What is the name of the doctor who treats the pancreas?

What other doctors do you consult for diseases of the pancreas?

The pancreas contains cells that produce hormones - insulin and glucagon, which regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.
When the disease progresses slowly over a long period of time, these cells die, which leads to diabetes mellitus. In such cases, it is recommended to contact an endocrinologist who will conduct an examination, prescribe treatment, select the required dosage of insulin, and recommend a diet. Patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus due to pancreatitis should undergo treatment in the endocrinology department twice a year. Often, with a long course of chronic pancreatitis, tumor-forming processes begin in the tissues of the pancreas. These are most common in older people. These may be cysts or malignant neoplasms. As a rule, tumors are detected during a routine medical examination. But the patient himself should listen to the following signs:

  • Constant debilitating pain.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Complete loss of appetite.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea, light stools.

You should immediately consult an oncologist. Unfortunately, in most cases, malignant pancreatic tumors are detected at late stages, which leads to high mortality.

Doctors who treat diseases of the pancreas agree that timely prevention is the best way to prevent a serious illness from entering the body. Quitting smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, following a diet, a healthy lifestyle and undergoing a medical examination at least twice a year will help maintain health. And if you identify signs indicating the presence of the disease, you do not need to treat yourself, but should consult a doctor. Timely, correct treatment and adherence to recommendations are the key to effective treatment and full recovery.

If you don't know where the pancreas is located, then you are a lucky person. Indeed, everyone has an idea of ​​where their heart is located, or, for example, their kidneys and, accordingly, who to turn to if problems arise - a cardiologist or nephrologist.


Sometimes a patient who complains that he has a stomach ache is referred to an oncologist after an examination. After all, the cause of such discomfort can be a tumor. Its presence can be confirmed after CT, MRI, ultrasound or ERCP. Treatment of such problems is only possible with chemotherapy or surgery.

The tumor can form due to a long course of chronic pancreatitis. Especially if the patient violates doctors’ recommendations. After all, this disease often requires a special diet and constant use of special medications.

Malfunction of the pancreas leads to a general deterioration in health. In this case, many organs are affected, digestion and absorption of nutrients are disrupted. Only timely consultation with a doctor will be the key to successful treatment and prevention of serious complications.

Initial examination

During the first examination, an experienced specialist will be able to determine whether the painful sensations are associated with pathologies of the pancreas or whether they are caused by other diseases. The patient must undergo certain tests, based on the results of which the doctor can confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.

To accurately determine the nature of pathological processes in the pancreas, an ultrasound examination is necessary, which will help identify:

  • how large is the pancreas?
  • heterogeneity of echogenicity is a characteristic manifestation of pancreatitis;
  • the presence of cysts, malignant formations;
  • degree, depth and area of ​​lesions.

If an ultrasound determines the presence of a tumor, the patient must visit a specialist called an oncologist.

In this situation, it is the oncologist who determines the need for chemotherapy and the advisability of emergency intervention.

It is worth noting that pancreatitis is a complex disease, for successful treatment of which the recommendations of several specialists should be taken into account. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of the name of the specialty of the doctor who should be contacted at the first suspicion of pancreatitis.

How does acute pancreatitis manifest and what to do?

The most common pathology of the digestive organ is pancreatitis. It is formed as a result of irrational eating, uncontrolled drinking of alcoholic beverages, and taking certain types of medications.

The inflammatory course in the gland is accompanied by symptoms that echo the manifestations of severe poisoning. During illness, enzymes reside in the canals of the gland or in the gland itself, destructively affecting it from the inside.

In addition, enzymes can be absorbed into the blood, which leads to intoxication.

In the acute stage of pancreatitis, the patient is constantly tormented by unbearable pain in the digestive area. They have a dull or cutting flow. The pain can be so severe that it will cause the development of painful shock. The syndrome is localized on the right or left under the rib, or located just below the middle of the chest. The area of ​​pain depends on which part of the organ is affected by the inflammatory phenomenon. When the entire pancreas is damaged, the pain syndrome has an encroaching effect. The easiest way to help yourself with pain in the pancreas is to slightly bend forward.


One of the most serious diseases, which is poorly diagnosed, especially in the initial stages, and difficult to treat, is pancreatic cancer.

Its occurrence is provoked by pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, and hereditary predisposition. Most often, the disease appears in people over 70 years of age.

If clinical and laboratory tests confirm the diagnosis, then the patient needs an oncologist. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the gland. But chemotherapy is mainly used as a method of palliative care for the patient.

The mortality rate due to cancer is very high. This type of disease is practically incurable.

The consequences of the disease in most cases pose a threat to human life. Therefore, if your pancreas hurts, you should not try to heal on your own or hesitate. You need to go to the doctor urgently. Only timely, qualified help from a specialist will alleviate the condition and help cope with the problem.

If the therapist referred to an oncologist

Many people shudder at the mere mention of the word “oncologist.” But do not panic if the therapist has given a referral to this specialist, because a problem detected in time can be completely solved with the help of modern treatment methods.

Untimely treatment of pancreatitis may well lead to tumor diseases. They can be detected using ultrasound, CT, MRI and other studies that are carried out upon patient admission to the hospital. Cysts or cancerous tumors can form in the pancreatic tissue. In such cases, consultation with an oncologist is strictly necessary, because only he can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. If necessary, a decision is made on surgery and chemotherapy.

Inflammation of the pancreas is a serious disease that requires at least consultation with a specialist who treats the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. You should not delay consulting a doctor, because in addition to the main illness, concomitant diseases pose a huge danger, the main one of which is diabetes.

Sometimes the disease takes you by surprise, a person is lost, does not know what to do and cannot understand which doctor he needs to go to. This is especially true if emergency assistance is required. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, the pain attacks instantly, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea - you need to know exactly which doctor to consult in this situation. Timely treatment is a guarantee of recovery!

Pancreas and liver specialists

It should be clarified that depending on the nature of the pain and symptoms, the patient should contact a specific specialist.
So, who treats the pancreas, which doctor will provide medical assistance:

- therapist

— gastroenterologist

- endocrinologist

- surgeon.

Successful and timely treatment can only be provided by a doctor who practices in this field.

As a rule, you should go to a general practitioner in case of chronic pancreatitis during periods without exacerbations. Or if there is a suspicion of any other pancreatic disease. The doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo general tests:

- general blood analysis

- blood chemistry

- blood tests for the pancreas (blood glucose, lipase, trypsin norm)

- urine tests

- Ultrasound.

Based on the test results, the therapist prescribes treatment or gives a referral to a gastroenterologist. But it may be that the tests show a disease in a completely different area (osteochondrosis, for example) and then the doctor will write a referral to the appropriate specialist.

The first specialist to whom a therapist can refer a patient with complaints about the pancreas is a gastroenterologist. He studies the results of general tests, examines the patient and interviews him about the nature of the pain. The doctor can also refer the patient for instrumental diagnostics: MRI, radiography, CRT, ERCP, etc. Based on the results of studies and general tests, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

The therapist can refer you to an endocrinologist if blood tests reveal abnormal levels of glucose in the blood. In this case, hormonal disorders are possible, the treatment of which will be treated by this specialist.

The patient usually comes to the surgeon in extreme cases of an attack of acute pancreatitis, when it is impossible to do without hospitalization. The first thing the patient needs to do is remove the acute attack. In the hospital, the patient is given IVs, given pain-relieving injections, or prescribed painkillers. The surgeon must examine the patient for appendicitis, ulcers, and the presence of stones in the gland ducts.

General characteristics of the problem

The pancreas plays a vital role in the digestive process. It is here that enzymes are produced that break down carbohydrates in the duodenum. In addition, the pancreatic juice released by it activates digestion. During inflammatory processes or blockage of the gland ducts, this juice and the enzymes it contains stop flowing into the stomach. They have a destructive effect on the gland itself, causing severe pain, and also lead to the release of toxins into the blood. As a result, the functioning of many organs is disrupted, but the liver suffers the most.

The pancreas performs very important functions in the body, therefore it is impossible to treat its pathologies on your own. Improper therapy can lead to serious consequences for the digestive tract and even death.

The most common disease affecting the pancreas is pancreatitis, which can be acute or chronic. This pathology develops due to poor nutrition, drug or alcohol poisoning, infectious diseases, and also as a complication of chronic gastritis. In this case, you definitely need to go to a doctor to be examined and receive recommendations for treatment.

In addition, dysfunction of the pancreas can cause diabetes. After all, it is this organ that produces insulin and regulates the absorption of glucose.

Such a variety of pancreatic pathologies and their danger forces patients to consult a doctor. Depending on the severity of the pathology, its characteristics and stage, the following specialists can provide assistance:

  1. therapist;
  2. gastroenterologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. endocrinologist;
  5. oncologist.

In case of acute pancreatitis, the patient requires urgent hospitalization

Chronic pancreatitis we act according to the situation

The development of chronic pancreatitis can develop according to two scenarios:

  1. Invisible development of the disease without an acute form.
  2. Acute pancreatitis, developing into chronic.

Even with a sluggish course of the disease and unexpressed pain syndrome, a sharp regression can still occur. In this case, the patient will feel symptoms characteristic of acute pancreatitis. In this case, you need to act as described above - call an ambulance. Doctors will collect anamnesis and decide whether the patient needs emergency hospitalization, or can visit a gastroenterologist at the clinic the next day.

Emergency doctors will decide on hospitalization

In fact, the methodology for diagnosing and treating chronic and acute pancreatitis is the same, the only difference is in the efficiency of these measures, which is important for preserving the life and health of the patient. Therefore, a gastroenterologist, to whom a person turns with symptoms of chronic pancreatitis, will prescribe the same tests, but in a smaller volume and in a less urgent manner: . General blood test and biochemistry. Coprogram. Urine analysis, in particular for amylase. Ultrasound of the peritoneal organs. MRI or CT.

Who can help with acute pancreatitis?

An attack of acute pancreatitis cannot be ignored. During it, a person feels a piercing pain in the upper abdomen, which indirectly indicates problems with the pancreas. To provide timely medical assistance in such cases, you must urgently call an ambulance. It is necessary to understand that the patient is experiencing unbearable pain at this time, and delay is fraught with serious complications, including death.

Acute abdominal pain in any case is a reason to urgently consult a doctor

The medical team that arrives at the call will provide the necessary first aid and decide which department is best to take the patient to. Most often, people with acute pancreatitis are hospitalized in the intensive care unit, but for certain reasons this may be in the departments of surgery, gastroenterology, or therapy.

In order to confirm the primary diagnosis and establish the presence or absence of concomitant diseases, upon admission to the hospital a number of tests and studies will be prescribed:

  • blood test (general and biochemical);
  • urine test (general and amylase analysis);
  • coprogram;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • MRI, with which the doctor checks for the presence or absence of tissue changes;
  • CT;
  • angiography of the pancreas;
  • retrograde cholecystopancreatography.

Who treats the patient after taking a history and confirming the diagnosis? A surgeon and gastroenterologist, who deals primarily with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, select the necessary treatment, after which everyone is required to receive a number of recommendations on taking medications and following a therapeutic diet. Next, changes in the health of the pancreas will be monitored by the local therapist. If necessary, he will also give a referral for examination to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or oncologist.

Symptoms of pathology in children

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the pancreas in children are not very different from those in adults: abdominal pain, due to which the child cries and cannot calm down, frequent vomiting, fever that is not very high, diarrhea, refusal to eat.

Acute pancreatitis in a child is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting

There are cases when a child develops chronic pancreatitis. It is not necessarily manifested by pain, but by glandular insufficiency in most cases. If the pancreas does not work, the child experiences the following symptoms:

  • growth retardation;
  • insufficient weight gain, despite the usual diet;
  • frequent loose stools that are difficult to wash off, alternating with constipation;
  • the child gets tired quickly;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • blurred vision at dusk;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • thirst.

What can be done for pain in the pancreas, and what should not be done under any circumstances? You will find the answer to this question in the article: What to do if your pancreas hurts

Inflammatory and infectious diseases rarely pass without leaving a trace on the body. After them, doctors often diagnose reactive pancreatitis. In children, the symptoms of this disease indicate damage to the main organ of the digestive system - the pancreas. However, abdominal discomfort, belching and heartburn do not always indicate an inflammatory process. If a child complains of pain, you should immediately call a doctor. Self-treatment may result in complications of the pathological process.

Who is doing the treatment?

Which doctor treats pancreatitis? Based on statistics, the most common disease of the organ is its inflammation, called pancreatitis. Most often this is due to a lack or excessive production of enzymes that are aimed at processing food. Treatment can be carried out by several specialists at once.

Each doctor will have his own work plan to eliminate the consequences of pancreatitis:

  1. The therapist carries out treatment if pancreatitis has not acquired a chronic form and occurs in a mild stage.
  2. If the disease is acute and accompanied by attacks of pain, you will need to consult a surgeon, and sometimes a resuscitation surgeon. All acute attacks of pancreatitis are an indication for hospitalization of a person.
  3. If acute inflammation during pancreatitis can be relieved without surgery, through drug treatment, then a gastroenterologist gets down to business. In addition, the same doctor prescribes a special diet for the patient.
  4. It is also necessary to consult an endocrinologist, who must refer the patient for additional examination. This is due to the fact that against the background of pancreatitis, the production of insulin and glucagon may be disrupted. If this is true, then hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. If this treatment is neglected, diabetes mellitus will subsequently develop as a complication of pancreatitis.

Important information: Herbs for the treatment of pancreas

When the pancreas hurts and there is inflammation, the disease will go away faster if several specialists take on the matter, a detailed examination is carried out, adequate treatment is prescribed, the patient follows a certain diet and performs appropriate physical exercises.

How to treat pancreatic diseases

Treatment of acute conditions with pathologies of this organ often takes place in a hospital setting. Due to severe nausea and vomiting, all necessary medications are administered to the patient by injection or using droppers.

Complex therapy is aimed at reducing pain, removing intoxication and reducing enzyme activity. If a focus of purulent inflammation forms, antibiotics are prescribed.

In some cases, conservative treatment does not produce the desired effect, and surgical intervention is required.

As the general condition improves, the patient is prescribed pancreatin, a drug containing an enzyme normally produced by the gland when food enters the stomach. It is used until pancreatic function is completely restored. Some patients who have suffered severe pancreatitis, as well as those suffering from a chronic illness, are forced to take it throughout their lives.

During the recovery period, restorative therapy is prescribed, including vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulants.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the complex treatment of pancreatic diseases, the use of folk remedies is permissible.

Home remedies based on oats have a healing effect on this digestive organ.

  • Oatmeal jelly. To prepare it, pour a glass of cereal into a liter of boiled water, place it in a water bath and cook for half an hour. Cooled jelly should be drunk ½ cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • Oat milk. You will need 100 grams of unrefined cereal, 1.5 liters of water. Boil the washed oats in water for approximately 40 minutes. When it becomes soft, it should be crushed. It is convenient to do this with an immersion blender in the same container. The resulting mixture should be cooked for another 20-30 minutes. It needs to be strained. You should drink this drug three times a day, ½ cup. Oat milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Juice from raw potatoes relieves the condition. Squeeze out the grated raw root vegetable, drink the resulting juice 100 ml 2 hours before meals.

A tincture based on dry raw materials of chamomile and immortelle will have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. For a tablespoon of herbal mixture you will need 200 ml of boiling water. The product must be infused for 30 minutes and then strained. Drink 120 ml 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Ground chicory is traditionally used to treat the pancreas. It can be used instead of tea or coffee by taking a teaspoon of the product per glass of water.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, treatment with folk remedies should not replace the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Therapeutic diet

Dietary nutrition for diseases of the pancreas is an element of complex therapy.

During the period of acute manifestations, the patient is recommended to fast. As negative symptoms decrease, dietary dishes are gradually introduced into the menu.

Often manifestations of pancreatic diseases lead to dehydration

Therefore, it is important to maintain a drinking regime, ensuring rehydration.

  1. Fried, baked, fatty, spicy, salty foods, smoked foods, canned food (including home-made food), and confectionery are subject to complete exclusion.
  2. The basis of the menu should be porridge with water, vegetable broths and vegetarian soups, pureed vegetables, dried bread products, low-fat fish, cottage cheese, steamed omelettes, unsweetened tea.
  3. Meals should be fractional, in small portions.
  4. It is important to organize meals at the same time.
  5. Smoking and alcohol must be avoided.

The role of the organ in the digestive system

You can talk about disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas based on the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the left side of the abdomen;
  • pain in the side, which intensifies after eating;
  • the pain is girdling in nature;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea.

Before answering the question of which doctor to contact, you need to find out the location of the pancreas. Based on the name of the organ, we can conclude that it is located under the stomach on its left side. It is part of the digestive system. That is why a gastroenterologist deals with issues related to the pancreas.

The organ is responsible for the synthesis of enzymes, then they enter the duodenum, where they are broken down into various trace elements and nutrients that are processed by the intestines.

The pancreas also performs 2 important functions:

  1. Exocrine secretion is the synthesis of pancreatic juice for digestion.
  2. Internal secretion - produces a number of hormones that regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

The main work of this organ is associated with the production of insulin and glucagon. Under the influence of the first, carbohydrates and glucose are absorbed. Glucagon is able to protect liver cells from fatty degeneration. If pancreatic secretion is reduced, which doctor will help? If the body’s production of these two hormones is disrupted, a person needs to seek help from an endocrinologist.

Important information: What MRI diagnostics of the pancreas shows

Which doctor treats the pancreas and pancreatitis

Every patient who is faced with pancreatic diseases wonders who treats pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

He must decide on the specialist who will carry out the treatment.

Inflammatory changes in the affected organ may be under the consideration of several doctors, since final recovery will occur only with complex treatment.

For acute pancreatitis

The occurrence of acute and intense pain in the upper abdominal cavity of a piercing, stabbing or burning origin indicates the formation of inflammatory changes in the pancreas that require emergency care.

Discomfort in the acute form of the disease causes severe suffering to the patient, and prolonged absence of proper treatment can lead to complex consequences of an irreversible nature.

The main solution in such situations will be to call doctors.

The specialist will examine the patient, carry out the necessary measures to provide immediate assistance, performed outside the hospital setting, and also hospitalize the patient for differential examination and therapy.

In case of exacerbation of the acute form of the pathological process, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit, where he will be examined by a resuscitation specialist and a surgeon.

If such measures are impossible (for example, when the clinic is located remotely), the specialist makes a decision to transport the person to the surgical department, gastroenterology.

Next, in order to confirm the diagnosis, the patient’s complaints are assessed and an anamnesis is collected.

Then a differential examination of the pathological process in question, as well as other diseases accompanied by similar laboratory signs, is carried out.

For these purposes, the patient undergoes the following types of laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • Blood chemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Coprogram;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Cholecystopancreatography;
  • CT and MRI;
  • Angiography.

The tactics of diagnostic measures are selected by a specialist individually and vary from the data collected during the examination and interview of the patient.

Based on this information, the doctor confirms or refutes the diagnosis and prescribes effective therapy.

In case of acute inflammatory changes in the pancreas, the patient is prescribed measures to provide immediate assistance, and then the surgeon selects an effective treatment.

If the need arises, the therapeutic regimen can be adjusted taking into account instrumental and laboratory diagnostic indicators.

When the health of a patient with an acute form of pathology has stabilized, he will be transferred to the surgical department or gastroenterology.

Then a surgeon or gastroenterologist will treat him. At the time of discharge, the patient will receive clear medical instructions on the use of medications, adherence to dietary nutrition and the need for observation by a local doctor.

He will continue to directly monitor the condition of the pancreas and refer the patient to specialized doctors.

For chronic pancreatitis

With initial exacerbations of the chronic form of the pathological process in question, a person is likely to develop a rather complex attack.

In such a situation, he needs to be given the same assistance as with acute pancreatitis. The same specialists participate in the treatment of such patients as during the initial attacks of pancreatic inflammation.

Over time, such a disease manifests itself as dyspepsia and less severe pain.

In such situations, the patient turns to the local doctor, who provides therapy for the patient or refers him to a gastroenterologist for recommendations.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, the attending physician gives advice regarding subsequent treatment of chronic pancreatitis or recommends hospitalization.

What is the difference between acute and chronic process

Acute and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis by their nature, as well as manifestations, are identical conditions associated with the advanced process of self-digestion and destruction of pancreatic cells. They are an acute surgical pathology, diagnoses must be confirmed by surgeons, treatment must be carried out in the surgical department of the hospital. If the patient’s condition is serious, complications develop - in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

The chronic process leads to a sluggish, gradual replacement of previously inflamed tissue with fibrous tissue, which loses the ability to produce enzymes and hormones. It is treated under the supervision of general practitioners or gastroenterologists. The basis of therapy is maintaining the viability of the preserved tissue, taking replacement drugs (enzymes, insulin), and preventing exacerbations.

Infectious disease specialist

An infectious disease specialist acts as a consultant in the presence of various types of hepatitis. As many as six forms of viral hepatitis have now been identified:

  • groups A and E do not cause fatal consequences;
  • groups B, C, D, G can cause complications and the development of pathologies leading not only to cirrhosis, but also other dangerous diseases.

When a rash appears on the body, the color of stool and urine has changed significantly, and characteristic pain has appeared, felt in the right hypochondrium - immediately visit an infectious disease specialist.

Only in a hospital setting can hepatitis classified as categories B, C, D or G be cured. Treatment includes a variety of types and methods of therapy. They are aimed at excluding the development of liver failure and other complications.


Chronic pancreatitis can be treated not only by a general practitioner, but also by a gastroenterologist.

In addition, the last doctor deals with the acute course of the disease; it is he who will determine the type, form, stage of the disease and the presence of complications, and prescribe the correct treatment and preventive measures.

A gastroenterologist is a doctor with a narrow focus that deals with the organs of the digestive system, which includes the pancreas.

Such doctors are the main ones for carrying out therapy for pancreatitis. Further prognosis, stages of recovery and organ function depend on their qualifications and intervention.

If the patient develops a bowel disorder, loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea develops, the gastroenterologist can conduct an initial examination, which is similar to an appointment with a therapist.

After this, laboratory tests are carried out to estimate the amount of enzymes, and feces and urine are analyzed.

To accurately establish the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Gastroscopy - shows problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. X-ray examination using contrast elements shows the condition of the tissues of the affected organ and its ducts, which makes it possible to confirm the diagnosis.
  3. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and gland - indicates high echogenicity with disease and dilation of the ducts.
  4. CT and MRI methods allow you to see the development of cysts, tissue atrophy, compactions and other malignant formations.
  5. Endoscopic diagnostic methods enable the doctor to assess the condition of the canals and tumors in them.

After a thorough diagnosis, the attending doctor determines a treatment regimen and, if necessary, can refer the patient to other doctors.

Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases

Symptoms of such pathologies are often similar to signs of disturbances in the functioning of other organs of the digestive system. Therefore, comprehensive diagnostics plays an important role.

  • Laboratory methods (biochemical tests of urine and blood, coprogram, tests detecting enzymatic deficiency of the gland).
  • Instrumental methods (x-ray and ultrasound examination, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, contrast duodenography, computed tomography, gland biopsy).

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Therapist's help

If it is unclear which organ is affected, you should first contact your local physician. Symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas sometimes coincide with signs of pyelonephritis, herpes zoster, and osteochondrosis. You should also start with a visit to a therapist if there is chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation.

The therapist performs an examination by palpating the abdominal area to identify the location of pain, prescribes an ultrasound examination and general tests. Based on the collected data, the therapist refers the patient to the next specialist.

An inflammatory process in the pancreas will be indicated by heterogeneous echogenicity and an increased size of the organ.

After adjusting lifestyle, nutrition, and prescribing treatment, the patient remains under the supervision of a therapist, visiting specialists as planned. Upon discharge, the patient is registered.

According to the manifestations of the disease, the patient is hospitalized in the gastroenterology or intensive care unit. After detection of neoplasms and tumors, treatment by an oncologist will be required. If pancreatitis has taken an acute form and is accompanied by intoxication, then a surgeon will help.

Who to contact for chronic pancreatitis

In order to decide where to start on your path to healing, you need to analyze your condition.

Warning symptoms to look out for:

  • pain in the upper abdomen, as well as in the left hypochondrium, aggravated by eating;
  • nausea;
  • problems with stool (both diarrhea and constipation are possible);
  • gas formation, belching;
  • weakness;
  • poor appetite.

When the pancreas is inflamed, sometimes not only the hypochondrium hurts, but also the left side of the back, which can be confusing, since such symptoms resemble osteochondrosis, for which few people see a doctor.

If you experience regular but tolerable pain in the epigastric region, the most reasonable decision would be to seek medical help from a therapist. At the appointment, the attending physician will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests and give a referral to a specialist who deals with this problem, usually a gastroenterologist. Also, the therapist will definitely draw the patient’s attention to the need to follow a therapeutic diet, since this is one of the main ways to combat the disease. If the pancreas is damaged, spicy, fried, salty, sweet, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol are prohibited. It is important to remember that there is no need to be shy in matters related to health, so if you have any doubts about whether you can or cannot use this or that product, it is better to check this with your doctor once again, because he is the one who is aware of all the features of the course of a particular disease and can give a detailed answer. The same rule applies to traditional methods of treatment. Many of them are really good and can help relieve the condition, but a doctor must still give permission.

The same algorithm applies to cases when the patient suffers from chronic pancreatitis - first of all, he goes to the therapist.

In what cases should you contact an oncologist or endocrinologist?

Organs treated by an endocrinologist.
The gland contains cells that produce several hormones. Once in the bloodstream, they affect the amount of glucose in the body. But inflammation of the gland can provoke cell necrosis, which leads to diabetes. The patient should consult an endocrinologist. The specialist will register the sick person at the dispensary and select the correct dose of insulin or other medications that can replace hormones. Sometimes a person with gland pain may need inpatient therapy in the appropriate department.

In some circumstances, it is worthwhile for a patient to visit an oncologist who treats patients suffering from cancer. A complex and prolonged course of the chronic stage of the disease without proper treatment can cause the development of various benign and malignant neoplasms in the pancreas.

Experts discover them when conducting certain studies. It is possible to prescribe an MRI, other procedures and examinations that the patient undergoes during medical examination during exacerbations of a disease called pancreatitis.

In addition, cysts may appear in the gland. If tumors are suspected, a person should consult an oncologist. If necessary, the specialist will suggest the patient to undergo surgery or chemotherapy

If you have pancreatic diseases, you need to be attentive and careful about your health, take into account the recommendations of doctors and get examined. This approach will allow the patient to avoid complications.

What other doctors treat this diagnosis?

In addition to the therapist and gastroenterologist, those with characteristic pain are referred to the following doctors:

  • oncologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • proctologist;
  • surgeon

What does an oncologist treat?

People are sent to an oncologist for stomach cancer. It is determined using ultrasound, endoscopic and histological examination, and biopsy. After a long examination, either a general practitioner or a gastroenterologist refers you to an oncologist. This type of cancer does not occur in a healthy organ. It is preceded by a precancerous condition.

Stomach cancer is a terrible disease, but there is a possibility of a complete cure for the disease. It depends on the stage of the disease.

For stomach cancer, the following types of tests are usually prescribed:

  • ultrasound endoscopy;
  • fluoroscopic examination;
  • computed tomography;
  • measurement of tumor tumor markers.

A competent doctor is able to prescribe quality treatment.

What does a proctologist treat?

The main area of ​​research of a proctologist is diseases of the colon and intestinal sections. Thus, the scope of specialization of this doctor includes diseases of inflammatory, infectious, oncological and other nature.

If discomfort occurs in the intestines and duodenum, experts recommend immediately contacting this doctor. This approach will help stop the development of the disease and complications.

What does the surgeon treat?

A surgeon is a specialist who deals with cases that require surgical treatment. His competence includes injuries to soft tissues that violate the integrity of tissues. Surgeon is a specialty that applies to all areas of medicine. Therefore, this doctor can work in dentistry, neurology and other fields.

The following diseases are in the scope of research of surgeons:

  • tumors;
  • birth defects;
  • diseases related to the therapeutic focus;
  • various injuries;
  • inflammatory diseases of soft tissues.

Thus, pain in the stomach and in all parts of the abdominal cavity is a rather dangerous phenomenon. At the first “bell” you need to quickly run to the doctor and conduct an examination. If there are problems, a general practitioner or gastrologist will immediately prescribe you treatment or send you to a doctor specialized in this area. The main thing is not to delay, and the disease will be defeated thanks to the medical intervention of specialists.

Do I need to be examined and what tests should I take before visiting a doctor?

Based on the fact that disruption of the functioning of an important organ is fraught with many unpleasant complications, it is clear that such a problem cannot be left without attention. . First, you will have to visit a specialist highly specialized in this area - a doctor who treats pancreatitis in adults, a gastroenterologist, he treats not only the pancreas, but other digestive disorders

First, you will have to visit a specialist highly specialized in this area - a doctor who treats pancreatitis in adults, a gastroenterologist, who treats not only the pancreas, but other digestive disorders.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis by conducting only a visual examination of the patient - this will require a number of necessary studies.

A pressing question for those suffering from pancreatic dysfunction is what tests to take for pancreatitis. First of all, the doctor gives a referral for laboratory tests of urine, feces and blood. Why is this so important?

Analysis of urine

Such a study is necessary, since indicators of biological fluid can give a clear idea of ​​the pathological process in the organ. It contains a certain amount of alpha-amylase, an enzymatic compound that breaks down carbohydrates in the small intestine. When deviations in its concentration occur, and a large amount of propanone, acetoacetic acid and other ketone bodies, which are products of metabolic processes, appear in the urine, the doctor has the opportunity to verify the presence of inflammation of the pancreas.

In addition, in the chronic stage of the disease, the level of elastase should be detected, and in the acute stage - protein and bilirubin; in the latter case, the increased content of proteins and yellow liver pigment makes the color of the urine dark.

Treatment regimen for pancreatitis

For diseases that are associated with pancreatic pathologies, the doctor will say that the disease should be treated immediately, when the first signs appear. Treatment of the disease will depend on the factors that cause attacks, as well as the forms of occurrence. Therapy is carried out by a therapist or gastroenterologist.

The initial condition for cure is a strict diet. Initially, the patient should drink liquid so that the functions of the organ are restored. The doctor will then tell you when to start eating. It is forbidden to eat fried, fatty, spicy and sweet foods.

The doctor will also prescribe the necessary enzyme medications. They will help the organ function independently. It is possible to use traditional methods to treat the organ, but initially you need to consult a doctor. When problems with the digestive organ appear, you initially need to go to a therapist with your pancreas. Based on the initial examination and tests, the doctor will independently begin treatment or write a referral to another doctor to eliminate the problem.

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