Stomach herbal collection (tea drink) No. 8 (in bags)

To eliminate digestive problems, a gastric collection is used, which one should you choose: 1, 2 or 3?
There are several types of them, they consist of selected medicinal herbs. The drug is affordable.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any medications have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! Here you can make an appointment with a doctor.

Its effect is that under its influence gastric juice is intensely secreted, medicinal herbs soothe, relieve inflammation and have a number of other therapeutic effects.

For what diseases is gastric collection prescribed?

There are a number of diseases in which such a collection can have a positive effect.
These include:

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  • Inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, bile ducts;
  • Gallstones;
  • Biliary or intestinal colic;
  • Flatulence;
  • Constipation;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Pain in the stomach;
  • Functional changes in the functioning of the biliary tract occurring after surgery.

Often #1 is attributed during gastritis.

The treatment method quickly has a positive effect due to the complex of medicinal plants. This remedy should be taken only at the initial stage of the disease; if a person has an advanced phase, then collection No. 2 is suitable for him, which is taken if the patient has low acidity, or collection No. 3 - for high acidity.

Nutrition when using herbal infusions

To normalize digestion, while taking herbal infusions, limit or eliminate sweets, smoked foods, spicy, fried foods from the diet. Too fatty foods containing refractory animal fats are also poorly absorbed by the body and increase the load on the digestive system.

Eating too hot or cold food is not good for the stomach and intestines. You should not give the patient dishes made from foods that increase flatulence. These include beans, peas, and white cabbage.

If the acidity of the stomach is high, sour fruits, black currants, tomatoes, dry wine, coffee, radishes, and chocolate are prohibited. When acidity is low, foods that enhance the synthesis of hydrochloric acid are introduced into the diet. In this case, foods that are prohibited for high acidity are useful.

Stewed and boiled dishes from lean lean meat, skinless poultry, lean fish, boiled vegetables, dried white bread, and weak tea are allowed during treatment with gastrointestinal preparations.

Chemical and medicinal composition

Which gastric collection should I choose: 1,2,3?
Their compositions are similar to each other, differing due to some ingredients. The content of collection No. 1 is enriched with:

  • Plantain;
  • St. John's wort;
  • knotweed;
  • Calamus root;
  • Calendula petals;
  • Millennium;
  • Horsetail;
  • Melissa;
  • Ivan-tea;
  • Corn silks;
  • Chamomile;
  • Peppermint;
  • Immortelle flowers;
  • Stinging nettle.

The ingredients that are part of collection No. 1 and No. 2 are similar, No. 2 differs:

  • Wild strawberry leaves;
  • Rosehip;
  • Black currant leaves;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Wormwood;
  • Elecampane root;
  • Hop cones;
  • Valerian root.

Collection 3 contains:

  • Calamus root;
  • Peppermint leaves;
  • Valerian root;
  • Nettle leaves;
  • Buckthorn bark.

Do the preparations have any contraindications for use?

Restrictions on the use of each of the presented gastrointestinal preparations are general. First of all, we are talking about an increased degree of susceptibility to the components of the product. Further, experts draw attention to the need to refrain from using the composition when:

  • calculous cholecystitis,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • spastic constipation,
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • "acute" abdomen syndrome.

It is also unacceptable to use the drug to treat the digestive tract in acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Another serious limitation to the use of Gastric Collection 1, 2 and 3 is children's age (most often up to 12 years, but restrictions are possible up to 14 years of age).

Healing properties of herbs

The healing properties of herbal infusions include:

  • Accelerated wound healing;
  • Suppression of the fermentation process;
  • Normalizing the functioning of organs such as the stomach and intestines;
  • Elimination of belching and heartburn.

Medicinal herbs can be taken in combination, that is, together with chemical medications, independently.

If we talk about the medicinal properties of each of the collections separately, then No. 1 has the following properties:

  • Hemostatic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Eliminates spasms.

If we talk about collection No. 2, then its healing properties include:

  • Enveloping;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Sedative;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

A decrease in hypersecretion, normalization of acid formation in the stomach, healing of erosive and ulcerative pathologies, improvement of the digestive process, enveloping properties.

Collection No. 3 has the following actions:

  • Choleretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Laxative.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use gastric collection for gastritis, chronic colitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Using a mixture of medicinal herbs, it will be possible to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. The benefits of the herbal complex are noted in the case of inflammatory disease of the gallbladder and its ducts, irritable bowel syndrome and frequent constipation. Herbal collection “17” is designed to improve the function of the gland responsible for the production of insulin and reduce high blood sugar levels.

Patterns of use and mechanism of action

Each collection has different consumption patterns. Healing fees should be taken:

  • No. 1 you need to take one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Collection No. 2 is also taken 200 ml 3 times throughout the day, 30 minutes before sitting down to eat.
  • Collection No. 3 is consumed half a glass twice a day.

The mechanism of action of any of the listed medicinal preparations is:

  • A destructive effect on harmful microorganisms that cause this or that disease and prevent the normalization of the stomach.
  • Elimination of factors that cause dysbiosis, influence the creation of putrefactive and fungal flora.
  • Antispasmodic and analgesic properties.
  • A relaxing effect on the gastric mucosa.

How to use and cook correctly

Each collection is used differently, but its method of preparation also differs.
Take this into account, because otherwise the treatment will not bring the desired effect.

  1. To prepare collection No. 1, you need to take a tablespoon of this product and pour 500 ml of boiling water. You should wait 3 hours until the broth is infused and you can take a tablespoon before meals.
  2. To prepare medicinal collection No. 2, you should take 2 tbsp. spoons of the specified mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Then the drink should brew for 3 hours, then it is filtered and taken in a glass before eating.
  3. Preparation of collection No. 3 requires the use of a steam bath, in which one tbsp is brewed. spoon of raw materials filled with cold water in the amount of 200 ml. The product should remain above the steam for at least 30 minutes. Then the decoction should infuse, for this 40 minutes is enough and it can be consumed 100 ml at a time. In total, you need to take this medicine 2 times a day.

Sometimes you need to take a gastric collection in the form of an infusion:

  1. Take 1 g of the mixture in dry form and pour boiling water (200 ml). The product should not be infused for long; 20 minutes is enough.
  2. The infusion should be filtered and consumed twice a day, half a glass. The infusion should be taken during or after meals. The course of treatment should last exactly 30 days, then you need to take a break.

Harm, side effects and contraindications

It should not be taken:

  • Women who are breastfeeding;
  • If the patient takes this or that medicine;
  • During susceptibility to those plants that are part of the collection.

Possible side effects:

  • Heartburn;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Problems with stool.

If a person does not adhere to the rules for using the decoction, then an overdose may occur, which will only intensify possible adverse reactions.

It is important not to take this remedy without first reading the instructions, but it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor who will tell you how to use the medicinal mixture correctly and will help you cope with a particular disease.

Gastrointestinal collection “Fitogastrol”

Problems caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract cause discomfort and a lot of trouble. The most common manifestations will be flatulence, bloating, pain and a feeling of heaviness, flatulence, and constipation.

These problems bring unpleasant sensations and can disrupt your plans. To get rid of them, drug treatment is prescribed, but another method is also being popularized - treatment with herbal teas, the main position being occupied by “Fitogastrol”. The drug contains 5 medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, relieve spasms, and have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The crushed mixture of herbs is placed in bags similar to ordinary tea bags. One such package must be placed in a glass bowl or dish coated with enamel, poured over a mug of boiling water, covered with a lid, plate or thick towel and allowed to stand for fifteen minutes. After the time has passed, the bag of herbs is removed, and the remaining volume of the infusion is added to the two hundred milliliter mark using boiled water. Take half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

There is another form of release of the designated collection; there are no bags, but there is a total mass of powdered herbs. Then you should measure one tbsp. Place the mixture in a similar container as in the previous case and add a mug of hot water, but not boiling water. Cover and heat further in a water bath for fifteen minutes so that some of the broth evaporates. Then you need to let the infusion cool to room temperature. Then filter the liquid and add boiled water to the resulting volume to the two hundred milliliter mark. Take one third of a mug three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Due to the fact that the “Fitogastrol” collection is a complex of medicinal herbs that have different effects on the body and can be perceived differently individually, you should consult a doctor before use.

Herbal preparations for the stomach, which can be bought at the pharmacy

Ready-made preparations have beneficial properties:

  • licorice powder;
  • Fibralax;
  • Defenorm;
  • Monastic;
  • Stomaran;
  • Fitol 7;
  • Altai;
  • Gastroflora;
  • Gastrofit.

The range and form of release of herbal preparations for the stomach are varied; the product can be purchased in the form of dry raw materials, tablets, herbal sachets, etc.

Composition and release form

Stimulate the stomach with Monastyrsky tea at low acidity. It contains mint, horsetail herb, yarrow, calendula, dried grass, St. John's wort, wormwood, flax (seeds).

Taking Gastroflor - tablets or tea - has a positive effect on digestion. Used for pancreatitis, stomach and intestinal diseases.

Stomaran is used when it is necessary to normalize the functions of the gallbladder. The plants it contains act as an anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent.

Herbal tea "Altai" is brewed like tea. The pharmacological effect is determined by the roots of licorice, marshmallow, chamomile flowers, and dill seeds. Prescribed collection for gastritis, ulcers, colitis, belching, heartburn.

In addition to the gastrointestinal collection of the “Altai” series, the drugs “Alfit-14” and “Fitol 7”, which are produced in two versions: “Morning Fitol”, “Evening Fitol”, can help against gastritis. “Fitol 7” is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Pharmacological properties

Taking herbal medicines, with the rare exception of an allergic reaction, does not cause dangerous side effects. Under medical supervision, FSW can be used even during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

You can’t just prescribe gastric mixtures for yourself. Without medical knowledge, you can harm the digestive system, cause stool upset or indigestion.

all the beneficial substances of plants pass into the drink and have a healing effect

Instructions for use

For the production of LCS No. 1, 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 3.5 hours. After straining the infusion, take 1 tbsp three times. l. before meals (0.5 hours).

ZhKS No. 2 is prepared, fill 2 tbsp. l. medicines 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 3.5 hours. Drink 200 g three times a day before meals.

To make ZhKS No. 3, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials pour 1 tbsp. cool water, then heat for 30 minutes. Leave for another 40 minutes. Drink in 2 doses per day.

ZhKS 4 is prepared, pour 1 tbsp. l. drug with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 0.5 hours. Take before meals.

Herbal teas for gastritis with high acidity

For every disease that occurs in the body, there is a certain complex of medicinal plants that help cope with it.

Since gastritis is an inflammatory process that forms in the mucous membrane, treatment will be based on eliminating inflammation; those herbs that have an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect should be used.

There is a list of plants that cope with gastritis with high acidity - chamomile, calendula, dandelion, burdock roots, coltsfoot, plantain and St. John's wort.

There are mixtures of herbs that help with the indicated pathology:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow are combined with one spoon of celandine. Mix the components to a homogeneous powder, measure one tbsp. spoon from the resulting mass and pour a cup of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, after this time the infusion is filtered and drunk a third of a glass three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.
  2. To 2 table. spoons of centaury and 2 table. add one tablespoon of peppermint. spoon of St. John's wort, chop and mix thoroughly. Take one table. spoon of the resulting mixture and pour a cup of boiling water, leave the infusion for an hour, then filter and consume 100 fifty milliliters daily 3 times thirty minutes before meals.
  3. These manipulations can be performed with a number of herbs, taking them in a one-to-one ratio. The preparation method and method of consumption will be identical to previous recipes.

There are specialized collections that are aimed at suppressing gastritis with high acidity - this is collection No. 1, collection No. 2, collection No. 3 and No. 4 against the form of gastritis with an increased acidity level.

The presented mixtures can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself, but for this you need to have a kitchen scale to accurately measure the required herb. Since each mixture of herbs under a certain number has an individual list of constituent substances, only a doctor can prescribe the necessary collection.


The instructions contain important information about the indications, method of administration, as well as contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with this information. This must be done, first of all, in order to prevent mistakes.


Fitogastrol is a herbal preparation that affects the digestive system. It has an enveloping, antispasmodic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the medicine corrects the functioning of the gastric glands.


This medicine can only be used as part of complex therapy.

The drug Photogastrol is prescribed for conditions such as:

  • Gastritis with high acidity;

  • Chronic colitis;
  • Flatulence;
  • Duodenitis;
  • Chronic form of ulcer;
  • Dyskenizia;
  • Spasm of smooth muscles of the stomach;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Stomach dysbiosis.

In addition, this medicine can be prescribed for hepatitis.

Mode of application

Photogastrol plant collection (crushed raw materials) must be taken in the form of a decoction.
To prepare it, take 5 grams of raw materials, place them in an enamel bowl, add 1 glass (200 ml) of water, and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Next, cool the broth for 40 minutes and filter. Add hot water to the resulting solution up to 200 ml. The resulting decoction should be taken 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The dosage is no more than 1/3 cup. If you purchased Fitogastrol in the form of filter bags or powder, then it must be taken in the form of a tincture. To prepare the infusion, we need 1 sachet, which must be placed in a glass, into which 200 ml of boiling water is added. After this, the glass must be covered with a lid. The liquid should be infused for 15 minutes. The resulting liquid should be taken orally 30-40 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

The duration of taking Fitogastrol depends on each specific disease.


Fitogastrol has a strong aroma and bitter taste.

This drug is available in the form:

  • Powder;
  • Chopped herbs;
  • Filter packages.

The medicinal collection Fitogastrol has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and choleretic properties. The medicine owes this effect to its unique composition, which includes licorice roots, chamomile flowers, calamus rhizomes, mint leaves, and dill.


No significant interactions of the drug Fitogastrol with other drugs were identified.

Application for the gastrointestinal tract of collection No. 4

All herbal remedies are aimed at normalizing digestive activity. Collection for the stomach number 4 is intended to ensure that the process of assimilation of the food received occurs to a better extent.

The components that make up this gastric collection have a gentle effect on the inner walls of the stomach and therefore do not irritate the sensitive mucous membrane.

Form a collection of grass and plants:

  • Mint;
  • Fruit part of cumin;
  • Valerian rhizomes;
  • The fruit part of fennel.

To prepare the infusion, measure one tbsp. spoon of the mixture and pour a cup of boiling water, cover and stand for 20 to thirty minutes. Then you need to strain the resulting liquid and leave to cool to room temperature. A third of a glass should be consumed fifteen minutes before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment will be determined by the attending physician, based on the degree of neglect of the initial process and the effect of the herbal infusion on the body.

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