In case of chronic gastritis, exclude from the diet

Gastritis is a disease that occurs in all age groups of the population. The disease has many predisposing factors, in particular:
  • metabolic disorders;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • frequent stress;
  • taking certain medications.

Women often experience manifestations of gastritis during pregnancy, when the stomach is pinched by the growing uterus and food digestion processes are disrupted. Diet during exacerbation of gastritis is one of the most important components of treatment, especially when a woman is expecting a child, and she is prohibited from taking many medications.

Table of contents

  • The importance of diet for gastritis
  • How to eat properly Nutrition for gastritis during an exacerbation
  • What diet for exacerbation
  • Foods and dishes during an exacerbation
      What can you eat
  • Prohibited Products
  • Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity
  • Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity
  • Diet for combined pathology
      Gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Nutrition for gastritis and pancreatitis
  • Diet for gastritis and cholecystitis in the acute stage
  • Menu for the week
  • Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity (menu for a week)
  • Recipes for diet for chronic gastritis
      Milk noodles
  • Rice porridge with raisins
  • Omelette
  • Chicken soup
  • General rules

    In the complex therapy of chronic gastritis of the stomach, diet is an integral and most important part of the treatment.
    For chronic gastritis, the diet is prescribed taking into account a number of factors - the type of gastritis (chronic superficial or atrophic), the form of the disease (remission stage, exacerbation), the patient’s condition, test data on the level of acidity of gastric juice (hyper/hypoacid gastritis). The diet for chronic gastritis of the stomach with high (normal) acidity in the stage of remission or minor exacerbation is based on the treatment Table No. 1 according to Pevzner. In case of low acidity (outside the period of exacerbation), the basic diet is treatment Table No. 2 , and in the stage of stable recovery, the patient is transferred to general Table No. 15 .

    Nutrition for chronic gastritis is based on a number of general principles, the main of which are:

    • Providing the patient’s body with physiologically adequate nutrition.
    • Elimination of factors of mechanical, thermal and chemical irritation of the gastric mucosa.
    • Reducing inflammation.
    • Normalization of secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The importance of diet for gastritis in the acute stage

    Sometimes the disease is acute and, having “visited” a person once, never returns. But more often gastritis becomes chronic. Then episodes of exacerbation occur from time to time, at moments when, for one reason or another, the inflammatory process is activated. You have to undergo a second course of treatment.

    Nutrition for gastritis during an exacerbation is of great importance. Medicines alone will not help the matter: the mucous membrane, in conditions of active inflammation and non-compliance with dietary recommendations, will again become damaged. Treatment without diet is ineffective. Now it is necessary to minimize all factors that will irritate the mucous membrane

    Symptoms of an exacerbation include:

    • pain in the stomach;
    • heaviness in the epigastrium;
    • heartburn;
    • burping;
    • periodic nausea.

    Of course, not all of them will necessarily appear; in addition, the symptoms are different for different types of gastritis. Sometimes the only symptom is pain - with an ulcer these are usually “hunger pains”, that is, those that occur if a person has not eaten for a long time, with gastritis they can be anything.

    Chronic gastritis in the acute stage requires careful treatment. The patient will be recommended a special diet, the role of which is to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and create gentle conditions for the period until the disease returns to the remission stage. The menu for gastritis is not as varied as for a completely healthy person, but it allows you to get a complete diet. As the worsening symptoms of gastritis subside, more complex foods are included in the diet.

    How to eat during exacerbation of gastritis

    Anyone who has at least sometimes encountered manifestations of the disease needs to know how to eat properly during an exacerbation of gastritis. The basic principle of the diet is mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing.

    Mechanical sparing is carried out by grinding to a creamy consistency (the dishes are ground, boiled or crushed with a blender). Thermal - due to eating food in a warm state (cold or hot is prohibited). It is optimal if the temperature of the food is close to normal body temperature (36-37 °C). Chemical sparing - due to the exclusion of foods that can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice by parietal cells (salted, smoked, spicy, fried) or can themselves have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane (for example, pepper, horseradish, mustard).

    During the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis and during any attack, meals should be fractional. The basis is table No. 1, which was specially designed for such cases. Diet No. 1 has “sub-points” that should be taken into account at different degrees of severity of exacerbation. If gastritis is combined with other gastrointestinal diseases, for example, with colitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, or is reflux gastritis, in the stage of subsiding exacerbation the patient is transferred to table No. 5.

    The basis of nutrition for stomach diseases is soups, especially mucous soups, jelly, pureed and chopped food. Heat treatment is cooking, steaming. When the exacerbation subsides, you can prepare dishes by baking without forming a crust.

    Nutrition for gastritis during exacerbation

    Nutrition for gastritis in the acute stage must necessarily include the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to recover quickly. It is important that the patient receives sufficient protein foods. This is necessary so that the damaged gastric mucosa heals faster, and other organs do not suffer from a lack of protein.

    The menu should be designed so that the diet contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E. You need to eat small meals in order to relieve the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible.

    Is it possible to juice for gastritis?

    With increased acidity

    You can drink juices only from sweet fruits and berries - sweet apples, cherries, figs, tomatoes, pears, peaches. Juices from citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, pineapples, grapefruits, lemons, as well as other sour fruits - apricots, pomegranates, gooseberries, cranberries, plums, grapes are excluded. As a medicinal folk remedy, vegetable juices - cabbage and potato - are very helpful; they have wound-healing properties. All fruit juices should be drunk warm, at room temperature, since with gastritis, cold drinks and food irritate the gastric mucosa.

    With low acidity

    All juices are allowed except grape juice. Both vegetable and fruit juices - berry juices for gastritis should be diluted with water; a decoction of rose hips is also very useful.

    What diet for exacerbation of gastritis

    In case of exacerbation of gastritis, table No. 1 according to Pevzner is prescribed. But you need to remember that nutrition for gastritis with low, high and normal acidity has some differences. It is also important to take into account such factors as the presence or absence of concomitant diseases. Therefore, nutrition during an exacerbation is adjusted according to table schemes No. 2, 3, 5a, 5b. As the aggravation subsides, the tables are turned:

    1-3 dayTable No. 1a
    4 -7 dayTable No. 1b
    Day 8 onwardsTable No. 1

    Reviews and results

    Nutrition is prescribed in cases of severe exacerbation for a short period. Limitations in products do not make it possible to diversify the menu with new dishes. However, it is doable and necessary to restore the gastrointestinal tract. According to reviews, after the first week pain decreases, nausea, belching and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    • “... I didn’t stay in the department, but I was prescribed treatment and this diet. Of course, with such restrictions there was no heaviness in the stomach and no belching. After 7 days, she was transferred to a more extended table, which she adhered to for a month. After a month, I can say that therapeutic nutrition is necessary, which is why I still monitor my nutrition. I switched to boiled and baked dishes, I love steamed cutlets and pates. I eat more tender porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat, small wheat, and occasionally rice. I noticed that after pearl barley and corn it gets worse. I eat many vegetables - at first in the form of puree, and now finely chopped, but only boiled”;
    • “... I switch to this diet for 2-3 weeks when gastritis worsens. True, I don’t puree it, but I exclude spicy, fried, fatty foods and eat everything boiled. To work I take steamed cutlets, boiled fish rolls, fish soufflé and casseroles and of course bread, but not fresh. After 2 weeks I add boiled vegetables, and eat meat and fish twice - for lunch and dinner. You immediately feel relief - there is no belching, heartburn or constipation. My job does not involve business trips and allows me to eat this way all the time. The second advantage is that therapeutic nutrition helps you lose weight and keep it at the same level.”

    Foods and dishes during an exacerbation

    The menu for gastritis during an exacerbation must meet the main requirements:

    • dishes should be non-spicy;
    • food must be crushed;
    • breaks between meals should be no more than 3.5-4 hours.

    The diet for acute illness includes stewed and boiled vegetables, cereals, and liquid soups. You need to start with the most gentle dishes, then switch to a normal diet, but it is advisable to completely exclude (even after recovery) hot spices, large amounts of salt, smoked meats, and alcohol. All this irritates the walls of the stomach, and gastritis can worsen at any moment.

    What can you eat during an exacerbation stage?

    General principles of cooking - it is necessary to steam or stew, make them pureed or slimy. Such food does not damage the walls of the stomach, is easily digested, and nutrients are quickly absorbed.

    Diet menu for New Year 2021: simple recipes with photos

    Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis may be something like this:

    ProductWhy is it useful?
    Slimy soups Envelops the walls of the stomach;
    well absorbed;

    provide the body with necessary substances

    Vegetable stewWith proper heat treatment, they provide the required amount of vitamins and fiber
    Lean meatSaturates with proteins.
    At first, these are meatballs made from minced turkey fillet, rabbit, turkey

    Then they switch to boiled meat in portioned pieces

    HoneyReplenishes carbohydrate needs

    All dishes must be warm, cooked without the use of seasonings. It is allowed to consume sweets in small quantities - marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly. Kefir and fermented baked milk should not be used in the first 2-3 days after the onset of the exacerbation period. These days you can prepare milk mucous or liquid porridge with milk. Then add one-day low-fat kefir, and a few days later - fermented baked milk.

    Prohibited foods in the diet for gastritis in the acute stage

    The diet for gastritis in the acute stage requires a special menu. During the acute period, fresh fruits and vegetables are strictly prohibited, as they irritate the stomach.

    You should not drink carbonated drinks or strong tea. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa are prohibited. Caffeine-containing products constrict blood vessels, thereby causing another spasm, which is manifested by the appearance or intensification of pain.

    Symptoms of gastritis disappear over time after starting treatment, but the diet must be followed for a long time so that the gastric mucosa completely regenerates and restores its functions.


    Breakfast: oatmeal with milk

    Lunch: kulesh (without frying vegetables); tender salmon sausages

    Afternoon snack: gelatin fruit jelly

    Dinner: buckwheat with minced meat (steamed or simmered in a small amount of water)

    Nutritionist's comment:

    You should avoid black pepper; it stimulates the production of gastric juice and can provoke an exacerbation.

    Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

    Nutrition during an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity should be approximately the same as during an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer. This type of gastritis is also called hyperacid. The essence of the disease is the excessive production of hydrochloric acid. An inflammatory process begins in the mucous membrane, formation of lesions similar to burns occurs, and small ulcers appear.

    Therefore, the patient’s menu should include foods that do not affect the mucous membrane, causing the stomach to produce even more secretions. The patient's diet should consist of:

    • stewed fish and steamed fish of low-fat varieties;
    • porridge with water (well boiled);
    • jelly;
    • steamed omelettes.

    If you want vegetables, then you can allow yourself to include them in your diet, but only in the form of puree. Mashed potatoes are great. It is satisfying, nutritious, and does not irritate a sore stomach.

    Authorized Products

    Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis of the stomach is organized within Tables No. 1A and 1B , replacing each other. They differ in the degree of processing of products. Table No. 1A contains slimy soups and pureed cereals; it lacks any vegetables and bread. Diet No. 1B includes pureed soups, homogenized canned vegetables and fruits. The rest of the list of products is the same.

    Nutrition according to Diet No. 1A is prescribed for severe exacerbation and for a short time. More often, a more expanded and less gentle Table No. 1B , containing 100 g of proteins and fats, 300 g of carbohydrates. It includes:

    • Puree soups made from oatmeal, semolina, rice or buckwheat, boiled in vegetable broth. Soups are prepared with vegetables and pureed. The best option is to use puree soups, to which rolled boiled meat is added. To improve the taste, cream, butter, and egg mixture are added to ordinary soups.
    • Dried wheat bread and crackers.
    • Lean meat and poultry. Steamed minced meat dishes are prepared from beef, lamb, chicken, turkey and pork. These can be cutlets, meatballs, souffles, zrazy, quenelles.
    • Fish dishes (pike, hake, pollock, ice) in the form of cutlets, mashed potatoes, meatballs. The patient is given meat and fish dishes twice a day.
    • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina or rice. The cereals are well boiled, rubbed and oil is added.
    • Canned vegetables and fruits intended for baby food.
    • Milk, non-sour cottage cheese (mashed with milk), cottage cheese soufflé.
    • Eggs (2 pieces per day), which are cooked soft-boiled or scrambled.
    • Butter and vegetable oil, which are added to dishes.
    • Berries in the form of jelly, mousse, jellies, baked and stewed apples. They can be served with honey or sugar.
    • 1.5 liters of liquid: filtered water, diluted juices, bran decoction, tea with milk, carrot and pumpkin juice, rosehip infusion.

    Table of permitted products

    Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

    Cereals and porridges

    buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
    white rice6,70,778,9344

    Bakery products

    white bread crackers11,21,472,2331


    Maria cookies8,78,870,9400

    Raw materials and seasonings

    milk sauce2,07,15,284



    Cheeses and cottage cheese

    cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

    Meat products

    boiled beef25,816,80,0254
    boiled veal30,70,90,0131


    boiled chicken25,27,40,0170


    chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

    Oils and fats


    Non-alcoholic drinks

    mineral water0,00,00,0

    Juices and compotes

    apricot juice0,90,19,038
    carrot juice1,10,16,428
    pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
    rose hip juice0,10,017,670
    * data is per 100 g of product

    Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity

    The menu for gastritis with low acidity during an exacerbation is somewhat different. The goal here is to force the stomach to produce more secretions. With hypoacid gastritis, the patient has a deficiency of vitamins B (in particular B₁₂), C, PP. His stomach is poorly protected from the “invasion” of pathogens due to the small amount of gastric juice. With atrophic gastritis, acidity can decrease almost to zero.

    To stimulate the stomach a little, you should sometimes add lightly salted fish to your diet. To minimize the effects of slow digestion of food, you need to remove from your diet:

    • fresh bread;
    • legumes;
    • mushrooms;
    • pancakes;
    • fat meat.

    The task of the doctor and the patient is to prevent fermentation processes and help the stomach work more efficiently. Food should also be chopped and heated. Meals – every 3.5 hours.


    Breakfast: buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese (bake under foil)

    Lunch: salmon soup; Potato casserole with minced meat in a slow cooker

    Afternoon snack: gelatin fruit jelly

    Dinner: chicken soufflé with steamed carrots in a slow cooker; boiled rice

    The menu for gastritis was compiled taking into account the principles of the “Menu of the Week” system.

    As drinks you can use weak green and black tea, herbal teas, compotes of dried fruits and non-acidic fresh fruits and berries, jelly. I recommend juice only in diluted form, in a ratio of 1:2 - 1:3; in undiluted form, it has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. The same applies to fruit drinks. As for alcohol, it has an aggressive effect on the digestive system, stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which can cause exacerbation and worsening of the condition. You can add fruits to this menu, such as bananas, ripe apples, pears, peaches, apricots. Dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese - this will be a good snack option.

    Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with concomitant pathology

    Chronic gastritis often occurs together with other diseases, for example, chronic pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases. The diet during an exacerbation of such gastritis should be developed taking into account the requirements for the menu when treating a concomitant disease.

    Menu for exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers

    Thus, a diet for exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers is split meals in small portions. The menu may include dishes such as pumpkin soup or broccoli soup - both in the form of a cream of soup.

    You can make milk noodles. Rice porridge with milk, semolina, and buckwheat porridge are also allowed. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, there is no need to use instant cereals. If you need a quick and safe snack, it is better to use baby food. Yes - off-label, and yes - safer than express porridge.

    The diet of a person suffering from chronic gastritis should include fruits and vegetables - but during an exacerbation they are allowed only in baked and stewed form and in small quantities.

    The diet should be such that the patient does not feel hungry, otherwise he will begin to experience “hunger” pains and the inflammatory process will be delayed.

    How to treat gastritis with folk remedies

    Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis

    The diet for exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis is slightly different. In this case, the number of calories immediately after the attack subsides, when the patient is allowed to eat on his own, is reduced to 1500 per day. Gradually, as the disease recedes, caloric intake increases.

    The patient is allowed dietary dishes made from well-cooked rice, soups with low-fat broth, and a little later - pureed cottage cheese.

    From liquids - weak tea, preferably green, dried fruit compote, jelly.

    Diet for gastritis and cholecystitis in the acute stage

    With cholecystitis, the outflow of bile is disrupted, so treatment should be aimed at reducing those types of food that require a lot of bile to process. The diet for exacerbation of gastritis is based on the principles of table No. 5. The gallbladder is inflamed - therefore, the type of diet called “table 5a” is best suited. The difference from table 5b, recommended for pancreatitis, is that food can be taken a little less often, and complete grinding to a puree state is not required.

    Release of bile into the stomach: symptoms and treatment

    Principles of nutrition for acute gastritis

    You should carefully monitor what enters the gastrointestinal tract.

    You should take food in fractions up to 6-7 times a day. Maintain the diet for at least 3 months.

    NameWhat is possibleWhat not to do
    Soup1 Milk with cereals, noodles.
    2 Puree potato soup. 3 Vegetable soup, except cabbage and mashed cereal.
    1 Strong broth made from fish and meat.
    2 Rich decoction of mushrooms and vegetables.
    Meat products1 Turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit, beef.
    2 Loose jelly.
    1 Fatty meat.
    Fish productsDishes from: cod, navaga, pollock, hake, etc.Fatty species (herring, mackerel, etc.).
    MilkLow-fat foods.Sour products.
    Egg productsIn the form of omelets, in a bag, as an ingredient for salad.Hard-boiled, fresh.
    Bakery products1 Dried bread and bread, preferably yesterday's bread.
    2 The same applies to biscuits.

    3. Cookies.

    1 Black.
    2 Baking.
    Cereals1 Slimy porridges, puddings.
    2 Boiled crushed pasta, noodles, etc.
    1 Legumes.
    2 millet.
    SweetsJam from non-acidic fruits, granulated sugar, bee products. paste. Chocolate, ice cream, halva.
    Vegetable productsMashed cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, pureed cucumbers.Legumes, onions, tomatoes, garlic and all cruciferous families.
    Fruit products1 Sweet varieties.
    2 Dried fruits in compotes, mousses, etc.
    Sour fruits and any grapes.
    BeveragesNon-acidic juice, jelly, rosehip (with low acidity), tea, cocoa.Juice from sour vegetables and fruits, coffee, soda, alcohol.
    FatsVegetable and butter.Lard, fat, bacon.
    SpicesFruit and berry sauce, Bechamel.Marinade, any spices and herbs, sour, hot sauce.
    Snacks1 Grated cheeses of mild taste.
    2 Lean shredded ham.

    3 Caviar.

    1 Fried.
    2 Smoked.

    3 Pickles.

    4 Mushrooms.

    5 Canned food.

    In addition, you should limit your salt intake. Exclude any surrogate products and all kinds of hamburgers. With all this, the diet should be varied and include enough protein and vitamins. Dishes should be semi-liquid and warm.

    Expert opinion

    Shoshorin Yuri

    General practitioner, site expert

    Previously, we provided a detailed list of pain relievers for the stomach; you can find it here.

    Menu for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity for a week

    When creating a menu for every day, when you need to follow a diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, you should remember: the diet is monotonous, since much is prohibited, so it is worth mastering several ways of preparing the same dish, but in different ways.

    The menu for the week is approximately the following.

    of the week
    1Weak tea with crackersOmelettePumpkin soupBaked appleCurdled milk
    2Glass of warm milkBuckwheat porridgeStewed chickenKefirOatmeal
    3Tea with pieces of dried breadCottage cheeseAny puree soupBaked appleStewed fish
    4Chicory with milk, a couple of croutonsOatmeal porridgeOmeletteCottage cheeseKissel with crackers
    5Oatmeal, teaBaked pearSteam ballsTea with marshmallows, souffléKefir
    6Any liquid porridgeMashed potatoesStuffed cabbage rollsTea, marmaladeCottage cheese
    7Low-fat yogurtSemolina porridgeMilk noodlesSteamed fishVegetable stew

    Diet for exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity: menu for the week

    Proper nutrition during exacerbation of chronic gastritis with low acidity also includes pureed vegetables and mucous soups. But the weekly menu for exacerbation of gastritis is more varied than in the case of hyperacid gastritis.

    of the week
    1Boiled egg, teaCottage cheeseChicken soup
    (low fat)
    Baked pearKefir or fermented baked milk
    2Weak tea, slightly dried bread with jamRice porrigeStewed chickenMashed potatoes,
    lightly salted fish
    3Tea with pieces of dried breadCottage cheeseAny puree soupBaked appleStewed fish
    4Chicory with milk, a couple of croutonsOatmeal porridgeOmeletteCottage cheeseKissel with crackers
    5Oatmeal, teaBaked pearSteam ballsTea with marshmallows, souffléKefir
    6Any liquid porridgeMashed potatoesStuffed cabbage rollsTea, marmaladeCottage cheese
    7Low-fat yogurtSemolina porridgeMilk noodlesSteamed fishStewed vegetables

    Gradually, as the exacerbation subsides, the diet expands. But you should always remember to limit salt and spices. If the proposed nutrition is not enough, additional meals are needed (in small quantities, but more often).

    Diet menu for gastritis of the stomach (Diet)

    The dietary menu of Table No. 1 has been expanded in terms of products, as well as cooking methods (baking is added). The food is quite varied and complete. Some vegetables are included and the list of cereals is expanded, so you can create a menu that takes into account the daily alternation of protein and cereal dishes.

    Preference is given to dairy products, since meat and fish protein is difficult to digest compared to milk and chicken egg protein. The choice of meat and fish dishes is wide - cutlets, quenelles, souffles, zrazy, lump meat and beef stroganoff; a multicooker can help in preparing them. Eggs and cottage cheese are introduced into the diet every day.

    Proper nutrition for gastritis (weekly menu) may look like this:

    • milk oatmeal;
    • omelette;
    • tea with cream.
    • milk.
    • pureed rice soup with minced meat;
    • beef soufflé with milk sauce;
    • rosehip infusion.
    Afternoon snack
    • biscuit;
    • milk jelly.
    • semolina porridge;
    • cottage cheese;
    • tea with cream.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • steam omelette;
    • buckwheat porridge with milk;
    • weak tea.
    • omelette.
    • buckwheat soup (mashed);
    • fish meatballs;
    • mashed potatoes;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack
    • cottage cheese;
    • fruit juice.
    • fish cutlet;
    • pumpkin and zucchini puree;
    • tea.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • milk semolina porridge;
    • cottage cheese;
    • weak tea.
    • baked apple.
    • vegetable soup with semolina;
    • boiled chicken;
    • pumpkin puree;
    • jelly.
    Afternoon snack
    • compote;
    • biscuits.
    • boiled fish with dill;
    • zucchini and potato puree;
    • weak tea.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • milk buckwheat porridge;
    • cottage cheese;
    • tea.
    • milk jelly with vanilla.
    • rice soup;
    • cod meatballs;
    • carrot puree with butter;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack
    • fruit juice;
    • cheesecake with cottage cheese.
    • boiled chicken;
    • zucchini puree;
    • compote.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • cheese casserole;
    • milk semolina porridge;
    • tea.
    • biscuit;
    • juice.
    • rice soup with vegetables and butter;
    • chicken cutlets;
    • buckwheat porridge;
    • jelly.
    Afternoon snack
    • juice;
    • lazy dumplings.
    • baked fish;
    • zucchini puree with cream;
    • tea.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • milk porridge;
    • baked cheesecakes;
    • tea.
    • omelette;
    • juice.
    • soup with buckwheat flour and cauliflower;
    • meat cutlets;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack
    • juice;
    • biscuits.
    • hake, baked;
    • mashed potatoes;
    • tea.
    For the night
    • milk.
    • oatmeal;
    • cheese;
    • biscuits;
    • tea with milk.
    • cheesecakes with fruit jam.
    • semolina soup with vegetables;
    • boiled veal;
    • carrot puree;
    • compote.
    Afternoon snack
    • baked apple.
    • fish cutlets, baked;
    • green pea puree;
    • jelly.
    For the night
    • milk.

    Recipes for diet for chronic gastritis

    The diet for patients with gastritis during an exacerbation consists of those foods that facilitate the digestion of food and are fully absorbed.

    You can include milk noodles in the patient's menu.

    Milk noodle recipe

    The recipe is very simple: you need to boil a little milk diluted with water in a saucepan (so that there is less than half of the water). Then add small pasta and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Add a little salt. Let it brew.

    Recipe for rice porridge with raisins

    Porridge with raisins is a dish that can be eaten for breakfast and for an afternoon snack.

    Pour cold water and milk over the rice and cook until it is softened. Then throw a few raisins into the porridge and wait until they soften a little. Serve the porridge warm.

    Omelette recipe

    Taking 2 eggs, break them into a cup, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little water. Stir well until smooth. Pour into a heated frying pan and cover with a lid.

    Chicken Soup Recipe

    It is necessary to cook the second broth from one chicken leg, be sure to remove the foam, add finely chopped carrots and potatoes. You don't have to add onions as they will irritate your stomach.

    The importance of a proper diet during an exacerbation of gastritis can hardly be overestimated. The diet should include dietary dishes, steamed, without spices and salt, with a minimum of sugar. Proper nutrition is the key to a quick recovery. You can even lose a little weight if you have extra pounds.

    If you are overtaken by gastritis, do not be afraid. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but you can overcome the exacerbation stage. You just need to be patient, follow your doctor’s recommendations and follow your diet. Then gastritis will recede for a long time.

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