritis - is it possible or not?

No. 1 Vegetable dietary borscht

Products for cooking:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 300 g cabbage (preferably Chinese cabbage);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 onion;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l. or made from stewed tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 g vegetable oil;
  • 2 g citric acid (can be replaced with lemon juice);
  • 5–7 g sugar.
  • spices to taste.

Cooking steps

  • Peel the vegetables and wash under running water. The potatoes should be cut into small cubes, the onion should be chopped with a knife, the carrots and beets should be grated. The cabbage needs to be chopped.
  • Place potatoes in boiling water. After the liquid boils for a few more minutes, add cabbage and spices (pepper and bay).
  • Prepare the borscht dressing: simmer onions and other vegetables except cabbage in a frying pan. The finished frying should be simmered in a frying pan with a small amount of water. And only then add it to the pan.
  • Add cabbage to the broth, and also add the remaining ingredients: butter, tomato paste, sugar, lemon juice.
  • Let the borscht boil again and you can turn off the heat. The products must be infused. Then the taste and aroma will be more intense.

On our website: The benefits of pumpkin for gastritis of the stomach

Criteria for proper nutrition

Poor nutrition leads to stomach ulcers and complications. Follow a diet, replace your morning coffee with a bowl of porridge, and your lunch scrambled eggs or sandwich with natural juice.

The principle of proper diet construction

Fractional meals are popular - eating five times a day. This regimen will help avoid complications and stomach ulcers. Wait 2-3 hours between meals. Don't indulge in late-night snacking. Avoid sandwiches and drinking cold water and beer. Avoid fatty and fried foods.

When a person is on the road to recovery, the question arises about eating borscht. The advantage of the mentioned soup is the satiety of the product. Disadvantage: borscht is greasy. Eating such a high-calorie dish loads the stomach.

Soup for gastritis is often prepared from poultry meat. It is recommended to drink the broth warm, not hot, with a small amount of stale bread. Fresh flour products irritate the stomach. It is recommended to keep the loaf in the bag for a day or two, achieving relative rigidity. Stale bread has similar properties as bread: less margarine and yeast, more benefits.

A sick stomach accepts food prepared in liquid or puree form. Therefore, variations have been created for patients with gastritis: lean cabbage soup, milk soups, porridge with milk, liquid stews.

Not every product prepared in puree form is healthy: garlic and spicy foods are contraindicated.

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