Treatment of the pancreas with herbs

After all, few of us can boast that we eat small meals, have no idea about fast food, exercise regularly and live stress-free lives. But all this can negatively affect the health of the stomach and intestines, cause diarrhea or constipation, as well as damage the liver and cause problems with the gallbladder. Medicinal plants will help in the treatment of all these diseases.

The expert of the issue is a teacher at the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Valery Melik-Guseinov .

How effective is traditional treatment for gastritis?

Such a common pathology as gastritis is localized in the abdominal cavity, affecting the gastric mucosa. There are chronic and acute forms of the disease. The latter develops quickly and requires surgery. With the development of chronic gastritis, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, usually without significant symptoms, so many people do not feel sick for a long time. As a result of the lack of timely treatment, the disease develops into a stomach ulcer, which is much more difficult to cope with.

Treatment of acute gastritis is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, but systematic use of medications sometimes has a negative effect on the functioning of other human organs and systems. To prevent such consequences, more gentle methods are used. Folk remedies for gastritis and stomach ulcers show good results.

Many experts believe that the use of alternative medicine helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can achieve excellent results using decoctions, oils, infusions, juices in addition to the main therapy. Some medicinal herbs are able to coat the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, heal ulcers, relieve inflammation, and have an antiseptic effect, so their use is advisable for gastritis and ulcerative pathology. Before starting treatment for a disease with folk remedies, consult your doctor.

Articles on the topic

  • Constipation remedies for the elderly - a list of the best medications and traditional medicine recipes
  • Chronic duodenitis: how to treat inflammation of the duodenum
  • Erosive gastroduodenitis - signs and types, treatment methods with medications, diet and traditional medicine

Folk remedies for gastritis

Various folk remedies are used for gastritis and stomach ulcers, but many of them can only eliminate unpleasant symptoms without affecting the root cause of the disease. Effective foods and herbs that help treat pathology include:

  1. Pomegranate, tomato juices. Used to treat low acidity, restore the gastric mucosa, and enhance its protective function.
  2. Onion (from the onion variety) and tomato juices. Used to treat patients with high levels of acidity. Juices normalize the acid-base balance, relieve spasms, have a wound-healing effect, and disinfect the digestive organs.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. It has excellent wound-healing properties, which helps cope with stomach ulcers. In addition, the product relieves inflammation during gastritis.
  4. Fresh vegetables, fruits. Watermelon, apples, peeled tomatoes, oranges (with low acidity), cucumbers, pumpkin help normalize the acid-base balance.
  5. Yarrow juice (aloe). Soothes the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, disinfects the walls of organs, accelerates the healing process of ulcers.
  6. Flax seed. Relieves heaviness, eliminates heartburn, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Olive oil. The product contains many nutrients and vitamins. In addition to the positive effect that oil has on the walls of the stomach, it cleanses the bile ducts and bladder.
  8. Cabbage juice. Eliminates nausea, normalizes stool, activates the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice.
  9. Water. With sufficient consumption of clean, still water, the acid-base balance is normalized.
  10. Oatmeal. This is an effective remedy for the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. Porridge envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents irritation.

Herbs for treating stomach

Chronic diseases of the stomach that occur in a mild form (gastritis, erosion, etc.) are dangerous because they can lead to serious consequences over time. A neglected ulcer can even provoke a perforation of the stomach wall! In this case, even with the help of surgery, doctors are not always able to save the patient’s life.

Buy wormwood (herb) on our website

Now do you understand what the consequences will be if you let the disease take its course? Therefore, we advise you to first undergo a thorough examination and only then begin treatment. Herbs that treat the stomach will help reduce unpleasant symptoms. Let's discuss which plants will help you!

Medicinal plants for gastritis

Gastritis is a bacterial disease. Therefore, to treat the disease you will need herbs with a strong antimicrobial effect. Plants should also relieve inflammation and have a healing effect on the gastric mucosa.

Are you wondering which stomach treatment herbs are effective for gastritis? Here is the list:

  • Wormwood is recommended for chronic gastritis. It stimulates the secretion of gastric enzymes and increases the speed of food digestion. The herb is used to prevent stomach ulcers.
  • Sweet clover has an antibacterial effect, heals mucous membranes, has a mild analgesic effect, and prevents gas formation.
  • Raspberry leaves regulate the production of gastric juice, improving digestion, and relieve inflammation and spasms in stomach diseases.
  • St. John's wort contains natural antibiotics, which allows it to successfully fight Helicobacter pylori infection. The plant eliminates indigestion and nausea, improves appetite. It is often used to get rid of bad breath.


Gastritis can develop with different acidity of the stomach. Consult your doctor before using any herb!

Herbs for stomach ulcers

Do you suffer from lack of appetite, hunger pains and a feeling of discomfort after eating? You should visit a gastroenterologist as there is a high chance that you have a stomach ulcer.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to alleviate their condition with peptic ulcers using medicinal plants? Of course you can! Look in your first aid kit to see if you have anything from the following list:

  • Yarrow is used in complex therapy of ulcers. The herb stops gastric bleeding, heals wounds on the mucous and muscular membranes, and alleviates pain.
  • Mint is recommended for high acidity. With its regular use, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, as a result, the burning sensation in the stomach goes away. Thanks to its antispasmodic effect, mint normalizes the functioning of the muscular lining of the stomach.
  • Bergenia stops gastric bleeding, relieves inflammation, and helps restore the mucous membrane. Infusions of bergenia root are also used to improve digestion and combat stomach and intestinal colic.
  • Ivan tea contains compounds that envelop the gastric mucosa, creating a protective film. The plant has wound-healing properties, so it is often used in the treatment of ulcers.
  • Sea buckthorn fruits are effective against trophic ulcers. They calm the stomach and stimulate the production of enzymes.


If you have a peptic ulcer, do not use calamus root, oregano and juniper! These plants can aggravate the disease.

Plants for tumor prevention

Benign tumors in the stomach reduce the efficiency of digestion and cause pain, and cancerous tumors can kill a person in a matter of months. To reduce the risk of their development, you can resort to herbal medicine.

But which plants have antitumor properties? We recommend the following medicinal herbs:

  • Celandine prevents the development of tumors, stimulates the proper functioning of the stomach, and relieves inflammation. It can be used by people with high, normal and low acidity.
  • Blueberry shoots enhance the secretory function of the stomach and prevent indigestion. They contain many antioxidants, so when taken for a long time they have an antitumor effect.
  • Plantain is effective for poisoning, gastritis and ulcers. This medicinal plant is used to prevent the development of gastric and intestinal tumors, and is also used to combat existing tumors. A course of plantain in combination with chemotherapy promotes the resorption of metastases.

With high acidity

With the help of various folk recipes, it is possible to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and, moreover, remove the very cause of the disease. For this use:

  1. Licorice root infusion. The product normalizes acidity and activates digestion. Grind 20 g of the plant, pour a cup of boiling water over the pulp, and place in a water bath. After 25 minutes, remove the container from the pan and set aside for 2-2.5 hours. Afterwards, strain the liquid, dilute with a glass of clean water, and store in a cool place. You should drink 30 g of the remedy for gastritis and ulcers before eating food daily. Treatment lasts 1 month.
  2. St. John's wort decoction. Pour two tablespoons of herbs (dry or fresh) into a glass of barely boiling water and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Use the product three times a day, 30 g before meals. A medicinal decoction will help relieve pain, speed up metabolic processes, and improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Honey drink. A spoonful of honey dissolved in a cup of warm water will help with high acidity. This drink should be drunk a couple of times a day for 14-20 days.

How to prepare infusions and decoctions from the best herbs for the stomach and intestines

Water is used to prepare infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs for stomach pain. Infusions are prepared from flowers, leaves and herbs, and roots, bark and fruits are used for decoctions.

The cold method of preparing infusions involves placing crushed raw materials in an enamel or glass container, which is then filled with water and infused for several hours. Strain before use. The hot method involves using boiling water. The crushed raw materials are poured and infused for 15-20 minutes.

To prepare a decoction, plant materials are poured with cold water and infused for 1-2 hours. Then it is boiled with constant stirring over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

To combat gastric and intestinal pathologies, tinctures of medicinal plants in alcohol are often used. Stomach tinctures are made from crushed plant materials and alcohol or vodka. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is infused in a dark place for 1-2 weeks.

Infusions and decoctions prepared with water are most often taken 15-20 minutes before meals, and alcohol-containing products are taken during meals.

Erosive type

The peculiarity of this type of disease, unlike the usual one, is the appearance of a large number of erosions on the walls of the stomach. As a rule, pathology develops as a result of frequent stress and anxiety. Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies gives positive results. For the treatment of erosive type of disease, the following recipes are used:

  1. Propolis tincture. This folk remedy perfectly relieves pain and promotes rapid healing of ulcers. For preparation, it is better to use fresh propolis. Grind the product, place in a glass container, fill with alcohol (96%) in proportions 1:10. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place for 11-12 days. Drink the prepared tincture diluted with water (1:10).
  2. Mumiyo. This product is used to normalize acidity and eliminate erosion. A small piece of mumiyo (like a pea) is mixed with a glass of milk and 1 tbsp. l. honey It is recommended to take this folk remedy for 2-2.5 weeks in the morning on an empty stomach, and a second time before bed.
  3. Olive oil with honey and lemon. To heal wounds and regenerate the gastric mucosa, a mixture of these products is used. Combine 500 ml of oil, 1 tbsp. honey, freshly squeezed lemon juice from 2 fruits. Take the liquid, after mixing, 1 tbsp before meals. l. The product is best stored in the refrigerator.

Using Aloe with Honey

Effective treatment of the pancreas and stomach has been carried out for centuries using such a popular plant as Aloe, which grows in almost every home. The juice of this plant is enriched with such an important component as allantoin, which accelerates the processes of regeneration of tissue structures at the cellular level and activates the self-healing processes of the affected organs of the digestive tract.

Using Aloe juice with honey, you can treat the chronic stage of pancreatic disease of the pancreas, but only in the stage of stable remission, gastric ulcers, as well as the development of gastritis and gastroduodenitis.

To prepare a medicinal potion, it is recommended to use aloe leaves and natural honey. To do this, you need to finely chop the Aloe leaf blades and grind them to a homogeneous paste, then mix them with natural liquid honey in a ratio of 1:5. It is recommended to consume the resulting mixture one teaspoon three times a day for 30-60 days.

Honey in this product will provide the following positive effects:

  • providing an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the affected areas of the mucous membranes of the pancreas and stomach;
  • increasing the level of the body's immune defense system;
  • increasing the speed of regeneration processes of damaged tissue structures in the organs of the digestive system.

When the functioning of the stomach and pancreas is impaired, a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract often occurs, leading to the development of constipation, but the slight laxative effect of honey will help eliminate such problems.

Mixed type

If several types of disease are detected in one patient at once, the doctor diagnoses mixed gastritis. For its treatment, traditional medicine is also used, which complement traditional therapy. To prevent the pathology from developing into a chronic form or stomach ulcer, you should begin to take appropriate measures in time. Treatment of gastritis of the stomach of mixed type:

  1. Herbal collection. Take 30 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of calendula, plantain, wormwood, and immortelle. Pour boiling water (250 ml) into the mixture and keep in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. For effective treatment, you need to drink the decoction twice or thrice a day, a third of a glass before meals. A small amount of honey may be added. Therapy continues for at least 2-3 weeks.
  2. Potato juice. Pass 1 large fresh potato through a juicer, after washing it thoroughly and peeling it. Add 1 tsp to the liquid. starch, take the product twice a day for 10 days.
  3. Mixture. Combine 300 ml of aloe juice, honey, melted butter. You need to drink the product before meals (half an hour before) 1 tbsp. l. It is better to store the mixture in the refrigerator, and heat it a little in a water bath before use.

How to prepare juices and ointments from medicinal herbs for the stomach and intestines

The most effective treatment is the juice of a medicinal plant, since all beneficial substances enter the body unchanged. A fresh plant and a processed drug have different effects on the body. Fresh juices from medicinal herbs are used to treat the stomach in the form of cocktails, which should be prepared just before use. The maximum amount that can be consumed without harm to health is 30 ml.

To prepare the ointment, you need a base. Vaseline or lanolin are most often used. Sometimes butter or pork fat is used. The base is heated and powder, extract, tincture or juice from plant materials is added to it. The ointment is prepared from 1 part raw material and 4 parts base.

For gastritis and ulcers

Under the influence of gastric juice and digestive enzymes, wounds appear on the walls of the stomach - this disease is called an ulcer. Treatment of pathology with folk remedies and medications allows you to restore some lost functions of the gastrointestinal tract. What therapeutic measures can be taken for this:

  1. Herbal collection. Mix the herb St. John's wort and centaury equally. Pour the mixture with boiling water (500 ml), strain and drink in 4-5 doses throughout the day. Prepare and take the decoction fresh daily. The course lasts up to 10 days.
  2. Potato remedy. Boil large potatoes without adding salt. Drain the water into a separate container, take the liquid for 10 days, half a glass at least twice a day.
  3. Herbal decoction. Mix plantain, string, celandine, St. John's wort equally, brew 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. herbal mixture. After a couple of hours, strain the liquid, drink it 1 tbsp. l. at least three times a day. The duration of treatment for gastritis and ulcers is 30 days.

Atrophic stage

The disease represents the most severe, final stage of gastritis. To alleviate the patient's condition, complex therapy is used. It includes medications and folk remedies for atrophic gastritis and stomach ulcers. Effective alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Honey with Kalanchoe. The mixture is prepared from 200 g of bee product and 1 tbsp. plant juice, combining these ingredients with 200 ml of vodka. The liquid is infused for at least a month, after which it is taken on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l. A monthly course with a week break is carried out twice.
  2. Nettle with milk. A tablespoon of herb should be poured with milk (200 ml) and boiled. When the product has cooled, you need to add a spoonful of honey, mixing the ingredients thoroughly. To treat ulcers and gastritis, take half a glass of liquid: an adult three times a day, a child - twice.
  3. Rosehip infusion. Leaves and fruits of the plant are mixed, 1 tbsp. l. The finished mixture is placed in a container with boiling water (200-250 ml) and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and divided into three doses. Treatment lasts a month, the course is repeated if necessary.
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