Furazolidone for diarrhea in adults, how to take it

Diarrhea is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that often occurs in adults and children. In fact, diarrhea is an adequate reaction of the body to the food eaten or a serious illness associated with digestion. Furazolidone is a proven assistant in the fight against diarrhea, helping to overcome illness both while traveling and at home.

The drug is produced in tablets (yellow). The medicine itself goes on sale in cell and non-cell packaging.

Instructions for use of the medicine

The proposed medication really helps with diarrhea. Antimicrobial action is also recognized. This is easily explained by the ability of the drug to reduce the growth of microorganisms that stimulate the development of dysbacteriosis.

Furazolidone is used when diarrhea is caused by serious infectious diseases: salmonellosis and dysentery, enterocolitis and food poisoning. The agent in question belongs to the group of antibiotics, since it has an antimicrobial effect, prevents the growth of microflora, causing irreparable harm to the body. The drug destroys the life systems of bacteria dangerous to humans. The intestines absorb the medicine itself quite weakly, without disturbing the body’s microflora, but on the contrary, it helps with its immunostimulating effect. The required concentration of the active substance remains in the patient’s blood for approximately 4-6 hours. Accustoming to the tablets is possible if used for a long period of time.

Yellow Furazolidone tablets are taken orally. They need to be swallowed without crushing or chewing, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The dose is taken immediately after meals. The course of treatment and dosage is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

In case of diarrhea, the drug must be used without violating the rules of use. The dosage for an adult patient is 100 – 150 mg (which corresponds to 2-3 pcs.) four times a day. For children over 5 years of age, the required amount of medication is from 25 to 50 mg. (0.5-1 pcs.) four times a day. For children under one year of age, the dose is calculated using the formula 10 mg. per kilogram of weight and is distributed 3-4 times. The course of therapy takes a maximum of 10 days. The therapeutic effect is felt immediately on the second day from the moment you start taking Furazolidone.

You should follow the dosage regimen approved by the doctor. It happens that progress occurs much earlier than planned, but treatment must be carried out until complete recovery, in order to avoid recurrence of infection. If the patient misses the next dose of medication for any reason, take the tablet immediately. If you remember this fact closer to the time of your next appointment, you should not take additional medication. If the patient does not feel better after a week of treatment, ask the doctor to change the medication. Dosages are not related to the release form and remain unchanged.

Furazolidone price, where to buy

The drug is available in all pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities, so you do not need a prescription in Latin to purchase the drug.

The price of Furazolidone tablets 50 mg No. 20 is about 100 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • FURAZOLIDONE tablets Furazolidone tablets. 50 mg No. 20 Ukraine, Monfarm JSC

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Prescription for children

An antibacterial drug for diarrhea is prescribed to young patients over one year of age. The list of contraindications includes a child's age of less than a month, and it is recommended to use granules and powders no earlier than one year of age. It is vital that strict caution is exercised when a child takes medication.

If a child takes pills, his well-being is constantly monitored. To prevent dehydration, give your baby Regidron, Smecta or Activated Charcoal, which accumulate toxins in the intestines.

Composition and release form

Furazolidone for diarrhea is not a well-known drug. Each tablet contains 50 mg of the active substance - furazolidone. It is noteworthy that this medicine is used to treat problems in adults, children and even animals.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, granules for the preparation of suspensions and powder. The properties of the drug are the same, regardless of the form of release of the drug.

Drug interactions

Furazolidone successfully interacts with drugs. So antipyretics, antiallergic drugs, and oral contraceptives do not reduce the effect of each other. But the addition of any medicine to the one taken is agreed with the attending physician. If effective interaction is not possible, refuse the appointment. If this is not done, side effects are possible: redness on the face, difficulty breathing, unexplained dizziness, sudden fainting, pain and heaviness in the chest.

List of possible complications

An overdose of the drug is dangerous to health and is expressed by symptoms: acute inflammatory liver disease, destructive effects on the genetic material of cells, multiple nerve damage. It is impossible to get rid of the consequences even after stopping taking Furazolidone.

Patients, as a rule, are prescribed a stomach cleanse, then anti-allergy medications, B vitamins, and after the measures taken, they treat the resulting symptoms. The resulting side effects are manifested by body temperature above 37 degrees, rash of unknown etiology, itching, vomiting, nausea. A change in urine color to dark yellow or even brown, which is accompanied by taking the drug, is normal and does not require treatment.


Before using the drug in question, you must carefully read the list of diagnoses that prohibit the use of Furazolidone. This is the fifth and final stage of chronic kidney disease; lactase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; its intolerance by an individual patient. The drug should be taken with caution if there are disruptions in the functioning of the liver and nervous system. Remember, if your work requires constant attention and quick reactions, you should not use tablets.


An approved list of contraindications has been defined when it is not possible to use Furazolidone. In such cases, patients take analogues of the above drug. There is no absolute substitute (medicine with similar pharmacological properties) for diarrhea of ​​this drug. There are high-quality drugs that replace Furazolidone in the fight against a specific disease. Befungin successfully copes with food poisoning, with intestinal infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system - Norbactin, Enterofuril, Macmiror, Furamag. True, the prices for the mentioned drugs are 2-12 times higher.

At home, everyone has medicines in their family medicine cabinet, the reliability of which has been tested by time, the therapeutic effect is beyond doubt. Furazolidone also belongs to similar drugs. This antibiotic will provide effective assistance in the event of an intestinal disorder, solve problems associated with the genitourinary system, and help regenerate damaged areas of the skin. The drug is suitable for children and women expecting a child. But we must not forget about the presence of a list of contraindications. It is recommended to start using the medication only after consulting with your doctor.

Indications for use of the drug

The instructions for use contain all the necessary information on how to take the medication correctly and in what cases it is actually necessary.

We recommend: How to take Imodium for diarrhea?

Furazolidone is not an easy anti-diarrhea pill. This is a broader action product. To understand this, it is important to understand what the mechanism of operation of this medicine is after penetration into the human body.

Furazolidone is an antibacterial drug from the nitrofuran group. The medicine has a pronounced effect against microbes, gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms. Although Furazolidone affects gram-positive bacteria and some fungi, this effect is less active.

When a medicine penetrates inside the human body, it affects the processes of cellular respiration in pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, most aspects of life become impossible and infections die out. First, the cell membranes are destroyed, causing the microorganisms to become unviable.

Due to the rapid reduction of the infection population, the level of intoxication is reduced. Even a clinical analysis will still show the same level of pathogenic microorganisms, but the patient’s well-being will already improve. Furazolidone derivatives are capable of stimulating the activation of phagocytic cells that participate in immune defense processes.

The drug is effective in cases where problems with the gastrointestinal tract were caused by the following infections:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • shigella;
  • salmonella;
  • Eshecheria;
  • proteas;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Giardia;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida.

The advantage of the drug over other medications is that pathogenic microorganisms very slowly become resistant to this drug and this increases its effectiveness.

Furazolidone is used:

  • for infectious diarrhea;
  • for food poisoning;
  • with diarrhea caused by dysentery.

This drug not only helps with diarrhea, but also affects the very cause of the intestinal disorder, which is more effective than just fighting the symptoms.

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