Vitamins for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

What vitamins and minerals does the stomach need?

First of all, these are antioxidant vitamins: A, C and E. They play an important role in maintaining the health of the gastric mucosa. These substances are found in large quantities in natural vegetable oils and fruits.

The stomach needs animal and plant proteins : they prevent and stop inflammation, restore cells, and accelerate the healing of damage.

Sulfur provides protection to the mucous membrane from the destructive effects of free radicals and other aggressive factors. The element binds toxins and removes them from the body.

Pectin – stimulates the stomach, improves the process of food digestion.

The most effective vitamins for the stomach include:

Beta-carotene – activates peristalsis, facilitates food digestion

Vitamins B1 and B6 – reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Vitamin C – accelerates the process of regeneration of the mucous membrane.

Vitamin PP – regulates the production of gastric juice, prevents digestive disorders.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – heals all the integuments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin A - helps suppress pathogenic microorganisms, prevents various stomach diseases.

Vitamin E – prevents damage to the mucous membrane and the development of gastritis. A large amount of tocopherol is found in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They increase the stability of the mucous membrane and accelerate recovery processes.

Essential minerals needed for stomach health include:

Manganese and potassium - provide reliable protection of the mucous membrane from the effects of aggressive factors.

Zinc – has excellent antioxidant properties and performs an important function in metabolic processes during protein synthesis.
Research has shown that zinc deficiency increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers. Thus, in a state of stress, the body loses a significant amount of this element, which in turn provokes gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Nutrition for the intestines

The intestine is part of the human digestive system. It is where the main processes of food digestion occur, and a significant portion of nutrients and water is absorbed. The intestine is divided into two sections - thin and thick.

Glands located in the intestines secrete hormones and enzymes necessary for digestion. The length of the small intestine is 5-6 meters, and the large intestine reaches 1.5 meters. For proper functioning, this organ really needs proper and nutritious nutrition.

General recommendations

To cleanse and properly function the digestive tract, you need to drink 1 glass of water daily on an empty stomach. This activates the work of internal organs and sets the necessary tone for the whole day.

Nutrition should be complete with the following distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1:1:4, respectively. For intestinal health, nutritionists strongly recommend regular four or five meals a day, as well as chewing food thoroughly.

The diet includes foods that stimulate intestinal motor function.

Doctors recommend avoiding foods that cause fermentation and rotting in the intestines. Large amounts of meat, boiled eggs and baked goods may not “like” your intestines. Vegetarian soups and borscht are very healthy. Eating dry food promotes the formation of fecal stones.

Foods consumed fresh, boiled or baked, as well as lightly fried foods with a crust, are beneficial for the intestines. Steamed dishes are beneficial. Plant fiber is the best “friend” of the intestines! Therefore, you need to eat a large plate of vegetable salad every day.

The most effective medicinal plants for the stomach

Many herbs, berries, and vegetables have long been used in folk medicine and have proven themselves to be excellent means for healing the stomach .

Mint – contains essential oils that quickly eliminate heartburn, nausea, and improve stomach function. Peppermint oil is an important component of many modern stomach medications. Mint is recommended for high acidity of gastric juice, to eliminate convulsive colitis. An infusion of medicinal herbs stimulates digestion, relieves nausea, has a choleretic effect, eliminates increased gas formation, and suppresses inflammatory processes.

Aloe is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has long been used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of gastritis. Aloe stimulates restoration processes, suppresses inflammation, prevents many gastrointestinal diseases, and improves digestion.

Sea buckthorn is a rich source of vitamins and minerals for the stomach , tannins, fruit acids, pectins, phytoncides, macro- and microelements that heal the mucous membrane and prevent gastric diseases. Sea buckthorn bark contains the “happiness hormone” - serotonin, which provides protection against stress and reduces the risk of peptic ulcers.

Bird cherry - contains vitamins and minerals , tannins, and pectins that are beneficial for the stomach. Bird cherry has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes intestinal function, and eliminates colic.

Carrots - improves intestinal motility, accelerates the elimination of unnecessary waste products from the body, suppresses inflammation, heals the stomach, supports liver and kidney function, eliminates heartburn and nausea.

What products do they contain?

Vitamins for stomach ulcers should be taken with caution. In order to choose the right diet that is healthy for the intestines and stomach, you should pay attention to the content of the necessary microelements in the products:

Vitamins and microelementsProducts
AApple, peach, melon, spinach
WITHCitrus fruits, red currants, cherries, grapes
ENuts, peanuts, sunflower oil, sea buckthorn
Lipoic acidCorn oil, cedar oil, grape seed oil
A nicotinic acidNuts, juices, cereals, dairy products
PhosphorusMeats, cheeses, peanut butter, oysters
PotassiumPotatoes, legumes, bananas

The best vitamins and medicinal herbs in ICE tablets

The APL company offers a unique vitamin and mineral complex product for stomach health - accumulated ICE tablets . The valuable natural ingredients of the pill instantly eliminate any stomach problems: relieve heartburn, nausea, normalize digestion, prevent increased gas formation, relieve heaviness and pain in the stomach.

How to understand that your intestines need vitamins

There are symptoms by which you can determine that the intestines require vitamin replenishment. If they appear, you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary measures. Since these symptoms may be signs of diseases, diseases should be excluded through examinations, and only then taken. If the duodenum fails and the intestines are inflamed, vitamins A and B are required to maintain its normal functioning. If you like to rely on vegetable oils, your need for vitamin A increases. You are obviously deficient in vitamin A if:

  1. The skin becomes dry and susceptible to various irritations, including ulcers.
  2. You often suffer from colitis and bronchitis, and you also have problems with urination, which for some reason do not help with conservative treatment.
  3. You have become worse at seeing in the dark and worse at all. Conjunctivitis began to appear frequently.

The following symptoms indicate that the body needs to be “fed” with vitamin B:

  • I don’t feel like eating at all;
  • frequent constipation;
  • nausea for no reason;
  • muscle weakness, fatigue.

Vitamin B is “robbed” from the body by drinking, excessive consumption of flour and sweets, and excess carbohydrates.

Now let’s figure out exactly what beneficial effects certain vitamins have on the intestines.

The effectiveness of ICE vitamin tablets

Unique extracts of medicinal plants are selected taking into account their beneficial effects on the stomach and organs of the gastrointestinal tract .

The product stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and increases the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

ICE regulates the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

The ingredients of the vitamin pill reliably protect the mucous membrane, prevent irritation and the development of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

The vitamin complex contains the best vitamins and medicinal plants for stomach health.

Effectively relieves increased gas formation and heaviness in the stomach.

Calms the stomach.

Eliminates heartburn and nausea.

Increases local immunity.

Relieves stomach pain.

The accumulated ICE tablets contain only high-quality natural ingredients that are not addictive, do not provoke irritation of the stomach walls, or other side effects.

Vitamins for the stomach from APL are produced using innovative technology Acumullit SA

Acumullit SA technology is a revolutionary development in the field of healthy nutrition, thanks to which it is possible to preserve all the natural beneficial properties of natural extracts right up to the moment the substance enters the cells of our body.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins

The problem of lack of nutrients can be solved with the help of dietary supplements obtained from natural materials.
In the pharmacy you can find many food dietary supplements that are rich in vitamins necessary for the healthy functioning of the intestines and, as a result, the whole body. For example, “Candida Forte” (dietary supplement) restores healthy, balanced intestinal microflora and improves digestion. It contains inulin, an extract from grapefruit seeds, plantain and Jerusalem artichoke. For the first month, take 2 tablets 2 times a day before meals. The next 1-2 months, 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids throughout the course.

"Colonic Plus Entsyymi" - supplements created specifically for the intestines. The composition includes enzymes necessary for the healthy functioning of the digestive tract. They are isolated from plants; the vitamin supplement does not contain animal substances. To improve digestive function, the Colonic Plus Entsyymi supplement contains all the necessary substances.

“Molkosan Fruit” is a whey made from milk and fruit extract. The best properties of fruits are collected in 1 bottle. Lactic acid and calcium support and activate intestinal functions and restore its microflora. The whey contains black rowan and pomegranate juices, which creates good taste. Take in the following way: dilute one and a half tablespoons of whey in a glass of water, drink 1-2 times daily for 1-2 weeks.

Advantages of advanced Acumullit SA technology

Extraction method. In the production process of vitamin pills, a unique extraction method is used using a high-frequency current discharge. This makes it possible to isolate nanoparticles of the active components of plants and fruits without fiber. The technology ensures an increase in the percentage of biologically active substances compared to conventional extraction methods, as well as the complete preservation of all components and their extraction at a very high level (about 90%) of the original content in natural raw materials.

A unique encapsulation method. During the extraction process, the isolated particles are covered with a nanocontainer containing a complex of active substances.

Targeted delivery to problem areas. Due to the negative charge of the container, it is attracted to the positively charged membranes and subcellular membranes (including the nucleus) of pathologically altered cells.

A method of application that provides an immediate effect. The lollipops are kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. This is a very popular in medicine, the so-called sublingual method of taking medications. Its advantage lies in the rapid entry of active components into the bloodstream due to the high density of blood vessels under the tongue. Penetrating into the epithelium at the bottom of the tongue, the ingredients of the dragee, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, instantly enter the venous bloodstream, returning blood to the heart, after which they, together with arterial blood, spread throughout the body, interacting specifically with damaged structures (cells, tissues, internal organs). This is what causes instant results.

Excellent digestibility. The cell absorption rate of the active ingredients is 95-100%, which significantly improves the therapeutic effect.

Versatility. Dragees can be used in the treatment of patients of all age groups, including newborns. Lollipops are dissolved in water and given to the child, making sure that the solution gets under the tongue.

Innovation. Accumulated APLGO dragees are a product of intracellular restoration and systemic regulation with very high bioavailability, ensured by the features of the advanced technology of Acumullit SA (certified and approved by leading European specialists).

Complex effect on the body. The product provides a multifaceted effect, allowing you to achieve cleansing and healing of the body. The use of pills solves both specific health problems and systemic ones.

Ease of use. The pills can be taken at any time convenient for you: at work, at home, while traveling.

Pleasant taste. Thanks to natural extracts of herbs, berries, and fruits, APL products are not only very healthy, but also fantastically tasty.

Absolutely safe for health. APLGO accumulated dragees contain exclusively natural ingredients. No synthetic additives, stimulants, flavors, genetically modified products and no harm to health.

Complex vitamin preparations for gastritis

Only a gastroenterologist can determine a good and effective complex in each specific case. When choosing the right drug, you need to focus on the components it contains. It is important that their combination meets the needs of the body when the diagnosis is established. The following pharmacy products are popular.

Multivitamin preparation Aevit

A multivitamin preparation in the form of capsules with oily contents based on vitamins A, E. Helps to overcome hypovitaminosis in a short time. The course of therapy lasts two weeks. If, as a result of pathology, there is a loss of fat-soluble enzymes, treatment with this drug will be inappropriate, since the components will not be absorbed.

The drug Undevit in the form of dragees contains a daily dose of vitamins C A R E of group B

The active substances are contained in concentrations exceeding the prophylactic concentration. To avoid an overdose, the medicine is taken with caution, under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. Used as an addition to main therapy. It is prohibited if there are diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, heart, people predisposed to thrombosis and problems with blood clotting, and pregnant women.

Vitamin preparation Undevit

The drug is in the form of a pill containing a daily dose of vitamins C, A, P, E, group B. It is prescribed to replenish the body’s reserves after various diseases, diets, and the use of antibiotics.

Take one pill twice a day, the duration of treatment is determined individually. Can be used as a prophylactic. Contraindications include peptic ulcer, intolerance to the components of the medication, erosive gastritis in the acute stage.

Vitamin preparation Complivit

A medicine consisting of 11 vitamins and eight minerals that can saturate the body with vital elements. Prescribed for a lack of vitamins, loss of strength, to support the body during illness. May not be absorbed during exacerbation of gastritis.

Complivit is a medicine consisting of 11 vitamins and eight minerals that can saturate the body with vital elements

To treat vitamin deficiency, take 1 tablet twice a day; for preventive purposes, one pill per day is enough. Suitable for regular use or use in courses. Not recommended for sensitive people prone to allergic reactions.

Natural or pharmacy vitamins for gastritis, which is better?

It is almost impossible to get enough nutrients naturally if you have gastritis or pancreatitis. The diet formulated by the doctor requires strict adherence, and during periods of exacerbation, a complete refusal of food and water is necessary. In this case, only complex medications purchased at the pharmacy can help the weakened body.

With a mild degree of the disease, the gastroenterologist allows a number of products containing elements necessary for this pathology. In this case, you can purchase individual vitamins that are not available in food. Many people underestimate the role of vitamins in the treatment of gastritis. However, the consequences of their lack are very serious. Do not forget about this important factor during the treatment of pathology.

Composition of the vitamin-mineral complex for the stomach ICE

Mint extract – contains oils that help eliminate heartburn, relieve nausea, refresh and tonify.

Carrot extract - normalizes intestinal motility, helps cleanse it, has a healing effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, supports liver and kidney function, and relieves heartburn.

Aloe extract has been used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of gastritis since ancient times. Aloe has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents many diseases, and improves digestion.

Sea buckthorn extract – contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, tannins, fruit acids, pectins, phytoncides, macro- and microelements. Sea buckthorn bark contains the “happiness hormone” – serotonin. The berries are used for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bird cherry extract – it contains vitamins, minerals, tannins, pectins. Bird cherry has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes intestinal function, and eliminates colic.

Accumulated pellets from APL fully comply with the requirements of the international GMP standard and have all the necessary certificates and declarations of conformity.

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