Min water for atrophic gastritis

Gastritis is a widespread disease. Getting rid of its chronic form occurs through long-term treatment using various means. Mineral water for gastritis is a remedy that improves a person’s condition. However, you need to know how to use it correctly. Otherwise, your health may worsen.

Plain and mineral water: what is the difference?

Mineral waters got their name due to the fact that they contain ions of elements in increased quantities compared to the norm. This excess is quantitative and qualitative in nature. Drinking water has a pH in the range from 6 to 7 units. It may contain elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, nitrogen. However, its mineralization should be about 1 g/l.

The mineral water contains ions in amounts from 1 to 15 g/l. This high content is due to the fact that water passes through rocks with different chemical compositions. The stones are washed away, and soluble substances fall into the water, which comes to the surface.

Mineral solutions are divided into natural and artificial. The first category represents solutions extracted from the subsoil. Artificial mineral liquids mean solutions that are partially or completely produced in a laboratory.

The uniqueness of Essentuki water No. 17

Essentuki mineral water has a unique natural composition that can significantly affect your overall health. The serious composition makes uncontrolled water consumption unacceptable.

The composition of Essentuka No. 17 includes the following minerals:

  • iron;
  • bromine;
  • arsenic;
  • boron;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • iodine.

Such water is useful when directly consumed from the source, but during bottling and long-term storage its beneficial properties are lost slightly, which makes it possible to use Essentuki 17 even in remote corners of the country.

Mineral water

Depending on the composition of mineral water, it is divided into:

  • to sulfate;
  • to glandular;
  • to magnesium;
  • to hydrocarbonate;
  • to chloride;
  • to having a mixed composition.

However, in order to understand what mineral water to drink for gastritis, you need to know about the classification according to the criteria of acidity and level of mineralization. Those who suffer from gastritis need to select mineral water that has an acidic, neutral or alkaline reaction.

According to the degree of saturation with ions, water is divided:

  • to highly mineralized (10-15 g/l);
  • to medium mineralized (5-10 g/l);
  • to low-mineralized (2-5 g/l);
  • to low-mineralized (1-2 g/l).

Mineral water with an ion concentration of 5 g or more is prescribed as a therapeutic agent. All other options belong to the category of table or medicinal-table, consumed primarily to satisfy thirst and obtain organoleptic sensations.

Essentuki 4

Of all the deposits in the Kavminvod region, Essentuki has the greatest variety of options. Mineral waters with different ion concentrations are available for retail sale. The waters suitable for drinking differ in numbers. They may coincide with the designation of the well in which a solution with a constant composition is produced. However, many variants of the Essentuki brand are a mixture of water from different deposits.

Essentuki No. 4 is natural water obtained from a single well. It is characterized as follows:

  • hydrocarbonates - 4000-5500 mg/l;
  • chlorides - 600-800 mg/l;
  • sulfates - 150-400 mg/l;
  • potassium and sodium - 2000-2600 mg/l;
  • magnesium - 50 mg/l or less;
  • calcium - 100 mg/l or less;
  • carbon dioxide - 500-1700 mg/l;
  • mineralization - 7-10 g/l..

Boric acid may be present as an impurity.

Essentuki 17

This solution has the status of a therapeutic agent. It is extracted from several wells with liquid of similar composition. It has the following characteristics:

  • hydrocarbonates - 4900-6500 mg/l;
  • sulfates - 25 mg/l or less;
  • chlorides - 1700-2800 mg/l;
  • calcium - 60-250 mg/l;
  • magnesium - 140 mg/l or less;
  • sodium and potassium - 2850-4100 mg/l;
  • carbon dioxide - 550-2450 mg/l;
  • mineralization - 10-14 g/l..

Essentuki 17 water is odorless and colorless, but has a strong soda-salty taste.


Water under this name is produced only in Georgia in the Borjomi Valley. The range of its mineralization ranges from 3 to 7 g/l. This means that it can be used as both a table and medicinal liquid.

The chemical composition of Borjomi is diverse. It can be characterized as follows:

  • sulfates - 10 mg/l or less;
  • calcium - 20-150 mg/l;
  • chlorides - 250-550 mg/l;
  • sodium - 1000-1850 mg/l
  • potassium - 17-48 mg/l;
  • magnesium - 30-150 mg/l;
  • hydrocarbonates - 3450-5000 mg/l;
  • carbon dioxide - 500-2400 mg/l.

In addition, Borjomi contains small quantities of elements such as fluorine, silicon, aluminum, boron, titanium, and strontium.


This natural water is extracted from the Verkhnesarmatsky aquifer, located in the Odessa region of Ukraine. Despite the fact that it lies at a relatively shallow depth (up to 90 m), its composition is constant due to a thick layer of clay that isolates the deposit from polluting influences.

Kuyalnik belongs to the category of sodium chloride waters. It is used to treat and quench thirst. The level of mineralization is low - no more than 4 g/l, acidity is close to neutral - 6.5 pH.


This water is produced in Kislovodsk. Despite the low level of mineralization (up to 3 g/l), it is considered medicinal.

The effect of narzan is difficult to explain by its chemical composition. It is formed due to the fact that water flowing from the glaciers of the Caucasus Range penetrates deep into the rocks. It comes to the surface already saturated not only with ions, but also with carbon dioxide. The ionic composition is as follows:

  • sulfates - 270-500 mg/l;
  • magnesium - 40-150 mg/l.
  • calcium - 200-450 mg/l;
  • chlorine - 60-140 mg/l;
  • potassium - 60-250 mg/l;
  • sodium - 50-250 mg/l;
  • carbonates - 1000-1500 mg/l.

Balneotherapy rules

Depending on the disease, the intake of Essentuki 17 mineral water is prescribed in various dosages from 30 to 150 ml, in warm, cold or hot mode, and how it is absorbed (in large or small sips) also matters. Mineral water is taken at least a month before meals.

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Mineral water bottled at natural springs is an assistant in the treatment of many diseases and strengthening the immune response

Treatment of gastritis with decreased secretion

To increase gastric secretion and activate intestinal activity, Essentuki mineral water is prescribed 15-20 minutes before meals. Drink water at room temperature slowly and in small sips.

Decreased intestinal motor function

To enhance and restore intestinal motility and improve the functioning of smooth muscles, drink water several hours before meals in large sips. The water should be cool, about 18 degrees.

Intestinal spasm

For constipation accompanied by pain in the intestines, water is prescribed to relax the muscles. This effect can be achieved by consuming heated water.

With stagnation of bile

Treatment with mineral water is carried out during the period of remission. In case of bile stagnation, Essentuki 17 is used for tubage using a blind method (without inserting a probe). The method of removing bile is carried out on an empty stomach. The patient lies on his right side, with a cushion and a heating pad placed under the hypochondrium, drinks a glass of warm water (about 40 degrees) and lies in this position for 1-2 hours. As the heating pad cools down, it can be replaced.

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. A one-time procedure or a course of treatment (10-14 days) can be carried out.

Important. Tubazh is not permissible to use in the presence of stones in the bile ducts, cirrhotic damage to liver tissue, coronary heart disease, grade 3 hypertension and acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases.

During pregnancy

Essentuki 17 how to drink during pregnancy is determined by the doctor; drinking water has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother.

Drinking mineral water during pregnancy improves a woman’s well-being and has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

  • Calcium is necessary for the structure of the child’s skeletal system; drinking mineral water protects a woman from bone loss during pregnancy;
  • Magnesium promotes the proper formation of the fetal neural tube and helps prevent the occurrence of night cramps in the mother;
  • Bicarbonate effectively fights heartburn that accompanies pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Important. Despite the high benefits of drinking mineral water, self-medication during pregnancy is not acceptable. Only a doctor can determine the amount and duration of water consumption.

Use in pediatrics

Balneotherapy for children under 14 years of age can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, in dosages not exceeding those prescribed. In children's practices, water is used to restore water and electrolyte balance in case of overheating and dehydration. As a laxative for constipation and to stimulate biliary motility with dyskinesia.

Children under 14 years of age are prescribed Essentuki mineral water only according to strict indications and in limited quantities.

If undesirable reactions occur, taking Essentuka 17 or 4 is immediately canceled, and the doctor selects other methods of influencing the necessary function.

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For prevention purposes, healthy people

To maintain health, you can take Essentuki 17 or 4 courses for 12-14 days. Directions for use: In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of cool water in large sips.

Advice. Before using mineral water, gases should be released. To do this, shake the bottle and open the cap for a few seconds.

Taking mineral water by athletes and people engaged in work requiring high physical activity helps restore and maintain mineral balance. It is also recommended to drink water for people living in big cities.

It is recommended to take a course of preventive treatment with Essentuki 17 twice a year, during periods of increased stress on the body.

Cough treatment

Inhalation of mineral water from the natural springs of Essentuki is indicated for children and adults with chronic forms of respiratory tract diseases. For the treatment procedure, you can use conventional inhalers, nebulizers or improvised means.

When treating with inhalers, 5 ml of mineral water, freed from gases, is taken and charged into the device. Treatment time is 2-3 minutes in pediatrics and 5-10 minutes in adult practice. The duration of the course is 10-20 days, once or twice a day is determined by the doctor.

For children, it is better to use inhalers with a mask.

When treating without a device, you can breathe steam over mineral water heated in a saucepan.

Important. Steam treatment over boiling water can be dangerous for children. This method of treatment is not permissible for children under 5 years of age; older children are carried out only under the strict supervision of adults. The child cannot be left alone.

Is it possible to drink mineral water for gastritis?

In order to understand whether you can drink mineral water if you have gastritis, you need to visit a doctor and get examined. Mineral water is not only permitted, but also a prescribed treatment. The only problem is knowing exactly what water to use and how to take it.

In addition, when consuming mineral water, concomitant diseases should be taken into account. Most solutions have a complex effect on the body. For example, mineral liquids can be used not only to treat the digestive system, but also to affect the urinary and cardiovascular systems.

What mineral water to drink for treatment

For gastritis you can use water:

  • Essentuki;
  • Narzan;
  • Borjomi;
  • Kuyalnik;
  • Swallow;
  • Shmakovskaya;
  • Arzin;
  • Feodosia;
  • Izhevskaya;
  • Tyumen.

This list cannot be considered exhaustive, since any mineral water affects the stomach. However, to eliminate gastrointestinal pathologies, you need to use only the water that best matches the nature of the disease.

With increased acidity

In order to understand what mineral water to drink for gastritis with high acidity, you need to know the specifics of this pathology. In this case, the liquid must perform several functions at once - reduce the level of acidity in the stomach, restore the condition of the mucous membrane and provide the body with useful ions.

With this diagnosis, a person needs to drink alkaline medicinal, medicinal table or table solutions. If gastritis is not severely expressed, then it is allowed to use mineral water with a neutral reaction (6-7 pH). Suitable for this:

  • Essentuki No. 17;
  • Narzan;
  • Borjomi;
  • Martin;
  • Smirnovskaya.

The choice of water is made by a doctor. However, the body's reaction to taking the drug is of great importance.

Low acidity

When answering the question of what mineral water you can drink for gastritis with low acidity, you need to take into account the need to stimulate the enzymatic activity of the stomach. For these purposes, it is best to use solutions with a pronounced therapeutic effect and a pH from 6 to 5. It is recommended to use water:

  • Izhevskaya;
  • Essentuki No. 4;
  • Narzan;
  • Borjomi;
  • Kuyalnik;
  • Tyumen.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alkaline water with a pH above 7.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers

An ulcer is an open wound on the lining of the stomach or intestines. It is formed as a result of stress, consumption of irritating foods and the development of inflammatory processes that destroy tissue. In such a situation, it is necessary to decide whether it is possible to drink mineral water, taking into account the specifics of the condition.

If an ulcer develops against the background of chronic or acute gastritis, then you need to select water that corresponds to the characteristics of this disease. However, it should be borne in mind that in the presence of an ulcer, it is necessary to minimize the irritating effect of the solution taken. It is recommended to consume liquid with a neutral reaction and a low level of mineralization. As a universal remedy we can recommend:

  • Borjomi;
  • Narzan;
  • Smirnovskaya;
  • Slavic;
  • Shmakovskaya.

Side effects and contraindications

Mineral water for gastritis can cause:

  • burping;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • violation of peristalsis.

Such a reaction is associated with the characteristics of the body, as well as with the presence of concomitant diseases. Incorrect selection of the drug cannot be classified as a side effect. It is rather taking medications that do not correspond to the diagnosis.

What to look for when buying water

Considering the higher price tag of Essentuki 4 and 17 mineral water, counterfeits may appear on the shelves. What to pay attention to:

  • regardless of whether the water is packaged in glass or plastic containers, it should not have any flaws;
  • Manufacturer's address is required;
  • the composition of the water and the number of the well from which the intake was made are required;
  • natural water cannot have a water category designation (highest, first, etc.);
  • detection of the inscription: “TU9185” indicates artificial mineralization.

How to use

You need to drink mineral water in accordance with the results of the examination. The treatment regimen depends on the severity of the disease and the level of acidity. The main criterion that influences not only the choice of solution, but also the characteristics of its administration, is the division of gastritis into acidity categories.

Temperature and time of water intake

For gastritis with high acidity, the solution must be heated to body temperature. In this case, the liquid begins to act quickly and does not irritate the mucous membrane. This should be done 0.5 hours before meals. During this period, the solution does not have time to have a stimulating effect, which will not lead to an increase in the amount of gastric juice.

Low acidity forces a person to take measures to stimulate stomach activity. In this case, mineral water should be consumed cool, but not cold. Before meals, you need to drink the solution in small sips and for as long as possible. This will stimulate the secretory activity of the stomach without irritating its mucous membrane. Since in this case hydrochloric acid should be released, you should eat food no later than 20 minutes after drinking the liquid.

How much water to drink for gastritis

If the mineral solution is consumed for medicinal purposes, then in the first 3 days you need to drink 100 ml 3 times a day. If there is any doubt about the effectiveness of the selected solution, the single dose should be reduced to 50 ml. This way you will be able to find out the body’s reaction without loss of health.

The treatment course lasts about a month. Throughout its entire duration, you need to drink 200 ml of water at a time. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a break of 10-15 days. It is recommended to change the type of water.

Is it possible to drink Essentuki 4 during pregnancy?

Despite the benefits of Essentuki 4 for the stomach, pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking liquids.

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Mineral therapy is used if a pregnant woman has problems with:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • urinary tract.

If a woman had kidney problems in childhood, then it is possible that the disease will develop during pregnancy due to the high load on the organs. The beneficial composition of Essentuki 4 prevents relapses of chronic pyelonephritis. Minerals alkalize urine, promoting proper functioning of the organ.

Important! Be sure to check the liquid before purchasing in a store. Unscrupulous manufacturers sell counterfeit goods. It is impossible to distinguish naturalness by taste, so you need to study the label on the product.

Drinking is recommended for toxic manifestations after the 24th week of pregnancy. Mineral water reduces swelling and removes accumulated fluid. But in the last months of bearing a child, you cannot drink Essentuki 4, so as not to aggravate the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use also include: problems with bowel movements (constipation), lack of iron in a woman’s body, heartburn.

Essentuki 4 water can be beneficial and harmful at the same time for a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is important to follow the consumption rate established individually by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the condition of the fetus.

Carbonated water for gastritis

Carbonated water stimulates the activity of the stomach, pleasantly cools, increases appetite and allows for better absorption of food. However, all this applies to healthy people.

Gastritis with high or low acidity requires a different approach. The mucous membrane of the stomach should not be irritated, therefore, for medicinal purposes, the liquid should be consumed without gas. This is done by heating. For the same purpose, a cool drink should be kept in an open container for some time.

Treatment of gastritis with mineral water is considered the most effective and cheapest way. However, this requires a long time and careful selection of water in accordance with the diagnosis.

Types of mineral water for the gastrointestinal tract

All types of mineral water are divided into three classes according to their intended purpose:

  • medicinal,
  • medical dining rooms,
  • dining rooms

The former are used to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis with low or high acidity, and heartburn. The second is to prevent stomach diseases and maintain good health. Still others - to quench thirst with a healthy and sick stomach.

Each variety has its own degree of mineralization:

  1. Medicinal – more than 10 g/l.
  2. Medical dining room - from 1.5 to 10 g/l.
  3. Dining room – up to 1 g/l.

Water with a high degree of mineral saturation (more than 18 g/l) is not recommended for consumption.

The second division into groups is based on the chemical composition of the water.

There are several types of mineral waters that are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract

  • hydrocarbonate;
  • chloride;
  • sulfate;
  • bromine, iodine.

The strongest influence on the functioning of the organ is exerted by:

  • hydrocarbonate,
  • sulfate,
  • chloride varieties.

They regulate the acidity of digestive juices and gastric motility, stimulate or, conversely, suppress the functioning of the gastric glands. Bromine and iodine varieties of water have a slightly less impact.

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