Burning sensation in the esophagus, throat, stomach: causes and treatment
Causes of burning Burning in the stomach, esophagus or throat can be caused by pathological processes in
Duodenal ulcer: how is the pathology manifested and treated?
General description Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic seasonal recurrent disease
What is the name of the doctor who treats the pancreas?
What other doctors are consulted for diseases of the pancreas? The pancreas contains cells that
What does the echogenicity of the pancreas mean and the features of its changes?
How is pathological hyperechogenicity of the pancreas treated? Treatment of all conditions associated with hyperechogenicity is prescribed only by a doctor.
Gallbladder constriction: diagnosis and treatment
The gallbladder is an internal organ important for the digestion process and has a pear-shaped shape.
secretion of gastric juice
Where is hydrochloric acid produced? Increased stomach acidity. Symptoms. How is it produced and neutralized?
The secretion of gastric juice occurs through the work of the gastric mucosa. It represents a colorless, devoid
Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
There are no clinical recommendations in oncology for duodenal cancer, but they have been awarded anatomically
Insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter - achalasia cardia
Lower esophageal sphincter, or cardia of the stomach
Terminology Achalasia cardia is a disease of neuromuscular etiology and refers to its chronic form. The disease is characterized by the absence
Objects lodged in the esophagus
What causes pain in the esophagus
Classification of diseases of the esophagus The entire list of diseases of the esophagus is divided into groups depending on the nature
foods that are good for the pancreas
What is good for the pancreas - a list of the 7 best foods
A person ultimately becomes what he eats. If the food is harmful,
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