MAALOX OR PHOSPHALUGEL: which is better and what is the difference (differences in composition, reviews from doctors)


If a person experiences discomfort in the stomach (for example, heartburn), he first goes to the nearest pharmacy. With such symptoms, pharmacists most often advise taking one of the medications - Maalox or Phosphalugel. Let's get acquainted with the features of using both drugs and patient reviews.

How they affect the body

Both medications have a diverse effect on the body:

  • antacid,
  • enveloping,
  • sorbent.

Antacid effect

These medications belong to the group of non-absorbable antacids. Maalox contains an aluminum-magnesium combination, and Phosphalugel contains aluminum salts of phosphoric acid. Thanks to these substances, medications help eliminate acid level disorders by reducing the aggressiveness of gastric juice and eliminating heartburn, pain due to ulcers, and unpleasant sensations in the stomach and esophagus. Aluminum formations favor the creation of a protective film on the affected surface, and magnesium restores the protective functions of the gastric mucosa.

Enveloping effect

The medications have the properties of gastrocytoprotectors, which activate the synthesis of mucin by regenerating the mucous membranes in the stomach, protecting the surfaces of the organ from negative effects.

When drugs enter the body, they form colloidal solutions, which allows them to have an enveloping effect.

A special film, which is formed due to aluminum phosphate, protects the mucous membrane from the influence of pepsins, various enzymatic substances, gastric juice and inhibits the irritant effect on sensitive nerve endings.

Sorbent action

Antacids are characterized by a decrease in the digestive activity of pepsins through their adsorption, as well as bile acids and lysolecithin. They promote the absorption of harmful substances, microorganisms, toxins and their elimination during bowel movements. Thanks to these properties, these medications are effective in various forms of poisoning and intoxication.

What is Phosphalugel?

Signals of excess acid in the stomach include heartburn, sour belching, heaviness, cramps, and diarrhea. Medicines that normalize acidity can help, and among the first on this list is the drug Phosphalugel. It envelops, adsorbs, heals, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the body.

How the healing gel works:

  • draws out harmful substances;
  • gradually reduces acidity;
  • when the amount of acid reaches normal, the reaction between gastric juice and the components of the antacid slows down and then stops.

Composition of Phosphalugel and its mechanism of action

Since the drug has a compact package and the solution is packaged in sachets, there are no problems with how to take Phosphalugel. The number of servings is determined by the doctor; the product is convenient because it does not need to be dissolved in water, therefore it is first aid in emergency cases. The basis of the drug is aluminum phosphate, which neutralizes hydrochloric acid and reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The product is produced in the form of a light gel, with a pleasant, orange smell, so even children drink it without any problems. Phosphalugel contains the following excipients:

  • sorbitol solution – has a laxative, choleretic and detoxifying effect;
  • agar-agar - works as a thickener, maintains the shape of the medicine, creates a protective film for the mucous membrane;
  • pectin – interacts with heavy metal ions, removes them from the body;
  • calcium sulfate, potassium sorbate - help restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • flavoring – adds a slight aftertaste.

What does Phosphalugel help with?

How and when to take Phosphalugel is determined by the doctor; in case of poisoning, the medicine is taken immediately, the effect occurs in 5-10 minutes. Abdominal pain and nausea go away, coordination of movements is restored. The effect of the drug lasts about 3 hours due to the fact that the gel envelops the walls of the stomach and controls the necessary secretion of gastric juice. At the same time, the mixture has a laxative effect, pushing out toxic elements from the body.

List of diseases - what Phosphalugel treats:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • duodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • esophagitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • diarrhea, flatulence.

Comparative characteristics

Antacid drugs are not used independently; they are prescribed as part of complex treatment to eliminate the signs of many diseases of the esophagus and digestive organs or for short-term relief of symptoms of dyspeptic conditions.

What is better Phosphalugel or Maalox

When choosing between Maalox and Phosphalugel, you need to carefully read the annotation. Read about contraindications and adverse reactions. Which drug will be more effective depends on the disease being treated.

To quickly eliminate heartburn and normalize the level of acid in the stomach, Maalox is more suitable. Its effect can be noticed after 9 minutes.

For diseases of the esophagus, ulcers, gastritis, reflux esophagitis, it is recommended to give preference to Phosphalugel, as it provokes fewer negative reactions.

Which is better: Almagel or Phosphalugel?

This question, of course, is not correct. It's better what the doctor prescribes. For a small child, he will, of course, prescribe Phosphalugel (or another age-appropriate drug). But this does not mean that Phosphalugel is better. Almagel is more effective in some conditions. Almagel A, for example, contains anesthesin, which relieves pain. (Phosphalugel and Almagel also have an analgesic effect by enveloping the walls of the stomach, but this is less effective.) Almagel Neo contains simethicone, which fights gas formation.

In short, you need to evaluate all the symptoms in order to choose the most suitable drug.

Indications for use

Maalox is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • chronic and acute gastritis,
  • chronic gastroduodenitis and exacerbation,
  • reflux esophagitis,
  • hernia in the esophageal opening of the diaphragm,
  • ulcers in the stomach and duodenum,
  • heartburn, pain, discomfort in the epigastric region.

Phosphalugel is used to treat the following pathologies and conditions:

  • peptic ulcer disease in the stomach and duodenum,
  • paraesophageal hernia,
  • chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion synthesis,
  • duodenogastric reflux,
  • gastroesophageal reflux pathology,
  • functional diarrhea,
  • pancreatitis,
  • heartburn,
  • flatulence,
  • sour belching
  • gastrointestinal disorders caused by poisoning, intestinal infection, medication, unhealthy diet,
  • dyspeptic disorders resulting from non-compliance with diet, alcohol abuse, smoking and coffee.

The medications have similar indications for use and help neutralize stomach acid, although there are some differences. Phosphalugel has a wider spectrum of action; it does not contain sorbitol and sodium chloride, which is why it is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system in diabetics and hypertensive patients.

Phosphalugel - analogues


- The medicine is quite popular. It is always found in the homes of people suffering from constant stomach problems. It won’t hurt to put Phosphalugel or its analogue in the first aid kit for completely healthy people - just in case, as they say.

Indications for use of Phosphalugel

This medication is an excellent antacid. Phosphalugel quickly lowers the acidity level of the stomach, relieving pain and discomfort. The medicine acts very quickly and harmlessly, so it is prescribed to both adults and children.

The main indications for the use of Phosphalugel and its analogues are as follows:

  • chronic and acute forms of gastritis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • stomach upsets;
  • poisoning (including alcohol and nicotine);
  • pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Which is better - Almagel or Phosphalugel?

Although Phosphalugel is considered a harmless drug and suitable for almost any organism, people quite often resort to using analogues of the medication. Fortunately, generic drugs and full-fledged analogs of Phosphalugel are available in pharmacies today in sufficient quantities.

Almagel is one of the most popular competitors of Phosphalugel. It is difficult to say unequivocally which is better - Almagel or Phosphalugel. The compositions of these medications are completely identical, the effect of their use is also the same. The only difference is the consistency. Phosphalugel is a gel-like drug, more suitable for long-term treatment, and Almagel is an almost ideal suspension for young patients.

Other analogues of the drug Phosphalugel

There are other analogues of Phosphalugel:

  1. Almagel A
    is one of the varieties of the most popular analogue of Phosphalugel. This is a good pain reliever. The drug is best suited for the treatment of severe pain.
  2. When choosing what to replace Phosphalugel with severe bloating and excessive gas formation, you can give preference to Almagel Neo
  3. A good analogue is Gasterin
    . The medicine copes well with stomach ulcers and digestive problems caused by medications.
  4. Alfogel
    is another excellent antacid. Like Phosphalugel, the product reliably protects the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping it with a special film.
  5. Aluminum phosphate
    quickly removes toxins and normalizes the general condition.

Recently, Maalox has been seriously competing with Phosphalugel and Almagel. This suspension is based on magnesium and aluminum hydroxide.

How to take Maalox and Phosphalugel

Maalox release form: chewable tablets (with or without sugar), gel in sachets containing a single dose, 250 ml suspension. The gel and suspension are taken orally.

The gel or suspension is taken orally in 5-10 ml doses, and the medicine in the form of tablets is chewed in an amount of 2-3 pieces 1-2 hours after meals and at night, if a gastric ulcer is diagnosed, 30 minutes before eating. If necessary, the single dosage is increased to 3-4 tablets or 15 ml in liquid form.

When the desired effect is achieved, Maalox is taken 5 ml or 1 tablet three times a day.

Duration of therapy - 3 months. For the purpose of prevention, if there is a possibility of irritating the gastric mucosa, you need to take 5-10 ml of gel or suspension or chew 1-2 tablets.

Phosphalugel is produced in the form of a gel. It is taken pure or diluted in water (1 sachet of medicine per 125 ml of water). Dosage for adults: 1-2 sachets 2-3 times a day. If discomfort occurs between doses of the drug, repeated use is allowed.

For a child under six months of age, the dose is 1 tsp. 6 times a day (each time after meals), upon reaching 6 months - 2 tsp. 4 times during the day (also after meals).

The course of treatment is a maximum of 14 days.

special instructions

When treating with Phosphalugel and Maalox, some points should be taken into account.

For pancreatitis

Taking Phosphalugel for pancreatitis is permitted in both acute and chronic cases.

The use of Maalox for this pathology is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

The medicine is prescribed taking into account the stage and severity of the disease, accompanying symptoms, and existing contraindications.

Pregnancy and lactation

In therapeutic dosage, both drugs can be used during pregnancy and lactation, but only on medical advice.


Maalox is contraindicated for children until they reach 15 years of age. And Phosphalugel can be used to eliminate discomfort in the digestive system even in infants.

Elderly age

Phosphalugel in people of this age group can provoke an increase in the level of aluminum in the blood.

Taking Maalox in an increased dosage worsens resistance and obstruction in the intestines.

Difference between the two drugs

There are small differences between drugs that seem similar at first glance:

  1. The difference is in contraindications. Maalox is not used in the treatment of kidney problems. Almagel is not used for liver failure.
  2. Maalox is allowed to be used from the age of 10, and Almagel can only be used from the age of 15.
  3. The most significant differences are in the composition of both drugs. Almagel suspension contains sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, hyaetellose, lemon oil. Excipients in Maalox are hydrochloric acid, mannitol, hydrogen peroxide, mint oil.

The main difference between the two drugs is the different proportions of the active ingredients. The drug Almagel contains a ratio of aluminum and magnesium of 3:1.

Maalox contains equal amounts of aluminum and sodium hydroxide

Important! Maalox acts 2 times faster and has a longer effect than Almagel

The drug Almagel slows down intestinal motility. These features of the drugs must be taken into account in treatment.

Side effects of Maalox and Phosphalugel

If the dose of Maalox is selected correctly, only minor side effects may develop in the form of nausea, vomiting, constipation, and changes in taste. If you take this medicine for a long time or exceed the dose, phosphates in the body are reduced and calcium is washed out, aluminum in the bloodstream increases, and encephalopathy and kidney pathologies may develop.

If a patient is diagnosed with renal failure, blood pressure decreases, thirst and hyporeflexia occur.

Phosphalugel can cause negative effects such as constipation (more often in elderly patients or bedridden patients). You should use the medicine with caution if you have kidney or heart failure.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking cardiac glycosides, iron-containing medications and antibiotics from the tetracycline group is allowed 2 hours after Phosphalugel.

Maalox in combination with Quinidine can lead to an increase in concentration in the bloodstream and an overdose of the latter.

Taking Maalox helps reduce the absorption of certain drugs from the intestinal system. Maalox and polystyrene sulfonate can provoke metabolic alkalosis (in patients suffering from renal failure) and intestinal obstruction.


Alexander, 26 years old: “Even as a child, acidity often increased, especially if I ate some homemade pickles, which I love. However, because of such food, I could not sleep at night, and stomach pain appeared. To get rid of the problem, I tried a lot of drugs and vaccines. I settled on Maalox, with its help all unpleasant sensations disappear almost instantly.”

Elena, 30 years old: “When I have discomfort in my stomach, I use Phosphalugel in gel form. The medicine has a pleasant taste and is convenient to use, especially during a trip. But there is a small drawback - the development of constipation. But perhaps this is an individual reaction of my body.”

Maalox for stomach diseases

Maalox is prescribed for stomach diseases caused by increased acidity of gastric juice. The mucous membrane of the stomach is constantly irritated by the increased acidity of its contents, which is why an inflammatory process gradually develops, eventually becoming chronic. This process is sometimes erosive (the integrity of the mucous membrane is superficially damaged), but when a bacterial infection is added to it, a gastric ulcer can develop, the main symptoms of which are heartburn, stomach pain, and nausea.

Maalox copes well with unpleasant sensations because it has an enveloping property. The drug covers the stomach wall with a protective film and relieves pain. Along with this, Maalox neutralizes the increased acidity of the stomach contents, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of this organ.

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