Oats for gastritis: how to prepare decoction, infusion and jelly

Oats for gastritis

One of the most important components of the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is a properly formulated diet. Some familiar dishes and products will have to be categorically excluded, some should be consumed in extremely limited quantities.

But there are food products that are not only included in the diet, but also used to treat the underlying disease. Let's figure out whether oats will be useful for gastritis and how to properly use this well-known cereal.

The benefits of oats for gastritis are widely known; this dish perfectly saturates and supplies the body with vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. This cereal is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. The main medicinal properties of the plant:

  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are normalized;
  • metabolic processes are restored;
  • immunity increases;
  • strengthens blood vessels, helping to improve blood circulation;
  • fights diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Despite the benefits of oats for the digestive system, sometimes its effect is not enough to get rid of the disease. Therefore, it is often used as an addition to drug therapy or as a prophylactic agent to prevent relapses and complications.

Contraindications for use

Oats are a healthy product used in cooking and folk medicine. The cereal has healing properties. Like any medicine, it has contraindications. These include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • hypersensitivity to oats and the substances they contain
  • cholelithiasis
  • renal failure

Oats for the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract will be beneficial if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, properly prepare and dosed consumption of products based on it.


Oats for gastritis of the stomach

Oatmeal broth is beneficial for the whole body, but has a particularly beneficial effect on the digestive organs, liver and kidneys. It acts as an enterosorbent, which removes toxic substances from the intestines, increases the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and removes excess fluid.

Other benefits of oatmeal for the stomach:

  • stimulates mucosal regeneration processes;
  • removes necrotic tissue from ulcerative defects on the mucous membranes;
  • prevents the occurrence of toxic and allergic reactions;
  • improves blood supply to the intestines;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • regulates acid-base balance in the blood;
  • prevents water and electrolyte losses;
  • inhibits inflammation;
  • eliminates dysbacteriosis;
  • increases peristalsis of the large intestine;
  • relieves painful cramps in the stomach;
  • reduces gas accumulation;
  • restores the body's humoral regulation systems;
  • protects mucous membranes from the aggressive action of irritating substances.

What is gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa; in rare cases, deeper layers of muscle tissue are affected. The causative agent of the inflammatory process is the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori; factors that have a detrimental effect on the human body contribute to an increase in its activity and reproduction.

To diagnose the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following measures::

  • Carrying out FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy). By inserting an endoscopic probe into the stomach, a specialist can view the affected areas and assess how badly they are affected. If there is a need for a biopsy, it is possible to remove part of the tissue for analysis during the procedure.
  • Blood sampling to detect antibodies to Helicobacter pylori. Based on the results of the analysis, the opinion about the presence of helicobacteriosis is determined.
  • Detection of the presence of occult blood. Most often prescribed for chronic and acute gastritis.

The causes of the disease are poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption and long-term smoking.

Is it possible to eat oats for gastritis?

It is recommended to use oats for gastritis as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic and regenerating agent to protect the epithelium from damaging influences. The grain also contains ascorbic and nicotinic acids, pyridoxine, which stimulate the production of gastric juice, and vitamin E replenishes the deficiency of natural protective factors.

Oats are often used in the treatment of gastritis because this cereal:

  • includes a large number of useful substances (vitamins, amino acids, minerals) that are necessary for the digestion process;
  • vegetable oat proteins help restore and strengthen the mucous membranes lining the digestive organs from the inside;
  • the product removes toxins and excess fluid well;
  • helps eliminate constipation;
  • helps strengthen the body's defenses, which is very important in the treatment of infectious and stress gastritis;
  • normalizes the pH level of gastric juice, which is very important for gastritis with high acidity. The use of oats allows you to avoid the transition of gastritis to a more severe stage - peptic ulcer.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

Oats are an annual herbaceous plant cultivated on an industrial scale as a food and feed crop. The oat genus includes more than 20 species, of which the most important from an economic point of view is common or fodder oats.

Raw oats, collected in the husk, are used as medicinal raw materials for preparing decoctions. Whole oatmeal, made by grinding, steaming, peeling, is suitable for preparing pilaf, porridge, and stuffing.

The main substances of grain that determine its nutritional value are carbohydrates (59.5 g), proteins (12.3 g), fats (6.1 g).

The carbohydrate complex includes starch as the main substance, dietary fiber, sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose, lactose, galactose, maltose).

Cereals contain many beneficial substances:

  • vitamin A, represented by beta and alpha carotene, lycopene, retinol;
  • vitamin B complex: thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pyridoxine, folate, pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin E, K, D, H, nicotinic acid;
  • macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine, sulfur;
  • trace elements: iodine, boron, iron, vanadium, copper, cobalt, fluorine, zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese, nickel, molybdenum.

Oats are valued for their wide range of pharmacological activities. It has a pronounced diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, regulates blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes, provides active cleansing of the liver, kidneys, blood, and promotes hematopoiesis.

The cereal has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, relieves insomnia, and activates mental activity.

Oats help normalize metabolism, actively absorb carbohydrates by the body, help in the fight against colds, hypertension, reduce the likelihood of cancer, and slow down the aging process.

Oats for gastritis with high acidity

Nutritionists often recommend oatmeal decoction and jelly to patients, since this cereal helps reduce pain in a person with acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Nutritionists often recommend oatmeal decoction and jelly to patients, since this cereal helps reduce pain in a person with acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Oat dishes create a dense, enveloping film, which accelerates the healing process of small erosions. The product does an excellent job of removing toxins and excess fluid. It enriches the body with useful substances necessary to normalize digestion. Moreover, oat proteins improve the condition of the internal linings of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastritis with high acidity is accompanied by severe irritation of the stomach walls, as a result of which a person suffers from nausea, vomiting, and pain. Hyperacid gastritis is more demanding on the diet; food should be gentle and soft. Kissel, broth, soup and oat porridge fully meet these requirements.

For this type of gastritis, oats should be consumed daily in the form of well-boiled porridges in water or decoctions. In such a state, it is strictly forbidden to add butter, berries, honey, sugar and salt to the porridge, as they can cause another attack of nausea and pain.

If porridge is poorly tolerated, oats can be used in the form of light milk jelly. It will reduce irritation in the stomach. Drink jelly warm, in small portions.

To make oatmeal the desired consistency, you should take 200 g of grains per 1 liter of water. It is best to pour boiling water over the product, then cover with a lid.

For acute gastritis, oat porridge should be cooked strictly in water without other additives. After the symptoms subside, you can add milk and a little butter to your dishes.

Decoction recipes

There are many recipes for oat decoction for gastritis; below we present some of the most popular:

  1. Based on 1 day: take 1 tablespoon (20 grams) of cereal, add boiled water and leave for about an hour. Add a little honey to the resulting decoction and take 3 times a day before meals. Experts recommend continuing the course of treatment for up to six months.
  2. Wash the oats, measure out 1 cup and fill it with 1 liter of boiled water. Leave for a day, then boil it over low heat with the lid ajar for about 1 hour. Strain and divide into one hundred gram portions. This decoction is taken before meals.
  3. Unshelled oats are used. Fill it with hot boiled water 1:1. Boil the mixture over low heat and, after cooling, take orally 3 times a day; the course of treatment takes up to six months.
  4. Dry the unpeeled oats with husks well, spreading them out on a cloth or paper in a thin layer. Then grind in a coffee grinder. Pour in water and cook, stirring like porridge, over low heat for about half an hour. Keep an eye on your decoction, otherwise it may “run away”, for example, like milk. After this, strain through cheesecloth and add boiled water, approximately to make half a liter of the finished product. It is better to store it in the refrigerator, warming it up before use. Take 3 times a day before meals.

When choosing the time of treatment, you should be based on your general health. The average time for consuming oats is from 2 months to six months.

Important! Be sure to consult an immunologist and gastroenterologist. Since oats are not recommended for people with urolithiasis, as well as for kidney failure.

This healthy cereal allows you to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as high acidity, prolonged constipation, pain and nausea that accompany the period of exacerbation of the disease. It perfectly relieves irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach walls and increases appetite. It also serves as an excellent prevention against gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Oats for gastritis and pancreatitis


Oat decoction is actively used in folk medicine to treat various pathologies of the digestive organs, including pancreatitis. The composition contains a lot of phytic acid. When it enters the stomach, this component enters the bloodstream and removes toxins from the body.

The drink also contains many nutrients. This remedy is perfect for people who are temporarily prohibited from eating. This is most often observed during an exacerbation. One glass of the product contains 790 kcal. They allow you to mitigate fasting and avoid loss of strength. When using oats for medicinal purposes, it is important to observe moderation. Otherwise, there is a risk of overdose and intoxication of the body.

You need to drink oat decoction 3 times a day - at 7 o'clock in the morning, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and at 9 o'clock in the evening. It is at these moments that metabolic processes accelerate. You should not take more than 1 liter of product per day.

Features of application

In folk medicine, oats are rightfully considered the best product used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The substances included in its composition gently envelop the mucous membranes of diseased organs and relieve inflammation. The action of vitamins and minerals improves immunity and promotes rapid recovery.

Treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Oats gently act on the walls of the stomach, enveloping them with a film. Enzymes and amino acids present in the cereal help restore damaged areas.

The therapeutic effect is manifested from several sides:

  • The acidity of gastric juice is normalized.
  • The development of Helicobacter pylori is suppressed.
  • The feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappears.
  • Painful sensations are reduced.

To treat gastritis, it is recommended to use decoctions and jelly made from oats.

Use in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers

The use of oat-based products speeds up the healing process and increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. The use of cereal has a number of positive effects.

  • Pronounced antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
  • Increasing the protective properties of the body by obtaining vitamins and minerals contained in cereals.
  • Restoration of damaged and formation of new healthy cells of the body.
  • Normalization of intestinal function, cleansing of toxins.
  • Restoring healthy metabolism and normalizing blood circulation.
  • Improving the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs due to the removal of toxins from the body.

Regular use of oat decoctions and jelly quickly relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing and healing of ulcers.

Oats for gastritis recipes

The main medicinal dish for gastritis is oat decoction.


Oat decoction for gastritis is the main medicine used to treat gastritis. This preparation retains the maximum amount of beneficial substances. Here is a recipe for making a decoction. It is necessary to prepare decoctions not from flakes, but from whole oat grains. Procedure:

  • we wash the grains and let them dry;
  • grind the grains into flour using a blender or coffee grinder;
  • Stir half a glass of the resulting flour in half a liter of water;
  • put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil;
  • reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes;
  • let the broth cool under the lid;
  • filter.

The finished broth is slimy, similar to jelly. It needs to be diluted with cold boiled water to half a liter. The resulting liquid is divided into three doses and drunk per day. You need to drink the decoction before meals, the course of administration is six months.


The oat infusion should be prepared from whole grains; there is no need to grind them.
The oat infusion should be prepared from whole grains; there is no need to grind them. For a glass of boiling water you need to take 0.25 cups of grains. Since the infusion takes a long time to prepare, you can immediately prepare 1 liter of infusion for two days of use. Procedure:

  • Wash and dry 1 cup of grains;
  • pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours;
  • boil water in a large saucepan, place the container with the infusion in the boiling water and simmer in a water bath for half an hour;
  • cool the infusion and let it brew for half a day;
  • drain the liquid through a sieve;
  • add water to a volume of 1 liter;
  • Divide the prepared infusion into 6 servings and drink within two days. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you drink an infusion that you have just taken out of the refrigerator. You need to heat the prepared portion to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

As numerous reviews indicate, oats really help against gastritis, and side effects with this procedure rarely occur. It is only important to follow the dosage and take into account contraindications.


Oatmeal jelly also has healing properties. It is prepared like this:

  • The grains are washed, dried and poured with boiling water. For 500 gr. cereals you need to take three liters of water;
  • leave the mixture to infuse for 12 hours;
  • drain the liquid through a sieve;
  • the swollen oats are washed with the drained infusion, actively stirring and pressing with a spoon to remove as much healing mucus as possible;
  • Place the liquid on the fire and cook over low heat until thickened. The jelly should not be allowed to boil, so it is best to cook it in a water bath;
  • You need to take the drink half a glass three times a day.

Transform the broth into jelly

If you add a little starch to the mixture from the previous recipe and cook longer, you will get a thicker, slimier jelly. It will also be very useful for inflammation of the stomach.

Subtleties of preparing oat infusion

Let's move on to the next, no less effective recipe, which allows us to alleviate the patient's condition and put gastritis into remission. It’s worth trying an oat infusion, which is very easy to prepare:

  • Unrefined grains in the amount of 1/2 cup are washed in running water, 500 ml of liquid is poured.
  • Oats filled with water are infused for 12 hours. That is, you can pour the grains in the evening and proceed to the next stage of preparation in the morning.
  • In the morning, put the oats and water on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.
  • The finished liquid is infused for another day.
  • The next morning, it is filtered and diluted with boiled water so that the total volume of the medicine is 500 ml.
  • The oatmeal potion is divided into three parts and drunk by the patient before sitting down at the table.

Oats for gastritis contraindications

For people with kidney failure, cholelithiasis, removed gallbladder and personal tolerance, taking oat decoction is contraindicated.
It can be taken even during pregnancy. However, for people with renal failure, cholelithiasis, removed gallbladder and personal tolerance, taking this decoction is contraindicated. You must also adhere to the dosage for cholecystitis and liver pathology. In any case, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist before use.


Doctors do not recommend oats for:

  • cardiovascular or renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to oats;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder.

To ensure safe treatment, you should consult your doctor before starting therapy. He will collect anamnesis, analyze the results of the examination and tell you in which cases it is allowed and in which cases it is prohibited to use oat-based medications.

Oats for gastritis


Oat decoction. I once watched a program about the siege of Leningrad, and many people there ate only this decoction and their stomachs were cured


Nikolay Kosmovsky:

“Hello, ... one day my gastritis worsened. Treatment with pills did not help. The pain disappeared only for a while, and returned at night. Salvation came with the advice of a friend - he gave me a recipe for oatmeal with herbs.

Pour 2 tbsp into a small saucepan. spoons of calendula, pour a glass of boiling water, hold on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for an hour, strain the broth and bring to a boil again. Then add 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. When the porridge thickens, add another tablespoon of honey. The first time I ate this healing porridge in the evening, and at night my stomach did not hurt. So the next morning I also cooked porridge: I ate that way for three days, and my stomach pain completely went away. And there has been no worsening since then.

Now I’m telling everyone how I cured gastritis with porridge. But there is just one point: my acidity was increased, in which case calendula is added to the porridge, and if you have low acidity, instead of calendula, cook the porridge with yarrow decoction, it just increases the acidity. And I also want to tell you how you can treat colds and flu without expensive powders. You need to drink oat decoction instead of tea. The infusion is prepared as follows: unrefined oat grains, but only whole grains, and not rolled oats, are ground in a coffee grinder. Pour into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. After twelve hours, the infusion is filtered and drunk. But that's not all.

Oats are a good proven folk remedy that removes poisons from the body and normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland. A decoction of oat spikelets removes toxins from the body if you drink it like tea. I prepare the decoction like this: cook a glass of spikelets (or grains) of oats and 5 glasses of water over low heat until the consistency of liquid jelly, strain and add 2 glasses of milk. I bring all this to a boil, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and boil for another 5 minutes. That's it - the decoction is ready. You need to take it half a glass 3 times a day about half an hour before meals.

But that is not all. You need to prepare a strong infusion of oats, soak a cotton cloth in it, dry it and apply it to the throat and neck area at night. And you need to do this procedure every day for a long time. Thanks to oat treatment, the activity of the thyroid gland is normalized and its functions are restored - regardless of whether they were decreased or increased before treatment. Just do not forget that treatment with oats does not exclude consultation with an endocrinologist and the course of drug treatment prescribed by him. It just may provide additional help, especially if you have not yet taken hormonal medications...”



larosett claims that oat decoction is the best cure for gastritis

Good doctors supplement the pharmacological course with traditional medicine. To my surprise, the gasterenterologist advised me to take a course of oat decoction for gastritis. She said that its effect is comparable to that of De-Nol, which she prescribed.

I have drank this decoction before, but on my own initiative. I read on the Internet that it helps. I bought it at the veterinary store because there is nowhere else in our “village”. The saleswoman then laughed and said that she had once treated her daughter’s cystitis with it. In general, it turns out that the benefits of such a decoction are very diverse - it cleanses the liver, strengthens the immune system, and helps against many other ailments.

There are many ways to prepare such a decoction. This is what the doctor advised me

Pour half a glass of oats into one and a half glasses of clean water overnight. In the morning, put on low heat for an hour and a half, covering with a lid in an enamel bowl.

Let cool, strain and squeeze. Store in the refrigerator.

Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals Course - 2 weeks







Folk recipes and scheme for their use

Before treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with oats, it is important to choose high-quality grain. To prepare an infusion and decoction, you need to use grains, not flakes. It is in the shell that the maximum amount of useful substances is concentrated, allowing you to achieve the predicted result in treatment.

When purchasing, pay attention to the appearance of the cereal: good quality oats have a straw smell and a light color.

Advice. To check the quality of grain at home, you need to fill it with cold water. If after an hour or two the grains do not float, then the grain is of appropriate quality; it can be used to prepare a decoction, infusion or any other recipe.

There are several options for preparing and using oats. This is a decoction, infusion, jelly, bran.


The decoction is prepared in milk or water, at the rate of 200 g of oats per 1 liter of liquid. Grains contain phytin, which, when entering the body, interferes with the absorption of nutritional components. To break down phytin, oats are washed well until the water is clear, then soaked in boiled, cooled water for 10-12 hours.

After time has passed, the container with the infusion must be placed on the stove and brought to a boil. After boiling, cook covered over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove the dish from the stove, cover with a lid and leave until completely cool. Strain the broth through a sieve or several layers of gauze, squeeze out the remainder. The milk broth must be boiled for 60-90 minutes, stirring occasionally.

To prepare a healing decoction, you can use crushed grains, but not dust. 1 tbsp. l. Rinse the cereal until clear water, pour into a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours.

Take 100-200 ml of decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is 21 days, unless otherwise specified by the doctor. After a month, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

Powerful liver cleanser/oat decoction


Heat 1 liter of distilled water to a temperature of 40 °C . Pour in 200 g of oatmeal. Leave for 10-15 minutes to swell. Next, cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. Strain the cooled broth through a colander, grind the flakes through a sieve, add to the liquid, and mix. Place back on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Sprouted oat seeds are used as the main ingredient. To do this, rinse 500 g of grain until clear water, pour in 1-1.25 liters of water, and leave to steep for one hour. Without changing the liquid, cook the grains until boiling. Then add 1 tbsp. l. with starch on top and cook the jelly over low heat until thickened.

In order to prevent and treat gastrointestinal diseases, take 150-200 ml of the drink three times a day for three weeks.


Oat bran is an effective way to cleanse the liver, kidneys and intestines of waste and toxins, normalize metabolism, activate digestion and adjust body weight.

The obvious advantage of the recipe is the absence of a preparation step. It is enough to eat 2 tbsp every day. bran with plenty of water. This should be done three times a day 15 minutes before the main meal.


It is necessary to pour 100 g of grains with cold boiled water and leave in a thermos for 10-12 hours to infuse. Then strain and drink 100 ml 3-4 times throughout the day.

Important! This infusion is recommended to be used instead of tea for people taking antibiotics or other medications.

Another option for preparing an infusion is known - with alcohol and plant stems. 20 g of crushed green leaves pour 250 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol. Infuse, covered, in a dark, cool, dry place for 14 days. Take the strained infusion 1 tbsp. l. diluted with 30-50 ml of water.

Oatmeal broth

A healing agent that can be used to achieve a therapeutic effect is oat decoction. Particularly useful for erosive gastritis. Used in a system with other therapeutic methods of treatment for six months. It's easy to prepare:

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  1. Wash and dry the unpeeled oats well.
  2. Grind dry raw materials.
  3. Place half a glass of the resulting mass in a container.
  4. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water and cover with a lid.
  5. Cook for half an hour over low heat.
  6. Cool and filter.
  7. Dilute with boiled water to a volume of 0.5 liters.
  8. Divide the drug into 3 servings.
  9. Use during the day half an hour before meals.

Oatmeal decoction has the following effects:

  • enveloping;
  • pain reliever;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • nourishes the body with microelements and vitamins.

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