Stomach tea: the benefits of unique herbal teas

When do you need tea for the stomach?

It is ideal when such tea is drunk for preventive purposes, but first of all its therapeutic effect is for the following diseases:

  1. for pain in the abdomen;
  2. for stomach ulcers;
  3. with gastritis.

Tea for the stomach will achieve the following results:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves abdominal pain;
  • restores gastrointestinal tract cells;
  • will destroy microorganisms that disrupt the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the alkaline balance of gastric juice;
  • will relieve bloating.

People who are accustomed to running to the pharmacy at the first sensation of stomach pain practically do not give their body the opportunity to cope with the pain on its own. Eliminating pain does not mean curing it. There are a large number of teas that can eliminate the root of the problem, the consequence of which is acute pain in the stomach. For treatment to be beneficial, it is important to establish the correct diagnosis of the disease, and then select the necessary tea.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a serious and difficult to solve problem for many people. The human intestines and stomach must perform secretory and motor functions. If their work malfunctions, a person experiences discomfort in the epigastric area, pain, heaviness, bloating, heartburn, belching, and increased gas formation.

Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success?

“You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure gastritis and ulcers just by taking it every day.

Herbal medicine, together with traditional treatment of diseases of the digestive system, gives good results. Herbal, green and black tea for the stomach are recommended by many doctors who are interested in a speedy recovery for their patient. This drink normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates severe abdominal pain and restores damaged organ cells. Herbal medicine is intended not only to treat ulcers and gastritis, but also to alleviate the condition after poisoning.

For information: a stomach ulcer is damage and ulcers on the inner lining of the stomach. Prolonged healing causes severe pain. The disease can last for years, sometimes subside, sometimes worsen.

Herbal medicine is a kind of chemistry, so you can’t drink herbal teas all in a row and in unlimited quantities. For each disease, there are teas that can cure specific diseases. Teas for the stomach:

  • green tea;
  • ginger tea;
  • monastery tea;
  • chamomile tea.

Each of these teas has its own effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Green tea is rich in vitamins, minerals and many other beneficial substances. The bactericidal substances contained in green tea can destroy pathogens living in the stomach and intestines. For treatment, you need to drink 2-3 cups throughout the day.

For dysentery, brew strong green tea (25 grams per 500 ml of water), let it brew for half an hour, and then put it on low heat for 1 hour. After this, it is stored in the refrigerator and taken 2 medium spoons before meals.

Main diseases of the digestive system:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • chronic enterocolitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

To treat diseases, doctors prescribe a strict or gentle diet and prescribe medication. Any tea described below can act as an additional method of treatment and prevention during remission.

What kind of tea can you make yourself?

Tea that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may contain one component or be a composition of different herbs. We have already looked at herbal combinations, and now we will dwell in detail on simpler tea recipes.

Note. The complex composition of the drink is not always beneficial. The greater the amount of herbs, the higher the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Multi-ingredient teas can only be prepared if you have tried all the ingredients before.

Chamomile tea

This drink can be safely taken for any form of gastritis, as it has virtually no effect on the secretion of hydrochloric acid and relieves inflammation well. Dried chamomile is brewed in bulk or in filter bags. For half a glass of hot water, take 2 bags of crushed flowers or a tablespoon of whole flowers, drink on an empty stomach up to 4 times a day.


Peppermint tea is also allowed for all forms of gastritis. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid, but at the same time successfully fights stagnation of food in the stomach and associated increased gas formation, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, peppermint has a calming effect, which is beneficial for patients with stress erosions and ulcers.

For a glass of water you need to take 2 sprigs of fresh or dried mint and leave for no more than 7 minutes. Drink mint tea 2 times a day - morning and evening. Mint goes well with green tea, but this drink is more suitable for hypoacid gastritis.

Rose hip tea

Rosehip herbal tea is recommended for patients with hypoacid, atrophic inflammation of the stomach.
Additionally, the drink helps strengthen the immune system and has antiseptic properties. A tablespoon of dried rose hips or 2 filter bags are infused in a glass of hot water for 2 hours. You can also brew the leaves and flower petals of the plant. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

Currant tea

This drink is also suitable for low acidity of gastric juice. Not only the leaves are brewed, but also dried blackcurrant berries, which serve as an additional source of ascorbic acid. For a 200 ml container you will need 1 tbsp. l. chopped leaves and 2 tbsp. spoons of berries. You need to infuse the drink for at least an hour, and take it twice a day.

Blooming Sally

It is recommended to brew angustifolia fireweed for hyperacid and erosive gastritis, since it envelops and protects the mucous membrane from damage by hydrochloric acid. In addition, drinking fireweed tea reduces the bleeding of erosions. The dried leaves and flowers of the plant are brewed. For 500 ml of hot water, only 2 teaspoons of chopped fireweed is enough. The medicine should be infused for 10-15 minutes, and taken half a glass 3 times a day.

Contrary to popular belief, stomach tea is not only a healthy drink, but also tasty. It is important to choose herbal tea in accordance with the condition of the digestive tract and not forget about the main treatment.

Since herbal components affect the functioning of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also other organs and systems, they should not be taken without first consulting a doctor. You need to be especially careful when using any herbal medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The benefits of herbal tea for gastrointestinal diseases

Herbal medicine has long been used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Herbal tea made from natural raw materials relieves pain and improves food processing. Unlike synthetic medicines, which have many side effects, herbal medicines can expand therapeutic options. Tea for the stomach can be prepared from various herbal infusions, selecting and combining herbs based on the severity of the disease.

People who suffer from serious indigestion are recommended to drink black teas. In order for the drink to have a healing effect, it must be made weak and not too sweet.

With the help of tea you can achieve the following results:

  • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms, due to whose vital activity there is a disruption in the functioning of the digestive organs.
  • Further cell destruction due to disease is prevented.
  • The functionality of the digestive system is restored.
  • Signs of bloating are eliminated.
  • The pH of gastric juice is normalized.

Properties of herbal tea

Properly selected tea for the stomach helps not only normalize digestion, but also cure many pathologies. Gastroenterologists often recommend supplementing therapy with infusions of medicinal plants, including those with a combined composition. This makes it possible to reduce drug doses, thereby reducing the pharmacological load on the human body.

What kind of tea is good for the stomach - first of all, multifunctional. It should eliminate painful symptoms, restore damaged tissue, and prevent the progression of pathology. A high-quality drink simultaneously strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of infections. And all thanks to the presence in the chemical composition of a huge amount of substances valuable for health:

  • phytoncides. Powerful natural antioxidants that prevent free radicals from prematurely destroying mucosal cells;
  • biocomplex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Optimizes smooth muscle tone, strengthens the defenses of the whole body;
  • bioflavonoids. They accelerate blood circulation, replenish oxygen and nutrients in cells, thereby improving their recovery.

Tea that is good for the stomach will always have a beneficial effect on the intestines. After all, daily consumption of warm infusion becomes the reason for the coordinated functioning of the entire digestive system.

On a note! Bioactive substances from gastrointestinal teas are beneficial for the whole body. Regular use of infusions has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and the functioning of the central and cardiovascular systems.

Ginger tea for metabolism

Ginger root contains essential oil that increases blood flow and warms from the inside. As a result of these processes, blood flow into the digestive system improves and metabolism is normalized.

Ginger drink can be prepared in the following way:

  1. grate 1 teaspoon of ginger;
  2. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  3. add lemon and honey.

How to brew and drink stomach tea

The use of herbal teas is a very effective addition to the main treatment, but, unfortunately, it will not get rid of all diseases. In addition, to ensure maximum results, it is necessary to take into account possible nuances of preparation and mode of use.

Important points when using the collection:

  1. The tea decoction must be prepared immediately before use. Even short-term storage negatively affects the composition and benefits of the drink.
  2. For one serving you need to take a glass of hot water (temperature no higher than 90 degrees) and 5-6 grams of dry collection (this is the volume of a standard teaspoon).
  3. Pour the mixture with water and cover with a lid. Infuse the decoction for at least 15 minutes, then strain and drink.
  4. Take half an hour before meals, the daily serving is three to four cups.
  5. The course of treatment ranges from several weeks to six months, depending on the type and severity of the disease.
  6. You should definitely take into account that an open pack of tea cannot be stored for more than three months.
  7. When brewing, contact with metal objects should be minimized - this will cause oxidation reactions. It is best to brew tea in a clay or ceramic teapot, which will also help keep the broth warm for a long time.
  8. You should not consume a decoction that has already cooled down; it will not bring the expected benefits. Also, do not bring the mixture to a boil, as this will destroy the beneficial organic compounds in the drink.

To ensure maximum effect, the use of gastric tea is combined with drug therapy and dietary nutrition. The effectiveness of treatment can be assessed no earlier than after four to five weeks of using the decoctions. In addition, you should give up bad habits and limit your consumption of salty, fatty and fried foods. If ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum threaten the development of perforation of the organ, as well as internal bleeding, you should not refuse surgical treatment. In this case, taking stomach tea will help restore digestive function after surgery.

Monastic tea for treating the stomach is made from a collection of beneficial herbs. It has a complex effect on our body, helping to heal and prevent the development of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular use will help get rid of ailments, and maintenance therapy will relieve seasonal exacerbation of diseases. Features of the use and preparation of stomach tea, as well as an overview of the main components of this drink, are presented in the information in our article.

Treating the stomach with monastery tea

Monastic tea for the stomach contains a collection of herbs that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Tea is capable of:

  • relieve painful cramps in the stomach;
  • relieve heartburn and nausea;
  • remove constipation;
  • improve digestion;
  • improve appetite;
  • completely restore the gastric mucosa;
  • relieve attacks of ulcers and gastritis, etc.

Thus, if you use stomach teas correctly, you can forever forget about the discomfort in the stomach after eating, and get rid of chronic diseases such as ulcers and gastritis.

Herbal tea, used regularly, helps get rid of discomfort. Most often, medicinal plants are used to prepare herbal tea: chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, cudweed, plantain leaves, mint, calendula flowers. They have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, soothing, anti-spastic effect, and have a beneficial effect on the overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Black tea has a good effect in treating stomach diseases if consumed in moderation.

What is gastric collection

When treating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, herbal tea is prescribed along with medications. It contains herbs to treat various symptoms of the disease.

The plants are dried, crushed and mixed in strictly defined proportions. The composition, indications and instructions for use can be found on the packaging.

The preparations are sold in pharmacies in bagged and loose form. The choice depends on the disease and the doctor’s recommendations.

For what diseases is gastric collection prescribed?

Diseases in which the collection promotes a speedy recovery:

  • inflammatory processes of the gallbladder (stones);
  • inflammatory processes of the bile ducts;
  • the appearance of biliary and intestinal colic;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pain, spasms;

The benefits of green tea for the gastrointestinal tract

Green tea, like black tea, has a positive effect on the human digestive system.

It gives the following effect:

  • Helps the stomach quickly get used to harmful factors that come from the outside world.
  • Disinfects the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Accelerates the healing process of wounds that appear due to ulcers.
  • Increases stomach acidity if it is too low.

Peptic ulcer disease occurs due to poor nutrition, chronic damage to the gastric mucosa, and alcohol abuse. The acidity of gastric juice increases, pain appears. Herbal tea must be consumed regularly; as practice shows, the effect can be noticed within a month.

It is highly not recommended for patients with stomach diseases to take black or green teas without first eating them. This is because such a drink quickly increases the acidity level of gastric juice. Ideally, it should be consumed during meals. If desired, green tea can be supplemented with a spoon of natural honey.

The following fees are effective:

Fennel fruits, chamomile flowers and marshmallow root are taken in equal parts. Fill with a glass of hot water. The broth is heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cooled slightly at room temperature and filtered. A glass of warm broth should be drunk at night. It normalizes intestinal activity and has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ready-made pharmaceutical stomach teas

In the arsenal of modern pharmacies there is a large selection of ready-made gastrointestinal teas, these are proven and high-quality preparations, indicating the composition and instructions for use. Examples of such fees are:

  • gastrointestinal tea Evalar

  • herbal tea stomach anti-inflammatory;
  • anise tea;
  • herbal tea No. 5;
  • Monastic stomach tea.

These are just a few examples of the most common ready-made teas, and the largest number of positive reviews among them are addressed to Monastic tea, the effect of which is universal. It contains flaxseed, calendula, St. John's wort, horsetail, yarrow, mint, wormwood, dried grass, and rose hips.

The right herbal tea for treating the stomach and intestines will help you quickly cope with the disease with the help of natural ingredients without causing side effects. And the best choice is a doctor’s recommendation.

Treating the stomach with monastery tea

Patients with gastritis and ulcers take monastery tea as an additional treatment for the digestive tract. Within a week, many of them note an improvement in their health. Their digestion process is normalized, problems with the level of acidity of gastric juice go away, and severe pain goes away.

For intestinal pain and constipation, an infusion prepared from marshmallow root, flaxseed, valerian root, and shepherd's purse herb, taken in equal parts, is recommended. After pouring the components with a glass of hot water, you need to hold it in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove it and let it brew for 45 minutes. After this, strain, take half a glass in the evening and in the morning.

Real monastery tea is usually made from the following plants:

  • Flax seeds (have an enveloping effect).
  • Calendula (helps eliminate signs of ulcers).
  • Sushenitsa (restores a healthy appearance to the mucous membrane of a diseased organ).
  • Rosehip (saturates the body with vitamin C).
  • St. John's wort (reduces stomach acidity).
  • Wormwood (relieves abdominal cramps).
  • Mint (produces an analgesic effect).
  • Horsetail (acts as a wound-healing component).
  • Yarrow (gives a tonic effect on the organs of the digestive system).

For heartburn and severe pain, two collections are recommended, each should be taken for 10 days, alternating for three months.

1. Pharmaceutical chamomile - 5 g, coltsfoot (leaves), calendula (flowers) - 20 g each.

2. Pharmaceutical chamomile - 5 g, plantain leaves - 20 g and St. John's wort - 20 g.

Prepared infusions should be drunk before meals, up to a tablespoon.

Monastic tea is recommended for many gastrointestinal diseases. All the main ingredients that are included in its collection are completely harmless to humans if the dosage of herbs is observed. If desired, it can be taken instead of regular tea, even to prevent problems with the digestive organs.

The healing effect of black tea on the gastrointestinal tract

Black tea is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, astringents and antimicrobials, as well as caffeine. This drink effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, calms “raging” peristalsis, eliminates bloating and abdominal cramps.

Due to the presence of caffeine, it has a stimulating effect on the secretion of the gastric glands, so it is more suitable for low acidity, and if it is normal or increased, it is recommended to drink it diluted in half with milk. It is not recommended to drink it in the acute stage of gastritis and ulcers.

Teas for gastritis

Tea for stomach and intestinal health can consist of different mixtures. The main thing is that it includes herbs that have a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system. All medicinal plants are freely available, so anyone can purchase them and prepare such a drink.

Gastritis is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. The main goal of treatment is to remove inflammation, pain and prevent the development of ulcers. For this, herbs that have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory effect are recommended. Multi-component fees are the most effective.

The most beneficial are teas that are brewed from the following plants:

  • Blooming Sally. You only need 30 g of dried herb. Pour boiling water over it, strain and drink half a glass.
  • Anise. It is brewed in the same way. Its regular use helps treat gastritis and inhibits the active activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.
  • Teas based on a collection of peppermint , licorice root, calamus root, flax seed, linden flowers and fennel fruit are drunk after meals, about half an hour later. An equal amount of these ingredients must be poured with boiling water. Afterwards the tea is ready to drink.
  • Another option for combination tea . It consists of mint, plantain, St. John's wort, caraway, yarrow, dried grass, centaury and knotweed. You can also add calamus root to the drink. Only 20 g of herbs are enough for 0.5 liters. They should be infused in a thermos and taken half a glass each time after eating.

Plantain (leaves), St. John's wort, marsh cudweed, centaury grass 40 g each, knotweed grass - 20 g, yarrow - 15 g, peppermint leaves, caraway fruits, calamus rhizomes 10 g each. The prepared decoction is drunk half a glass an hour after eating . It will be beneficial for high acidity and gastritis.

Herbal medicine provides useful infusions that are recommended for people with ulcers.

Patients with this disease should drink the following types of teas:

  • A drink made from birch leaves, cudweed, chamomile, calendula, wormwood, yarrow and clover has a negative effect on the proliferation of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in the digestive organs. It also normalizes the level of stomach acidity.
  • No less useful will be tea made from flaxseed, bodra, knotweed, clover, sage, yarrow, marshmallow and loosestrife. To prepare 0.5 drinks you will need 1 tbsp. herbal mixture. This amount of tea is designed for three doses over one day. The herbal collection has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. If desired, you can add a little honey to this tea to increase its effectiveness in treating peptic ulcers.
  • Tea made from chamomile, licorice root, valerian, marshmallow, immortelle flower and St. John's wort has a positive effect. This mixture must be brewed 1 tbsp at a time. for a full glass. You need to drink tea three times a day, half the prepared portion after meals.

Fruits of fennel, anise and cumin - 10 g, peppermint - 20 g. An infusion is prepared, which should be drunk in small sips throughout the day. Effective for stomach pain and flatulence.

When gastritis is combined with enterocolitis, you can prepare an infusion (1:1) from a mixture of centaury and St. John's wort. Take 1/2 cup infusion an hour before meals in the evening and in the morning.

Monastic tea is a ready-made herbal mixture that is intended for the treatment and prevention of stomach diseases. It contains medicinal herbs: flax seeds, calendula, St. John's wort, rose hips, wormwood, dried grass, peppermint, horsetail.

The tea is prepared simply: just brew one spoonful of tea with boiling water and let it brew. You can drink it up to three times a day. Regular consumption of gastric tea in a monastic manner:

  • eliminates bloating;
  • eliminates pain in the epigastric area;
  • normalizes the digestion process and the production of gastric juice;
  • relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Ivan tea (fireweed) is effective for the prevention of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a lot of useful substances. Fireweed has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. Herbalists recommend it for the treatment of gastritis, colitis, ulcers, and pancreatitis. Ivan tea is effective for intestinal dysfunction and poisoning.

These fees provide a healing effect not only on the intestines, but also on the stomach, which has suffered due to illness. All such teas should be drunk only after eating. They should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

Ready herbal teas

Let's look at the most popular industrially produced drinks. They have a complex composition and act in several directions at once.

Gastrointestinal herbal tea No. 20

One of the most versatile options. Suitable for any form of gastritis, and is also used for peptic ulcers and intestinal disorders. The composition includes herbs that predominantly have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, senna, elecampane, dill, flaxseed.

Since the combination of these plants also affects the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, you should consult a doctor before drinking the drink.

Brew 1 sachet of herbal tea in a glass of boiling water, drink 200 ml after cooling three times a day.

Herbal tea "Sennapharm"

Contains senna, plantain and fennel seeds, therefore it is intended primarily for patients with hypoacid, atrophic gastritis.
It eliminates bloating, congestion in the stomach, and improves appetite. Accelerates the healing of erosions due to the action of plantain. For hyperacid inflammation, the use of tea is also possible, but the effect will be less pronounced.

For a glass of water, one sachet of tea leaves is enough, which is infused for 15 minutes. The resulting drink is drunk with meals once a day.

Monastic stomach tea

Herbal mixture intended for the treatment of gastritis of any form. Contains horsetail, peppermint, immortelle, chamomile, hawthorn, yarrow. Helps with inflammation of the stomach of an infectious nature due to its antiseptic effect. Reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane and the unpleasant symptoms associated with it: pain, belching, heartburn, nausea.

A teaspoon of the herbal mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes and drunk throughout the day.

However, keep in mind that all the “official studies” that the manufacturer of the monastery tea refers to are falsifications, as Elena Malysheva talked about in her program.

This revelation does not mean that the drug is completely useless, but only indicates that its benefits are exaggerated and there have been no clinical studies of its effectiveness.

Siberian Health: “Kuril Sai”

The basis of the drink is Kuril tea or cinquefoil. When brewed, the plant has a pleasant, slightly tart taste. It is traditionally used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Plantain, rosehip, rosehip and chamomile are also added to Kuril Sai tea.

This combination is most effective for erosive gastritis, especially provoked by stressful situations. Cinquefoil tones and calms the nervous system. In addition, the drink is used for diseases of the intestines and bile ducts.

“Kuril Sai” is brewed and drunk in the same way as monastery tea: it is enough to take only 1 glass of the drink per day.

Tea "Evalar BIO gastrointestinal"

A well-balanced herbal tea with the “safest” ingredients: mint, chamomile, dill, yarrow and black tea.
They rarely cause side effects in other organs. Tea helps best with insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid. You should drink it with increased acidity with caution, as black tea further stimulates the production of HCl.

Take 1 filter bag per glass of water and drink tea 5 minutes after brewing.

Useful teas for poisoning

If a person does not monitor the quality of the food he eats well enough, then one day he may face poisoning. Even in this case, teas based on medicinal herbs can alleviate his condition. Everyone should remember a few recipes for preparing healthy drinks that are recommended to be taken in case of poisoning:

  • To relieve pain and cramps in the stomach, you need to brew yourself a tea from a herbal mixture, which consists of yarrow, chamomile, meadowsweet and motherwort. All ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. The drink is taken half a glass four times a day.
  • Another life-saving remedy is a drink made from nettle, meadowsweet, motherwort and St. John's wort. The mixture of herbs is poured with boiling water, infused a little, after which it can be drunk in half a glass.
  • A warm drink based on dried cucumber, motherwort and centaury will help eliminate intestinal upset and severe heartburn. This mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water. Afterwards it should be strained. In this form, it is ready to drink half a glass about five times a day.

The fastest way to prepare tea: pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into 600 grams of boiling water (95-100°) and let stand for 15 minutes. For cooking, it is better to use a thermos or kettle with a lid. This tea is good for the stomach if it is warm.

The role of tea in the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis involves a chronic inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. This tea removes the inflammatory reaction, pain and prevents the development of ulcers. For this purpose, the monastery hut contains components that have enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects. This is one of the effective and popular teas.

An infusion is prepared based on the individual components: 10 g of all herbs, peppermint - 20 g. An infusion should be prepared, which is drunk several times in small sips. This drug is effective during stomach pain and flatulence.

Green tea for stomach problems

Green tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs in the human body. It has the ability to increase the acidity of gastric juice, this should be taken into account when using. For people with high acidity, green tea is beneficial; caution will not hurt if the acidity is already high.

Drinking green tea on an empty stomach is not recommended, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa. If you have colitis, ulcers, or bleeding during an exacerbation, it is better to stop taking green tea.

The action of all the teas described above is aimed at restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. So it’s worth supplementing your primary treatment for diseases of the digestive system with herbal medicine.

Tea for the stomach for various types of inflammation

The selection of medicinal tea depends on the type of inflammation and the condition of the gastric mucosa.

For anacid atrophic gastritis, it is important to choose tea that would restore the mucous membrane, have enzymatic activity, and reduce the severity of inflammation. Chamomile, calendula, centaury, and horsetail are characterized by the necessary properties.

The ability of the drink to stimulate gastric secretion in this case is less relevant, since in the later stages of the disease there is practically no glandular epithelium left in the mucosa and there is simply nothing to stimulate.

Patients with hypoacid gastritis first of all need to increase the acidity of gastric juice and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. Classic black and green tea, rose hips, currant leaves, wormwood, and calamus rhizomes have this ability. Peppermint is also useful, as it removes the symptoms inherent in a hypoacid state: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, flatulence.

Hyperacid gastritis is the most “fastidious” regarding herbal medicine.
With increased secretion of HCl, drinks that increase acidity are contraindicated. On the contrary, priority is given to plants that suppress the production of hydrochloric acid or neutralize already released hydrogen chloride. These are peppermint, agrimony, St. John's wort, fireweed. Fireweed (better known as fireweed) also has protective, enveloping properties.

For erosive gastritis, plants with astringent, hemostatic, enveloping effects are widely used: plantain, sage, fireweed, yarrow. Herbal teas based on them accelerate the healing of erosions, protect them from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and prevent bleeding.

Black tea and stomach diseases

The enzymes contained in tea can kill pathogenic bacteria, restoring the intestinal microflora. Tannin normalizes stomach acidity and eliminates bloating. Therefore, you can drink it for minor stomach upsets.

But not everyone can benefit from black tea. If you have chronic gastritis in the acute stage, you should not drink this tea. Strongly brewed tea can trigger a relapse of the disease. If it is difficult to give up your favorite drink, you should give preference to weakly brewed black tea, which should be drunk after meals, avoiding taking it on an empty stomach.

When starting tea treatment, you should remember that any herbal tea has contraindications. Individual intolerance to some herbs is possible, and allergic reactions are possible. It is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers to take herbal tea without consulting their doctor.

Composition of monastery tea and its benefits for the digestive system

The composition of stomach tea includes exclusively natural plant components. They make the product absolutely safe and very effective. You should know that each of the ingredients has a special effect, and as a result of mixing in one collection, they become a real salvation for a sore stomach.

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What is included in the gastric collection:

  • Yarrow herb. It is famous for accelerating metabolic processes, which ensures rapid processing of food. In addition, yarrow stimulates the production of essential digestive enzymes.
  • Flax seeds. This component creates an enveloping film on the gastric mucosa, protecting it from negative effects and helping regeneration processes. This also helps relieve pain or at least reduce its intensity.
  • Calendula flowers. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to avoid the spread of infection to surrounding tissues and organs.
  • Sagebrush. This component also helps reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as establish a normal digestion process.
  • Dried rose hips. They stimulate digestive function and also have a bactericidal effect on the body. In addition, rosehip decoction helps remove excess fluid from the body and also provides an anti-edematous effect.
  • Peppermint. A proven remedy for increasing appetite, relieving nausea and eliminating flatulence. In addition, mint has a mild sedative effect, helping to relax the walls of the stomach and relieve intestinal colic.
  • Horsetail. This natural component provides a good wound healing effect. In addition, it is able to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and also has a restorative effect on the body as a whole.
  • St. John's wort. This plant has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing abilities. In addition, a decoction of this plant promotes the normal flow of bile and the removal of stones.
  • Marsh dry grass. Used in the treatment of wounds, burns and ulcerative lesions. It has antispasmodic properties and also relieves pain.

It is impossible to find out the exact proportions of stomach tea (manufacturer’s secret), so preparing a homemade analogue will be problematic. You should also know that preparing and drinking the drink requires special knowledge, and for some categories of patients it may be prohibited.

The beneficial properties and composition of monastery tea are discussed in the video clip.

Tea for diarrhea and constipation

For diarrhea, it is better to use tea made from St. John's wort, oak bark, yarrow, willow bark or bearberry leaves. Each of these infusions has its own effect on the symptoms of diarrhea, but in general they can prevent dehydration, remove poison and toxins, normalize stools, reduce intestinal cramps and stop vomiting.

Herbal tea for blood vessels

Drinks made from senna, buckthorn bark, valerian root and centaury will help relieve constipation. A drink made from these plants helps cleanse the intestines, reduces gas formation, softens stool, normalizes intestinal motility and reduces pain during bowel movements.

Features of choosing stomach tea

The healing properties of stomach tea are determined by the composition of the herbs included in it and their therapeutic effect. For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the processes of movement of the food bolus through all its departments and the secretion of digestive juice and enzymes necessary for the breakdown and digestion of products entering it, as well as the absorption of useful substances into the blood, are especially important. Medicinal herbs for treatment should be selected depending on what kind of malfunctions in the digestive tract there are and what causes them, since there are simply no universal tea drinks.

The most commonly detected disease of the stomach is gastritis, which can occur against the background of increased (hyperacid), normal or decreased (hypoacid) secretion of gastric juice. For the hyperacid form of gastritis, teas are needed that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the secretory activity of the stomach, stimulate the regeneration of the mucosa and protect it from the effects of hydrochloric acid. For hypoacid gastritis, on the contrary, irritants that increase the secretion of gastric juice are recommended. These include, first of all, medicinal plants containing bitterness.

Recommendation: To prevent gastrointestinal diseases, you need to give up smoking, frequent drinking of alcohol, adhere to a healthy diet and avoid nervous stress.

Stomach tea can also be used for pancreatitis. In the acute period of the disease, resorting to treatment with folk remedies is strongly not recommended, but in the chronic course they help improve the condition and prevent or reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Medicinal herbs that have enveloping, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects will be especially useful. It should be borne in mind that medicinal tea for the pancreas should not taste sour, bitter or sweet, as in this case it can provoke an exacerbation.

Beneficial properties of monastery tea

Monastic tea for the stomach is used for serious disorders and pre-ulcer conditions. Experts have proven that after a week of daily consumption of the drink, digestion returns to normal, pain goes away, ulcer scarring is eliminated, and the content of gastric hydrochloric acid will be within normal limits.

The composition of the monastery tea for the stomach includes:

  • calendula to treat ulcers;
  • flaxseed, which envelops;
  • rose hips with a high content of vitamin C;
  • St. John's wort to eliminate acidity;
  • cudweed - helps restore the mucous membrane and normalize the content of hydrochloric acid;
  • mint has a calming effect;
  • wormwood – against spasms;
  • horsetail with a healing effect;
  • yarrow tones the body.

Ivan tea for stomach pain

Ivan tea is taken for the stomach and intestines before meals. This method of treatment has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • enveloping effect;
  • reducing acidity;
  • due to hanerol, it has an inhibitory effect, which means it prevents the development of oncology;
  • calming: stress is reduced;
  • pain reliever during ulcerative disorders;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Ivan tea for stomach ulcers is most often used as a folk treatment, but the traditional one is not abandoned.

Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe

Monastic stomach tea is a herbal medicine based on medicinal plants. It is an indispensable assistant in the fight against diseases of the stomach and intestines. Drinking tea brings general strengthening and blood purifying effects; the drink has hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Doctors recommend drinking stomach tea when there is a history of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis, flatulence, and heartburn. Drinking this tea also helps eliminate enzymatic deficiency, inflammation of the duodenum, stimulates intestinal motility and normalizes stool.

Medicinal properties of green tea

Green tea will help normalize the digestive system and also tones the body. This is how the stomach adapts to irritants. Taking this drink daily helps prevent ulcers. Tannins that enrich the drink quickly heal the ulcer. Tea is used if a person has low acidity.

If you have gastritis and ulcers, do not drink green tea on an empty stomach, as the medicine increases acidity. And weakly prepared green tea is consumed during ulcers and gastritis.

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