About laxative herbs for constipation: types of the most effective plants, recipes for infusions and decoctions, the likelihood of side effects

Published 01/16/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 2,349

Herbal medicine is the ancestor of modern pharmacotherapy. Our ancestors collected plants and experimentally determined their medicinal properties. Thanks to the development of chemistry, it was possible to isolate substances that provide one or another healing effect. At the end of the 19th century, anthraglycosides, natural laxative compounds, were discovered. Let's look into the botanical world, find out whether it is possible to replace tablets with herbs, which of them can be used as a laxative at home.

Herbs that have a laxative effect

Plants that relieve symptoms of constipation are conventionally divided into several categories based on their type of action:

  1. Seeds of some plants. They activate the intestines. As a result, emptying occurs in a timely manner without delay.
  2. Herbs with a medicinal effect that have a mild effect on the body. Thanks to this, the contents of the intestines are softened.
  3. Plants with a pronounced laxative effect.

Regardless of which option was chosen for treatment, the effect will not be achieved immediately. Most often, this requires 6 hours or more.

constipation is a bowel disorder that reduces quality of life

Benefits of Herbal Treatment

When treating constipation, people often prefer medicinal herbs, which is explained by several advantages of this method:

  • natural origin;
  • high efficiency;
  • a minimum number of contraindications - despite this, consultation with a doctor is necessary before taking it;
  • few side effects;
  • relatively low cost - this fact distinguishes herbal remedies from constipation tablets and syrups.


In this category, laxative herbs for colon cleansing include:

  1. Plantain seeds. This recipe is suitable even for those patients who suffer from chronic constipation. The principle of operation of seeds is that immediately upon entering the stomach they swell. This process stimulates the natural elimination of processed food. To achieve the effect, take up to 5 tsp daily. seeds and drink them with plenty of liquid. This method is not suitable for people with asthma.
  2. Flax seed. The peculiarity of this recipe is that there are no contraindications to it. You can achieve a gentle effect on the intestines by taking flax daily. It is better to do this 3 times a day. One tsp. will be enough for reception. It is important that the person drinks plenty of water with the medicine.

laxative herbs cleanse the intestines well and have minimal side effects

Emollient herbs

If you want to achieve a mild effect, you should choose medicinal herbs for constipation that can soften the contents of the intestines:

  1. Chickweed leaves. A drink that includes chickweed softens the stool, after which it is eliminated more easily. This recipe is recommended for people who suffer from constipation and hemorrhoid symptoms.
  2. Dandelion. This herbaceous plant is often used for medicinal purposes. This drink is also recommended for use by older people who often experience gastrointestinal disorders.

Herbs with a pronounced laxative effect

This list can be called the most numerous. Here it should be called:

  • rhubarb;
  • senna (often called Alexandrian leaf);
  • dill (seeds are most often required for these purposes);
  • marshmallow;
  • alder buckthorn;
  • aloe (this is both juice and pulp);
  • kelp sugar (laxative collection with seaweed);
  • blue licorice;
  • leaves and shoots of horse sorrel.

What in medicinal herbs causes a laxative effect?

The laxative effect of some plants can be explained by their specific composition. They contain:

  • essential oils;
  • mucous substances that facilitate the passage of masses through the intestines;
  • elements that activate intestinal function;
  • fibers - similar components for constipation are characterized by an effect on peristalsis.

Dangers of treatment with drugs containing anthraglycosides

  • Long-term use of homemade laxative infusions negatively affects the ability of the intestines to contract. The cells get used to external stimulation and become dependent on an increasing dose of the drug. Increasing amounts of herbs are required to achieve the desired laxative effect. There are cases when the intestine turned into a motionless hollow tube that did not respond to normal impulses.
    • Constant use of laxatives containing anthraglycosides leads to critical dehydration and loss of sodium, chlorine, and potassium. A vicious circle begins with kidney damage and the production of substances that further aggravate the situation.
  • Using senna for more than 4 months causes specific changes in the large intestine - pseudomelanosis, when its cells become black in color.
  • Anthraglycosides are partially absorbed and enter the bloodstream; expectant and nursing mothers should remember this and not expose their child to toxic effects. There is no exact evidence of harmlessness to the human genetic apparatus yet; in animals, the use of anthraglycosides led to mutations.
  • Addiction to decoctions of laxative herbs for weight loss is unacceptable. Yes, weight is lost, but at what cost. First of all, due to dehydration, fat reserves remain in their rightful place. Constipation is replaced by frequent diarrhea, the body loses water, the blood thickens, and a stroke is not far away.
  • Pharmacy drugs

    Effective herbal remedies for restoring normal stool can be prepared independently using dry raw materials. However, there is an alternative to this method - purchasing pharmaceutical drugs that are ready for use. Among them there are several options:

    • ready-made mixtures for constipation;
    • tablet form of medicines.

    Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment after a medical examination

    Herbal remedies that can be used for constipation

    Of the dozens of varieties of laxative herbal infusions for constipation in adults, the following are noted.

    Collection No.1 is laxative. This product is represented by a dry herbal mixture. The main components here are:

    • yarrow;
    • nettle;
    • leaves and shoots of buckthorn.

    The cardboard pack contains 100 g of raw materials that require brewing. 1 tbsp. boiling water is poured into a container, 5-6 g of dry raw materials are added to it, and simmered for 25-30 minutes. A water bath is used for this. Then the liquid is cooled and the broth is filtered using gauze. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of the mixture before bed. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week.

    Gastric collection No.3. This mild laxative contains:

    • nettle leaves;
    • valerian;
    • mint;
    • buckthorn;
    • calamus

    The use of this medicine helps fight intestinal spasms and difficult bowel movements. For more convenient use, the manufacturer produces the collection in the form of filter bags that can be brewed like tea. So, put 2 bags of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water. To infuse, the liquid should be left for 20-30 minutes, after which the bags are removed and the infusion is drunk 2 times (0.5 cups in the morning and evening).

    Proctophytol. This medicine acts in several ways:

    • normalizes stool;
    • fights inflammation;
    • reduces pain;
    • stops bleeding.

    Due to these features, Proctophytol is recommended for patients who suffer from constipation complicated by hemorrhoids.

    The multi-component composition contains plants such as:

    • licorice;
    • senna grass;
    • coriander;
    • buckthorn grass;
    • yarrow.

    In the evening after a meal, brew 2 sachets in boiling water (about 1 tbsp is needed), leave for 15-20 minutes and drink.

    The pharmaceutical industry produces a diverse range of laxative drugs

    Herbal laxative tablets

    Herbal laxatives offered by manufacturers in tablets are not medicines. They are considered dietary supplements. This category includes:

    1. Phytolax with senna and plantain leaves, with the addition of dietary fiber, apricot and dill. The advantage of this product is primarily its pleasant taste, which allows you to chew the tablets. You can take dietary supplements only after 14 years of age.
    2. Senade. These tablets contain sennosides B and A, contained in cassia aculifolia. This product is also allowed for children over 6 years of age. You need to take it 1 tablet.
    3. Frutolax - it is presented in the form of capsules. Each capsule contains fennel, figs, beets, apricots, prunes, lactulose and senna. The standard dosage is to take 2 capsules at night. Contraindications include children aged 0-14 years.
    4. Fitoslabin. These are herbal tablets. As a standard dosage regimen, the manufacturer recommends 2 tablets every evening for a week. The dietary supplement consists of the following elements. like senna and mint with the addition of buckthorn.

    Safe Herbal Alternatives

    Other plants with different mechanisms of action have been studied and widely used.

    This is a group of so-called natural laxatives - stool volume enhancers. The drugs retain water in the lumen of the colon, causing the contents to swell, soften and easily escape. Representatives:


    Plantain seed husk flour. Can be found in a health food store, it is considered one of the superfoods that are fashionable today. They are sold in the form of powder, capsules, and there is even ready-made pasta with the addition of this flour. Psyllium is used in various recipes and is used to bake healthy breads and buns.


    A gift from the sea to people. This algae is sold whole or crushed, in tablets. Kelp is pickled, eaten in its pure form, and added to salads. You can buy it at the pharmacy and eat a tablespoon of powder at night. The algae contains iodine, which, on the one hand, is wonderful in conditions of iodine deficiency, and on the other hand, makes it necessary to take it with caution in case of thyroid diseases.


    A gelatinous mass of red algae. The ability of agar-agar to form jelly is superior to that of gelatin. This product will brighten up the life of any person suffering from constipation. Delicious desserts, marmalades, and marshmallows are prepared on its basis, which will not harm the intestines, but, on the contrary, will help cleanse them.

    This group of herbal laxatives is not addictive, can be used as part of the daily menu in adults and children, and naturally prevents stool retention.

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    Home remedies

    Laxatives can be prepared at home without outside help. Moreover, all remedies for constipation belong to different categories:

    1. One-component. Such formulations include only one laxative herb (for example, chamomile). Their preparation is as fast as possible and does not require effort.
    2. Multicomponent. This category of products is presented in similar forms, but they include several types of plants. In most cases, such medicines are more effective, since the effects of different herbs on constipation are complementary.
    3. Teas. Many people prefer to be treated with herbal tea. It gives a mild effect and is also quick and easy to brew.

    There are many traditional medicine recipes for preparing laxative drinks.

    Most popular recipes

    You can restore proper bowel function with a few simple recipes. They have been used for many decades and have already proven their effectiveness:

    1. Senna infusion. For 1 tbsp. l. Senna requires 200 ml of boiling water. The raw materials are infused under the lid for 5-7 minutes, after which they are filtered. After the liquid has cooled, you can drink it. It is best to do this in the evening for good results in the morning.
    2. Decoction of dandelion (roots). Place 1 tsp in a small container. dried crushed roots of the plant and pour hot water (about 200 ml). The container should be heated in a water bath for 5 minutes. After this, the liquid is infused under the lid for another 10 minutes. The strained broth is drunk 2-3 small sips at a time, but throughout the day.
    3. Infusion of nettle leaves. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. l. dry nettle. After 5 minutes of infusion, the liquid is filtered. You can drink the drink in the evening.
    4. Laxative collection. During the cooking process, several components are mixed. You will need 3 parts buckthorn, 2 parts nettle leaves and 1 part yarrow herb. This dry mixture can be brewed in the evenings. For 1 tbsp. water (boiling water) use 1 tbsp. l. such raw materials. After steeping for 15-20 minutes, the liquid should be strained and drunk.
    5. Recipe for a multi-component product. Mix yarrow (about 15 g), buckthorn bark (at least 30 g), and stinging nettle (20 g) in one container. For 200 ml of boiling water you will need 1 tbsp. l. prepared dry mixture. After boiling, keep the broth on the stove for another 3-5 minutes. The next stage is cooling and straining. Take 100 ml orally in the late evening.

    decoctions and infusions with sea buckthorn or rose hips will have a good laxative effect

    Treatment of constipation with drinks with a laxative effect at home

    Several other drinks have been named that can have a laxative effect.

    A decoction whose main component is flax seeds. This recipe has minimal contraindications, and is therefore recommended for the treatment of children and older patients. The product effectively fights even chronic constipation. You need to take 0.5 liters of boiling water, then add 3 tbsp. l. pre-prepared flax seeds. Cover the container with a lid.

    The liquid should remain in this form for about 1 hour (a little more is possible). It is recommended to take the infusion immediately after straining. Dosage regimen for adults: before meals, twice a day. Volume - 60-70 ml. For children, the dosage can be reduced.

    Infusion of rosehip leaves. The fruits of this plant are often used to improve immunity and treat a number of pathologies. However, few people know about the healing properties of the leaves. In a container mix 300 ml of water brought to a boil and 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves. The liquid should brew well, this will take at least 2-3 hours. The medicine should be taken 3 times a day, preferably before meals. The daily dose is 1 tbsp.

    Rowanberry syrup has a pleasant taste and a laxative effect on the intestines

    Why herbs are still popular

    The terminology of “grass” is imprecise; in addition to the grasses themselves, all kinds of trees, shrubs, and all their parts from roots to fruits are used. Herbal preparations can be bought in pharmacies, markets, and herbalists. Many people believe that medicinal plants are the least toxic, do not contain harmful substances, and do not cause harm to the body. And the price for a box of herbs is usually less than for a pack of tablets. To treat constipation, you can choose a laxative mixture containing several types of plants, or a laxative tea in a convenient form for brewing.

    Delicious remedies

    Most decoctions and infusions that have a laxative effect have an unpleasant taste. Some foods that a person will eat with pleasure will help diversify the course of treatment:

    1. Rowan syrup. The berries are placed in a container and covered with sugar. In this state, the workpiece should be left for 1 month. During this time, the berries will give juice, due to which syrup will form in the container. The berries are squeezed out, the syrup is collected and medical alcohol is added to it. In this case, the following dosage is observed: 0.5 liters of berry syrup requires 25 ml of alcohol. In the morning before breakfast, dilute a spoonful of the product with warm water and drink it.
    2. Lingonberry drink. Ripe berries are placed in a jar and filled with water (so that the liquid covers the berries). The container is covered with film and placed in the cold. Drink this drink once a day, 1 glass.
    3. Gooseberry compote. Place 1 tbsp in the pan. l gooseberries and 1 tbsp. water. The liquid should boil for 10 minutes. If the taste turns out to be bland or unpleasant, adding sugar is allowed. It is recommended to drink compote once a day, but not more than 0.5 cups.

    The best way to prevent constipation is to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber.

    Causes of constipation

    To better understand traditional medicine, in particular the effect of laxative herbs, you need to understand the phenomenon itself that is to be treated, what are the main reasons for its occurrence. So what is constipation? Firstly, this is stool retention. It can appear for various reasons, the most common of which are given below:

    • As a consequence of some concomitant diseases.
    • The patient does not lead a completely correct lifestyle, for example, he moves little, but does not deny himself the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates. It is clear that such behavior will sooner or later lead to such undesirable consequences as stool retention.
    • Often, the development of constipation is provoked by the patient’s existing tendencies to bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse.
    • A large number of cases of constipation are observed in elderly patients who have had endocrine diseases in the past, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis or as a result of severe stress.

    When all the factors listed above affect the patient’s body in a complex manner, constipation, as a rule, takes a chronic form, and this undoubtedly affects the duration and complexity of treatment. The presence or impending illness can be indicated by daily bowel movements that go beyond the normal. What are the daily norms?

    It is considered normal for an adult to have bowel movements two to three times during the day. It is considered normal for children to walk more often, although the frequency of bowel movements may vary depending on age. A situation when an adult patient does not walk “for a long time,” for example, for three days, cannot be considered normal. This circumstance, of course, should already be alarming. Plus, if he is forced to stay in the toilet for a long time and defecate with hard feces, then we can already talk about obvious signs of imminent constipation.

    To avoid such consequences, you must first take care of your diet and protect yourself as much as possible from food that provokes the onset of the disease. Therefore, the patient should avoid the following foods:

    • fatty varieties of not only meat, but also fish;
    • dairy products, especially whole product;
    • limit as much as possible or best exclude bread;
    • there should be no garlic;
    • confectionery products;
    • Radishes and legumes provoke constipation.

    It is advisable to include foods rich in fiber in your diet. This, in particular, can be apples and beets, carrots and prunes, as well as fermented milk products and honey.

    You must always remember that intestinal sluggishness is always caused by a violation of the diet. For treatment, along with laxative herbs, in some cases it is advisable to use such means as an enema, special gymnastics and other methods.

    Additional recommendations

    Herbs with a laxative effect are not the only option to get rid of intestinal problems. In the kitchen you can find useful products that allow you to quickly achieve results:

    1. Kefir with butter. Before going to bed, add a small amount of vegetable oil (you can use any) to a glass of kefir and drink the resulting mixture.
    2. Dried fruit mixture. This medicine is considered extremely effective, however, it requires a minimum of time and effort to prepare. Raisins and dried apricots are passed through a meat grinder in equal proportions; you will also need prunes in the same quantity. To be sure, you can add a senna leaf. Reception 1 tbsp. l. mixture before breakfast will restore stool and improve well-being.

    What to look for when dealing with constipation in adults

    People who often have problems with bowel movements should remember a few rules:

    1. Choose herbs for constipation carefully. There is always a possibility of developing an allergy, and rare side effects cannot be ruled out.
    2. Before taking this or that drug, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and wait for the diagnosis to be made. Incorrect therapy often leads to complications.
    3. Continuous use of decoctions and infusions is allowed for no longer than 7 days. Otherwise, addiction may develop and the intestines will stop working on their own without medicinal assistance.
    4. If the condition has not improved after a week, you should consult a doctor.

    It is also important to consider the type of constipation. They are:

    • atonic, which arise due to intestinal weakness and weak peristalsis;
    • spastic - they are provoked by spasms of individual intestinal muscles, which prevents the free passage of feces.

    In the first case, herbs with a laxative effect, aimed at enhancing peristalsis, have a good effect. If the cause of constipation is spasms, then taking such medications is strictly not recommended.

    If a child is constipated, the laxative should be chosen as safe as possible

    Which tea to choose for children

    When treating a child, it is important that the product is as safe as possible. Tea that is suitable for children may contain the following components:

    • thyme herb;
    • chamomile (its inflorescences);
    • fennel;
    • flax seeds.

    During pregnancy

    During pregnancy, women often experience problems with bowel movements. Many people choose herbal laxatives to reduce the risk to the fetus. However, even a natural product does not guarantee 100% safety. Thus, tea for pregnant women should not contain the following elements:

    • any parts of senna;
    • crushed licorice root.

    It is best to consult a doctor who will advise which herbs help best and are as safe as possible.

    Effective herbs

    To treat constipation, in order to achieve better results, it is recommended to use traditional recipes along with laxatives. Medicinal herbs contain many active biological substances that can, quite often, have greater physiological effects than the most effective traditional drugs. There are many laxative herbs in folk recipes, their list is wide, some of them are given below:

    • Senna.
    • Kelp.
    • Horse sorrel.
    • Aloe.
    • Buckthorn.
    • Dill.
    • Agave.
    • Field steelhead.
    • Zhoster with fruits and its fruits.

    Of course, each herb is effective in its own way depending on the degree of the disease and its duration. Good for getting rid of stool retention, for example, hay, buckthorn, rhubarb and other herbs. With their help, effective decoctions are prepared. These herbs have a stimulating effect on various intestinal functions. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as flatulence and, as a result, bloating. To eliminate such phenomena, use carminative herbs. Among the most popular plants:

    • Caraway.
    • Centaury.
    • chamomile,
    • medicinal dawn,
    • dill.

    Yarrow is effective. A choleretic agent promotes the laxative functions of the patient’s body. You can also use this herb to relieve pain caused by constipation.

    Of course, herbal treatment is simple and accessible, however, there is no need to overuse it, there must be supervision from a doctor. After all, the haphazard use of herbs, as a rule, increases the chances of addiction, and this can ultimately lead not only to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, but also to its complete absence. To achieve the desired result, you will need to take a large dose, and this can be harmful to your health.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Products that are based on natural ingredients are characterized by a small number of contraindications. However, they are still present:

    • individual hypersensitivity to a particular medicinal plant;
    • children's age - on many packages the age of 0-12 years is indicated as contraindications;
    • pregnancy - some herbs are prohibited for women during this period;
    • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe vascular and heart diseases;
    • inflammatory phenomena in the body.

    Side effects include allergic reactions, bloating, discomfort in the abdominal area, and nausea.

    More recipes

    Herbal remedies are good because, unlike traditional medicines, they are less harsh on the body and have virtually no side effects. But you still need to consult a specialist before using them, because not all herbs can be used if the patient has serious intestinal diseases.

    Here are some of the most popular laxative folk remedies:

    • When a patient experiences pain in the hypochondrium, it is recommended to use a honey-based herbal mixture. To do this, you will need herbs such as hawkweed and St. John's wort. Each of them should have two parts, to which part of the crushed caraway seeds should be added. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the resulting mixture of herbs (one tablespoon), then add about two tablespoons to the mixture. The folk remedy should infuse for 24 hours. Taken as a drink throughout the day.
    • Another effective collection of well-known herbs is excellent in treating constipation. To do this, you will need a mixture of plants: alder buckthorn (six parts), nettle (two) and sweet clover (two). Be sure to crush the entire composition and pour boiling water (a glass to a teaspoon). After which the product should sit well. Strain before use. It is recommended to drink one hundred grams of it before bed.
    • The following remedy quickly helps to cope with constipation. To prepare it you will need to collect licorice (three parts), marshmallow and flax (five), fennel (three). Everything is crushed in the volume of a teaspoon and filled with a glass of water. After the product has infused, take half a glass once a day in the evening.
    • We should also tell you about such a simple recipe, the basis of which is agave and aloe. It is prepared as follows. Firstly, to extract pure juice, you need a plant that is three years old or older. Before cooking, be sure to cut off the leaves at the very base and put them in the refrigerator for several days. Then take them out and put them under a press. When the juice has evaporated, you can take a teaspoon. Sometimes this drink is mixed with honey to add flavor.

    As you can see, there are many recipes, and not all are given here, but among the presented recipes, each patient will be able to find the most suitable one for himself.

    What in medicinal herbs causes a laxative effect?

    The effectiveness of the therapeutic effects of laxative plants is due to the fact that they include:

    • mucous substances with enveloping properties;
    • essential oils;
    • irritating components that enhance the movement of feces through the esophagus;
    • coarse dietary fiber that improves gastric motility.

    Thanks to the presence of these components, medicinal herbs promote contractile movements of the intestine, which significantly activates its functioning or has a relaxing effect on its walls, which again leads to the normalization of the act of defecation.

    Herbs to regulate bowel function

    As a result of malnutrition: consumption of light, quickly digestible foods (meat, eggs, sugar, fatty, refined, dairy products), insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, overeating, sedentary lifestyle, intestinal motor function is weakened, which contributes to the development of chronic (atonic) constipation.

    Modern aspects of the treatment of constipation in children

    The diet of patients with constipation should include a sufficient amount of liquid - water, fruit juices, which are consumed on an empty stomach, during meals or in the intervals between meals

    The medical literature contains data indicating that 40-60% of adult patients and 90% of sick children with clinical symptoms characteristic of gastrointestinal pathology suffer from functional diseases. Of these, constipation is the most serious problem. Recently, the incidence of functional constipation in children has been increasing, so proper correction of this pathology is very important.

    Constipation is conventionally divided into functional and organic. Functional constipation, depending on the etiopathogenesis, is divided into nutritional, dyskinetic, psychoneurogenic, endocrine, inflammatory (against the background of colitis).

    Treatment of children with constipation should be comprehensive, and diet therapy is of great importance. In the early stages of the disease, a proper diet, regulating intestinal activity, in many cases leads to normalization of stool without the additional use of medications.

    The degree of disturbances in intestinal secretion in intestinal diseases is largely determined by the range of products and the nature of their culinary processing. Based on their effect on motor function, nutrients are divided into three groups: those that enhance motor function, those that slow down peristalsis, and those that are indifferent.

    The most pronounced laxative effect is possessed by: black bread; raw vegetables and fruits; dried fruits; white bread with an increased amount of bran (medicinal varieties of white bread - “Zdorovye”, “Barvikhinsky”); legumes; oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, meat with a large amount of connective tissue, pickles, soft drinks saturated with carbon dioxide (mineral water, lemonade, fruit drinks); very sweet dishes (for example, jelly and compotes from cranberries, gooseberries).

    The laxative effect of fermented milk drinks varies depending on the method of their preparation and storage conditions. Fermented milk drinks with acidity above 90-100° according to Turner have a laxative effect. In addition, fermented milk products must be freshly prepared, since the laxative effect lasts only during the first day. Milk in its pure form and in large quantities in dishes is usually poorly tolerated, causing diarrhea and flatulence in patients with constipation, so most authors recommend eliminating or reducing its amount for constipation.

    Plant fibers and organic acids serve as mechanical and chemical irritants. Therefore, for constipation, dried fruits, dates, figs, fresh fruit, vegetable and berry juices are recommended. Some dried fruits, especially figs and prunes, promote swelling and increase the volume of intestinal contents. For any form of constipation, you can include prunes (10-20-30 pieces) in your diet daily. It is poured with a small amount of water overnight, eaten in the morning and evening, along with the resulting infusion.

    Fiber and cell membranes are the main stimulants of intestinal secretion. The cell membranes of raw vegetables and fruits are less digestible. The membranes of plant cells contain carbohydrates and proteins that are slowly and incompletely processed by digestive enzymes. In turn, undigested food falls under the active activity of microbes, under the influence of which acids and gases are formed that enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine. Small gas bubbles make the intestinal contents looser. Rubbing and especially homogenizing products significantly reduces their mechanical effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Depending on the nature of disorders of intestinal motor function in the diet, the amount of food regulators of peristalsis changes and in each case it is calculated individually, taking into account other symptoms of the disease. A number of authors recommend that when strengthening the motor function of the colon, at the first stage, exclude foods containing large amounts of fiber. Minced meat and fish, vegetables and fruits without peel, in the form of puree, are allowed. For hypomotor disorders, on the contrary, a large amount of fiber, cool liquid on an empty stomach, and vegetable oil are indicated.

    The diet of patients with constipation should include a sufficient amount of liquid - water, fruit juices, which are consumed on an empty stomach, during meals or in the intervals between meals. Not only the volume of feces, but also the water content in the stool also depends on the presence of vegetables rich in cellulose and hemicellulose in the menu. It is important to note that even with relatively small fluctuations in the percentage of water, the consistency of the fecal matter changes. So, stool is liquid if it contains 90% water, mushy - 85%, soft-dense - 80%; Normal stool contains 78% water. Difficulty in the passage of intestinal contents occurs when the amount of water is reduced to 50%, and its passage through the intestines stops at 20% water content. Therefore, patients with constipation are advised to drink as much as possible during the day.

    You can prescribe mineral waters: for constipation with increased contractile activity of the intestines, with the presence of spastic pain in the abdomen, it is recommended to take Essentuki No. 4; for intestinal hypomotility - more mineralized Essentuki water No. 17. Take 0.5-1 glass of mineral water two to three times a day on an empty stomach, 1-1.5 hours before meals, warm.

    In infants, diet therapy has a number of features. As has already been noted by many authors, you cannot feed a child with milk, kefir and infant formula for a long time. From the second half of the year, dairy products should not exceed 700-750 ml per day, after a year 500 ml, in two or three years 300 ml. It is recommended to introduce fruit purees into the child’s diet from the age of five months: apple, apricot, peach, as well as juices. Fruit juices and purees have a positive effect on the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, increase appetite and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. For constipation, cabbage, beet juice, and prune puree should be prescribed (2 to 4 teaspoons per day, depending on age).

    Principles of proper nutrition for infants:

    • correct daily routine and nutrition for the mother,
    • correct drinking regime for mother and child,
    • physiologically complete, properly selected diet for the child,
    • if tolerated poorly, reduce or completely eliminate milk from the diet.

    We looked at the effectiveness of the Frisovo mixture, which was prescribed to children with regurgitation, constipation, and intestinal colic. It contains carob gluten, which has a mild laxative effect. Fiber binds water and increases the viscosity of intestinal contents, which in turn improves peristalsis. In most children, during the first week, stool returned to normal, bloating and abdominal pain decreased, and appetite improved. When bottle-feeding a child, you can completely replace all feedings with the Fries formula. For some children, diet therapy was insufficient. Recently, a dry, bland, adapted mixture “Semperbifidus” has appeared, which is also suitable for feeding children with constipation. The laxative effect of the mixture is provided by lactolactulose, which is part of it.

    Diet correction is required for all types of constipation. But the effectiveness of diet therapy increases several times when it is enriched with biologically active additives (BAA). Therefore, it is necessary to help the patient correctly build a daily diet by introducing ballast substances into it, primarily those contained in food products. Ballast substances (fillers or swelling agents) are polysaccharides of plant origin that do not undergo enzymatic breakdown in the small intestine, and upon reaching the large intestine, they are partially broken down by bacteria, and partially swell due to the absorption of water.

    At the end of the last century, people consumed approximately 100 g of ballast substances with food every day. Nowadays, this amount has decreased to an average of 15-20 g per day.

    It was found that the use of wheat bran in a daily dose of 30 g increases the weight of feces by 56.3%, and the total transit time of intestinal contents through the colon is halved.

    When taking bran, it is recommended to consume enough fluid to avoid hardening of the stool. 1 g of bran binds 18 g of water. It is recommended to take dietary fiber from 15 to 50 g per day. A large amount of dietary fiber leads to a decrease in the absorption of fats by 5-7%, proteins by 8-15%.

    Practice shows that often after stopping bran, constipation recurs, hence the need to re-use it.

    The use of mucous substances, the so-called mucilaginases, for constipation has also been practiced for a long time. These products consist of the same amount of fiber and polysaccharides that are not absorbed in the intestines. These substances are of plant origin, have a resinous consistency, and are insoluble. In water, they swell and turn into a mucous mass, which prevents the stool from thickening and at the same time increases its volume. Slimy substances include algae of marine origin. In our country, the most widely used seaweed (kelp), which is a brown algae rich in iodide, bromide and calcium salts, polysaccharides, and vitamin C. Laminaria is contraindicated in patients with idiosyncrasy to iodine and, with prolonged use, can cause the phenomenon of iodism.

    Children under one year of age are prescribed special dry dietary supplements. Currently, dietary supplements containing live bifidobacteria and lysozyme have been introduced into industrial production. The enrichment of medical food products with lysozyme is based on its biostimulating, bacteriostatic, bifidogenic, antihistamine and other properties.

    Fermented milk products are also widely used for constipation. The physiological role of lactic acid bacteria is diverse: they cause the fermentation of milk sugar with the formation of lactic acid, which is involved in calcium metabolism, the breakdown of casein and promotes the growth of bifidobacteria. Medical food products containing lactic acid bacteria have pronounced antagonistic properties towards pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Fermented milk products such as biokefir, bifilin, curdled milk, biolact, bivit, bifidok, etc. are widely used. In addition, various starter cultures are recommended: “Evita”, “Narine”, “Vitaflor”, etc. The Semperbifidus mixture is also used , which promotes the growth of bifid flora and inhibits the growth of opportunistic flora, due to the presence of lactolactulose.

    Diet therapy with dietary supplements is effective for alimentary constipation, but in other cases drug therapy is required.

    The main place in the drug therapy of constipation is occupied by laxatives. According to the mechanism of action, laxatives differ from each other. Side effects of laxatives include: allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

    In clinical practice, products containing anthraglycosides are most often used - senna leaves, rhubarb, etc. The use of herbal laxatives (senna leaves, buckthorn) is associated with certain inconveniences, since the level of active glycosides in them is subject to fluctuations, their concentration cannot be accurately measured , and an overdose causes side effects. Therefore, tablet forms are often used (tisasem, senadexin, etc.).

    It has been experimentally proven that long-term use of anthraglycosides causes dystrophic changes in the neuromuscular apparatus of the colon.

    A number of laxatives include synthetic substances - phenolphthalein, bisacodyl, etc., the laxative effect of which is similar to anthraglycosides.

    In practice, doctors often use bisacodyl suppositories - it is a contact laxative, acting directly on the mucous membrane of the rectum, stimulating the sensory endings of the nerve plexuses in the mucous membrane and submucosal layer. As a result, it accelerates and enhances the peristalsis of the colon, and also increases the release of water and electrolytes in the colon, which leads to softening of the stool. For proctosigmoiditis, irritating the mucous membrane of the rectum, the drug causes a painful sensation in children.

    Preparations made from natural and semi-synthetic polysaccharides and cellulose derivatives are relatively harmless. These include normase (lactulose). Normaza, under the influence of intestinal bacteria in the colon, is digested with the formation of acetic and lactic acids, which promote the secretion of water in the intestines and accelerate the evacuation of contents, inhibit the growth of bacteroides and Escherichia. Prescribed from 5 to 30 ml, depending on age, once a day on an empty stomach in the form of syrup. For colitis, the use of normase with hilak-forte is effective.

    Herbal medicine provides significant assistance in the complex treatment of patients with constipation. The biologically active substances contained in herbs in their natural proportions, with long-term use, can be more effective than their individual ingredients in preparations. Medicinal plants must be prescribed individually, taking into account their therapeutic effect.

    Plants that have a laxative effect include: anise (fruit), laxative joster (fruit), centaury (herb), alder buckthorn (bark), lemon balm (leaves), dandelion, mountain ash (fruit), licorice. (roots), field steelhead (roots), horse sorrel (fruits).

    Herbs are prescribed in the form of infusions, decoctions, and various laxative teas. We use medicinal plants for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. During an exacerbation, laxative herbs are combined with herbs that have antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (calendula, chamomile, millennial, common juniper). In addition, we recommend herbal medicine in the spring-autumn period, when relapses of constipation are observed (preventive courses of herbal medicine are carried out during periods of seasonal exacerbation with breaks). For the same purpose, you can use the so-called “jester compote”: 1 tbsp. l. joster, 30 g of raisins, 10 g of prunes, pour 400 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, filter and take 1/4-1/2 cup orally at night.

    Thus, treatment of constipation should be carried out taking into account the causative factors and must be comprehensive.


    • Functional constipation is divided into nutritional, dyskinetic, psychoneurogenic, endocrine and inflammatory
    • The diet has a number of features depending on the form of constipation, the presence of inflammation and the nature of the disorders
    • Phytotherapy is included in the complex therapy of constipation
    • Drug treatment is prescribed when diet therapy is ineffective
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