Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe in Moscow pharmacies

Causes of housing and communal services diseases

Hundreds of unfavorable factors threaten the health and normal absorption of nutrients by the body every day. First of all, poor nutrition. This includes eating unhealthy (fatty, fried, spicy, containing synthetic additives) foods. Eating “on the go” without thorough chewing, eating fast food, homemade sandwiches, fried pies, as well as malnutrition and excessive gluttony.

The composition of this drink is natural: only herbs collected in Siberian forests untouched by man

Disorders of the body's digestive system are caused by infectious agents and chemical poisons. Congenital pathology is less common. The role of the following factors has been proven:

  • stress;
  • physical stress;
  • depression;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • side effects of certain groups of medications;
  • impaired blood supply to the digestive system.

The cells of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, liver) are distinguished among the cells of the body by their high stability and ability to renew themselves. A person can remain healthy for a long time. When the limit of compensatory capabilities comes, we talk about the disease. The body ceases to cope with constant external attacks on its own, requiring additional help.

Brewing method

The recipe is very simple. Usually it is duplicated on each package. If you carelessly purchased a bag of herbs without identification marks, composition and method of use, most likely it is a fake, which is useless to drink for treatment. It is better to purchase a more expensive but good collection from trusted suppliers. You can simply buy each of the ingredients at the pharmacy, mix them and drink them in the same way as the original collection.

How to brew gastric monastery tea? To do this you need:

  • Place a small spoonful of the dry mixture into a suitable container.
  • Pour boiling water over it. You will need 200 ml.
  • Let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  • All that remains is to strain and drink.
  • Nature's help

    Gastric monastic (intestinal) tea will help normalize digestion, remove the symptoms of dyspepsia, and restore the body’s weakened strength. Problems with the stomach and intestines have always existed. The properties of medicinal plants have long been used to treat the digestive system. Herbal medicine was widely practiced by monastic doctors. Gradually, accumulating knowledge of the medicinal properties of individual herbs, the monks compiled healing mixtures that helped defeat diseases. This is how the composition of the monastery collection was selected for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

    This collection will help restore health even after an ulcer thanks to the vitamins, amino acids, minerals and special tannins contained in green herbs

    The components of the collection have an anti-inflammatory, healing, and choleretic effect. Plants collected in ecologically clean areas contain essential vitamins and microelements, providing a general tonic and strengthening effect on the body.

    The ancient monastery recipe was traditionally considered the best assistant in the fight against peptic ulcers and gastritis. The effectiveness of the collection has been proven for all known diseases affecting the intestinal tract:

    • ulcers of the stomach, duodenum;
    • hyperacid, atrophic, drug-induced gastritis;
    • enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis;
    • stool disorders (prolonged constipation, diarrhea);
    • enzymatic deficiency (improvement was noted in patients taking tea for pancreatitis);
    • intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis.

    After the first use, stomach tea reduces the unpleasant symptoms of digestive problems: pain, heartburn, a feeling of bitterness disappear, and flatulence (bloating) decreases. To obtain a noticeable therapeutic effect on health, regular use of the medicinal collection is necessary for at least 2-3 weeks.


    Stomach diseases develop quickly, but are difficult to cure. As you know, they are provoked by stress, and there are plenty of reasons for frustration in the life of a modern person. To improve your health, doctors recommend drinking monastery stomach tea. The herbal drink has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which helps eliminate malfunctions and disorders. The body quickly returns to normal, so you will very soon forget the address of the clinic and the working hours of your gastroenterologist. How does the drug work? Monasteries have long been engaged in the study and collection of medicinal herbs, preferring to keep their discoveries secret. The secret became clear only recently, when scientists and doctors gained access to a unique recipe. Can you buy stomach tea according to a monastery recipe in Ukraine? In particular, it turned out that monastery tea for the stomach has the following beneficial properties:

    Does Monastic Tea help you?

    Yes, it helps, I don’t know yet

    • Quick pain relief and spasm relief. Within a quarter of an hour you will feel improvement.
    • Fighting heartburn, unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching and other symptoms.
    • Appetite regulation. With a sick stomach, food must be taken often, but little by little.
    • Normalization of secretory functions. The drink restores normal acidity and ensures the production of enzymes.
    • Healing of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Gastritis and ulcers are very painful, and monastery tea for the stomach gently affects damaged areas, accelerating their regeneration.
    • Helps in the absorption of nutrients and trace elements. The body gets everything it needs.
    • Anti-inflammatory, choleretic and mild laxative effect.

    Research shows that the product helps the vast majority of patients. Many of them were skeptical about the doctors’ proposal to “drink tea,” but the mistrust quickly disappeared, since the positive changes turned out to be the most powerful argument. Composition of stomach tea according to a monastery recipe. The effectiveness of tea is not surprising - it has absorbed centuries-old folk wisdom, which can heal many chronic diseases. It includes the following components:

    1. Peppermint. Anesthetizes and enhances gastric secretion.
    2. St. John's wort. Increases appetite, reduces acidity, heals ulcers.
    3. Dog-rose fruit. They do not allow the inflammatory process to develop, have a choleretic effect, and supply vitamins.
    4. Calendula. Improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
    5. Marsh dry grass. Restores mucous membranes, relieves pain.
    6. Sagebrush. Removes parasitic infections, improves digestion, fights spasms.
    7. Yarrow flowers. They tone the gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and counteract flatulence.
    8. Flax seeds. They relieve sharp pain, envelop the gastric mucosa and protect it from negative effects.
    9. Horsetail. Promotes wound healing and rapid recovery from intestinal disorders.

    The collection of medicinal herbs for the monastery stomach tea is carried out manually, and only in ecologically clean areas - far from busy highways and industrial enterprises. No additional ingredients or chemicals were used, so you don't have to worry about side effects or irritation. Who is tea for? The list of gastrointestinal diseases includes dozens of items. Most of these diseases go away after taking monastic stomach tea. Natural ingredients are combined in such a way that their healing properties manifest themselves as quickly as possible. Moreover, the result lasts for a long time, which allows former patients to forget about exacerbations of a number of ailments:

    • Chronic gastritis of various origins
    • Ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
    • Colitis.
    • Intestinal infections (fungal and bacterial).
    • Poisoning.
    • Constipation or diarrhea.
    • Flatulence.
    • Dysbacteriosis.

    If you have any phenomenon or several diseases at once, you can buy monastic stomach tea and test its effectiveness for yourself. We guarantee there will be no disappointment. On the contrary, within 10 minutes, cramps, nagging pains and other troubles will gradually begin to go away. In a month, your condition will stabilize and you will be able to return to an active life, full of big and small joys. Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe in Moscow pharmacies. You can buy Monastic stomach tea with delivery throughout Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd, Saratov , Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Tyumen, Izhevsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Orenburg, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Ryazan, Astrakhan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Penza, Lipetsk, etc. This product is found by the following queries: monastic tea for the stomach, monastery tea for stomach ulcers, composition of monastery tea for the stomach, monastery tea for treating the stomach, monastery tea for the stomach buy, monastery tea for the stomach and intestines, monastery tea for the stomach reviews, monastery tea for the stomach gastritis

    Proven effectiveness

    Medicine today is not as conservative as it seems. The medicinal properties of plants are officially recognized; doctors prefer the use of natural-based drugs.

    In order to understand why monastery tea is so popular, you need to know its composition

    Large clinical studies were conducted in 2013. More than a thousand patients with gastrointestinal pathology participated. Participants in the experiment regularly consumed monastery tea for two weeks. Improvement in health status was noted by 100% of participants. After drinking the tea for two or three days, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, unpleasant nagging pain went away, and appetite improved. At the end of the experiment, a repeated comprehensive health examination of the participants was carried out. The product has earned positive reviews from gastroenterologists. All patients showed a positive trend in the course of chronic diseases of the digestive system of the body.

    Nutritionist and popular TV presenter Elena Malysheva in her program speaks about stomach tea this way: tea therapy affects the body with the help of biologically active substances of plant origin, stimulates the receptors responsible for regeneration, starting the healing process of the digestive system, and returns the body to the “point of health” .

    Having opened the corresponding forum, you come across conflicting reviews about monastery tea: stories about miraculous healing of the body, complete disappointment, lack of effect. Let's clarify the features of using the product:

    • Gastric monastery collection is not a medicine. It does not cure severe forms of diseases of the digestive system and does not replace surgical intervention. In these cases, it can be used as an addition to the main treatment.
    • To obtain a noticeable effect, monastery tea must be taken for at least 2-3 weeks, following the recommendations for preparation, brewing and frequency of taking the collection.
    • You need to buy only original products; most offers in pharmacies and on websites where you can buy the product are fake.

    The herbs included in the collection will maximize all their healing properties only when the tea has been brewed correctly in accordance with the dosage


    Anastasia: Since childhood, I have been overweight and have problems with metabolism, so I periodically go on diets or seriously starve in order to somehow get my figure in order. I have been suffering from gastritis for 2 years now and cannot eat raw vegetables and fruits; besides, any fried food causes terrible pain in my stomach. I found a lot of information about monastery tea on the Internet, now I drink it in monthly courses and feel improvements. I can recommend it to anyone who experiences digestive discomfort.

    Grazhina: I take the monastery collection regularly, not only for treatment, but also for prevention. I read that it has a good effect on metabolism, and I am very afraid of diabetes, since my mother suffers from it. It tastes good, I don't even add honey to it.

    Savely: I’m a driver and, due to my line of work, it’s difficult for me to eat right. He developed an ulcer, which he treated for a long time in the hospital, after which he switched to herbal medicine. I have been drinking Kuril tea for three years. I feel good, although I had to change my profession.

    Gennady: Herbal remedies for me are the best remedy for many diseases, including stomach ones. I am allergic to some herbal medicines, so I never use herbal remedies. So, in the morning on an empty stomach I drink wormwood or St. John’s wort, and before bed – mint. If it hurts, then the best remedy is a strong chamomile infusion. I recommend to everyone.

    How to purchase an original product?

    There is only one official center for the production and supply of Monastic tea - a small monastery on the territory of Belarus. You cannot buy original stomach tea in a pharmacy. In order to help your digestive tract health by spending money, you need to buy products through the official website. The order costs more than the pharmacy product, but the price is completely justified.

    Herbs are collected in environmentally friendly conditions, observing the correct harvest time for each plant. The composition of the gastric collection, which includes nine components, requires mixing dried plants in the recommended ratio. The required proportions were established empirically. Only the official supplier has an international certificate of product quality compliance.

    If you are looking for where to buy stomach tea for chronic diseases of the digestive system, we advise you to contact the official supplier of the product. This way you can make sure that the sensational church gastric collection is in fact an effective healing product, and not a scam invented by the manufacturer.

    Benefits of monastery tea for the stomach:

    • Exclusively natural composition without synthetic components;
    • No side effects unless there is individual intolerance to the components;
    • The collection and processing of raw materials occurs according to ancient recipes by hand;
    • The product is fully certified and recommended for use by nutritionists;
    • Pleasant taste and aroma.

    Usually, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases requires 2-3 weeks of taking the decoction.

    Benefits of monastery tea for the stomach

    What advantages does the monastery drink have? Why should you choose this product?

    • exclusively natural composition without synthetic components;
    • absence of side effects if there is no individual intolerance to the components;
    • the collection and processing of raw materials is carried out according to ancient recipes by hand;
    • the product is fully certified and recommended for use by nutritionists;
    • pleasant taste and aroma.

    Typically, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases requires 2-3 weeks of taking the decoction.


    The traditional recipe for stomach tea includes nine medicinal herbs, each of which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Complementing each other, the components have a powerful healing effect and therapeutic effect on the abdominal organs and the entire body.

    • Calendula. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Carotene and essential oils promote the healing of ulcerative defects. Calendula flowers are known for their calming properties, normalize vascular tone, and relieve spasms.
    • Flax seeds. By stimulating intestinal peristalsis, they help with constipation and cleanse the body of toxins. They have a softening, enveloping effect. A natural sorbent that adsorbs toxins similar to the action of activated carbon.
    • St. John's wort. Contains tannins that have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane, normalizes acidity, and strengthens blood vessels.
    • Marsh dry grass. Promotes tissue regeneration, relieves spasms, enhances peristalsis.
    • Rose hips are known for their diuretic and choleretic properties. They contain a large number of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
    • Peppermint. Eliminates pain, increases appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, eliminates nausea and vomiting.

    The tea is completely natural, consisting of medicinal plants

    • Wormwood. Stimulates the functioning of the intestinal tract, enhances secretion in the stomach, secretion of bile, pancreatic enzymes, eliminates spasm of the colon.
    • Yarrow. Eliminates intestinal spasms and flatulence. Choleretic effect, eliminates bleeding.
    • Horsetail. A herb with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, choleretic effects. Able to inhibit tumor growth.

    Cooking secrets

    How to prepare monastery stomach tea? The technique for preparing the drink is not fundamentally different from brewing ordinary black or green tea leaves. There are some options for properly brewing tea collection. Before brewing, be sure to read the instructions; take one spoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water (a cut glass up to the rim).

    Cooking options:

    • brewing in a cup;
    • thermos;
    • Turk;
    • water bath.

    When brewing monastery tea in a cup, pour a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of hot (not boiling) water, leave to steep for 10-15 minutes. The cup should not be covered tightly, leaving air access. This is the most common brewing method. It is convenient to use a cup with a ceramic strainer.

    Some people prefer this original brewing method: prepare a healing drink according to the principle of making brewed coffee. A spoonful of the collection is poured into a Turk and filled with cold water. Bring the broth to a boil, set aside, cover loosely and let it brew.

    Brewing in a thermos is convenient for drinking monastery tea for digestive problems throughout the day. Especially if it is not possible to brew it constantly. During brewing, do not immediately close the lid of the thermos tightly.

    Prepared stomach tea according to the monastery recipe is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It is not recommended to reheat the finished drink. Just add hot water.

    A rather labor-intensive method that reveals the taste and aroma of a herbal bouquet is brewing in a water bath. How to prepare monastery stomach tea in a water bath? The herbs are poured into a bowl, preferably enameled, filled with cold boiled water, kept in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, and after removal, infused for another 10-15 minutes.

    Indications for use

    The monastic collection is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tea will be indispensable for such conditions as:

    • Gastritis.
    • Pancreatitis.
    • Cholecystitis.
    • Peptic ulcer disease.
    • Colitis.
    • Dyspeptic intestinal conditions - bloating, dysbiosis, frequent constipation or diarrhea.

    By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, already in the first days of drinking monastery tea, digestion improves and unpleasant symptoms go away. Since stomach tea according to the monastery recipe contains herbs that have astringent, antibacterial and restorative effects, it turns out to be indispensable for diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. According to patient reviews, tea quickly relieves stomach pain, heartburn, belching, and bad taste in the mouth. With the help of a course of treatment with monastery tea, many got rid of gastritis and colitis, and restored the intestinal microflora in cases where conventional drugs were powerless. The ratio of herbs in monastery tea is maintained in such a way as to normalize the functioning of all digestive organs without causing side effects.

    Time of administration and dosage

    From patients who have consumed monastic stomach tea, reviews of the taste are usually positive. The herbal collection is pleasant to the taste and has an original aroma. When consuming a medicinal drink, follow the dosage and frequency of administration for an effective therapeutic effect on the body. The manufacturer recommends drinking one glass of tea (brewed at the rate of one teaspoon per 200 ml) three to four times a day.

    This tea has been proven effective in treating stomach diseases.

    It is recommended to associate medicinal tea drinking with food intake. There are no clear instructions on whether to drink the drink before or after a meal. You cannot add other herbs to the stomach tea yourself, even components that it already contains. Adding honey, sugar, jam is not prohibited if there is no restriction on sugar consumption.

    How long should you take the drink to achieve the effect? Signs of improvement in the digestive system are noticeable 15-20 minutes after the first cup. A visible therapeutic effect occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular use.

    How much does it cost and where to buy tea

    It will not be easy to find monastic stomach tea in a pharmacy. To protect the product from counterfeits, the manufacturer distributes monastery tea through an official supplier. On its website you can verify the certificates of conformity and place an order. The monastery gastric fee costs 1980 rubles. Sometimes there are promotions on the official website where you can buy herbal tea for the stomach at a 50% discount for only 990 rubles.

    Monastic tea helps with ulcers and gastritis, relieves abdominal pain and heartburn caused by high acidity. Stomach tea gently improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, ensuring ease and comfortable digestion.

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