Is it allowed to eat pomegranate and drink its juice if you have pancreatitis?

Inflammation of the pancreas forces patients to adhere to a strict diet. Therefore, in order to safely consume pomegranate juice for pancreatitis, it is necessary to correctly assess the effect of the product on the gastrointestinal tract and find out the conditions under which the use of a drink from this valuable fruit in the diet will benefit the body.

Pomegranate contains amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are important for the body.

Beneficial properties of pomegranate and its juice

Pomegranate is a very healthy exotic fruit. The fruit contains a vitamin complex and a large amount of minerals.

The vitamin complex contained in pomegranate includes vitamins C, P, B6, B12.

These vitamins take part in a large number of processes occurring in the body.

  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving blood circulation.

Juice made from grains is especially beneficial for older people. In addition, drinking the drink has a positive effect on the body after surgery.

The use of this product allows you to successfully fight E. coli, dysentery coli and tuberculosis.

Eating the fruit helps relieve diarrhea. This effect is due to the presence of tannin in the fruit, a compound that has an astringent effect.

The substances contained in the fruit can have a positive effect on the state of the body’s digestive system. Drinking juice helps overcome exhaustion of the body.

During the research process, the products were found to have properties that help fight various cancers.

The seeds of the plant are recommended for diabetics to reduce sugar levels in the body.

Eating exotic fruit helps normalize blood pressure

Using a decoction of the peel with honey can help get rid of diarrhea.

Nectar made from juice enhances the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

In addition to its beneficial properties, pomegranate has a whole list of contraindications for which it is not recommended to be eaten.

Such contraindications are the following:

  1. The presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by increased acidity.
  2. The occurrence of frequent constipation and the presence of hemorrhoids in a person.
  3. The presence of individual intolerance to the components included in the product.
  4. Before use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.

To obtain the most beneficial effect for the body, you should choose the right fruit for consumption. You need to choose the densest fruit with dried peel.

Soft surface peel may be the result of damage or violation of the rules of transportation and storage of fruits.

Consumption of pomegranate seeds for cholecystitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis

Is it possible to eat pomegranate and drink its juice if you have pancreatitis? Any doctor will say that this product is not only undesirable for pancreatitis, but also prohibited, especially during the development of an acute form or exacerbation of a chronic one.

Due to the presence of a large amount of acids in the product, the pancreas, which is inflamed during pancreatitis, suffers first of all.

Once in the stomach, organic acids provoke increased synthesis of pancreatic juice, and tannins can cause constipation, which will significantly complicate the situation with the digestive system.

Having a slight choleretic property, the fruit can have a negative effect on the condition of the gallbladder, in which the development of cholecystitis is observed. And the bile produced will contribute to increased activation of enzymes.

In the treatment of pancreatitis, a special role is played by adherence to dietary nutrition. This especially applies to the initial period of development of the disease when it is necessary to observe a sparing regime so that the pancreas can recover.

Compliance with such a diet requires a complete refusal at the initial stage to consume aggressive foods. Containing a large amount of organic acids and fiber. These food components stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the presence of chronic pancreatitis, the use of pomegranate is allowed only during a period of stable remission and only in small quantities.

In the absence of a negative reaction of the body to taking this product, the volume of the product can be increased, gradually increasing to 300 grams per day.

If you eat the fruit in larger quantities, it can cause complications in the digestive system and the appearance of allergies.


In rare cases, patients can treat themselves to a small amount of marshmallows, marmalade or marshmallows. But, here, the use of honey for pancreatitis is a controversial issue, since it can be used as a tea sweetener during remission of the disease, but in the presence of endocrine disorders this is strictly contraindicated. A favorite delicacy of many, nuts, can be eaten with pancreatitis. Moreover, they are indispensable companions for patients, since they do not require special storage conditions and are therefore ideal for snacking both at the workplace and at home.

But! During an exacerbation of the disease with chronic pancreatitis, you should forget about this product until the condition completely improves. Thus, all food consumed by a person should be of neutral taste, contain a minimum amount of fat and be prepared without adding spices.

A serious illness in the form of pancreatitis requires a careful therapeutic approach. In addition to using medications, it is also important to follow a diet.

Nutrition for pancreatitis is a strict combination of healthy foods, which should contribute to a speedy recovery of the pancreas.

Any load on a weak organ leads to a new exacerbation.

Drinking pomegranate juice for pancreatitis

The consumption of pomegranate juice, as well as the fruit itself, is strictly prohibited for pancreatitis. Fresh juice can be gradually introduced into the diet gradually and only at the stage of stable remission.

It is recommended to start introducing this product into the diet with one teaspoon per day and gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to the volume of one glass. The volume of product consumed can be increased only if there is no negative reaction from the body.

You should start using the product only after receiving permission from your attending physician and under his strict supervision.

If the first signs of discomfort appear, you should stop consuming juice immediately.

When consuming fresh juice, it can be diluted with carrot, beet juice or water. This mixture reduces acidity and reduces the negative impact on the pancreas.

It should be remembered that drinking concentrated juice for pancreatitis is strictly prohibited, even if the disease is in remission. If desired, the juice can be replaced by drinking an infusion prepared with pomegranate peels.

If a pancreatic cyst or pancreatitis is detected in childhood, the use of pomegranate in any form and at any stage of the disease is strictly prohibited.

The beneficial and harmful properties of pomegranate are discussed in the video in this article.

When diagnosed with pancreatitis, a special attitude to nutrition is important. The diet in this case is not just a medical recommendation, but part of the treatment. The use of each product requires a balanced approach. After all, even a useful pomegranate for pancreatitis has a number of serious limitations and features when consumed.

Pancreatitis, causes of development

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can develop due to many reasons. Main: blocking the duct through which the secretion of the gland moves into the small intestine. Tumors and gall bladder stones can serve as obstacles. The retention of secretion in the ducts will lead to the process of digestion of its own organ. And if nearby vessels are destroyed, the patient may die from bleeding.

The largest number of cases of pancreatitis occur in persons who abuse alcohol, which provokes stagnation of enzymes with all the ensuing consequences. Excessive diet and some medications will lead to the same thing. Injury and foods containing pesticides can trigger inflammation.

However, pancreatitis is often not an independent disease. Pathology of the gallbladder, for example, cholecystitis, contributes to its occurrence. The reflux of bile will cause a reaction that promotes the formation of enzymes that are poison for the gland itself.

The same can be observed with a stomach ulcer. Insufficient opening of the sphincter of Oddi will disrupt the outflow of bile, which will enter the pancreatic ducts.

Hypertension, diabetes, circulatory problems will also lead to inflammation of the pancreas.

During allergic reactions, the antibodies produced attack both the aggressor and the gland.

During exacerbation

An attack of pancreatitis requires severe food restriction. It is this approach with the complete exclusion of heavy, fatty, spicy, sour foods that allows you to block excessive enzyme activity, which stops the destructive processes in the iron. Nutrition is prescribed sparingly, with the gradual introduction of new products.

The diet begins with a complete refusal of food or consumption of pureed soups, viscous porridges, and protein products. You can start eating fruits only after a week. However, pomegranate is not included in the list of permitted fruits because:

  1. It contains organic acids: oxalic and malic, citric and succinic, tartaric and boric, the volume of which reaches up to 2.6 g per 100 g of pulp, causing the active synthesis of gastric acid. Such processes are accompanied by an increased release of pancreatic enzymes, which aggravates inflammation.
  2. The tannin content explains the unnatural reaction of the intestines, which is manifested by problems with stool.
  3. Stimulation of bile release indirectly provokes the production of pancreatic enzymes.
  4. The active components are irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa.

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, fruit is strictly prohibited.

Important! Even the subsidence of symptoms does not guarantee that after consuming pomegranate the condition will not worsen.

Therapy of pancreatitis

In the acute stage, diet is mandatory. And here pancreatitis and pomegranate are incompatible things. Attention should be paid to protein foods. Avoid fried, fatty and sweet foods. Vitamins shown. But what about pomegranate juice for pancreatitis, because it contains a lot of vitamins. In the acute form, you should forget about it, since the juice contains acids that force the gland to produce more and more enzymes. And the organ needs rest.

In the remission stage with pancreatitis, you can drink juice, but diluted with water. Increase its volume gradually, starting with a tablespoon. If tolerated well, drink a glass a day. But this is only after leaving a strict diet. Children should not even be given this concession.

For chronic pathology

The diet can be expanded to include many foods, including fruits. But there are still requirements for a gentle diet that excludes the consumption of provocative dishes.

How does pomegranate fit into this scheme?

  1. A unique complex of vitamins helps activate the body's defenses and helps in the fight against chronic diseases.
  2. Polyphenols are indispensable for stabilizing female hormonal balance.
  3. Flavonoids and acids against atherosclerosis.
  4. The radioprotective properties of the fruit help prevent the development of cancer of the stomach and pancreas.
  5. It has a disinfecting effect, blocking dysentery, intestinal, and tuberculosis infections.
  6. Good for blood vessels and blood circulation.

Thanks to these unique properties, pomegranate is prescribed to patients with anemia, weak immunity, and even pregnant women.

But such positive qualities do not cover the negative effects of acids that irritate the digestive organs. Therefore, for patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers, as well as during exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, oriental treats are contraindicated.

However, there are certain exceptions. In case of stable remission, pomegranate seeds are introduced into the diet. Such an experiment begins with several pieces. If there are no negative reactions, the volume is gradually increased to 200 g. But this does not mean that pomegranate should become a daily addition to the main menu.

The product is quite specific. Therefore, if signs of malaise, symptoms of exacerbation, or simply unpleasant sensations appear, such fruit is immediately abandoned. If it provokes painful symptoms, you should consult a doctor. If the signs are threatening, hospitalization is necessary.

Patients try to drink this nectar whenever possible, being confident in its unique properties. How does pomegranate juice combine with pancreatitis?

The requirements are similar to those for using fresh pomegranate. During periods of exacerbation and in case of personal intolerance, it is prohibited. When the disease enters the remission stage, the drink is added to the diet after a week of absence of signs of exacerbation, but in a diluted form:

  • boiled water;
  • carrot or beet juice;
  • herbal decoctions prepared from chamomile, burdock, barberry, chicory, string.

The resulting drink begins to be consumed in minimal portions and the body’s reaction is monitored. Gradually, in the absence of side effects, the volume of liquid is increased to a glass per day.

Only fresh juice is allowed. It is not difficult to squeeze it out of a pomegranate, but you will have to try hard to obtain the permitted volume. And given that pomegranate is an expensive fruit, the cost of homemade juice will be high. It is much easier to purchase a ready-made product on the market or a packaged drink. But they are prohibited for pancreatitis.

Store-bought drinks contain preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers, which will not be beneficial for a diseased pancreas. And the ready-made ones, which are offered at markets by guests from the southern regions, have a dubious reputation, as they do not meet the standards.

Diluted juice is allowed only for adult patients. Children with problems with the pancreas are prohibited from consuming such nectar, regardless of the stage of the disease. Even with stable remission, a healing drink can harm a child’s fragile body. Therefore, you need to wait until you grow up.

See below for the beneficial properties of pomegranate:

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas force a person to adhere to a strict dietary menu. The diet menu is compiled only according to the doctor’s recommendations, because if you compose it yourself, complications may begin. There are often disputes about the possibility of taking certain vegetables and fruits. Despite their beneficial properties, they may cause harm to the inflamed area. The disputed product is pomegranate. This fruit is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body. Thanks to pomegranate, weight is reduced and health improves. But the question arises: “Is it possible to eat pomegranate for pancreatitis, in what portions?”

How can berries harm you during chronic pancreatitis?

When the stage of remission of chronic pancreatitis is reached, the diet becomes more varied. If the patient feels well for a long time, does not complain of abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction and other symptoms of dyspepsia, then the attending physician may allow him to add pomegranates to the menu, following several rules:

  • For the first time, you can eat only 3-4 grains of this fruit. If you feel well after eating pomegranate, its daily volume can be increased to 200 g.
  • Pomegranates should be ripe and sweet in taste. Acidic varieties can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases is taken into account. You should not eat pomegranate if you have diagnosed cholecystitis or cholelithiasis (frequent companions of chronic pancreatitis) in order to avoid serious complications.

If these rules and recommendations of the attending physician (gastroenterologist, nutritionist) are neglected, the useful product will only harm the patient with chronic pancreatitis.

Benefits of pomegranates

The fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that help maintain the body and strengthen the immune system. The composition includes vitamins such as C, P, B6, B12. They are responsible for strengthening blood vessels, the nervous system, and improving blood circulation. This is especially necessary for older people or people who have undergone surgery. In addition, pomegranates are able to destroy tuberculosis, dysentery and E. coli, which indicates their disinfecting properties. Thanks to tannin, which is part of the composition and is an astringent element, the fruit helps in the fight against diarrhea.

It should be noted that the product is a good helper for an exhausted body, it is beneficial for the digestive system, and is a preventative against cancer in the stomach.

In addition, when eating pomegranate, nausea disappears. Due to its beneficial properties, pomegranates are suitable for nursing or pregnant women. But for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refrain from consuming this fruit to avoid complications.

Benefits and harms

Pomegranate contains amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are important for the body, thanks to which the fruit juice has the following beneficial properties:

  • improves blood pressure, vascular tone and blood circulation;
  • counteracts athero- and arteriosclerosis;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • increases hemoglobin and immune status;
  • protects against radionuclides;
  • prevents cell mutation and cancer;
  • accelerates the regeneration of gastrointestinal tissue;
  • improves intestinal function and appetite;
  • relieves swelling and nausea.

The presence of many organic acids (succinic, acetic, tartaric, malic, etc.) and elements that activate the gastrointestinal tract, if not thought through, can harm the condition of the pancreas. If the drink is consumed untimely, the active ingredients can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Consumption of pomegranates for acute and chronic pancreatitis

For patients with acute pancreatitis, it is better to forget about pomegranate, because it contains acids (for example, succinic, malic), which provoke increased production of pancreatic enzymes. In addition, tanning elements provoke constipation, which worsens the situation. Due to the choleretic effect, the pancreas begins to produce enzymes more actively. During an exacerbation, the product is excluded from the menu so that the organ can rest and recover and not be in constant irritation.

During the chronic stage of pancreatitis, the product begins to be gradually introduced into the diet. But first, eat a few grains and monitor the body’s reaction. If there is no pain, frustration or nausea, then for starters you can eat about 20 grains. Gradually the portion is increased to 300 grams per day. Introducing pomegranate into the menu at the chronic stage has its advantages:

  • active substances prevent the formation of cancer cells;
  • in women, hormonal levels that have become disrupted during treatment return to normal;
  • atherosclerosis does not develop;
  • vitamins help fight infection entering the body.

By taking pomegranates, the body is toned and the immune system is strengthened. But you don’t need to consume them too much to avoid complications. This is an exotic product, so allergic reactions may occur if consumed in excess.

Pomegranate in the acute stage of the disease

Acute inflammation of the pancreas is an absolute contraindication for eating pomegranate. At this stage of the disease, the patient is forced to follow a strict diet that excludes many foods, including fresh fruits and berries, especially sour-tasting foods.

Fruit acids of the fruit grains irritate the gastric mucosa, the secretion of pancreatic enzymes reflexively increases, which poses a danger due to the possible development of pancreatic necrosis (destruction of gland tissue by its own proteolytic enzymes).

Pomegranate juice for pancreatitis

Just like the fruit itself, pomegranate juice should not be used during an exacerbation period. Only after the patient’s condition improves, it is added to the diet, diluted with carrot juice or plain water. The portion increases gradually, starting with a spoon and ending with a glass per day. If a person with pancreatitis is fasting or on a strict diet, it is better to exclude pomegranate juice so that the acids do not destroy the pancreas. Also, at any stage of pancreatitis, it is not recommended to give juice to children, so as not to make the little patient even worse.

Pancreatitis is a serious inflammation that requires strict adherence to a diet. Patients need to be more careful when preparing their diet, if possible excluding foods containing a lot of fats and acids.

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit that contains essential vitamins and minerals for humans. But it is better to wait with its use in case of acute pancreatitis, so as not to cause even more harm. There is no need to eat it in large quantities at once, but it is better to start with a few grains. This way the body will gradually receive the necessary components and overload will not occur.

Inflammation of the pancreas can overcome a person unexpectedly. Following a diet does not bring joy. Positive associations with the word “diet” are rare; you have to limit your diet and eat tasteless foods. There are known exceptions to the lists of products that doctors rarely talk about. Are grenades exempt?

Products allowed for cholecystitis

Products that are allowed to be consumed for cholecystitis should maximally relieve not only the gallbladder and liver, but also the stomach, pancreas, and intestines.

Allowed foods must be boiled, steamed or baked, but without crust. Eating vegetables and fruits in large quantities helps to utilize bile, move it through the bile ducts, and stimulate intestinal motility.

List of approved products

  • bran bread, rye or yesterday's wheat, crackers, unsweetened dry biscuits, dumplings, pies baked from savory dough;
  • rosehip decoction, natural juices without sugar, compotes with pureed fruits, jellies and mousses, weak tea with lemon;
  • vegetarian soups made from vegetables, preferably pureed, milk and fruit soups, boiled pea soup, beetroot soup, cabbage soup without meat;
  • porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled semolina, casseroles with cottage cheese, noodles, rice, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • lean beef, veal, white meat chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish (pike perch, pollock, hake, tuna), seafood (oysters, squid, shrimp, mussels);
  • low-fat sour cream, mild cheeses, kefir no more than 2% fat, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, bell peppers, salads, cucumbers;
  • red apples, bananas (1 per day), pomegranates;
  • egg whites, white omelette;
  • vegetable oil, especially olive oil, butter (no more than 30 grams per day);
  • vegetable and milk sauces, parsley, dill, turmeric, vanillin, cinnamon
  • non-acidic fruits boiled or baked, mousses, small quantities of marshmallows, honey, marshmallows.

Useful properties of pomegranate

A number of compelling arguments make patients think that pomegranate is beneficial:

  • Pomegranate contains folic acid - helps in the prevention of malignant, including cancer, tumors;
  • pomegranate juice is often prescribed for anemia;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves feelings of nausea, stops vomiting;
  • strengthens intimate muscles (in women);
  • improves blood clotting;
  • increases immunity, helps against ARVI;
  • promotes the removal of fluid from the body, the disappearance of edema;
  • It simply improves a person’s well-being.

Minerals and amino acids are present in pomegranate in abundance. Understanding the fact that the fruit is overly filled with various acids that negatively affect the pancreas and other internal organs can cast a pomegranate in a dubious light.

Pomegranate contains a high content of alkaloids - substances that lead to blindness if consumed excessively. Doctors and nutritionists emphasize that you should not treat the fetus yourself, as this leads to dire consequences.

Nutrition for acute illness

At the peak of an exacerbation, the patient will have to completely stop eating any food. At this moment, you are only allowed to drink water. It is advisable to prepare a rosehip decoction.

Drink 5 glasses a day. Mineral alkaline water will also work. For example, Borjomi. Take 1 glass 4-5 times throughout the day.

In severe cases, nutrition is provided by drip through the veins. It lasts 2 days.

After the exacerbation is relieved, the patient is given instructions on further nutrition. The menu should include only low-calorie foods.

They begin to consume food in very small doses and monitor their health status. Do not put stress on the pancreas.

From the second week they begin to dilute the diet. They can enter there:

  1. Vegetables and fruits that contain increased amounts of antioxidants.
  2. Soups.
  3. Juices are freshly squeezed and diluted.
  4. Green tea.
  5. Kiseli.
  6. Liquid porridge.
  7. White chicken meat.
  8. Various protein-rich foods.

If you adhere to proper nutrition, the patient will soon notice a positive development of treatment.

Why you should be careful with pancreatitis

It is impossible to insist that it is allowed to drink pomegranate juice as part of a diet against pancreatitis. Pomegranate juice is extremely sour; for the pancreas, which is under painful tension, such a taste turns out to be harmful. The components of the juice actively and aggressively affect the mucous membranes of internal organs, irritating and causing inflammation.

Of the other properties of pomegranate that are contraindicated in patients with pancreatitis, the following facts are noted:

  • 100 grams of pomegranate pulp contains from 0.2 to 2.6 grams of organic acids, which increase the acidity of the stomach and stimulate extra work. With an excess supply of hydrochloric acid, the pancreas will be forced to overwork and strain, becoming inflamed.
  • If intestinal atony develops in parallel with inflammation of the pancreas, tannins in the product will support the progress of the disease state. Atony occurs during an acute form of pancreatic inflammation, but can linger in the body during persistent remission.
  • The beneficial property of pomegranate is choleretic. As soon as the bile ducts actively start working, the pancreas begins to produce special enzymes and becomes intensely tense. This should be avoided if the patient wants to get rid of pancreatitis, and not strengthen the power of pathology over the body.

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit; pomegranate juice for pancreatitis is allowed in conditions of stable remission. Remember that the juice is consumed diluted with water to reduce acidity. Carrot or beet juice will taste better than water.

It is permissible to drink diluted pomegranate juice a week after the exacerbation ends. You need to start with a moderate dose: a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

Sweet varieties of fruit are allowed in the form of pulp. Administration is permitted after a medical report indicating complete recovery from the exacerbation - when the patient does not suffer from symptoms of pancreatitis, blood and urine tests show that the situation is normal. Then it is permissible to ask your doctor’s permission to return pomegranate to your daily diet.

Having returned to remission, you should not pounce on pomegranates and eat fruit after fruit. Be careful when introducing it into your diet: eat a couple of grains and analyze how you feel. If consumption is not accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, body temperature does not rise, and the stomach does not twist, then the body accepts the product. Gradually you can safely increase the number of grains.

When a pomegranate is absolutely forbidden

There are several known cases of pancreatitis in which pomegranate is completely prohibited, in any form. This includes hunger strikes and strict diets aimed at unloading the pancreas. At such moments, it is better not to take risks, but to take care of the pancreas by eliminating foods high in acid.

Pomegranate is prohibited for children suffering from pancreatitis. The product may be too difficult to digest. A child should be introduced to pomegranate when the child is old enough, adhering to the conditions of remission. You can eat pomegranate fruit, juice, or tincture from the peel (the recipe is described in the article). Drink two spoons of tincture before meals.

What to eat

It’s good if the patient learns how to cook steamed dishes and get the most out of it. It is better to exclude fried and stewed foods.

Nutrition for pancreatitis includes:

  • Steamed vegetables.
  • Steamed eggs as an omelet. It is better to cook from proteins.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • It is not necessary to eat berries and fruits fresh; it would be much healthier to include them during cooking or bake them. The most suitable fruits are sweet apples, bananas, and pears. The best berry to use is strawberries.
  • Many types of cereals are also allowed. In particular, the diet should consist of rice and buckwheat.
  • Soups with vegetable or meat broths. However, they should not be very greasy. After boiling vegetables or meat, they can be diluted with water.
  • Kiseli. It is good if the patient becomes more familiar with this category of food. They are very useful if you know what to use and how to prepare them.

Only after the patient’s condition has stabilized can one expect that the doctor will allow some more products to be added to the menu.

In any case, the body must receive everything it needs. These are vitamins and microelements.

As for dairy products, they are allowed to be consumed even in acute cases. At the same time, important conditions must be observed - fat content and freshness.

When buying in a store, the label shows the fat content of a particular product. It should not exceed 2.5%. It is better if you have the opportunity to purchase homemade kefir somewhere.

The chronic type of disease implies a much varied list of dishes and products.

During the chronic form, experts recommend following a protein diet.

Protein food will allow the body to recover faster, and the tissue cells of the pancreas will begin serious regeneration.

The basis is protein and the rest is distributed equally between fats and carbohydrates. The energy value of food per day is 3000 kcal.

At the same time, be sure to consume at least 150 grams of protein. Protein can also be of animal origin. The more fortified the food is, the better.

Allowed foods (meals) for chronic inflammation:

  • Vegetables and fruits - apples, corn, carrots, persimmons, carrots, strawberries, pears, cabbage. Use raw, fresh, boiled or steamed.
  • Chicken's meat.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Pasta.
  • River fish.
  • Steamed cutlets.
  • Cereals – millet, semolina, rice, millet, buckwheat.
  • Wheat bread. It is desirable that it was yesterday.
  • Beef is lean.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Manta rays.
  • Soups with weak broth.
  • Pumpkin porridge.
  • Compotes.
  • Natural juices. To reduce their concentration, dilute with warm, clean water.
  • Kiseli.
  • Mineral water.
  • Fresh juices. For problems with the pancreas, potato, carrot and beetroot are considered the most promising and health-improving.
  • Morse.
  • Weak tea.
  • Sweet lovers are allowed to eat honey. However, there is still a limitation. You need to eat in small, rare doses, preferably after all the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
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