Gastrointestinal disease code according to ICD 10

Stomach diseases are unpleasant and painful ailments that affect appetite, good mood and active performance. They cause inconvenience in everyday life and cause severe and painful complications.

One of these types of gastrointestinal disease is erosive gastritis (classification and code according to ICD-10 will be discussed in this article). You will also find answers to important and interesting questions. What are the causes of the disease? What symptoms accompany the disease? And what methods of treatment exist?

However, before learning more about the disease, let's get acquainted with the International Classification of Diseases and determine what code is assigned to erosive gastritis (according to ICD-10).

Classification of gastritis

According to this systematization, recognized both in our homeland and throughout the world, ailments of the digestive organs are classified according to the following designations: K00–K93 (ICD-10 code). Erosive gastritis is listed under the code K29.0 and is diagnosed as an acute hemorrhagic form.

There are other forms of this disease, and here are the designations assigned to them:

  • K29.0 (ICD-10 code) – erosive gastritis (another name is acute hemorrhagic);
  • K29.1 – other acute forms of the disease;
  • K29.2 – alcoholic (provoked by alcohol abuse);
  • K29.3 - superficial gastritis in chronic manifestations;
  • K29.4 – atrophic in chronic course;
  • K29.5 – chronic course of antral and fundal gastritis;
  • K29.6 – other chronic diseases of gastritis;
  • K29.7 – unspecified pathology.

The above classification indicates that each type of disease is assigned its own ICD-10 code. Erosive gastritis is also included in this list of international ailments.

What kind of disease is this and what are the causes of its occurrence?

Briefly about the main disease

As mentioned above, erosive gastritis of the stomach (ICD-10 code: K29.0) is a fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by the appearance of a large number of erosions (red round formations) on the mucous membrane.

This pathology most often manifests itself in an acute form and is complicated by internal bleeding. However, chronic erosive gastritis is also diagnosed (ICD-10 code: K29.0), which can manifest itself in a sluggish form of the disease or not be accompanied by symptoms at all.

This type of gastrointestinal ailment is considered the longest, considering the time spent on treatment. It is most often observed in adult patients, especially men.

What are the reasons for its origin?

Functional stomach disorder: causes, symptoms and treatments

Functional indigestion is a dysfunction of an organ without organic damage to its parts. The disease is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms, but instrumental examination does not reveal pathological changes in the mucosa.

We talk about the causes of the disease, its diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of the disease

The development of functional gastric disorder (FSD) is based on two main reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Very often, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of functional origin can be traced in several generations of the same family. This is associated with genetically determined characteristics of neurohumoral regulation, the type of nervous activity and inherited characteristics of the autonomic nervous system.
  2. Excessive mental and physical stress. Acute and chronic stress play an important role.

For the development of FGD, even in conditions of hereditary burden, the body must be exposed to a whole complex of unfavorable factors. Let's look at the main ones.

1.Primary causes . Associated with the influence of exogenous factors, these include:

  • eating fatty, spicy and rough foods;
  • smoking, especially on an empty stomach;
  • abuse of strong alcoholic drinks;
  • irregular meals, dry food, long intervals between meals;
  • acute and chronic stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • harsh working conditions (for example, work in hot shops, coal mining);
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions to foods (honey, milk, eggs, chocolate, eggs, fish);
  • helminthic infestations.

2. Secondary causes . Associated with the adverse effects on the digestive tract of diseases of other organs and systems:

  • chronic diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver;
  • duodenitis, duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic colitis, diverticulosis of the large intestine;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD);
  • chronic heart failure;
  • kidney disease;
  • unsanitized foci of infection in the body - carious teeth, indolent otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis.

How does functional indigestion develop?

Irregular food intake leads to disruption of the rhythm of production of hormones that regulate the secretory and motor function of the digestive tract. As a rule, their hypersecretion develops, which stimulates the formation of gastric juice. Excessively spicy and fatty foods, as well as nicotine and caffeine, have a similar effect.

Why does my stomach hurt due to nervousness?

Violation of the nervous regulation of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the following:

  1. There is a disruption in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. An increase in the production of hydrochloric acid leads to disruption of the processes of its neutralization in the antrum of the stomach. Increased acidity is one of the causes of pain in functional gastric dyspepsia.
  2. The motility of the gastroduodenal muscles is impaired. High tone of the nervous system also activates the smooth muscles of the internal organs. As a result, the stomach muscles are in a state of chronic spasm, which accelerates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and disrupts the digestion process.
  3. The sensitivity of the digestive tract receptors that send signals to the central nervous system to stretching increases, which further disrupts the regulatory mechanisms.

Usually one of the dysregulations predominates in the patient, so there are several forms of FRD:

  1. Ulcer-like. Develops with hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid. It manifests itself predominantly as pain in the epigastric region.
  2. Dyskinetic . Caused by impaired motility of the stomach and duodenum, as well as changes in the sensitivity of internal (visceral) receptors.

Identification of the leading link in the development of the disease plays an important role in prescribing treatment.

Symptoms of functional gastric dyspepsia

The peculiarity of FDD symptoms is their inconstancy and inconsistency. The complaints of patients are quite vague and of an emotional nature, one of the most common is that their stomach hurts after stress. Most patients have an asthenic physique and signs of vegotovascular dystonia.

Typically, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting
  • rotten burps,
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach,
  • heartburn,
  • intestinal dyspepsia (flatulence, abdominal pain),
  • unstable stool (alternating diarrhea and constipation).

FDD occurs not only in adults, but also in children. The child makes the same complaints. The main cause of the disorder in children is the effect of stress factors.

Diagnosis of the disease

Functional stomach disorder – ICD code K31.0. To make a diagnosis, you need to contact a therapist or gastroenterologist. For differential diagnosis with organic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, reflux esophagitis, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), gastric pH-metry, and fluoroscopy of the stomach are performed.

pH-metry makes it possible to determine the profile of hydrochloric acid secretion, both basal and stimulated. Fluoroscopy is used to assess organ motility disorders, size, and sphincter function. These parameters are determined by the rate of evacuation of barium sulfate.

What is important to know about the disease can be heard from this video.


The basis of FRD therapy is the prescription of drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease, diet, and correction of the state of the nervous system. To eliminate organ motility disorders, antispasmodics ( No-shpa, Papaverine ), anticholinergics ( Buscopan ), and prokinetics ( Cerukal , Motilium ) are prescribed.

For the ulcer-like form of the disease, antacids ( Malaox, Gaviscon, Almagel ) and proton pump inhibitors ( Pariet, Omez, Bereta ) are effective. In some cases, the use of homeopathy methods is effective.

An important role in the treatment of FDD is played by normalizing the tone of the autonomic system, as well as reducing the patient’s general nervousness. For this purpose, physiotherapy is used:

  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis with calcium and bromine;
  • massage;
  • circular shower.

In severe cases, psychotherapy and the use of drug sedation methods are indicated - the prescription of tranquilizers, antidepressants).

Treatment at home

To relieve increased nervousness, you can use herbal teas with a calming effect. Infusions of mint, valerian, and motherwort show high effectiveness with long-term and regular use. For prophylactic purposes, gastric and antiulcer preparations are used.


One of the first recommendations that a doctor gives to both adult patients and children is to change the type and mode of nutrition. It is advisable to eat food 3-4 times a day. You should eat a hot meal at least once a day. Fast food, spicy and fatty foods that irritate the stomach are excluded.

Stomach pain due to nervousness, what to do

When a person regularly develops symptoms of indigestion, it is important to understand the cause. If FRF is associated with excessive nervous stress, it is necessary to take measures to cope with stress, especially with a labile psyche. Taking sedatives, normalizing your lifestyle, and following a work and rest schedule can help.

  1. If you are very nervous, try to calm down. Try to breathe deeply and calmly - this reduces the tone of the autonomic nervous system.
  2. If necessary, take valerian or motherwort tablets in a single dose. The herbal preparation Persen relieves nervous tension well.
  3. Often, under stress, people violate their usual diet (overeat, abuse junk food). Try not to let this happen.
  4. If symptoms of stomach upset increase, consult your doctor for a thorough examination.


Disease provocateurs

According to medical research, erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0) may be a consequence of factors such as:

  • the influence of bacteria (for example, Helicobacter pylori) or viruses;
  • long-term use of certain medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • long-term alcohol or drug abuse;
  • prolonged stress;
  • diabetes;
  • pathological changes in the thyroid gland;
  • chronic diseases of the heart, respiratory system, blood vessels, kidneys, liver;
  • unhealthy diet, irregularities;
  • harmful working conditions or places of residence;
  • gastric oncology;
  • impaired blood circulation in this organ;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mucosal injuries.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause of the development of superficial gastritis is considered to be damage to the digestive system by the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori. These microorganisms have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis cannot be a primary disease. For its development, concomitant deviations in the digestive system are necessary.

The progression of the inflammatory process occurs under the influence of negative external or internal factors.

Other causes and provoking factors:

  • the presence in the diet of a large amount of hot seasonings, spices, salt;
  • violation of diet (dry snacks, consumption of harmful foods);
  • abuse of bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • exposure to adverse external conditions (dust, air pollution, etc.);
  • consequences of regular stressful situations;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system in combination with impaired immunity;
  • complications of intestinal infections or infection of the body with parasites;
  • consequences of metabolic disorders in the body;
  • impact of autoimmune disorders;
  • pathological processes in the kidneys or liver;
  • food allergies or food poisoning.

Classification of the disease

Depending on what causes the disease, erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0) is divided into:

  • primary, occurring in practically healthy people;
  • secondary, resulting from serious chronic diseases.

The following are the forms of this disease:

  • Acute ulcerative. May occur due to injuries and burns to the stomach. Manifests itself in bloody impurities in vomit and feces.
  • Chronic erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0) is characterized by alternating exacerbations and remissions of the disease. Erosive tumors reach five to seven millimeters.
  • Antral. Affects the lower part of the stomach. Caused by bacteria and pathogens.
  • Reflux. A very severe form of the disease, accompanied by the release of exfoliated organ tissue through vomiting. Ulcers can reach one centimeter.
  • Erosive-hemorrhagic. Complicated by severe and profuse bleeding, leading to probable death.

How does the underlying disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of the disease

Superficial gastritis develops gradually. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. At the initial stages of the inflammatory process, the symptoms of the disease can stop on their own without special treatment measures. In later stages of the disease, severe pain and additional signs of progression of inflammation of the gastric mucosa appear. The acidity of gastric juice with superficial gastritis may increase or decrease.

Main symptoms:

  • bloating;

  • bowel disorders;
  • regular attacks of nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pain in the abdomen at night;
  • sour or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • pale skin;
  • frequent attacks of heartburn;
  • white or gray coating on the tongue;
  • pain after eating;
  • Regular belching with a bitter taste.

Symptoms of the disease

In order to seek qualified medical help in time, it is very important to recognize the first symptoms of erosive gastritis as early as possible (ICD-10 code: K29.0). The main signs of this disease are listed below:

  1. Acute spasmodic pain in the stomach, worsening as new ulcers form.
  2. Severe heartburn (or burning in the chest area), not associated with meals.
  3. Constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  4. Sudden and severe weight loss.
  5. Intestinal disorder (alternating constipation with diarrhea, blood in stool, black feces - indicates gastric bleeding).
  6. Belching.
  7. Bitter taste in the mouth.
  8. Lack of appetite.

These manifestations are characteristic of acute erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0). If you experience several of the signs mentioned above, even the most insignificant ones, then you should immediately contact a medical facility.

However, it must be remembered that chronic (chronic) erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0) is practically asymptomatic. Its first visible manifestations may be bloody discharge during vomiting and bowel movements.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer

How does a stomach ulcer manifest itself? Mainly, the first signs of a gastric ulcer are pain in the upper abdomen, which is especially aggravated at night, after drinking alcohol or spicy food, during physical exertion, and with large gaps between meals. An interesting point is that when you eat something, the pain often subsides or disappears altogether.

Other signs and symptoms of stomach ulcers

  • Heartburn especially often appears two to three hours after eating;
  • Sour belching, sometimes with uncontrolled reflux of gastric juice with small particles of food into the oral cavity;
  • Nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  • Flatulence (bloating);
  • Constipation;
  • Heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • Increased sense of appetite, and at the same time rapid saturation with food;
  • Coated tongue;
  • Increased sweating of the palms.
  • Pain when pressing on the epigastric region (the area between the ribs, in the center of the abdomen, 2/3 above the navel).

Read also Colitis - symptoms, causes, types and treatment of colitis

Possible pain with a gastric ulcer: in the right hypochondrium, in the heart region, in the lumbar region, in the right iliac region, in the epigastric region.

Important! Sometimes, in 25–28% of cases, gastric ulcer can develop without external manifestations or symptoms, and not timely medical care leads to the death of the patient!

Complications of stomach ulcers

A stomach ulcer sometimes leads to life-threatening complications:

Penetration. The pathological process of destruction of the stomach wall, after which the attack spreads to the organs closest to the stomach - pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines. At the same time, the patient’s body temperature rises (up to 40-41°C), acute pain appears, and the level of alpha-amylase in the blood increases.

Perforation of the stomach. The contents of the stomach, along with acid, enter the abdominal area. The patient feels severe pain in the abdominal area, he has signs of intoxication of the body, and general weakness. Peritonitis and painful shock may develop.

Acute destructive pancreatitis. It develops when the pancreas is exposed to hydrochloric acid from a damaged stomach.

Stomach bleeding. This is a common cause of death in stomach ulcers. The patient experiences severe vomiting, black stools, shortness of breath, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, increased sweating, and the patient loses blood.

Malignasia. It is characterized by rapid weight loss of the patient, vomiting, fever, and lack of appetite. Over time, malignancy can develop into stomach cancer.

Pyloric stenosis. A pathological condition in which food begins to stagnate in the stomach.

Definition of illness

The symptoms of erosive gastritis are in many ways similar to the manifestations of diseases such as oncology, stomach ulcers, and varicose veins in this organ.

Therefore, it is very important to carry out a correct diagnosis of the disease in order to establish the real diagnosis as accurately as possible. What will the medical examinations include?

First of all, the patient will be asked to take a blood test (to identify inflammatory processes, complications and pathologies) and stool (to detect bloody impurities). It will also be necessary to provide vomit for examination (to identify bacteria and parasites).

A possible next stage of diagnosis would be an x-ray of the abdominal organs. This examination is performed in several projections, taking into account the different positions of the patient’s body (standing and lying). Half an hour before the procedure, the patient will need to put several Aeron tablets under the tongue to relax the organ being studied.

You may also need to conduct an ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract, carried out in two stages on an empty stomach. First, an examination of the internal organs will be performed at rest. The patient will then be asked to drink a little more than half a liter of water, and the ultrasound will continue.

All of the above manipulations are very important. However, the most effective diagnostic method is endoscopy.


The essence of this procedure is as follows: an endoscope is lowered inside, through the mouth opening - a flexible tube, at the ends of which a camera and an eyepiece are located.

Thanks to what he sees, the specialist will be able to assess the full picture of the disease, recognize all the subtleties of the disease and prescribe the only correct treatment.

What will it consist of?

Drug therapy

Treatment of erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0) is based on the following basic principles:

  • destruction of the causative bacteria (“Clarithromycin”, “Pilobact Neo”, “Metronidazole”, “Amoxicillin”);
  • reducing the aggression of hydrochloric acid (“Almagel”, “Maalox”, “Rennie”);
  • promoting proper digestive processes (“Mezim”, “Pangrol”, “Festal”);
  • normalization of acidity (“Famotidine”, “Omez”, “Controloc”);
  • stopping bleeding (“Etamzilat”, “Vikasol”);
  • use of antibiotics;
  • relieving painful spasms and sensations.

These drugs are also used for exacerbation of erosive gastritis (ICD-10 code: K29.0). The attending physician will prescribe individual therapy, which will need to be used in accordance with the prescribed dosage and schedule of taking the medications.

However, any drug treatment will be ineffective if you do not monitor proper nutrition.


Here are the basic principles of the diet for patients with gastritis:

  • do not eat fatty, fried and smoked foods;
  • It is forbidden to consume flour, sweets, spices;
  • balanced use of vitamins;

  • It is recommended to prepare dishes by steaming;
  • meals should be frequent (about six times a day);
  • portions should be small;
  • dishes should be eaten warm and mushy;
  • cook food with water, not broth.

Is it possible to use traditional medicine as a treatment for erosive gastritis?

Folk recipes

There are effective and efficient traditional medicine recipes that will help not only alleviate symptoms, but also cure the disease. They can be used as part of complex therapy, after consultation with your doctor.

What kind of means are these?

First of all, calendula infusion. It can be prepared like this: pour one tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day. This medicine will reduce the inflammatory process, reduce acidity and neutralize bacteria.

An infusion of several herbs, taken in two tablespoons each (St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile) and celandine (one tablespoon), will also be very effective. Pour the mixture into seven glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass four times a day.

An effective treatment for erosive gastritis can be freshly squeezed juices of beets, cabbage, carrots or potatoes, which can be drunk one hundred milliliters four times a day half an hour before meals.

An interesting traditional medicine recipe is aloe mixed with honey. To do this, take ten leaves of the plant (after keeping them in the refrigerator overnight), grind them in a blender and cook in a water bath for ten minutes. Then add honey (in a one to one ratio) and boil for another minute. Take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Here’s another effective remedy: mix half a kilogram of honey with fifty grams of lard and thirty grams of propolis, grind, melt and cook over low heat until everything dissolves. Take one tablespoon half an hour before meals.


 To study the characteristics of gastric secretion, fractional gastric intubation is performed. The method allows you to determine the volume of gastric juice, its acidity, and the amount of free hydrochloric acid. Probing is carried out on an empty stomach (basal secretion study) and after stimulation with histamine or pentagastrin (stimulated secretion). A more modern method of studying secretory function is intragastric pH-metry. It allows you to evaluate the properties of gastric juice and the characteristics of its secretion directly inside the stomach. Esophagogastroscopy helps to identify motor changes in the activity of the stomach, such as cardia insufficiency, spasm or insufficiency of the sphincters, increased peristalsis. The appearance and structure of the mucous membrane in functional gastric disorders are not changed; signs of inflammation are rarely detected. This technique allows for differential diagnosis with pathologies such as chronic gastritis, erosions and ulcers, and stomach cancer. Electrogastrography (EGG) is carried out using a special device - an electrogastrograph. It allows you to study the bioelectrical activity of the gastric wall. Using this technique, the type of functional stomach disorder is determined (hypersthenic, atonic, normotonic). To study motility, radiography of the stomach with barium contrast is also used, which allows one to evaluate the rate of evacuation of contents, the condition of the sphincters, the tone of the walls, and the volume of the organ.

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